THE SUNDAY OKlSUOitflATf, PORTLAND, 3IAE.CH 13, 1910. bo T FOR arrested the. mate of the French whip Crlllon on a similar charge. The ball of the chief officer was fixed at $150 and the trial set for next Tuesday. HOME DEMAND BIG susuw Wilhelmina to Go in Regular Service From Portland. VOYAGE EVERY TEN DAYS Local Merchants Will Be ;iveu Ad vantage of Direct Water Connec tion to Oregon Coast Ports. Call at Vaquina and Alsea. "Within the next two weeks Portland merchants will bo given, the benefit of a regular 10-day steamer service between Portland and ports on the Siusdaw, Alsea SANTA HIT A - ENTERS RIVER Steamer Is Reported to Have Veered i Slightly From Channel. ASTORIA, Or., March " 12. (Special.) Judging from the reports of those who saw the oil tank steamer Santa Rita crossing: In over the bar about aa hour after high water yesterday afternoon, the vessel had a rough ex perience. According: to the reports sho veered from the channel and is believed to have struck: on the bar. Her mas ter, hoWever, made no report of the matter on arrival here, so the vessel was probably not damaged. The steamship Stanley Iollar is load ing lumber at the Hammond mill for California.. The steamer St. Helens arrived down today with a partial cargo of lumber for California and is finishing loading at the Knappton mill. A large amount of. drift which is coming principally from the Cowlitz river, is now afloat in the Columbia, especially along the north shore, and as a result navigation by small steam ers Is difficult. The steamer Nahcotta is laid up to- Northeast Portland Building Up Rapidly SWIFT SPENDS $15,000 Packing Company Starts Construc tion of Two-Story Building at Plant on Penlnsnla to Bo . Used for Office. The O'Brien Realty Company last week eold a quarter-block on East Third and Clackamas streets for Michael O'Brien to Samuel Brown and George Battersley for $8000 cash. The new owner? will , ' 1 M'KTNIjEY MITCHELL PUTS $45,000 INTO FINE BUILDING ON EAST. SIDE 1 t t i pi l'l ' 9 1 1 , n it p g n p . ' "W1 -i . XBW STRCCTtRE OX EAST MORRISON AND SEVENTH STREETS. Work is progressing rapidly on the three-story brick building on the northwest (forner of East Morri son and Seventh streets, which is being erected by McKlnleyMitchell. It covers 100x100 feet and has full The first floir will contaia store rooms, while the two upper floors will be fitted' up' with apart ments. It Is announced that no expense will be spared in fitting up this part of the building and that It will be one cf the finest structures of the style in the city: The cost will be $41,000. Gavurtz Bros, has a long lease on the property. and Taquina Bays. Captain George Tyler, who with others recently purchased the I gasoline schooner Wilhelmina from ! Charles Thorn, at Xorth Bend, left last night for Coos Bay on the srteamship Alliance, to take charge of the vessel.. The Wilhelmina will take a cargo of coal at Marsh'ield for Taquina, and will proceed from that port direct to Port land. She is expected to arrive here within 10 days. Captain Tyler and associates purchased the Wilhelmina for $18,000. She ie prac tically a now craft, having been built at North Bend in 1908 for service between Coos Bay ports and Bandon, on the Cbqullle River. She measures 95 gross Md 70 net tons burden and is 80.3 feet jn length, 21.3 feet beam, and 6.6 feet depth of hold. She is equipped with twin gasoline engines and lias a speed of about 12 knots an hour. For a time she operated In connection with the steamship Alliance, between Marshfleld and Bandon, but recently has been tied up at North Bend. Up to the present time there has been only a desultory water service between Portland and points on the Sluslaw. A craft would occasional' enter thrj, port, but the sailings were not annc'nced and the shippers not given time to send out freight. With the establishment of the regular ser vice Port'.nd will be given an oppor tunity to break into one of the richest sections of the Oregon Coast. With the exception of the Rogus River, all port., on the Oregon Coast will have direct connection with Port land. Tillamook business Is looked (after by the steamers Sue H. Elmore 'and Golden Gate and the gasoline Schooner Oskosh. The WiSielmina will handle Taquina, Alsea Bay and the iSluslaw, and Coos Bay ports are sup "plied by the Alliance and the Ramona- The Wilhelmina has been fitted for the accommodation of a limited num iber of passengers, but no announce Ixnent has been made as to whether any 'will be carried on the long run. It is. probable that some arrangements will jbe made whereby passengers will be transferred from Taquina ports to either Alsea or the Sluslaw. MATE OF MATIELOMA DROWNS Vail X'roni Deck of Dredge Is Fatal. ( Body Recovered. Fred Ott, mate of the Government anagboat Mathloma. fell overboard Fri day afternoon at the Government moor ings and was drowned. The body was (recovered an hour after the accident and was removed t the morgue. The remains were shipped to Albany yester day afternoon for interment. Mr. Ott was engaged in painting and was on an elevated stage on the guard. How the accident happened is not known, as none of the crew saw him fall. The first alarm was sounded by Chief Engineer Delany, of the Arago, which was lying close to the'Mathloma. Mr. Delany saw a hat and two hands above the water. Ott sank before as sistance could reach him. Mate Ott toad been In the service of the Gov ernment for four years and rose to the position of chief officer. He was 23 years old and is survived by his father and mother at Dayton, Or. He was a man of exceptional habits and stood well with his brother officers and members of the crew. Under the recent act of Congress the relatives of the dead man will receive his salary for one year. CA.PTAIN LETROQIJER FINED Master of Bark Bossuet Assessed $25 in Municipal Court. ' V. Letroquer, master of the French bark Bossuet, was fined $25 in the Municipal Court yesterday on a charge of dumping refuse into the Willamette River and of disobeying the harbor rules. The fine was paid. Captain Letroquer was arrested Thursday af ternoon by .Harbormaster Speier and his bail fixed at $25. The following day Captain Spele'r day on account of her wheel being broken by striking a log. A few days ago the steamer Wenona lost her .wheel in a similar manner. One of the blades of the propeller of the steamer General Washington was knocked off. The oil tank steamer Rosecrans, with the barge Monterey in tow, is outside the mouth of the river, but on account of the dense fog and heavy swell, she will not attempt to cross In before 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Marine Notes A From Coos Bay ports the steamship Ramona is due to arrive this after noon. The Norwegian steamship Eir will shift from Inman-Poulsen's mill to St. John at an early hour this morning. " From San Francisco with passengers and freight the steamship Kansas City 1b due to arrive tomorrow afternoon. With passengers and freight for Coos Bay ports the steamship Alliance sailed last night from the Couch-sU"eet dock. v 'The steam schooner Olympic sailed .at 11 o'clock yesterday from Prescott for San Francisco with a full cargo of lumber. With 150 passengers, the greater portion of whom are for Eureka, the steamship Santa Clara sailed yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock for San Francisco and Eureka. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND, March 12. Sailed Steam ship Santa Clara, for San Iranclsco and Eureka; ataamship Alliance, for Coos Bay; steamship Olympic, from Prescott, for San Francisco. Astoria, March 12. Condition at the mouth of the river at S P. M., obscured; wind southwest. 4 milea; weather, fopgy. Arrived down during the nlffht 9teamers Bowdoin and St. Helena. Sailed at 5:30 A. M. StearoeV Falcon, for San FTanclsco. Sailed at 10:30 A. M. Steamer Rose City, for Ban Francisco. Sailed at 11:30 A. M. Steamer Sowdoin, for San Francisco. Ar rived at 12:80 and left, up at 1:16 P. M. Steamer Shna Yak, from San Francisco. Arrived at 1:40 P. M. Steamer F. S. Loop, from San Francisco. Outside at 6 P. M. Steamer Rosecrans and schooner Monterey, from San Francisco. xet up at G P. M. -Steamer Loop. San Francisco, March 12. Arrived at 10 A. M. Steamer Wellesley, from Portland. Sailed at 12 noon Steamer Kansas City, for Portland. Sailed last night Steamer Thos. L. Wand, for Portland. Coos Bay, March 12. Arrived Steamer Ramona. from Portland. Port Jan Lois, March 12: Arrived yester day Steamer Washtenaw, from Portland. Redondo, March 12. Arrived yesterday Steamer Shoshone, from Columbia River. 2:14 A. 2:-2 P. Tides at Astoria Sunday High M. . . M. . . .0.1 ftJR:30 A. M 0.4 ft. 9.8 ft.8:43 p. M o.T ft. STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. "Name. Due to ArrlT. From. Cats Kansns CUT. . . San Francisco Mar. itamona .Coos Bay.... Mar Golden Gate. . . Tillamook. . . . Mar Geo. w. Klder. .San Pedro. .. Mar. Alliance Coos Bay.... Mar. Roanoke. ... ...San Pedro.. Mar. Falcon San Francisco Mar. Rose City Ban Franciscc M ar. Santa Clara. ...San Francisco Mar. . Sella. ......... HoncKone. ... A Dr. Kenrik Ibsen. . .Honrkonr. .. June Hercules Hongkong. . ..June cue n. Bimore. TlllamooK. . . . JnUel t Scheduled to Depart. Name. For Date. Colden Gate Tillamook. ... Mar. 16 itamona Coos Bay.... Mar. Geo. W. Elder. .Bar- Pedro... Mar. Kansas City . .. San Francisco Mar. Alliance. ......Coos Bay. . ...Mar. Roanoke. ..... .fcan Pedro.. Mar. Falcon . San Francisco Mar. Row Cltr Son Franclwo Mar. Santa Clara-. . .Pan Francisco Mar. Sella ...HonvkonK.. Apr. Henrlk Ibsen. . HonicKonc. .June Hercules Hongkong. . . .June 14 14 14 IS 17 20 10 21 24 13 1 4 16 17 18 10 2d 22 12 15 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... Indeft Entered Saturday. Santa Rita. Am. steamship (Con ner's), with fuel oil, from "Port Har sord. Cleared Saturday. Santa Rita. Am. steamship (Con ners), with ballast, for San Francisco. erect an apartment-house. Mr. O'Brien bought a quarter block on Grand ave nue, near Dekum avenue, occupied with a- seven-room residence, for $5000. A lot 50x100 on Union 'avenue, near Portland Boulevard, was sold to A. J. Dooney for J1500, and a quarter-block at East Seventh and Alberta streets to Anna M. Olds for $2500. A corner in Pied mont was sold to Frank Miranda for $2500. Mr. Miranda is having plans drawn for a handsome residence, which he will build on the quarter. There is a movement to secure property on Union avenue North on the side streets. George F. Anderson. who recently came from St. Joseph, 5lo., is having a $5000 home erected on East Nineteenth, between Knott and Stanton streets. This lot was purchased last week for $1800. F. E. Bowman & Co. drew the plans for this house, which will be two-story and 30x46 feet. . , Gates & Young have started on the second of five residences between Thomp son and Brazee streets, 30x48 feet, and to contain eight rooms. The lower floor will be finished In San Domingo mahog any and white enamel,' and hardwood floors will be laid on the pper floors. A billiard-room will bo placed in the basement. The estimated cost of this residence Is $5600. Three more houses are planned by this firm, costing be tween $5000 and $7500. They have alBO secured several lots In Laurelhurst on which they will build residences. The Oregon Building & Trust Com pany has completed plans for an eight room house for Eva. V. Kelso, to be erect ed in Irvington. The company has a number of contracts for buildings In Irvington on hand. 6wlft & Company have started on theT erection of a two-story frame building, 60x100 feet in size, at their' plant on the Peninsula, which will be used as head quarters for the office force. The struc ture will coet $15,000, and will be com pleted within 60 days. Active operations wl" ta" the packing plant about the middle of the month. On account of the settling of the foundations of some of the buildings there has been a delay of eight months. , A. L, Quint has prepared plans for a two-story flat containing 20 rooms, which 7 e-,,VUl1 near the corner ' Alblna and Killingsworth avenues, by Mrs R. O. Croskey This building is to be 40x60 feet, and the cost will be $6000. Seven residences will be erected on East Twentieth street, between Alberta and Going streets by Joseph Ennis, each to cost $2500. Mr. Ennis has erected att houses in this district, . THIS ADVERTISEMENT WAS WRITTEN BY NATHAN A. DOODY of 996 First Street AND TELLS WHY ANY PERSON SHOULD INVEST OTHELLO This advertisement was written by one of the contestants in the great Prize Contest which we have just closed. The tory is one of striking interest and contains many very pointed reasons . why YOU or anyone else should invest in OTHELLO at this time. Othello property will increase in value beyond any estimate, we may make. Of this we are convinced. The keen author of the advertisement which follows shows an intimate knowledge of the FACTS about Othello, 'and .while we have not communicated with him, we presume that , Mr. Boody has actually been to Othello and seen for himself just what the advantages of the re markable young city are. LOTS EST OTHELLO MAY BE PURCHASED ON EASY TERMS, bringing them within the reach of any person industrious enough to save a few dollars a month. And when it is considered that dollars laid aside in a lot at Othello multiply even whih? you are making your payments, it takes no great stretch of the imagination to see the day when the few dollars invested here NOW - will mean independence. Read what Mr. Boody says about OTHELLO: f WHY SHOULD I INVEST IN" OTHELLO 7 BECAUSE OTHELLO OFFERS f UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFITABLE INVESTJENTS AND EMPLOYMENT -GREATER THAN ANY OTHER YOUNG WESTERN CITY When Horace Greeley said, "Go West, young man," etc, he realized that this great Western part of our country offered the most advantageous opportunities for profitable investment and employment, and. time has proven that he was right. The purchase of realty in or near a rapidly growing city has been the foundation upon which many of the largest fortunes have been built. ., " The Vanderbilts, Astors and Goulds of New York. . The Ladds, Corbetts and Failings of Portland, were the people who profited by the opportu ' nities of yesterday. Othello offers the greatest opportunities to you, to me of today. IDEAL LOCATION OF OTHELLO, located in the center of the greatest agricultural section of the State of Washing ton, on the main line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railroad, at the junction of the branch lines leading north and south. OTHELLO IS A RAILROAD DIVISIONAL POINT, where the great Milwaukee R. R. system has erected im mense machine shops, roundhouses, supply stations, depots, freight sheds, etc., and where all train crews are changed. PROLIFIC SOIL OF OTHELLO, which has been pro nounced by experts and chemists to be of volcanic ash forma tion, is eminently suited for the raising of fruits, vegetables and grains. OTHELLO IS A GREAT MANUFACTURING CENTER. made so by its superb shipping facilities. Already great in dustries are in course of construction, and the possibilities of profitable investments along this line are unlimited. The Liberal Policy Adopted by the Othello Improvement Co. A strictly modem and very progressive concern, in offering a part of their extensive holdings in the City of Othello and the great adjacent fruitgrowing and farming sections at the njost absurdly low prices, will bring hundreds and hundreds of people to this vicinity, seeking an ideal location for home or farm and the profitable investment of capital. THIS IS OUR ONE BEST OPPORTUNITY YOU AND I. I AM NOT GOING TO OVERLOOK IT. ARE YOU? NATHAN A. BOODY, For further information call or write. 996 f4 street. Portland, Oregon OTHELLO IMPROVEMENT COrs 219-220 Commercial Club Bldg., Portland, Or. Phone Marshall 727. RUSSIA WILL BAR PORTIAS -Ministry Declines to Recognize Wom en Lawyer Duma May Act. ' ST. PETERSBURG. March 12. The Minister of Justice, to whom- was re ferred the request of the Duma for the introduction of a law authorizing the admission to the bar of women law yers, has declined to do this, finding that the profession is already over crowded; that the education of women In Russia is not on a sufficiently hig-h plane, and that this question can best be discussed in connection with the general subject of broadening the sphere of female activity, now await ing demonstration. The Liberal members of the Duma will now introduce their own measure, using the parliamentary right of in itiating legislation. The question was brought up by the recent-appearance of Miss Kleischutz whom the St. Petersburg Bar Associa tion had accepted as a member, as at torney in a criminal case. The prose cuting attorney refused to proceed with the case, holding that women under the Russian law. are not author ized to practice law, in which he was supported by the Imperial Senate. James O'Connor, M. P., Dies. LONDON, March 12. James O'Connor, Nationalist member of the House ofr Com mons for the West Division of Wicklow since 1SSS, died today. He was born in 1836. James O'Connor was formerly on the staff of the "Irish People,-a Fenian organ. In 18G5 he, with' Luby, O'Leary and Charles Kirkham, of the Irish People, was convicted of treasonable felony and was sentenced to seven years' penal servi tude. He was liberated before his term had expired and was subsequently con nected with various Journals. Hush on to lias Vegas Strike. SAN BERNARDINO. CaL, March 12. According to advioes that reached here today the lure of camp Alunlte, the scene of a new gold strike near Las Vegas, Nev., Is rapidly .depopulating Barstow. Postmaster Kendricks, of the desert town, telegraphed County Recorder John son today, requesting immediate dispatch of lqcation 'blanks. The strike is regarded as important, the ore being black sul phite, similar to that found in the richest mines around Tonopah. The ground is said to have been staked for miles. Every sort of conveyance is being im pressed into service by the people of Barstow to take them to the new field. Consul Paul Lang-, of Sherbrooke. reports that the UO-mlle extension of the Quebec Central Railway from St. George, Beauce, to St. Justine, seven miles from the St. John River, has been opened to traffic There ar six steel bridges and four stations. LIVE HOGS REACH $11 Price Record Again Broken in Chi cago Market. CHICAGO, March 12. The price of live hogs reached the $11 level here today. Several carloads sold at that ' figure, which is 10 cents above the high mark touched two days ago. The wholesale price of fresh pork in small lots also made a new high record, and was as follows: Loins, 17c per pound; butts, 15c; trim mings, 12c; tenderloins, 30c, and spare ribs, lSVsC. St. Louis Pays $11. ST. LOUIS, March 12. Live hogs sold at the stockyards here today at HI per hundred. This Is the highest price ever recorded here. Eugenx. Oregon. I have sold Hall's Texas Wonder for kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble for the last five years, and have guaranteed It in many cases, but have never had a complaint. 60 days' treatment in each bottle. Ot J. Hull. Aboslfo. I for This Summer Lis V W -Li--Li, .Li. .1 The beach resort with "character1' and five different roads lead ing to it. Take your choice either by Wilson River stage route to Tillamook, thence up the coast on the Pacific Railway & Navi gation Company's Railroad; the Sheridan route the future direct automobile road from Portland to the beach; or if you want an ocean trip, go by steamer to Garibaldi ; if you prefer to walk, strike the trail over Neahkahnie Mountain, but, after June 1, -if you want a novel trip, take the Pacific Railway &. Navigation Company's road at the Union Depot, go out on the West Side as far as their road will be completed at that time, take the stage they will have waiting for you, connect with the other end of the railroad, which lands you on the beach at Twin Rocks. CAUTIO N Before another week goes by come in- and select your lot; you will want a place to pitch your tent or arrange with an architect to build you a cottage; the lots are selling rapidly; they range in price from $50 to $400. You can have one on the Beach in the sunshine, or under the shade of forest trees by the side of a babbling brook. I win hocks iDeac. 329 Lumbermens Building, Portland, Oregon Ti Ol Co