The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 10, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Home of Nemo Corsets Headquarters Warner's Redfern and Rust-Proof Corsets Main Agency Butterick Patterns Exclusive Agents
Arnold Knit Goods for Children Custom Shade and Drapery Work Willamette Sewing Machines Drucker Trunks Columbia Yarns
wbh m j m
Tomorrow will be the first day of the FETE INTERNATIONAL A merchandise event that will demonstrate the far-reaching resources of The Greater Meier & Frank Store and exploit, the
products of every foremost goods-producing country in the world But that is not all, the value-giving power of this great organization will be manifest in the low prices of every offering
whether of American manufacture or brought from countries that are distant thousands of miles It is another demonstration of the wonderful purchasing power of this big organization.
France, Germany, America
50,000 Pair Glove Sale
Men's & Women's Gloves
The greatest Glove sale ever held in the North
west. More than 50,000 pairs of Kid and
Fabric Gloves for women and children. Per
rin's, Trefousse, Bachmo, Reynier Kid Gloves
and Kayser and Niagara Silk Glolves.
Women's two-clasp Kid Gloves, black, white
and colors; all sizes; regular $1.25 wrv
values; special for this sale at only IC
Women's one and two-clasp Kid Gloves in
cape, chamois, mocha, suede and kid ; r Q
all colors; reg. $1.25 and $1.50, special iOC
Infants' and children's cape Gloves, white and
tan, one to 16 years; regular $1.25 qq
values; for this sale, special at, pair JOC
Women's one-clasp cape walking Q r
Gloves, all sizes; reg. $1.25; special OSC
Women's one-clasp P. X. M. cape Gloves, best
Kasan cape, all sizes, Perrin's tf f fV
make; regular $1.50; special, pair J. 9iJ
Perrin's one, two and three-clasp real Perrin
Kid Gloves, P. K. and overseam, in white,
black and colors ; regular $1.50 t O f
and $1.75 values; priced, per pair 2) X JJ
Perrin's and Trefousse, real prime Kid Gloves,
P. K. and overseam, all colors d " A T
and sizes ; reg. $1.75 quality, pair Jj) X r3
Ireland's washable Chamois Gloves for wom
en, one pearl button, white and J "1 A O
natural colors ; reg. $1.75 quality A X
Perrin's and Trefousse extra quality Kid
Gloves, including fancy stitched backs, in all
colors and all sizes ; regular $2.00 t q J
and $2.25 qualities; special, pair 0 X 0
Perrin's and Trefousse extra quality P. K. Kid
Gloves, best make ; regular $2.25 (f f f Q
quality; special per pair at only p X
Women's washable Chamoioette Gloves, white
and natural colors, all sizes ; regular o f
50c values; special, per. pair, at jJC
Washable Cliamoisette, white and r q
natural, gray and mode; reg. $1.25, pr. l?OC
Women's two-clasp Silk Gloves, double fineer
tips, come in white and black, all sizes.
Regular 75c value, special, per pair 47
Regular $1.00 value, special, per pair 79
Women's two-clasp Embroidered Silk Gloves,
Kayser make, all colors and sizes ; q y
regular $1.25 values; special, per pair O C
Women's 16-button length Silk Gloves, double
finger tip, Kayser, Niagara; all sizes; fey
regular $1.50 and $2.00; special, pair J70C
MEN'S $2.00 GLOVES, PAIR $1.35
Men's English hand sewed, "real d f OP?
Cape Gloves, $2 values, per pair b X tJJ
Men's Perrin dress Gloves, cape, Ah - o f
tans and English walking, $2 val.' X
Men's $2.50 real English make t Ff
suede Gloves, tans, stone, mode X Ovl
Oiir Suit Sections Give a Series of Big Values Tomorrow
Arrival Notice of
New Spring Coats
We announce the arrival of a new line
of Coats. Black taffeta, fancy trimmed,
in loose-fitting and semi-fitting. Pongees
in semi-fitting. Prices $15 to $35.
Our selection of white serge, blue serge
and black Coats is splendid. The. new
Spring styles are charming. We invite
your inspection. Prices from $15 to $35.
Mixtures and novelty Coats are shown
in greatest assortment here, the prices
ranging from $20.00 to $55.00.
Automobile Coats in linen and mixtures
which are so necessary at this season of
the year are here in immense assort
ments. Prices from $20.00 to $35.00.
Women'sTail'd Suits
Two Specials-? 1 0 & $20
In medium and short length coats, semi and
tight-fitting; plain tailored skirts, full plaited;
materials are plain and diagonal serge, also
fancy worsteds;" colors are tan, gray, navy,
black, fancy stripes and mix- fy f f f
tures; special price this sale PJJJ "
Very recent arrivals. The linen suits . are
plain tailored, in medium and short length
coats, with full plaited skirts. The rep suit
coats are fancy cut Tuxedo style, with black
moire collar and ;cuffs ; colors
blue, leather shades and white
The New Waists
in Foreign Effects
Newest creation in Japanese silk, in
pompadour and Persian design, - made
with short sleeves and Dutch neck
with narrow plaiting in collarette effect.
We are showing the very latest in various
colored Dresden effects. Something very
new and decidedly chic in dotted foulard,
strictly tailor made, with fancy jabot and
crochet buttons, long sleeve and high
collar, finished with knife plaiting. We
wish to call special attention to the many
new models in pongee. The most ef
fective is a design in cluster tucks. Center
front heavily embroidered in pongee
color, finished with scalloped edge and
jabot. Prices $12.50 to $20. OO.
Tea Room
on 7th Floor
The Meier & Frank
store's tearoom . is in
creasing in popularity
daily. The public is cor
dially invited to make
it their rendezvous- at
all times. Luncheon
and afternoon teas are
a special feature, with
music in attendance.
Service a la carte. Take
any of the 4 elevators
to the seventh floor.
Good Music
35c and 50c
Values 16c
20,000 pieces women's
Neckwear, in rabats,
collars, jabots, cravats
and linen collars; reg
ular 35c and
50c vals., spl IOC
Paris Pattern Hats Reduced
lk and V3 Off on Usual Prices
Have received a late
shipment of ladies'
tailored and ready-to-wear
Hats, values up
to $20.00, for 1-3 OFF
For three days, commenc
ing Monday morning, we
offer all our French im
ported pattern Hats, val
ues from $20 to $100 each,
reduced ONE-FOURTH.
$3 VALUES $1.98
New line of misses'
and ladies' untrimmed
shapes, in black and
colors; values up to
$3.00; for 1 qq
this sale pxjO
Tom Kindred
With M.&F.
The army of friends
and acquaintances of
"Tom" Kindred will be
pleased to know of his
association with the
Meier & Frank store as
manager of their im
mense carpet and floor
covering sections. Mr.
Kindred will appreciate
a call from his host of
former acquaintances,
and will be glad to
meet prospective pa
trons in his new loca
tion on our third floor,
in the main building.
65c Vals. 39c
Two-inch Velvet Rib
bon, silk face and satin
back; colors black, red,
French blue, navy, old
rose,alice, scarlet, car
dinal, emerald green,
brown, -petunia and
cerise; regularly 65c
per yard; spe
cial, this sale OcC
France and Switzerland
Represented 50,000 Yds.
Of Embroideries Attrac
tively and Specially Priced
The embroidery season is now in full swing;
1910 fashion sheets show lingerie gowns in
endless variety. We are prepared to supply
the demands for 27-inch flounces, bands,
galoons and all-overs used in the making of
the new Tunic and Russian blouse effects.
We have just received a 50,000-yard shipment
of embroideries from St. Gall, Switzerland,
consisting of edges, insertions, demi flounces,
galoons and all-overs to be used in the mak
ing of children's , and women's undermuslins,
combination garments and lingerie waists,
gowns and petticoats. Come "and see them.
LOT 1 27-inch batiste flounces, designs in
eyelet and French work ; values t f
to $4.00 the yard ; sale, the yard 1 . 1 i
Bands to match, 2 to 4 inches, value ?
to $2 yard, 98; value to $1.25 yard OiC
LOT 2 27-inch demi flounces on batiste,
Anglaise and baby Irish designs ; Q
value tc $2.50 the yard; on sale at OC
LOT 3 22-inch all-overs in eyelet and blind
work for yokes and Russian d o f
blouses; value to $3.50 yard, at ) X JJ
LOT 4 Dimity all-over embroidery, very
suitable for lingerie waists ; the val- 7
ues run up to $1.75 yard, sale, yard 3C
LOT 5 27-inch Swiss demi flounces and
bands to match in eyelet designs ; yt Q
value to $1.25 the yard; priced, yard "TcC
LOT 6 10,000 yards of manufacturer's lengths
of embroidery edges and insertions on Swiss,
nainsook and cambric, for children's and wom
en's undermuslins, 1 to 9 inches, 42 Q
and 5-yd- lengths; vals. to $2.50 a strip tOC
Importations of Women's
Spring Hosiery Excep
tional Offerings Prevail
Women's Hose, direct importation from
Chemnitz, Germany, made especially for Meier
& Frank Company, under their own name.
50c women's black full fashioned Hose, made
from best long Sea Island cotton, spliced hand
seam, high spliced heel and toe; 0
usual 50c hose; this sale, per pair OcC
Women's imported black gauze lisle Hose,
double sole, high spliced, full fashioned,
Hermsdorf dye, with extra wide double garter
proof top. An exceptional importa- o
tion; 6 pair for Jjsl.OO, or, per pair oOC
65c and 75c women's imported colored lisle
Hose, in all the new and staple Spring shades,
with . silk embroidered boots, also black lisle
with lace boots of dainty, attractive A c
patterns; both- lines at, per pair nrC
$6 Imported Curtains at $2.85
French-made cluny and renaissance Lace Curtains, made
on good French nets, with insertings and edges madp by
hand by the peasants in the South of France, 40 to 45
inches wide, 2y2 yards long; both cluny and renaissance
in white and ecru ; regular $5.50 and $6.00 (J O Q T?
a pair; special for this sale at, per pair bZtOU
French Hand Embroidered Wear
Estelle Corsets & Infants' Wear
All at Special Fete Prices One
Third Reductions New Stock
They are on display in our Fifth-street Window.
Special line of French hand-embroidered underwear at
33 1-3 off. ALL NEW STOCK. Some great bargains.
Gowns range in price from. 5.00 to 60.00
Drawers range in price from. .. .3.oO to- 10.00
Corset Covers range in price from S3.00 to $15.00
Chemise range in price from. . . .S5.00 to 20.00
Combinations range in price from J6.00 to $20.00
Skirts range in price from J6.00 to $25.00
Some very fine and attractive styles. Made of best qual
ity imported batiste and nainsook; some lace trimmed.
Estelle Corsets at Special Price
Special line Estelle Corsets, white only, for tf f
medium and stout figures ; $2.50 and $3 vals. f) X J D
Infants' and children's hand-made Dresses and Skirts at
reduced prices. See display in INFANTS' DEPART
MENT; 20 items at special prices. Don't overlook this.
Bridge and Five Hundred Pads
Dainty cover with either the bridge or 500 pads ; r q
suitable for prizes; special for this sale at only QC
German novelties in Ink Stands and Desk supplies in
cut glass; special reduction of ONE-FOURTH OFF.
Tomorrow Starts a Great Sale
1 00,000 Yards of Dress Goods
Entire Colored Stock Reduced
Sale Opens 8 A. M. Tomorrow
Our well-known immense stock of colored dress goods
at reduced prices at this season of the year should meet
the approval of every customer. To make this a record
week we have used the price-cutting machine on every
piece of dress goods in stock, contract goods excepted ; no
reserve. Some lines marked way below factory price.
Take advantage. See big Fifth-street window display.
French, German, English and American. All bargains.
All-wool panama and basket weaves, in tans, mixed with
blue, green and brown, in all the latest patterns ;
44 inches wide; $1.00 values, for this sale at
All-wool checks, in black, brown, red, green, blue and
white, in panama and serge weaves ; 56 inches f Q
wide; $L50 values; priced for this sale at onlyI70C
Light and dark mixed diagonals and small invisible check
effects, in all the latest colorings ; 56 inches tf f f
wide ; $2.00 values ; priced for this sale at l) X X i
46-inch all-wool shadow stripe serge, self-stripe and
Chevron suiting; full line of the season's wanted colors;
nice firm wear, just what you want for service- q f
able Spring and Summer shirt waist suit; special OSG
48-inch English Peter Thompson serge for boys', misses'
and ladies wear. For a durable fabric it 'has no equal
in the colors mentioned. Three shades of f
navy blue, browns, reds and greens only, at S J. vl v
$1.00 Silk Value, Special 67c
Black and white, blue and white, Lousine silk, f
values range to $1.00; special this sale at O C
Tomorrow Fete International
Great Sale White and Colored
Wash Fabrics Thousands of
Yards Most Remarkable Prices
Tomorrow will witness wonderful selling in the greater
Meier & Frank store's linen and wash fabric sections.
Quantities that represent thousands of dollars' worth of
this season's newest and most attractive merchandise will
Be placed on sale at special fete international prices. It
will be a sale that economical people should not overlook.
From Ireland 25 pieces, 72-in. extra heavy f f
Bleached Damask ; $1.35 values ; special, yd. p X J J
From Germany 200 dozen, 20x40 all-linen Huck ey
Towels, 35c values; special this sale, each only 3C
From Austria 25 8-4 Damask Cloths, $9.00 vals., $6.00
25 8-10 Damask Cloths, $11.00 values, on sale at $8.00
From Scotland 2000 yards fine Scotch Plaids, -50c
values; special price per yard for this sale at
America 50,000 yds. fancy white goods, madras - rf
and cheviots, 25c and 35c values; special, yard XOC
25,000 yards 32-inch fancy poplins, 35c vals., special 19
America 25,000 yards 32-inch pongee, all colors, Q
plain and stripes, 39c values, special, per yard X i C
German Cutlery Specially Priced
Direct from Germany. We carry the celebrated Henckel
Twin brand Scissors and Knives. Our prices the lowest.
Special lot of Scissors and Shears in solid steel ; a f
every one warranted; priced for this sale, special TfiC
Direct German Importations
Post Card Albums, beautiful cover designs, to O O
hold 200 and 300 cards; priced special at, each joC
75c Post Card Albums to hold 400 and 500 cards ; yt q
cloth cover designs; special price for this sale T'JC
25c American Scrims at 18c yd.
American-made printed Scrims, plain ecru, linen and
cream grounds with blue, brown, green, rose and red
figures, in art nouveau, floral and scroll designs. The
greatest success in printed materials ever pro- q
duced; 36 to 40 in. wide; reg. 25c quality, yard J. OC
See our great -display in the Fifth-street Window.
Two Furniture Specials of Note
We wish to call attention to the fact that we carry the
largest line of Summer Furniture in Portland, com
prising Porch Rockers, Chairs, Settees and Swings.
A serviceable Porch Rocker, the best made, natural
color, maple frame, strongly constructed. A splendid
and inexpensive Rocker for the Summer home. Reg
ular price $2.75. Special sale price for tf Q f
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only 2) J.
Handsome solid heavy quartered oak polished Rocker,
strong and exceptionally well made, with saddle seat.
Regular price $6.75. Extra special price for tf f A f
Monday, Tuesday and' Wednesday at, each tT,,r!y
American Made Carpet Rugs
Wilton and Axminster Special
A large assortment of made-up Wilton and Axminster
Carpet Rugs, made up of odd remnants of carpets and
borders. This time the sale will afford an exceptional
opportunity to secure new Rugs at a decided saving.
Here are some of the values. See them.
$44 Wntcm-KTasSff-g $3?.50
$46.00 Wilton, green and tan, 9x12, special at $30.00
$38.50 Wilton, Oriental, 10.6x12, special at only $24.50
$48.00 Wilton (extra), tan, 10.6x12, special at 33.00
$37.50 Axminster, . tan,. 8x12, special price $22.50
$30.00 Axminster, blue, 7.6x9.9, special price 919.75
$28.50 Axminster, green and tan, 8.3x12, special S18.75
$36.00 Axminster, pink, 8.3x11, special price $27.50
$30.00 Axminster, tan and green, 10.6x10.8, .sp'l $20.00