The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 20, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 4, Image 16

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William Brace Will Try for South Pole Sienkiewiez, Noted Author, Will Visit America Labori Announces,
Retirement. Justice Montgomery May Win New Honors Jean Aicard's Poetry Wins Recognition.
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NEW YORK, March J8. (Special.)
Dr. 'William Bruce, of the Scot
tish Oceanological Laboratory, pro
poses to make another try for
the South Pole. He proposes to
attempt a landing on Coats Land, a
distance of about 9M miles from the
Pole, and to strike inland over what is
presumed to be a gently rising plateau.
Dr. Bruce was born in li7. He is a
prominent lecturer, a member of many
geographical societies and has been a
leader of a number of attempts to find
the South Pole. He is the discoverer of
Coats Land.
One of the delegates to the Pollen Na
tional Congress, which will be held In
Washington next May, will be Hunryk
Sienkiewiez, the Polish Socialist. Some
of Sienkiewiez' most notable publications
are Hania, 1S74; Sketches in Charcoal,
1877: Fire and Sword. JSM; The Deluge,
1SSJ-87; Pan Michael, 1SSS; Without Dogma,
ISM, and. Monte Carlo.
Bernard Labori, the lawyer and radical
Republican member of the Chamber of
Deputies of Krance, has announced that
he will not tstand for re-election. He de
clares that he can no longer serve the
best interests of his country in the pres
ent state of parliamentarism, which, he
says, make political life a perpetual com
promise with power, ;lem?ogy and
money. He places reepons; Vlity for this
state of affaira on the system of elect
ing Deputies by a majority vote in small
districts and proposes a remedy In the
broadening of the election basis to .de
partments with a proportional represen
tation, which will permit all shades of po
litical opinion to be heard.
Justice R. M. Montgomery may be ap
pointed as Chief Justice of the Court
of Customs Appeals; He has been of
fered the position by President Taft, but
has not as yet decided whether he will
accept it or not. Justice Montgomery 'was
born at Eaton Rapids, Mich., in Ho
was Prosecuting Attorney in 1S74. Assist
ant United States District Attorney in
1S7, and has been Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of Michigan since 1000.
Jean Alcard is the latest member of the
academy. He la a poet of Provence, who,
lives in an atmosphere of his own poetry;
for his verses are cut in stones which
decorate his villa. This portrait of him
was made at his home by Isabel Floyd
Jones, the well-known magazine writer.
According to Dr. Paul Schwartz, editor
of Petroleum, a Gorman trade paper,
Germany has declared war on the Stand
ard Oil Company, and intends, if suf
ficient supply from independent sources
can be obtained, to start a Government
monoply to drive the Standard Oil Com
pany out of Germany. Dr. Schwartz ar
rived in this country a fw days ago and
intends to investigate the oil conditions
in this country and Mexico, with a view
to making a report to his Government.
He says there is a bitter war in Germany
between the Kuropean oil producers in
Austria and Rottmania and the Stands
ard Oil and the competition is very keen,
and that the consumers are very tired of
the arbitrary attitude of Standard Oil to
wards those who deal with European
Professor Arthur Drews is in a lively
relleious controversy in Berlin. He an
nounced a lecture on the question: "Did
Jesus Christ Ever Live?" and found him
self promptly embroiled in a controversy.
His chief opponent is Baron von Soden,
professor of theology- at the University
of Berlin. Fifty years ago David Sttauss
propounded the theory that while there
was such a person as Christ, much fable
had' been woven in with his history.
Drews goes a step farther" and holds
that Christ is a wholly mythical char
acter. American authorities say the mat.
ter is unimportant. -Though there are
few historical references to the exist
ence of Christ, no doubt of his actual
existence was ever expressed until the
19th century, and as the Gospels can be
traced back to .about 75 A. D., it would
seem altogether likely that any doubt of
his existence would have found expres
sion then.
Objection Made to "Evidence That Expects Men toSFollow Wrangling
Theorists Into Ocean of Errors and Undigested Pacts."
POLLOTVING is a communication to
The Oregonian from W. J. P.eddi
cord, which evidently embodies
Mr. Peddicord's reflections after serv
ing on a Federal Court jury In the
case of the Ingham Vinegar Company,
accused of manufacturing impure vine
gar: v
Portland. Or., March . 16. (To the
Editor.) The experience of a juror In
the Federal Court as taken from his
diary of March 10 Cause: Alleged vio
lation of Pure Food Law:
Vast amount of expert testimony to
day on vinegar, its' constituents and
tests of pure vinegar. Vinegar! Vin
egar! It is nearly everything we have
heard for five hours each day for the
last three days. Truly, truly, Nature
hath framed strange fellows in 'her
time. -
Some that -will evermore poep through their
And laufth like parrots at a bafr-piper.
And other of such vinegar aspect
That they'll not show their teeth by way
of smile.
Though Nestor swear -the jest o3 laughable.
The wrangling of the attorneys, and
often over infinitesimal points, the con
tradiction of experts, the thrusts' of
the lawyers at each other or at some
luckless witness now "writhing like a
hook-impaled worm," then more vine
gar, until I fancy that all the other
jurors, too. wore "such vinegar aspect"
that Nestor himself would have ex
perienced as much difficulty in making
him smile as Mark Twain did In his
effort to make the deaf man smile
whom some wag had imposed on him.
Late in the afternoon of the third
day a kid (what in the thunder it was
doing in a United States courtroom Is
more than I know, unless it was to
hear the experts, or crept up there to
sleep) rolled off Its seat and yelled to
beat the band and all the Lincoln
Highs. I think, however, there was not
a juror but wanted to kiss that luck
less kid for even the momentary relief
of Its timely yells.
What refreshing sleep I anticipate
tonight! I shudder at the very ap
proach of Morpheus with his poppyless
bunch of feverish, restless, vinegary
dreams for me tonight: Here he comes,
the ancient worthy! Cubic-cubic-cubla
iWt -i mm "mm ran r n lit ii ii " T
milimeters. Centimeters -grams-grams-lead
acitates-I object. Malic acid-lead
oxid-I object, your Honor-I insst. Now,
isn't it a fact-I otoject-millimeter-milli-pete'r-millhim-waul-him-grill
"minimum"-I object-irrelevant-incompetent-Immaterial.
object-"Witness long on opinions, short
on knowledge." H. O.-P. H. O-, taken
two times.
All night long through Frederick
street I hear the tramp, I hear the
tramp, IThear - the-tramp-of-Duniway'B
feet. "Oh that the Almighty had not
set-" that Wyatt, that "Wyatt that-the
all-all-Aldrich had not set his Cannon.
"Breakfast! Breakfast, dear! Did you
not say that court convened half hour
earlier this morning?" You ought to
have seen things fly towasd the ceiling.
The comforter, the cover, the coverlet,
the coverlid, the coverlidlet chased each
other toward the celling down and
around in all sorts of circles, like
Harry Murphy makes them. "B-r-'r-r.
B-r-r" and I was robed, "abluted,"
and at my porridge and corncakes.
I grabbed my hat. hit the car line
and stood four-square to the world,
and the on-coming St. Johns train thun
deringalong at the rate of four miles
and thirteen centimeters per hour. I
was picked up in due season and
whirled along this rickety-rackety, mud
sputtering section of suburban . track,
around curves, direct and reverse, and
over the draw (closed for once, thank
the Lord) and set down in less than
an hour by a thirty-million-dollar cor
poration within three blocks of the
Federal building, and just in time to
save a third trial of that case or an ex
tra session of Congress to determine
whether if the asli (you could put it
in a kitten's ye) taken from ten
cubic centimeters of vinegar (three
laps of a cat's tongue), should run
above the maximum of forty-five one
hundredths of one per cent of the ten
cubic centimeters or below twenty-five
one-hundredths of one per cent, the
vinegar could nevertheless possibly be
pure cider vinegar, and thus save a man
.and his business from utter ruin. Can
it be done, gentlemen of the jury, can
it be done?
Let me record one incident right
here for "ibe benefit o science"
and the Pure Food law makers of fu
ture generations. The laboratory scales
used to weigh this tiny particle of
ash were so sensitive, according to un
challenged expert testimony, that if you
balance them with a small piece of pa
per in one pan and then write your
name on the paper, the lead from the
pencir which you used would have
thrown the scales out of balance. I
suppose an Italian Count's name would
have stood them on end. Now, the
little.t weight, used to weigh the ash
in question was so small that if it were
a diamond "it might make a tiny set
ting for a finger ring of an incubator
baby, itself so tiny that another incu
bator baby might look as big as the
President to it. Carefully folded and
folded h. the delicate hand of a lady,
herself a scientist, into the safe keep
ing and soft embrace of a- chamois
skin, and entered In the long list of
scientific et ceteras the jury never
looked at; this precious little weight
was carried at the head of this solemn
procession of twelve wise men by a
government official . of the United
States of America, up flights of broad
stairs to the sacred precinct of the
time-honored jury room, there to be
deUberated on. this the one hundred
and thirty-fourth year of our independ
ence. Anno Lucls 5910: for It repre
sented the weight of the ash found
by experts in ten cubic centimeters
of pure apple vinegar. the like of
which is found in no other fruit, save
the apple, since mother Eve plucked it
fresh, in disobedience, from the tree
in Eden's far away garden and sent Its
joys and sorrows down its troubled
line to the present day and court.
For once In my life I felt like a man
of profound learning, and that I might
have been coached by experts till I
could sit with the geographer of the
world and tell from a single hair
from an Eskimo eyebrow or plucked
from the tip of his dog's tail whether
Dr. Cook had been "to the North Pole,
o merely joking.
The moral of all this burlesque is,
no evidence gets so little real consid
eration at the hands ef a jury as no
evidence evidence that expects men
to forget their own common experi
ences, evidence that expects men to
follow wrangling theorists out into an
ocean of errors and undigested facts,
simply because they convince you of
a few grains of startling scientific
trdth. Nothing seems to delight such
experts so much as to hold a sym
posium' in the: regions of speculation.
And, if they did not hazard dignity
and prestige. I often think they would
go into ecstasies over "the tittle end
of nothing whittled down to a point:"
while the zest, the fascination of their
Illusions, knows no bound "If only for
tune, reputation, or life itself Is known
to be suspended by a hair or a single
syllable of "expert testimony." The
most daring aeronaut never seems to
experience more joy from the sensation
of his intrepid flights.
Fossil Farmer Follows Wife to Port
land, Meets Her, Bids Farewell;
Drinks Cyanide.
Forsaken by his wife and brooding
over his blighted love, E. B. Smith, a
farmer, from Fossil, Or., committed
suicide yesterday In a lodging house
at 2284 Second street, by drinking a
solution of cyanide of potassium. His
body was fo.und six or seven hours
after death, by the lodging-house pro
prietor. Smith is the man who was
sought by the police the night before
as the result of an appeal made to
them by his wife, then living at the
new Scott Hotel. She declared that he
had, left her with threats and she
feared that some harm would befall
The suicide left a note addressed "to
the public," which read:
"This is bad and is the .result of a
diseased mind caused by ill-health and
love for one who turned me down in
the wrong way. This cyanide will do
the work, I hope. Don't blame any
one for this. (Signed) E. B. Smith,
from Fossil, Or." On another slip of
paper was written, "Notify Hugh
Smith, Silverton, Or." The latter Is
believed to be his brother Another
note for. his wife and children was
also found.
He had retired to bed when the
deed was committed. Smith had made
sure of his suicide attempt. Besides the.
cyanide, a bottle of strychnine was
found on the bureau "and a 38-caliber
revolver was beside his body in the
bed. The cyanide had been bought the
day before at the drug store of Wood
ard, Clarke & Co., and he had poured
a dose of it into a glass of beer. He
left a penciled note on the glass, which
said, "Do not use this glass."
The tragedy was the outcome, it is
said, of a separation between the man
and his wife, brought about by another
man. 'Smith was about 50 years old
and his wife 20 years his junior. They
have two small children who are with
the moher. According to the story told
by Smith his wife left him about a
month ago and came to this city. He
sold out his farm, for which he received
$4800, and came to Portland. He had
seen his wife several times at the
Scott Hotel and had at one time
threatened to kill himself in the pres
ence of the hotel proprietor. He bad
seen his wife on Friday night for the
last time.
After notifying the police of Smith's
disappearance Mrs. Smith left the city.
The coroner took charge of the re
The Greatest Bargain. Event of tbe
Entire Season.
In order to familiarize one and all
with our big new suit department we
make this extraordinary offer for this
week. ''. i
Women's fine new tailored suits, coats,
silk waists, petticoats, etc, at a straight
reduction of 25 per cent on our original
low marked prices. You save 25c on
every dollar you spend here for your
Easter apparel. Very latest styles, col
ors and fabrics. First-class tailoring.
McAUen & McDonnell, corner Third and
Morrison streets.
For Home, Sweet Home.
The House Beautiful for March, Is a
magazine so artistic In design that it will
attract favorable comment anywhere.
Reading matter and pictures are all high
class. The March issue is the annual
gardening number, and is filled with sea
sonable advice for this, the growing sea
son of the year. Notable articles are:
"The Home Garden," "Water Lillies for
Flat Dwellers," "Sun Parleys at Home.!'
"What the Architect Requires in the
Garden," and "Successful Houses."
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to our many friends for their
kind help and sympathy during the ill
ness and death of our beloved wife and
sister: also for the beautiful floral of
ferings. T. M. 1IUIARD.
U. R. and Oregon Electric Mer
ger Under Hill Probable.
Transfer of O. E. System May Take
Place April 15 Rumor Says "
Stevena Will Replace Talbot.
- Announcement Expected.
Transfer of the Oregon Electric Rail
way system to J. J. Hill, it is expected,
will take place in April, and probably
before tie middle .of the month.
It. was reported in Portland yesterday
that the change In ownership would occur
April 15. There is some speculation in
Portland as to the manner in which the
Hill properties will be handled In this
city, and whether the Oregon Electrio
and United Railways offices will not be
combined with those of the Oregon Trunk
Line. "While that Is problematical, it is
considered more than likely that the of
fices of the United Railways and Oregon
Electric, at least, will be combined. Both
these roads are in operation, while the
Oregon Trunk Railway is wholly under
It was reported yesterday that on April
15 Guy W. Ta.-ot would retire as man
alter of the Oregon Electric and that the
road would be placed under the manage
ment of John F. Stevens, president of the
Oregon Trunk. Men close to Mr. Stevens,
however, say if this Is true, Mr. Stevens
has not been so informed. Mr. Stevens
left yesterday morning for St. Paul.
Since coming to Portland Mr. Stevens
has told friends here that he did not ex
pect to make this city his headquarters
longer than next Summer. While still re
taining his post as head of the Oregon
Trunk, the construction matters would by
that time be in such, shape that only an
occasional visit to Portland, would be
necessary. So far -as known 'here noth
ing has arisen to cause Mr. Stevens to
change his plans.
However, other business connections
have been made by Mr. Talbot to such
an extent that his1 retirement from the
Oregon Electric,N with the prospective
transfer to the Hill interests1, would not
surprise Portland. Mr. Talbot is now the
Northwest representative of the Electric
Bond & Share Company, which is about
to take ' over the extensdve holdings of
the Northwestern Corporation east of the
Cascades. He is also the Northwest rep
resentative of the American Power &
Light Company, which owns the Portland
gas system, and it is the exportation that
he will In the near future fee elected
president of the Portland Gas Company.
An interesting feature of the Hill pur
chase of the Oregon Electric is told In the
statement that the JIarriman interests
were also recent negotiators for the prop
erty. The directors of the Harriman
roads were ready to buy and the Oregon
Electric directors1 were ready to sell, but
the legal counsel of the Harriman system
advised against it. The Oregon Electric
is a competing line with the Southern Pa
cific and it was feared that the pur
chare might be construed as a violation
of the Sherman law. This consideration
was given particular weight on account of
the Government merger Inquiry affecting
the Harriman system that was In prog
ress at that time and is still pending.
Although the price was agreed upon the
sale fell -through and Hill thenotook up
the negotiations.
The statement comes from excellent au
thority that the negotiations are now
practically closed and that an announce
ment of the sale to Hill will be made
authoritatively within a few days.
Dinner for 2 0 Prepared, on Her
Birthday Anniversary. .
Mrs. Mary Smith celebrated her 75th
birthday March 13 at her home, 62 "Web
ster street. She served dinner prepared
by herself to her daughters and grand
children, 18 in number. Rev. and Mrs. J.
iBowersox were also present.
Mrs. Smith was born In 1835 near Buf
falo, New York. Her maiden name was
Mary A. Bartholomew. She was married
near "Wheeler, Ind., in 1854 to William
Harrison. Ten children were born to
them, six daughters and four sons, of
whom seven are still living, as follows:
Mrs. J. M. Rambo, Mrs. J. D. Billingsley
and Mrs. Arego Harrison, of Ontario, Or.;
Mrs. R. Green, Mrs. C. N. McDonald,
Mrs. R,. Morrison and Mrs. W. S. Ander
son, of this city. -
Mrs. Smith crossed the plains with her
husband and family In 1S75, and lived one
year on Puget Sound. They next moved
to The Dalles, Or., where Mr. Harrison
died In 1878.
Mrs. Smith was married to her present
husband in 1884. They came to this city
immediately after the wedding.
Eastern Homeseekers Coming.
Three tourist cars carrying specially
organized parties of colonists will ar
rive In Portland, Monday, destined for
points In Oregon. One car will arrive
from the East over the North Bank
route and the other two will come over
the Northern Pacific via Seattle. The
latter cars carry persons who are com
ing out to look over the opportunities
offered by Stanfleld.
1 i
Manila Troops Pass Through City.
Three special troop trains arrived in
Portland yesterday over the Southern
Pacific from San Francisco, and after
a two hours' Btay, departed eastward
over the North Bank. The first train.
THkWy or Sunday.
Per Line.
One time lito
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tslx words count as one line on cash ad
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The above rates apply to advertisements
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The rate of the above classification t 7
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etiian will receive copy by mail, provided
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On charge or book advertisements the
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If yon have either telephone tn your house
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Want Ad. Iept., Main 7070 or A 6095. Sit
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not accepted over the phone. Errors are
more eaxily made In telephoning advertise
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Izj case box office address Is required, nse
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nxmsan envelopes are f urn is he e
arriving: at 9 A. M., carried 13 officers
and 268 men, and was destined for
'ort Lincoln, near Bismarck; the sec
ond, arriving- at 11 A. M., carried 11
officers and 263 men en route to Fort
Harrison at Helena; the third, reaching;
Portland at 1 P. M., carried nine offi
cers and 250 men bound for Kort Mis
soula, Montana. The troops are of the
Fourteenth Infantry, just home from
Offers to Aid Municipal Lodging
House Plan Haven't Stormed Him.
"Municipal Lodglng--House" Brown,
the Denver humanitarian, here since
Monday in an endeavor to arouse Port
land sentiment in favor of his plan of
establishing a home where workmen
out of employment 'and without money
may find free bed and board, has not
been stormed by offers of assistance.
Around his room at the Portland are
copies of photographs of distinguished
Americans, cartoons by Steele, and
copies of "The Under Dog," "L-ea
Miserables," and the last installment of
"The JunRle," written by Juvenile
Judge Lindsay, of Denver, scattered
over the center table. On the tray of
a candlestick rested three dried-up
"t have not been called upon today
by anybody aside from a few personal
friends who ascertained that I was In
the hotel," said Mr. Brown. "I am just
resting: now. Monday I expect to start
out fater the people whom I want to
interest in this plan. I will keep as
busy as possible and In the week ex
pect to present the subject to the City
Council. I. will again call upon the
Mayor and at that time attempt to ar
range the- meeting- with the Council.
I wfcnt to talk to them sy a body."
Visitor Cannot Be Seen Again for
About Two Weeks.
Although all conditions were favorable,
it was impossible last night to see Hal
ley's comet. Professor J. W. Daniels re
ported that he went to Council Crest at
sundown and although he patiently
scanned the heavens for some time after
the sun had disappeared, the comet was
not visible at any time.
The sky was perfectly clear and, ac
cording to Professor Daniels, If it were
possible at this time to see the comet
either with a glass or the naked .eye it
would have been seen last night. He Is
convinced that the heavenly visitor is now
too close to the sun itself to be seen.
If this 1st the case, students of astronomy
cannot expect to see the comet before ten
days1 or two weeks' when it will appear
in the eastern skies before sunrise.
Bad Horse Trade Alleged.
Andrew F. Gormley a horse dealer
at a stable at 606 Washington street,
was arrested yesterday afternoon by
Constable Wagner on the charge of
having obtained money by false pre
tenses from Clyde Stahl, of 282 Sec
ond stree.. A warrant for his arrest
was autfcer'aOd by Deputy District At
torney Vrofl.nd upon the sworn state--ment
of ritahl that Gormley had. sold
him a horae for $150, guaranteeing it
to be kind and gentle, and that the
animal turned out -to be balky. Gorm
ley was released under bonds of $1000
and will be brought before Justice Ol
son for a hearing Mondaj.
Theft May Help Young Artist.
' SAN FRAN-CISCO, March 19. William
Kunze, the young artist under arrest
here, charged with stealing the $10,000
Millet painting from the Memorial Mu
seum in Golden Gate Park, may not be
sent to prison, it Is stated. Several
prominent German residents are be
friending Kunze and have employed an
attorney to represent him. An effort
will be made to Induce the Park Com
mission to suspend prosecution of
Kunze, and if this is done the artist's
benefactors plan to help the young man
to continue his studies.
Shasta Finishes at Knappton.
ASTORIA, March 19. (Special.)
The steam schooner Shasta has com
pleted loading 400,000" feet of lumber at
the Knappton mills and left up the
river today to finish her cargo.
The tug Geo. R. Vosburg, that limped
into pert a few days ago with a broken
rudder, was towed to Portland by the
steam schooner Casco today and will
go on the dry-dock for repairs.
The questions: "WHAT IS AL
IS ALAMEDA PARK?" will all
be answered by a trip to the Park
From 10 A. M. autos will be in
waiting; at the entrance to carry
all visitors through the Park. All
Broadway cars, run direct to the
entrance of this much-talked-of
residence addition.
Seeing is believing. Thirty min
utes on the" ground will answer
more questions to the entire satis
faction of the prospective investor
than many days of reading and
$300 Excellent list; capable partner; an
Roomlnfr-Tionse, 1 rooms, on Thirteenth
street, $550 Nice location, rent only
Restaurant, Washlnirton street, rood pa
tronage, $550--Well equipped and rent only
$4.50; bargain.
Half acre, . Tremont Station, Mt. Srott
carline, "25 Needs but $225 to secure this;
you'll want it.
Corner lot, Eat Ninth street. North, and
Beech, $800 Best bargain in town tor an
Inside homesite.
Market and g-roeery on First street, half
interest, $1350 Fish, poultry, butter, ckps,
cheese. This Is a live, busy and very profit
able place, with a permanent and ever
growing business; well equipped; rent only
$87 and a thoroughly up-to-date partner.
Nice 6-roora house and lot, 100x100, $1400
Bearing fruit trees asid small fruits. At
Newport, on the St. John carline; one
block from school and car; half cash takes
Corner, 100x100, on W-W rarline, $lft00
Habitable shack, and 60xloo cultivated;
fruit trees; a bang-up good investment.
One acre and very desirable 4 -room
house, $2750 Situated at fMrland, on the
American-Scandinavian Realty Company
New AJJrua: 212 HENRY
Cartoonist Is "Insurgent" Person
ally, but Owns to Warm Regard
for "Uncle Joe."
Although personally his sympathies
are with the ''insurgents. " Homer Dav
enport is a close personal friend of
Speaker Cannon. In the course of his
visit to Portland on Thursday the.
question of Cannon and tlie so-called
"Cannonism" came under discussion,
and the cartoonist, while talking idly,
drew a few careless strokes which de
veloped into the caricature herewith
printed. It presents the famous llli
noislan, not as the "Iron Duke" of tho
insurgent press, but as the kindly, hu
man "Uncle Joe," whose home people
have delighted to honor him so many
Mr. Davenport will come up from
Silverton tomorrow and will appear at
the White Temple tomorrow night in
his famous lecture, "The Power of a
Cartoon." On Tuesday night he .will
give his thrilling travelogue, "Through
"The Power of a Cartoon" recount
the artist's experiences as an Illus
trator of public men and events for th
metropolitan daily and periodlc-nl press
for a period covering some of the most
memorable years of our history. Mr.
Davenport has enjoyed ITie intimata
friendship of most of the big actors
on the world's stage during the past 15
years and his anecdotes and sketches!
of them are of absorbing interest.
"Through Arabia" recounts the ad
ventures and experiences which befell
him during his memorable expedition
into the interior of Arabia to a region,
hitherto unexplored, for the purpose of
securing pure-bred Arabian horses. H
was adopted by the desert tribes nnl
had the best opportunities to study
these little-known people, their homes,
horses, manners and customs, and his
recital of his experiences is of absorb
ing Interest. One of the features of
"Through Arabia" will be the presence
of Seld Abdallah, the slave boy pre
sented to Mr. Davenport by Akmut
Haffez, great sheik of the Anezalt
tribe. Seid will play the native coffea
tune, the war tocsin of his tribe.
On the occasion of his last lecture
here two years ago every seat in the
White Temple was sold and many were
turned away. Mr. Davenport will re
main in the Northwest some time and
is considering the idea of a lecture tour
while he Is studying the field with a
view of launching a weekly paper
which he proposes.
dealers, office, and yard lata matt
Marshall. phonos Main A 3931.
llnrifif Cut Fiowers always fresh from
IB our own conservatories. Id art la
Forbes Co., T Washington sL. it
fVtfll Richmond and Watlsend Australian.
VUal Independent Coal A Ice CoropanjTj.
opposite City 11 bra r Toth shonea
All who go to the Park will
INGS, the commanding location,
PROVEMENTS under wav, th.o
built, and the CARLINE BEIXCr
EXTENDED to the center of tho
When this carline is finished,
which will be in the very near fu
Everyone who is ambitious tm
get on in the world should mako
this day count for -something by
making a visit to Alameda Park.
N. B. Do not forget tho
For particulars call or write
322 Corbett Building.
Mt. Scott carline; 2.1 bearing fruit troewj
an abundance small fruits; excellent waisr;
nice property and home; half cash.
Choice five-room modern bungalow and
nice lot, $3400 Situated on East Washing
ton street; full basement; first-class plumb
ing; gas and electricity, porches front and
rear; two rooms can be finished in tho
attic: a genuine bargain at the price., lt
us show it tn you ; $ 1 on cash will secure
you a warranty deed to it.
Here Is a modern home that will tickle
the taste of discriminating inventors who
appreciate the best in architecture, finish,
intrinsic merit and environment; iroom up-to-date
residence on Kast Eighteenth street;
lot 100x1 o0: stone foundation ; hot water
plant ; cement walks, set laundry tubs,
sewer connection, large conservatory, good
barn, bearing fruit trees, flowers and smsi'I
fruits; no Incumbrance; warranty deed ;
$ 70 Ml ; ONLY ONE -THIRD CA S. H .
FRIITLAM On the Clackamas Kiver;
only nine miles out ; an ideal homesite.
where you will be In the midst of pur
chasers who are building homes th ere and
where you will be given an inspiration that
will mean SUCCESS for you. Only a few
acres left; best soil, climate and water.
If you are seeking investment in Oregon
we can supply your requirements, and it wiii
certainly prove profitable to you to consult
uc before you definitely decide.
I Homer Davenport's Idea of "Uncle J
I Joe" C'annon.
Phone Main 6701