The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 13, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 17, Image 29

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salarirs are high, steady and wire. . Work is
pleasant and promotion eay. Liberal va
cations. No pull needed. Hundreds of va
cancies in all parts of U. S. Our paper
tells you just how you can get one of the."
fine positions. Only 10 cenLs for six months'
trial. Money back on request. Send dime
or stamps- today to Desk 369. Civil Service
Record, .YashiriKton, D. C.
IF you are the person we want as district
rr.anager, send us 10 cents for mat i in; out
fit of our latest book. "Roosevelt and Af
rica." and show u what you can do with
It. $25 weekly and expenses easily earned.
Experience unnecessary. Premium and
credit given. Investigate u. We ore one
of the largest and mart reliable publishing
hous in the world. M. A. Donohue &. Co.,
riVIL. SERVICE EMPLOYFW are paid well
for e&uy work ; examinations every month,
expert advice, sample questions and Book
let 3b9. describing' positions and telling eas
iest and quickest way to secure them free.
"Write now. Wellington Civil Service School,
, Washington, D, C.
FIRST-CLASS salesmen for Pacific Coast to
sell staple line on NWV and EXCEPTIONAL
terms. One having specialty experience pre
ferred. Attractive, permanent contract,
containing liberal weekly advance clause.
References required. Miles F. Blxler Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
WANTED by wholesale house, boy who has
finished high school or grammar grades;
must be quick, accurate, write a fairly
food hand, be willing to begin at the
ottom and not afraid of work. AM 798.
VANTKI Grocery salesman: first-class gro
cery salesman, who understands imported
and domestic groceries, capable of soliciting
large trade; state whether married or sin-
H"e. Address fc 799, Oregonian.
"WANTED Bright young man, between 17
and 21 years of age. for office work; must
be of good appearance, have fair educa
tion and write a good hand and live with,
parents. Address W 7id. Oregonian.
8ALaMAN Experienced In any line, to sell
general trade In Pacific Coast. An unex
celled specialty proposition. Commlreiona,
with $35 weekly advance for expenses. The
Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
IWAN'TED Two high-grade salesmen for a
proposition that will pay willing workers
$600 a month. Call '9 to 11.
802 Lewis Bldg.
TRAVEXJNO men making small towns are
making from $5 to $10 per diy carrying
our pocket side line. For particulars address
20th Century Mfg. Co., 1308 Wells St., Chi
cago. WANTED For Fall trade, traveling manto
sell our blankets and dress goods, novelties
to retail country stores. Profitable side
560, Philadelphia.
6T. LOUIS concern with established busi
ness wishes to engage a competent sales
man to sell general merchants in coun
try; good territory open and will pay well
for right man. C 748, Oregonian.
tBE YOUR OWN BOSS Make $4 daily silver
ing mirrors. Any one can do the work at
home in spare time. Booklet and sample
free. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 56, Boston,
The Jno. p. Sharkey Co.." 122 Sixth t..
' desire several men who have enterprise to
ell hlch-class subdivision property; liberal
WANTED Man willing to learn and capable
of acting as representative; no canvassing
cr ollclt!nB: good Income assured. Na
tional Oo-operatlve Realty Co., Marden
bldg., "Washington, D.. C.
SALESMAN wanted; embroidery and lace
manufacturers want salesman now travel
ing having established trade In small
towns. Liberal proposition. .Merk & Co.,
416 Broadway, New York.
WANTED Traveling salesman, making
Southern Oregon, to handlo Japanese
drawn work and novelties as side line on
commission: state particulars, references,
etc. AH 791. Oregonian.
"XV H will pay any man straight salary of $85
per month "and traveling expenses, to take
orders, as will be informed, for the greatest
portrait house In the world. Address at
once. R. D. Martel, Dept. 127, Chicago. 111.
sSALESMEN wanted: experienced advertis
ing specialty salesman for permanent line
selling equally well 12 months per jiear;
long time, liberal, exclusive contract. Box
416, Iowa City. Iowa.
"WANTED Experienced man for bottling
room in family liquor store; must be will
ing to make himself generally useful; only
applications stating former experience will
be considered. AC 795, Oregonian.
TWANTBD Young or middle-aged man for fire
Insurance office, lnelde and outside work;
man with some experience preferred. Call
Sunday.. U o'clock A. M. to noon, 414 Com
mercial CJub bldg.
1WANTED 300 men to buy $3 sample hats,
now $1.50. Low rent In basement Is the
reason. Hats cleaned and blocked. 00c.
The Hattery. 315-317 Alder, corner 6th:
2HAN who thoroughly understands the care
of fine harness, carriages and up-to-date
stables; good wages to right man. Ap
ply Kramer's New Tork Stables, loth
and Aldur sts.
WANTED Strictly sober and Industrious
man accustomed to the care of horses. Ap
ply at office the Von Giliman School for
Biding and Driving, Oriental Bldg.. Fair
WANTED Two salesmen for city, men who
can give references; good opening for
hustlers. Call 219-220 Commercial Club
bids. Mr. Harris.
WANTED Manager for large tract to be
set out to fruit; one with some money
to Invest preferred. Call Washing
ton St.. room 513.
PHYSICIAN Registered In Oregon, as as
sistant in advertising specialist's office;
state full qualifications and experience.
I" 798. Oregonian.
MJ7N and women everywhere to copy letters
at home during spare time. $25 'made week
ly; no capital required. Daisy Rug Co.,
Baraboo, Wis.
"WANTED A party familiar with selling
mining stock, to handle a gilt-edge prop
osition; no prospect hole, but a mine. V
. , 799. Oregonian.
TWO or three men to make 100 to 400 cords
wood. 12 miles from Portland; must furnish
their own tools; only experienced men need
apply, w 7S7. Cregonlin.
WB want a high-class man that can place
a gilt-edge Industrial proposition; big
money to a man of ability. Lock Box 6S2.
OOOD shoemaker for Eastern Oregon: also
help In store. Apply Breyman Lea Co.. 72
6th st.
.PAIXTINO and kalsomtning wanted In ex
change for dental work. AE 800, Ore
gonian. MANUFACTURING establishment wanta an
active partner to Invest $2,100 with servlees
money to enlarge plant. R 796, Oregonian.'
"WANTED An entry clerk for wholesale
house; must be accurate with, figures; state
age and address. AH 799. Oregonian.
WANTED An experienced man to go on
wheat ranch in Idaho; married man pre
ferred. Y 777. Oregonian.
WANTED A first -class- man on cr.ats; good
price end steady work. 270 Washington,
room 85.
MARKER and sorter: muet be accurate and
sober. Cherry's New Laundry, La Grande,
Or. 1
KIR-ST-CLASS awning-hanger -wanted. Fa-
cine Tent & Awning Co., 27 1st st. North.
COUPON agents wanted, ladles or gentle
men for photograph studio. 719 Swetland
bldg. I
MAKE money writing short stories or for
newspapers; big pay ;. free booklet tells how.
Address Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
WANTED--Sollcitor for cleaning and dye
works; good opportunity for right party.
418 Union ave. North.
SCHOLARS for dramatic company, plav Sat
urday nights; rehearsals eveninga. AJ 7M9.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sitlons to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland.
GIRL for general housework- Call 830
Weldler or phone East ISIS.
MILLINERY and shirtwaist classes at Y.
W. C A.
WANTED Lady apprentice In tailor shop.
401 Tourney bldg.
DRESSMAKER wants an apprentice girl.
410 Tilford. Phone Marshall 123.
WOMAN for general housework. 214 13th.
GIRL for housework: family of 8. A 4843.
-oi coolfr-cnd house worker. 696 Davis st.
Open Today.
Switchman. experienced, S4o hour,
steady. Free fare.
Bookkeeper for lumber company, "S,
board and room; camp Job.
2 cement finishers. 5; 2 at $4.
Bridge carpenter foreman. 4.
Logging road section foreman. S75.
Finishing foreman in cuts, R. R.. 13.50;
free fare.
Powderman for land-clearing Job, J3.75.
Saw filer for erosscutters in woods. $3;
loggers of ail kinds, barkers, buckers.
rigging sllngers. axmen. clearer, wood
choppers, going wages: acreage to clear
at various prices per acre.
All-around blacksmith or g-aneral black
smith, no shoeing, or Just a first-class
shoer, S4 day; country town, east of
Grader behind saws. . 50: mill and
yard hands, for many different mills.
Orchard teamsters, general farm hands,
and teamsters, milkers.
City laborers. 2.50 a day.
Man and wife, cook and helper. : a
day. country hotel. $100 to $115; man and
wife, cook and helper, sirmll boarding
house, 60; night camp cook. S50; free
far-?; flunkies. 135 and $30.
Baker and pastry cook, first-class coun
try hotel. $75. room and board: second
shop baker. J50. room and board.
Second cook. $lg a week; kitchen help,
Coming In new all the time. See our
blackboards here.
ually. free fare, for laborers on new
K. R. construction. In the Klamath re
tKr- daily for tunnelmen. drillers,
muckers, and general construction hands.
... re? fare, daily, for R. R. construc
tion laborers.
300 foreigners to work on railroads. 3.
5 a day. board themselves, and free
- iS-ST1" Seond St., Portland. Or.
!2..FT,2nt Av-. Spokane. Wash.
87-89 Fourth St.. San Francisco, Cal.
Established 1876.
WB want a few solicitors of sterling char
acter for cities and towns In this state:
cle.3n. wide-awake men. absolutely free from
liquor and tobacco In any form; we control
the best-selling Rogers kitchen cutlery ever
offered In America for three times the price;
a double guarantee with all our goods: con
stant repeat orders and a steadily growing
-business for men who are workers and stay
ers; handsome commlralon and handsome
treatment to square men who can sell goods.
Trlte uo fully and we will write you fully.
Walter O. Tucker. 507 Mission St.. San
BOOK SALESMEN Our combination offer of
Home Medical Library. Home Law Library.
Webster's Dictionary and one veir't sub
scription to the Review of Reviews, sold
on easy payments. Is a money-maker for a
hustling salesman: If you are looking for
a live proposition for the Spring and Sum
mer months, call and see us. Review of Re
views Co., 324 Flledner bldg.. 9 A. M. to
12 M. Monday.
WANTED Honest and reliable man to ln
vest $750 In a new corporation; to such
a man we,o;fer an unusual opportunity to
:.learn a good, clean busings. It Is neces
sary that the investor devote his entire
time to the busiess. for which he will draw
$150 a month salary. This Is a strictly
legitimate concem-and "will bear Investiga
tion. AC 801, Oregonian.
WANTED Representative In every town
and city in Oregon and California to
sell our goods, wagon equipment; also
splendid Inducements to secure trade fur
nished free; state reference and experi
44S Washington St.
WANTED An experienced salesman, well
acquainted In city, to sill lots In a high
class Portland residence addition; which
Js selling very fast; opportunity only for
good man. Give name and address. 436
Orogon Hotel.
RELIABLE man, capable or auditing ac
counts without supervision, of analytical
mind, quick and accurate; splendid chance,
but only for capable party. Call at 224
"Worcester block, between 12:30 and 1:30
WANTED Experienced office man and book
keeper; must be capable of taking charge
of office and correspondence of a manufac
turing business. 173 East Water st. Phone
Bast 006. Call Monday only.
SALESMEN wanted to sell specialty line In
and around Portland: must have first
class references; young man preferred;
previous experience not essential Ad
dress AE 795, Oregonian.
WANTED I want you small wage-earners
to go in with me in organizing a co
operative association. There 1s a great
future for us If we will only try. ' D 801
WANTED Three experienced real estate
salesmen to work Othello prospects; SO
days' trial; if you make good we will give
X?. ,a Kood contract. Ask for Harris,
219-20 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED An experienced man, well ac
22 ?,ed ln large, high-class residence
addition, which Is now selling very fast
Leave name and address 436 Oregon Ho-
SALESMEN wanted for good live propo
sition In Central Oregon; both In town
a,n,d,?uL or town: liberal commission and
all kinds of support. See Mr. Jones. 200
Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Man for liquor store; must have
experience; only applications giving refer
ences from former employers will be con
sidered. AC 798. Oregonian.
CLERK for store of large lumbering com
pany: must be prepared to invest small
amount in company's stock; fullest in
vestigation. Address K 793. Oregonian.
WANTED Steady, sober man used to farm
produce; will pay good salary and share
or profits; small Investment requ'red
Particulars. 248 Stark st.
A GOOD salesman to sell Imported goods
on commission or as a partner, furnish
ing some capital; references required. AD
7ii, Oregonian.
SxOCK and bond salesmen wanted to place
stock for wholesale manufacturing concern
pood comrrXTslon. See Mr. Jones, 20fl
c hamber of Commerce.
I WANT a reliable prospector with means
for equipment and fare South; have like
amount myself. 251Mi Clay, between 3d
and 3d.
YOL'NG man. with Portland experience In
grocery; good salesman and solicitor, good
opening for right man. Address Y 7S4. Ore
gonian. WANTED-Oood able-bodied men, pick and
shovel, and concrete work; Job in the heart
h toi: orSgas marrled men
WANTED Salesmen to sell proeeries to
consumers in Wash, and Mont., by a re-
L?HeIoeQAou?f : bl commission to
. good men. AE 801. Oregonian.
SAX,pS manager wanted for reliable real
estate firm with a pood selllne; contract;
c?n5f for. advancement; references. W
S04. Oregonian.
STRONO. husky younsr man with some ex
perlence handling coal shipments- give
aee. experience and references. M .90
yVLET'yZ?S? man in jreneral Insurance
orrice for billing and record work- must
write good hand and Five reference and
aaiary expected. Rely F 7&4. OreKonian.
REAL ESTATE salesman wanted to sell
new addition ; hitrh-grade property close
In. In restricted district. Address C 77
THRES experienced res! estate Fije it"t ref
erences required. 232 Chamber ' Com
merce. A OOOD specialty salrsman. one acquainted
with accounting preferred: commission ba
sis. M SOO, Oregonian.
TWO solicitors to canvass1 the city on a rood
- proportion. Apply room 235 Hotel Frank
lin, 13th and Washington.
MACHINIST of experience for sma.ll logging
road; give se. experience and references.
X SOS, Oregonian.
WANTED Gentleman stenographer and book
keeper, familiar with machinery business
salary $18 a week. 838 Ankeny st.
BOY of 16 or 17 for office work; make ap
plication in own handwriting and state sal
ary expected. P 785. Oregonian.
MA. -ni wife for farm; woman to assist
with housework; good wages; good place
for right parties. N 802, Onegonian.
WATEDCompetent- stock salesman, iii
quire 284 San Raphael, corner Williams
MAN to drive'team, one from country pre
ferred. See Tait, 132 Madison street. .
MAN" wanted for theatrical business; ex
perience unnecessary. C 805. Oregonian.
Wants Monday
Hoad waitress, $40.
Hospital cook, o0.
Chambermaid, $35.
Restaurant waitresses, $8 a week.
Boarding-house rooks, $4 0.
Camp waitress, $3.
3 family cooks, $35.
Nurse girl. $25; laundresses-25.
3 second girls. $25 and trV
Household h-alp of all kinds.
Some very nice country places to be
345 i Washington St.,
Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
LADIES of social standing having -entree
to wealthy people, can without leastwise
Impairing their position and prestige make
from $10 to $50 a week selling iloblnson's
expanding handbag; every neftned wowian
buys it on sight; no talking; write me for
particulars. Frank E. Robinson, 2 53
Broadway. New York.
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers; good
.wages, steady employment.
12th and Davis Sts.
WANTED at once, experienced saleswomen
for art end glove departments. Roberts
Bros., 3d and Morrison sts.
"WANTED Girls to make shirts and overalls.
MT. HOOD FACTORY, 233 Couch St.
GIRL for general housework, small family;
privileges of the home and first-class
treatment; must be good plain cook;
wages $25. Call at 00 Tillamook St., Ir
ving ton car.
WANTED Lady bookkeeper and steno
grapher for general merchandise .store in
oountry town 25 miles from Portland; state
age and salary expected. R 773, Ore
gonian. WANTED, Experienced young lady stenog
rapher for real estate office at Hood
River. Address. In own handwriting, and
state salary. X 8"K), Oregonian.
6 SOLICITORS. Monday morning 9 o'clock,
for a fast-selling article ; no competition ;
quickly and easily demonstrated; salary
or commission. Desk A, room 26, 142 Va 2d.
UPMAN, WOLFE & CO. want experienced
saleswomen ., in millinery and suits; perm
anent positions and good salaries. Apply
manager's office before 9:30.
EXCELLENT opening for stenographer in
new office building, wanting to do public
work ; office room furnish ed free in ex
change for services. AF 796. Oregonian.
WANTED Girl to eaerfst In General house
work. Phone Tabor 1975. Avply 1750 East
Yamhill, between 67th and G.zq 2t. Moat
Tabor car.
WANTED Neat, reliable rjJd, tase
charge two children, age i auj 4. C-41 403
Hajssalo at., cor. K. 10ta, on IConoay. Take
Irvlngton car.
experienced, flrst-c!a?s.
WANTED Experienced youncr lady stenog
rapher for real estate office at Hood
River. Call today from 10 to l:3u at 511
Swetland bldg.
ENERGETIC woman of good appearance,,
over 2.", for position with wholesale house;
experience unnecessary. A3 70S, Ore
gonian. WANTED Girl to help cane for baby and
assist' light housework. Call Monday after
lO A. M., 699 Flanders or Phone Main 5671.
WANTED nurse for Infant; German or
Scandanavlan preferred. Call at 725
Northrup St.
WANTED Girl to cook for small family;
easy work: short hours; must sleep at
home; $& week. 406 Harrison, flat O.
FIRST-CLASS cook for hotel restaurant, or
woman cook and helper; give phone. G
801, Oregonian. "
TWO experienced chocolate dlppera; carfare
paid; steady work. Good-Robbin Candy Co.,
Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED Lady stenographer familiar with
wnoleaale - business; salary $15 a week. 333
Ankeny st.
WANTED Smart girl to learn dressmaking,
small pay while learning. Mrs. Briggs,
256 Vi Russell st.
GIRL for housework In family of two: mod
ern home, light work. Call 494 E. 19th st..
WANTED Iadies, we -bleach, sew, dye and
remodel hats, dye plumes at y price.
Model Millinery, 387 Yamhill.
AN experienced saleslady; apply at once.
English Correct Millinery, uol Morrison,
Marquam bids.
WANTED An experienced cafe checker,
must have good experience and good ref
erences. Apply Norton la Hotel.
A GIRL for general housework and cook
ing: good wages. Phone forenoons, East
WANTED Girl for office; state age, ex
perience If any, and salary expected. ' N
7 & 3, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted to work on ranch;
no objection to children. Address box
112. R. F. D. No. 5. Oregon City.
A YOUNG GIRL to assist in housework; no
washing or cooking. Apply SI East 19th
WANTED Good trimmers, makers and ap
prentices.' Apply Lowengart & Co., 92
Front st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
wages $tt5. Phone A 2420. 1131 Franklin
st., Willamette Heights.
GIRL for general housework ; experience
not reoulred. Call after Id A M-, Mon
day. 253 North 22d at.
WANTED Lady pianist to practice with
singer; will give nice home and pay. B
S10, Oregonian.
WANTED A thoroughly experienced cham
bermaid. Apply housekeeper Norton la
STENOGRAPH ERS. any system, taking our
speed drills are assisted to good positions. 630
Worcester block.
WANTED A few up-to-date salesladies and
demonstrators. Call rooms 613-014 Lum
ber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark.
WAITED Woman cook, German or Swedish
preferred. Columbia Hotel, 321 First, cor
EXPERIENCED cook to family of two. Ap
" ply between 10 and 8 o'clock, 769 Northrup
GIRL to sew and make button-hqles. Elite
Ladles' Tailors, 646 Wash. st. .
WANTED FlrM-clasfs beauty parlor assist
ant and halrweaver. 4096 .Morrison st.
WANTED Girl for housework. Inquire 500
Hall st.
GIRL to assist in housework. Aptly morning,
741 Irving st. Phone Main 7067.
FIRST-CLASS band on coats. 1814 1st St.,
room 8.
GIRL for general housework; small family.
Apply mornings. 790 Kearney st.
GIRL to x assist in light housework. 1088
Belmont, between 36th and 37th.
MIDDLE-AGED woman to assist In kitchen;
good home; small wages. 2S4 Main st.
LAUNDRESS, country hotel. Call room 86.
Belvedere Hotel.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 669 Johnson st.
WANTED A competent cook for family. Ap
ply 524 Myrtle st., Portland Heights.
GIRL wanted, light housework; no washing
or Ironing. East 2587 or B 1087.
FIRST-CLASS lroner. also other help. Ap
ply 2M59 East Washington st.
WANTED A girl for light housework. 1547
Slske et. Phone Woodlawn 2600.
GIRL for second work. Apply at ill North.
22d st.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. 713 Lovejoy st.
COLORED GIRL. Apply Tuesday, 1043 Haw
thorne ave.
OOOD, neat girl for housework. 655 Love
joy st.
COMPETENT second maid with city refer
ences. t&3 3hnson st., near 20th at.
WANTED Several bright young women to
leam telephone operating; we maintain a.
school under the supervision of a woman
principal at our East office. East Ankeny
and Blxth streets; applicants who qualify
will be given a thorough training in the
work before being assigned to positions; etui-dents-
are paid at the rate of $20 per month
while learning. Apply to school principal on
week days between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M.
The Pacitic Telephone &. Telegraph Cotnpany.
MUNICIPAL Department nf Public Safetr
for Youne Women. Advice or, assistance
gladiy given to all young women. Mrs.
Lola G. Baldwin. Supt., room 37 Y. W- C
A. bldg.. Tth and Taylor at.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work ; good wages and permanent posi
tion for right party; three in family. 4S9
Hancock st.
WANTED 500 ladles to buy sample straw
braid, all colors, 50c bundle; wire frames,
flowers; straw hats remodeled.
313 Alder, corner 6th,
WANTED Girls over 16 years to work in
ruenmg factory- good wages while learn
ing; take elevator to third floor.
63 5th St.
WANTED First-class stenographer; compe
tent, experienced, rapid worker; no others
need apply. Liberal salary, permanent po
sition. State full particulars and references.
O 1 98. Oregonian.
A TOUN'Q girl, desirous of finding a good
borne, to assist with, housework; wages;
easy plac-s; country. Call mornings, be
tween 10 and 12, at 516 Alexandra Court.
Ella st.
WANTED Capable young women to enter
training school for nurses. For particu
lars write Hoquiam General Hospital, Ho
quiam. Wash.
MACHINE girls, also apprentices to learn
marking and distributing. Union Laun
dry Co., cor. Grand ave and East Yam
hill sts. v
2A AT paM to one Iady ln each town to
distribute free circulars and take orders for
concentrated flavoring in tubes. Permanent
position. J. S. Ziegler Co., Chicago.
6T BXOGRAPH ER in law office ; in small
city near Portlend. etate salary expected,
experience and full particulars. G 765, Ore
gonian. WANTED A sohoolgirl to help with house
work for room and board, family of .2. 229
Hooker st.
WANTED Competent dressmaker to come to
the home. Call Sunday forenoon, 1225
Taylor st. , near 4 1 st.
ELDERLY woman to take care of lady during
con f 1 nement. S tate price, experience and
references. T 7&S, Oregonian.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. V iavi Co., GOO Rotn
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
E26V4 Washington St., Room 807-
Main b.Sop or A 8200.
843i Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
GIRL wanted in basket factory; $1.25 per
day. Multnomah Lumber & Box Co., foot of
Bancroft ave.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family. Phone Tabor S66 or call
11S7 East Yamhill.
COMPANION to invalid, elderly lady; some
housework; good home to right party. AF
793 Oregonian.
CLERICAL position In manufacturing office;
accuracy and Industry necessary. B 792,
Oregon Ian.
WANTED Competent girl, general house
.work and cooking. Apply mornings. 625
Main st. phone Main 915.
WANTED Girl for cuff press, also body
ironer. U. 9. Laundry Co., Grand ave. and
East Yamhill.
TELEPHONE operator for wholesale house.
State experience and references in own
handwriting. AF 802, Oregonian.
WANTED Young lady stenographer and
typewriter; wages $9 per week to start.
AC 793, Oregonian.
REFINED woman as working housekeeper;
family of children; good home. E 79S, Ore
gonian. WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework and cooking. 794 Irvlngton st.
" A 11S2. Main 823R.
LADY as second assistant, between 20 and 25
years of age'; must be heaithy and bright.
A 796. Oregonian. -
WANTED A good, honest girl, or young
woman, to work in cigar and fruit stand.
201 Third st.
WANTED Lady stenographer; must be
able to keep books; state experience; sal
ary expected. M 797. Oregonian.
WANTED First-class cloak and suit fitter;
must have references. Apply J. S. Gra
ham. Box 22J Seattle, Wash.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework; good wages. Call 340 Hassalo St.,
WANTED Yeung lady for cashier for shoot
ing gallery. Call between 11 and 12 A. M-,
72 North 4th.
A GOOD place Is ofTered to an experienced
girl to dt general housework. Phone morn
ings, A 5315 or- Main 3729.
WANTED Competent girl for second work.
Apply 818 Lovejoy, between 24th and 25th
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework; family of three. Phone Main
WANTED Experienced seamstress and ap
prentice girl. Apply Monday. M. Daniel
son. , 423 H Morrison.
GOOD cook, small family. Pbone Main 4514.
Call in morning.
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 393.
LADIES to travel, $75 month and expenees;
city, $2.GO day. Call 240 HolWday. rm. 9.
RESPECTABLE first-class manicuring girl.
Room 7, Board of Trade Barber Shop.
GIRL for housework In small family. 733
E. Couchl Phone East 4019.
YOUNG GIRL to assist in light housework.
Call mornings. 321 E. 16th st. N.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2.' Grand ave. and East Taylor.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
789 Kearney st.
W ANTED First-class skirtmaker. A. Llpp
man, 129H oth st.
YOUNG GIRL to assist with housework;
pleasant home. Phone Tabor 1470.
GIRL, general housework, small family,
good wages. 586 Tillamook st.
SCHOOLGIRL to work for board; good home.
Phone C 2267.
WANTED First-class cook, with references.
Apply mornings', 269 N. 24 tb st.
SWEDISH or German girl to do light house
work. Apply 737 E. Madison st.
WANTED Good millinery trimmers to go
out of town. Apply Lowengart & Co.
CAPABLE girl for general housework;
small family. Phone Woodlawn 10O2.
COLORED woman to cook and help with
housework, phone 891. -515 Tillamook.
NEAT, tidy girl as child's nurse and to as
sist In light duties. 646 East Alder.
GIRL wanted, general housework ; good,
home, good wages. 401 Rothchild bldg.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply
142 Union ave.. North.
CASH SALES Cashier for large retail store;
must be quick and accurate. E TOO, Oregonian
GIRL for housework, small family, pleas
ant home. 748 East Burn side. East 2726.
EXPERIENCED boarding-house cook ; no
other need apply. 735 Hoyt st,
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Phone Main 7582.
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting.
304 12th St. Main 6890.
JAIRDRESSER and manicure wanted. SOS
Washington st.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
East 6371.
HAIRDRESSER that understands face
massaging. 147 7th st.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 287 North
20th st-; good wages.
WANTED Girl for general housework, 4
In family. Phone B 2678.
WANTED ?!rl to help housework; mornings
only; tuust live at borne. Pboae -3 stWdtt.
WRAPPING GIRLS, over 16 years of age,
steady work; must be good in penmanship.
Llpman -Wolfe Co.
EXPERIENCED makers for millinery work
room, -3d positions for the right persons.
Llp' an-Wolfe Co.
EXPERIENCED women for the hosiery de
partment. Lipman-Wolfe Co.
Boon keepers sod Clerks.
HAVE you buslnens to transact that re
quires intelligence, discretion as well as
executive ability ? AG 800, Oregonian.
POSITION .wanted by experienced window
trimmer and card writer; experienced in
clothing and men's furnishings; depart
ment store preferred; best references given.
H 768, Oregonian.
MARRIED man, experienced In bookkeeping,
cost accounting, credits and collections.
office management and auditing, desires
position witn nonesL, reliable people. L 7.S,
A YOUNG, experienced hardware salesman
desires to make a contract with a pro
gressive house to represent them; can fur
nish reference and prove earning capacity
in snort time. J 71)5. oregonian.
CAPABLE young married man desires po
sition ; able and conscientious worker; of
fice or salemsan; no objection to outside
work or leave city. AL 792, Oregonian.
BY experienced, conscientious and capable
young business woman, clerical work; good
at rigures; moderate salary; typewriter ope
rator, x 776, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN with experience as gent's
furnishings salesman, would like employ
ment as extra man on Saturday after
noon and evenings. AH 80, Oregonian.
YOUNG man from New England; college
eauoation. oesires to enter employ of re
liable business firm. 160 Skldmore st.
WANTED Position by a competent, ex
perienced collector; local references. B
SOI, Onegonian.
COMPETENT young man with some spare
time would like small set of books to
keep; good references. H 804, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced collec
tor; can make good anywhere ; references
furnished. A 809, Oregonian.
YOUNG man -wishes position In fflce, gen
eral office work; references. V 798, Ore
eonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants set of
books or any clerical work evenings. O 802,
BY bookkeeper, competent and experienced,
in or out of town. AN 791. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Young man desires posi
tion; experienced. AE 794, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants to work for vegetarian:
wages no object; speaks English, French
and German. Address H. Antony, 208
Davis st., Portland.
MARRIED man. accustomed to use and care
of horses, would like place to work In
city. L 79,, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED steam engineer, stationary
or traction engine. Address AD 792, Ore
gonian. SITUATION in good woodworking factory
by experienced man. estimating, draught
ing or laying out work. D 800, Oregonian.
WANTED, to work around private residence
or rooming-house for the rooming. P. O.
Box 310.
EXPERIENCED Japanese porter wishes a
steady position in saloon, hotel or else
where. S 790, Oregonian.
PERMANENT position wanted on fruit ranch
at Hood River or Mosir, by married man
with small family. J 791. Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese couple wants family place,
man as cook, wife wait on table and
housework. 269 Everett at.
sition as chauffeur; private-, family pre
ferred. F 791, Oregonian.
A SALESMAN leaving this week for Los
Angeles desires to represent local ooncern
there. W 796, Oregonian.
WINDOW CLEANING, floors rewaxed and
. Tollhed. Mi in 6573, evening 8. Thomas
ELDERLY man, good orchardist or gardener,
desires position for Summer; can give good
reference. R 79 7, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED window trimmer and sales
man in men's furnishings dosires position
with reliable house. AE 791, Oregonian.
MAN and wife would take charge of firct
claes rooming-house in city. AB 803,
COLORED BOY 15 years wants any kind of
work ; honest and reliable. R 791, Ore
gonian. WANTED By young man and wife, position
in camp; experienced cooks. M, Lenerd,
674 Gllsan st.
GOOD barber wants steady Saturday job
from S o'clock. Address AE 797, Ore
gonian. BAKER wants work in city or oountry;
good on bread or cake. J. VoelpeL 40ft
East 76th st. North, Portland.
WANTED Man to work on lawn and rosas,
Monday. Phone East 6045.
PAPERING or tinting done for $3.60 per
room. Phone Main S274.
JAPANESE boy wants work in morning or
by day. Phone A 6082.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants position In amall
family. M. K.. 121 N. 15th St.
MAN, gardener, wishes work of any kind,
day or contract. AC 792. Onegonian.
WISH work In store to assist in decorating.
AE 796. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED good Japanese cook want
place in family or hotel. AF 7S9 Oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Co., will furnish
all help. 268 Everett. Main. 4659. A 4073.
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants position
with photographer. P 787, Oregonian.
20 JAPANESE laborers want steady positions
In sawmill or railroad. R 794, Oregonian.
TYPEWRITING, any kind, to do at home
afternoons, evenings. AH 793, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN wants steady work of any kind.
E 790, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED tie-maker wants to get a
big contract. D 788. Oregonian.
COMPETENT chauffeur end handy man
wants position. E 795, Oregonian.
MAN, washing windows and cleaning house.
J. H. Goins. Main 6713.
HARNESSMAKER. good all-around man.
AL 709, Oregonian.
WANTED position as hotel engineer; best
reference. B SOS, Oregonian.
N EW an d old house and w indow clean-in g.
X. J. JjenriVrson. Main 3910-
WANTED Position of trust by young man
.of business education and refinement, can
furnish very best of references and have
ebllltv and energy to back them up. AN
796, Oregonian.
I MUST HAVE work. I am 25 vears of age.
seven years' experience In general store,
do any kind of collecting or sell anything,
will consider anything that is offered me;
wi 11 go to country town ; can furnish
best of references, also cash bond if
required. T. S. P. O. Box 606, Port
THOROUGH lumberman wants position as
yard foreman; competent shipper, botn
rail and eartro; ability of handling men ;
best of references of the biggest yard in
Northwest. AG 792, Oregonian.
MAN an d w 1 f e (colored) to work, ci ty or
country; would work on ranch or farm; man
understands horses, etc.; wife god cook
and laundress'. Main 4980. T 796, Ore
gon lan.
A JAPANBSE boy wants position in Oregon
as a farmer boy, especially for cultivating
wheat and potatoes. Kindly write to the
address K. Junakushi, 302 Couch st., Port
land. Or.
'POSITION wanted by young man of 27. driv
ing light wagon, collecting or any outdoor
work; well acquainted with city; references.
AM 771. Oregonian.
ENGINEER, experienced with Corlis Automat
ic simple engines 'and operating electric
light plant; city or country. Address AO
802. Oregonian.
MAN and wife open for engagement, would
take charge of hotel or lumber camp out
of city; will make good. AD SO0. Orego
nian. WANTED Position as superintendent or fore
man of construction for waterworks or pipe
line; can tumlsh reference and bond. O 791,
BY family lately from Iowa, place to man
ege or work on ranch. 527 Montgomery.
CARPENTER wants Job as foreman or con
tract. J 8C4, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers
STUDENT -having completed commercial
course wishes a couple hours' work keeping
books each day after school while finishing
stenographic coure; very capable; refer-
n ces. D 8f 3, Orego n 1 an.
A CLERICAL rositlon by woman of business
experience; neat, legible writer; accurate;
good at figures; state salary. AK 790, Ore
gonian. WANTED By young woman, a position to
do general office work; has had 5 years' x-
poritnee in bookkeeping and stenography. S
798. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady would like a position in of
fice; competent typist, biller and stenog
rapher. AM 799, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady desires a position in office,
general . clerical work or caahler in res
taurant. AL 796, Oregonian.
GIRL would like work in office, has had
considerable experience. Can do typewrit
ing. East 5761.
1PIRST-CLA93 stenographer wishes position;
4 years' experience; references. M 8231, A
AN experienced cashier desires a position
as cashier or general office work. AJ 793.
LADY stenographer, legal experience, de
sires position in or out of town: state sal
ary. 395 6th st. Phone Main 8117.
TYPEWRITING of any kiad to do at home.
AN 802, Oregonian.
LA DY stenographer, neat, accurate and com-j--etent;
references. O 705, Oregorrlan.
OFFICE position by rapid and accurate lady
typist; references. D 789, Oregonian.
COMPETENT young lady stenographer de
sires position. Woodlawn 1086. j
MAN-TAILORED skirts that fit $S; your
own material, suits, coats, princess
dresses, latest styles; reasonable prices.
Elite Ladles' Tailors, 546 Wash., near
WANTED First-class talloress for altera
tion and repairing at City Tailoring, Clean
ing Works. 423 Morrison.
DRESSMAK TNG Sewing of all kinds neatly
done at 222i Crosby st-, room 14. Phone
C 1214.
DRESSMAKING by day. Call evenings only,
from 7 to 8. Phone M. 1540. Miss Chis
holm. GENERAL dressmaking by competent and
experienced peniBtrew; references; goes to
homes. A 4901.
ANGELES Drersmaking Pnrlors. 82ft Wash
ington St., suite 216. Main (V82, A 5381.
STYLISH dresses), $5 up; waists $1 up; fine
work; references. 529 E. Mill. East 5256.
PLAIN sewing, children's clothes, under
wear by the day. Phone Main 2356.
DRESSMAKER, for children's sewing. D
792, Oregonian.
GENERAL dressmaking and children's sew
ing by the day. Main 6337, A 474 1.
IN modem home by reflned. middle-aged
widow, as housekeeper, neat and compe
tent ; no objection to invalid or leaving
city ; best references given ; state partic
ulars and number in family. S 801, Ore
gonian. RELIABLE young widow, a goo'd worker,
with boy 8 years old, wants situation as
housekeeper in home of widower or bach
elor, near good graded school; only repO"-t-able
people need answer; wages $20 or $25.
N 792, Oregonian.
WIDOW with girl, 7 years, wants situation
as housekeeper with elderly couple or
widower. Inquire Young Women's Chris
tian Association Monday.
A MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes to take charge
of small rooming-house or to keep house
for widower; home more desire-l than wage.
Call or address Nellie Mills. 364 N. 26th t.
POSITION as housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house;
good references. Phone Sell
wood 192.
REFINED, cultured woman, trained . nurse,
wants position as housekeeper; means
business. AM 795, Oregonian.
WOMAN want housekeeping, smell remunera
tion; no children. Write particulars. V
796. Oregonian.
BY refined, capable young woman, position
as housekeeper or management of rooming-house.
S 804, Oregonian.
POSITION es housekeeper by Christian widow
lady, in widower's home. N 796. Oregonian.
WOMAN with small child wishes position
as housekeeper; respectable. Main 2728.
POSITION as managing housekeeper for
apartments or hotel. R 803, Oregonian.
A MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position to
care for child afternoons r will stay
with children evenings. X 802, Oregonian.
TRAINED nurse would take Invalid or
children East for expenses. C 787, Ore
gonian. TRAINED nurse wants charge of child by
the month ; reasonable. Main 2356.
NURSE. 9 years' experience: cafs of any
kind; price to suit. AN 800. Oregonian.
BY -experienced, practical nurse, more cases;
any kind; reasonable. Main 4469.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants employment,
such as chamber work In hotel or rooming
house or housework In small family, the for
mer preferred. 832 1st st.
SWEDISH girl wants to do general house
work. Call Monday at 734 Lovejoy st.
COMPETENT laundress wishes work first
of week; city references. R 787, Ore
gonian. YOUNG woman wishes day work, first
class laundress. A 8548.
WANTED Lace curtMr.s hand laundered,
from 25a to 60c. Phone A 42SO.
TRAINED nurse from the East would like
a few babies to board. Phone A 42S0.
WOMAN wants work by the day. Call
after B. Sellwood 911.
CONSERVATORY graduate gives two piano
le-ons for 75 cents. V 801. Oregonian.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40
cents per pair. B 2770.
COMPETENT woman wants washing, iron
ing, vivaumg. laoor
" Miscellaneous.
WANTED A position by experienced trim
mer and millinery maker, having hsd work
on advance styles for 5 weeks. Address A.,
230 Fremont st.. Station B.
WEST SIDE High School girl wishes to
work for board, private family. Inquire
Young Women's Christian Association,
YOUNG lady desires position as accom
panist, solos or orchestra. Call or address
1337 Greeley St.. Portland.
EXPERIENCED piano teacher gives lessons
50 cents ; beginners specialty ; references.
Main 5415.
LACE CURTAINS washed, stretched, called
for and delivered. 1137 Minnesota ave.
Phone Woodlawn 1 440.
BY WOMAN employed part of day; work from
4 P. M. for room and board; close in. Main
COMPETENT piano teacher for beginners.
Aprons, and underwear made to order. East
4642. '
WANTED By a young married woman,
work for husband's board, or other work. A
70S. Oregonian.
A LADY with good home in Hlllsboro would
like a babv or little girl under school
age to care for. E 7S7, Oregonian,
NORWEGIAN girl wants washing. Ironing
and housecleanlng by day or hour. Call
Sunday. East 2556.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work,
washing, ironing, housecleanlng. Main 3200.
AN experienced teacher will give private
sans. Address 395 Yamhili st.
WOMAN, experienced would like any kind of
work by day or hour. Call Ms in 6S91. 303
4th st.
LADY wishes work by the day house-cleaning,
or janitress work. Phone East 3641.
Mrs Goodman.
WANTED, by capable woman, sweeping and
dusting only by the day or hour. Phone
Main 5806.
WANTED Day work for Wednesday and
Saturday. Phone Main 1079.
NISH girl wants position In small fam
ily. Call 1234 Hawthorne ave.
WOMAN wants work of any kind by day or
hour. Phone A 2661. 48 9th st. North.
COMPETENT colored woman wishes days'
work. Phone Marshall 1415.
WANTED Lace curtains to wash, 40 cents
a pair ; special care taken. Phone Main
A LADY wishes housecleanlng by the day
or hour. G 797. Onc-gonlan.
WOMAN wants cooking, and work day or
week. $1.50. 6.14 East Morrison.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 618
Quimby st., near 20th.
A COLORED woman wants day work. Call
Woodlawn 218.-
WANT washing and house cleaning. Phon-a
Main 6427, room B.
WANTED Day work by capable woman.
Phone Main 4394.
WOMAN wishes cleaning and laundry work
try hour. M. 9207. room 38
TRAVELING salesmen wanted; hundreds of
good positions now open ; no former ex
perience needed; salesmen earn from $1000
to Jl'0.000 year and expenses; over 700,000
employed In United States and Canada and
demand always exceeds the supply; hun
dreds of our graduates who formerly
earned from $25 to $75 month have since
earned from $100 to $500 month and ex
penses. If you want to secure one of
these good positions, our free book, "A
Knight of the Grip." will show you.
Write for It today. Address nearest of
fice. Dept. 693. National Saleimen's Train
ing Assn., New York, Chicago, Kansas
City. Minneapolis, San Francisco, Atlanta.
COIN No education Is complete without
some knowledge of ancient and modern
- coins; rare coins made many a fortune;
Hub Coin Book, published by expert,
states liberal prices we guarantee to pay
for all coins quoted; 160 pages, 1000 illus
trations; retails at 25c; agents more than
double their money; send dime for sample
copy and wholesale rates to dealers. Alex
ander & Co. (Est. 37 years), 33 Devonahlr-3
st., Boston. Mass.
AGENTS, street men. stores; St. Patrick's
day emblems, shamrocks, buttons, bangles,
flags, banners, pennants, canes ; Easter,
Decoration day. firemen and old home
novelties; post cards Qf all kinds; cele
bration, fair and Summer resort goods.
Catalogue free. Miller, 15S Park Row,
New York.
AGENTS You can make lots of money right
off, selling Mother's ironing wax ; every
woman knows as soon as she sees It how
much time, strength and money it saws;
it does the talking; a wonder for quick
sales. Write Bromund Wax Co., 97 Reads
St., New York.
AGENTS and whisky consumers; make your
own liquors at home; Zanol Concentrated
Extracts; saving one-half dealers' cost;
strictly legitimate, immense profits, quick
sellers; heavy demand; entirely new; free
booklet. Universal Import Co., Dapt 5,
Cincinnati. O.
WONDERFUL invention, big money selling
Canchester Kerosene Incandescent Lamps,
burns with or without mantle ; 1-10 cost ;
burner fits any lamp, save 75 per cent
oil ; no trimming wicks ; showing means
selling; outfit furnished. Canchester
Light Co., 26 State. Dept. 111E, Chicago.
MEN and women Mn every town and city
for most rapid selling household spe
cialty; every woman will buy one on
sight ; big profits ; send for free partic
ulars. The Hoeper Specialty Company,
1948 11th ave.. Oakland, Cal.
AGENTS wanted for a high-class, beautj-fully-printed
and illustrated dollar-a-year
. woman's magazine; commission. 50 cents
on each dollar subscription; write for
agent's free outfit. American Home
Monthly. 27 Spruce St., New York.
AGENTS wanted by reliable manufacturing
company for the best $5 Hand Vacuum
Cleaner on the market. Also two more
- unsurpassed household sellers. Big profits
sure. Write for 100 per cent combination
offer. Continental Co., 335 Broadway. N.Y.
NEW and exclusive: canvassers and agents
wanted for remarkably fine household
article in constant demand ; large profits;
selling rapidly everywhere; regular cus
tom assured. Shepard's, 67 West Houston
St., New York.
AGENTS everywhere, great new article;
everyone that wears spectacles want it ; ab
solutely prevents them fogging; agents"
sample 5 cents. Anti-Fog, Wilcox bldg..
Los Angeles.
AGENTS WANTED Non-binding necktie;
device positively prevents tie from bind
ing while tying four-in-hand knot; 25 eta,
Particulars sent. Burdlck Co., Stockton,
WANTED Reliable agents to handle new,
high-grade, guaranteed articles. Quick se!l
ers in homes, office, stores, shops. $2 to $14
per days. The Phillips Co.. 23 Phillip
bldg.. Dayton, O.
"MAKE RICE CRISP" New confection
sells like wildfire ; enormous profit; ma
chines $10 to $20 ; literature free; sam
pies 10c. Shaw Co., 905 La gun a St., Sad
AGENTS to- handle biggest money-making
fire extinguishers: special starting offer;
exclusive territory; $75 to $300 per month.
Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee.
ANY man or woman can earn $100 monthlyi
homemade butter. 15c a pund; household
wonrl-f-r; no canvassing. Send stamp foj
booklet. WAPAUL, 119 Bank bldg.. Elgin,
W f! pay $36 a week and expanses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound
year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., OepC
78, Parsons, Kan.
SALESMEN WANTED to take out east
weekly selling choice nursery stock ; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Ces&pany,
Salem, Oregon.
AGENTS, genera! and special, wanted bj
large, old-line health and accident company.
New. liberal, easy selling policies. RoyaJ
Casualty Co., St. Louis.
FOUR-SIEVE Strainer and "No Splash" poU
agentf. Sample free. Send 2c stamp, cost
of mailing. $5 profit daily. Let us provt
it. Seed's, 164 Duane. New York.
DANIEL PRESS made $78 last week In Cam.
den. giving; guaranteed $3 rasor free wit
box sap. (You can, too.) Parker Cheml
cai Co.. Chicago.
TOP-NOTOH CONTRACT, $1000 life, $154
dividends. $10 weekly sick, accident pol
icy; 5c daily. Brotherhood, 957 Broadway
Oakland. Cal.
A RELIABLE agent In every town for th
most powerful medicinal water known
Write Witter Medical Springs, 830 Market
st.. San Francisco.
AGENTS You can know about the profit J
made supplying perfumes to families. Ad
dress Leffler & Co- St. Louis, Jdo.