Tim SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 20, 1010- 15 HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S KMPLOYMEXT OFFICE. OPEN TODAY. WANTED 2 concrete form builders, city, $4 clay, 9 hours. 2 cement finishers, $5. 2 R. R. camp blacksmiths, (3.50 and (3.25, free fare. Locomotive cranemen, $4 day, free fare. 4 bridge carpenters, $3. 0 hours. Lumber bookkeeper, $75 and found; tallyman, $73. 2 canthook men. $3; 2 box nailers, $2.50. Sawfiler, $3; camp land, cleaners, $1.50 and board. Woodchoppers. $1.60. 11.25. $1 a cord. 2 men and wives, $7U and $65 and found, farms. Orchard teamsters, $40 and board; farm help. $35 and $35 a month, room and board; 2 men for hopyards, $30 and board. Tree grafter. $2 and board. Loggers of all kinds. Mill hands, inside and yard. Ionkey engineer. $3.50; ntghtwatch, $60. City laborers, $2.50, 9 hours. City teamsters, concrete laborers. HEADQUARTERS FOR R. R. WORK. WANTED 50 tunnelmn, waives $3, $2.75. $2.50, EAST on the Deschutes Ry; FREE FARE; ship daily. SOUTH TO CALIFORNIA, FREE FARE for railroad construction laborers; hip daily. Tunnelmen. muckers, outside laborers In t cuts and other rock work. shovelers, teamsters, concrete men, steam shovel la borers, men of all kinds, wages $2.25 up and FREE FARE. C. R. HANSEN & CO., Employment, 26 X! 2d St., Portland, Or. 424 Front Avenue, Spokane, Wash. 87-89 Fourth St.. San Francisco, Cal. Established 1876. HANLEY & TR AVERS, Employment Agents, 28 .North Second St. 4. 2290. Main 727. We want at once: 1 pile driver foreman, $5.50. 4 pile driver men, 93.30. 6 bridge carpenters, $3.50. 1 donkey engineer. $3.00. 3 cant hook men. $3.(0 to $3.50. 2 camp flunkeys, $35.00. 1 rough carpenter, $3.50. 10 laborers for the woods, $2.50. 5 wood choppers. 91.25 cord. 5 teams, city, $5.50. 5 sawmill men, $2.25. 3 tallymen, city, $2.50. 25 extra gang men, $1.60 to $1.75. 50 R. R. laborers, right of way men, drillers and station men for the Sweeney Construction Co., on the Tillamook lioad ; fares advanced. 50 mn for Twohy Bros, and Porter Bros., work on the Deschutes ; free fare. Fare free or advanced to all R. R. con struction work. SALESMEN Do you want a money-maker for the Spring and Summer months? If you do call and see us regarding our home medical, home law libraries, Web ster's Dictionary and one year's subscrip tion to the Review of Reviews magazine. This Is an exceptionally strong combina tion, not fiction to be read and laid aside, but a work of reference invaluable in every home. Sold on the easy pay ment plan. Call Review of Reviews Co., 324 Fliedner bldg., between 9 and 12 A. M.. Monday. CLERKS with experience in railroad ac counting, preferably disbursements, store or operating departments. Should be good penmen, quick and accurate at figures, capable of earning from $80 to $10u per month and come well recommended ; state previous experience, age. present employment and about salary desired. X 818, Oregonlan. LIVE CIRCULATION MANAGER FOR LEADING COMMERCIAL, PUBLICATION, only those having had thorough experi ence need apply; excellent proposition for right man. Apply X 820, Oregonlan. .WANTED Young men to prepare for rail way mail clerks, postoff loo clerks, deliv ery clerks, etc. Thousands or positions filled every month. Good pay; permanent; short hours; annual vacations. Our stu dents satisfied. Further information in Book 30. Write today for it. It Is FREE. Pacific States School, McKay Building, Portland, Oregon. ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MANAGER FOR LEADING COMMERCIAL MAGA ZINE; excellent chance for right party. Apply X 821. Oregonian. IF you are an A No. 1 machinery sales man, familiar with gasoline and steam engines, irrigation machinery, etc.. and want a position with an old-established house, give experience, references, etc., addressing AE SIS. Oregonian. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY, pub lishers. Boston, have opened their North western office and want salesmen of ability to handle their line of popular subscription publications: for appointment with their manager, address A 818, Ore gonlan. . COMPETENT wide-awake- salesman, who understands the handling of dry goods and clothing, dress windows; orTly capable men with reference considered. Apply in person, Shanedling Bros., Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Competent teamster for furni ture wagon, must know the city well and understand thoroughly how to handle furniture; give last place of employment. R 817. Oregonian. CA PABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line; high commissions, with S100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED Station agent. R. R.. Northern California; must be operator, W. U. wire only, and give surety bond; free house rent, fuel and lights for married man. AM 813. Oregonian. SALESMAN on commission for Oregon and ashington, to carry two well-known lines of logger's shoes: exceptional opportunity for the right man; state age. details in first letter. Address A S15, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced special edition advertising solicitor; something new; only producers of experience need apply, Mon day 8 :30 to lO A. M.. 4 to 5 P. M. Room . 20 Washington bldg. JMONEY quick and fast, selling merchants low-priced soda water fountains. Slls it self wherever shown. Salesman made $2S5 monthly. Reeves, 79 Dearborn, Chicago. feOY wanted, with bicycle to do errands in city; good wages for clean, steadv boy. Apply Mr. Phayer, 9th and Hoyt sts. Clark-Woodward Drug Co. WANTED Steady man to check goods, etcT Pay $25 week now; can be increased with interested help; small investment re quired. Particulars 2484 Stark st. WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell the best orchard tracts 15 miles from Port land; liberal commission. Call at the Crossley Company, 708-709 Corbett bldg. WANTED A good real estate man to work spare time; good proposition for side line. Deschutes Valley Land & Invest ment Co.. 301-302 Buchanan bldg. OPPORTUNITY for wide-awake voung man to connect himself with established real state firm and learn the business; commie 'n basis only. Address P 821. Oregonlan. WANTED First-class fire insurance solicit ors; salary and commission. Apply 509 McKay bldg.. Monday. WANTED Good millwright. Apply Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co., Macadam Road. EXPERIENCED salesman for lace curtains and drapery department. Apply to Daly Bros.. Eureka, Cal. WANTED Man with team to plant and near Multnomah Sta tion. AF 819. Oregonian. WANTED by commercial photographer, two callers, men or ladles ; good wages Call 884 Park st.. or phone Main 721 YOUNG man. a tt en diner rn 11 beta. room and part board for work by tele Phonlng TiLbor 433. WANT three experienced real estate sales man for suburban tracts, close in, easy term. AL 804. Oregonian. WANTED Carpenter; must be a first-class Inside finisher. Corner 44th and Hancock eta,; take Rose City car. YOUNG man for bookkeeping, acquainted with stenography and typewriting. 339 Sherlock bldg., 2 to 4. WANTED Bill clerk and general office as sistant. References. B 824. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS salesman : compensation large: permanent. 215 Commercial bldg. WANTED To hire teams, $5.50 per day. Star Sand Co., 15th and Front sts. PQI wanted, to. ie&m trade, 412 Daada u HELP WANTED M.U.tt. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Open Sunday, 10:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. Wanted Mill carpenters. $3.50; finish ing carpenters, $3.50; rough carpenters, $3; bench carpenter, $3.50. Band rrsav.yer, $3 ; band sawyer and shaperman, $4 ; ratchet-setter for small mill, $3; carriage riders. $2.25 to $2.50; yard and car tallymen, in city, $2.50 up; 2d marker on sorting table. $2.50. Boys to work In planingmi II and box factory. $1.7.".; box nailers, machine or hand work. $2.50 up. Flunkeys, $35; signal boys for log ging camps, $1 to $1.50 per day and board. Experienced grafters for large nursery, $2.'i" per riav and board. Fifteen farmhands. $30 to $40. We want a large number of loggers and millhands for camps just starting up, top wages to good men. Call on us we have work for everybody, everywhere.. NOTE We guarantee to pay your fare both ways if there is not work at any and all places where we send you. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main Office. 12 X. 2d SU 3 TRAVELING SALESMEN WANTED. Ivinfrlr.nrpd h ten-class specialty road salesmen can secure year's contract and exclusive territory with oldest and larg est house of its kind in America. Ref erences must show u. record of success. Splendid proposition for three good men. Write AF 824. Oregonlan, for interview. Riving brief outline of your selling ex perience. WANTED Salesman who can sell the Shel don Course on commission ; guaranteed weekly advanced. I want a man, not an imitation ; if you have 10 per cent brains and i0 per cent ability to stick in your makeup write me for particulars. AC 823. Oregonian. A RELIABLE man that hns had experi ence in liie Insurance agency; must be a gentleman, able to handle agents and furnish A I references. Don't apply un less you have confidence in yoursejf. Y 800. Oregonian. WANTED A few ambitious young men to learn a money-making bu sinew; moderate exertion will surely pay from $5 to 510 per day; only $5 capital required. For particu lars call any week dny from 12 to 4 o'clock. R. M.t at Hotel Rainier, cor. Sixth and Gltean etls. Ask for chemist. HEAD sawyer, $4 and board; logging con tracts; carpenter, camp. $3.50; black smith, $3.50; man and wife, stock ranch. $00; others. $45 and So0; farmhands and milkers. $35 and $40; other work. Pioneer Employment Co., 10 North Second. A SPLENDID opportunity to secure Western agency for Frunern manufacturing- concern, s.i I must reaoa Idaho at once t'i hold land; requires small amount for stock, which I price below cost. Room 32 Hotel Gordon, today, YOUNG man to learn barber trade. 832 Mississippi ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE. . WANTED MONDAY. Cook and helper for hotel in city. $75; cook for 6 to 8 men. $35; kitchen helper for ' camp, $.'5; cooke fur country hotels. -10 up; cook for private family, $35 to $40. Waitress for small country -hotel, $25, room and board, fare paid; chambermaid, country. $23. fare paid; chambermaids, city, $2o and 25; pantry woman for hotel in count rv, S25, board and room, fare paid. Girl "for general housework, $20 to $35. We have a large number of new places every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies' Department. 2ik Morrison st. 4 M EN over 25 for outsido position to assist sales manager; order department $25 weekly; expense money advanced. Don't want record breakers or those who know it all, but men with some sales man's ability who are willing to be shown how and to work six hours daily under instructions. Call Monday after 10 A. M. E. J. Stanley, Lenox Hotel. WANTED Two experienced girls on conts. V. Friend. 303 Washington. Call Sunday man's ability who are willing to be shown W NTED A woman for general work at t he Rainier Hotel. Inquire of house keeper, 128 North 6th st. COMPETENT, reliable woman as working housekeeper for small family. Call 1 to 3 this afternoon, 18 N. 2 1st st. EXPERIENCED lady on coats for the alter ntion department at the New York Out fitting Co., 105-107 1st. ASSISTANT bookkeeper; must write a neat hand and be quick and accurate; mod erate salary to start. AF 823, Oregonian. WAXTKD Girl for general housework: half day or w ho o day; go home n igh ts ; smal 1 family. . 141 13th t. SCHOOL, girl to work for room and board; fmail vat;es. Call mornings. 8S0 Savier st. Phone 23U2. - COMPETENT sewing girl wanted. Call Sun day. Mrs. Brings, 256 Russell st. LI PMAXj WOLFE CO. wants experienced saleswomen in jewelry department. WANTED Girl to nsfdst In general house work. Inquire Sou Hall st. A FI RST-CLASS cook, with references. Ap ply i:tU North 2 4th st.. cii y. PHI VAT E V5sons given in shorthand ; type writing. 304 12th st. Main 6aS0. GIRL for hair weaving and manicure; white or colored.. 409 M Morrison. WANTED Lady physical culturalist; also one willing to learn. K 822, Oregonian. WANTED A girl who Hkes children to help with housework in small family. B lii.S. WANTED Girl for general housework. 321 East 35th st. B 2792. WANTED Girl for general housework Phone E. 1S27; C 1271. 690 Clackamas. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3S93. EXPERIENCED cook for family of two Apply 3 to 3 o'clock. 769 Northrup st. GOOD cook for private boarding-house, ex perience absolutely necessary. 733 Hoyt sU GIRL for general housework and cooking; good wages. 340 Hassalo. WANT ED Girl for housework; 2 in family. Apply S05 11th, top flat. NEAT girl to wait on table and assist with housework. 452 Morirson. LADY bookkeeper and olf ice assistant ; be ginner preferred. AM 803. Oregonian. TOUSO sill to -assist with housework,; go home nights. 705 Weidier st. GIRL for general housework. 738 Main St., bet. King and Ford sts. GIRL for general houjaework; small family; good wages. 586 Tillamook st. WAITED Operators on coats, also to take work home. Room 4Yk, 83 5th st. OPERATORS and finishers on pants: exper ienced. 340 1st. GIRL wanted, for light housework. 368 13th st. GI1?L wnated. general housework; good home, good wages. 410 East 11th st. N. WANTED A girl for second work; also to assist in kitchen. 355 11th st. A 1G3G. GIRL to sew and make buttonhol e. Elite LaoJejr l aiior.. f4tt ash. A GIRL for general housework and cook ing; good wages. Phone East 1652. WANTED First-class skirt and waist helpers, at 403 . Jefferson st. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 770 Johnson. WANTED Millinery makers. King & Co. 353 Alder st. AN experienced girl for housework and cook ing. Apply 080 Hoyt St. A"YOlXO girl to wait on table evenings. Ap ply 53 N. ISth st., cor. Davis. 1 r GIRL for general housework; wages $25. f Main 4152, GIRL for general housework. Call 330 Weid ier. Phone East 1S18. GI RL for general housework. 1054 Qulmby st. Phone Main 4782. A 362a GIKL for housework; small family: good home. 604 Davis st. WANTED girl for general housework; no washings. S19 Hawthorne ave. GIRL for general housework ; 3 in family. Apply at San Rafael st. GIRL for dining-room work. 191 11th. WAITRESS waated a GUsan, HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Several bright young women to leam telephone operating; we maintain a school under the supervision of a woman princiral at our East office, East Ankeny and frixth streets; applicants who qualify will be given a thorough training in the work before being assigned o positions; stu dent are paid at the rate of $20 per month while learning. Anpiy to school principal on week days between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers; good wages, steady employment. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO., 12th and Davis Sts. THE Meier & Frank stores can place a num ber of thoroughly competent sales people in various departments throu shout tho store. Also neat and tidy girls between 30 and 18 years of age to learn the busi ness. Apply to superintendent on sixth floor at S A. M. WANTED Three young ladies to take sub scriptions for high -class automobile mag azine, published exclusively for the owner; exrelent opportunity to make money. Ad dress Western Motor Car. Central bldg., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Girls to make shirts and over alls. Ml Hood Factory. 233 Couch. MUNICIPAL Department rr Public Safetr for Young Women. Advice or assistance gladly given to all young women. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin. Supt., room 37 Y. W, C A. bldg., 7th and Taylor sts. CORRESPONDENT wanted In Portland to send local societv gossip to the Weekly Observer, the new review of the great Northwest ; lady preferred; must have er.tre to the best circles; write editor Weekly Observer, Spokane. WANTED 300 ladles to buy sample straw braid, all colors. 50c bundle; wire frames, flowers; straw hats remodeled. THE HATTER Y, 815 Alder, corner 6th. FCRXISHED dining-room and kitchen, large residence, to refined woman who un derstands how to run first-class table for gentlemen roomers. 601 East Morrison st.. corner 15th. WANTED Jacket hands for alteration de partment of cloak and suit house; must be experienced and with citv references as to ability. Apply after 9 A. M., to I. Gevurtz & Sons.. Second and Yamhill. COMPETENT bookkeeper; one that can op erate typewriter; no beginners n?ed ap ply; give phone number and references, also salary wanted in first letter or no attention paid. AC SOS, Oregonian. WANTED First-class saleslady in cloak and suit department; must have city references. Apply to ladies" department after 9 A. M. L Gevurtz & Sons, Second and Yamhill. ?2.50 DAY paid to lady In each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for concentrated flavoring In tubes; per manent position. J. S. Zlegler Co., Chi cago. W ANTED v-Lndy to travel in Oregon; good pay and tailor-made suit in 30 days; ex perienec unnecessary; reliable firm. Write J. E. McBrady Co., Chicago. A WOMAN for general housework; must be good plain cook; good wagos and good home to right party. Answer AE 815, Oregonian. WANTED Single lady, refined, about 30, to take charge of rooming-house and will ing to take half Interest in same. N 812, Oregonlan. SALESWOMAN DRUG SUNDRIES, thoroughly experienced, wanted at once. OLDS, WORT MAN & KING. WANTED Capable young women to enter training school for nurses. For particu lars write Hoquiam General Hospital, Ho quiam. Wash. EXPERIENCED stenographer wanted; give references and state salary wanted. Ap ply in own handwriting. AM 819, Orego nian. GIRL wanted to assist in cooking and gen eral housework in small family of three. Apply 243 Cornell road bet. Marshall and Northrup sts. MRS, HOWE'S LADIES" AGENCY. 320 4 Washington St.. Room 807. Main 8830 or A 8266. A GIRL for cooking and general house work, four adults. 500 Taylor st. Phone Main 3046. EXPERIENCED cook, with some bouse- 2r-x7t 707 Madison, near.. Ford. Main HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2092 xOUNO GIRL to assist with housework and children ; small family, desirable home. S36 East 7th North, cor. Weidier. IN desirable home, medium wages for good woman; 2 in family. 1104 Rodney ave.. u car to Sumner st. TWO competent women solicitors, take or ders an-! appoint agents; magazine work. 722 Marquam bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED Competent girl for children's r.urse and to assist with housework; a desirable position. Phone Main 6966. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework ; $20. 399 Hanoock. East 1665, WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages and all conveniences. Apply 229 Cornell road, head of Lovejoy st. GI RL wanted ; general housework; good home, easy work. 526 Weidier st. Take Broadway car to 11th st. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework. Apply "mornings. 623 Main st., near K.ing. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. LADY wants partner In public stenogra pher's office; paying well; $125. AH 812, Oregonian. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking. 2S7 North 25th it.. Over ton. WANTED Waitress. Merchant Hotel, 3d and Davis sts. SECOND girl in small family. Apply morn ings. 202 King st. GIRL for general housework; small famllv Apply 405 10th St.. flat G. GIRL for general housework, email family Apply 573 Halsey. Phone East 1267 WANTED Experienced operators on over- alls, also learners. 75 1st, st. GIRL for general housework. 104 East 19th near Alder. Phone B 1012. WANTED Good tailoress or dressmaker 228 6th, near Taylor. WANTED A girl to do dining-room work at 63 12th and Morrison sts. EXPERIENCED pressers on ladies' garments Vienna Dye Works, 226 3d st. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking. 210 N. 2Mb st. Phone M. 3711. GIRL to assist in housework. Apply morn ings. 741 Irving st. Phone Main 7057. GIRL for general housework. 425 Tillamook street. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework 707 Madison t. GIRL f or general housework ; $5 per week. a6i 13th st. WANTED A girl for general housework. 394 College st. ' GIRL or woman for general housework. 4jdn family; close in. East Side. C 1259. ' GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. GIRL to do light housework; small house Apply mornings. 737 East Madison st. A FIRST-CLASS hairdresser and manicurist. Elite Hairdressing Parlors. 109 Seventh st. GIRL for cooking and general housework 721 Halsey st. East 13 90. APPRENTICE wanted. Apply at dress making parlors. 131 12th st. GIRL wanted to assist with housework. 82S Johnson st. Main 3541. WANTED Experienced girl. Apply Rebe's Confectionery, 310 Washington st. WANTED Waistmaker and helper. Mrs. Zeltfuchs. 346 Alder st. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 783 Kearney st. A GOOD cook, small family, good wages, references, Afinljr 396 West JRaxk , HELP WANTED FEMALB. HANSEN'S' LADIES' AGENCY. , WANTS MONDAY. Cook, country hotel, $40. 2 chambermaids, city, $35; 3 country, $25. 2 country hotel waitresses, $25; 2 city, $25. Restaurant waitresses, city. $7, $8, $9 Pahtry girl, $25. 2 second girls, $30, $25. Family cooks. $35. 6 young women to sort baskets, etc.. no experience needed, in a factory, $1.25 a day. Household help of all kinds. New places daily. HANSEN'S' LADIES' AGENCY. 845 hi Wash. St.. cor. 7th, Upstairs. .... ) WANTED-Flrst-class saleslady in cloak and suit .department; must have city references. Apply to ladies' department after 9 A. M. I. Gevurtz & Sons, eoond and Yam hill. WANTED Jacket hands for alteration de partment of cloak and suit house; must be experienced and with city references as to ability. Apply after 9 A. M., to L Gevurta & Soils, Second and Yamhill. I i YOUNG ladles, who can play piano; pleasant, good-paying out-door work. Inquire New Scott Hotel, Room 301 7th and Ankeny. Mr. Dale, Monday A. M., between 11 and 12. WHY serve a long apprenticeship when you can learn either dressmaking or millinery in a few weeks? For particulars apply to Boston School of Millinery and Dress making. 2-74 Williams ave. phone E. 345. WANTED at once, a woman for general -housework; only 4 in family and -easy place to work; good wages to the right one. J. M. Burkhard. 621 Going st. WANTED First-class saleslady for our cloak and millinery department. Also al teraiion hands. Must be first class. Apply H. B. Litt. 851 Washington st. 7 " WOMAN not over 50 years to do light housework for lady. Inquire at Portland Sanitarium for Mrs. Ellison. between hours of 1 and 4 P. M. WANTED. A good, reliable girl to assist with chil dren and general housework. Phone East 1511. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED By man with daughter attending school ; furnished apartment; give full particulars. B 822, Oregonian. MAN, with two children, going to school, wants housekeeper; six miles out; must like children; state salary expected. K 819, Oregonian. WANTED A girl for general housework. " Apply 471 A ins worth ave., corner East 8th at. Woodlawn car. Phone 1788. LAUNDRESS wanted for 2 days each week; . must be competent and have good refer ences. Tel M. 2697. 184 North 20th st. WANTED Body ironers and shirt finishers. U. S. Laundry Co., Grand ave. and East Yamhill sts. LADIES to travel. 75 month and expen ses; city $2.50 day. Call at once, room 249 hi Holliday ave. HOUSEKEEPER wanted; no washing; good wages to right party; state particulars. C 81S, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework; experience not necessary. Apply after 9 A. M., Mon day at 354 N. 29th st., cor. Savier. WOMAN of refinement for established busi-' ness; wife or widow of Mason preferred. N 816, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady to work mornings and evenings for board and room. In quire Graham, care Hartman & Thompson. WANTED First-class ladies' clothes Ironer and an experienced body ironer. Apply at the Pacific Laundry Co., 231 Arthur st. W ANTED Girl to work in confectionery store; reference required. Address 252 Yamhill st. WANTED Competent maid for general housework ; must be good cook ; small family. West Side. D 821, Oregonlan. WANTED. A girl, good wages. 68 Trinity Place, cor. 19th and Everett. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; good wages. Apartment 1, 69 North 23d Main 6257. WORKING housekeeper, plain cook to care for elderly couple; state wages wanted and references. S 820, Oregonian. RELIABLE girl to assist housework; very . jMoasant home, 748 East Burnside, East 27,26. PL'BLIC stenographer can have use of of fice and typewriter free. G 820, Ore gonlan. WANTED Ladies, we bleach, sew, dye and . remodel hats, dye plumes at 4 price. Model Millinery. 387 Yamhill. MILLINERY First-class trimmer wanted, department store. Walla Walla. Address P. O. Box 223, Portland. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. wants experienced saleswomen in art needlework depart ment. WANTED Ingenious woman for vaudeville sketch; must be good looking- and good dresser. AE 820. Oregonian. GIRL wanted for general housework; small family; no washing. Phone Main 370. 427 14th st. GIRL to do general housework; small fam ily. Call Tabor 831. before 11 A. M., or after 5 P. M. 1022 hi Hawthorne. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. COMPETENT cashier and stenographer in insurance office; must be well educated, good correspondent and willing to as sume responsibility. Good opportunity for advancement, permanency desired. Ap ply in own handwriting; give references and experience. Applications held confi dential. AN 815, Oregonian, WANTED Lady or gentleman to go on stage and be given the best dramatic instruotion in leading parts; must have $150 or mdre. Please call Hotel Hous ton, cor. 6th and Davis sts.. Room 14. MAKE? money writing snort atories or for newspapers; big pay; free booklet tells how. Address Press Syndicate. San Francisco. WANTED Experienced garment pressers, both ladies' and men's. City Dyeing & Cleaning Works, East 3d and Ash. GOOD the year round, proposition for hus tling subscription men or women. North west Architect. 93 First st. MAN and wife; man to tend furnace and woman to clean halls and bathrooms; rent free. 63 North 14th. NO 3827 call up Red No. 33, Oak Grove Organ to be given away. SU Theresa's Open-Air Sanatorium. LIVE solicitors for office goods; salary and commission. 231 Stark. ' FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po sitions to A-l instructors. 011 S wetland. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks, SITUATION wanted in general merchandise store, in or out of city; experienced in grocery department; reference furnished. Y 790. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by young man of 30 In real estate office to learn the real estate business- Address A IS 816, Ore gonlan. WANTED Situation to manage and operate small telephone exchange; might buy some fciock; can furnish references. East 442. Brown st. North. YOUNG man desires position as bookkeeper or clerk; 6 years' experience in general Btore ; credentials- and references furnished. AE 814, Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced account ant; first-class man with first-class ref erences. Address Accountant. T 817. Ore gonlan. OFFICE man, 28, desires position; temper ate; references; (not stenographer). N 812, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typewriter desires position ; middle-aged ; best refer ences. W 819. Oregonian. BY a young married man, of good moral habits, a trustworthy position as collector; good reference.. H 819, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier, accurate and reliable, best references. Phone East 2786. I 7 bookkeeper; oompetent and thorough in X twrjj ft 13 naganla. . SITUATION WANTED MALE, Bookkeepers and Clerks. MR, BUSINESS MAN: Which side of the ledger are you on? Do you know? Are your books in balance? And your collections ; how are th ey ? I make a specialty of keeping accounts for small firms who can't afford, yet need, a bookkeeper. This service includes collect ing the accounts that turn loss into profit. Each month your balance sheet shows your profit, or loss ; big concerns find me useful also; my reports, statements, special forms, are clear, concise, to he point. Anything bothering you? I answer a good many questions for nothing. K 818, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires to locate West.- Pacifio Coast preferred ; bookkeeper and A-l clerk;" will tackle any honorable position with a future; manufacturing or con struction; at present employed as book keeper; a hustler; responsible references. Address 4120 West Pine boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Position as superintendent or manager for rendering, fish reduction, or commercial fertiliser works; over 20 years experience In manufacturing, buying and selling raw materials and marketing the finished products. Address W. J. Gibson, Berwyn, I1L EXPERIENCED office man open for en gagement ; bookkeeper and stenographer, good correspondent; young man; small sal ary to begin if chance for advancement. Phone B 16S8. S 814, Oregonian. YOUNG man with exTerience in shoe man ufacturing and Jobbing would like po sition in wholesale house or on the road; can deliver the goods. C. E. 52 E. 12th ' St.. North. Phone E- 2220. POSITION wanted as manager of store; has had 20 years' experience as buyer and manager of general merchandise business; is able to furnish best of references, J 8ofl, Oregonlan. I AM an American, 32 years of age, with salesmanship qualification.;. wanting somo kind of refined employment that will har monize with my spiritual enfoldment; either in or out of city. X 820. Oregonian. AN experienced hotel clerk wishes position; .A-l references. C 815. Oregonian. TYPEWRITING, any kind, to do at home af ternoons, evenings. AH 793. Oregonian. Mlscet uuieons. SITUATION in private, family of adults, in or out of city, by neat, sober young colored man, thoroughly experienced in housework, dainty cooking and laundry work; wages $25 to $30. AH 816, Ore gonian. COOK, of good habits, now employed, de sires to change for the better; hotel or boarding-house; can furnish e reliable ref erences. Phone Sellwood 29S, or address 10O6 East 6th st., Portland. YOUNG MAN. German descent, age 28, so ber and industrious, would like steady work of some kind; teaming or working for wholesale house preferred. Fred Hult man, Randolph Hotel, room 1, city. MONEY no object; man of 30 haa theoretical knowledge of farming, wants to hire out on up-to-the-minute farm; not afraid of any kind of work. B 813, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED timekeeper, bookkeeper or contractor's clerk wants job in city or close in. Prefer outside work or mix ture; good references. V 823, Oregonian. AN" ELDERLY man. with good education, must have work of any kind by day or we starve: cannot take common labor. D 813. Oregonlan. MAN and wife would like position tia cook and helper in camp or country hotel; experienced in both. Address H. Nelson, 15 East 6th- North. Phone East 2364. RELIABLE handy man wants steady posi tion to take care of garden and make him self generally useful on private place. AC 809. Oregonlan. WANTED Position by first-class automo bile machinist and driver; either shop or private garage work. Phone Main 3530, or address Machinist. 431 Salmon st. A YOUNG man, 20 years, wishes to learn dying and pressing work. Will wonk for small pay while learning. R 815, Ore gonian. YOUNG man with good education and some experience wants permanent position on stock ranch which offers good future; state particulars. L 819, Oregonian. YOUNG man. experienced clerk, desires po sition in drygoods or general merchandise throughout Central or Eastern Oregon. AK 804. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man and wife desires posi tion running rooming-house. AL 800, Ore gonlan. BAKER, first-class, yeast, bread, cakes, or namenting, abstainer, country preferred. H SIS. Oregonian. WINDOW cleaning, carpets, rugs and floors rcpollshed. Main 6573. Evening, 8, Thomas Green. JAPANESE boy wants Job cooking, help any kind work; afternoon from 5 o'clock till 9 night. AJ 811. Oregonian. MAN over SO wishes place on ranch, cattle preferred. Write M. K. Meredith, 62. Kil llngsworth ave., Portland. Or. EDUCATED Japanese wants a permanent position in general lawn work in city or country. X Oregonian. HAVE you a place for man and wife as cook end helper in city? Address Y 790, Oregonian. MAN and wife would take position as janitors in rooming-house or office build ing. Address AJ 815, Oregonian. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. G 809, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED driver, knows city thor oughly; shipping experience; references. AG 818, Oregonian. POSITION as farm or ranch foreman by a sober and experienced man ; beM of refer encett. Box 46. Route No. 2, Cornelius. Or BY first-claps cake baker and confectioner, with Eastern reference. AB 806, Orego nian. YOUNG German would do any kind of work; prefer first-class private family. AD S1L Oregonian. TRADESMEN W. O. W. Would do any kind of steadr work; married; no children. AB 813, Oregonian. YOUNG baker wants work in city or coun try. J. Voelpel. 406 E. 76th. N . North Portland, Or. COOK. 10 years experience, wants job in boarding-house or camp. T 818, Ore gonian. A T OUNG man, age 25, wants position where there is chance of advancement! best references. AD 819, Oregonlan CARPENTER and builder, new and repair work, day or contract. Phoney Woodlawn, PRACTICAL window dresser desires work evenings; firm-class work guaranteed J 822, Oregonian. A 1 COLLECTOR wants fow more bills to collect. Phone Woodlawn 2175. JAPANESE Employment Co.. will furnish all help. 268 Everett. Main 4659. A 4073. CURTAINS washed and stretched, called for and delivered; 40c. up. M. 3039. HAVE your house, cleaned and windows washed by J. H. Goins, Main 6713. WANTED Position as manager of print ing establishment. T 819. Oregonian. COLLECTOR, experienced, wants position references furnished. AN SIT, Oregonlanl WORK wanted by a practical gardener. W 821, Oregonian. CARPENTER wants job repair, or new work Main 3283. NEW and old house and window cleaning D. J. Henderson. Main 3910. i . WANTED By first-class workman, building repairing, job work. Phone Tabor 130J. JAPANESE boy wants work in morning, or by day. Phone A 6032. JANITOR or watchman by reliable sober man Y 814, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG woman, competent stenographer and bookkeeper, desires office position. iaO 816 Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position! AM 815. Oregonian. GIRL having considerable office experience, good at typewriting. B 2S34. EXPERIENCED stenographer owning ma chine, desires position. V 821, Oregonian. TYPIST will cony legal matter. XH ceota hoc PhnnA -Main. ir.CL " - v SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BY experienced, conscientious and capable young business woman, clerical work; good at figures; moderate salary; type writer operator. Y 776, Oregonlan. YOUNG WOMAN, well educated, literary, wants editorial work or writing, revising and correcting manuscripts, etc AG 812, Oregonlan. A, YOUNG lady having completed a book keeping course at Commercial College, de si ros position. C 814. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS position by reliable business woman of experience, competent to take charge -Of office. O 810, Oregonlan. MILLINERY trimmer, firm-class, wants posi tion; will go to country or stay in city. Phono Main 9321. i't-Mj iM-uy wwu position as stenographer ; some experience; moderate salary. Main I 883. , STENOGRAPHER With long experience I aim posi oi reierence, aesires permanent situation. A 5579. YOUNG lady with general office experience and k now le d ge of ste n ography wan ts posi tion. D 822, Oregonian. BY experienced young business woman, clerical work; typewriter operator. N 813, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenographer wants small set of books to keep out of Tegular hours. Call A 6093. EXPERIENCED. stenographer desires position; understands bookkeeping. AL 806, Ore gonlan. WA NT ED B y neat- app ear 1 n g y coin g lad y, office work of any kind. A 4392. Dressmakers. A POSITION in private family as seam stress; am also a good milliner and buyer; would take place In several families; can give references if desired. . V 83, Ore gonlan. MAN-TAILORED skirts that fit, $3, your own material ; coats, skirts, Princess dresses, latest styles, moderate prices. Elite Ladies' Tailors. S46 Wash., near ISth. PHONE Sellwood 1278 for dressmaking and sewing; reasonable prices; experienced; " city references. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 826H Wash ington St.. suite 216. Main 83, A 63S1. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage ments by day or week. Phone Main 3002. 6TYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists, $1 up; fine work; references. 529 E. Mill. East 5266. THO FjO UGHLY competent dressmaker wil make few engagements by day. Main 7039. WANTED Sewing by the day, plain or otherwise. Main SI, room 3. PLAJ.N sewing, children' clothes, underwear, by day. M. 2356. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; satisfaction assured. Phone M. 6158. WANTED Plain sewing at home. Phone Main 3810. N POSITION wanted by a refined young lady as lady's companion or experienced nurse to invalid; can furnish very best of ref erences. - Address A 816, Oregonlan. FOR INVALID, male or female, home and best care; trained nurse; reasonable; per manent, sanitary, -healthy location; city references. Tabor 951. BY experienced, practical nurse, not afraid of hard cases, care of the sick, or insti tutional work. Main 4469. GRADUATE nurse wants work; private or institution references; terms reasonable. J 81S, Oregonlan. WANTED Plain sewing, first-class on chil dren's clothes. Main 2220. Room 6, 374 2d st., corner Montgomery. Housekeepers. WIDOW, recently from Ohio, with child 5 years old, would like position as house keeper in widower or bachelor home, or with small family; references required. A J 819, Oregonian. REFINED widow, with girl of -4, wishes po sition as housekeeper; good home more of an object than wages. Y 812, Orego nian. A MIDDLE-AGED, refined lady would like position as companion to invalid or will do light housekeeping. R. F- D. No. 2, B. 108. WIDOW lady with child 8 years old wants position as housekeeper; none but respect able people need apply. AM 811, Ore gonlan. LADi" wishes situation as housekeeper, or to manage rooming-house or hotel. V 818. Oregonlan. RESPECTABLE lady would like take charge of rooming-house or housekeeper In city for widower. Helen Perish. 362 26th st. LADY with baby wants to keep house. Oall Sherman Hotel, 12th St.. bet. Washington and Alder. WIDOW, with boy of 9, wishes position as housekeeper. W 816, Oregonian. YOUNG woman with small child wishes posi tion as housekeeper. Phone Main 2728. ELDERLY lady would like work as house keeper for a .widower. AH 815. Oregonian. Domestics. I AM a Norwegian girl, 24 years of age, wish ing position as second girl. My address is Mtas M-arie Johansen, Hillsboro, Or., route 5, box 60. A YOUNG girl wants to do light housework; no washing; wages $15. AB 816, Ore gonian. COMPETENT woman with child wishes general housework. Phone Woodlawn 2389. Miscellaneous. EXCELLENT plain cook wishes position in small family of adults; references. Adress K 811, Oregonian. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 cents a pair; called for and delivered. Ho tels special prices. Phone Main 3965. POSITION in doctor or dentist's office by capable, refined young woman. J 816, Oregonian. TO tutor young children, by young lady from the East; best of references. J 817, Oregonlan. WOULDN'T you like to leave your children In the care of a refined, reliable girl when you go out of an evenlng7 Phone A 4046. WANTED Position in exclusive ladles' suit house; baet of references. M 815, Ore gonian. YOUNG WOMAN wants situation as baker's helper; experienced. A. Hane. Phone 1665. WANTED To wash curtains, 25 cents up, work guaranteed. Will call on request. Martha Schulz, 646 Gantenbein ave. YOUNG lady wants position In barber shop or hotel at manicuring. Phone Sellwood 954. Monday. MAN and wife went situation, cooking in camp; experienced. M. Lenard, 674 Gli san st. WANTED A position in an alteration de partment by an experienced fitter, by April 15. AE 819. Oregonian. LADY wants care of child afternoons. Phono M 1076; A 8158. EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of work by the day. Phone Main 4217. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c a pair. Phone East 4660. B 2770. WOMAN wishes cleaning and laundry work Main 9207, room IS. COMPETEtNT woman wants day work for Tuesday. Phone Tabor 701. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Cham ber work preferred. 332 First st. GERMAN teacher wishes few more pupils; evenings taken. Main 1070. 120 N. 18th. YOUNG WOMAN who Is very quick, wishes day work. Woodlawn 1931. WOMAN, experienced, would like work hv day. Phone Main 6831. A WOMAN wants to take washing home. 466 E. Alder st. 333 hi 16TH NORTH. lady wants washing any kind, or housework. WANTED Day work for Wednesday and Saturday. Main 1079. A COLORED lady wishes work bv the day or month. Call Phone Main 8387. WANTED Day work by experienced laun dress. AE 823, Oregonian. SITTJATIOXg WANTED FEMALE. Ml scellaBeou. YOUNG lady attending business college wishes room and board; exchange for serv ices rendered. Call B 2530. or AL 814. Oregonian. DAY WORK Phone Main 4534. after 6 P. M. WANTED AGENTS. COIN No education Is complete without some knowledge of ancient and modern coins; rare coins made many a fortune; Hub Coin Book. published by expert, states liberal prices we guarantee to pay for all coins quoted: 160 pages, looo illus trations; retails at 25c; agents more than double their money; send dime for sam ple copy and wholesale rates to dealers. Alexander & Co. (Est. 37 years), 33 Dev onshire st., Boston, Mass. START IN BUSINESS; be independent; I started as agent: am now big manufac turer, making household specialties; have hundreds of agents working; I'll start you; won't let you fail; agents of ability wanted, men and women, to open branch offices and employ sub-agents; experience not necessary. Write me fullv and frankly. C. E. SWARTZBAUGH. Toledo, Ohio. BY reliable manufacturing company for the best 5 Hand Vacuum Cleaner on the market. Also two more unsurpassed house hold sellers; big profits sure. Write for 300 per cent combination offer. Continen tal Co., 335 Broadway, N. Y. NEW and exclusive; canvassers and agents wanted for remarkably fine household article In constant demand ; large profits; selling rapidly everywhere; regular cus tom assured. Shepard's, 67 West Houston St.. New York. WANTED Reliable agents to handle new, high-grade, guaranteed articles. Quick sell ers In homes, offices, stores, shops. $2 to $10 per days. The Phillips Co., 243 Phillips bldg.. Dayton, O. AGENTS New profitable field : brilliant Mexican diamonds, exactly resemble gen uine ; defy experts ; large commissions ; special offer. Mexican Diamond Imp. Co., 694 Las Cruces, N. M. AGENTS to handle biggest money-making fire extinguishers; special starting offer; exclusive territory; $75 to S3O0 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. AGENTS for ROOSEVELT AFRICAN HUNT are making $5 a day. Everybody wants It. Exciting. Photographs from Africa. N old woodcuts. Send for circular. The Edu cational Co., Chicago, 111. BOY AND GIRL AGENTS Sell 24 pack ages of Court Plaster for us at 10c each and receive beautiful camera or doll free. Write today. Standard Supply Co., Dept. 12, Moscow. Ohio. STATE and general agents to sell banana growing contracts. No capital required; large profits. Address Escondldo Planta tion Co., 616 Hewes bldg., San Francisco. References required. LOCAL specialty representatives Portland. Tacoma, Seattle; sell to buggy and de- livery wagon owners; no investment; re liable men only. Address AD 817, Ore gonian. WE pay $36 a week and expanses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 8, parsons, Kan. 100 PER cent profit: combination monkey wretch, plumber's pliers, 15 tools com bined; lightning seller; sample. Forshee Co., B 154. Dayton. Oo. GENERAL and special, by large, old-time health and accident company; new, liberal, choice territory; big pay. Royal Casualty Co.. St. Louis. "MAKE RICE CRISP," new confection; sells like wildfire; enormous profit; machines $ 10 to $20; literature and samples 10c. Shaw Co., 905 Laguna, San Francisco. PATENTED article; 100 per cent profit; 2o stamp for demonstration sample and par ticulars. Specialty Co., 275-9 M Broadway. N. Y. FREE Watch and 4-bladed knife, sell 24 pkRB at lOc each; send name and address; best offer made. Shawmut Co., Dept.. 9. Maiden, Mass. NOTHING on earth to beat Titus Famous Darner for making money; let us prove It. 75c worth samples 25c. Write Titus Mdg. Co., 140 Liberty St., N. Y. J KRAFT made $84 last week in Fresno giving guaranteed $3 razor free with box soap ; ( you can too). Parker Chemical . Co., Chicago. TOP-NOTOH CONTRACT, $1000 life, $150 dividends, $10 weekly sick, accident pol icy; 5c daily. Brotherhood, 957 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. FREE sample, faucet strainer and splash preventer; 2c stamp (mailing cost) ; $5 profit daily and upward; let us prove it. L. Seed, 93 Reade St., N. Y. A RELIABLE agent In every town for tha most powerful medicinal water known. Write Witter Medical Springs. S30 Market st., San Francisco. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem, Oregon. SALESMAN wanted Immediately; full, Ptrong line; $100 bond required. Call Woodlawn 74 4. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs the same for you as though the property was our own; references any bank 1a Portland. THE 6HAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 Stark St. Phones A 8500: Main AO. A QUIET place In country for melancholy pat bent, with considerate woman, or man and wife; no training required or special attention to patient. Address AD 914, Oregonlan. Houses. WE CAN RENT YOUR PROPERTY; big demand for unfurnished houses and it will get bigger. Phone us and we will come and look It over. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Rent Department. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RESPONSIBLE young couple wants fur nished bungalow or house for the Sum mer; prefer house of family who are going away for the Summer. Can furnish excel lent references; West Side preferred. AG SI 9, Oregonian. WANTED, to rent April 1. a fi or 6 -room furnished house, by responsible party, two children: West Side; walking distance preferred; must be reasonable. 301-302 Buchanan bldg. FAMILY 3 adults would rent and care for home for Summer; references furnished; rent must be reasonable. Address, with particulars, AF 814, Oregonian. YOUNG couple without children would like caring for house during Summer months for rent of same; references freely given. Y 794. Oregonian. A f OR 6-ROOM furnished bungalow for the Summer, beginning April 1. Must be mod ern and clean, and have a good yard. AL 813, Oregonlan. YOUNG couple desires furnished bungalow or cottage to rent from April 1. Irving ton preferred. State location and price. A.M 8'0. Oregonian. I WISH to rent a 4 or 5-room modern cot tage, convenient to good carline, wit h nice yard, etc. Mr. Kupper, 332 Cham ber of Commerce. BY responsible party. 5-room modern bunga low or cottage in good neighborhood. Phone East 5044. M 821. Oregonlan. NEW 6 or 7-room house. East Side. Irving ton or Walnut Park preferred; may buy. B 812, Oregonlan. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to lease or rent, about April 1, cottage or bungalow, close In. A 813, Oregonlan. or Main 4094. WANTED To rent. modern hou, with 2 lots up to 1 acre, with fruit ; give loca tion and rent. H 824, Oregonian. WANTED S or 9-room modern house. West SIe; willing to wait for house to be built. K. S05, Oregonian. WANTED By adults, modern furnished flat, walking distance. Will buy furniture if de sirable; references. M 810, Oregonian. WANTED To rent modern 6-7-room house, Irvlngton. Piedmont or Walnut Park. N 822. Oregonian. WANTED Tto rent two furnished flats, ad Joining. G 817, Oregonian. 8 TO 15-ROOM house, unfurnished. West Side. AD 815, Oregonian. WANTED To rent a small furnished cot tage. AC 819. Oregonlan. Booms. GENTLEMEN desirous unfurnished room !rv m quKii cuauas giy"v M itm ftojU&nj