The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 10, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 15, Image 27

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MATERNITY nurse, large experience. de
Fires a few more engagements ; moderate
t-nns. Address T 897, Oregonian.
AN experienced nurse; strong and healthy,
wishes position to take care oC Invalid.
M SRI, Oregonian.
CALL A 7162 for nurse, confinement snd
children's diseases & specialty. City refer
ence. W'ANTBD At my home, to take invalids' or
rr.:i.ternlty cases reasonable. Woodlawn 1644.
MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse; best refer-
pnp.fg. a 261 s.
EEF1XED girl wishes position to act as com
panion to lady or take charge of child. V
Wi9. Oregonian.
COLORED woman, experienced, mould like
chamber work, hotel or lodging-house.
. A 2190. Call bet. 6 and 7 P. M.
A GERMAN, middle-aged woman, with child
10 yearn, wants a place for light housework
Inquire AL 86, Oregonian.
M i seel! aneons.
A NICE, refined young lady employed part
of the day would like & room In nice
Christian, family, where some assistance
in home would be received as part pay
ment for room. E 871. Oregonian.
WA NT E D Position In real estate office :
year's experience; have managed an of
fice: give me a trial; do anything in the
r-al estate line. R 898. Oregonian.
A REFINED Eastern woman wants posi
tion in respectable well-to-do widower's
home; country preferred. 88S, Orego
nian. FFRST-CT.ASS, all-around cook wants posi
tion boarding-house, pastry or baker's
helper; best of references. Y 893, Ore
gonian. WrDOW with two children wants situation
on farm cooking and housework; can
cook for crew. Mrs. B. Wilhelm. fat.
To h n s. Or. .
A FIRST-CLASS girl, comptometer operator
and first-ulaiw clerical work; reasonable.
AC 8M , Orf gonlan. .
WOMAN wants work by day, washing or
house cleaning. Phone Main 6427, room
EXPERIENCED saleslady and demonstra
tor, ready for work May 1. F 872, Orj
gonlan. A I.ADY from London and Paris: piano and
French; day and evening classes; rapid
progress. a 3633. The Ellsworth.
A PROFESSIONAL manicurist would like
position In first-class hotel or barber
shop: 4 years' experience. C 1133.
DANISH woman wants work; washing.
Ironing, cleaning. Mrs. Youngien, 291
East 7th st. 1
A LADY would like work by the day;
steady places preferred. Phone Main
631. .
POSITION as helpful companion to ldy
by young lady of good family and with
musical education. W S07, Oregonian.
A MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes to take
babies to care for at her home. Call at
86 Mallory ave.
COLORED woman wants by day for Tues
day and Wednesday; no half days. Call
bo t wean 6 and 7 P. M. A 2490.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched,
40 cents a pair. Called for and deliv
ered. Phone Main 3905.
COOKS, housekeepers, chambermaids, nurses,
second girls, waitresses. St. Louis Agency,
303 Washington st. Main 2030. A 4775.
WOMAN wants work by day washing. Phone
Tabor 6O0. .
CONSERVATORY graduate gives two piano
lessons for 75 cents. A K 888, Oregonian.
POSITIuN by mother and daughter, exper
lencocl In hotel work. G 85. Oregonian
WANTED Day work for Tuesday and
Wednesday ; references. Main 1071.
A COLORED woman wants day work for
Wednesday and Thursday. Wroodlawn 218-
YOUNG lady wishes to do housework by
day and sleep at home. C SS5. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS laundress wants washing and
Ironing by day. Pttone A orj.
S'i HONG, experienced woman wants day
work. Phone East 60S9, room 2.
AGENTS Send for copy of "The Thomas
Agent." greatest agents paper ever pub
lished: filled with money-making plans,
no-license tax" decision of Supreme
Court; pointers to agents; every agent in
U. S. should have copy at once. Address
today. "Thomas Agent." 7103 Wayne ave.
WANTED Men and women for most rapld
selling household specialty; every woman
will buy one on sight; big profits; send
for free particulars today.
Dopt- 7, 1948 lith ave.. Oakland. Cal.
Agents make $5 a day taking subscrip
tions for the largest and best Southern
California magazine; write for proposition.
West Coast Magazine, Los Angeles. Cali
BOY and girl agents, sell 24 packages of
post cards for us at lOc each, and receive
a beautiful stereoscope and views, or cam
era outfit, free. Write today. Granite
Cltv Supply Co.. Box 441. Dept 3. St.
Cloud. M inn.
AGENTS Sell novelty lace curtains, does
away with pins, rings, sewing curtains on
pole and clumsy draping; pole free with
each pair; housecleaning season time to
ell curtains. Thomas Mfg. Co., 539
Mathews Rldg.. Dayton. Ohio.
BOY AND GIRL, AGENTS: Sell 24 packages
of court plaster for us at 10c each and
receMve fine ball and mitt or handsome
sliver purse. FREE. We trust you with
goods. Write today. Juvenile Supply Co.,
Sacramento. Cal.
BEiilAKI.E AGENT every locality to repre
sent large real estate organization; good
pay ; steady employment : experience un
necessary. Johnson-Fowler Realty Co., 31S
Insurance Bldg.. Oklahoma City. Okla.
WE manufacture 18 specialties needed In
every family; make big money and build
up permanent business quickly. Samples
furnished. Edwards Mfg. Co., Buffalo.
N. Y.
EL'N RAY mantle incandescent kerosene
burners fit all screw-collar lamps, includ
ing Rayo; 100. 300 candle power light ;
Investigate. Simplex Gaslight. 23 Park
Row. New York.
AGENTS. French diamonds defy experts;
stH rid fire, ftlc : Theater jewelry remade.
Don't fait getting catalogue; liberal 30
dav trial offer; $5 daily sure. Paris Man
ufacturing Co.. Syracuse. N. Y.
AGENTS earn $25 to $50 weekly selling
rew styles Mexican, Swiss embroidered
waist patterns, princess dresses, etc.; cat
alogue free. National Importing Co.. Desk
P.. 600 Broadway. N. , Y.
$1.33 FKK hour profit, introducing guar
anteed line hosiery for men. women and
children: latest and best agents proposi
tion ; samples free. Thomas Mfg. Co.,
i 1 1 ; P t ate. Pay ton. Ohio.
$-7 FIRST day. made by first agent for new
furniture polish, with special polishing cloth.
Advertising free.
C. L. Polish Co., 61 N. 8th st., Reading. Pa.
TOP-NOTCH CONTRACT. $1000 life. $130
dividends. $10 weekly sick, accident pol
icy: ,"c daily. Brotherhood, 957 Broadway,
Oakland, Cal.
A 1 KNTS to handle biggest money-making
fire extinguishers; special starting offer;
exclusive territory; $75 to $300 per month.
Badger t hemlcal Co.. Milwaukee. Wis.
TWO articles. greatest sellers ever pro
duced; every household buys; write quick.
Star Novelty Co., box 101. Indianapolis,
W A NTBD Agents to sell the Alien Portable
Rath: good contract to hustlers. Call room
3 New Grand Central Hotel, between 2
and 4. or address P. O. box 2Q5. Portland.
FRKK sample; faucet strainer splash pre
venter; send 2c stamp (mailing cost) ; $3
profit daily and upward ; let us prove it.
I.. Seed. S3 Reade St.. New York.
AtENTS wanted for household specialties;
wonderful sellers; Mc profits. Write for
catalogue and samples. C. B. Klpp &
Co.. p . O cx 59. Denver. Colo.
AGENTS Our Vegetable Soap is the fastest
seller on earth; big money, permanent busi
ness; ex'lu;tve territory, sample free. Mor
cn n Supply Co. . St. Ijouis. Mo.
$:tOO EVERY month sure. Introducing 8
piere. kitchen combination. This Is our
leader. M per cent profit. Sample free.
Thomas Mfg. Co.. 8103 State. Dayton, O.
WANTED Energetic agents to handle sub
s rents and sell w ler.a dustless floor
sweepers; larae profits. 171 Second St..
V il wank . Wis.
AGENTS Bargains in dry goods, lace cur
tains, handkerchiefs. Spring clearance
sale. Thomas Mfg. Co., 539 Mathews
Rldg.. payton. Ohio.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company,
Salem. Oregon.
MEN wanted to sell a patented article to
offices and houses: great seller; good
commission. A K 842. Oregonian.
A' J ENTS You can know about the profits
made surviving perfumes to famine. Ad
t dress Lefflgr A- Co.. St. Louis. Mo.
AGENT wanted for a new h-w supporter for
worsen and children. Call at 4v Park st
Ph-re A 7212.
FEW solicitors to introduce a book that is
needed in every office in city; goods are
here. D S8o. Oregonian.
After months of preparation and vast
expenditure, the great popular priced edi
tion of Dr. Eliot's Harvard Classics. 5-foot
shelf of books is now ready for the market.
A stupendous subscription enterprise; a
wonderful seller, backed with unlimited
capital; only a ' high-grade class of sales
men deai red. who must work this line ex
clusively. Extensive advertising, circularizing and
special liberal terms; exclusive territory to
' the right men. Immediate action requested.
ReliaBle men and women with ref
erences wanted to collect and forward re
mittances to us. The true story of the
Southern Pacific Railroad is now being
told in Hampton's Magazine. A tre
. mendous subscription business Is already
created. We will appoint special agents
in every community, at a guaranteed sal
ary. Steady employment or spare time
work for the proper person. Write at
once .to sales department, Hampton's Mag
azine, 66 West 35th St.. New York.
I'LL start you in business will give you
credit if necessary. Fascinating sales
work; easy; even amateurs make $8 to
$12 a day. Chapman, Mich., made $18
first day. Mrs. G. W. Smith, Ohio, made
$513.48 In few months, spare time only.
Lee, Okla., made $30h and built a home
in one year. Our new sales plan creat
ing sensation. Agents excited over tre
mendous success. Stampede for territory.
Applications pouring in. Act instantly.
Write tpday for particulars. C E. Swartz
baugh. box 9. Toledo. O.
A wonderful invention, saves time,
money and woman; ironing day no longer
dreaded. Do your ironing without heating
your room or changing irons; without us
ing expensive electricity, gasoline or dan
ger of explosion; cost one cent per hour;
positively guaranteed for 5 years.
41 Union ave.. Portland. Or.
AGENTS Shack's shoe sole saver is cer
tainly a money getter. One 25c bottle
will save $3 in shoe sole repairing, more
than lOO pen cent profit. Sells in shops,
stores, offices everywhere. Trial sample
10 cents. Write today. Wilson Clark
Co.. 723 E. 39th.. Chicago. 111.
AGENTS Every merchant buys our 1910
Air-Bruflh Show and Window Display
Cards. Nothing like them latest hit
sensational sales no competition. Sam
ples free. People Show Card, 710 W. Madi
son at., Chicago, 111.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own ; references, any bank in
245J Stark St.
Phones A 3300, Main 33.
$13.00 TO $25.00 per month,- 5 to T rooms,
ail on -one floor; barn and woodshed;
must be over one-half acre of grounds,
with trees, bushes, etc., enough, to insure
outdoor privacy; not over one hour from
Portland; cultivated ground not necessary.
Give full particular. Address P- D. Q.
care Fellows Grocery Co., 349 Oak st,.
FIVE to 6-room furnished house, modern
conveniences, aristocratic neighborhood, by
responsible p.arty ; or will care for house
during owner's absence; best of refer-
ences furnished. W 874, Oregonian.
home to rent or manage; must be suitable
for best patronage. Mrs. E. A. Percy,
S 887, Oregonian.
MODERN furnished 5 to 7-room house or
cottage by April 15, centrally located.
West Side preferred ; reasonable. G 973,
WANTED to rent furnished houue or flat by
couple; state location, rent, particulars. W
871, Oregonian.
WANTED by small family, adults, well fur
nished house; long or hort term: best ref-
referencs. K 874, Oregonian.
WANTED Vicinity 23d-st. carline. with 6
room cottage or bungalow, modern, reason
able. K 887. Oregonian.
WANTED, to rent by three adults, small
house with yard: must be reasonable. Box
274. Forest Grove. Or.
WANTED -By a couple without children,
a 4-room furnished house; walking dis
tance preferred. B 888, Oregonian..
MODERN 6-room house to rent In Irving
ton. Call Main 6418, or 322 Abington
4-ROOM house or lower flat; must be rea
sonable. AD 873, Oregonian.
WOULD buy small apartment-house; must
be weil furnished, modern and close in;
all particulars. W 892, Oregonian.
A SINGLE man desires large, airy room,
furnished for light housekeeping; room
with family with no children, or widow
preferred. AK S50. Oregonian.
WANTED A 3 or 4-room furnished apart
ment by family of 2; ' good references;
must be good location and modern. AE
886. Oregonian.
A YOUNG physician desires a large, minny
room or suite in a new. hlgh-ciavs private
residence; references exchanged. Address Dr.
S.. P. Q. box 435.
A LADY employed wants housekeeping
rooms by May 1, walking distance. AL
S87. Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN desires nicely furnished room.
State conveniences, location and terms. L
886. Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN wants room and roommate;
close in ; references if wanted. AM 873,
ROOM in private family with or without
dinner for Jewish man. Main 3821.
Rooms With Board.
BUSINESS woman wants room and board in
either private or regular boarding-house.
Good locality and surroundings. West Side.
No objection to 2t or ."SO minutes' walk from
town. State price and accommodation. V
Oregon ian.
TWO young ladies employed during day,
would like room and board with re
spectable private family, close in on West
Side. $20 month; references exchanged.
G 8S0. Oregonian.
WANTED On the lath, by young man, board
and room in private family on East Side,
west of 20th, near Morrison ml. AX 674,
YOUNG man, good habits, wants board and
room. Prefer strictly private tamily ;
state location, terms, etc. R 806. Ore
gonlan. BOARD by widower with 3-year-old child in
a private family where child will receive
motherly care ; Norwegian family preferred.
X 872. Oregonian.
ROOM for lady and 12-year-old boy ; board
for boy only; must be close in. AE SS7.
YOUNG man wants flrst-class room and
board in private home. V S&S. Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
Larrabee Hotel. 227 Larrabee st.. near Hol
laday ave. New brick bldg.; every conven
tence; reasonable. Permanent and transient.
Fl'RNlSHED, also unfurnished rooms, very
uitahle for gentlemen. K.amm biiig., 1st
a iid Pine.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for one
or two gentlemen. 40$ Main, between
1 1) and 11
ly furnished rooms, modern convenience;
transients soncixco.
THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run
ning water, modern conveniences; $12 up.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable- new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 H
gtark. corner um. .im j. sie
THE Cambridge building. 3d and Morrison,
furnished housekeeping rooms, single or
en suite. Apply room ;W-
SL IT of 2 rooms suitable for 2 or 3 gentle
men ; all conveniences; very reasonable.
Aster House. 251 7th st.
LARGE newly furnished room, suitable for
two. reasonable. 255 IHth st.
LARGE front room, furnished or unfur
nished. 30 Harrison. Phone A 3S05.
FURNISHED rooms. Eim Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and lith-
THi REX Modern rooms, $2.U to f pr
week. &49a Washington st.
FURNISHED room for gentleman. $2 week.
4:;i Salmon st. ,
NICE furnished rooms. $1.50 per week; free
phone, batr-. 2 N. 14th. cor. Rurnslde st.
Famished Rooms in Private Families,
NEWLY furnished room, every convenience.
close In. gentlemen only. Phone a 7H1 3.
S 13TH Nicely f urnLshed rooms, house
. new, every convenience: gentlemen o n I y .
N E W LY - FU RNISH ED r-m; mod era. 30 N.
16:h st.. near Washington. Marshall 124Q.
SHELLEY. Main 6459. A 23o. 422- Morri
son, cor. lith; outside rooms, $S.&o up.
Furnished Rooms.
268 Third St., Cor. Jefferson St.
New fireproof building aud furnishings
throughout; desirable neighborhood; four
minutes' walk to business center; rooms
and suites: large. light and airy; hot and
cold water; stea.m heat; gas and eiectrlo
lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce
lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take "S"
car at depot to Ghird and Jefferson sts.
We aim to satisfy; that is why wo please
TRONS. Rates 3. $5, $6, $7 per week.
A 7731 PHONES Main 8639.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof building, steam
hea ted. hot and cold running water in all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy. and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office on ground floor; everything
first-class; rates, 0c, 75c and $1 per
day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 12S 6th sr. North.
Homelike. Homelike Homelike.
7th and Ankeny sts.
Free was their depot carriage,
I took it on the spot;
There may be other houses just as good.
A frulet home for quiet people.
8S North 3th St.. S. E. Cor. Flandei
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, fine large office on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean; rates only $3.50 and up
per week; 50c and 75c per day. 3 blocks
from Union Depot.
131 Eleventh Street.
NEW, modern brick building; STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
in all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH
ROOM ; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited.
710 Washington, near King; bath, hot
and cold water ; phone, steam heat in
every room; strictly modern; fine large
office, ground floor; by far the best in the
city for tne money; rooms $25 per month
and up. Call and inspect.
Fifth St..- opposite City HalL
New, beautifully furnished; steam heat;
hot. cold water in every room; publlo
and private hatha. Permanent; transient.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder. Is now
undergoing a thorough renovation; 70
team heated, electric-lighted rooms, all
outside. Rates 75c day; $10 month up
Suites with running water 20 month up!
Phones and bath free.
422 Washington, cor. 11th.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, per week up;
transient rates, 75c up.
THE GLE N DORA. 19th and Couch, fuTZ
nished rooms $2.50 per week and up; par
lor and piano; billiard and pool free to
guests ; large shady lawn and veranda
bBt .location In city.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Od
postte the Plaza.
Furnished Rooms in Private Families.
LARGE, cheerful front rooms1, with every
convenience, in private family. & North
2 let st.
VERY nicely furnished room In modern flat,
with steam heat. 471 Jefferson st, flat
B. Phone Main 7594.
LARGE, bright, airy room in private modem
home; reasonable; breakfast if desired.
Phone Main 8010.
THREE nicely furnished rooms for gentle
men; phone, bath; good location; walking
distance. 408 Park st. Main 6527.
497 CLAY ST.. newly furnished room in
private family; bath and furnace heat.
Main 9304.
THREE neatly furnished housekeeping
rooms, all conveniences; in cottage. 644
Everett st. Phone A 4072.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, suitable for
2; $10 per month, or will fix for house-
kecplng. 366 ll'th st.
LARGE front room, light and airy, mod
ern, bath, private family; no other room
era; close in. 546 H Kearney st.
TWO beautifully furnished rooms, exclusive
.neighborhood, in Irvington; no other
roomers. Phone East 2679.
A PLEASANT front room; walking distance
to Burnside and Morrison bridges; board
close by. 41 East 8th st. Phone E. 40S5.
LARGE front room suitable for twd gen
tlemen, S20; bath, phone. Main 4415.
555 Yamhill.
NEWLY furnished room in new fiat. Call
Sunday or evenings after fi:30. 6o0 Park
st. Phone A 7316.
NICELY furnished and sunny room, in pri
vate family, strictly modern; rent reason
able. 328 Vfc Mill st.
$10 -Small furnished front room In modem
steam-heated apartment. Flat D, 460 Jeffer
son st. Main 714. 1
EAST Portland Heights' furnished room ;
junction two car lines. Phone Sell wood
2 SO.
NICE room for young man; East Side; pri
vate family; 20 minutes' walk to P. O.
4074 E. Couch, flat A. B 2S02.
SUITE of nicely furnished front rooms,
single room, modern, convenient. 400 Park
st. Phone A 7212.
$2.00 PER week, fine furnished room, free
phone and bath. 147 North 21st, near
MODERN front parlor with running water;
furn;shef with best of furniture;- very rea
jaonable. Phone A 7508. 173 N. 17th.
SWELL furnished rooms, single or en suite,
with bath, on carline; walking distance. 34
S. m h N. East 192.
$8.-U NEWLY furnished room in modern
flat; use of piano; walking distance. 373
Union ave. N., near Broadway.
NEW and nlcely-furnifhed front room. 3u0
12th st., cor. Col. Very desirable. Marshall
TWO furnished rooms, bath, phone, in de
sirable neighborhood. 885 East Madison
LARGE, pleasant, light front room ; also
pleasant side room; all modern conven
iences. 427 Yamhill at.
500 COUCH Private house, rooms with or
without board; home privileges; home
PLEASANT roomc, nicely furnished; modern
conveniences; walking distance; suitable
one or two person-. 213 13th st.
TO RENT Front furnished rjsin to gentle
men; all modern conveniences. 672 Wasco.
C 27.35. Call 6 P. M.
NICELY furnished front room, close in ;
free hath and phone, 473 Alder st.
LIGHT, peasant front room, close io; gas,
bath. Phone East 14S4.
FURNISHED rooms for gentleman. 322 Mon
roe ft.
NICELY furnished bedroom, good location.
404 tfr Park. Phone A 3721.
FINE room, new house, electric lights, cen
tral. West Side, reasonable. Main 221 y.
NEATLY furnished room ; furnace heat and
phone. 34 16th pt. N.
FURNISHED fro n t roo m , modern, very rea
sonahle. 18Q 17th st.. cor. Yamhill st.
1 LARGE room suitable for two. $12 per
month. 2i6 13th.
NICELY-FURNISH ED room in private. 32
North 16th.
VERY desirable room: no other roomers. 166
N. 21st. Phone A 7290.
SPLENDID room, facing park, balcony, all
conveniences; fireplace, etc 302 Park.
446 T A YIjOR. near lth. very pleasant front
room for ger.tieman: modern; reasonable.
FURNISHED rooms in private family. 248
N. 20th, near Marshall. Phone Main 3640.
TWO nice rooms, very homelike, close in;
bath, light and water. 214 13th gt.
ONE nice room, private entrance, close in.
214 13th.
141 13TH St., corner Alder, nicely furnished
room ; gas and bath and furnace heat.
NICE room for 2. reasonable; 8 minutes to
P. O. A 1036.
FURNISHED room, close in, no car fare.
302 1 2th st.. cor. Columbia.
354 SALMON. very desirable furnished
room suitable for one gentleman.
NICELY furnished. quiet room; modern
house, close in ; $7 a month. 212 Tenth.
CLEAN alcove and single rooms, running
water, etc. 17 12th. near Morrison.
in a cdern home. 6''1 East Morrison stl
SMALL pleasant room; gas, bath, phone; $7
month. 475 Clay St.
N ICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board : phone and bath. 569 Everett st.
FOR RENT, furnished rooms, good yardT
2.-.0 Iv;- st., Albina.
806 FLANDERS, between 14th and 15th
neatly furnished room; $6 per month.
Famished Rooms In Private Family.
TWO large, neatly furnished rooms In pri
vate family. West Side, ten minutes'
walk from business center of city; either
room suitable for two; plenty of light and
air, tmth, use of telephone and every con
venience to make a pleasant home, phone
Main 3938.
PRIVATE room, private entrance. In pri
vate family, large and quiet. 5 minutes
from Fostofflco; no other - roomers; first
class board can be secured next door;
suitable for young man.v Call 263 13th st.
Phone Main 609 7.
NEWLY furnished rooms; everything new;
large, light rooms with every convenience;
suitable for two; also smaller rooms; low
rents; one block from two carlines; 10
minutes walk to P. O. 175 17th St.,
A LARGE furnished front alcove room,
with hot and cold water, nice location,
walking distance; In private family; gen
tltmen only. 66T Irving st.
16 A MONTH, nicely furnished front room
with all conveniences, suitable for 1 or 2;
walking distance. 427 Harrison. Main
VERY jlea3ant. light, newly furnished rooms,
with ail conveniences1; walking distance or 3
minute car rvlce; reasonable; at -90 1st
sr. Phone A 7320.
BEAUTIFUL large alcove room with sleep
ing porch, in private family, very desir
able location, board next door. 162- 22d
st.. cor. Irving.
LIGHT, clean, newly furnished rooms; every
convenience; fine location. SSLs Mont
gomery st. A 7796.
BOARD and room, bath, phone, parlor,
piano, -home cooking, $i week. 191 11th,
near Yamhill.
LARGE front room, suitable for 2; also 1
smaller room. 424j 6th st.
NICE sunny room for rent. 230fe Park.
Phone M. 5107.
Unfurnished Rooms.
CHOICE unfurnished housekeeping rooms in
new moaern house; high, sightly corner,
line location, ail conveniences, separate
entrance, porch and lawn; would furnish.
East 3711.
TWO beautiful connected front rooms, un
furnished, for housekeeping, modern; $13
month. 61 E- Oh st.. N.
FOR RENT 24 email rooms in new brick
building on first floor, 89-91 2d st. North.
Inquire 201 Morrison st.
2 UNFURNISHED rooms- with bath; $9 month.
626 E. ftth st. Brook 1 y n car
1471! 2d st. Rooms by the day or week.
THREE unfurnished rooms. 206 13th at.
Rooms With Board.
Ideal Summer home, beautiful grounds,
finest rooms, with best home cooking In
city; rooms, with private bath, all mod
ern conveniences; noderate rates.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 2 2d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath, Supt. Woman's Exchange. 186 5th
st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, Supt.
VERY pleasant front room for cfrie or two
men; everything -modern; pleasant surround
ings; walking distance to business) center;
terms' reasonable; home cooking. Main 323Q.
1 SUITE of rooms with board ; hot and
cold water; also single rooms; reasonable
rates; table board the best. 147 13th st.
Main 2J.1S-
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th St., cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
THE CALVARD Suites or single. 62 Mor
rison, cor. 13th.
LARGE room with board, suitable for two
persons. The Hollywood. 446 3d st.
654 COUCH Outside rooms, aingle and double.
Good home cooking; clean and convenient.
CHOICEST of table board ; elegant room
for one or two on Parking. 3 7 4 Park.
LARGE pleasant room for 2 with board.
The Gladstone. 174 13th St.. cor. Yamhill.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
TWO elegantly furnished rooms, sleeping
porch if desired; b-eauttful grounds, ideal
place for Summer; modern. 90 E. Sth St.,
corner Washington. East 139Q.
LARGE, well furnished front room, good
board, suitable for 2 gentlemen or mar
ried couole. 605 East Salmon st. Phone
East 5630.
A PLEASANT front room with first-ciass
board for two gentlemen, with home priv
ileges In private family; walking dis
tance. or take LT car. 360 E. 1st st. N.
ROOM and board very reasonable, on East
Side, to one or two working girl who will
assist with housework Sunday mornings.
Phone C 1369.
GOOD room and board ; beautiful residence
district, near Williams and Killings worth
tave.. Piedmont Addition. 1212 Moure au
Wood lawn 1035.
VERY large, light room, suitable for 4 young
men; newly furnished; with board, very rea
sons Die. ti y
YOUNG man wanted to room and board with
private family; S20 per month. Phone
East 1915.
A l HOME for young lady to room and
board with mother and grown daughter.
Call 42G College st. Main 4427.
NICELY furnished rooms, with without
board, in modern apartment. 647 Yam
hill. t
258 ELEVENTH St Comfortably furnished
room, all conveniences, suitable for one
gentleman, with board.
WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable for two;
breakfast and dinner ; reasonable. Phone
Main 2071-
NICELY furnished rooms, modern conven
iences; home cooking; terms reasonable.
314 Mill, corner 6th.
YOUNG lady wants respectable lady for
room mate in private modern home. T
SS7. Oregonian.
VERY desirable newly furnished rooms, ex
cellent table, walking distance to town.
block from Morrison-st. car. Phone B 2952.
S7 EAST 9 th, between Washington and
Stark ; table board in private family, $4
a week.
LARGE room with board; pleasant suburb
home; near car; reasonable. 2uO East 5 2d,
cor, rayjor. rnone laoor an.
WISH to keep and care for young gl
tween age 3 and fi, private family.
particulars Phone Sellwood 1572.
girl be-
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, with 2
meals, at $22.50 each. Phone A 3875. Call
549 Yamhill.
690 COUCH ST., room and board. J5.60; ta
ble board, $4; home cooking; private
NICE furnished room for two young men,
board if desired. 44 E. 7th St.. or phone
East 2410.
ROOM and board in private family, lady
preferred. 640 East Ash st. Phone East
FIRJST-CLASS board and room In modern
flat; eat?y walking distance; rates reason
able. 428 Mill St.
NICE front room for two; rates reasona
ble, with board ; walking distance. 52
Lucretla St.. near 23d and Washington.
ROOM and board in refined family, Port
land Heights; walking distance. C 879,
NICELY furnished room In private family,
home privileges, modern conveniences.
32 S North Ittth.,
ROOM with board, reasonable and all con
veniences. 41 Ella st.
NEWLY furnished rooms with board. 695
E. Oak, corner 15th. Phone B 2619.
HERE you are, A-l home cooking, with or
without room. 328 6th st. A 3622.
2 ROOMS, with board, suitable for 2 or 4
gentlemen. 428 Brooklyn st.
TWO large rooms, strictly modern, choice
table board, home cooking. 75 N. 14th st.
GOOD board and room, reasonable ; home
cooking. Main 7016.
055 Irving St.
NICE room and good board for 1 or 2 of
. fice gentlemen. 591 Davis.
LONELY lady in flat wishes to hoard and
room two young ladles. A 2S74.
GOOD room and board, walking distance.
2 Ella st Reasonable.
TWO young ladies employed, to room and
board; good home. Phone A 5627.
ROOM with board, very reasonable ; em
ployed people only. 10 North 1 Sth.
NICE front room with board, home cook-
lng. for 2 : batn. 146 lltn st.
FURNISHED room with board. 515 Morri-
.nn ct rnr If.tH A 5 BOB
LARGE front room with board of 2 or 3
gentlemen; also single rooms. 149 15th st.
ROOM and board, $o.50 per week. 653 Vfash
lngton gt-
FURNISHED room with board. 355 11th
st. A 1636.
NICE front room for 2 gentlemen; good
home cooking. 509 Morison st.
FOR RENT Furnished apartment. The Mor
ton, Washington and King ma.
ti-KOOM steam-heated apartments. See Jan
Itor. 3 a 5 11th st. Main 5495.
THE STANLEY. unfurnished apartments
for rent. 71 Washington st. Main 753.
NOBD1CA. strictly modern, furnished. Orand
ave. and Belmont. (20 up.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St.; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate aatn. reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; janitor service; rent reasonable.
HANOVER Apartments, corner King and
Washington sis., 8 -room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steam
beat, hot water, private bath, free phones
ana janitor service; rent very reasonable.
THE LAURETTE apartments, 229 11th; new
brick building, one choice, elegantly fur
nished S-room apartment, all modern
conveniences, 5 minutes walk from post
offlce. Both phones.
THE Ruble Apartments, in 3 and 4-room
furnished suites, location In heart of city;
private baths and phones, janitor and ele
vator service; light, eheerful rooms. 475
THE LANDORE, 2SS 10th. near Jefferson;
perfectly new 3-room suite, completely
furnished for housekeeping; sleeping
St., unfurnished 3-room apartments: all
modern conveniences; private porches;
reasonable rent-
New furniture of 3-room strictly modern
apartment near Washington St., only $195;
porcn snaae, etc. a owner.
STEAM-HEATED 5 -room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett st- Apply
Morgan, Fleidner & Boyce. 503 Abington
FOR RENT Modern '4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
King and Wayne sts.; furnished. 55; un
furnished, $40. Apply janitor. -
THB SHE FIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts. ;
unfurnUhed apartment with bath, every
convenience; desirable location; reason
able rent. Main 2506, A 3143.
BROADWAY apartments, 4 rooms, completely
furnished; new. modern, hot water heat;
walking distance from business center. 377
Vancouver ave. Phono East 2585.
Fifth and College. Main 60S0. New brick
strictly first-class; all modern conven
iences; one 4-room; walking distance.
IHE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences; $13
to $30. Corner 20th and Washington sts.
THE IRVING, 21st and Irving sts., April
4-room unfurnished apartment ; heat, hot
and cold water, gas range, refrigerator, etc
Apply janitor.
FOR SALE Furn teh i n gs of 3 - roo m apa rt
ment; excellent condition ; must sell; apart
ment can be rented if deired. see janitor
Hanover Apartments Monday.
TH RE E- ROOM furn ished apartment with
sleeping porch, private bath, 2 large
closets, phone and heat. 561 East Yam
hill st. East 1710.
THE STANLEY 4-room, unfurnished apart
ment for rent, on first floor; Washington
street : suitable for doctor's office.
$28 TH REE-room neatly furnished apart
ment; bath. 423 Montgomery st. Mar
shall 1590.
ONE 5-ROOM and one 4-room apartment,
ground floor. 465 East Ash. Inquire 42 h
3d st.
2 and S-ROOM newly furnished apartments
in new and strictly modern house, line
neighborhood. East 1430. 22S East 20th.
UNFURNISHED apartment, steam heat, pri
vate bath. Phone Main 5148. A 7309. Har-
rison Court, Sth and Harrison sts.
WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett.
One 2-room, one 3-room furnished apart
21st and Flanders. One beautifully fur
nished front 3-room apartment.
FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartmen ts,
with bath and pantry and other conven
iences. Phone Woodlawn 942.
NEW 3-room apartment with private bath,
furnished or unfurnished. 64S-A Thur-
iuau at. umy Apartments.
VAUNITA 325 11th stT very nicely fur
nished 2-room ' modern apartment; new
brick building, close in ; janitor service.
NOB HILL Beautifully furnished 3-room
apartment, new building, elevator. 6U5
Lovejoy gt.. Apt'. 41. Phone A 1650.
One front apartment for rent; every
thing modern. 695 Lo vej oy st. W car.
MORTON. 697 Washing .on st. One unfur
nished 3-room apartn.ent; best location in
IRIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill. 1st of
April. 4 rooms, 32.
THE KING DAVIS 3 and 4-room. corner of
King and Davis sts..; refere n c es.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms and suites- strictly
modern; reasonable. 4 IX) Morrison st.
New. modern five-room flat, paneled
living-room with beamed ceilings
beamed ceiling and heavy plate rail in
the dining-room, fine bathroom, furnace
cement basement, good-sized rooms, large
closets, select neighborhood. fine view
851 Halsey street. Phone Sunday or even
ings. East 728, week days East 92 or B
MODERN, new. upper flat. 10 rooms and 2
baths; very desirable for large family or
for persons wishing to keep a number of
roomers; gas and electricity, with globes
and all fixtures complete; rent moderate
409 Jackson st., bet. loth and 11th.
iOH RENT New and strictly modem 6
room flats on 20th and -Laurel sts Port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
85 Fourth st.
LOWER flat, three nicely-furnished rooms
gas, bath, large pantry, very convenient,
joy distance, reasonable. 548 ,Love-
Three rooms, alcove, bath, porch f ur
rdshed; would sell at sacrifice. 233 H
FLATS Two fine modern lower flats, 5 rooms
each, corner 23d and Johnson am. Rents
$30 and $3o respectively, c. II. Koran, 25o
BEAUTIFULLY finished 5-room flat Nob
Hill district; adults only. N 887 Ore
gonian. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1618. A 1984. Ail covered wag-
or,3. all experienced men.
ONE new 6-room modern flt: "S" and "F"
carline. Inquire at drugstore. Front and
Glbbs sts.
FOR RENT 4-room modern flat, furnished -no
children ; references. Apply 317 rtu-I
sell st. Phone C 27iS.
5-ROOM modern corner flat, lare liirht
rooms, across Steel bridge, close in. In
qiTire on premises. Cor. Ross and Dixon.
UNFURNISHED 3-room flat with bath -adults
only. .537 Montgomery st. Phone
Main 1018.
FOR RENT 335 H Chapman st., flat 5
rooms and bath ; not modern; no chll
drcn. Phone East 55 26.
FOR RENT 6-room flits, strictly modern
on two carlines. Apply to Jones' drus
store. Front and Gibbs sts.
SIX-ROOM flat. 5 blocks of P. O. Inaulre
327 Mohawk bldg.
MODERN 5-room. downstairs flat, with
small yard. Apply at 8Q4 Front st.
FIVE-ROOM flat, alcove and sleeping porch
392 Ross st., near Broadway.
MODERN upper cornel flat, 5 rooms, good
attic and basement. 475 7th st.
MODERN upper 5-room flat, E. SLark and
1 6t h. Pho p e Wood lawn S58.
DEI SR ABLE modern flat: 6 sunny rooms -Nob
Hill; references. Main S59.
NEW 7-room flat, built-in furniture, sleeping-
poroh. Ph-ne Ea st 3024.
LOWER flat. 6 rooms, adults. Phone East
2301!. Key 32S i Mill st.
A MODERN 5-room flat. 604 East Alder
Phono Main 0535.
A NEW 5-room flat, $25. 410 East 12th
and Division. Phone, A 33 k3.
328 PARK st., furnished flat, with or with
out board. Owner.
MODERN 4-room flat, very reasonable,
walking distance. 35 19th, corner Market.
NOB HILL fiat, 5 rooms, modern- furnace
fireplace. H. A. Webber. Main 2GSS.
4-ROOM modern flat. Tabor 1871.
House keeping Rooms.
DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur
nished suites. Fifth st.. 305 Jefferson.
Beautiful central location.
WANTED Woman or girl to share house
keeping rooms. Room 100, The Glendora,
or phone Main 77S.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur
nished. 191 14th st.
461 E. MORRISON, cor. E. 8th Completely
furnished housekeeping suites, reasonable,
TWO and three very nice large, modern
houeekeeplng rooms. 403 2d.
NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, $14.
631 Washington sr.. cor. 20th.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. ,203 Stanton. "U" car.
$L50 week. large, clean furn. housekeeping
rnnma; launary. natn. gas, in gnerm an.
THE MILNER, 350 H Morrison, cor. Park.
Home apartments, all conveniences.
Housekeeping Room.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gas range, electric lights, hot water,
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up;
bet In city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. -S" or 16th-st. cars north.
get on at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
ONEONTA. 1S7 17th. near Yamhill; take
V" car at depot; furnished 2, 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites by week $5.50,
by month $20 aud up; hot and cold water.
a'-a pnone ire. Main 46T, JL 4T39.
Well-furnishedv housekeeping rooms, 2 $3
month. 3 for $12; cottage. 4 rooms. $20;
3rt4 26th. N., (West Side). "W" car from
depot. 3d or Morrison to 26th, block north.
3-ROOM apartment, modern, neatly fur
nished, bath, gas range. large closet,
porch, telephone, $25 month. Campbell,
40S Hall.
LARGE, clean, weil furnished housekeeping
rooms, suitable for small families, gas.
bath and phone. $2.50 to $. 146
Front st.
NEWMARKET HOTEL, under new manage
ment; furnished and unfurnished house
keeping, alto sleeping rooms for rent. 2u&
A a.ih:ngton St.
5o8 Alder st. ; rooms, single or en suite;
cheap rent. Call and gee them. Close In.
LARGE furnished single housekeeping room
with big pantry. Walking distance. 431
Salmon st.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable, no children; free gas, bath, phone.
294 14th.
$1.6 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas,
. furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave.
NEWLY-f urnished housekeeping apartment,
both phones, free bath; no children. The
Barton. 13th and Alder.
THREE-ROOM apartment, modern, heat,
light, phone; first floor, phone A 4167. or
. call 230 ifr 12th st.
STEPHENSON COURT. 515 Mill st. Phone
Main 5110. Three nice rooms with pri-vat-a
bath, first floor, very reasonable.
FOR RENT One or two completely fur
nished housekeeping rooms. Apply 52 i
3rd St.. room 2.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments;
furnlshsd. 191 14th st.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
$13.50 NICELY furnished suite of house
keeping rooms, in good location, near
car. walking distance. West Side, large
""" mm ruatB. rnnne &enwooa i iuv.
LOWER flat, three nicely furnished rooms,
gas. bath, large pantry, very convenient,
walking distance, reasonable. 548 Love
Joy St.
270 MONTGOMERY Nicely furnished house
keeping suite, 1, 2 or 3 rooms; central; gas,
bath, bay windows; $10, $15 and $20 month-
NICELY-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
beautiful residence district near Williams
and Killlngsworth avenue. Piedmont Addi-
tlon. 1212 Moore gt. Woodlawn lQ8g.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite; water
eiectrlo lights and kitchen; fuel furnished!
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Burnside. Marshall
-ONE large furnished housekeeping room,
small room attached; woodshed, large yard,
sink and necessary requirements; $3 a week
or $12 per month. 332 First st.
$4 WEEK 2 well-furnished housekeeping
rooms; running water, range, gas, also sin
gle housekeeping room, $2.50. 307 Harri
son. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
$2.50 per week up. gas. bath and phone?
108 12th. near Washington.
TWO large housekeeping rooms nicely fur
nished; water in kitchen; walking dis
tance. 235 12th Bt.
VERY nicely furnished large front alcove
room, housekeeping; running water, porch,
walking distance. 321 11th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms and fur
nished rooms; private family. 526 Co
lumbia st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, sink,
pantry, walking distance, $10. 211 Sal
mon st.
3 ROOMS; walking distance, wood and gas
cooking, hot and cold water, bath, etc
Call East 1500.
2 NEWLY furnished rooms in strictly new
and modern house, room-size sleeplng
porch adjoining. East 1430. 22S E. 20th.
WELL furnished suite, furnace heat, gas
range, electric lights, phone, bath. $14
per month. 509 Johnson St., near 15th.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
close in, bath, gas, yard; only $12 month.
360 Second.
1 NOW have 3 well-furnished rooms, vacant
one $5. one $8, one $10 per month. 311
Main st., bet. 5th and 0th.
3 CONNECTING housekeeping rooms, newly
furnished; no children, something worth
while. 2756 C I a y .
& TO 5 well-furnished rooms, with bath and
phone, yard, on carline, walking distance. 34
FI. 9th N. East 192.
TWO lovely furnished housekeeping rooms,
dnk, water, bath, phone. Call 5S0 Petty
grove. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath,
phone, fine yard. 498 Nehalem ave.. Sell
wood. THREE furnished or unfurnished pleasant
housekeeping rooms; $lo. $15. 415 Clifton
st.. cor. 10th; walking distance.
TWO private and pantry. $15, wood, water,
electric light and phone Included. 855
Clinton. W-R car. Phone Sellwood !02.
THREE light housekeeping rooms, fur
nished: no children. 137 Monroe st. Phone
Woodlawn 2122.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, phone,
water, $14; walking distance. Phone A
THREE furnished rooms, new bungalow,
clean, neat: all modern conveniences. 781
East Yamhill St.. East 4379.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
lnk. gas. electric lights, bath. 574 Rodney
ave. Phone C 1563.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms. SO E.
8th. corner Stark. B 142Q.
SEVERAL nice housekeeping rooms, fine lo
cation. 54 N. ISth. Marshall 1117.
U OR 3 nicely furnished "Housekeeping
rooms. 194 N. 17th st.
ONE large front furnished housekeeping room
gas, no children. 48S Everett st.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping moms; every
3 CLEAN. nicely furnished housekeeping;
rooms; gas, bath, reasonable. 692 Front.
3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms. West Side, good
location; $16. A 7245.
THREE modern housekeeping rooms.
Raleigh st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
302 Jefferson, cor. 10 th.
TWO nice front housekeeping rooms, rea
snnable. 330 H 2d et.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, lovely
yard, bath, phone. Main 2266. 387 1st.
TWO pleasant housekeeping rooms, deslr
able location ; close in. 371 12th.
NEWLY-TINTED and furnished room, light
housekeeping; $10 month. 334 Park st.
TWO front housekeeping rooms, nlcelv fur
nished. 330 6th. bet. Clay and Market.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, reasona
ble. &18 Columbia ft.
TWO nice housekeeping rooms, close in. 67
Grand ave. N.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, gas,
hath, phone. 6S7 East Morrison.
FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
private entrance. Call Tuesday. 215 10th.
THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for
light housekeeping, 8S5 East Madison st.
NEWLY papered housekeeping rooms. 104
11th. near Washington st. Phone A 47S6.
OPPORTUNITY for housekeeping for nice
couple. 321 13th st. Main 8 S 9 5.
TWO or three desirable housekeeping-rooms,
all conveniences, $18 and $25. 347 Hall st.
189 l.STH 2 pleasant rooms, completely fur
n ished; $18: gas range, phone, bath; adults.
CLEAN, light, well-furnished housekeeping
rooms, reasonable. ?95 6th st.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 667 Everett st..
2 off Waoh.
2 ROOMS, 440 East 26th st. North, near
Tillamook. Broadway car to Tillamook.
2 HOUSEKEEPING suites and single rooms.
24 North 10th.
IRVINGTON cozy, clean, completely fur
niched apartment. East 3981.
FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, running
water." 149 13th st.. near Morr) son.
2 DESIRABLE rooms completely furnished
for housekeeping: modern. 541 6th st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 268 Vi
14th. near Jefferson.
SUITE of rooms complete for housekeeping,
with all conveniences. 38 S 11th st.
TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms,
$15. 51 East Pins st. East 5876.
706 GLISAN Lower double parlors, kitchen,
closets; upper, large. light alcove room.
4 LARGE housekeeping-rooms, with base-
m ent, $15. 248 Cherry. Phone E ast 3 S 5 1 .
LARGE front room with alcove, for light
house-keeping. $2. 72 N. 1 4th St.
FI RST floor, corner, two convenient house
keeping rooms. $17. 72 N. 14th st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 535 Yamhill st
8 CLEAN unfurnished rooms. 206 13th. .
. Honsekfeping Rooms in Private Family.
NEWLY furnished, cheerful front rooms,
dining-room, kitohen, gas range; modern
home; exceptionally fine location; walk
ing distance: few steps East Morrison
street carline; no children; very reason
a hie. 652 Belmont st.. cor. East ISth.
TWO large, light. well-f urnished house
keeping rooms in modern house: all con
veniences of private residence; West Side;
references. tilO Northrup st. Phone A
74Q4. $17.
W HOLE lower floor, parlor, dtnfnff-mom.
kitchen and pantry, with fireplace, bath,
gas, steel range, gas for cooktng. sink,
hot and cold water, yard and basement.
231 E. 6Ci, nea r Sal m on.
FOUR completely furnished ground-floor
rooms, private bath. telephone, water,
sewing machine, good neighborhood, walk
ing distance. East Side, cheap to careful
tenants Telephone East 5 110.
FIRST-CLASS home board, large, sunny
front room, also smaller room, strictly
private ; nice location ; modern ; reason
r able. 521 Couch.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms and
bath, reasonable; fine view, large grounds,
fruit. Tabor Heights. 1701 Base Line.
Phone Tabor 87S. P 1445.
$11 A MONTH, basement, furnished for
nousekeeping. suitable for two or threa
working girls or married couple; must ba
respectable; private entrance. 3S0 1st at.
FOR RENT on Portland Heights. 2 or 3
large, well lighted partly furnished house
keeping rooms; gas, water, etc. Address
489 21st st. Phone M. 2257.
2 SWELL furnished rooms with light
kitchen privilege, steam heat, walking;
distance. beautiful home and location.
Main 8075.
HOUSEKEEPING Rooms on first floor. 22S
13th st. near Salmon.
FOUR furnished rooms for housekeeping.
Phone East 1397.
7 rooms. 690 Halsey st.. $40.
10 rooms, 6s8 Halsey st.. $50.
5 rooms, 13 Gtbbs St., $17.50
ti rooms, 49 E. Davis St.. $23.
6 rooms. 555 Madison St.. $IS.
5 rooms. 3S9 N. 25th St.. $15.
5 rooms, 431 E. 46th st.. $10.
7 rooms, 257 N art ilia st.. $30.
5 rooms. E. 12th and Division, $25,
5 rooms, 66 Cornell St., $25.
5 rooms, E. 1st and Clackamas. $35.
6 rooms, 6T5 E. Washington. $35.
6 rooms. fl E. 28th, N.. $25.
6 rooms. 151 Grand ave.. N., $27.50.
5 rooms, 202 Grand ave.. N.. $25.
5 rooms, 371 Pacific St.. $20.50.
5 rooms. 371 Pacific St., $20.50.
5 rooms, 224 V? E. 1st., N., $25.
. 250 Alder St.
WHEN you move you'll need new furniture.
Buy it judiciously and the savinga will ex
ceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one oe
the largest furniture houses in the cityt i;
two years.
Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers.
69-75 Grand Ave., Cor. Bust Stark St.
East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carllnest
pass our door.
New, modern five-room flat, paneled
living-room with beamed ceilings,
beamed celling and heavy plate rail la
the dining-room, fine bathroom, furnace,
cement basement, good-sized rooms, large
closets, select neighborhood. fine view.
851 Halsey street. Phone Sunday or even
ings. East 728, Week days East 92 or B
8-ROOM house, very fine view, close in, oa
WTest Side; terms. $4200.
4 to 7-room houses on Installments t
some splendid good bargains.
A good Investment close to Upper
.Washington st.; has good Income, $12,500.
215 Henry Bldg.
FOR RENT A very nice 0-room modern
cottage in Piedmont, near Portland boule
., Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts.
NINE-ROOM house and 2 acres ground on,
west slope of Mt. Tabor, nice yard, flow
ers, fruit trees, barn and chicken house.
East Morrison carline. Inquire AB 886,
MODERN 7-room house, close in. carline,
$35. or $30 by year; 6-room house, cor.
East 39th and Holgate, $ia to good ten
unt. Joseph H. Johnston, - 32? Lafayette
bldg.. Washington and 6th.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage for Summer
months; neatly furnished; will rent cheap
to right parties. Address 410 Klllings
worth, ave.
BRAND new 7-room house; ideal location;
fine view, in one of the most desirable
additions to Portland Heighta Address 622
Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall S23.
A DESIRABLE 9 -room house for rent; fine
lawn, good neighborhood ; half block from
carline; rent $25 per month. 293 San Rafael
st. Take U car. Inquire next door, 291.
PORTLAND heights, modern 7-room house
with attic, located on Spring and 21st
sts. A beautiful place. Phpne O. F.
Cooke. Main 9542.
NEW. modern. 6-room houses, bath, shades,
combination fixtures, fruit trees, good
view; walking distance; rent $16. 241-243
Tillamook st. Take "U" car.
NEARLY new 6-room modern house, fur
nace, etc., easy walking distance, to re
sponsible parties only; location corner
Chapman and Madison sts.
MODERN 8-room bungalow at Harold ave.
station on W-W carline; beautiful, sight
ljw location, with fruit and flowers. Key
on the premises.
FOR RENT 7-room house. No. 92 E. 27th
fit. $16 per month. Several fruit trees; 3t
blocks from carline. Bv West &. Owen, 108
Front st. Phone Main 8488.
5-ROOM! nice upper flat, 772 Etast Ankenv
7-room house. 71S E. Morrison, $22.
F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg.
FOR RENT A brand new 5-room modern bun
galow; $20. 31st and E. Morrison sts. Key
925 Pelmont. B 1064.
MODERN 6-room house, 543 EL 17th St., X
block from Waverly-Woodstock car. phona
East ItlOQ. $1S.
NEW 7-room house, strictly modern, foi
rent at Portsmouth. Alfred A. Baker, 212
Abington bldg.
MODERN 10-room bnuee, choice location, 741
Giisan, near 2;td st. Rents $05. C. H.
Keren. 250 Stark.
MODERN 6-room tonement on East Pins,
near 13th. Address .836 Halsey. Phona
C 2260.
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house in Broad-
way addition, gas and. electric lights; $.;fl
per month. phone Sellwood lPQO.
$40 PER MONTH New modern 8-room res
idence, with nice yard ; walking distance
691 East Washington st.
FOR RENT House, stable, chicken house,
3 lots. R. A. Taylor, E. 49th and Haw
thorne. B .1510-
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 16 IS. A 1984. All covered wag
ons. ail experienced men.
MODER.f 9-room furnished house. East
Side: walking distance; nice yard. A 889.
ONE side of modern double house, j rooms,
furnace and lawn ; good location ; adults.
hhh e. J a y I or.
COTTAGE, 4 rooms, modern, chicken-house.
Would rent 4 lots adjoining for truck gar
den. Mrs. Moxley. Tremont, Mt. Scott car.
NEW modern 7-room house and 4 lots, full
basement; lease from 1 to 6 years. Phona
Sellwood 16.
COTTAGE West Side, close In. 5 rooms,
partly furnished, including piano. Call
Main 2375.
7-ROOM house with bath, gas. In good, con
dition. 612 Petty grove, $16.
THREE-ROOM cottage. $13; on Lincoln st.,
near 8d; good order: yard. Main 4S19, (
STRICTLY new modern R-room house, 1
block from M car. 80S Michigan.
$20 -5- ROOM house. 292 N. 20th st. W. .
Waddel, 3o9 Lumber Exchange.
NINE-ROOM house, rent $25.
lth North.
Apply 54 Ev
HOUSE of 7 rooms. 749 Johnson. Rent $25,
C. H. Knrell, 250 Stark.
NEW 5-room cottage. 869 Hood st. In
qujre 426Va 6th.
S ACRES, house, fruit trees, berries, near
carline. Phone mornings. Tabor 2' 1 0 7.
6-ROOM cottage, gas and bath, hy April 13
or 20. near Sunnside carline. 27 E. 3nth.
SIX rooms. 363 Ross, near Broadway, near
Steel Bridge. $20.
FOR RENT S-room house. 32 E. 15th St.,
corner Pine.
FOR RENT Cottsge on 233 Stout St.. Key
at 600 Salmon st.
6-ROOM- modern cottage, $16. Phone O
1K37. 62S Williams ave.
8-ROOM house for rent on Johnson St., be
twn 23d and 24th. Phone Main 4132.
CLOSE in. 4"4 Benton st. ; good 6-room
house. $25- Phone Main 3024.
4-ROOM cottage. 33S East 44th st., $12.50.
Phone Tabor 356 Monday.
$17 Modern 5-room bungalow at 1531 Vir
ginia st. Fulton car.
S-ROOM modem cottage. 124 East 15th st
Phona Main 6535.