The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 10, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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Toll & Gilblbs, Inc.
Morrison at Seventh Toll & GilblbSo IOC.
TuM & Gubbs, Hoc
Morrison at Seventh
Phone and Mail Orders and Inquiries Given Prompt and Careful Attention
Toys, Velocipedes, Tricycles, Refrigerators In the Basement
and Misses'
specaaill at $1
Best of tine Season's Domestic R.tulm Pattern;
1 3.SO and $ 1 S.OO
Displayed! in tine Most Approved
a miner
The woman who has planned a Linen Suit as
part of her Summer wardrobe will weleome to
morrow's offering of these splendid values.
The maker of these garments gives his entire
attention to the making of Linen Suits alone.
The styles and the materials and workmanship
of his garments are acknowledged by the most
critical selectors of women's apparel to be the
best. They're sold exclusively by us in Port
land. Every yard of the linen used in these suits
is thoroughly shrunken and when the suits are
made up they go through what is called the
steam-pressing process, which eliminates all
possibility of shrinking.
They are all plainly tailored models each
showing just that little mark of difference that
makes them all the more desirable. Plaited
Surely many women will appreciate this
early - in - the - season opportunity. Sale com
mences tomorrow.
Most Interesting Petticoait ESaur-
$475, $4.95, $5.50
AND $5.95 SILK
$6.50, $6.95
AND $7.50
$8.50, $8.75
$12.00, $12.50, $13.50
ait g3.BS
at 34r.9
ait 3S.
at SgT.9
Three hundred and fifty of them go to make up
this collection of odds and ends that we have grouped
in these four bargain lots truly the most attractive
petticoat values that Portland women have had an
opportunity of sharing in" in many months. And
such assortment as there is to choose from surely
will be no difficulty in finding just the one to wear
with your new Spring suit or dress. Plenty of them
in black, some in Dresden effects and pretty stripes, Persian designs and
rhangeables. Every popular light shade and many in the medium. Extra
sizes as well as the regular sizes. See Morrison-street window display.
In variety of design, color and quality we have the best
and most exclusive stock in Portland. The "Wiltons
Portland's favorite rug are shown in all the modern
effects obtainable only in this high-grade fabric, and our
stock consists of the most artistic combinations known to
modern rug weaving. They range in price from $36.00
to $65.GO for the 9x12 size, and special sizes can be woven
to order.
The famous German seamless rugs, with their unique
patterns in art modern, will appeal to the lovers of "some
thing different" in floor coverings. We are prepared to
give estimates on special sizes, made in one piece, up to
33 feet wide and in any length. Special designs and colors
to match any decorative scheme.
Body Brussels Rugs make excellent floor coverings for general use, but are best adapted to fine bedroom fur
nishing, owing to the dainty colorings possible in this fabric. We have the best assortment obtainable in these
exclusive designs and a fine line in the tans, browns and wood shades, so popular at present. Priced from $27.50
to $37.50 in the 9x12 ft. size. Special sizes to order.
In Arts and Crafts Rugs we have a selection that is distinctive and correct in every detail, from the low-priced
Kysmak to the heavy Thread and Thrum and the Kilmarnock Scotch Art Rugs. This class of rugs ranges in price
from?6.00 to $-40.00 and can be had in all the regular sizes.
The stock of Axminster and Tapestry Rugs contains the best things in
the standard weaves and the moderate prices will appeal to all econmieal
Raglin Rugs are here in profusion and the new Poster effects are more
attractive than ever. Let us show you the Claremont and Half Moou
Rugs they are marvels of "raggery."
Showing, as we do, our rug samples on the latest improved rug racks,
makes inspection and selection a pleasure.
$50.00 WILTON RUGS AT $37.50
$60.00 WILTON RUGS AT $45.25
Several discontinued patterns, chosen from,
among our high-grade Wilton Rugs in the 9 ft.
by 12 ft. size, are to show these liberal reduc
tions tomorrow and Tuesday. Most of them are
in tan and brown combinations.
llXv-wvs ViMFtrss si With the freshest
jj. J y Mf VP OLllS) IW3 touches o
touches of Spring
Such exclusive models such
pretty laces and beautiful embroid
eries no wonder that women are
so interested in Waists this season.
Hand-made Waists, in which each
dainty tuck is made and sewn by
hand and the embroidery as well.
The Blouses of all hand-made
Cluny they're very popular this
season. And those of beautiful
marquisette and imported crepe
that launder so satisfactorily.
Our special Linen Waist at $3.95,
made of heavy Belgian soft-finish linen,
with narrow band of white down front
and on collar and cuffs, giving a pleas
ing border effect. Comes in all the new
soft shades to match the fashionable
shades in tailored suits, violet, navy,
delft blue, pink, gold and light blue. Has
the new Bishop golf sleeve.
Discriminating Women Find Their Ideal
the LAly of JFVannice Coarsefc
"When a corset gains instant popularity
with those accustomed to the very best, merit
is alone responsible. This is true of Lily of
France Corsets they produce those graceful
lines and give that comfort that captivate
every woman.
Model 3B is an ideal Corset for slender
figures. Made of tricot and boned only at
side and back. Finished, with ribbon
brassiere, which also serves to support the
bust. At $15. OO.
Model 520 is a correct model for stout
women. Has low, full bust and is low under
the arms. Skirt extremely long. Made of
French broche and boned with best quality
walohn. Embroidery trimmed. At 10.
Model 331 is for the average figure, lias
medium bust and is long over the hips and
abdomen. Made of French coutil and lace-
trimmed. At$7.50. J-ji iU-,
Model 332 is a erood, flexible corset, a l''" w"
correct model for young girls and small women. Girdle top and
long hip. Made of French coutil and lightly boned. At 5.
Specials io As
Ib'stos Table Pads
Protect your table top against hot
vessels and heavy articles by using
these pads. Here is' an opportunity
for supplying your entire needs. Mon
day and Tuesday.
6-in. Round Table Mats, 3oc vals., ea., 18
11- in. Round Table Mats, 75c vals., ea. 35
30-in. Round Table Pads, $2.50 val. $1.25
40-in. Round Table Pads, $4.50 val. $2.25
48-in. Round Table Pads, $6.50 val. $3.25
r.O-in. Round Table- Pads, $7.00 val. $3.50
50-in. Square Table Pads, $7.00 val. $3.50
54-in. Square Table Pads, $8.50 val. $4.25
54-in. Round Table Pads, $8.50 val. $4.25
t)0-in. Round Table Pads, $10 val. $5.00
t4-in. R'd Table Pads, $11.50 val., $5.75
12- inch Leaves, regular $1.50 value, 75i
In the Drapery Department, sixth floor.
Your Old Furniture Put
in First Class Shape at
a Very Moderate Cost
It would no doubt surprise you to
see what realfy can be accomplished in
making over old furniture. It's been
a specialty of ours for many years, put
ting old furniture in an attractive as
well as serviceable condition. Allow
us to give estimate on the upholstering,
repairing and refinishing of your
pieces. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Hair Mattresses and Box
Mattresses Made to
Order and Made Over
Hair Mattresses in any weight or
grade as desired. We use only the
best ( selected stock of the various
grades of hair. A variety of art tick
ings to choose from. Box mattresses
for wood or metal beds. "We will make
over your old mattress at reasonable
cost. Workmanship the very best.
1 Down'
SSI Week
Will Place in Your Home
Tlhe Sootlh Bend Malleable
"The Range Indestructible'
Put this proposition squarely before you give it your
earnest consideration. Could you ask for terms more liberal?
More liberal terms could not place a better range in your
home than the South Bend Malleable, for there is none bet
ter made.
It will last a lifetimes because it is built to last a lifetime.
It's a combination of malleable iron and Bessemer steel,
riveted throughout, like a boiler.
No cracking or warping and no open seams to leak air;
it's impossible.
Does not require blacking. Burns perfectly coal or wood
and cooks things as you want them and when you want them.
In economy, and satisfaction, and convenience, and com
fort, the South Bend Malleable will save you more than its
cost in one year.
Investigate for 3'ourself its sterling qualities. You'll be
instantly convinced. Ask for the South Bend Malleable Cook
Book; it's free. In the Basement.
Now la the Time
to Fix
Up the
They will look their best at the right time, provided the
proper care is given to them now. These bargains should help.
Monday, Tuesday in the Basement :
64 for Spading Forks
worth 85c each.
74 for short handled
Spades worth 95c each. .
56? for short handled Shov
els worth 75c each.
98 for long handled
Spades, worth $1.25 each.
26 for Weeding Hoes,
worth 35c each.
48 for 20-in. Lawn Rakes,
worth 60c each.
38 for Potato Hooks worth
50c each.
S2.SO for 14-inch "Capital
S.4U for 16-in. "Regal"
S5.20 for 14-in. "Crown"
38 for 71 2-inch blade Gar
den Hoes, worth 50c each.
26 for Riveted Garden
Hoes, worth 35c each.
4S for solid shank Garden
Hoes, worth 60c each.
56 for 11-tooth Bent Bow
Rakes, worth 75c each.
26 for 12-tooth Malleable
Rakes, worth 35c each.
36 for 14-tooth Malleable
Rakes, worth 45c each.
48 for 12-tooth Steel Bow
Rakes, worth 60c each.
" Lawn Mowers re?, val.
Lawn Mowers reg. value $4.25
Lawn Mowers reg. value $6.50.
$3.00 Conch Covers at $1.85 Each Sixty inches, wide
and full couch length, in Oriental designs and green, red and
tan color combinations.
Cretonne at 60 Yard; Cretonne at 75 Yard Regular
$1.00 yard and $1.25 yard values, in French and English cre
tonnes, 36 inches wide and in wide variety of colorings and
designs. Such materials as these that make bright, cheery
bedrooms, when correctly used as window hangings, bed sets
and furniture coverings.
Monday and Tuesday
Portable Bath Sets, spe
cial 98 comprised
or soap shell, tumbler
bracket, toothbrush holder and towel bar. All fixtures nickel
plated and mounted on never-rust tile backing.
Bath Seats, special J8 in white enameled finish.
Clothes Hampers, special $1.38 and $1.58 Willow
Hampers in two sizes 24 inches high and 27 inches high.
Timmely Savings o this Ssile
of ILaLce Coirtaiinis ait Ma. If
Coming right at a time when the window hangings are re
placed with newer things, this sale should reveal to many the
opportunity for buying their Curtains at helpful savings. In
this collection of 1-pair and 2-pair lots are the following :
Nottingham Lace Curtains, in white, ecru and Arabian colors,
regular values $3.30, $4.25, $5.50 and $8.50 pair, at half price.
Cluny Lace Curtains, of good quality net, in Arabian tint
only. Some with cluny edges, others with cluny edges and in
sertions. Regular values $2.85, $4.50, $6.00 and $7.50 pair, at
half price. . .
Fine imported Brussels Laces, in white. These are most ef
fective in dainty sleeping'rooms. Regular values $7.50 and $25
pair, at half price.
Scrim Curtains, of imported scrim, in white, ivory and Arab
ian. Some with cluny edgings and insertions, others with hem
stitched or drawn-work borders and applique borders, in colors.
Regular values $2.50, $3.50, $5.50 and $12.50 pair, at half price.
Imported Venetian Laces in two-tone colors, for parlor,
library and living-room hangings. Regular values $15.00, $25.00
and $75.00 pair, at half price.
Imported German art embroidery laces, in applique designs
over black net. Regular values $35 pair, at half price.
Also a few one-pair and two-pair lots in Madras Curtains.
Regular $10.00 and $13.00 pair values, at half price.
Monday 's-Tuesday's sale, sixth floor. Take advantage for
renewing your window hangings. And you can do so on EASY
Special Prices a.odI Special
Terms on Sewiog Maclhiioes
$1 Down, SI a Week
Save by buying at these low prices,
and at the same time enjoy the con
venience of paying for it on easy
Sewing Machine, Special at
$23.75 A dependable machine,
with a 10-year guarantee ; has drop
head and complete set of attach
ments. Cabinet work of quarter
sawed golden oak.
Sewing Machine, Special at
$29.75 Ball-bearing machine This Machine, Sp'L at $18.
of the latest type, with the best A drop-head machine that has a
improved drop head, and all at- 10-year guarantee. Has com-
tachments. Cabinet work the very plete set of attachments. Case
best. ' work of golden oak.