14 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 10, 1910. WA MED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's caat-off clothing and hoes; we also buy household furnishings : highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 4 7 Zd St., North. Phone Main 9272. WANTED Contractor to do small Job of grading and take Rls pay in iota, V. VINCENT JONES, S-2-S0a Lewis Bldg. fc' ANTED Cloth ins. beet price paid for ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st. HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-ofl clothing, shoes, blcvcles and all seeond hand goods. Tl North 3d. Marshall 699. WANTED Motorcycle, cash; nust be cheap ana in gooa conumon; give iun paruu tilars. E 872. Oregonian. FOUR or six cub bears, state price in first letter: no fancy price paid. Portland Bird 'o.. 1H L'nion ave. bKLL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phonos: A 2443. Main 8051. WAITED Two good milch cows; give par ticulars and price. R. G. Garner. Camas, IV a n.. R. F. D. No. 1. JOB press, must be In good condition, Kol'cv Doe, Cam aw. "Wash. KrUT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attpnt ion always given. Phone East 1067. WANTED A second-hand safe. X 696, Ore- gor.ian. WANTED Mules, must be young and in fair shape. B Shi, Or-sonian. HELP WAXTKD MALE WANTED. Bash and door machine men, door pate hers, wages $2.50 up. Boys or young men to learn sash and door work, steady work, wages $1.75 up, with good chance of advancement. For full particulars, call at PACIFIC KM i'Lu VM EN T COMPANY. Main Office, 12 North 2d St. fcAKHEUS' State Board of Examiners of OreK'n "Will Le in session April 11. 12, 13, at 1071 1st St., this city, to examine all applicants holding permits. X. M. Lea bo. secretary. .WANTED Cne industrious man to sell and collect; must furnish security bond and ref erences; man who can furnish horse pre lerred. 4o Washington at. Call between 8 and 10 A. M. kKI'HBSKNTATI VES. every town; inter view people, no soliciting; no investment required ; prefer real estate man; give eferentt'S. United Realty Brokers, 121 "West 4 lid St.. New York. FAST CARD-WRITER, for Seattle; give ex perience and salary expected; only good workman iK-ed write; steady position. Ad dress J. C. Corey, 60 Columbia st., Se attle. 3.NTELLIGKNT man or woman can make money writing for newspapers and maga zines; no canvassing; experience unnec essary; particulars FREE. Press League, 774 Marquette bldg. , Chicago. SALESMAN wanted Embroidery and lace manufacturers want salesman now trav eling having established trade in small towns. Liberal proposition. Merk & Co., 410 Broadway, New York. SALESMAN traveling to sell mill line blankets, flannels and dry woods spe ial t les. to retailors on commission ; strong fide line. Manufacturer, 214 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. VV ANT' to start you silvering mirrors at home in stare time; any one can easily xnuke 5.4 duily. Free booklet and sam ples. O, F. Redmond, 50 Walnwright bldg.. Boy ton. Maws. WANTED -Man and wife on fruit farm to take care ot garden, chickens, etc.; wages paid in accordance with work performed; elderly German or Scotch couple preferred. O s,s7, Oregonian. CATARRH, ASTHMA SITFERERS send your name and address, free bottle of liquid that cures to stay cured. Address T. Gorham. HO Turner bldg.. Battle Crock. Mich. WANTED A good i. it salesman ; have the newt "proposition in Portland for one who can sell nal ewiate. Call or write, T. Sco- ville. 523 Corbet t bldg. BALKS MANAGER wanted for local man ufacturing company ; must Invest from 1 000 to $uoou; steady employment. J S7i. Oregonian. ELEVATOR BOY WANTED. Must be neat-apptaring and live at home. Call today, Drexel Hotel. 246 Yamhill st. W ANTED A first-class- planing mill man who understands w ood turning ; steady job for first-class man ; no other need apply. C. W. Sears A S.n, Albany. Or. !W aid our members to secure employment. Constant demand for young men of ability and integrity. Special employment mem berahjp. Y. M. C A. ' $25 WEEKLY and expenses to trustworthv people ; travel and distribute samples for wholesale houso. C. Emery, A 40, Chi cat;o. H'HKE E-Rt JOM furnished apartment in ex change for hi janitor service night and morning. SIT Vancouver ave. Phone East fciALES.MEN w an ted to sell new 1910 cen sus map of Washington and Oregon; good men are making from $.;o to $50 per week clear. 322 hi, Stark St. BALESMKN wanted for the best new townsite in tl:e Deschutes Valley; in town and out of town. American Trust Co., 2vO Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for machinery house; must be competent and worker for advance; good salary; bond required. Y 894, Oregonian. . 'WANTED Linotype operator; married man preferred; steady position; state expe rience end wages wanted. Address Coun try. B 850, Oregonian. MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $25 weekly; easy work, short hours; learn business in short time. Motion Picture mi Operating School. 526 !, W ash. s t . GOV E RN M EN T EM PLOY ES WANTED Write for Portland examination schedule preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dent. 410 N., Rochester. N. Y. "WANTED- Reliable men who can sell trees for largest nursery in the West. For t urther particulars address Oregon Nur sery Co.. Qrenco, Or. IOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, postot flee clerks, carriers, etc Write or call for Book 30, it's free. Pacific States School. McKay Bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED Married farmer to take charge and work small farm ; good wages and good home if satisfactory. Apply at Brunswick Restaurant, Oregon City. W ANTE L A first class coat maker, Scan dinavian or German preferred. Telephone Becker v WalquitU. Rainier. Or. 1'INK business opportunity for young man with few hundred doliurs; salarv and pro fits; state experience. X SVr,bregontan. TWO bright, energetic boys, about IS years old. Clarke. Woodward Drug Co., yth and Tloyt sis.. 3d floor. .EXPERIENCED bookkeeper who can give 1 nl and en y reference. Address Tariff A S5J. Oft Konlan. ' WANTED First-elass. all-around awning man; state experience. C. H. Jones & Son, "anom er. B. C. Bookkeeping private tuition in book- keeping by an accountant. B01 Mr chants Trust bldg.. tith and Washington. WA NT ED Japanese for cooking and gen eral housework. Call 515 Tillamook st East 4MU. WANTED Live advert isinK man. ono fa miliar wit h drug business preferred. AP . s;t. Orcgenian. WANTED Experienced machine ptarcher. Ap ply tar Luunury Co., L'nion ave. and" E. Ar:ker.y. WAN TED Salesmen to take orders; no de- livt-ring ; $ I. dully for expenses. Grant Mfc. Co.. Century hMg.. Pittsburg. Pa. WANTED First-class no special knowlfiln sman ; need have our line. Amilv tn a f iller's of! 41 Glisan st. AN VON E can make money writing short stories; big pa. Send for free booklet: to! 's how, presj. Syn Ou-at e, San Francisco. W A N T E I Four c ood. brigh t men to sell stork: good commission. - AM 8S9. Ore gonian. WANTED Machine man and bovs for wire matt reuses. 1 h and Thurman sts. IVHAiV'O-SrillFl'Kli wameduT 22 Wash ington ft. WANTED Barber at once. USm Macadam street. T JiOOKKEKPING CLASSES. Sol MER CHANTS" TRUPT BLDG. WANTED Fhotonraph coupon agents- new offer; a winner. Outbe.-th. Dekum bl ti g. JiAKKR'S helper wanted at once. titiO Al- berta ft. i'Kl.NTBU Wniuei. tyy-esetter; $15 to begin w -: t h. Enterprise, w Mte Salmon. Wash. METAL lathers, one shlngler. K. Pine and ERRAND boy wnnt,il. Butler-Schutxe Co., . t h. or plioi-.e Eay t r 1 ! WANTED Voting man to work in drug- store, unregistered. Box 14. Itanks. Or. WANTED B-y learn drug business. Dlck son Drug Co. Tabor T4. Fl I iS T - C L A j 1 ad i e s" t ai lor. F. W Pa 1 1 75 N. Ifith st. LIVH city salesman f-r office goods. Cun ringham Co.. Stark st. WANTED Lunch cook: no drunkard need apply. AJ 72. Oregonian. BENCH man and bandsaw man. S31 Will ituus avenue. HELP WANTED MALK. TH RES EXPERIENCED TOWNSITB SALESMEN FOR CITY SELXJ.NG. We have thousands of inquiries to follow before April 20. Two salesmen cleared $400- In 10 days. Lane County salesman made $100 in one day. Low prices, easy terms, unique selling plan and very liberal commission. - Apply any time this morning. C. W. DAVIS A CO., Sixth Floor. Commercial Building. BOOK SALESMEN The Century Co.. New York, announces its intention, beginning April, of starting a vigorous campaign in the Pacific Coast cities on its offers of Century editions of sets of standard English and French authors with The Century Magazine. The large sale which these offers have enjoyed in the East for a period of years bespeaks forthem an unexampled degree of popularity in an en tirely new field, and first-class book sales men who can appreciate what this cam paign is going to mean to them should communicate at once with A. C Risdon, general manager Subscription Department, Hotel Lincoln. Seattle. WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Ma rine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35 M ut be n ai ve born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional compensa tion possible. Food, clothing, quarters and. medical attendance free. After 30 years serv ice can retire with 75 per cent of pey and al lowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden bldg.. til and Washington arts.. Portland. Or. WANTED Salesman for western territory by Chicago wholesale house; experienced, ambitious man, who has sold to country merchants standard goods or advertising specialties preferred ; fine opening ; posi tion will pay right man $51)0 or better; paying two men now $1000 month each. Give references and experience. Addrass Sales Manager, luO Franklin St., Chicago. YO UN G men to learn automobile business by mail and prepare for positions as chauffeurs and repair men. We make you expert In 10 weeks; assist you to secure position. Pay big; work pleasant; de mand for men gneat; reasonable; write for particulars and sample lesson. Em pire Automobile Institute, Rochester, N. Y. EVERr young man seeking employment or desiring to better his condition, should take advantage of the special employ ment membership, and get in quick touch with the advisory and employment sec retary of the Y. M. C. A. Strangers our specialty. Good fellowship, good advloe, good position awaits you MEN and women to demonstrate and dis tribute our food flavors to housewives; a sure sale at every house and. reorders; a s toady Income for each and every rep resentative in every city and county. Easy money-making plan free. Address Ed v. ard Shepard, 67 W. Houston St.. New York. CIVIL SERVICE employes-are paid well for work; examinations every month; expert advice; sample questions and booklet 369 describing positions and telling easiest and quickest way to secure them. Write now. Washington Civil Service School, Washington. D. C. WANTED ON HOOD RIVER APPLE ORCHARD, good, strong man and wife, not afraid to work long or short hours, as occasion demands; steady employment by the year to the right people; state ages and nuxn ber In family. R SSS, Oregonian. GOVERNMENT positions; chances never better secure one of thousands of ap pointments to be made; particulars as to salaries, positions, dates examinations in Portland; sample questions, etc., sent free in circular 101 Natl. cor. Institute, Waah ington, D. C. SALESMEN for city and vicinity who want to earn big money and can sell a gilt edge public utility investment; we have the proposition, and If you can deliver the goods the amount you can mak-3 Is prac tically unlimited; references required, W 8 a 9. Oregonian. MEN wanted for firemen and brake men 'on nearby railroads; experience unnecessary; good vision; age 20-3ii; $75 to $llo monthly. No strike; permanent employment; promo tion; 400 men being sent to positions; state age, weigTit, height. Send stamp monthly Railway Association, care Oregonian. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, So North 4th St., Portland, Or. EXPERIENCED demonstrators wanted; must be A-l; one of the best propositions for demonstrators ever offered by large and well-known concern ; $100,000 adver tising campaign to back it. Address The Keenoh Company, 1923 Fort St. West. De troit, Mich. WANTED Best local salesman for big deals on exclusive advertising specialties; must prove record quickly; several propositions requiring Immediate attention. Cruver Mfg. Co.. Chicago. SALESMAN Experienced in any line to sell general trade on Pacific Coast; a specialty proposition ; commissions with $35 weekly advance for expenses. Continental Jew elry Co., Clealand .Ohio. , "WANTED First-class automobile mechanics for repair work on all makes of cars ; first-class men wanted only; none others need apply White Garage, 6th and Mad ison. MAN willing to learn and capable of acting as our representative ; no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured. National Co-operative Co., 792 Marden bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. SALESMEN $100 weekly selling $20 soda fountains to small stores; com. $10; you collect when sale Is made. Zenith Mfg. Co., 60 Wabash ave., Chicago. WANTED 10 experienced strawberry and apple men; also 20 men for clearing and road building; $2.50 per day. White Sal mon Realty Co.. White Salmon. Wash. WANT to start you In business; spare time at hom,e; most ingenious money-maker ever devised; free particulars. K. E. Ab bott. Desk A Omaha. Neb. COLLAPSIBLE galvanized iron egg case; dandy advertising proposition. MACKS COLLAPSIBLE EGG CASE CO., 1005 Summit. Kansas City, Mo. BEST calendar and advertising specialty salesman in surrounding territory' for best exclusive all year line ; must prove good record. Cruver Mfg. Co., Chicago. WANTED Tea and coffee solicitor, premi um line, who can show results; salary or salary and commission : permanent; ref erences required. X 8i7, Oregonian. L". S. Cutlery Co.. Mfg., Fremont. O., head quarters for easy selling, profit-making patented specialties and household necessl- M EN of good appearance to sell city lots 1 n x nree auiereni pares or tne city; we furnish names daily to call on. 318 Ablng ton bldg. MEN (or women), $4 a day, sure all year raising, mushrooms in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. ; big market; free Illustrated booklet. riiram .tfarton. w est 4tn st., New York. A TV RTTlTi nf Vnnnir men vt..A ...i- p i j.. 11 anu ouuii oerviee, gooa positions guaranteed. Call or address School of Telegraphy. 14S 5th st- DIRECT from factory; enormous profit; crew managers, canvassers patent enam eled ware utensils. National Specialty Mfg. Co.. Pittsburg. Fa, OFFICE and delivery boy, 16 years oJd. Good salary, permanent position. Reming ton Typewriter Co. WANTED Boy, well recommended; good steady position; good wages. Apply 131 10th en... between Wa.qh. and Alder. $1S TO $;5 week, few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving School, box 182. Ashland. Or. TWO high-class salesmen, salary and com mission. Mm furnish surety bond. Rem lngton Typewriter Co. GOOD, live, active man. handy at packing and nailing boxes. Apply Northwestern Macaroni Factory. 109 6th at. North. COATM AKERS, steady work guaranteed until January, $H.,0 and up. Railroad fare paid. Carl E. Franseen. Astoria. Or. WANTED Man to work In cemetery; steady position; married man preferred. T S. Oregonian. WANTED Contractor to build a residence cost of same. $3500 to $3SO0. Call K 15O0 for particulars. RANCH boys ship fresh ranch eggs; com mission paid. Send stamp, particulars, E Fox. 1716 Boylstone ave.. Seattle Wash. WANTED Men to make $500 month getting members ORDER OF OWLS. 13S No. Main St.. South Bend, Ind. BOY wanted, over 16, make himself gen erally useful. 10th and Johnston sts. COLORED boy to help do housework. 475 Morrison St. OFFICE boy for woodyard. South Portland Slabwood Co., foot Lincoln st. FIRST-CLASS salesman; big wages; perma- nent. 21.1 Commercial Eldg. WANTED -Men to smoke NEW YORK BOND five-cent cigarsi BOYS over 16 to work In bag factory. Apply at Ames. Harris. Neville Co.. 5th and Davis. WANTED Boy 16 to IS. Type Founders Co. Apply American EXPERIENCED collector of delinquent ac counts; state experience. AC 851. Oregonian, HELP WANTED MALE. RAILROAD WORK FREE FARE. We ship dally to Klamath Falls, Eu gene. Natron. Shaniko and other points; teamsters, laborers, drillers. machine men. etc. On the Deschutes River: 4 gangs, 35 each. Austrlans, Greeks and Italians, $2.50. board self; interpreter, $:0: 4 extra gangs, company work; 500 laborers, $2.50. $3.00. At Eugene and Natron: 20 men for the material yard, $2.25, $2.50; 6 teamsters for grading camp, $2.50 day. Switchmen for the N. P. R, R at Ta coma and Pasco, 34c hour. , There will be no deduction from wages on free-fa re work. THE FARE IS FREE. WOODS AND MILLS. Man and wife to board men on con tract. Also 75 yardmen, $2.25-2.50 ; ratchet setter, $2.75-$3.00; teamsters, $2.50; buck ers. $2.75; chasers, $2.50-$3.00; axmen, $2.50-$2.75; cut-off men. $2.25-$ 2. 50 ; lum ber grader, $3.00; section men, $2.25; edgerman. $3.00; rigging rustler, $2.75 : head faller. $3.00; second faller. $2.75; section foreman, $90 month; men to clear land. SKILLED AND MECHANICAL, Bridge carpenters, $3.50: rock foreman. $3.75; carbuilders and repairers. $3.25; rough carpenters, $3.00-$3.50; piledrivers, $3.00-$3.50; bridge carpenters' helpers. $2.50; extra gang foreman, $80; steam shovel craneman, $135; cement finisher. 62 yz c per hour; ship caulker, $4 day; factory hands. $1.75 up. FARMS. ETC. p Farmhands, $H0-$40: orchard teamsters, $40; milkers, $30; men to clear land. HOTELS. RESTAURANTS, ETC. Porters, $2 day; cook, $20 week; cook's helper. pantryman, $30; second cook, country hotel. $75; dishwashers, $7-$10; buss boys, $30 and board. City Teamsters, $2.50; concrete labor ers. $2.50; young man to drive wagon. $60 to start; 20 laborers, $2.50; mill hand a, etc New jobs coming in all the time; call early and get the good ones. C. R, HANSEN & CO.. 26 North Second St. Offices in Portland. Spokane and San Francisco. Established 1876. HAN LEY & TR AVERS, Employment Agents. 28Vi North Second St. , WE WANT AT ONCE. 4 bridge carpenters, $3.50. 4 pile-driver men. $3.50. 1 donkey engineer. $3. 3 cant hook men. $3. 1 rock foreman, $75 and board. 2 flunkeys, $35 and board. 4 eheepherders, $40 and board. 3 farmhands, $35 and board. 10 mill and ard men. $2.50. 3 logging teamsters, $2.50. 50 R. R. laborers, $2.0O to $3. We are headquarters for J. W. Sweeney on Tillamook road; Twohy Bros., on the iDeachutes ; Porter Bros. , on the Oregon Trunk; Winston Bros., on the N. P. North. Phone us your orders. LUMBER INSPECTORS and cargo tallymen in great demand; wages $5 and up per day. If you wish to qualify for above or best paid positions in mill, car or cargo trade, send for "The practical Lumber man,' an up-to-date book on figuring squared and tapering lum-ber, octagon spars, standards, metrical orders, specifi cations and lumber-carrying capacity of vessels, log rules, grades, standard weights and finished sizes and other valuable in formation for skilled mlllmen, ship own ers and officers. Mailed for $1 by author. Ji. Bereton. Box 1158, Tacoma. Wash. LIVE SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITORS. We need 4 live subscription solicitors for city work and one to represent our publications in every city In the North west: Germans especially wanted. Call 9 to 12. Call of the West, 229 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED Salesman who can sell the Shel don Course on commission; guaranteed weekly advance; I want a man, not an imitation; if you have 10 per o3nt brains and 80 per cent ability to stick In your makeup, write me for particulars. D 870, Oregonian. MEN WITH TEAMS. We want several men with teams to do plowing at Broadmead; good pay. See Mr. Curtis. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg.. 84 Fourth St. GENERAL MERCHANDISE SALESMAN, CLOTHING SALESMAN, DRY GOODS SALESMAN. COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO.. 407-8-9 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. SALESMAN to sell staple line to all deal ers; attractive contract, commissions ad vanced for expenses; hustler with clean record wanted. E. L. Rice & Company, Detroit. Mich. WANTED CIRCULATION GETTER. NO WHISKY DRINKERS. GOOD PAY FOR BUSINESS PRODUCER. APPLY BY LETTER TO LIVESTOCK REPORTER, UNION STOCK YARDS. PORTLAND. FACTORY superintendent, who understands manufacturing in general; must be thor ough and of good executive ability; capa ble cost estimator and handler of men. Address AL 873. Oregonian. ASSISTANT dry goods man, card writer, window trimmer; age about 35; sober; $15 per week to start ; none but experienced need apply. P. O. box 248, McMinnvllle, Or. WANTED 'Salesman who can sell stock In corporation about to be organized; modest drawing account to a good man; this is a bona fide proposition, backed by rep utable parties. C 882, Oregonian. WANTED A partner with small cash; one able to play piano; no experience neces sary; an income $25 to $2000 a day. F 8S5. Oregonian. MAN and wife to work and take charge of hopyard. Phone Main 677 today 10 to 1 P. M., Monday after 9 A, M. AF 870, Ore gonlan. TRUSTWORTHY man to take charge of ice route; experience preferred; attractive sal ary to right party. Address AF 873, Ore gonlan. BOY WITH WHEEL wanted. Apply at once to Olds. Wortm an & Kin g. TAILORS want bushelman ; best of wages paid; steady work for steady man. RYAN & O'BRIEN, Tailors, 3(7 Morriiion. ONE good dairy hand $40 per month and found. See boss in our office this (Sun day) morning. Canadian Km p. Co., 21 N. 2d st. TAILOR wanted, first-class coatmaker. Hajek, 304 Columbia bldg., 365 Wash in g ton st. WANTED By manufacturer, a sales man ager; contract made to one able to make an investment. Tel. A 2512. YOUNG man or boy for delivery wagon and help inside; room and board; state salary wanted. Phone Sell wood 365. BOOKKEEPER, clothing, dry goods sales man, stenographer, collector. 313 Wash jngton. room IS. WANTED 8 salesmen for lodge proposi tion. $4 for outfit. Care box AJ 889, Oregonian. BOY who can ride wheel, to run errands and do filing in office; salary $25. P. O. Box 746. WANTED Man and wife to work on dariry and general farm in Willamette Valley; wages $50. T 899. Oregonian. WANTED An electrical station man for steam plant. Apply 270 6th st Phone Main 7223. I OWN 6 lots; will pay any one $50 per lot to find me a buyer for them, V 873, Ore gonian. WANTED Ail kinds of plain sewing, shirt vaist suits sreciai- Phone Main 1799 or call 321 7th ft. TWO good solicitors, easy proposition, salary or commission; expenses advanced. 127 11th st. W ANTE D A bo y to roo m and boa rd In pri vate home on West Side, walking distance. A 4516. WANTED Ladies' tailors; first-class only need apply. DeBlanche, 345 fc Washing tqn st. SPECIAL edition promoters should investi gate our proposition. Benedictine Press. 3p6 Goodnough bldg. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, three publications; commission, steady employ ment. Benedictine Press. Goodnough bldg, TRAVELING SALESMAN. no experience necessary; instructions given; state ref erences. D 8i4. Oregonian. TWO first-class stock and bond salesmen; the job is big enough for the best. Call 204 Chamber of Commerce. SALESMEN to sell We just Remedies exclu sively or as side line to druggists. We just R e me d y Co.. Fo rst G ro ve , Or . WANTED Bridge carpenter and laborers. E. 12th and Sullivan's Gulch. Apply to- day. WANTED High-Class bond and stock sales man, top notch proposition to right man, W 8T2 Oregonian. WANTED Registered physician to travel In W as h i n g ton an d Oregon . J . B. N elson, Portland. General Delivery. WANT to correspond with man who can re pair electric motors and gasoline engines, reference. P ?73 Oregonian. MAN for fruit farm, with family prefered. Good chance to the right party. Wood lawn 475. or call 715 Kirby CARPENTERS wanted, corner of Skid more ard Haight streets by J. J. Richardson. WANTED Office boy about 16 years old. Columbia Steel Co., 146 North loth st. BOY. 16 to 1 years, to work in factorv. Pacific Tent A. Awning Co., 27 X. lat-st. HELP WAITED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main Office, 12 N. 2d St. OPEN SUNDAY. 10:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. WANTED FOR SAWMILLS, PLAN1NG MILL3. ETC. Planerman. $3: planerman's helper, $3; planer feeders, $2.25 to $2,60; graders from planers, $2. SO. Boys to work in box factory and planing mills. $1.75 to $2.00; no experience re quired. Millwrights, $4: mill carpenters, $3.50. Rough carpenter, $3.50. S faoure per day. Ten men to help carpenters, etc., $2.26 and $2.50; 4 men to help build sawmill, $2.50. Ratchet setters. 2.75 and $3: 3 carriage riders. $2.60; 2 log deck men, $2.50 up; mill tallymen. $3; 4 yard tallymen, $2.75; band resawyer, $3; gang edgermen, $3.50 to $4; 26 mill hands, ?2.50 to $3. Lumber pliers and yardmen, $2.25 to $2.75. Two rip sawyers, 1 cleat machine man, 2 nailers (hand work) for large box fac tory, wages $2.50 up. MISCELLANEOUS. Flunkeys and cooks for camps. . Dishwashers for hotels. $25 and $30. Laundryman for Southern Oregon, wages $20 week, fare paid. Young men or boys to work In nursery, wages $1.25 to $2 per day and board. Experienced grafters for nursery stock. $2.50 per dav and board. Farm hands, $30. $35 and $40. Wood cutters. $1 to $1.25 per cord. Teamsters, $2.25. $2.50 and $2.75. Loggers, $2,50 to $5. WB ADVANCE FARE ON A LARGE) LIST OF OUR WORK OUT OF THE CITY. SPECIAL NOTICE. WE GUARANTEE TO PAY YOUR. FARE BOTH WAYS IF THERE IS NOT WORK. WHERE WE SEND YOU. Open Sunday, 10:30 A. M, to P. M. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Mam Office 12 N. 2d St. SALESMEN No experience required: hun f dreds of good positions open. Why be contented with poorly paid position when you can earn two to ten times what you now earn. Traveling salesmen earn from $1000 to $10,000 year and expenses; de mand exceeds supply. Our free book. "A Knight of the Grip" will show you bow secure one of these positions. We nave assisted thousands of men to secure good positions and better salaries, we can help you. Write for call) for full particulars today. Address Dept. 715, National Sales men's Training Assn. New York, Chicago, Kansas City, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Atlanta. THE MEIER & FRANK STORES Require a competent furniture salesmen; several young men as stock clerks. A young man of a mechanical turn of mind. A number of neat, tidy boys to learn vthe business. Apply to Superintendent, 6th floor. S to 10 A. M. tomorrow. LAST week Geo. W. Bennett cleared $93. o in Hartford. Conn., handling our modern formaldehyde dlslnf ectors, disinfectants and sanitary supplies. Goods used by U. S. Government. New York Central R. R and Pennsylvania R. R- This territory open. Investigate today. The Forma cone Co.. 5Q Church st. New York. FIRST-CLASS salesman for Pacific Coast sell staple line ori NEW and EXCEPTION AL terms; one having specialty experience preferred. Attractive, permanent contract, containing liberal weekly advance clause; references required. MILES F. BIXLER CO.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 500 MEN to know of the consignments of high grade suits (.sample and cancella tion) arriving dally from the East; men's Spring suits. $35 to $40 values, $1S.75; $2o to $t0 values, $14.75. Knew Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg.. Jlmmie Dunne, manager. WANTED Three real live specialty sales men; advertising experience preferred, who are workers, for permanent position worth $6000 to $8000 annually to producers; old established highly rated firm. P. O. box 169. Chicago. SALESMAN Must be a good, live man; experience not necessary; to sell attractive lots on small monthly payments; better than salary to a man willing to hustle. Room 315 Couch blug.. Fourth st., near ashington WANTED Salesmen who are hustlers and can sell; no dead ones need apply. We have good territory end proposition for the right parties. We furnish outfit free and pay cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NUft SERIES. INC., Albany, Oregon. SALESMEN who are covering the following territories can secure good packing-house account as side line: Southern Pacific, Northern pacific, O. R. & N., S. P. & S., Coos Bay territory and Eastern Oregon. Address AE 849, Oregonian. HELP WANTEDi FEMALE. WANTED Neat girl to wait table, 11:30 till 2. Apply after 8 Monday, Woman's Ex change. 186 5th st. TELEGRAPHY taught by an experienced operator. Northwest Telegraph School, 290 3d st. EXPERIENCED skirt hands for alteration room. Apply at once. Sllverneld &. Co., 4th and Morrison sts. WANTED Woman for general housework in family of 3. Call after 10 o'clock, 427 Main St., between 11th and 12th. EXPERIENCED chocolate .dippers, best - wages, steady work, car fare paid. Good Roblin Candy. Co.. Vancouver. Wash. COMPETENT girl, general housework, small family; good wages. Call mornings, 813 Oterton. WANTED Girl for cooking and general house work; good wages; no washing. 744 Ever ett st. GIRL for cooking and general housework : wnall family. 775 Stehuyier st. Phone C 23T2. WANTED School girl to assist with house work. Some wages. 433 3d st. Main 4712. WANTED Motherly. Christian woman, light housework and invalid's care and com panionship. F 874, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED waist trimmer, waist fin isher and apprentice wanted. Max, 506 Dekum bldg. STRONG middle-aged woman to do plain sewing and care for invalid during after noon hours. Inquire 414 Mill bl WANTED Girl about 15 to help with housework with small family for room and board. East 24S8. LADIES to sell Wejust Remedies for female ailments; commission or salary. Wejust Remedy Co., Forest Grove, Or. HOUSEKEEPER, reliable and honest. Give reference. B 880. Oregonian. WANTED Girl to pack ice cream cones. A S,s2. Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman for light housework. Call at 1069 E. Morrison st. WANTED Lady bookkeeper. AD 870. Ore gonian ALTERATION hand for country store. Call today. 408 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Apprentice and waist finishers. Apply 425 Marquam bldg. WANTED Experienced waitress at once at Newport Restaurant-. 53 Third st. GOOD girl for general housework. Apply 22S North 19th st. Main 228. EXPERIENCED saleslady for dress goods and g-llkg. Address R 853, Oregonian. WANTED Honest girl at rolling ball. Council Crest. GIRL for general housework; no cooking to do. 4 S3 E. 23d North. GIRL wanted to assist with housework. Phono B 2035. GIRL for general housework. 425 Tillamook. East 1771. C 1416. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family. Phone Tabor 866. WANTED Girl for cooking and general hou work. 251 N. 24th st. M. 4102. LADY, good cook and baker, on ranch. Phone B 1343. GIRL to assist with general housework. Ap ply 706 Flanders. ' WANTED Good cook : wages $30 month; no washing. Call 193 N. 22d St. WANTED Girl to do general housework. Irvlngton. Phone East 4318. WANTED Housekeeper for people em- ployed. Apply 229 Cherry st. WOMAN to do chamber work for board for j?1 and husband. 372 Hawthorne ave. A GOOD, reliable girl to take care of small child. Call 52 y 3rd st Hotel Stratton. WANTED Experienced waitress. Alexan dra Court, 53 Ella St. GIRL to assist in general housework. 168 Hi lOth st- PRIVATE lessons given in shorthand, type writing. 304 12th St. Main 6890. WANTED Girl .for general housework. 680 T.ovejoy st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 366 East Morrison. Morrison Restaurant. WANTED Competent girl to do second work. Apply 141 N. 22d st. WANTED Dining-room giri at Winters' res taurant. 230 First su. HELP WAyrgp FKXALK. THE MEIER &. FRANK STORES Require competent saleswomen for the fol lowing departments: Men's furnishings, laces, millinery, rib bons, neckwear. gloves. knit underwear muslin underwear, pictures, cameras; leather gooas, drug sundries, stationery, jeweiry, suits, waists. Al several girls to sew, and a number of girls for office work that can typewrite, Apply to Superintendent, 6th floor, from to 10 A. M. WANTED Several bngh young women to learn telephone operating ; we maintain a school under the supervision of a woman principal at our East office. East Ankeny and Sixth streets; applicants who qualify will be given a thorough training In the work before being assigned to positions; stu dents are paid at the rate of $20 per month while learning. Apply to school principal on weet nays oetween o a. m. ana o f. jo.. The Pacific Telephone At Telegraph Company. LADY agents Sell Hooker's pneumatic wrinkle eraser, massage device; new. scientific, natural, simple, effective; no chemicels or lotions used; removes wrin- ' kles. restores skin to healthy, youthful glow; ready seller; IOO per cent profit; Tarticulars free. J. Hooker & Co., In dianapolis. Ind. WANTED Experienced girls to make shrrts and overalls; also a few beginners. Mount Hood Factory. 233 Couch. LADIES can easily make money by taking orders for Empire underwear among their friends ; we sell direct from maker to user; you offer big bargains, we show you just how to build big business. Write Empire Ladies Wear Co., 16 E. 23d st New York. GIRLS, to work in candy department. Pa cific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis. WANTED Bright girl for office work; good handwriting and correct figuring required; applications must state full particulars re garding age. experience and salary ex pected. C 8S7. Oregonian. FOR RENT A three-story, frame building on corner in warehouse and railroad dis trict; suitable for saloon, restaurant. lodg ing house, etc Apply Bernstein & Cohen, 880 Chamber of Commerce. . JACKET AND SKIRT WORKERS. .Thoroughly experiened, first-class. Ap ply at once to Olds. Wortman & King. MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety for Youn g Women. Advice or assistance gladly given to all young women. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin. SupL, room 37 Y. W. C A. bldg.. 7th and Taylor sts. WANTED For the Spring and Summer months at the coast (North Beach) by an elderly couple, a woman to cook and do general housework. Good wages. Ad flress with reference. AF 851. Oregonian. LADIES Pleasant home work. We pay cash for names; no peddling. Send stamp for folder. Golden Rod Co.. Dept. B, Benton Harbor. Mich. STOUT, active girls can secure steady em ployment at good wages; no experience re quired. Troy Laundry Co., 201 East Water Btrt-et. v WANTED A stonographer. one who can handle general office work; must be neat and accurate. Answer in own handwrit- iv g. Address V 897. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced girl with ref erences for second work. Call at oS9 Montgomery, between 1 and 3 P. M.. or Phone Main 5242. A 1190. t GOOD place is offered girl for general housework ; wages $35 for competent belp. Phone mornings. Main 3729 or A 5315. tMILLINERY saleswomen; must be thoroughly experienced and capable; also apprentices wanted. FRALEY BROS.. 214 Third. WANTED Woman to take care of Invalid old gentleman; no particular knowledge of nursing-required. Address W 893, Ore gonian. GOOD girl to assist with housework; easy place and fine home to right girl. Ap ply at once, 1158 East Yamhill St., cor- wtn. ANYONE can make money writing short stories; big pay; send for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate, San Fran cisco. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. S26H Washington St.. Room 307. Main S836 or A 3266. WANTED Young lady stenographer who un derstands booking; references required; good chance for advancement. 26 Hamilton bldg. I OWN 6 lots; will pay any one $50 per lot to find me a buyer for them. V 873, Oregonian. AN Intelligent young lady to take care of two children and assist with second work. O. M. Smith. 221 Com, Club bldg. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; good wages. N. E. corner Mill and 10th. WILL give respectable working girl good home for light services morning and even ings. Phone B 1375- . GOWN HANDS First-claes workers .wanted at once. Olds. Wortman & K ing. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. F.43H Washington St., Cor. 7th. Upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position.- Vlavi Co.. 609 Rotn chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers. Ideal Candy Co., 109 10th. Phone Main 5450. A 3210. ENERGETIC, sensible woman over 25 for position in wholesale house. Experience unnecessary. bbh. -resom-n. WOMAN for general housework; must be good plain cook; good wages to right party. V S9 1 . Ore gon ian . GOOD girl for housework; must be neat and clean and know how to cook. 740 Schuy ler. Phone East 1842. WANTED Experienced saleslady, in milli nery. Inquire at once to -Wonder Millinery Co. , corner Morrison and 1st. GIRLS to work in candy factory; expe rienced hands preferred. Apply at 44 East 6th st. North. GIRLS over 16 to work in bag factory. Apply Ames, Karris. Neville Co.. 5th and Davis. STENOGRAPHER State age. experience, references, salary expected. M 887, Orego nian. COMPETENT girl for general housework ; no washing or upstairs work. Phone Main 6966. 794 Lovejoy st. GIRL for general housework. 7S6 Corbett st. Phone Main 5516. A 3516. IMMEDIATELY Woman to wash all of baby's clothes. 195 N. 23d st. WANTED 3 experienced girls for dipping chocolates; good wages. 383 Bumside st GIRL to assist with care of baby. 595 Mar shall st. Main 4125. WOMAN to cook and do general housework; good place, good wages. Phone East 1438. GIRL for general housework in small family; pood wages. 792 Lovejoy st. RELIABLE young girl assist general house work ; 3 In family. East 1366. YOUNG girl to assist with care of infant. Apply 727 Everett near 23d. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. GIRL wanted lor general housework. Phone Main 4152. GIRL to assist in housework; small fam- ily. 852 Overton st. WANTED Girl to do general housework. 447 10th st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 7;7 Madison st. Main 2717. . FIRT-CLASS help on coats; good wages. 270 Washington St.. room 35. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; sm all family. 733 E. Ankeny. COMPANION to elderly invalid lady; some lipht housework. Y 885, Oregonian. WANTED Ex jerienoed operators on over sils. also learners. T5 1st st. W" AN TED A reliable middle-aged colored woman for house work. B 1704. GIRL for general housework; family three. Ant. 1. 666 Flanders st. HOUSEKEEPER for widower's family. Call after 6 P. M. or Sunday. 641 Thurman. WANTED First-class, experienced waitress in restaurant. Address 3S5 E. Morrison st. WANTED A good cook. Phone Main 6966. Address 794 Lovejoy. PRIVATE lessons in bookkeeping 3 nights in week, $5 per month. Phone East 1484. WAITRESS wanted at 404 E. Bumside. Apply at once. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2- Grand ave. and East Taylor. GIRL for general housework. 73S Main st,, bet King and Ford. GIRLS WANTED Experience preferred. Port- land Paper Box Co.. 2S Oak st. WANTED A good cook, family of two. Phone Main 535S. GIRL to assist with small general house work. 48 15th st. North. . FIRST-CLASS hairdresser and apprentices. 109 7th st. Main 2334. HELP WANTED F-aiAJJB. WANTED, MONDAY. Boarding-house cooks. $40 to S45: hnl cooks, $40; restaurant cooks, $10 up per week. Waitresses for country hotels. $25 to ; waitresses ior restaurants, city, $8 to $10 week. Boarding-bouse waitresses, city, $25. Chambermaids, $25 to $30. Housekeepers. $20. Typesetters, for country shop. $9 week. Shooting-gallery girl, city. $1.50 day. Girls for general housework. $20 to $35. Large number of new places every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Ladies' Department 205 i Morrison St. MAN and wife, ranch, $80. Country hotel cook. $45. Boarding-house cook, $40. Chambermaids, $35. $25 and $20. 3 waitresses tout of city), $35, free fare. Restaurant waitresses. $9 and $8 week. Second girls. $25 end $30. 8 factory girls, $1.25 day. Ranch cook. $25. Family cooks, $40. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 345 Wash St.. Room 7. WANTED Girl to finish shirts in our laun-t THE manager of a prominent company desires to get In touch with a lady of education, possessing more than usual ability, and who wishes to get out of the ordinary restricted sphere of wom an's work. T 872, Oregonian. WE will teach ladies either millinery or dressmaking in a few weeks ; for par ticulars apply to Boston School of Millin ery and Dressmaking. 274 Williams ave., Portland. Phone East 345. A GIRL for general housework, big wash sent out: three In family; husband away most of the time; a good home for the right party. Address, with phone number, AL 870. Oregonian. . WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of two ; experience not required. Apply Sunday between 2 and 4 P. M. or Monday morning. it N . gag st. YOUNG lady stenographer, of good appear ance, physician's office; permanent posi tion. Apply 10 to 1, Corbett bldg.. room 1011: A 5333, Main 4014. WANTED Housekeeper by business woman away from home all day; good home; small wages. Phone Sunday, Main 6389, other days Main 8560. WANTED Experienced shirt hands; also girl to do shaping; chance to learn ladies' tailoring. Apply DeBlanche, 345 Wash ington st. WANTED Young lady of good address to act as cashier and assistant in dental of fice; must write a good, plain hand. Dr. Wythes. Dentists, 148 5th St. WANTED Young girl attending school to help night and morning in exchange for room and board; good home. Phone Wood lawn 1041. JAHN, 384 YAMHILL ST. Wanted Experienced manicurist, good salary, permanent position to right per son. JAHN, 384 YAMHILL ST. Wanted Apprentice girls and hair workers. JAHN. 884 YAMHILL ST. Wanted High-class hairdresser; other need apply. . GIRL to help with housework part of the day; must sleep at home. 394 Jackson st., cor. 10th. WAIST and shirt hands for the dressmak ing department. H. B. Lltt, 351 Wash- . Ington st. FREE rent, furnished office. Chamber of Commerce, to ptvbilc stenographer. T 896, Oregonian. COMPETENT girl, general housework, small family, good wages. 494 20th. Main 2622. WANTED Young lady; must have a good figure, for vaudeville act; experience not necessary. Address C 871, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced saleslady for cloaks and suits. Apply Roberts Bros., Third and Morrison sts. GI R L to assist In general housework. 777 Irving st. COMPETENT second girl with city references. 653 Johnson st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK TEACHERS" AGENCY offers good positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland. WANTED Janitor man and wife for apart ment Home. A K SS7, Oregonian. WANTED -Local and traveling representa tives ; good salary. AM 687. Oregonian. -ITTJATION- WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION by competent grocery clerk; years of experience, both as salesman and buyer for fine grocery business in Montana city; 38 years of age. active and of good habits; can give best of reference; prefer to locate in Willamette or Rogue River valleys. Ad dress W. B. Annln. Albany, Or. POSITION wanted by competent man as manager or assistant manager; has had over 15 years' experience as buyer and manager of general merchandise business; can furnish best of references; no objec tlon to country. G 853. Oregonian. WANTED A position in a real estate of fice, inside work, where one can learn the business, or would associate him self in a business already established. W 896. Oregonian- SITUATION Expert collector, solicitor and salesman, 12 years experience; excellent references; will leave city if desired. S 886, Oregonian. YOUNG man. no bad habits, experienced shipping clerk and salesman, not afraid of work; will give best of references. AD X74. Oregonian. A THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper now employed desires set of books to keep during spare time; also familiar with collection work. A 872, Oregonian. OFFICE man desires position, experienced stenographer and knowledge of book keep in g ; excellent reference. T 871, Orego nian. YOUNG man, some business experience, will ing to do anything, can furnish refer ences and cash bond. M 872, Oregonian. PHYSICIAN and surgeon, well equipped in all branches, wishes employment for a month or two. AJ 888. Oregonian. HOTEL man wants opening as steward, ex cellent experience ; trustworthy ; reliable. AJ 885. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER would like small set of books to keep during spare time, AM S52. Oregonian. POSITION as traveling salesman by ex perienced lumber salesman; references. AJ 853. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant, employed, de sires special work or small set books for evenings. E 887, Oregonian. POSITION as shipping clerk with wholesale lumber concern, by experienced man; good references. AM 854. Oregonian. YOUNG married man, first-class accountant, would like set of books to keep evenings. a if sao. uregon ian. WANTED A set of books to keep evenings; salary no object. X 888. Oregonian. WANTED Position as clerk, 20 years ex- perlence; references. AK 866. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. COOK, young German, experienced, wishes .situation in hotel or boarding house. Country preferred. S 894. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese wants Janitor, porter or housework; can speak good English. AL 849, Oregonian. CARPENTER and builder, new and repair work, day or contract. Phone Woodlawa, YOUNG man wants work evenings, any thing; what have youT AJ 874, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS plumber wants work in or out of town, country town preferred. Phone Main 2rt07 or X 871 Oregonian POSITION by man and wife as first and sec ond cooks, experience and references. H. D, Nelson. 308 Mill. Main 3123. INDUSTRIOUS young man wants Job as ap prentice in automobile shop. Good refer ences. V 870. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants a position day work . A 5Q32. porter or by EDUCATED Japanese wants lawn. Janitor or any other work. AN 873, Oregonian. NEW and old house and window cleaning. D. Henderson. Main 3910. DRUG clerk wants relief work nights, have good references. AN 889, Orego n ian . WINDOW cleaning, floors repolished; rugs a specialty. Main 6573, evenings 8. Thomas Green. WANTED Situation as janitor by exper lenced man and wife. AC 858. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants Job between 10 and 3 o'clock daytime. W 886. Oregonian. JAPANESE first-class cool wants position; hotel or boarding-house. g 885, Oregonian. WANTED Position as watchman. AM 849, Oregonian. HAVE your windows cleaned by J. H. Goins. Main 67 1 3. ARCHITECTURAL draughtsman. 17 years technical experience. D 683, Oregonian SITTATIOy WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED shoe man. age 33 years. Canadian, wishing to settle in the vicinity of Portland, wishes position either whole sale or retail manager; 18 years at the trade as traveler and salesman; at present, employed in Toronto. Canada. Writs to H. E. Hendr. care Garslde White, To ronto, Canada, or E. T. Avisos, Oregon City. Box 84. FIRST-CLASS cabinet maker foreman de sires position as foreman or superinten dent; well up in plans, details, etc To Sash and door plans a specialty: store and bank fixtures, show and floor cases; good manager of men, good stock buyer, sober and of excellent character. It 887, Oregonian. YOUNG man. aged 30, desires locate in Portland; have position with large firm; first-class references from employers for ability and honesty; 10 years' Inside and outside experience in building materials. Chas. L E. Rebert, 3S4S La Salle ave., Los Angeles, Cal. MAN of wide experience wishes to settle down in office or administrative position in small town or country. salary no ob ject if future Is good.- Can give references and will undertake to clean up the desk. Address AB 8S5. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS colored ohef. equipped In all branches hotel, restaurant and grill, re cently from New York City. Address O. R. Johnson. 511 Flanders au Phone Main 47 19. ATTENDANT or nurse, position wanted by young man of experience, graduate mas sage; used to travel; would take an elder ly or mildly Insane patient; best of refer ences. Address A 8U. Oregonian. COOK, experienced dinner orders, bread and pastry, industrious and sober, would like steady position; country hotel preferred. Room 110 Hotel Rainier. WINDOW-WASHER, first-class, desires Job work cleaning windows. Phone Main 8237 or leave address at 96 N. 11th st. Edward H. White. POSITION wanted by young man from the East who is good office man and has some knowledge of law. D 886. Orego nlan. EXPERIENCED railroad clerk, operating department, wishes position; cart show ex cellent references. Address F 871, Ore-gonian. COMPETENT show-card writer wishes per manent position in first-class store; will ing to do other work; now employed. R 8S5. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by reliable man and wife to run rooming-house, capable of running kitchen combined. Address F. A. Mills. 184 Sherman. Main 6427. room 21. STATIONARY engineer wants position, crty or country; do own repairing; best of ref erences as to character and ability. T 892. Oregonian. MAN and wife want positions In town or country hotei or club, experienced in all departments, local and Eastern references. F S7. Oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged American man as assistant engineer or watchman; has 2o years' experience with steam boilers. Address A. L Horton. 263 5th st. RESPONSIBLE married man desires posi tion as window trimmer and card-writer, with good, progressive firm. B 8S9, Ore gonlan. EARLY morning hours work wanted by Japanese boy, any kind Job. Phono A 4130. E 851. Oregonian. MAN and wife, experienced farmers, would like place together ; reference or bond. N 885. Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL boy wants a position after school hours; outside work preferred. Ad dress A J 671. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED. all-around carpenter wants your building. Jobbing, repairing. Phone Sell wood 1665. SINGLE fierman would like to Join a party of homestead seekers. Address AD 672. Oregonian. VALET, position wanted by young man o experience; graduate massage; best refer- ences. Address M 873. Oregonian. WANTED Position as cook and helper by man and wife; experienced; no children, A 88S. Oregonian. WANTED Position of trust; energetic and tactful; reliable firm only; personal unless requested. AH 854. Oregonian. AN A-l donkey engineer; can make own re pairs, and will go anywhere. Y 891, Ore gonlan. COOK. 28 years' experience, dinner orders. baking, wishes steady position in country hotel. Newman. 28 N. 3d st. WANTED By builder, to superintend frame or small brick building. Address AL 653. Oregonian. TWO Eastern boys. 21 years old, want em ployment; not afraid of hard work; ref erence given. K 886. Oregonian. PRESSMAN, nonunion, knows how to de liver the goods; references. T 890. Ore gonian. STATIONARY steam engineer, also familia with hoisting; good habits; desires position. H 885, Oregonian. WANTED By a young man. position to learn the automobile business; some ex- perlence. V 8 87. Oregonian. m WANTED Position by transitman. 7 years' experience. O. G- P.. The . Benson, 5tH and Morrison. srruATiox wanted female. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG woman, experienced in office man agement, skilled in shorthand, expert in typewriting, wants position; can follow in structions, or plan and carry out unassist ed ; city references. Write M 671, Orego nian. AN experienced stenographer wishes posi tion; can gine references. Phone Sunday, 9 to 11:30. M. 4732; answer. AH 866, Ore gonian. COMPETENT stenographer wants a posi tion. Remington machine. Am accurate and have good speed. $50 to start. J HfiH. Oregonian. BUSINESS woman employed during day wishes stenographic work evenings; dic tation on typewriter or in shorthand. AC 8H7. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS stenographer solicits evening; employment on piece work. O 872, Ore gonian WANTED Position. First-class stenographer and bookkeeper; S years' experience. P. O. Box 257. YOUNG lady wants position as cashier in retail store. Can give references. Call --ii -.nd 9M. Monday. CAFABLE young lady stenographer, 4 years' experience, wants position. Main 2330 COMPETENT young business woman wants insurance, clerical or general office work. Main 2330. YOUNG woman wishes position in a doc- tor's office. T 893. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, 7 years' experience, city references. R RSS. Oregonian. Dreesmakera. EXPERIENCED fashionable dressmaker, de signer of evening and party gowns, at home or by the day. Phone A 4982. DRESSMAKING by the day. Miss Chis holm. Phone Main or A 1540, Sunday 1 to 2. and evenings. THOSE desiring the services of a first class dressmaker phone Sell wood 1485 be fore 11 A. M. ; references. ANGELES Dress lak'.ng Parlors. 326 H Wash ington at, suite 216. Main 983. A 5361. STYLISH dresses. $5 up; waists, $1 up; fine ork; references. o:i) sa.ni. aast 5,55. LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40o a pair. Phone Eapt 4660. B 2770. ANTED By a refined colored lady, sew ing by the day. Call Tabor 120Q. STYLISH dresses, $5 up: alsts, $1 up; fine work; references. 529 E. Mill St. East 5256. Hou wekeepem. A POSITION as chambermaid or working housekeeper where the man that pays me will be my boss; 6 years in 3 posi tions; am reliable, neat, active, middle aired woman : know how to treat and meet the public ; educated, traveled, can take good care of from 25 to 35 rooms; can do any kind of work ; want a room to myself, board, $25; want steady posi tion in or out of Portland. Address B 870, Oregonian. LADY of ability, with 10 years' experience, would like the management of rooming or apartment -house; can give the best of city references as to reliability and trustworthiness. W 888. Oregonian. WANTED By good seamstress a position with nice family to do chamber-work and sewing. M S-Q. oregonian. COMPETENT woman and daughter, place as housekeeper; references. A 8313, Main 9029. CAPABLE woman with small child wishes po- Main 272S. POSITION as housekeeper for gentlemen'! luK rr -l rwpr - sroo rook, no fh1-rl-i r to children. H 889. Oregonian. REFINED woman, capable of managing a house, of being companion. Am fond of children and have had experience in the care of them. V 871, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes a position a housekeeper for widower; no objection to 1 or 2 children. AC SSS. Oregonian. WANTED By refined lady. In a respect able home as housekeeper; gives the verj beat of reference. T 895. Oregonlan. LADY wishes position as housekeeper; light work. AC 686, Oregonian.