inE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 1C, 1910. NEW TODAY. SEW TODAY. EW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAT. REAL ESTATE." NEW TODAY. Li iCa MOSIER EAST HOOD RIVER DISTRICT Attrwtive 10-aere tracts at very low prices. Terms, one - fifth down, balance 2J '2 per cent monthly. A splendid chance to buy apple land in a famous dis trict at low price and small cash outlay. We are al3o offering the fol lowing choice bargains in this fa mous district: S1SOO 15 acres, fine apple soil. S2750 lo acres, 10 slashed; all good apple land. S300O 40 acres; some im provements. 5J55O0O 27 acres, 13 in young orchard. S60OO 40 acres, 10 in orchard. Very desirable tract. These can be had on good terms. No better investment offered to day than these apple lands. For prices, description, etc., see McCargar, Bates & Lively 315 Failing Building, Third and Washington. Canyou find a more desirable lo cation for a home, a, more pleas ant place to live, a better car service, a district closer to the business center, a district where building restrictions insure an ex clusive residence district of better homes and better environments and for less money than in Have you considered all this? If you have, you know it can't be done; if you haven't, why don't you? Agent on the grounds every afternoon. CLARK-COOiT COMPANY 6 Board of Trade BIdg. Main 5407, A 3252. a r. t ri - ' Investments the corner, on West Side; storeroom on first floor. 2 upper floors in flats; pays g;ood per rent on the investment; $4500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. $1500 125x100, near Thurman st. $5000 Irreg-ular tract; would make about 5 lots: splendidly located for warehouse or factory in South Portland. $5000 125x100 on 21st and Alberta Fts., with some improvements. The beat buy on that thoroughfare. $4000 Quarter block on E. 27th and Morrison sts. $.1500 New store building, with five modern living" rooms above; in select residence district. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. - 13StA First St. CHEAPEST IMPROVED 360-ACRE FARM in the "Willamette Vallev: only $40 an acre; on fine road and close to Salem. Wallace Investment Co. Oregonian Building. H mile this side of Lents, on Mt. cot t carH ne. Beautiful grove of trees. Just The place for a Sum mer home. Water piped to each tract. Nothing to equal these H acres on the mark et ; 40-foot lots adjoining selling for $.100. Our price for acre, $630; easy terms. KN APP & M ACKE Y 212-213 Board of Trade Building-. 10 mites northwest of Portland and two miles from the Vnlted Rallwav; 15 acres cleared. 15. acres lieavy tim ber, balance easily cleared: never-failing (ream of water; on public road: ol! rich; land lies well; no rock or ftravel; adjoining good public school. l"rlce only $126 per acre. Good terms. THE SHAW-FEAR CO. Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 On central business property EI V A RD K. OO L UEV JLewia Holds. ROSSMERE Half Acres 74 4 . Exceptional Good Properties Handsome Irvington home, facing east, lot 50x100, new, hardwood floors, built in buffet and book-cases, modern in every, way, fine view, six rooms, reception hall. Price S56600. $3000 cash. A splendid investment Good eigrht room modern home, lot 50x100, be tween Beach and Failing, one block from Williams avenue, corner. Price $3300 cash. A bargain. New bungalow, 5 rooms, fireplace, lot 37x112. Two blocks from Haw thorne carline. East 51st street. Price S2850. Terms $200 down, $25 per month, including interest. Six-room home on Broadway be tween 13th and 14th. Price $5800. Terms $1500' down. KEASEY, HUMASON DIAIIKB IN LAND and JEFFERY 14 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NEW 4-STORY BRICK APART MENT HOUSE Paying 17 Per Cent Net on Price is $40,000; property is mort gaged for $20,000; building is leased for $450 per month. After allowing for taxes, insurance and interest on mortgage, will pay 17 per cent net on $20,000 required to handle. Morgan, Fliedner 6 Boyce 503-6 Abington Building. $4150 Elegant Home New, b rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, china closets, com bination gas and electric fixtures, sewer in, also improved street and ce ment walks. $500 down. On East 28th street, near Belmont. .Sunny side car. - The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 248 Alder Street. For sale cheap. 6 rooms, full two sto ries and basement; lot 25x100 feet; modern In every particular; house 24 years old. Price $5500 . TERMS " . 410 Jackson, bet. 10th and 11th Phones Main 6834 or A 1453. 100x200 on Savier street, near Rail road Terminal Grounds. This prop erty is located in a rapidly growing district, where values are probably increasing more rapidly than in any part of the city. Will make terms if desired. a. McGregor 602 Corbett Building. APARTMENT SITE Northwest corner Twenty-second and Irving, 100x150, some in come. This is a beautiful piece of property. Price $31,000 HALF CASH. 513 McKay BIdg., 3d and Stark. EAST OAK ST. $SOOO 25x100 feet, on south side of street, between Union and Grand avenues. Nifty little piece that can be made a good revenue producer. WILI, If. WALKER, HEX R V E. REED, 8:3 Chamber of Commerce. OEOROK BUA.C&. nBUC ACCOUNTANT, (All Branches ) S2S Worcester Bide. rhoM Mais Mil. A !. . Ihese Are Bargains Choice Gilliam County Wheat Farms. 1440 acres, 1200 under cultivation, 102 miles from Condon; three wells on place furnish plenty of water; good house; stable barn 30 by 60; one mile from school ; $25 an acre; $10,000 cash and plenty of time on balance. This is one of the best wheat farms in Eastern Oregon. 1280 acres, five miles from Condon. All fine agricultural laud, 1000 acres in wheat; good orchard; fine garden; fair house and good barn; several springs on farm furnish abundance of water; half-mile piping furnishes water for irrigating purposes. Price $30 an acre. This is A-l buy. J. W. Cochran 6 Co. Condon, Oregon. THREE BEAUTIFUL ACRES 20 MINUTES' EIDE FROM MORRISON-STREET BRIDGE, Beautifully located on high ground overlooking the river and the entire city. One acre of loganberries, one acre of blackberries and raspberries, 2000 thrifty strawberry plants, 120 bearing fruit trees, including cherries, plums, apples,, pears arid numerous other varieties. Fine garden and hicken-yard ; 275 feet frontage on im proved street, concrete sidewalks and curbs; 7-room modern house with fur nace; an ideal home, besides produc ing a splendid income; price $15,000; terms. J. G. SANDERS 427 Lumbermens Building. 100x100 CORNER ON 27th STREET Willamette Helg-hts cars p'ass the corner. Adjoining- quarter held at ?9000. Part cash, balance in three years. WIMi If. WALKER, HENRY E. REED, 823 Chamber of Commerce. TIDE LAND This is a Rare Investment. 480 acres, two-thirds of which is tide-land dyked and in cultivation; house, barn, etc. Get busy on this, as I only have a short option on this at the low price of $40 per acre, and the price is bound to go up. J. W. DOANE 3 Lewis Building." $300,000 INVESTMENT- ABSOLUTELY SOUND Good returns, long term lease by established respon sible tenant. ' WRITE AK 885, OREGONIAN. Lot 3,3 by 100 feet, with good house, 409 HALL ST. Splendid investment. Look this up. Terms. Parrish, Watkins & Co. 250 Alder Street. On Portland Heights, the Peninsula and St. John?. "We call the special atten tion of investors to these tracts. "Will furnish full information and descrip tion to any one interested. Willamette Realty Co. 420-422 Board of Trade. Phone Main 3914. DO YOU WANT Income property paying 11 per cent net ; 3 stores and 2-story dwelling; new buildings; all leased." $16,000." J. E. SMITH f13 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE Bank & Trust Co. REAL ESTATE DEPT. 35 STARK ST, COR. SECOND. Business 50x100, well improved and rented, on Washing-ton street, one of the best corners in city. 100x100, corner, on 10th and Hoyt, opposite North Bank Road depot. 60x100, improved corner. First and Alder. 75x100, improved corner. Fifth and Burns! de. 60x100, improved corner. Sixth and Burnside. 50x100, improved -corner. Third and Sherman. 50x100, improved corner. Tenth and Everett. 100x100, vacant corner. Grand ave nue and East Oak. 50x100, improved, on Russell, near Wtllams avenue. 40x100, Improved, on Russell, near Rodney avenue. 132x135, Improved, on Russell, near Gantenbein rfvenue, 25x100, on Front, near Columbia. 50x100, Rood residence, corner 13th and Taylor. 50x100, Improved, on Water street, between Columbia and Market. 60x100. four old shacks, corner Fifth and Columbia. Trackage 260x100, on York street, opposita Independent Iron Foundry. 100x100. on York and Twenty-first. 100x100. on York and Twenty fourth. r West Side Houses 50x100, corner Thirteenth and Tay lor. 60x100, two houses, Irving, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second. 100x100, fine house. Twelfth and Harrison. 60x200. new modern house, 7 rooms, on Thurman street, Willamette Heights. 60x100 on Second, with 24 apart- ments. 50x100, two houses, on Chapman, near Madison. 60x100, old house, on Sixteenth, near Marshall. 60x100, Flanders, near Twenty first, and house. 50x100, Kearney, nice home, near Twentieth. 87x60, on Sixteenth, near Mont gomery, and three flats. 33 1-3x65. and bungalow, corner Park and College. 60x100, two houses, on Fifth street, near College. 30x70. on Hall, near First. 100x100, and house, corner Twenty sixth and Thurman. 100x100, fine corner, on Twenty third, near Washington. 50x63, good 7-room house, corner Tenth and Clifton. Fine apart ment site. East Side -Houses 100x100, East Twelfth street and Morrison street, fine home. 60x124, up-to-date home, on Elliot avenue. 50x80, 7-room house, E. Ankeny and E. Twentieth. 50x80, new house on Clinton, be tween Sixteenth and Seventeenth. Owner leaving city, offered at a bargain. Portland Heights Few very sightly residences and vacant sites. Lots and Houses rs IRVINGTON, . HOLLADAY, HOI, I, AD AY PARK, y COUCH ADDITION, KING'S ADDITION, KING'S HEIGHTS, WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, Vacant 100x100, corner Stanton. East Eighth and 100x100, corner Stanton. 100x100. corner. East Ninth and East Thirteenth ana Stanton. 70x200, Weidler and Twenty-seventh street. 86x123, corner Hawthorne avenue and East Sixteenth. 100x100, East Twelfth and Thomp son. 85x120, East Twenty-seventh, be tween Hancock and Tillamook. 40x100, Mississippi ave. and Mason. 100x102, East Seventeenth, . near Killingsworth. 100x100. corner East Eleventh and Everett. 100x100, corner Siskiyou and East Eighteenth. 50x100, corner Fortv - third and Hawthorne, $750 cash, balance J10 per month. 50x100, East Fifty-eighth and Fre mont, $350. - 100x100, corner Twenty-third and Wilson. 117x163 in Blytheswood, on Llnn ton road. Very cheap. For Lease Warehouse property on R. R. Apartment sites. Acreage 10n-acre farm near Woodburn, all Improved; cheap. One special tract of 70 acres, all cleared, close to city, at a low figure. List Your Property With Vu, We Can Sell It. Bank & Trust Co. REAL ESTATE DEPT. 235 Stark. Cor. Second. UNION Boost and Smile S 60,000 C20.000 15.000 S 13,000 810,000 S8.50O 4,000 Central business lot with good S-story brick build ing, 5th. near Burnside. Will pay better than 6 per cent net. Apartment site. Hall and Second; good dwelling on place. One of the best Portland Heights homes, very sightly and well construct ed. Last call, so get busy. Full business lot with frame building, stores be low, with rooms over. Part cash handles. Two seven- room flats, 16th St.; renting $85.00. A homey place, seven rooms. East Ash, near 18th. almost quarter block; beautiful shrub bery. A splendid little 6 -room home, corner lot, on East Davis. VACANT LOTS. 7,000 S5.500 S-M00 S3.000 S1.200 9 1,000 s 1,000 SSOO An especially desirable quarter on East Couch, close in. 85x100 on Williams ave.; good business property. Full quarter. East 24th and Wasco, all improve ments paid. The best buy offering. A lot on Savier, near 25th; good flat proposi tion; half cash handles. 5 lots, all clear, corner Waverly and Foster sts.. Peninsular 2, or a consid erable reduction for all cash. Four lots on northeast corner Waverly and Rich mond sts.. Peninsular 4. near Swift townsite; the most for the money in the vfcinity and price will soon advance. Four lots (2 corners), Fairfield Addition, near Peninsula station; a fine building site. Two lots, north side Ar gyle, between Peninsula ave. and Burrage st. ACREAGE). S12.500 25 H acres, more than half orchard, right at Beaver ton, on Oregon Electric and Southern Pacific; good road to Portland be sides. 84,200 An acre on West Side, close in, partially im proved, but paying better than 9 per' cent; .$2200 cash handles. 82,700 A little more than five acres on Oregon Electrie; $500 cash handles. Adjoin ing tract selling more than double. Some fruit and all clear. Less than quarter-mile to station. $2,500 For each of two 5-acre tracts close in on Section Line road; fully Improved. S2.000 An improved 5-acre tract, between Base Line and Section Line on Taylor avenue. jagkson"& deering Main 345, A 3457. 24 stark Street. RIVERFRONT On the West Side, near the old Whitehouse property and opposite the Rock Island Club, the choicest and sightliest residence site on the river. Nearly an acre of ground, 130 feet river frontage, sandy beach, shade trees, running spring water, electricity, telephone, one block to car, twenty minutes from town. Has an unobstructed view up and down the river and of Mt. St. Helens. In a neighbor hood of. beautiful homes. $5000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing BIdg. EAST SIDE OPPORTUNITIES $6500 Warehouse or factory site on trackage ; income $33 per month. $6500 Union ave., near E. Wash ington st. ; income $35 per month. $8000 E. Pine st., near Grand ave.; income $51 per month. H. P. PALMER -JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club BIdg. Phones Main 8699, A 2653. FACTORY DISTRICT 50x100 corner on Savier Street Price $15,000. $5000 cash, balance in three years. WILL H. WALKER, HKVRY E. REED. 823 Chamber of Commerce. Acre Tracts Half acres, mile this side of Lents, on Mount Scoft carline. Beautiful grove of trees. Just the place for a Summer home. Water piped to each tract. Nothing to equal these Vz acres on the mar ket; 40-foot lots adjoining selling for $300. Our price for acre, $650; easy terms. KNAPP & M ACKE Y 212-213 Board of Trade Building. I Must Sell my beautiful and sightly country home near Portland. Can .prove it's a bargain but must have $6000 cash. Price, 14,000. 40 acres, new; barn and bungalow. P 88S, Oregoniao. JONORE Lots are 50x100 $500 TO . $700 EASY PAYMENTS COMPLETE ABSTRACT WARRANTY DEED On Montavilla Carline Geo.D.Schalk 228 Stark Street Main 392 A 2392 S1200 for five well located lots, all cleared, sightly and but five blocks west from Kenton, the new Swift townsite; half cash handles or if all cash $1050. Surely a snap for the small in vestor. Jackson & Deering 246 Stark St. Beautiful Home in HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Corner East 11th and Clackamas, quarter block; premises well kept; 8-room house, modern and attractive ly arranged. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Price includes Wilton car pets throughout, and 3-horsepower vacuum cleaning machine installed. If you are looking for an attractive home in a desirable location, see McCARGAR,BATES & LIVELY 315 Failing Building. BUSINESS SNAP 100 by 106; good income, $12,000 One-half cash. Mt. Hood Land Co. 712 Rothchild Building. Eleventh St. 86 2-3x100 feet, near two carlines, less than five minutes' walk to Wash ington street. Ideal for Apartments ' Will lease for 30 years. WILI.. H. WALKER, HENRY K. REED, 823 Chamber of Commerce. WAREHOUSE SITE Half block. East Third-street trackage, $35,000 We can lease warehouse for 10 years If purchaser will build to suit, paying 10 per cent. HORACE H. FISHER, HARRY n. SII.L, 251 Washington street. 1680 acres. 16 miles from Grants Pass, $20 per acre. Av erages 1,500,000 sugar pine to the quarter. F S. AKIN, , 23 Chamber of FACTORY or STABLE 100x100. Cor. Front and Montgomery, Bargain, $8000 down. See us quick. ROSS ENGLISH INVEST. CO, 322 Mohawk Bids. PENINSULA SIP I68O ACRES Irvle gton 31350 50x100 On East 20th,neai Stanton street. $140050x100 On East 22d, neai Stanton street. 1500 50x100 On East 14th, neai Brazee street. 160050x100 On East 23d, near Knott street. $225050x100 On East 22d, near Thompson street. $300085x100 On East 24th, near Tillamook street. $3650100x100 Corner East 23d and Knott streets. $3850100x100 Corner East 18th and Brazee streets. $4000100x100 Corner East 24th and Knott streets. $4000100x100 Corner East 20th and Knott streets. We also have a num ber of new modern homes in this beautiful district at prices rang ing from $6000 to $15,000, some of which can be sold on very attractive terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Clnb Building. Phones Main 8699, A 2653. Irvington Office on corner East 22d and Knott Streets. HIGHLY IMPROVED On Base Line road, fine house, outbuildings, etc.; a first-class platting proposi tion. For further particu lars see The Durin- Lawrence Co. 248 Alder St. A BEAUTY SPOT On Johnson Creek, 21 acres, grood house, family fruit, lovely shade trees, grassy slopes; In fact a. park, the most beautiful spot I have seen around Portland; mile to car, 10c fare; frood county road. Johnson Creek runs through the entire tract. This will make an ideal summer, home:, or will subdivide nicely into building sites for Summer cottage homes. Sounds good ? It is just as good as it sounds. Let me prove it. Price only $350 per acre; some terms. W. L,. GREEN", 406 Lumbermens BIdg. Phone M 8787. 15,500 Full lot, 50 by 100 feet, on southwest corner of Third and Hall Sts. Beautiful apartment-house site. Terms may be had. Parrish, Watkins & Co. 250 Alder Street. DAIRY RANCH DANDY FINE COLUMBIA RIVER. Twenty Good Cows. Wallace Investment Co. Oregonian Building. . 86 ACRES Two miles back from the Willamette River. United Railway and the Astoria & Columbia River Railway, at a polnf 5 miles down the river from the Lewis and Clark Kair grounds, Portland) 10,000 cords of wood; soil very fertilej the growth of the city and the indus trial development is tending Jn this di. rection: an opportunity for big monej In a very short time. Look this up. Price only $125 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR CO. 245 Stark St. TRACKAGE 50 feet on York street. Price very reasonable. See McCargar, Bates & Lively 315 Failing Building. 20 ACRES