8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APR IT 10, 1910. SEW TODAY. 5i"EW TODAY. JfEW TODAY. JTEW TODAY. KW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY S25 000 Apartment or hotel site 60x1271 feet on 21st street near "Washington. Income $80. per month. S40 000 Jefferson street corner near Park, 70x100. Income $150 per month. S41 000 2-stoiy brick building on Front stret, between Wash ington and Alder. Income $300 per month. $48 000 North Portland half block. Income $275 per month. S50 000 Tenth and Yamhill corner, 50x60.. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-13 Commercial Club Bid Mam 8699 Phones A 2653 Holladay's Addition The one BEST place in Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTER and MOST rESIIt ABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIBVIICG BETTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the im provements going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company (1RAKD AVE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. lOOxlOO 1 9thand Flanders 1 Choice apartment site. $26,000 lOOxlOO 13th and Clay - Best buy in the city. ' $25,000 I Portland Trust Company 1 BANK. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. mnnniinin iimii.1i nuaoia, Sixth Streei Lot 49x106 $7000, a bargain ; $3350 cash will handle. 26th & Savier Sts. 50x100 $3000, y2 cash. Howard Land Go. 420 Swetland Bldg. UNION AVENUE Corner between Morrison and Burn sido sts.. adjoining rorner sold for J30, O0(. Owner ha offered $oi0 to re lease contract, which I hold for $16,000 on terms. D. B. E S17-18-19 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Second and Stark Sts. Phones: Main 2279. A 2279. Iroadway East terminus of new Broad way bridge; 4 lots fronting on Broadway, Vancouver, Weidler and "Wheeler streets. TOR SALE BY OWNER. 721 Board of Trade Building. A Good Investment 633 acres at railroad station near In dependence; good improvements; $75 per acre. CARTER-DVGAX COMPANY, WJO Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, Marshall st., between IRth and 19th. I2S. Inquire 85 4th st-. Henry bids., ground floor. East Side Homes SOME ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS. 514,000 Modern eight-room dwelling, on quarter-block, E. 11th and Clackamas. A beauti ful home. Price includes Wil ton carpets throughout, and vacuum-cleaning machine. Irv ington car. Good terms. $12,500 Very attractive 11 room dwelling, on quarter block, E. 20th, near Brazee. Jvew, modern in every respect, attractively located, good ear service. Good terms. 5j5TOOO Modern 8-room dwell ing, Broadway, near E. 22d. $5500 New 6-room cottage, Schuyler, near E. 20th. Very attractive home. $1000 cash will handle. $5500 Modern 6-room house, E. 9th, near Halsey, lot 76x 100. Half cash. $4000 Modern 5-room cot tage, Belmont, near E. 12th. SJ53650 Attractive 7-room dwelling,. Sandy road, near E. 28th. Half cash, balance like rent. $3750 New and modern 6 room cottage in Menefee Addi tion, complete throughout; $G50 cash will handle. A fine bar gain. $3500 Desirable 7-room cot tage on Klickitat, near Union. If you are looking for a home on the East Side we can furnish what you want. McCargar, Bates & Lively 315 Failing Building. Third and Washington. North Portland Close in. Corner Lot an absolute Price $8000 Terms. DABNEY & DABNEY 412 Commercial Block, 2d and Washington. Burnside Streei N. W. CORNER NINTH 50x100 45,000 This lot will surely advance to $50,000 within 60 days. A new reinforced concrete build ing, 6 stories, with 175 feet frontage on Burnside street, within a block of this property, will be started in a few days. JOS. C. GIBSON Successor to Gibson & Holliday, 304-5 Gerlinger Bldg. 32 ACRES With 800 feet frontage on Base Line road, partly in city limits, only a few blocks from carline. All cleared and in orchard and berries; no gravel. We can sell it for $1250 per acre tmtil May 1. After that date price goes to $1500. LAMBERT-WHITMER CO. 70 Fourth St. 404 East Alder St. PAYS 8HV0 Business corner on UNION AVE. Worth your while to investigate. Price $8500 J. A. KIRKHAM 220 Lumber Exchange. OmLY S16.0Q0 few 0b0fo?kS23north ' of Washington; some Improvements: $6000 cash, balance long time. C U. ivorell, 250 Stark. BARGAIN Warehouse $45,000 100x200 on East Salmon street be tween First and Second streets, filled, trackage on two sides. Irvington Between 12th and 14th and Brazee and Knott sts. The most sightly property on the East Side. Murlark The best property on the Peninsula for the money. Adjoining Kenton. Ev ery lot high and sightly. Terms 10 per cent cash and $10 per month. HoImes&Menefee . 89 Third Street. DAIRY RANCHES In Tillamook County 195 acres, river bottom, all level, on Nehalem River; richest and best land in Tillamook Coun ty; half mile from new railroad. 157 acres, practically all bot tom ; good improvements. Some personal property goes with ranch ; one-fourth mile from new railroad. A fine dairy ranch in a famous dairy county. Prices on r.bove are low and terms easy. See McCargar, Bates & Lively 315 Failing Bldg., Third and Washington Sts. NOT FOR SALE BY ANY OTHER FIRM CHAPIN& HERLOW 333 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP GRAND AVENUE S. W. corner ALDER STREET 2-story BRICK $12,500 handles. Dabney & Dabney 412 Commercial Block, 2d and Washington. 5 and 10 ACRE TRACTS 17 miles from Portland. Close to railroad station. $100 to 160 per acre. All or partly in cultivation. 20 acres with house and barn. Easy payments or 10 per cent for cash. Spring water, beautiful view. Electric line building:. For particulars, see THE CROSSLEV COVPATT, 708 and 709 Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable rates. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Board of Trade Building;, Phonea Main S4Q7, A 3252. IRVINGTON 100x100 N. E. cor. 18th and Brazee. $3850. Two lots on 16th facing east, near Knott. $1800. Phone E 5242. W. B. STEELE, JR. Great Bargain One of the beet view lots in Green way, on Portland Heig-hts, for sale very cheap for a few days only, by the owner, V. VINCENT JONES 302-303 Lanli Bids. East Irvington $300 CASH New 8-room bungalow, 5 rooms on first floor; fireplace, pass pantry, mod ern plumbing-; extra largre porch; gas in street; good neighborhood, near car. Very cheap. Owner, D 851. Oregonlaa. TWO J PARIC ST. BUYS PLUMBING SUPPLIES FIGHTING THE TRUST. Only Independent Plumbing Supply House in the City. At Wholesale Prices Contracts taken on all lines of plumbing work. Certificate of inspec tion furnished on all work. Our goods are all guaranteed absolutely first class and positively new. You can either do you own work or we will furnish the plumber by day or job. Estimates furnished free. Contracts taken for laying pipe in platted additions. We positively guar antee all our work to be accepted by the city. G i v e us a chance to save you money. Prices on application. J.Simon&Bro. TRUST BUSTERS 244-50 Front Street. Main 2002 A 2002 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON The Model - Home Addition PRICES ADVANCE $200 MAY 1 LOTS $1100 to $1250 The largest and most beautiful resi dence district in the city. Irvingrton and Broadway carlines run through the district. Asphalt streets, and every modern convenience. Remember the date, on May 1, every unsold lot in Irvington will be raised $200 per lot. If you miss this opportunity, you will be compelled to pay $2000 for the same lots before January 1, 1911. Irvington Investment Co. OWXERS, 331 Chamber of Commerce. Phones, Main 3177, A 4450. 10 NET IL70 Best neighborhood in city; only takes 15000 cash to handle; balance of 16000, 6 per cent interest. D. B. MACKIE 217-19 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Second and Stars: Sts. Phones: Main 2279. A 2279. NEW MODERN HOUSES, Also vacant lots In Irvington. Office at 16th and Brazee. R. B. and S. T. Rice. Phone East S58. INVESTORS Call on owner's Realty Asa'n for timber, acreage, business, residence and apartment properties. 20$ AbwgtoB. We Absolutely Sell to Anyone Addition is inside Property 15 Minutes Walk to Business Lots $1900 and up on Easy Terms Including All Improvements Asphalt Pavements, Sewer, Water and Gas. 10 DOWN 1 A MONTH 6 Interest F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Building STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Building Also Agents on Ground. COLLINS ORCHARD TRACTS Close to the famous mineral iprings of COLLINS SKAMANIA COUNTY, WASH. Opposite Hood River County. The entire tract of 160 acres has Just been subdivided In 5, 10, 20 and 40-acre parcels, and will be sold from $70 per acre to $150 per acre. All of the tracts are well located, with plenty of water. The soil is of volcanic ash, the same nature as at Mood Kiver. Reasonable terms. Goddard&Wiedrick 243 Stark St. Cfiflfin Quarter block. East 17th OOUULF and Salmon. Fine apart ment or flat site. & Zff) f Apartment house site on 2d OOUUU st. south. CTfl ffC Quarter block, some in DOUUUU come. 7th and Hal L ttoe Hall-st. flats; $200 pei 0iJ tKJKjyj month income. J 1 J Cnn Income $2100. This Is DlfJW worth 120,000. 00 nnfi Ftne brick building. In ipO4VvU Lower Albina; good in come. , (On nnfl 6-story 'brick hotel, in H0JiJJJ North Portland; good Income. MARTIN J. HIGLEY 132 Third St. Apartment Site 50X100 14th and Market $18,500 $10,000 Cash. Mt. Hood Land Co. 712 Rothchild Bldg. TAKE NOTICE ! TheNewmanMotionPictureCo. Furnishes for all occasions complete motion-picture entertainers and vaude ville acts, singrers, musicians. etc Clubs, societies and lodges a specialty. Particulars and prices at 526J Washington St, Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to suit; spe cial rates and favorable terms on Inrgm loans on business properties. Fooda Loaned for Privato Investors A.H.BIRRELL CO. 202 MeKar HI dir., Sd A Stark. $11,500 SNAP i; Kine- modern 10- room house and ot. 50x100. near 23d and Gli- san; only $5000 cash, balance on time, C II. KORELL, 2aO Stark. SOME OF OUR GO D BARGAINS 160 acres on the Salem Elec tric line, improved with pood seven-room house, and fine barn, costing $1500.00. Also . several other good buildings. All in high state of cultivation except 20 acres, and there are 2000 cords of good ivood on that. This will make fine fruit land and lays admirably for subdividing. Price $110.00 an acre, which is $25 an acre less than anything in that locality can be t bought for. Terms. 10 acres in full bearing orch ard which cannot be dupli cated for the money asked for it. Owner is obliged to sell at once. Price, $2500 for short time. 10 acres, beautiful location, good 5-room house, good barn, both new. No better land. Will make fine subur ban home. Very convenient to the citv and but 8 miles distant. Price, $3200, with terms. t 244 acres, right on Salem Electric line, one hour's ride to city. Good 7-room house, good barns, and large hop yard with two hop dryers. 180 acres in good state of cultivation, and 8000 to 10, 000 cords of wood on-sale. THBSE ARK Af,I, REAL BARGAIN'S, AIJ VOir IVII.Ij MAKE A ORFAT MIS TAKE IF YOU DO NOT INVEST1GTE THEM. J. M. FRENCH & CO. 412-413 Ablna-ton Bids:., lOSVi Third St. BEAUTIFUL 75x100, very high and sightly and surrounded by beautiful homes. This is the most beautiful site, not occu pied, in this choice section of IRVINGTON The location is East 20th, between Tillamook and Thompson. Look at this site and then come and see us at 304 M'KAY BLDG., Third and Stark. A SNAP IN SO acres, unimpreved, In East Hood River district; not over 6 acres rough; gentle northeast slope; fine tract for subdivision; can be had now for $6000, terms. See McCarger, Bates & Lively 315 Failing- Bldg., Portland, Or. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Owner will sell at a bargain 7-room bungalow, No. 1126 Thurman street; thoroughly modern; lot 50 by 200; room for garage; unobstructed view of mountains. Call 215 Commonwealth Building. Phone II 13, A 1113. Nice Little Buy 50x65, corner 10th and Clifton, with good 7-room KVise, recently built; fine view, streets all paved and paid for. Will movs house and sell vacant property.- Most admirably suited for apartments. Price very reasonable. UNION BANK AND TRUST CO. 235 Stark, Corner Second. Fifth Street 60x50, corner Couch. Price, $30,000. 60x50, adjoining. Price, $21,000. Rl'SSELIi A BLYTH, Commonwealth Building. SI ren 40100 lot, E. Yamhill, near X I OVJ Eii25th. Terms. tf 1 onn 35x138, on Belmont, near E. D iOJJ 23d; street on both ends. tOftOn Corner 40x100, on E. 25th WUUU and E. YamhilL Easy terms. F. W. TORGLER 100 Sherlock Bids. Fruit Land Opportunity (nocks 6th and Main Streets Northeast Quarter Block, $92,000 6th and Madison Sts. Southwest Quarter, . $67,500 We can deliver a whole block at Sixth and Jefferson streets at a very- low figure and on easy terms. Washington street ,at Six teenth, 50x190, running through to Coueh, fairly well improved; income $300 per month. Seventh and Oak streets northeast quarter block. ' t Northwest quarter block, York and Guild, improved with three big houses. Track age. D.Parker Bryon&Co SALE AGENTS, 201-2-3 Com. Club Bldff. Main 5908 A 2107 ! Fine Stores I For Rent Large store on i Eleventh I Near Washington Street. Two Fine Brick Stores, i Washington f And ISth Streets. Portland Trust Company I RAMW i i S. E. Cor. Third and Oak St. Cheap Land IN DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON 1020 acres within 6 miles of Oakland. Would make good stock farm. 500 acres good upland or chard land. Can be bought for $12.50 an acre, easy terms. This is a bargain. See McGARGAR, BATES 8 LIVELY 315 Failing Bldg., Portland, Or. ELEGANT Apartment Site 100x100, corner of 12th and Harrison Streets. PRICE $23,000 TERMS. J. A. KIRKHAM 220 Lumber Exchange. $4250 New house on Willamette Heights; 5 rooms, all tinted, hardwood floors; full lot. Terms. RUSSELL A BLYTH, Commonwealth RldfC. 69b Mortgage Loans MORGAN, FLIED.X'ER A BOYCE, &OS-SO Ablnton Building?. NEW. modern 11-room house in Xrvlnfrton. Call R. B. Rice, owner. Both phones.