THE SU2TOA3T OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, APRIL' IT, IDIO. :iTY NEWS IN BRIEF OBEGOMAK TELEPHONES. Pacific States. Home. Main ?070 A 6099 Main 7070 A 6095 Main 7070 A 95 Main 7070 A 6005 runttrc-raom . . . Pity circulation... Managing Editor.. Sunday Editor.... ompoitnc-room. . .Main 707O A wrja t'lty Editor Main 7070 A 6085 Supt. Buildings Main 7070 A 6095 AMUSEMENTS. 3BPHEUM THEATER (Morrison, between Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 2:15. and tonight at 8:15. BAKER THEAIRR iThlrd. botween TamhlU and Taylor) William D11U In "Tne Man Krom Mexico.". Tonight at 8:15. PORltAND THEATER fFourtentn and Waahlngton) "Around the Town." To night at 8:13. SRAM) THKATER Parte and Washington, Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 2:lf; to night at 7:30 and 0. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Motion pictures. Continuous, from 1:30 to 10.30 P. M. Book Exhibit at Library. A collec tion of 16th century books has been placed on exhibit at the library A number of the most prominent presses of Europe at this -period are included, that of Aldus Manutius of Venice be ing probably the most important. The Kstlenne press at Paris is represented by four - examples, one of them being the Bible which first had he division Into -verses. Others from this press are printed -with , the celebrated "Royal Ireeks" type. Of the Swiss printers. P"roben is the best known and the specimen from this press is the trans lation of the New Testament 1y Krasmus, most of whose books were issued by Frobcn. There' are several volumes from the English printers, the (post noteworthy being "The Sicke Man's Salue" from the press of John Taye, the "Breeches Bible." printed by Barker in 1583, and the paraphrase on the New Testament printed by Ed- warde "Whitchurehe at the "Signe of the Sunnc" in 1549. Church JJottces. Mrs. Erodbeck. of New York City, will speak Sunday, at Chrlstensen hall. Kle-enth and Yamhill streets, at the hours of 11. 3 and 8. Subjects: Life, Mind. Spirit or the inner meanings of -hrit Jesus' teachings. Mrs. Brodbeck has an international reputation as an authoress and lecturer, and ia considered one of the most scientific demonstrators of divine healing in the world. Come, 'liring sick. Admission free. BmcoE LmoiTiON Ftod Grows. Re l.orts of R. L. K. Simmons, of the North East Side Improvement Associa tion, phows that the fund provided for the expenses of litigation in connec tion with the Broadway bridge has reached $1700. Of this sum, $400 was added the past few days. It is ex perted that the amount needed, $2000, will come in as required. Oermans Go to The Dalles.-A con siderable delegation of Germans will leave this morning for The Dalles to at tend a meetlnsr of the German-SDeaking Society at that place. Otto Kleemann, president of the Consolidation of German-Speaking Societies of Oregon, and other officers will head the delegation. The delegates will be entertained at The Dalles by the local society. Mrs. Brodbeck. of New Tork City, will speak at Ohristensen Hall. Kleverith and Yamhill, at the hours of 11,3 and 8; subject. "Life, Mind. Spirit or the Inner Meanings of Christ Jesus' Teachings." Mrs. Brodbeck has a wide reputation as a lecturer and authoress and Is considered one of the ablest exponents of divine healing in Amer ica. Come, bring sick. Penal. Institutions Subject. "Penal Institutions and Capital Punishment" will be the subject for discussion at the meeting of the Portland branch of the International Ethical Educational Society, stt 501 Yamhill street, Tuesday night, at s o'clock. Mrs. Lydla. A. Irons, the presi-dent-at-larse. will give the opening ad drees. Tliis meeting is free to the pub lic. Tub F. Y. Gaf.dam Banknote Coit-r-ANT. nio Dckiun building. fashionably engraved wedding, reception and visit ing cards, crests, coats of arms, mono grams, menu and dinner cards. Printed on steel and copper. Banknotes, hecks, drafts, letterheads, steel die. I ' .V . . . . . .1 "t- . 1 i. !hall -.'16. For Stock and Fruit raising. A 1400 acre tract of the best fruit and stock raising land iu Oregon. Fine large barn, new 12-room house, running water; only 2', 4 miles from railroad ptation: J20 per acre. A splendid bar gain. Clark Cook Co., room 6 Board of Trade bldg. Dr. Bdchasik to Speak. Dr. Bavlrt- son Buchanan tvill continue his course of lectures on civic righteousness, at the Solllng-Hirsch hall, tonight at 8 o'clock. The subjects will be "The Cities of India" and "The Great Mogul's Climax of GlonV Miss Florence Foster will sing. Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Seventh and Yamhill Kev. T. L. Eliot, 1. D., minister emeritus; Rev. W. G. Kliot Jr., minister. Services 11 and 7:45. Morning. "First Aid to the Dis couraged." livening, "Sound Reasons for a Sane Fourth." Oriental Rugs. Special sale this week; 2." to 40 per cent reduction throughout our entire large and select stock. Don't f:iil to take advantage of this great rug-bryins opportunity. Cartozlan Bros., importers of Oriental rugs, 473 Washington st. Something Gooi. 5b0 acres of splendid fruit and stock land, Linn County; 100 acres under cultivation, balance open; buildings and other improvements, $30 per acre. An Al place and price very low. Clark Cook 'Co., room 6 Board of Trade hldg. ; TVe Seu, hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for 30 pound beds from JV.fiO and up. We renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, pro prietor, 226-228 Front St., Main 474. A 137. Sam Simpson's Poems. Wanted agents In every city and town In Oregon, Washington and Idaho; liberal commission. .Write W. T. Bumey, 518 Board of Trade bldg., Portland, Or. . For Sale. 125-volt. liO-IC W. General Electric Gen erator, belt type- complete, with panel and rail base. Aadreejs room 201 Orego nlan bldg. But an Orchard in Mountain View orchard, tracts, Mosicr, on easy payment plnn. Thomas McCusker, ;:29 Dumber inona building. V Dr. Aris-oud Li.ndset. Hotel Franklin, 3.1th and Wash.; office hours 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Phone Main 7100. and linen suits made at rea sonable prices. V. Kaspar, ladies' tailor. Merchants Trust bldg. Ice Cream, delivered to all parts of the city promptly. Phono Washington Cream Company. TVilumbtte Fuel. Co. has best, dry, old growth flrwood. Main 1225, A 1225. Skb Reiser, the furrier's announce ment, under Personal in classified section. Wanted. To buy a good logging propo sition. Box 226, University Station, Seattle Swiss watch repairing. C. Chrlstensen, second floor Corbett bldg., take elevator. Oriental. Euos repaired and cleaned by experts. Cartozian Bros., 473 Wash. Dints at Richards', special Sunday din ner $1 per cover. Park and Alder. Otto Schumann Marble Works will bo moved to Third and East Pine. IIOTKx. Sunset open for guests. Ad dress Long Beach Postoffice. For Rent. Space for jewelry depart ment. Grand Leader. Jack King's Turkish baths. Imperial Hotel Annex. Printing? Anslcy, cheapest, best, 350 Oak Motorctclb Leaps to Arrest. Ac cused of obtaining money by false pre tenses. J. W. Gossett. the proprietor of a dyeing and cleaning establishment in Lents, was arrested by Constable Wag ner yesterday upon the complaint of J. ,L. McKinley. another resident of Lents. Mr. McKinley alleges that an extreme desire to obtain a motorcycle led Gossett to make a false represen tation, as a result of which Gossett got the $75 to buy . a maci.-ne. Gossett visited Mrs. McKinley and said ne had niade arrangements with her husband to sign a note for $75. that he needeu this signature immediately and that her bus! and was down town. On this representation she was induced to sign her husband's name. When Mr. Mer Kinley learned of the deceit, he applied for a warrant immediately. ' Young Gossett was released yesterday after noon on bonds and will be brought be fore Justice Olson on Monday fir a hearing. Storekeeper and Officer Differ. Nathan Lewin'ski, the proprietor of a little store at Fourth and Taylor streets, was arrested yesterday upon, a double charge growing out of his dis regard to the admonitions of Patrol man Post, who told, him he wa violat ing a municipal ordinance by sweeping dirt from his store floor Into the street. Lewinskl resented the words of the of ficer and when the latter attempted to take him Into custody the storekeeper slammed the door in the bluecoat's face. Post secured' two warrants for Lewinski's arrest yesterday morning. He charged the merchant with violating ordinance 20146 and with resisting an officer. The merchant put up cash ball for his releaso and will be arraigned before Judge Bennett In the Municipal Court Monday morning. Striking Woman Is Charge. Charged with striking a woman, F. A. Vondor fer, manager of the Angeles Trust Company, 326 Washington street, was arrested yesterday by Constable Wagner, and taken to the Justice Court. He was released upon deposit log cash ball of $50 and will have a hearing before Justice Olson Monday. The complainant against Vondorfer is Mrs. Alice Scruggs, who lives at 1039 East Twenty-second street. Uorth. She alleges that Vondorfer came to her house to take possession of a stove which he said he hadi bought from a third person. She disputed his title to the stove and says he tried to force an entry Into the house to take pos- j session of the stove. xrt. Scruggs de clares that Vondorfer thrust out his arm and struck her in the chest. Valitfi of Spoiljid Clothes Asked. I R- Flagg has brought suit in Justice Court against J. C. Bayer, sheet metal contractor, whose shop is at Second and Madison streets, for ruining a $45 suit of clothes. Papers in the case were servedi yesterday afternoon by Deputy Constable Kiernan. It seems that on April I some workmen in Bayer's em ploy were repairing the cornice and roof of Pantages Theater. Mr. Flagg passed at the time and some tar was accidentally dropped- upon him -from above. He alleges that his suit was completely ruined by the tar and asks that he be reimbursed for the amount he had paid for it, $45. Bishop Arrives. Bishop H. B. Hartzler, of the United Evangelical Church, arrived yesterday and is the guest of Rev. H. A. Deck. He will preach In the First Church. Ladd'e Ad dition, today, morning and evening. Mon day evening he wil preach at Warren and Tuesday night he will fill an appoint ment at Bell. He will then start on offi cial visits to the United Evangelical churches of the Oregon conference in. the Willamette Valley. Next Sunday he will be at Dallas. Sunday, May 1, he will re turn to Portland and preach in the St. John United Evangelical Church. Miss Bollmas Quits Postoffice. Miss Celia E. Bollman, for many years con nected with the Portland Postoffice, yesterday tendered her resignation to Postmaster Young on account of 111 health. Victor P. Bode, of 40 East Twelfth street. North, will be her suc cessor. Miss Bollman was bookkeeper and assistant to Cashier "Dick" Straus at the time a shortage was discovered in his accounts and which finally led to his trial and conviction. Following that affair Miss Bollman secured a transfer to the registry division, where she has since been employed. Fire Protection Investigated. The fire committee of the Executive Board yesterday morning made a trip of In spection to Woodstock. Arleta and Sunnyside, to Investigate conditions there as to tire protection. Two lots were offered In Arleta for $2000, which is considered a high price. The com mittee desires to purchase ground for an engine-house in that locality. Some hose and. a reel will be provided for Woodstock. The Sunnyside station house is in need of repairs, and will probably be attended to soon. Cox to Address Epworth League. Chief of Police Cox will be the principal speaker at the quarterly rally of Port land District. Epworth League to ne held in Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church next Wednesday night. He will tell about the dangers that beset young peo ple in a great city and how to avoid them. Following lita address, Wesley and Thoburn league chapters will entertain the other chapters of the district in a social hour. Basbbah. Todat! Basebaxj. Todat ! 24th, and Vaughn 9ts.. 2:f!0 P. M. Dii.worth Derbies vs. West Sides 24th and Vaughn Sts.. 2:!X P. M. A Red-Hot Game. Admission 25 Cents. Grandstand 35 Cents. Bank Clearings Increase. Portland bank clearances showed an increase of ::5 per cent last week over the corre sponding week In 1909, reaching a total of $11,292,3X8.31. The figures for the same week in the pree-.ling year were $8,434,803.67. The clearances yesterday showed an increase over the corre sponding Saturday of 190.9 of about $466,000, aggregating for the day 608.087.12. Pull, With the Tide. Oregon Life did a larger business in Oregon in 1909 than any other life insurance company: It is surpassing day by day its own wonderful record of last year. The agency force is composed of high-grade buslnessgetters. We need more of them. Li. Samuel, general manager, Corbett building. n Just Completed, five handsome modern new bungalows of five rooms each, with basement, attic, fireplace, beam celling, and one block west and north of Union avenue, corner of Dekum avenue; $2650 and $2750 on easy terms. Houses will be open today after 2 P. M. for inspection F. W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. Sam Simpson's Poems. Every lover of West Coast scenery, history, patriotism, religion, morals, love and lovers, or who think of life and death or the beautiful in thought or dof'd will welcome Simp son's poems. Must Pat Up. As the business of Mc Allen & McDonnell has been sold, all those owing the firm are requested to call at once; entrance side door on 3d St. See Reiner, the furrier's adv. in cias siiied column personal. Wooster's fat Havana cigars. WAREHOUSEPROPERTY. We have for sale a quarter block on Fifteenth street, in the heart of the ware house district, bringing in some Income. This can be purchased for less than $30, 000. For price and terms applv to CHARLES K. HENRY" CO., HENRY BLDG. Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland, Or. Aldrlcli Silent as to Candidacy. WARWICK. R. I., April 16. Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, who is resting at his home at Warwick Neck, said today he CLOCK tm SALE jf8! Every Clock In our store will be no Id at redaction daring: tblat week. We have juat been notified that a large shipment of clocks ordered some time ago will arrive here in a week or ten days. We must majce room for them, and, in order to move our Iiresent stock quick y, will offer A- DISCOUNT OF 10 TO 60 PER CENT off on all our clocks. TnlM ought to In- in terest you if In need I J of a timepiece. Come i early. As Above C25.00. Itearular Price S2. THE LARGE JEWELRY STORE, Jaeger Bros. 206 MORRISON ST., Bet. 3d and 4th. did not care to affirm or deny a report that he wouid not be a candidate for re election In 1911. He also refused to discuss a report that he will, give up his work on most of the Senate committees dur ing the remainder of his time. GLEE CLUB IS ORGANIZED V. M. C. A. Singers Plan to Give Series of Concerts. A male chorus was organized last Tues day night at the Y. M. C. A. This is the first attempt ever made to organize a full-fledged Y. M. C. A. Glee Club. Most of those who signed ' up have trained voices. The value of such an organization to the Y. M. C. A. is thought to be con siderable. The club begins with a mem bership of 24, and more will be added later. Officers were elected last Tuesday night, and plans made for the work of the club. Robert Boice Carson, of this city, will take charge of the work. It Is planned to give a number of concerts during the year. Following are the officers and members: President, J. Falres: vice-president, R. H. Robertson: secretary, G. A. Pollard; treas urer. J. W. Palmer; librarian, B. G. Mitchell. The personnel of the club Is as follows: First tenor, J. V. Kepler, F. Goodwin, D. Matthews, W. L. Murray, L. H. Stone. W. A. Brwln; second tenor, W. B. Salt, Jr., J. Hat-grave, R. H. Robertson. A. T. Wisdom, H. Black, E. Drake: first bass, D. Lane, B. G. Mitchell, J. W. Palmer. G. A. Pollard, H. Smith. G. P. Lyle: sec ond bass, G C. Gray, O. E. Haring, S. Rasmussen, H. K. Griffin, C. C. Faulker, W. E. Stone. YOUNG MEN NOT TEACHERS School Board Wonders Why Few Seek Careers in Portland. Why is it that few young men. gradu ates of city high schools, become teach ers in the public schools of this district? This question Is asked by the members of the Board of Education, who believe that teaching should be a man's work, as well as a woman's. City Superin tendent Rigler said that while there was a special training class for young women, there was none for young men. At tho last meeting of the Board of 'Education, some of the directors asked why no young men became teachers in Portland. Mr. Rigler then gave his state ment as to there being no training class for them. The army of teachers employed by tho district is composed almost wholly of women, although the majority of tho principals are men. Whether there will be made an effort to establish a training class for young men remains to be seen. WEST SIDE HOMES. i' A beautiful home on Portland Heights, only recently finished, superb view, only a few minutes" ride from the city; price $35,000. A magnificent residence, just completed, ground 100x125 feet, in the most fashion able part of the city. NOB HILL RESIDENCE. Ten rooms, modern appointments, with in easy walking, distance; only $16,000; worth $25,000. For particulars see CHARLES K. HENRY CO., HHXRY BLDG. Fourth and Oak Sts.. Portland, Or. WHERET0 DINE. AH the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies, 305 Wash., near oth st. A special 60c chicken dinner today at Hall's restaurant. S30 Washington at. Chicken dinner. Peerless Cafeteria.,'' 104 Fifth, near Washington. Stein's Restaurant, 122 Fourteenth street, near Washington. APARTMENT SITE. Splendid quarter block on Nineteenth Street: only two blocks north of Wash ington street: the best piece of property In the market for the money. For price and terms apply to CHARLES K. HENRY CO., , HENRY BLDG. Fourth and Oak Sts.. Portland, Or. ORIENTAL RUGS. We are still doing business in the "new" stand. . We have the goods and we give tho bargains. Come and see our assortment and buy while you have the chance. The Oriental Rug Co.. 147 Sixth street. M0RRIS0N-S1 PROPERTY. A full-sized corner lot, close in, rapidly Increasing In value; price $40,000. CHARLES IC. HENRY CO., HENRY BLDG. Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland, Or. 13TH-STREET PROPERTY. Warehouse site on Thirteenth street, close In. tho best buy In the , city for warehouse purposes at the price. See us for particulars. CHARLES K. HENRY CO., HENRY BLDG. Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland, Or. Draft Is Clew to Missing Woman. PITTSBURG, April 16. It Is reported "BROOK" Peer of AH $3 Hats pirn M' i- . ., ,rv s i T that Miss Annie Maul, who la said to bo a large stockholder In a prominent local bank, has been located In Austin, Tex., after a 10-year search' for her. A few days ago Miss Maul drew on the bank here for several hundred dollars. Informing the bankers that she was a stockholder and had not drawn a divi dend for 10 years. This draft gave Pittsburg relatives a clue to her where abouts and a brotherrin-law and two sisters are said to have found her liv ing the life of a, recluse in Austin. It ia said that the reunited family is now returning to Pittsburg. Portland Heights Property. We have for sale ten lots in the most sightly part of. Portland Heights, right on the carline, and unsurpassed view. Purchaser could sell the majority of the lots and net a handsome profit, and at the same time retain one of the building sites for himself. 'For price and terms inquire of CHARLES K. HENRY CO.. HENRY BLDG. Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland, Or. To Warehousemen or Wholesalers. Have a client who will build on half block, on trackage, best part of the ware house district for tenant, on long term lease, if wanted at reasonable rate. Any person or firm wanting a large warehouse covering a full half block will do well to call upon us. CHARLES K. HENRY CO., HENRY BLDG. Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland, Or. Bargains In Oriental Rugs.- We have decided to extend our Special Bargain Sale for one week. Be one of the crowd and take - advantage of this wonderful cut in prices. Atiyeh Bros., 394 Washington street. PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune, Columbia Bldg., Main, A 1S3S. A Hint in Time. Order the Mount Hood Brewing Com pany's famous Bock Beer now; to be de livered at your home. Phone East 139 or B 1319. C.IRD OP THAXKS. Mrs. August Praeger wishes the mem bers of the-lvanhoe Lodge, K. P. the Musicians' Mutual Association and the many kind friends who sent her flow ers to know that she deeply appreciates their kindness to her in her recent be reavement. ' CARD OK THANKS. We desire to thank our many friends and acquaintances for their many sots of kindness and beautiful floral offer ings shown us in the recent death of our beloved daughters and sisters, Mary and Anne. MR. AND MRS. T. CAULEY AND FAMILY. Plant Gibson's Roses. Phone Sell wood 960. FIFE llBrAIBl a Of ewery description by nali. Amber, brier and neenchaiun. Artificial coloring. Bla Slebel A (.. 02 Id rortland. CCHVYAB PRINTING CO OSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE a--T4 STARK STREET I I JJ2222232 b " afnWaMattnBMaMnTMMaTj :hocolate friscos w ff Swetland's makes some erackerjack chocolates, l t but none better than 11 Chocolate Frlscos ft l the y'r e certainly fine. I Displayed In center , f window. Free sample for the ask- lg 25c BOX We Patting to glasses, we give you the most care ful and scientific examination in the city. No extra charge for this part of the work, and you will find our prices most reasonable. Established since 1896, we are here to give you the best results and entire satisfaction. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS 2tS-219 FAILING BIDG.. Cor. Thirrt and Waahlnarton Slreetn. Second l-'loor. Take Elevntor. PHOENIX IRON WORKS KncinPfrs. Foundra, Maehlniata and liollerinalbern. Itolldlng and Structural "Work. AVE MAKE Kire Hydranta, Haul. Cut Gears, Hydraulic Utantu, AVateF fiatea, Lumber Trnrk. HAWTHORNE AVE. AND EAST THIRD PORTLAND, OH. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up ITe w steel and brick (structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con Tenience. On carlmea transferrins all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Bead for Booklet "with map of San Francisco THE PERRY HOTEL Madison St. A Boren At. SEATTLE Abiolatet? FUa-Proof Earoaeaa Plan ?fL i -'is wi.-;, iv- i auira United WinlaU Statloa Tne Hifibait Grade Every MoJera Goarenleac Centrally located and commanding a view of the Olrmpica. Cascade Mountain. ML Rainier and Facet Sound. Auto-'Bua meeta traina and boat IF IT'S HOE GO TO KNIGHT'S WASHINGTON NEAR SECOND CRIMSONWINTERRHUBARB auso per Duxen; S6.0O per Hundreds 40 per Thouannd. Superlative and other berry plants. A ursery atock of all kind. J. B. WAGNER The Rhubarb aad Kerry Specialist. PASADENA, CALICORMA. You In I Everyone must admit that VALUE", thoueh not the ONLY essential to success, is nevertheless a most important factor; a store that would gain in prestige and power a store that would increase its sales from day to day must give good values, for every man wants his full money's worth; we are demonstrat ing this fact daily. particularly request that you arid Mrokaw Clothes WE ARE EXCLUSIVE PORTLAND SELLERS FOR THESE FINE MAKES, SUITS AND OVERCOATS $25.00 TO $40.00 Our display of $15 Suits and Overcoats affords a marvelous array of styles and patterns; when you see them you'll say they're the best values you ever saw for .... 3 1 S.OC College Brand Clothes for clever young fellows can only be had here, in Portland. Prices . . $15.00 to $25.00 j r KIL FIFTH AND HAM Chicago leach Hotel r V Finest Hotel combines the restful quiet - , . , : At M rwn minutes' ride by express trains separates the theatre and shopping district from this delightful spot. Here, sur rounded by beautiful lawns, flower-beds, tennis courts, . : U 4-v,i w.-froartlno' hrff7.f)l of LAKe etc., ycru u - Michigan. For the bathers i r-b.t.A.4-. irrff own winAe on nearly 1.000 feet outside rooms iov private rami, lauieuucibcutu. ,Am r,t tintxl ariioin the , nr ft ffOll linKS. ISKWIUb horticultural artr-acTions. xxocr criicst la-weicomea altl Diva, B. E. Walker. 1,I,.U President. Kntabliahed ISO? The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFKK'E. TORONTO. London Office. S Lombard Street, E. C. Branches Throughout the Dominion of Canada; Also at San Francisco, Seattle and Skagway. Canadian Collections. ' This bank, liavlns: over ISO branches, distributed throughout the Do minion, is enabled to offer unsurpassed facilities for milking- collections in anv part of Canada. Portland Brunch. Cor. Second and HOLEPROOF HOSE FOR Men, Women and Children . EXCLUSIVE AGENTS see our showing of TRANSIT LEVELS AND EViRY INSTRUMENT AN ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER NEEDS ANEROIDS COMPASSES PLUMB BOBS RODS RANGE POLES TAPES CHAINS FIELD BOOKS CROSS SECTION PROFILE AND DRAWING PAPER DRAWING BOARDS THUMB TACKS BLUt PRINT PAPER DRAWING INKS WATER COLORS DEVOE ARTISTS' MATERIALS SCIENTIFIC BOOKS !i Have you seen that means bought a Beck" Vertical Filing Case yet? STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. OAK STREETS on Great Lakes of the country end seashore essmmoe rtnrt r"i tv. OnlV ten - -- , . . the smooth, sandy beach is near at3is io loe aeiizm ui piuiux- of broad yeranda. 450 large, airy ureal aonin rarn oynem, ""-" 1.-. l.n..1.....rM. and manv ,jr.;o., .... f . .. , . "JJ" rzr wuu ot.cs ouuiuchi . .. j . my una aowrai aSyX S tf ChlcaKO A. I.alrd, General Xanager. Nw Tork Office. 16 Kxchangre Place. Stark Streets, f-. c. Malpas, Manager.