The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 20, 1910, SECTION SIX, Image 74

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5. Somehow their friendship closer grew, until sure signs there came
That "Mrs. Smith's" refulgent charms had set his heart aflame.
The Sector's talk turned more and more to flowers and "birds above,
And "Mrs. Smith' concluded that her Bector was .in Iovel
6 "Ah, me," he sighed, "how lone my lot! How empty is my life!"
"Then, why' the Widow coyly asked "don't you select a wife?"
" No, no' said he, " I'm far too poor 1" The Widow hung her head.
"I must confess I'm very rich 1" was all the Widow said.
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. The Widow Wise persisted still, by all her wiles,' by stealth,
To find if men adored her for alone her fatal wealth,
And while both rich and bankrupt swains their tales of tru love told.
Each time the cautious Widow saw a plot upon her gold
. At length, distraught in mind, she sought a little country town,
And there, disguised as " Mrs. Smith." the Widow settled down,
Pvesolved to spend a month or two until she should be well.
'And maybe here 1 11 find the man, ' she thought; "you ne er can tellfl
. One Sunday morning, simply clad, to church the Widow went. f f
The rector was a youngish man, extremely eloquent.
He preached against the curse of gold, he flayed the hosts of pelf.,
"I wonder if he means it?" asked the Widow of herself..
. Next day she met the rector at a little mission fair.
Still further he imoressed her with his deeolv earnest air.
The Widow thought, "Now, here's a man who does not care for gold.
I fear Yd best not shock him, so my wealth I'll -leave untold r
7. The Kector gasped, the Fsector flushed, the Factor beat his breast.
"Alasl" the Widow sadly thought, "this saint is like the rest.
Now he has learned about my wealth he'll woo me with -a whir! "
But she.wasAvrong. TheRectonturned and walked away.from herl
8.- Next day he wrote: "I loved you,-and my heart was at your feet;
Bur you concealed your sinful wealth, anjcj, oh. you used deceit
Farewell for aye V The Widow gasped in uncontrolled surprise.
"THAT MAN IS MUCH TOO GOOD TO LIVE I" exclaimed "the WioW Wise