The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 20, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 34

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but spent the major part of their time at
Santa Barbara, and Del Monte, playing
Shortly after Easter, Miss Susan Clarke
will go to Tacoma for a, few days" visit
with her sister, and from there to the
Bremerton Navy-yard, where she will
visit Lieutenant and Mrs. Griswold. Miss
Dorothy Morrison, who is also at the
Navy-yard, will accompany Miss Clarke
Cards are out for a semi-formal at
home, which will be given by Mrs. Frank
Kerr, at her Irvington home, Saturday,
g51c HH if51frgTir51fill
ID rsf rm
An Unusual Display
Patek Philippe Watches
During the entire week, commencing to
morrow, i
Known the world over for their superior
time-keeping qualities. Sole agents for
- V X V y y Q Q
-irj- NX . er
"V" S we are entering upon holy
a week, another seven days of
quietude will ensue, the reac
tionary period beginning a week hence.
Nothing large as yet has been definitely
featured, with the exception of several
weddings and the last of- the subscrip
tion dances, which, on April J, will be
given at MurJark Hall. The engage
ment' rumored last week was that of
Mrs. Hamilton Brooke, who is now In
Europe, to C. E. von Gilman, of Switzer
land, who has lived in Portland for two
years or more. Mrs. Brooke is at pres
ent in Italy, where tho wedding was
to have taken place, but owing to the
fact that Mr. von Gilman will soon be
associated with a Portland corporation
the trip has been deferred, and the wed
ding will take place here. Mrs. Brooke
gone in extensively for philan-
inropic work, and was
the popular
president of the fruit and Flower Mis
Miss Martha Hoyt is at present in
Rome. With her are Mrs. Philip John
son, of Richmond, Virginia, her daugh
ter. Miss Scarborough, and Miss Jamie
Sullivan. The latter, it will be re
called, lived in Portland many years
ago and attended St. Helen's Hall at
the same time as Mrs. C. J. Reed, then
Miss Green, and the Misses Henrietta
and Miss Mary Failing. Miss Sullivan's
fathr. General Sullivan, was at one
time in command at Vancouver Bar
racks. From Rome the party will go to
Florence, where they will remain for
Beveral weeks.
Mr. and Mrs.- William Easterbrook
Jones, of Xewton, Mass., with their son,
Durham Jones, have been touring Eu
rope for some months and are now in
Es-ypt. They will return to America the
latter part of April and in May will
come to Portland to visit Mr. and Mrs.
R. 1. Durham at their attractive Riv
rdale residence. Mrs. Jones was Miss
Lillian Durham.
Mrs. Marlon P. Maus, wife of General
Maus. of Vancouver Barracks, who was
recently called East by the illness of
her father, Admiral Poor, unfortunately
arrived too late to reach her father's
bedside before his death. Mrs. Maus
has the sympathy of her many friends
on. the occasion of her bereavement.
Fhe will remain In the East for several
weeks and is expcted to return some
time in May.
Mrs. Philip Wasserman and Miss
Getta Wasserman will leave in a few
weeks for New York and will then sail
for Europe. They will spend some
time in Germany and will visit other
points- of interest made familiar by
previous trips abroad.
Miss Helen Eastham, who recently
returned from some months in Califor
nia, is planning to go to Europe this
Bummer. She will go direct to London,
where she will visit Mrs. John White,
who was Miss Harriet Stevens, of Port
land, some ten years ago. Mr. and Mrs.
White have traveled a great deal
through Europe, but spend a part of
the year in London, where they have
a handsome home. From England. Miss
Eastham will go to France, where she
will Join Mrs. Curtis Strong and Miss
Alice Strong. Miss Eastham's mother,
Mrs. P. P. Morey, with Miss Shlreley
Eastham, are also talking of going
abroad, leaving September 1.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mac Master will
Close their artistic home near the golf
links, the latter part of May, as they
are contemplating a European trip
which will terminate next October.
June 1 they will sail from New York,
with M!ssAilsa Mac Master and Miss
m Mazie Mac Master, who . is now attend
cg a finishing school near Baltimore.
Jiey will also chaperons Miss Bertl
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Baar, who Is returning to her home in
Vienna. They will go direct to Cher
bourg, and from there to Join Miss
Katharine Mao Master In Paris, where
Bhe has spent the Winter. The Mao
Masters will tour France and then visit
in England a,nd Scotland before return
ing home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Alvord returned
last Sunday from a brief trip to New
York, Boston, Minneapolis and Wash
ington, D. C. In Boston they spent two
days with Miss Sally Hart, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hart, who is
attending Miss Chamberlain's finishing
Major and Mrs. J. J. -Morrow, of
Washington, D. C, will arrive soon In
Portland, where Major Morrow will
have charge of Government work. The
Morrows have a charming home In the
capital where they have resided for
the past seven years, the longest period
of home life In Mrs. Morrow's army ex
perience as a daughter of an officer
and wife of another.
' .
Easter week, Mrs. Walter V. Smith will
be a luncheon hostess complimentary to
Miss Mary Montgomery, whose wedding
occurs April 7.
The Spring days have created a desire
for golf playing, and the Waverly links
have had many' devotees. A number of
new recruits, under the guidance of a
coach, have also devoted much time and
patience to the Invigorating sport. Wo
men players are as yet In the minority,
while a few of the best players have been
enjoying golf at Del Monte. Among some
of the maids and matrons seen playing
recently are Mrs. T. B. Wilcox, Mrs.
Peter Kerr, Mrs. L. Alien Lewis. Mrs.
plliilliiiiiiiillli : .
Helen Ladd Oorbett, Miss Hazel Dolph,
Miss Kathleen Burns, Miss Margaret
Walter, Mrs. David T. Honeyman, Miss
Lisa Wood, Miss Marjorie Barrows, Mrs.
Elizabeth Freeman, Mrs. John C. Ains
worth, Mlsa Carrie Flanders and Miss
Evelyn Wilson.
. m
Mrs. Graham Glass left on Monday for
New York to be with Mlsa Ethelwynne
end Graham Glass during the Easter hol
idays. Miss Ethelwynne is attending a
finishing school at Mlllbrook, N. Y., and
Graham Glasa Is at Harvard. Miss Glass
Is one of the best equestriennes at her
school and presents a smart appearance
In her riding habit. Mrs. Glass with her
son and daughter will spend some days in
New York, also In Boston and Atlantic
Mr. and Mrs. David C Lewis left on
Sunday morning for New York on a
pleasure and business trip combined. Mrs.
C. H. Lewis and Miss Sally Lewis also
went East, .the early part of the week.'
Mrs. C. H. Lewis and her daughter had
planned to leave for New York some
weeks ago, but the landslides and con
gested railroad conditions deterred them.
While In New York they will visit Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Fairbanks., (Miss
Frances Lewis).
Dr. and Mrs. E. De Witt Connell are
again in Vienna after their interesting
trip to South America. They have re
cently made a tour of the university
towns In Germany, and will visit Paris
once more before returning to Portland
about June 10.
Mri and Mrs. Peter Kerr have returned
from some weeks in California. They
visited in Ban Francisco and Burllngame
March 26.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cotton are now
building a home near Ores ham to which
they will move June 1. Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Ames have rented the Cotton
home at Twentieth and Lovejoy streets,
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Myers, of Se
attle, who have spent a fortnight at the
Hotel Portland, have returned home.
April 1 they twlll sail for Europe to be
gone some montns. Jir. jnyers was I arm
erly from Portland.
The Percy Blythe residence on Kings
Heights has recently been sold to Mr.
andi Mrs. W. A. MacRae. Mr. and Mrs.
Blythe and their twe children have been
in London now for over & year, and so
have about decided to reside there per
manently. During their various trips
their home has at different times been
occupied by Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Nlch
Is. Mrs. G relle of Orange. N. J.. Mr. and
Mrs. Benage S. Josselyn. and General and
Mrs. Thomas Anderson.
Mrs. C. E. S. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. David
T. Honeyman, Nancy Honeyman, and
Miss Marjorie Barrows of St. Paul are
spending the week end at Mr. and Mrs.
James Honeyman's . beach residence at
Gearhart Park.
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer Is enthusiastic
over her very interesting visit in New
York, where she attended 20 grand op.
eras. In addition to orchestral concerts
galore and rnuslcales at Carnegie Hall
Mrs. Bauer had several luncheons and
teas given in her honor while In Gotham
at which she met grand opera luminaries
and distinguished men and women in the
literary and artistic set. Mrs. Bauer
coached while in New York with the
famous Isadore Luckstone, with whom
Sembrich, Schuman-Heink and Nordica
have studied. Dr. George Alnslle, of Port
land, Is also coaehing with Luckstone at
present, as la Charlotte Maconda, who Is
a great favorite here. Mrs. Bauer sang
for jurred Herz, the Wagnerian direc
tor, also for Walter Damroscb. and Al
fred Mildenberg, the composer and pi
anist, an or whom had, flattering things
to say of her voice and suggested her
appearing In grand opera. Mrs. Bauer
declares that New York is at present a
splendid education musically, as the rival
Impresarios spare no expense in pre
senting the greatest of European artists
obtainable, enhanced with wonderful
soenio accessories. .
Horse lovers are being attracted by the
Vancouver Horse Show, which Is sched
uled for April 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23.
Miss Blenor Laidlaw, who exhibited
a string of splendid" horses at the
Portland show, will contribute, as will
Miss Bernice Baker of Tacoma, Miss Far-
rell of Seattle, and Miss Lillian O'Brien,
the latter taking over Flashlight. Sa
lem's first horse show Is scheduled for
April 8 and 9, and the majority of thor
oughbreds in Portland will be entered.
Particularly fortunate have the Salem
promoters been In securing T. S. McGrath
as Judge of the show. Many who have
not taken the ride to Salem on the new
electric railroad have decided to combine
the pleasure of attending the horse show
with a first ride on the lnterurban.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gauld are build
ing a new residence at the head of Kings
Court, near the homes of General and
Mrs. C. F. Beebe and Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
The French Ambassador and Madame
Jusserand. who were entertained here
last Summer by Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus A.
Dolph, are sailing soon for France.' They
expect to be in Paris during Theodore
.Roosevelt s visit there.
Mr. and Mrs. El A. (Baldwin have
leased a country place at Pine Orchards
Conn., 15 miles east of New Haven. They
will spend (their Summers at the ranch,
which is two miles north of Ella, where
Ella Wheeler Wilcox has a Summer
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Kollock will be
supper hosts following the subscription
dance, April L
After two years' residence in Portland.
Robert Noble has returned to reside at
his former home in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Foster Owen of
Irvington are receiving congratulations
from their friends on the birth of a son
on March 17. Mrs. Owen was formerly
Miss Clara Lewys of Seattle.
The presence in town during the week
of Homer Davenport, the distinguished
Oregon artist who occasionally returns
to his home land, has been the occasion
for some informal entertaining in his
honor. Mr. Davenport will remain in
the state for some weeks, dividing his
time between Portland and his father's
home at Silverton. His lectures this
week at the White Temple will attract a
large following.
Miss Marguerite Boschke, a Portland
Academy girl, who recently returned
from California, gave a St. Patrick's Day
party on 'X'nursaay afternoon. With the
exception of baskets of fruit blossoms, a
Sola&UO 1879
Several fiaiuiniidhredl gar
innieinifta f-ttlhie Ibeitfter.
makes carried! Iby
slsei's wiSl arrive ftMs
week for woasaeira,
s mm a. 11 woinmem aradl
Several disitiimcltiveiniov
eMes will arrive every
few days.
ft ' :J&&J0QtfcnjQSh&- fi
283-85 Washington St Rothchild Bid g. Established 1868
1' 'lllll' t ilHlBllIIISjgSlIIllE
- 'a
gTeen color scheme was carried out -with
shamrocks, bom of etkoti tuilo em
erald colored candelabra fihadea. Bridge
was played at Ave tables. Prizes were
silver picture frames and colonial mir
rors. Present were Miss Margaret Boot.
Miss Lillian. Buehner, Miss Greta Butter
field, Miss Genevieve Butterfleld. Miss
This ready-to-put-on section has a mission to perform. to be ever on the
alert that we may secure merchandise most in demand, at prices within
reach of the popular purse; to be able to furnish merchandise that is a
credit to the house and 3et so reasonably priced that it will be disposed of
in vast quantities. This serves a double purpose, a big outlet, a great pur
chasing power, which results in lowest .prices.
Charge Accounts Solicited
Our peerless charge system enables you to buy your entire Spring outfit and
pay for same in weekly or monthly payments.
"Washington at Tenth
Extends the season's greetings and announces the
arrival of great multitudes of absolutely
For its Spring and Easter offerings. Great care
and attention have been given, in detail, to provide
the styles that best conform to the edicts oi the.
latest fashions. Your personal inspection is re
spectfully, solicited to see the many, many new and
unique novelties that prevail. Prices are attrac
tive and as interesting as the goods themselves.
Our Department of'Silver possesses unusual vari
ety to -simplify the choice of wedding gifts. The
splendid snowing of the plain patterns in hollow
and flatware have much unusualness and must be
seen to be appreciated.
A host of new oddities.
In all the desired shapes and sizes.
A splendid variety of patterns.
Freda Baruh, Miss Kate Brazel. Miss Ger
aldine Coursen, Miss Florence Clary, Miss
EJeanor Cannon, Miss Ruby Crichton, Miss
Maurine Campbell, Miss Helen Doble,
Miss Mildred Fuller. Miss 'Wilma Fisk.
Miss Irene Flynn, Miss Mayme Helen
Flynn, Miss Frances Fuller, Miss Leo
nide Fleury, Miss Clara Fleishman,
OUR $25
"We show an immense assortment of
Man-Tailored Suits in women's and
misses' sizes in all the new materials,
consisting of serges, worsteds, home
spuns and. mannish suitings. Jackets
are satin or peau de cygne lined; skirts
in the new plaited effects.
An Elegant
Suit at ... .
Our garments are fitted by experts. And all necessary
alteration free of charge. Garments purchased early
in the week will be finished in time for Easter Sunday.
The Place Where
Miss Marg-ery Forbls, Miss Louise Glea.
son. Miss Elsie Gill, Miss Gladys How.
ard. Miss Bess Hammond, Miss Flor
ence Holllster, Miss Marjorie Hauaemad,
Miss Delia Hahn. Miss Laura Korell,
Miss Mabel Korell, Miss Gretchen Klos
terman. Miss Edith Levy, Miss Graci
Lottman, Miss Dorothy Moulton, Mls
Your Credit Is Good
$25 JO