The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 10, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 25

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missioned to buy for a party of Eastern
people coming West to locate a. tract o
pot less than SO acres of xood fruit land;
convenient location, with necessary requi
sites, including soil, altitude, water and
air drainage. Parties win build their own
houses. A fair proportion of the land
ready for the plow preferred. Submit of
ferings, with description, price, etc., to
Henry Bldg.
"WANTED A good tract of fruit land. In
Willamette or Umpqua valley, from 30O0
to 5000 acres In a body, suitable for
colonization, at a price averaging between
J10 and $40 per arc. Send full descrip
tion first time. Basler Realty Company,
Grants paae. Or.
WANTED New six-room bungalow in do
sirable locality; must have n replace and
furnace, large living-room and three bed
rooms; would like to trade Rood building
lot as first payment; could pay $t to
$75 per month ; don't want to go over
y-IOOO. AG S70. Oregonian.
WANTED w have a customer for a piece of
close-in property, either improved or un
improved, price from $0,0 to $20. we
also have a party for a piece who will pay
as much as No agents.
Lew la BIr:g.. L-round Fioor.
AM In the market for a frond modern houso
either Portland Heights, Willamette
Heights or Nob H1U. from to $10.-
000. Please give full description, lowest
price and location; will pay half cash. K
871, Orewonian.
IF you own a lot clear, we w!U draw you
plans to order and finance your home on
easy payments; consultation free; write
us. Money to loan.
30K-309-310 Henry Bldg.
WANTED Information regarding large
tracts of agricultural and umber land in
Southern, Central or Southeastern Oregon;
will buy If suited. Address, giving full
information and price. H 8-j4, Oregonian,
FROM owner, 50x100, vacant or improved,
with 5 or 6-room house, south of Mar
shal, north of Washington, and west of
aoth St.; not over $7000. N 873, Ore
gonian. WANTED If you are behind In your pay
ments on your home or lot and want to
sell your contract, I will buy, but must
be a snap. Give particulars. A b-MJ, Ore
gonlan. I WANT business property or prospective busi
ness property that I can buiid on ; can
handle anything from $2' to $25.0oo; please
state full particulars tyvners or agents. P
87o, Oregonian.
5 rooms; must be modern and near car
line; price from $loo to $25uu, with
terms. H. W. Garland & Co.. 1.U Front
st. Main K774. A 1321.
I have buyers waiting for snaps in
Piedmont or surrounding districts.
417 Corbcit iiidg.
I WANT to buy. for cash or terms, not
loss than a quarter block, mure preferred,
to build home on ; would pa v more tlian
$2000 If the right place; give location
and price. Y Si" 'J, ( iregonlan.
WANTED Tn buy cottage of 5 to 7 rooms
at once for cash. See Mortimer, yt;2
Washington St., room 9. Phone Marshall
1 499.
1 WANT to buy an unimproved residence
lot on West Side; must be a bargain;
give location nnd price; owners only.
Address AM H5o, Oregon Ian.
HEAL ESTATE or equities in same bought
and sold. List wilh us. .
722-723 Electric Bldg.
WILLING t pay down $1000 towards buy
ing a modern t-roomed house in good lo
catlon and not- far from carline; limit.
SIQQQ. K H7'2. Oregonian.
COTTAGE of fl rooms nt least, large lo;,
substantial amount down, balance S.20
per month: give locution, full descrip-
mi tton. G S0. Oregonian.
WANT to bu from owner. 1 or 2 acres of
good gard-n 'land; must have living water
on It. State price and location in lirst let-
bar. Addrts AM 8SS, Oregintan.
LIST your property with me if you have
something to uell that is worth the money.
618 Hoard of Trade bldg.
"WANTED From 5 to 20 acres near Port
land; desire some Improvements and not
too rolling; price must be cheap for cash.
P 874, Oregon inn.
WANTED To buy lot ; prefer Hawthorne
and 44th district ; no cafh payment, $20
a month; state location and price in
first letter. A N S5Q. regnnt::n.
WANTED To rent 4 or S-room bungalow
or cottage, furnished or unfurnished; give
location and particulars. Address B 8S3,
tVAXTED A house close in for cash or
terms; must be cheap; no agents or real
estate people need answer, from, owners
only. T MK, Oregonian.
PRIVATE party wishes to hear from own
ers of tlie best city property bargains
which can be handled with $13,000 cash.
C 8S!. ( )regonlan.
"WANTED Apartment site. West Side, south
of Morrison st. Price about $10,000. See
G E 1 S I : R & ST It A CHAN,
'JC1U Morrison st. Phono Main 5256.
W A NTbl Three to ten acres good land
near electric line; state price and loca
tion; rash for good bargain. AG SS9,
Orogor,';in. .
I WISH to buy from owner, no agents, a
furnished hotel or rooming-house; must
he good proposition. I. O. llox 2o32,
Station A., city.
LOT. with or without cottage, between Market
and Sheridan and 2d and Seventh; must be
cheap for caxh. AM St, Oregonian,
WANTK1 S; x-ro'tn house or bungalow fac
ing north east, on ooxloO lut. AC KH,
On' cmian.
WANTUI) Farm rellnqu Ishment or acreage;
stale lowest price and location. Newman,
. 520 Washington st.
n TO i. b.ock within 5 block. of no fare:
good dl. good view; not over $1500. 759
h;a.t C-iurn. Enst l"4(i.
WANTED i or 7-rxim hou Ea?t Ankeny-st.
district ; $looo and balance monthly, imme-
n:nu-iy. : fr.-i. ureit-'ttiiin.
FIVE .or ti-room cottage, bath; will pay
$2o0 cah, balance time; give location;
no agents. V. M I'lasUy. 2i4 N. lsth.
ANTED House, lot or business property
for investment; not over $tKuo. AD Sstf,
WANTED Some one to furnish lot and build
house on remarkably easy mont hly pay
ments. ,r don't anwwer. J S6, Oregonlsn.
PORTLAND Heights lot for cash: state ex
act location and price. V 874, Orego
nian. M A I ,L house, about $2300; cash, bal
ance terms. East aide, close in; no agents.
0 H S70. Oregonian.
PA KTY desires Irving ton inside lot. not
over $15i: will pay part cash, balanco
terms. AG Ss- Oregonian.
WANTED Corner lot on East Side, e:tst
of Lone Kir Cemetery; want best forlSOO
cnn. a.n w. tregoman. .
HOME, new and modern, stable aocommoda
tions nnd largo yard, H S72. Oregonian.
ftoxlOO Corner preferred. southwest portion
or city. mx. oregonian.
WISH to purchase flais on West Side; pre-
ter p-mtn it salmon si. orcginian.
VANTK1 Teams for grading work.
Tabor ltMl. oenings.
WANT house nnd lot or good lots In South
Portland. Hrown. 411 t ouch bldg.
gonian. -Acreage for platting. V i3. Ore-
TV ANTED I'heap Irvlngtin lot on or near
t roadway carline. r smi. Oropimlnn
tfCEW rt.(Vn cai'aclt v sm mill on K. K., p-nj
at mill win hold 3.oo0.oOo ft. of logs;
1.0O.H ft. now in pond; about .VOo0.ooO
ft. of timber, two large donkey ennir:es nd
complete loceine eouinnient sro with mi
the timber oordcrs or. the pond: for s.i!e
for cash; don't phone. W. J. Smith. 4o8
t namrit-r ot t. onmierve.
FOR HALE 2Si acres, mile east of Co
litis sprinas. Wash., mile to the tV
lumbia River. :U0 y.trds from North Bunk
Kail road; fet standing timber;
casn. urogonian.
Tl.Mnr.K c swim for sale or trade; over o,-
OOO.Ovw feet: only 5 miles from It. K. sta
tton. on S. P. ; this can be had at less
tnan jo cents per l00 feet.
PAIR P A- H ROWN. 3 1 Henry Bldg-
9 miles Portland. mile station. Ap-
piy .nt t-.. k oucn. t'none j--ast j:;4.
ill ST b .d at once. S. E. V .Sec. 2. T. 30.
Range S W.. Douglas County; ,wvwcd val-
uatU'D ..VH; any ofTtr coalaered.
P. P. T'foh'.fr. Minr.eacoIU. Minn.
2tt ACRES with seven million larse timber
trees, house and bam; price Joo0; nean
It. K. and gotui town. rt agents, p. o.
pox Station A. city.
it" OK SALE Timber license for 2'MW nmj of
heavily-timbered land on Quatsino l!ay., R.
C. Call ort tregonian bl:g. Main ;siy, A
C J. M'CRACKEN. Sl4 McKay Bid?.
A valuable piece of city property to
exchange for land. Can use wheat land,
fruit land or an irrigation proposition.
The citv property consists of Jox40 feet.
2 brick buildings. 90xlJO, one story, that
rent for SG5o per month : balance of
ground can be rented for JlOO per year
net. Parties leaping w iil Day a.l taxes
and insurance. Price $140,000.
Henry HIdg., or I K- Moore, Board ot
Trade Bldg.
FINE. new. modern 7 -room house-. oak
floors, furnace, fireplace, double plumb
ing, electricity,- panel and beam work,
lot xl:N, in one of Portland's select
residence districts; would like to exchange
for in. proved farm property, with stock
and machinery' (ciose to good out-range
preferred, but not necessary . up to $7oOy
or jooo and pay difference with Port
land lots free of Incumbrance at market
value in very active district, or would
assume some mortgage. Ferris Ming
Realty Co., oOS Board of Trade.
S5S acres. In Eastern Oregon, "Oft acres
in crop, including 40 acres of alfalfa, 80
acres of fine bottom land with water
right ; on the main wagon road and two
miles from railway town; two-story, 7
room house, two large barns, '2.4 cows,
1 '2 horses, a lot of young stock and com
plete outfit; ?;t." per acre, including the
crop and personal property; will trade for
Portland property.
427 Lumbermens Bldg.
WE have b4 acres of the very choicest farm.
with ever-running- water. 1 mile irom elec
tric lara; ideal tor dairying. This land is
worth 150 an acre today,, but we will sell
it for 00 per acre, and take, if wanted,
$4O0i worth of good city property as fir.
payment; M on ta villa preferred. No inflated
values considered. We have k1j good
farm, city property and business chances
to exchange one for the other. Let us know
what you have.
F. FtJCHf. 2214 Morrison St.
040 ACRES In Sherman County, Oregon; 2
miles from town; acres now In crop, o
acres of orchard; good 4-room. hard-finished
houe: gravity water system to the build
ings; fine large barn, blacksmith shop and
chieken-houfe; all fenced with 3-wire fence.
This ranch is situated In the best part of
Sherman County and is a money-maker.
Will take 7oo0 to $800 in Portland prop
erty, and give good terms on the balance.
4111-42 'Henry bldg.
WE want a 6-room -bungalow, on the Al
berta carline; have 5 acres of land, now
in pasture, 7 blocks from carline, 8 miles
from the city; has a nice spring of water;
will trade even; acreage t blocks nearer
the carline Is now selling at $1000 per
acre. Come and see us
Fourth and Oak Sts., Henry Bldg.
Main b'JS4. A 3327.
GENE HAL merchandise store right In the
heart of Portland, West Side, on main
thoroughfare, down town; cash business
of last year. $40,000; this is a fortune
maker; we value stock and fixtures from
510,000 to $12,000. Will exchange for
cash or livestock or acreage, farm land
or some good real- estato in Portland. De
scribe your property in full. AB So5, Ore
gonian. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, never been occupied,
on 4oxl23 lot. on Euclid st. Will ex
change for vacant lots.
31t Commercial blk.
2d and Washington ts.
7-passenRer White Steamer, practica.Iy
new ; value $4."iu ; will trade for real
estate, improved or unimproved. What
have vou ? Show us.
421 Mohawk Bldg.
TO EXCHANGE Hogue River Valley un
improved fruit lands, either or all three
tracts, 20. b0 and lOO acres, value $6000,
for modern house In Portland or a small
tract of improved land near city, well
located. H. 11. Basler, owner. Grants
Pass. Or.
5 acres, 4 blocks from station; partly
cleared ; good soil ; :i trains dally ; 10c car
ffire to city. Ideal for country home. Price
tio2 Corbett Bldg.
EXCHANGE A general merchandise busi
ness In a live town, close to Portland:
about $23.0oo stock; an old established
business; will exchange for Portland prop
erty, call or write 510-511 Fenton bldg.,
EXCHANGE 100x1 00, small house, on "L"
carline, for modern house on 5ixl00 lot,
walking distance; will assume mortgage'
or pay cash difference; near Larrabee st.
preferred. A SS.". Oregonian.
FOR EXCHANGE Lot and fraction in Seat
tle, 70 acrvrt Polk Co. timber land, 5O0O
shares hleh-grade ml nine stock. What have
you to offer? C. M. Crittenden, Hubbard,
12ft ACRES A-l Klickitat County fruit
lands, in 10-acre tracts and up. for sale
or will exchange for citv property.
41 V; North Oth St.
GOOD unimproved property on the Penin
sula, a rapidly growing manufacturing
district of Portland; value $10,000; will
exchange for good valley land. Owner
C Ssii. Oregonian.
FOR sale or exchange for acreage near
Portland, 10 acres of good improved Rogue
River fruit land, located near Med ford.
Address A. J. P., care Arlington Hotel,
Portland. Or.
FOR home in or ntar Piedmont. S-aere
suburban ranch. 5 acres set to Winter
apples; 29 minutes out on O. E. R. R.;
water piped oh place; no buildings; value
Box 235. St. Johns.
EXCHANGE Hood River fruit ranch, one
mile from town, 8 acres In trees, some
bearing; 2 acres pasture; want Portland
property; will assume; owner Box 175
Hood River, Or.
CLOSE-IN acreage to trade for city prop
erty to amount of $Ho00; suitable for
subdividing; fine soil and location; on pro
posed electric line. What have you? R.
S'.M. Oregonian.
WHITE sfcamer auto, 7-passenger. in line
condition, suitable for stage line; want
Portland property up to $;;.00; will as
sume difference on reasonable terms. AN
sss. Oregonian.
20 ACR ES of good level unimproved land,
some ttm-her, 12 miles from Courthouse,
I. car carline. Price $200ft. will take $15oo
worth of city property, balance cash; Call
2J1 '2 Morrison St.. room t.
WISCONSIN farm. 640 acres, all fenced, fine
buildings, an ideal stock proposition, for
Oregon real estate, city or country. Ad
dress V22 Board of Trade bldg.. Phone
Marshall S2ti. Portland. Or.
$,0 Seaview, North Beach; good 5-room
house, furnished : corner lot ; will take
acreage or city property. Apply W S55.
Will trade. If you have anything to
trade, call and see me, 315 Lumber Ex
rlmngf bldg.
20 ACRES line improved land, house, barn,
windmill; 10 acres fruit, near electric
line out of Vancouver. Wash.; will take
part trade. Box 2:5. St. Johns, Or.
CORNER lot. with y-rocm house, warehouse
district, on trackage. 8 per cent income;
trade tor acreage or residence site, value
$:,ooO. Phone Sellwood 1345.
So ACRES. Idaho, good 4-room house, barn,
ft ne well; 3 miles Cambridge. Idaho; for
. borne or lots in city. Chism, 615 Couch
4o ACHES good fruit land to exchange for
good auto; must be in good condition.
Address Com b. box 32, Dallas, Or.
GOOD lot or $400 Tacoma 5 per cent tele
phone bonds with stock as payment on
5 or 6-room house. J f72, Oregonian.
lto A. RES wheat Hand. Morrow County, for
citv property or acreage. Goldsehmidt's
Aeoncy. 2"-31j Washington, room 5
U I T Y of ! 65 in g od lot in P o rt 1 a n d . to
trade for anything of value. AG MO. Ore
gonian. TO EXCH A NO E Modem 5-roorn o-'ttace in
Seattle for Tor: hind property. Particular
a'i-ireia A r S'-tf. Oregonian.
TRADE for lots or small farm, a good livelv
business- covering Oregon. Box 313, Cottage
iiro e t.
FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 or 4 lot. 5-xl0
cacn. $ ni'WKS -irom ena or 000. stock car
Mre. prion- Mam ". or A gtv,-6. Monday.
LOTS nar depot. Klamath Falls, free of
incumbrance: trade tor equity in Portland
Mmealow. M Sst. Oregonian.
40 ACRES tine apple land, near Sandy;
good creek ; trade for vacant lot. Owner,
124 E. Yamhill. Tabor 1700.
EXCHANGE Nice suburban home, six lots,
barn and fruit, for improved farm. W
SOO. Oregonian.
WILL trade first-class raining stock for dia
mond or autor-aoblle. SS7. Oregon i an
IOU can trade .:y kind of property at
room 1019 Hoard of Tracks.
5 ACRES. 3 in pasture, near Jennings
L'-'dge ; f 2r.Q0. East Taylor.
W A NT to exchange high-grade piano for
house painting. C S7u. Oregonian.
TEN acres 4 miles east Alspaugh; want
Portland property. G Orefiuniau.
NO G540 small stock of goods and build
ing to exchange for land ; store building
22x28. wareroom 14x3", hall over store. 3
It ving -rooms in rear of siore. ham. wood
shed, fine garden' spot, small orchard ;
price $i'5.0; stock of goods about $r,0'.iii.
No. : j 4 1 St.") -acre wheat 5 miles
from R. R.. 600 acres in crop, 150 acres
Summer fallowed. g--od ."-room house,
barn, other outbuildings, water piped to
all buildings, place al! fenced, school 1
mile ; following goes with place : 1 header,
o header beds and wagons, plows, har
rows, drill, hack. 6 horses- and harness;
price $3 0 per acre ; will ta ke trade for
$10,U0f. balance on easv terms.
Cu4 H en ry B . d g. .
A valuable piece of Portland water
front property, consists of nearly 4 acres
and has '(,-,o iz of deep water frontage;
price extremely low. and the payments
for the tlrst 6 years on ly 6 per cent on
the purchase price, or will exchange for
wheat or fruit land.
S'"4 Henry BUlg.
TIMBER CLAIM near Columbia River for
labor and building material ; also unin
cumbered lots on Plight Sound. Will take
oily property. Address A L 860. Orego
niHn. WJI.L arrept mortgage or vacant lot as
part payment and build you a home to
order on another of your lots. Peo us
for free plans and estimate. A RSI. Ore
gonian. IF interested In a good 7-passenger touring
car. in fine condi tlon. call at Packard
Garage. Seventh and Oak sts.; will sell
or trade for real estate.
TRADE real estate for business chances,
rooming-houses, household furniture, au
tomobiles, timber or equities anywhere,
Rom 32Q Swetiand bldg.
10-ACRE tract of choicest fruit land on the
North Bank Road, the e.rlie.t in the 5tate;
exchange for city property. 340 Chamber of
WILL exchange lot In Bay City, opposite
Bay Ocean Park. Tillamook Bay. for Port
land property; -bargain. Main 2100. t."7 h
t ettygrove st., evenings.
6-ROOM modem house, E. 2."th St.. value
.i.oo. lor unimproved hill land, vicinity
Buxton. Owner, bo x 34. R eedville. Or.
WANTED TO TRADE one lot and equity
in nair acre for automobile. John Repp.
4 '14 Washington st.
MT. TABoR home, six lots, $1.",.O00, third
cash, balance real testate and mortgage.
Holmes. 4Q1 Oregonian Bid g. Mai a ."42.
LOT Bay City. Michigan. U block City Hal!;
nriek sidewalk : r.d pavement ; f ! 2 0; for
Portland or vicinity. Woodlawn 1423.
lOO ACRES yellow pine timber; will cruise
3,0ot.O00 feet: trade for lots or acreage.
B SS4. Oregonian.
if So' t Bea u t if ul La ure Hi u rt
lot; diamonds
taken as part payment,
AG S72, Ore-
A FINS timber claim in Clatsop County for
trade for equities of a mortgage at 221
Morrison St., room 5.
PROPERTY in Meciford, Or., to trade for
resilience in Portland. .Nortn tun st.
WILL exchange good interest-bearing city
real estate securities for woU-located acre
a ge, near I'ort land. AM S70, Oregonian.
LOTS for confectionery, auto, piano, or live
stock. ;00 Tillamook, C 1132.
wish to e-et in touch with the owner of
an improed or unimproved farm, near
Orestiam or Oregon tity. 'rice must dc
cheap for large cash payment. Something
from SO to lOO acres preferable. R 472,
Oregonian. ,
WE have a buyer for a farm of not less
r H n . f r nric-n not. to M(?phi1
i.'ir.oif; give full particulars, lowest price
and terms at once to
HO 2d st. Phone Marshall L"G7. A 1307.
Want 4o- to tio acres, some timber and
running water; good soil, house and barn,
some fruit; must be on good wagon road,
either railroad station or electric road.
S4 Fourth st.
WE have a buyer for a farm of not lees than
. Si acres; price not to excetd JjsioOO. Give
full particulars, lowest price and terms at
once, to
HO '21 9t. Phone Marshall 1507. A 1507,
WE want 5. 10. 20. 40. SO and 160-acre
farms. We have the parties that have ths
money if your price is right; we will sell
them at once. Full particulars in first
letter or call. Owners only. Nimmo &
Runey. 13 Hamilton bldg.
WE want it good farms at once; our parties
are here trom tiast roany to Duy ; gave
lowest cash price, with full particulars in
first letter or call A. Schneider, 417 Board
of Trade Bldg.
W A N TE D 20 to 1 00 a c res for fa rm i ng and
dalrv on west ide of illamette River,
within 25 miles of Portland. Owners only.
A Si.I. Orenmn.
WANTED 20 to lOO acres of land for invest
ment; price mutft be right; near Sherwood.
Owners only. A S74, Oregonian.
We sell Improved irrigated farms in
the famous Deschutes Valley of Central
Oregon at prices lower than tha Carey
Act companies sell raw lana.
Prices are S;0 to SI 00 per acre.
Deeded what lands in the Madras
rountrv at $17.i to $1:5 per acre.
;2-acre homesteads. loo-acre home
steads that can be irrigated .nd
320-acre desert claims. 1
301-302 Buchanan. Bldir.. on Wash-
ington. near Fifth.
We ell deeded improved farms at Ups
than the Cary act companies i?U raw land.
We have land on both sides of trie Deschutes
River and under each of the Irrigation com-
ih nies: cur prices cannot he uu plicated
splendid irrigated farm.a with pc-riietual
water rigntiJ. at $.;o to .o per acre, oan to
du v or f'iid for descriptive price list ; w(
make weekly excursions to Laidlaw. in the
heart of the irrigated district of Central Ore
301-302 Buchanan Bldg.. on Washington,
r.ear 5th.
TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken.
3Q4 McKay bldg. -
for salt:.
Hordes Vehicle and Ilarnexs.
SORREL horse, 0 years old. l."i hands high,
weight 1 150 lhs.. sound and well broken
to ride or drive; also high-class rubber-tire
runabout and harness, whip, robe, al com
plete and first-class In every respect; usk
for doctor's rig; also nice black pony
suitable for boy, saddle and bridle, price
Son. Call 000 Washington st.
HANDSOil E chestnut gelding CCobl. five
years old and absolutely sound and city
broken for any one to rli!e or drive; a
perfect beauty ; aiso a grand, big. thor
oughbred, six years. weight 1 1 "0 lhs.,
suiablc for high-class saddle horee. For
inspection apply s tallies, loth and Wash-
PAIR big. sound bay horses, weight lisoO
lbs.; also pair chunks, weight 2t50 lbs.;
one odd horse, weight ir.s. ; two sets
sewed-trace harness; will sacrifice to cause
quick saie; also express truck with top
anil business buggy. Exposition Storage
A. fa n t'n 1 ill h and Wash i n srt on nts
MARE and horse. 7 and S years old. weight
240 lbs.. low heavy-set chunks, good
workers ; also team, horses 0 and 7 years
old. weight 24O0 lbs., good heavy 'work
harness; your choice for $225. Call OuO
Washington .st.
B AHOA1N S 1S5 buys team and harness,
weight about 2:oo lbs., are pooll workers,
single or double; also 3 l-;'.-inch farm
wagon, J?40. Call 14 10th st., between
Morrison and Alder.
PAIR nice small mares, weight loD each,
ore sound and true workers. si n gle.
double or ride, make nice sn.all ranch
pair, nice set breeching harness, all com
rlete: price ?14Q. Call 140 lOth.
FOR SALE One gentle, -ue. deliviery
hors; weight 1O0O lbs., cheap. Phone Sell
wood O.Vi. or Sellwood 141.
; HORSES. I saddle yony. surrey and double
bugcv harness. 107S Ilolgai: St., or phone
Sellwood 4sJ.
WILL trade good lots at Newport. Or., for
team, vnares preferred. AL S71, Orego
? ian.
ONE CARLOAD fine Eastern Oregon horses
for sale from $23 up. at Union Stock
DR L. O. STICKS" E Y. V. S. Office 4Q E.
Bum side. E. 555; residence. E. 171.
2 SPANS young draft horses. 11th and Hoy t
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of ail
kinds for sa. S34 Front st.
ONE team of maree, 0-7 year? old. with htr- f r sale cht-ap. 35' Kuvnsid "
LIGHT delivery wagon for sale. 005 East
7th" st. north.
TEAM of small ponies, drive" or ride. Inquire
llo4 Hawthorne ave.
Horses. V eh lcles and Harness.
Ad horses lifted below guarantee a as rep
resented or your money promptly refunded.
Call up my bank, the Portland Trust Co..
and .e" if my guarantee is gvtod. Then look
at these bargains from Umatilla County:
Lay mare and sorrel horse. 230O lhs. ...$223
Bay horse, and sorrel mare,7oo lbs. . . .-"75
Pay horse and sorrel mare, 22oO lbs. ...$225
Ray horse and bay mare. 210 lbs SSvo
Liack horse and sorrel horse, 2500 lhs. ...$273
Bay horfe and brown horse, 17 oo lbs. . . .J iT5
S rrel . hordes, 2tjo Yds ....Jf4"0
rrel horw and bay horse. 24oo Ibe $375
Brown horse and bay horse, 27oO lbs .$2-5
Bay horses. 2o0 lbs ?275
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one irom an oiQ-estaonsnea
wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at
almost the same cost ? We are located
outside the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old retiable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. WADE & CO.,
322 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
FOR SALE Hand -made single phaeton in
good condition ; has genuine leather top:
phaeton was made by Tom Connelly, spe
cial order; price reasonable. Can be seen
Sunday or evenings after 7. Aiso a first
class elk head and the best moose head
In the city; both well mounted. 3o
Pearl st., Piedmont. Phone, Woodlawn
PAIR of matched brown marea. 7 and S.
sound and true, wiil be guaranteed erery
way; chestnut horse, weigns 1350, 8 years
old, chunky built, heavy bone, mare, sound
and true; 12oo-lr. bay horse,. 7 years, broke
single and double, for city or country; lo0
1b. blak horse, city broke, works any place.
Call and see this bunch in harness. 334
Front st.
FOR SALE A pair of horses, bay and
black, good stvle and knee action, age 6
and , ride and drive, in hard work every
day on private carriage; sell together or
separately at a bargain to a quick buyer.
Apply to coachman at private stable, cor
ner 20th and Hoyt sta
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Kemember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares- If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stab las. 420
Hawthorne ave.
Bay and brown, 6 and 7 years old,
weight 2050 lbs.; sound in every respect,
true pullers, kind and gentle disposition;
3Vs-inch wagon and harness at purchaser's
option. 27o E. tith, near E. Madison.
I'hone B 2376.'
GIVEN up business, will sell fine young
2"Mo-ib. team, true work horses and har
ness, 't50; pull 4 tons anywhere; also
handsome 2500- lb. ttam horses, suitable
for any work; $275; 2 bakery wagons. Call
2'.Q H arrisun st.
BLACK horse, about B00 lbs., perfectly
gentle, fine for ladv or children, but a
little light for my purpose ; will sell for
$75, or trade ana pay difference for one
little heavier. Inquire today. Dr. Holltster,
545 Thompson st. Phone East 153S.
CHESTNUT horse. 7 years old, weight llof
wound and gentle, will work or drive any
where, a perfect family animal, with hand
made hameew and runabout buggy, almost
new. Call rear 431 E. Alder.
LOOK at this; 1 team roan horses, 2500 lbs.,
with harness, 175; one 2U0Olb. team, mare
and horse, harness. $19o; these horses are
good workers, single and double; trial
guarantee given. Call 351 Mill st.
TEAM of stylish driving horses, one trough,
ham, one park phaeton, double harness.
"Will sell all at a bargain. Ask Tor Mr.
Morris' team. Fashion Stables, Washing
ton t.. bet. 19th and 20th.
FOR SALE Cheap, sound 2100-lb. team, 3
inch farm wagon and good harness; will
take large horse in exchange. 181 Hazel
St., Mt. Scott car to Kern Park, then go
north 7 blocks and east 2 blocks.
A good light business wagon with long
bed, suitable for contractor or delivery;
a bargain for cash. Call at 426 E. Alder.
FOR SALE Good 2400-lb. team and har
ness. $275; good, true pullers and will
work anywhere. Call Sunday at 302 East
iinth st.
TEAM of colts, 10 months old, halter-broke,
fc-entle, well matched, ood condition; will
make SooO-lb. team. Price $150. C. L.
UrfT, 5 TO Mary t.
FOR SALE One team, weight 2800, age 7
and 1), good pullers; one horse, weight
1250, sound; one ladies' riding or driving
mare, weight 0O0. 30S Front sL
SADDLE pony, must be sold at once; any
one having uso for good pony can't do
better; gentle for children, $30. East 13th
and Skidmore. Phone Woodlawn 93.
TEAM bay mares, weight 120O lbs. each ;
guaranteed sound and true pullers, cheap.
Call today, E. 12th and Madison, Haw
thorne Park cottage.
WAGON for saddle. Will trade light wagon
for saddle. Pay or receive difference, or
sell wagon for $15. Call Sunday. 38S Glenn
ave. Phone Tabor 38.
1 SPAN of delivery mules. 900 lbs.
1 span of horses, 5 years old, 1700 lbs,
1 span of horses, 7 years old, 15H lbs.
14 Suth St.. Montavilla.
GOOD Studebaker surrey and light -double
harness to exchange for diamonds or real
estate. 005 Commercial sbldg. Phone,
Main 6120.
DRAFT and all-purpose horses for sale at
our bi-n at G res ham. Or. ; take car at
East Morrison and Water streets.
CHESTNUT gelding, weight 050; gentle for
lady or old man; good rubber-tired Stude
baker buggy, rubber-trimmed, new harness.
all for $135. Call A 4355.
TWO tancy drivers, city broke, several
horses suitable for delivery purposes, sev
eral new buggies; two sets work harness.
Barn, 0th and Couch.
MUST sell 2oOO-lb. team, mare and geld
ing, with harness, $200. Eight head horses
and mares weighing from 000 to 1300 lbs.
270 E. 0th. near E. Madison.
EX " E PT ION AL ba rga i n 1 team , 2JS0O 1 bs. ,
geldings, young; and true; 1 farm wagon and
harm's--, plow, scraper and harrow. Price
fur all $350. Phone S2II wood 1212.
FOR $125 you can buy my black driving
h'ir3e, rity broke for lady, and steel-tire
open buggy and harness. Mrs. Dickerson,
:;:;4 Frtjnt et.
vXR SALE -pair Cleveland bay horses, 8
years old, weight 2SOO. Can be seen week
da vs at Casket Co., 5th and Flanders;
Sundav at N23 Michigan ave.
5-YEA R-OLD bay horse, sound, works dou
ble or single, weight 1475. 41 Union ave.
I'hone Eaat 654.
GOOD 200-lb team of, mares, 7 years old; 1
mare for farm work. 102$ East Alder st.
Tabor 743.
FOR SALE One 3-year-old registered Alt
amont stallion ; one 5-year-old Altaxnont
gelding. Tabor 830.
Best accommodations for travelers; ladies'
waiting-room; prices moderate. 243 Front.
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses
always on hand ; sold with guarantee as
represented. U. S. Stables. 24 8 Front.
A SNAP $60 buys a swell 2-wheel cart
and harness. US5 Union ave. Phone
Woodlawn 1976.
WANTED To buy one saddle horse not over
7 years old; must be reasonable price. AE
Vf. Oregonian.
WILL sell my fine driving team of matched
bays or will trade for real estate. Call 324
O:. amber of Commerce bldg.
llano. Organs and Musical Instrument g.
UPRIGHT BAILEY piano for sale, $125. In
quire any time Sunday or week-day even
ings. 749 Water st. S car.
EGGS for setting; Black Minorcas. Buff Or
pington and Silver Laced Wyandot tejs. Tel,
Woodlawn 119H.
HALLETT AND DAVIS baby grand, in good
condition, 2oO; also 54- inch oik roll-top
ri-Pk and chair. $25. W eQl, Oregonian.
BEAUTIFUL toned piano in good condition,
will sell at cash bargain; no dealers; give
phone number. AH S71. Oregonian.
FOR SALS Cheap, fine young mare, also
top bugey ; solid rubber tires and har
nrss. Call at O. K. Stables, 230 Jefferson.
FOR PALE Good riding horse. Call at 692
Harold st.. on Sellwood carline.
FOR SALE Steck baby grand piano. 1094
E f t Morrison, phone Tabor 1119.
t:mw. Organs and Musical Instruments.
THOROUGHBRED Stlver-laced Wyandotte
eegs. $1.50 per setting: handsomest birds,
l.jst layers. Phone B 253Q.
PIANO In mahogany case will be sold at
a bargain if taken at once. Room 10
Washington Bldg.
ON account of leaving city will sell my $400
piano for S275. $35 cash, balance $S per
month. Box 114. University sta.
a r.litnn nhnnocninh. with IK rpr--
Virris; bargain. Apply 504 Flanders st. '
I'LANO for sale. $100 cash. 'Woodlawn 699.
p-67 E. 13th No. Alberta car.
CARPENTER makes window ecreens- to or-
der. fitted and hung Phone Tabor 1 175.
FOR SA LE Baby grand piano, reasonable.
No dealers-. I'hone B 1161.
EXPRESS wagon and team with work,
cheap; stand 143 N. 6th, or 247 N. 13tn su
Birds. Bogs, pet St oca.
FOR SALE 1 pure white female bull ter
rier IS months old, royally bred; -month
Scotch skyeterrier. female; 1 coach. S mos.
old; 1 chesepeake setter. 20 months old;
can be seen l.'ii Lownfidale st, uear Alder.
Main 5S41; A 42S7.
FOR SALE 1 cows, some fr-h, some freh.
soon: 4 heifers, full-blood Jersey. 1 year
old. Wrn. Borsch on Oreg--n Electric Ry.
Cet off Shahapta Station. Hillsdale P. O.
FOR SALE Six bull pups, very cheap.
Mount Scott car to Lents, north to school
house, east one block.
CANARY Beautiful mountain roller singer,
1 year old, new brass cage. $5, Wood
lawn lti. i.
PED1GREEI English setter pups for sale;
see my dogs at bench show April 27 to
C. T. Gates. I'-So Aibina ave.
THOHOl'GHERKU White Leghorn eggs for
sale. $0 per lOO. paeihe Peed Co., 2ol
Front st.
TH HEK pedigreed English bull terrier pups,
best bred dogs in Northwest. ti22 Henry
PERSIAN cat, white, cheap, bred; also white
k itten. blue eyes, cheap. 7 North Park
ft. Phone Mam 5754.
PERSIAN cats, one jear old, full pedigree;
prize winners. 82 California st. Marshall
1 2SH.
EGGS from China Geese. Mammoth Pekm, In
dian Runner and Rouen Ducks, Woodlawn
RHODE ISLAND red eggs for hatching.
Prize winning stock. Filberta. Poultry
Yards. Phone Mln COM.
THOROUGH BRED Spitz pups for sale.
Phone Main 30o7.
FOR SALE Fine pedigreed English bulldog
pup. 209 Taylor st.. city
ENGLISH bull terrier puppies. Call
Fast 21th. bet. Main and Madison.
Fine fox terrier pups for sale. 210 Mar-
K1H gl.
FOR SALE Nice Boston bull pup, femaJe.
Maln 3937.
Ret st.
FOR SALE 4 milch and 7 beef cows. AL
s74. Oregonian.
During the past week we have sold a
number of standard make machines . at
exceptional bargains; we have a few good
live-passenger and runabouts left which
we wiil seii at from 3-3 to j off their
original cost; the following list consists
of 19o9 cars almost new and fully guar
anteed r.ime as a new car and if you
don't wait too long you can secure a real
bargain: here are a few:
Cadillac, 1909, 5-passenger, fuyy equip
ped. Chalmers-Detroit, 1909, 5-passenger,
fully equipped.'
Buick. 4-cylinder. model 10, 4-passenger.
Buiek. model 10. runabout.
Maxwell. Jr., 1909. runabout.
Oldsmobile. 1909, touring: a snap.
Franklin model "G" : f-passunger.
Speedwell. 50. 1909, runabout.
Studebaker. 7-passenger; a bargain.
Hupmobile. 1910. new equipped; bargain
Overland. 1909. good as new.
If you are lookfn ?r for a good car and
care to save from $500 to Jlooo. call and
"look through our stockroom before buy
ing. If you don't feel competent of being your
own judge, it will pay yu to obtain the
service of an automobile mechanic or one
w ho knows.
In any event, come and see what wo
have to offer.
Every car ready for demonstration.
Phone Main SI 12 and we will call for you
if you desire.
20O-20S Eveiett St.
1910 Lozier. 6-cylinder. almost new;
cost $0000 ; our price, $5000.
1909 MO-60 Stearns, fuliv equipped; fine
condition: cost $5500; $3S50.
1909 White steamer, fully equipped; all
new tires; $1800.
1905 White steamer, fully equipped;
newly Tainted ; $1
1909 Chalmers-Detroit, fully equipped;
1909 Studebaker electric coupe, with,
extra phaeton body and charging plant;
been run only 400 miles; cost $24H; ' a
good buy at Jlfioo.
1H0S Pope electric, new batteries; $775.
1 9t;7 Ford, 6-cylinder, 7-passenger tour
ing car. top, glass front, etc. ; $14K).
1906 Franklin. 5-passenger, touring car,
fully equipped: $n0.
1904 White steamer, 5-passenger, good
condition ; $390.
J0O6 Cadillac runabout; !?325.
1905 Cadillac runabout; $275.
All cars thorough 1 y overhauled before
delivery is made; demonstrations made at
any time; on some of these cars we can
give terms and also trade for real estate
and mort gages.
P. E. Beam. Manager.
6th and Madison Sts.
Main C92. A 2234.
$4750 T ERMS.
This farm Is second to none for qual
ity, location, etc., and all for $4750
cash: of the 4-0 acres all but 8 acres
fine standing timber, are In highest state
of cultivation; this is plowed and some
already seeded : the soil Is a deep, rich
loam, and grows prolific crops; it is lo
cated near two small towns on the South
ern Pacific and the Oregon Electric ; very
handy to Portland and Salem; it is a
beautiful home place; it is a money-maker
and it is priced much below- market value
to effect immediate sale; standing offer
of $4 per thousand for the timber; fine
big creek on the place; two acres beaver
dam, young clover, bearing orchard, ber
ries, grapes and a complete set of build
ings; raw land in this section brings as
high as $100 per acre; this place is
complete in every respect and well pro
portioned, and the man who gets . this
place for $4750 is eertainlv getting a snap.
For immediate sale. $4750, J. e. Smith,
? 1 " Chamber of Commerce.
Call them anything you wish as long as
you realize that we are getting rid of
our second-hand cars at absolutely bottom
prices. We offer late mode runabouts,
touring cars, roadsters and delivery cars
In absolutely perfect condition; overhauled
and repaired to look like new. List and
prices furnished upon request- All differ
ent makes.
0th and Maidson Sts.
Main 602, A 2234.
You have been waiting for a good second-hand
Cadillac at a bargain price; here
It Is. It's a demi-tonneau, 4-passenger
car, fully equipped and in fine condition.
Come quick if you want it. Covey Motor
Car Co.
1 7-8-PASSENGER auto, the very beet stage
line; new top. magneto, in fact in perfect
condition; will demonstrate; guaranteed as
represented ; price $250O; wiil take some
trade. 51-7 Chamber of Commerce.
I own 160 acres of land 5 miles from
railroad in Umatilla County, Or. I will
trade for roadster or five-passenger ma
chlne. O S71. Oregonian.
FOR SALE 7-paswenger. 4;-H. P. touring
car, almoet new, in perfect condition. A
rare bargain.
Main 8121. A 7012. 503 AHor.
5-passenger touring csr. almost as good
as new; will trade for improved r unim
proved residence property. AM 8i5, Ore
gonlan. JUST the car for livery or stage line : 7
passonger. fully equipped. Al condition.
$2250 cash, or $2SOo in exchange for city
or suburban property not to exceed $3500;
terms on balance. AN SsQ. Oregonian.
HIGH-POWERED Packard runabout. re
finished, new tires, condition almost like
new. Packard Garage. 7th and Oak sts.
A WHITE steamer runabout, just the thing
for a doctor; for saie or trade. What
have you got? Tabor 865. 1155 Belmont.
TOURING car, '09," balance cash, on $0000
ranch, 00 acres, 18 miles from Portland.
X S.s5. Oregonian.
FIVE-PASSENGER touring car, nearly new,
fully equipped; leaving city; $750. C S5P.
TWO carloads of Jackson automobiles will
arrive next week? call and -have a demon
st rat Ion. W. C. Green. -SS North Sixth st.
FOR SALE at a bargain, Indian motor
cycle, in good condition. Price $75. AE
Svy Oregonian.
WANTED Seven-passenger car in good con
dition, in exchange for realty. C. P. Wells,
414-415 Lewis bldg.
ALL-ROUND office man ; one with local sell
ing experience. Box 28.
ALMOST new 3o-h. p. 4-seated auto; $1150.
Geo. R. Flora. 470 E. Barnslae gt.
FOR RENT Private garage. Inquire 2.V7
12th st.
FOR SALE Runabout, in good condition;
:too. Inquire 61 Hd st.
7-PASSENGER AUTO for sale or trade, or
will take part cash. Main 5276.
M icella.neoas.
CHOICE Early Rose seed potatoes. 7S4 E,
iil st. sw
FOR SA ft.
HAVING just bought all the machinery from
a large sash and door factory and saw
mill, we have for sale:
One 72x18 boiler.
1 50-horsepower en gine.
Sft-horsepower engine.
40-horsepower engine.
6x24 9ay planer, 3 sets head blocks. log
haul and turner; carriages, set works,
pulleys, belting, mortises, rib saw and
other miscellaneous machinery that we
will dispose of at extraordinary low prloes.
344-230 Front St.
244-250 FRONT ST.
FINE RESIDENCE lot, 50x100, 15 minutes
from center of city on carline; $750. $73
csh and $16 per month. Address G. R.
Edwards. General Delivery.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest
Typewriter Co., M. 8870. 322 Ablngtoa
WILL exchange fine solid gold repeating
stop watch or a fine white diamond ring
for good horse or buggy. 809 E. 2Hth st,
Woodstock car to Gladstone ave.
BOX BALL allevs; three 30-foot alleys at
$50 each, or $130 for the lot, crated ready
for shipment. Address D. T. Gerdes,
Houlton. Or.
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451,
A 5445.
HIGH-GRADB 8-foot extension oak dining
table with 6 genuine leather covered chains;
excellent condition; cost $160; half price,
terms; no dealers. AL 888. Oregonian.
FOR SA LE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
gine, good as new. R. T. Cox, 250 & 3d
tt.. Portland. Or.
FOR SALE One five-ton Icemaklng plant,
complete. CHy Market Ice Co., Hassel
wood bldg.. 3d and HoyU
BEAUTIFUL rand new Bradford piano, only
$205. $15 down and! $3.75 a month. Call 350
Alder st. -
L YOUNG, honest man. married, German,
wishes position as caretaker for residence.
S S9l. Oregonian.
FOR SALE One 3 to 4-H. p. stationary
gasoline engine, almost new. $145. Main
4101. or address 501 Medical bldg.
DIAMOND cluster ring, 15 diamonds set In
platinum ; worth $175; will sell for $90.
S S92. Oregonian.
SAFES 11 2d-hand safes very cheap; large
stock new safes sold on easy terms; call or
write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 5th.
SECOND-HAND drop-head White sewing
machine for sale cheap. Room 25 The
Nordica Apartments, cor. Grand ave. and
Beimont st.
STOVER gasoline wood saw, 5 horsepower;
wood wheels; good as new; $25 worth of
extras go with it. N. L. Newell, 215 E.
70th st-
FOR SALE Telescope with 5 lenses, 4
draws ; when closed 1 1 inches ; -when ex
tended SM feet: treescrew and tripod. C
Schmidt. 544 Williams ave.
H ALP PRICE Rugs from my home, hand
some, rare antique and new Orientals. Nava
jo, fur leopards, Russian, wolf. 314 Ablngton
bldg.. loQi$ 3d gt.
FOR SALE Handsome gasoline launch, or
will trade in on automobile. Room 10,
Grnnd Theater bldg.
LAUNCH BARGAIN New 22 by 4-foot fa
launch; 12-horsepower, complete. Terms, or
will trade on good lot. H 8S7, Oregonian.
WHITE LEGHORN eggs for hatching. Cor
ner Pre scot t and E. Glen ave. North. Wood
lawn 1979.
BRAND new 4-H. P. motorcycle for sale
cheap or will trade for good horse or cow.
Rnlph R. Ruffner. 124 3d St. ,
BRIDGE Beach cook stove, splendid baker,
perfect condition. 191 Failing St.- Phone
Woodlawn 2519.
HANDSOME and rare Navajo rugs; one for
merly belonged to a chief. AC 8S9, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE Boat house, 3 large rooms, log
float ; good condition; $100; terms. Phone
Marshall 124 L
FOR SALE Soda fountain and complete
outfit at a sacrifice. Call News stand.
Union Depot.
CHEAP One whole and two half-fare
tickets to Salt Lake; good until June 1.
070 Thurman st.
PRIVATE family, making own butter from
pure Jersey cream, will sell few pounds
weeklv. phone Monday, Main 4708.
THOROUGHBRED1 White Leghorn eggs,
setting $1.50 15. 764 East Salmon st.
LAUNCH, length, 25 feet; beam, 4 feet; H.
P.. 5; speed. 84 miles; price $150. 694
Lovejoy st.
ONE drop-head Singer machine. 1 2; at
tachments complete. Call 350 Morrison
St.. next to Ttill A Glbbs.
VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half
regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 Sixth st.
50-POUND Ice chest and mahogany dresser
cheap. 326 First St.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
96 2-3 YARDS Axmfnster carpet, nearly new.
74S Raleigh st. Phone Main 8Q82.
FOR SALE Good Smith-Premier typewrit
er, only 112 uaK st-
SHOWCASES new and second-hand, 813
Everett cor. 6th. Also fixtures
FINE Insulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex
Friedman. 295 lst
600 BUSINESS cards $1 if you bring this ad.
Rose City Prlntery. 192 3d. near Taylor.
GAS RANGE for sle cheap; 18-inch oven.
P.ione Marshall 1223.
WILL trade 20-foot launch for what you
have- AG 85. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Hand printing press and typs
compb te. S2n Savler st.
FOR SALE Biirh oven Jewel gas range. In
qulre at 24 Wiberg Lane.
POOL TABLE for sale; take Richmond car
to end of carline. walk 2 blocks north.
A GOOD standard typewriter, $15. L 873,
NEW IK-foot transom stern launch bull;
must sell. Call 307 N; 10th st-
lt)R SALE.
M ijoells.reoits.
pipe: pipe:
2 4 -INCH PIPE. 12c
3- INCH PIPE, 15c
4- INCH PIPE. 17c.
244-250 FRONT ST.
1 60-H. P. BOILER.
1 40-H. P. engine.
1 20-H. P. engine.
1 10-H. P. engine.
1 SO-H. P. motor.
1 30-H. P. motor.
1 10-H. P. motor.
1 2oO-iight dynamo.
Several other dynamos.
Pulleys, belting.
Shafting, boxes.
Kails, sheetlron.
Rubber roofing.
Corrugated iron.
If ever in need of any pulleys, belting,
shafting or hangers or any other kinds of
machinery, see us, as we can positively
save you money.
244-250 Front st.
TENTS, all sizes, and camp furniture of ah
kinds, cheaper and better than any place in
the city; No. 8 $18 cook stove $8.50; gas
ranges, four burners, $7.50 to $13.50; kitchen
treasure. $2: dining-room suite, weathered
finish, consisting of ft chairs, extension ta
ble and buffet $29; weathered china closet,
$12; solid oak sideboards, $10 to $30; round
extension table, $7.5o; black walnut book
case, $5; 50-piece dinner sets, $5.25; kitchen
safe, $3.5o; wardrobe, $650; Iron beds. $2;
dressers $4.50 to $25: folding bods, $5 ta
$25; refrigerators. $8 to $2o; roll-top desk,
weathered oak. 48 inches, $22.50: flat,-tp
desk, $10; revolving office chair, $3.50; car
pets, rugs, linoleum, matting, everything to
furnish a house or office: we sell on the In
etallment plan, too; get our terms and
prices first. Both new and fine econd-hand
household goodn in endless variety. Western
Salvage Co., 627, 629, 631. 633 and 633
Washington st., corner of 20th. Main llt8
or A 3793, .
One 10x13 logging engine with line.
One 9x10 logging engine with line.
One 84x10 double-cylinder hoisting engine.
One 6H10 double-cylinder hoisting engine,
.One 12-h. p. stationary gasoline engine- '
74 First St. Both Phones.
LAUNCH and house at a bargain. Owner
has left city. House in good condition, fit
ted with cradle and hoist for keeping boat
out of water. Boat is 36 feet O. A., speed
IS miles. nglne 20 H. P. 3-cyl. 2-cycle;
Wizard magneto. Connetlcut dashboard coils.
Hart h an propeller, new last August. Eay
Chairs, flags lamps, tools, life-preservers,
etc. Can be seen at Ray's Gas Engine Hns
Pital. foot of Elbrworth st.. phone Sell. 1022.
1 soda fountain, complete.
1 gasoline engine and sparker.
1 threshing machine, Altman & Taylor.
149 washing machines.
Tnese goods are new. Apply at room
701 Wells Fargo bldg., or at warehouse,
foot of Columbia St., afternoons except
LAUNCH. 22 ft.. 8 H. P-, Smalley engine,
magneto, canopy top. equipped with all
conveniences, oak deck, cedar hull; a fine
boat in A-l condition; also boathouse for
sale, price $60 for the outfit. Look it
over, it's a bargain. Boat without tha
house. $.VQ. Inquire No. 90 Fifth St.
10-foot counter with shelves, and fl
doors, top 18 inches wide. 12-foot rail
with base, posts, two gates, fi-foot rail,
20-inch top. Address American Life A
Accident Co., 615 Beck tldg. Telephone
M aln 6552.
HOTELS, lodging houses or property-owners
to buy wall paper in room lots, from one
room up at 50c per room, full combinations.
A chance to buy ten or 20 rooms and etore
them, you buy the paper for about what
t he fr e i g h t cob t . Mo rgan Wall Paper Co.
SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK
SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines,
slightly marred ; all standard makes ma
chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones,
Prop.. 420 Washington St., corner 11th.
BICYCLE RIDERS, send for free descrip
tion of the greatest Invention of ths 20th
century; an absolutely puncture-proof bi
cvcle tire. Clipper Tire Co., Desk E,
Everett. Wash.
sect powder destroys all insects on plants
a id flowers; one package 75c. makes 5
gallons. For sale at 40 Charnelton St.,
Eugene. Oregon. James Lynch,
22-FOOT launch hull, semi-speed model,
complete, ready for engine. Was built for
high power engine. Will sell cheap if
taken at ontfe. Call and see it. 1674 K.
15th st.. near Umatilla,
125-volt, 150-K. W. General Electric
generator; belt type, complete with panel
and rail base. Address Room 20L Ors
gonlan bldg. t .
$250 6 -seat Ford automobile; top, lamps,
good tires; 18-foot gasoline lannch. $90; aiso
good portable engine and boiler. Call Sunday
at Oregon City Machine Shops. 12th and
Main stjt.
487 TAYLOR, near 14th A square of 45
yards handsome green and black velvet
carpet, suitable for office or recept ion
room, nearly new; less than half cost.
FOR SALE or trade, a 25-foot launch. 15
h. p. engine, fully equipped. coPt $800.
Must go. Cheap. A. Kane, 4S6 Going St.,
FOR SALE 30 H. P. Atlas engine; good
condition. F. C. Stettler, 10th. and Gllsan
FOR SALE Six bull pups, very cheap.
Mount Scott car to Lents, north to school-
house. east one block. -
FOR SALE CHEAP 33 reels of moving pic
ture film and lot of song slides, cheap.
See YOUNG, room 16 Breslln Hotel.
FOR SALE Motor boat, 27-foot, 30 H. P.
Call Monday 354 Belmont. Phone East 17.
GOOD No. 4 Underwood typewriter for $50.
413 Buchanan bldg.
GOLDEN OAK sideboard. 2S7 W. Park st.
WILL buy or trade for new or second-hand
motorcycle. AG 886. Oregonian.
PIANO Wanted, Inside player. new or
slightly used; no dealers. Y 895, Oregonian.
A LARGE safe wanted for spot cash; mmA be
cheap. Roply to 74 North 6th sc.
SECOND-HAND" bicycle or frame. AH 873,