THE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APEIt, 10, 1910. "EW TODAY. Don't Forget to Before You Buy For Prices and Terms ASK RTMAN& THOMPSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Corner 50x100. Present improvements pay $230 per month. Unim pi'oved quarter a few blocks north held at $75,000. Trice $42,500, Avith very easy terms. ARCHIBALD 425 Failing Bldg. Phone (Main 8510. WHEAT IS KING. The Wheat Growers' Mecca Alberta -wheat lands for five years have produced' the largest average yields of wheat on the American Continent. Our book lets will pive you faets and fig ures and the names and addresses of numerous farmers in Alberta who have grown 40 to 0 bushels of wheat. 80 to 120 bushels of oats and to 4 tons of timotny to the acre and other crops in pro portion. Alberta is the finest stock country in the world. Stock grazes the year around. Write or eall at once for free literature. $12 to $18 an Acre All near railways and towns. Next Low-rate Excursion April 16 ide-McCarthy land company Colonization Ajrcnts Canadian Pacific Railway, 425-26-27-28 Lumbe miens Bldg. LOT 4'xiS. Knott. near Williams aveT; splemild location- lor stores and finis above; $.tfo. tcod bu v. Cl'LVL'B, tiiJ Chamber of Commerce. PARK PARK SHEET Alberta NEW TODAY. Grussi &Zadow Bargain List S1750 $2300 $2300 $2350 $2400 6-room house, 80x105 lot. E. 79th and Burnside, $550 cash. $15 per month. 5-room bungalow, 1109 East Sherman, near 37th; $500 cash. $18 per month. Xice 5-room cottage. E. Tarn hill, near 35th; terms. 5- room cottage. East Salmon St., near 34th; $500 cash. $16 per month. Xice. new 4 -room bungalow, E. Morrison St.; $500 cash. 8-room house, E. Taylor, near 35th; $300 cash, $20 per mo. New bungalow. West Side, walking distance; $500 cash. 10- room house on Corbett st., full lot. A snap. $800 cash. Nearly -new 6-room house, cor ner lot, 50x100, E. Taylor st.; $200 cash, $16 per month. New 5-room bungalow. East Main street; easy terms. New 8-room modern house. E. 32d. near Hawthorne; $500 cash, $25 per month. 6- room cottage, Glenn ave., near Hawthorne; part cash. 4"ine new 6-room house, 28th near Halsey; part cash. New 2-story, 7-room house, furnished; full lot, on Minne sota ave., near Mason; terms. 7- room brick veneered house in Albina; easy terms. 5- room cottage. Quimby. near 19th, West Side; part cash. 6- room furnished house, cor ner 17th and Clinton; terms. Swell bungalow, cor. E. 35th and Morrison; $500 cash, $20 month; brand new. Very fine 6-room new house, PJast 15th, near Alberta. Kine 6-room house on 100x100 corner. East Taylor st.; swell. Corner store, Sunnyside, rent ed for $35 per month. 70x156, with 2 houses, Hamil ton Ave., near Corbett. 7- room nice house. E. Taylor near 23d; $1000 cash, $25 mo. Swell modern 7-room house, lot 54x100, East Couch St., near 23d; part cash. Swell 6-room modern house, full lot. E. Yamhill, near 28th. Part cash. Good 8-room modern house, E. 11th, near Weidler. A bargain. New swell 7-room modern house in Ladd's Addition, $1000 cash. Balance monthly. 11- room house on 6th st., near Grant; terms. . New swell modern 7-room house on E. 22d st., Irvington. terms. A beauty. $1500 cash. 4 houses and quarter block on Kelly street, all rented. Very swell bungalow, 8 rooms, on 100x100 in Irvington; some thing rich. Swell home, with corner view lot, Willamette Heights. 100x100 corner with 9 -room house. Front and Meade. $2500 $2500 $2600 $2900 $3000 $3000 $3250 $3500 $3500 $3800 $3800 $3800 $4000 $4250 $4250 $4500 $4500 $4800 $5000 $5000 $6000 $6000 $6250 $6500 $8000 $8750 $9500 $9500 01 n Cnrt 10-room house, 50x100, E. 3d, OIU JUUnear Oregon. Ml finnVery swell modern 8-room Oil UUU rpsidpnrp pnrnoi- 1 flfl v 1 Oft nn Hancock st., includes 300 yards carpet. C 1 C finn 4 modern flats on corner lot, OI0 UUU rent $124 per month. East Washington st., walking distance. C 1 C flfin One of the finest homes in Irvington; 100x100 corner. LOT BARGAINS 350 500 Lot 35. block 44, Peninsular Addition. 50x100 lot on Hibbard St., near business center Monta villa; easy terms. Nice 50x100 lot In Lenox Ad dition; $25 cash. $10 per mo. Lots 34 and 35, block 14, Pen insular No. 2, near Swift's; part cash. 50x100. on Virginia st.. Southern Portland; easy terms. - ' 60x100, E. 33d st., near Clinton; easy terms; snap. 50x100 on B. 14th, near Karl. Bargain; half cash. 100x100. cor. 33d, near Alberta. Snap; $400 cash. 50x100 business corner, 22d and Division; fine for flats or three houses. Business corner, 67x98, on Milwaukie ave., Westmoreland. 60x100 east-front lot on E. 22d near Knott. t-well large lot on Patton road, Portland Heights. Bargain, fine lot, 69x100, on Willamette Heights; part cash. Beautiful view lot. 50x100. Water and Lane sts. South Portland. 100x100 corner, E. 30th and Pine sts.; $1000 cash. 100x100 on Kelly st.; cheapest quarter in South Portland; $2000 cash. 600 650 800 800 850 $1300 $1500 $1600 $2000 $2000 $2250 $3000 $3500 $5000 Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. two BLOCKS of lots quarter blocks surrounding this are selling for $400 to $5000 our price from $3500 to $4250. Will sell this alto gether or separate bounded by 24tlt and 26th, Broadway and Schuyler; 10 lots 50x100 each. . These are priced for quick sale. aurelhurst Let fa Show You Some Special Good Buys. $11750 3B0 San Rafael street, near Union avenue, walking distance to town; good 7-room house, bath, toilet, gas and basement; fraction al lot, cement sidewalks all around. All improvements in and paid for. House rents for $25 per month. This is a snap. Small amount handles this. Haas and Ringler 211 Lnrta Rldfr. Phone Marshall 847. IRVINGTON HOME Xew modern 8-room house, with 4 bedrooms, large den and sleep ing porch, furnace and fine fire place, and all other latest improve ments. Gas and electric fixtures cost $200. I'pstairs is all white en amel ; burglar alarm system throughout the house, includes over 300 yards of carpet and linoleum, on a corner 100x100 on Hancock St.. where all homes are built on quarter blocks. One of the most elaborate homes in the swellest part of Irv ington. Price $11,000; $6000 cash. (IRISSI ZADOW 317 Board of Trade Bids;., 4th and Oak CORNER E. Hoyt, near Laurelhurst ; $ lu5-j, half cash. Cl'l.Vr'R. 62.1 Chamber of Commerce. WANT experiemed bookkeeper. Call Bay City Market, corner 4th and Y am hi 1 1, be tween 10 and 12 A. -M. today. 1 ! i Rroadway XIW TODAY. W. B. Streeter and B. Gildner OWNERS, 212 Lewis Building. A Statement to Those Who Have Bought and Those Who In tend to Buy This property is located on the east slope of Kings Heights and faces south, east and north. It. is just exactly as far from the busi ness center of Portland as the City Park is. as it -is located on the twin hill on the north side of Up per "Washington street. The Wash ing street carline will be extended to this property and will circle its highest point. You have the en tire north, east and south view from St. Frances Hill .It is one third the distance from down town that Portland Heights is, and only one-fourth the distance of Willamette Heights. A lot with half the view on Portland Heights will cost nearly twice as much as we are selling St. Frances Hill lots for, and, besides, we put" in all the improvements. St. Frances Hill Will be the real NOB HILL of Portland. The prices now are from $2S00 to $4500 per lot, in cluding hard-surface streets, gas, water and sewer. Work has been under way on these improvements for three weeks, and they will be pushed through without delay. The terms of sale of lots are one third cash. 'balance on or before 3 years at 6 per cent. , reeter and B. Gildner OWNERS, 212 Lewis Building. 27 Net On Your Investment For Particulars D. B. MACKIE 217-19 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Second and Stark Sts. Phones: Main 2279. A 2279. FOR SALE Two lots In South Portland. easily w ort h $20OO. sell for $1 600 ; must be sola. .-. bfri'nger bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE, etc.. by expert draftsman: half price. H S73, Oregonian. FOR SALE 1 S- room, nicely furnished ; . bargain. Phone Main 1X93. W. B. St SEW TODAY. White Salmon APPLE LANDS Opposite Hood River All that Hood River is to day, White Salmon will be as development progresses. WHITE SALMON enjoys the same advantages as Hood River in climate, beauty of scene, cheap rail and water transportation, the same markets and the same prices for its fruits, the same distance from Portland, the same superior class of settlers. None have invested in these lands without profit. The upward trend must con tinue as the area of good apple land is limited. Ten acres of bearing trees is a fortune. The prices quoted in the following list will double iii value before reaching Hood River's high level. 10. acres 10 miles from White Salmon, all good soil, no rock, easily cleared $6CO 20 acres 912 miles from "White Salmon, brush, all choice fruit land. . .$1200 20 acres 10 miles from "White Salmon, no waste, all slopes to the southeast, which is choice fruit land; no rock . . . S120O 40 acres 10 -miles from "White Salmon, plenty of water, 3 acres cleared, no waste S2400 40 acres 91A miles from "White Salmon, brush land, not a foot of waste on en tire tract, no rock... $3000 40 acres 9 miles from "White Salmon, fir and brush, easily cleared, four miles from Columbia River magnificent view. . . $3500 10 acres 1 mile from "White Salmon, nine acres cleared and planted to one- vear-old tres, on countv road $4500 40 acres 9 miles from "White Salmon, eight acres slashed, 1 i g,h t clearing finest soil, spring, 3 acres 3-year old orchard, home stead buildings .... S4500 80 acres 8 miles from White Salmon, eight acres cleared, good spring, about 25 per cent waste land, homestead buildi gsSoOOO 40 acres 9 miles from White Salmon, 1 miles from Husum, no waste land, fine soil $5000 80 acres 9 miles from White Salmon, only four riiiles from Columbia River, about ten acres slashed; 4 acres 3roung orchard, all good land and good slope, spring, homestead build ings .. $8000 25 acres li miles from White Salmon, four acres cleared, balance slashed and verv easilv cleared, house and barn, fine spring no waste land $8000 160 acres 10 miles from White Sal mon: land rolling; only 6 miles from orth Bank K. K. when new wapon road completed ; fine soil ; four mil lion feet fir; 20 acres waste; $9600 160 acres 11 miles from White Sal mon, about 20 acres waste land heavily timbered, good spring:, .$0600 40 acres 5y2 miles from White Sal mon; 20 acres planted to 1 and 2- year-old trees; land rolling: and free from rock, no waste; $10,000. 4S0 acres, 12 miles from White Sal- J J. 1. jy T 1 1 mon, covered wnu iir ana Drusn about 20 per cent waste; $21,600. Northwestern Land Company Suite 320, Lumbermen's Building, Portland, Or, Phones: A 2456, Marshall 158. XIW TODAY. PORT LAX D ACREAGE. CLOSE IX. SACRIFICE SALE. 244 ACRES FOR PLATTING. NEAR BURLINGTON. Electric carline runs through tract; sta tion on property; 75 acres all cleared; meadow and orchard, balance easily cleared; about 6000 cords wood on tract and on carline; $125 an acre ; terms, if taken at once; this is way under adjoin ing property. WASHINGTON-OREGON INVESTMENT COMPANY. 208 Lumbermens Bldg. WANTED Male or female stenographer and bookkeeper for Bend, Or.; must be com petent and understand the- drawing ssT deeds, contracts and legal papers; perma nent position and good salary. Apply Frank Robertson. 420 Failing bldg. A 10 AND 11-room lodging-house, choice location, cheap rent, clearing $55 each; must be sold at once; worth $S50 ; my price, $600; terms. Goddard, 615 Board of Trade. MODERN 7-room house. 335 Gnrham ave. inquire 94 Rodney ave. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F.V. & Co.M.3349. 80 Hamilton bldg. Beck. William G., 812 Falling bldg. Birrell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mnrt cn ir(w Inn r Mt Brutaker & Benedict, 502 McKay bldg. M. 549 CARD REALTY ft INVESTMENT CO., 110 SECOND ST. MARSHALL IsWVL A 15fl7 Chapin & Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. & Co., 603 Corbett bldg. & Co.. Main 188. 20fl Drpponian. JONES & SHERMAN, 3u3 Henry Bldg. PALVER-JONE3 CO.. H. P.. 213 Commer cial uiuo Didg. Schalk. Geo.D.. 22S Stark st. Main 392. A 2392 SHINDLER & HALL. 205 Abington bldg. The Oregon Reai Estate Co., Grand are. and Muuuoman st. mouaaay Aaaiuonj. M. E. Thompson Co. cor. 4th and Oalc sts. Walker. S. T., 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. BARGAINS. PIEDMONT. 60x100 corner $1100. PIEDMONT. 100x100 east face, $1900. PIEDMONT. 100x100 corner, $2250. PERLEY B. LENT, 417 Corbett Bldg. LAURELH URST. 2 choice lots bought before the rise in price Will be SOM On verv nnv tfrniK- fine view and well located with reference 19 car, it you want something really fine, see these, . R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 1-37. Main 1963. THIS INVESTMENT Can be made without mUuin o- tha $550, with very easy terms, buys a lot loo feet from the Montavilla carline. on ooxn sc. taBL .Better get one while they are cheap. CHAPIN TTRRT.fYOT 332 Chamber of Commerce. M BLOCK ON SANDY BOULEVARD, PRICE. S1000. This is $600 under market; you have uwii witiiing ror a. snap, nere it is. In Rose City Park. Do you know value? (Office open Sundays. ) FRANK L. M'GUIRE, M. 5264 51S Board of Trade A 5203. TWO 20O lots. 4 lots for $325, 10 per cent cash, balance easy terms. 1 Laurelhurst lot. $700. 1 Westmoreland business lot. $1000. 1 Belle Crest lot. $550. Business block guarantee 8 per cent on investment. $11,000. . BROWN. 411 Couch Bldg. IRVINGTON. I have some of the finest lots In Irv ington for $1250 and $1300; these can be handled 10 per cent down, balance 2 per cent per month; every lot will advance $200 May 1; improvements all in now. W. J. BAKER. 519 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK LOT. $140 will secure you a lot in this re stricted section ; one of the best lots in the park; owner needs money. See this today. W. B. HARTLEY, Phone Main 297. 411 S wetland Bide aAbT 2bth and Division sts. A block Of 5 lots, of which 3 are corners; a grand in vestment from a residence as well as business standpoint. Price $i200 cash. C F. Pfluger & Co.. room 5 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. WAVBRLY-RICHMOND. lightly lot near Baby Home; $SOO, terms. MT. HOOD LAND CO., 712 Rothchild Bldg. CORNER LOT. BELMONT ST. Southeast corner E. 25th and Belmont. 40x100; price $2O00. J. J. OEDER. Corner Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. SPLENDID Laurelhurst lot. You will like this one for an Investment ' or home. Im provements will be completed next August. Will eell my equity at original cost. Owner, N 872, Oregon :an. BEAUTIFUL Irvington corner, IGOxlOO, all improvements in and close to carline. Be yond a doubt one of the prettiest corners and $60O cheaper than neighboring corners. $H750, easy termg. N 871. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst lot, absolutely ad mitted to be of the prettiest of lots first selected. It is a corner, has an east, north and west frontage. Price $140O; $230 cash required. Owner, C 872, Oregonian. IRVINGTON 21t st. One of the choicest IrttH In the beautiful addition for- $1400, easy terms. Near Knott st. X 870. Ore gonian. MT. TABOR 3 lots 50x105 each; well lo cated: good surroundings, west slope. $7o0 for inside. $750 for corner; part cash. T. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce. LOT, East 34th, near Grant, $1000. Another, E. 37th. hi block to car, $475.' 1 acre in city. Bull Run, $1500. Walling, 227 Ab ington bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful lot, GOx 12f, very close in, with a wild scenic na ture view, $1000, terms. M 874, Orego nian. SACRIFICE. Lot adjoining Laurelhurst, $350; $35 cash, balance $20 monthly. 518 Board of Trade. FOR a quick sale, I will sell a, swiell corner lot for $1500 or will trade toward small house and lot not over $2000. AH 888, Oregonian. $2500 East Salmon and 23d; $2500; on N. E. corner of 2.'id and East Salmon; size 5ox71 ; choice location for flat or residence. PJone B 1799. Eafrt 4H50. 2 FINE lots near Union ave., only $1600, 3 cash. DUBOIS & CROCKETT, Washingtaon Bldg.. Room 3. THREE large-sized lots. East 52d St., near Hawthorne, near two canines; a bargain; terms to suit. Apply J. R. Hughes, 309 Failing bldg. TWO dandy Wts, Rose City Park, excellent buy: mu6t be sold at once. See J. R Hughes. Falling bMg. T WO lots on the Heights, overlooking the clly. view of mountains. Pl'.RSE, 181 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 1 lot at Seaside. Or. ; alwo 1 cabin at Welches, near Mt. Hood. Phone Sellwood 133. Call 545 E. 9th st S. $14.000 CHEAPEST inside 50x100 on West Park. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. CORNER lot In Irvington, near Alameda Park ; part caah, balance terms. 211 Flied- ner bldg. - MOST magnificent building site on Port land Heights, in the most exclusive dis trict. $OoQ. terms. O 870. Oregonian. FINE lot, 5Oxl(0. Portland Heights, $950, terms. O 87Q. Oregon i an. MOST attractive lot on Portland Heights, rea-y-nable: no agents. A 8-S4, Oregonian. WILL sell choice lot, close to carline, $550; easy terms. Inquire 421 Abington bldg. FOR SALE Lot in Hollyhurst. Address 1184 Holgate st. Phone Sell wood 134S. 28 LOTS in Oregon City, all for $1500. Val demar Lldell. 26 North Oth st. BARGAIN 2 lots Eulton Park. Salem Elec tric ro&d, 5c fare. Phone 3110. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. A. B. WIDNEY. S22 BOARD OF TRADE. A 1 LOTS AT RATE OF $950 EACH; SMALL CASH PAYMENT. Between E. 24 th and E. 26th St., in addition adjoining Colonial Heights on the south and Ladd Addition on the east, where 4 0-foot lots are exiling for $19(0 up. This commands a beautuul view of the city and Is 25 minutes walk from town. WHY CAN I SELL THESE SO CHEAP? These lots are a portion of a tract of about 30 acres adjoining Ladd Addition and has been for jvars under lease as a vegetable garden. Iast year the work of improvement was commenced and finished over a por tion of the tract and a few lots in the finished portion offered for sale. Tha hard Winter stopped the work, but con tracts are let to finish same immediately. If this property had been platted 2 years ago. as it should have been at the time the Ladd Addition, was. these lots would sell today at higher prices than the Ladd tract, as the property is higher and more desirable in every way. The purchaser of tlva few lots that I can still deliver at last gear's option prices will make $30t to $60 0 oa the buy before the end of August. The contracts have been let for the Im provement of the whole of this mag nificent, property, and a large foroo is working now. In 60 days the balance of the property will be on the market at about double the price I can sell these lots for. There will never be a lik-a chance to get such a bargain. REMEMBER, graded streets. cement sidewalks, curb, water, etc., are all in now and paid for at above price; nothing to assume except sew?r assessment of about $22; $2500 building restrictions; 6 new houses under contract to start immedi ately. A. B. WIDNEY. Main 974. S22 Board of Trade. CLOSE IN LOT. Prettiest part of Holladay Park Add. ; paved street, cement walk, just the right elevation, build your bungalow, save money; price of lot is only $ls0O; 50x100; all improvements paid. Last chance to get such a pretty, close-in lot at such"" a cheap price. Phone East or B 1894, for particulars. BETTER THAN A PLATTING PROPOSITION. I can deliver this week 2 fine blocks of fine residence lots In the best residence ad dition In Portland; small cash payment, bal ance long time. Call or writ T. Scoville, 522 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOMESITES. Have a group of fractional lots over looking entire city, rivers and mountains. I wish to improve after a uniform plan. Will sell a portion to parties who will erect artistic homes. $2foo will secure a bungalow site. Jesse Hobson. 503 Cor bett bldg. ONLY a few lots left on Roselawn ave., near Union; price $500 up; easy terms. GODDARD & WIEDR1CK, 243 Stark St. OWNER MUST SELL. . Valuable block between Williams and Union, good for business or flats ; owner has bought farm and must sell block at once to complete deaI;4 block 'easily worth $30OO; will sacrifice for $2700. Call room 516 Abington bldg. $450 WILL buy a block of land containing 6 large lots in center of town of La Cen ter and on the bank of the Lewis River. Several big fruit trees on the land, would make a lovely little home; half ca?h. bal ance to suit. Address Thomas Rasmussen, La Center. Wash. 1 ALBERTA. CORNER HATGHT. 100x100 with 16-ft- alley; price $3350. GODDARD. & WEIDRICK. (133) 243 Stark St. THE RIGHT LOCATION. $2200 buys two beautiful lots, 100x100. on Pacific and East 23d sts., near the Sandy road ; remember this Is walking distance: thev are worth $3000. Sec GEISER & STRACHAN. 221 Vz Morrison st. Phone Main 5256. $400 SACRIFICE. I will sell my choice 4 block In Rose City Park, on Sandy Boulevard, for $1000; this is $50 less than I paid 4 years aro. and will pay all back taxes and Inter ests MT. TABOR RESIDENCE SITE. 87x117 feet, 1 block from Belmont and carline; has good view and is in re' stricted district among fine homes. Price $300U on terms. THE VAN DERSAL COMPANY. 516 Board of Trad. Marshall 468. NEAR KILLINGS WORTH". 7 lots on Sumner st., 3 blocks south from Killingsworth ave., $750 per lot; $250 cash, balance monthly. A. J. GANTNER. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. LOTS $65.00. On Oregon City carline. new addition. 25 minutes from business center; good soil; price $65 each lot; terms $15 down. $2 per month payments. National Realtv & Trust Co. . 326 W a 9h In gto n . room 5 16. ALAMEDA PARK. LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irving ton; near Broadway carline; best city Im provements; priced 25 per cent blow ths market. Inquire Alameda Land cTmpany. 322 Corbett bldg. 48x75. ON WEST SIDE. Nice, sightly lot, streets improved, near corner Hamilton ave. ; handy to carline; for a few days for only $K00. HENKLE & HARRISON, Gerlinger Bldg. $750 WEST SIDE LOT $750. Will be $100O -in 6 months. Right on the new Grand Parkway Boulevard, Z'Z blocks south of the poatoffice. Terms if desired. B. S. Cook & Co., f03 Corbett bldg. $1750. IOOtcIOO and 50xlo0. two corners on 13th and Manhattan ; I will sol the 3 lots for $1750; $150 under the market price. GEO. D. SCHALK 228 Stark St. Phone.i Main 3i2 and A 2392. 4 WALNUT PARK. Two adjoining lots. lOoxloO, two blocks from car; prices $2400. terms. H. P. PA LM ER-JON ES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. MY double view lot on the Alameda Rose City park, two street fronts, unobstructed view, $350 down, $:iOO thirty days, bal ance to suit. Price $1600. S 888, Orego nian. HOLLADAY. 50x100. southwest corner E. 1 9th and Clackamas; price reduced to $2750. LEONARD BROS.. 317 Chamber of Commerce. APARTMENT SITE. Close in on Ea.-?t Side, Nob Hill, or in vi cinity of Irtth and Market. Must be a snap. Give location and price In flre?t letter. AF SS7. Orf-gonlan. 110x141. PORTSMOUTH, nicely located We can show you a bargain in this and make comforta-ble torma. HENKLE & HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger Bldg. $15.500 CORNER Jot, oO by 100 feet, south west corner of 3d and Hall sts. Choice apartment-house site. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO. 250 Alder st. FOR SALE By owner, lot 50x100 feet, with two good houses and fruit trees, paying good income: four blocks north of Wash ington and west of 16th st. ; price $12,000. T SH8. Oregonian. $250 for 2 lots, end of W-W carline; $50 paid on contract; will sell for $35. pay ments $6 per month; bought November 2, 1909; need money. 226 Lumber Exchange bldg. EIGHT Laurelhurst lots at $150 under prico of the Laurelhurst Co. ; best lots In the tract and a snaD; improvements, con- tracted Aug. 1. al bru. oregonian WHY buv lot when you can get a half acre inside the city with all the advan tage for the same price ? 420 Lumber- mmi O j-ub. "- m.m jfc. FOR SALE Joining Kenton Addition. 4 lots, one corner lot, 100x100; cheap If sold at once; will take easy payments. Address M. E. M.. 143 Webster St.. city. A FEW choice lots at Mt. Tabor. 2 blocks from Methodist Church, by D. XV. Walker, 5tth and Belmont sts. Call after 6 P. M. FOR SALE $8-H Inside lot. E. 36th and Hancock st. Chas. Nunan, Hlbernia Sav Ings bank. ONE acre or less, close In on Johnson Creek or on Willamette below Clackamas. P 872. Oregonian. $14.0o CHEAPEST inside 50x100 on West Park. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST. Laurelhurst lot ; car one block ; $900 for Immediate sale. Y 88Q. Oregonian. PORTLAND BOULEVARD 2 choice lots f.-r $750 cash. If you want a snap, pick this up. 410 Failing bldg. FULL LOTS $37.50 cash, balance $337.50, $5 per month. Mfc. Scott carline. M-XRTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 THIRD ST. LOOK at the southeast corner. 40x108. of Korby and Ivy streets. Price $650 cash. Call 221 Morrison St.. Room 9. FIVE Rose City Park lots at $100 less han regular prices. AL S5Q. Q re gon 1 a n. $50 A LOT on 45th St., near Hawthorne. H 85 L Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale DO YOU WANT A HOME? Let your money earn It. 1 ' 2 int. paid on check account. 2 1-s int. paid on 10-day call certifi cates. 3aTr Int. paid on 3o-day call certificate. 4 Int. paid on 90-day call certlficsvtesv Smal 1 ch eck accounts received- 23 years' banking experience in Portland. We will heip you buy a home PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK. Third and Oak Sts. it? vi vfiTn r nts Below values. Adjoining best location for home sitcjs. 2ith AND SCHUYLER STS. 1 0Ox 1 oi. sou i h front ; price for short time only $2.00, half cash, balance on easy terms. 31st AND SCHUYLER STS. 30x1 OO. Price $2400. Notice this: Corner 36th and Brase sts. Swell location. I0xloo. cheapest Quarter in that section. $4HHi. M. E. THOMPSON CO. (D) Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts. Main 60S4 A 3327. PORT LAN TRUST CO. 11 Portland real estate will advance soon. Buy now and make that much more on your Investment. Choice lots. including improvements. on East Glisan and Flanders sts at the nrice that unimproved! lots are" selling for. Ride out on the Montavilla carline to , West ave. and see for your self. We will help you build. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BROADWAY. Two blocks of lots quarter blocks sur rounding this are selli:it: for $4.0f to $."OO0 our price from $35oo to $4250. Will sell this altogether or separate; boumW by 24th and LMth. Broadway and Schuyler; 16 lots 50x100 each. These are priced for quick sale. M SS6, Oregonian. SNAP THESE UP. $475 EACH. Two lota. 40x1(0 each. Ion feet from the ' Waverly-Woodstock carline. mar Holgnte st. This rropertv is high and sightly and Is In the vicinity of the Red Institute. Two,, lots acrevss street are held at $!2o. and lots , in Lenox Addition, just across streetcar line, are valued at $6;s0 to $750. I can re-list trce for you and sell them for $12X in ;-"0 da vs. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. (S.) Henrv bl.'.g.. 4th and Oak sts. Main flOM. A 3327. 1( STARK STREET. 05100. across street from Laurel hurst where same size lots are sell ing for double what we are asking for; has 3-room house and stable; price. $2000; $54K down, balance long time. RAND, READ & CO. 316 Board of Trade Bids- $40 CASH BUYS Fine 41xloo lot closo In. 10 minutes' rldt from new Madison bridge, city water, fin- -est soil; chant for good paying Invest-";' ment; complete abstract, perfect title, hal. . of price, $3ti0. payable $1 0 monthly. You can't beat it in Portland. Call 516 Abr.i Ington bldg. - 3 GILT-EDGED LOTS. 50x100 corner, lioiladay's Add., clos 50x100 corner, Sunnyside. on East Taylor, west "ol 66x100, on Eat 10th. south of Broad way. HENKLE HARRISON, Gerlinger Bids'- A HOME CHEAP. Go out today on Sellwoori car to Cay- 1 wood st.. look for the big sign "Good- -wood." onlv 1 5 minutes" ride from centei : of city; lots 650 and up ; splendid view : ; streess traded and water in ; best buy in Portland for close-in property ; 10 per cent down. 2 per cent a month; agents on ground all day. Equity Investment Co., 5 ns Gorlincer bldg., 2d and Aider. LAURELHURST LOTS. Two of the best located lots In th entire addition. high and sightly, on block from Montavilla car. at prices ma terially lower than any adjoining prop- 11 erty; terms 10 per cent down and 2 pei cent per month. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 21 2-213 Commercial Club Bidg. OPPOSITE LADD TRACT. Quarter block. corner 13th and I1 vision; price $3000. GODDARD Sz WIEDRICK, S5 243 Stark St. CLOSE-IN EAST SIDE LOT $1650. This is walking distance. 1 block to fine carline, street paved, city wator, sew- or, cement walk and curb, everything paid. Chance for flat or 2 houses. Half cash " will do. Call on Heilman & Lathrop, Ab- Ington bldg- . CHEAP QUARTER BLOCK. Comer Ainsworth ave. and E. 9th st. ; $1S50. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 39 243 Stark St. 100x118 ON th- corner of East 17th and Sal-, mon for $:I0 0 ; a fine apartment or flat si:e. I challenge anyone to duplicate this buy for $4Ou0 ; it is absolutely the best buv that has ever been offered within walking distance on the East Side. MAIiTIX J. HIGLEY. 132 THIRD ST. SKY LAND Portland Height?; Meal rpot fol - rich man's home : n bout 1 2 W s; most do-" slr.tble an. I acjesfible ln-ntlen on the Heights; unimproved: price $40,000. torma - can be arranecd. A. L. Tetu, 414 Board of Trade. Main 4501. THE best lOOxloO in Westmoreland for-sal bv owner at $:N below real value; east front. 5 feet from car; mut be sold this week; ea.y terms. Phone Main 43!S; evenings. Woodlawn 21. KILLINGSWORTH AVE. Lot 50x100 ; $1000 ; ?r.o 0 cash, balance monthly. A. J. GANTXER. r.lR Bo-ird nf Trad - Bldg. " FOUR iots 50x1 05 ft each, including curb, Kinzol Park, 12-foot alley. 1 block east Catholic monastery. Mt. Tabor, east slope. Price $2000. W 873. Oregonian. RF.X100. WEST SIDE. On Hamilton ave.; very sightly; $2000. HENKLE HARRISON. Gerlinger Bldg. HAVE omething good for partie desiring to4 secure an excpUorval home.-ite in an ex clusive district.. T. Scoville. 522 Corbett bldg. AI AMCni PiRW - Must filspoi-? of two choice Alameda lots-; verv cheap: all improvements included; terrnS. Y SET. Oregonian. . THREE good lots near car. Glen wood Park. floxl-r-O each : $50O. $100. $700; all fine low, selling for double and more only short dis tance away. AF frftfl. Oregonian. FINE quarter block, corner 4tlth and Morrison, high and dry; room for 3 houses. Ownftr. Terms. Phone Tabor 598. Residence, 1237 Hawthorne ave. I NEED THE MONEY, imxioo. adjoining Eastmoreland. $fW; alii 2 lota adjoining Swinton, $tiOO; cash. T SS5. Oregonian. " RODNEY AVE.. NEAR GRAHAM. Lot 50x120 ; beautiful location. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. (43 2 13 Stark St. iOOxlOO WEST SIDE, on Johnson street, with ' 10-room residence, at a bare a in., HENKLE & HARRISON, ? 511 Gerlinger Bldg. Kx-xioo ON Kerby St., elie to Russell stt.. $25-o: easy terms. This is a bargain on close-In property. S-ee Attorney. 41o Fall- Ing bldg. i . $L50 LESS THAN ACTUAL VALUE. If taken Monday, lots, two comers, at $T..VJ. terms on part. Call Perkins Hotel of-, fice. E. L. Nutt, between 10 and A. M. t VERY choice Rose f'Jty Park lot, half block from car, at bargain price. Ieon- ard Bros.. 31 7 Chamber of Commerce. a TH REE lots on the St. John carline for $1500 : they are worth $2500. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 THIRD ST BARGAIN $-'0 buys a lot 50x100, on East 2Uh-st. carline; terms. Call 221 h Mor rison st. Room f. CORNER Five full lots. adjoining Mil- waukie Heights station; price $1400; maka your own terms. Owner. 1001 Corbett st. OWNER will lease 1'jOxIOO lot. excellent lo cation on Union ave., for a term of 2o year at $lo per month. AF snS. rregonlan. FOR SALE Choice lot on Maiden ave.; Sellwood. near car; terms. Address owner, H SS. Oregonian. " ALAMEDA PARK. " , 6'xl00 on 2r;.l and Mason, at first coart. Quick, I need the money. W S&4-, Oregonian.,