16 ji THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 6, 1910, SITUATION WANTED MAXJ&. Miscellaneous. POSITION wanted by an Eastern man as superintendent or chief engineer of elec tric lighting or atreet railway plant or as master meohonlo of any Industrial enter prise; strong executive, up-to-date man of wide experience; employed but desires a ehange; best of references; correspondence so Helled. V 730 Oregonian. "WEIX-EDUCATED, thoroughly reliable, ambitious yonng man at present In re sponsible position, wishes to secure po sition of trust with first-class concern city or country 3 est references. K.. 771, Oregonian. . ONE thoroughly experienced In tlmekeep lns; pay rolls and general office work, de sires position as timekeeper for R. R. or construction company; references, O 7S4, Oregonlan. BY AX experienced man In horticulture, pruning, grafting and planting. Address with postal. 960 Bast Stark st Thomas MoDooald. JiXPERIENCED photographer wants po sition with real estate -firm to make views tor illustrations and assist In ofrica; might take partnership; speak German. X. 777, Oregon lan. CHOOLTWACHER. age 83, splendid univer sity diplomas, will work anywhere In high, grade, rural or private school. Address to day or Monday, "Teacher," 549 E. Ash. Phone Raj 2767. arOUNO Japanese wants a whole year's posi tion In farmer or stock farmer; has much interest for this business. K. Nogi. XI N. 6th st.. Portland. EXPERIENCED stationary engineer wants ro take charge of small stationary engine or go as a fireman; have fired oil. coal -and wood. A. A.. 248 14. 17th st. SPROSPECTOR, 12 years' experience, wants grub-stake for Idaho and Nevada; want to get started before Spring rush. Better than Alaska. A 778, Oregonian. (PRACTICAL and scientific miner wants de velopment work; contract or day work; used to handling men; references. A 770, Ore gonlan. WANTED To do some janitor or porter work mornings and evenings for small wages or for board and room- I 777, Oregonian. SOUR carpenter work, jobbing, repairing, wanted by experienced workman. Phone Tabor 1395. W-BW and old house and window cleaning. J. J. Henderson. Main 391Q. JAPANESE boy wants work toy the hour or day. A 6032. MTUATIOX WANTED ITOtUA Bookkeepers and Stenographers CAPABLE, steady young lady, thoroughly experienced in general office work, bill ing, cashiering and typewriting, and good knowledge of bookkeeping, desires posi tion where services will be appreciated. J 771, Oregonian. ZfADY that is willing to make herself use ful wishes position housekeeping, caring for Invalid, elderly couple or adults em ployed; good cook, careful manager; will leave oity. J 774, Oregonian. . . ' IBY EXPERIENCED saleslady in real estate office with chance of- advancement; ex perience of more interest than salary. AJ 780, Oregonian. ETHNOGRAPHER, with spare time in office, will do copying; charges reasonable; work evenings. X 775, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, owning typewriter, de sires position ; privilege taking outside work. J 764, Oregonian. OOTC KEEPER would like small set of cooks to Keep or ao posting axier o jr. M. A 785, Oregonian. rf isOUNO LAIY', stenographer' and typist, .would like a position; has had. office ex perience. Phone B 1470. EXPERIENCED billing clerk wants a steady position; please state salary. X 779, Ore gonian. (POSITION wanted by lady bookkeeper and stenographer, G 773, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wants position, $40 per month. AF 781, Oregonian. tOUNG lady desires position, as cashier; best of references. M. 6996. Dressmakers, fcl A N-T A I LORED skirts that fit. $3, your own material; suits, coats, princess dresses, latest styles, reasonable prices. Elite Ladies' Tailors, 546 Washington, near 18th st. tJASTER dresses, shirtwaist skirts made at reasonable prices. Main 4592. 502 Jeffer son. FLAIN sewing very reasonable; work guar anteed. May Otis. Phone A 4739, Main 4697. GET In your orders early for Spring sewing and avoid the rush ; satisfaction guaran teed. 165 N. 16th st. Phone Main 3733. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage ments by day or week. Phone Main 3W2. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors, 8264 . Wash ington St., suite 2ia Main 662. A 6381. tVA NT ED Plain sewing at home. Phone Main 3816. BTYLISH dresses1, $5 up; waists. $1 up; fine wor; references. 529 E.. MllL East 5256. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing; prices reasonable. 171 West Park st. GET your Spring sewing done now; high class work. Mrs. Frost. 473 Alder. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sew ing by day or at home. Call Main 4:186. Housekeepers. POSITION by unquestionably responsible lady as housekeeper, for gentleman; sat isfactorily recommended; must be in or near Portland or in Pasadena. 'Cal; beet of recommendations given. Phone Tabor 147 in city, or address M. J., care of Christian Science reading room, Oregon Cit. Or. EXPERIENCED Scandinavian woman would like position as housekeeper where she can keep 2 nJecen ; good references; com petent to take charge of large house; good home. C 772, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced lady wishes to take charge of rooming or transient house; not afraid of work. Main 6104, or H 774. Oregonian. YOUNG widow, two children, 7 and 6 years, place in country or city as house keeper for small family. Address 840 Montana ave.. care R. Earl, Portland, Or. EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady wishes management of apartment or- rooming house or position of trust. O 770, Ore gonian. 1 POSITION as housekeeper In respectable rooming-house or gentleman's home; seven years' experience. T 765, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage ments, shirtwaists a specialty. Miss Col lar. Main 3491. HOUSEKEEPING In hotel, rooming-iiou.se or In private family; would be willing to leave town; references. J 786, Oregonian, RE FIN ED young woman wishes place, housekeeper in widower's or bachelor's home. A J 765, Oregonian. WANTED To take charge of large rooming house or apartments; best of references. Phone Main ft 45. RELIABLE) young lady wantsi position as -housekeeper for bachelor or wiodwer; no triflers need apply. W 779, Oregonian. RESPECTABLD widow wishes position as h ousekeeper ; thoroughly experienced. E 770, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper by widow lady In widower's home. Y 753. Oregonian. Domestic. GERMAN GIRL wishes position as lady's moid or upstairs work In private family, or nurse girl for child not under 3 years old; wages wanted, $25 a month. X 783, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady from East wants position with small family at Jight housework; state terms. Address Box 103, Arleta, Or. GIRL, wishes housework by the day or hour. Phone Main 8555. YOUNG woman would like to work In small family. M 776. Oregonian. A TRAINED nurse with a child 4 years old wishes a position to care for Invalid, or as housekeeper. Tabor 1700. FOR private room; best care; trained nurse; city references; invalid. Tabor 951. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position, to care for invalid. L 780, Oregonian. BY experienced- nurse care of thlc&v Cdabx., SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. GOOD business woman, who Is not afraid of work, wants position where they are w I IHn g to pay accord in g to work done. Phone Nichols. Main 4557. BY A women of good executive ability and wide experience a good position as mil linery manager or saleslady; no objection to short season. AJ 781, Oregonian. WOULDN'T yon like to leave your children in the care of a refined, reliable girl when you go out of an evening? Phone A 4046. EXPERIENCED woman kitchen helper or chamber work. St. Lows. 246 Washing ton. Main 2039. MIDDLE-AGED German woman seeks- house- work; will work either steady or by day. A B 788, Oregonian. EXPERT manicure and chiropodist from East, like situation in hotel or barber shop. 628 Morrison. WANTED By a refined middle-aged Christian woman, the care of two or three children. Phone Sellwood 1109. REFTNED middle-aged lady wishes to take charge of first-claas apartment-house. T 778, Oregonian. LADY wishes position in country newspaper office, typesetter; can operate Simplex machine. C 778, Oregonian. LADY from London and Paris, piano and French, day and evening classes; rapid progress. A 8633. The Ellsworth. YOUNG lady desires position as collector; ex perience and references. Call E. 3684 be tween 10 and 12 Monday. EXPERIENCE! piano teacher gives lessons, 50 cents ; beginners specialty ; references. Main 5415. WANTED A married lady wants to take charge of an apartment house; reference. AL 784. Oregonian. COMPETENT laundress wishes work Mon day, Tuesday; city references. AM 782, Oregonian. C O LO RED woman wan ts d ay wo rk, or by hour. A 2490. COMPETENT colored woman wants laun dry work by day, Mon. Tues. Wed. M. 1103, GIRL employed during day wants work even ings and Sundays. R 779, Oregonian. WOMAN wants work by the day- Sellwood 01 u LACE curtains washed and stretched, called for and delivered. Phone Sellwood 1196. WOMAN wants housework of any kind. In quire 223 Market st. Room 8. - WANTED To learn marking in a laundry. Phone C 1623. WOMAN wishes cleaning and laundry work; no half days wanted. Main 9207, room 18. WOMAN wants work housecleanlng, etc Phone 6421. Call Mrs. Shaw. ABSTRACT and manuscript copying, very reasonable. phone Jersey 53L LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40o a pair. Phone B 2770. East 4660. CONSERVATORY graduate gives two piano lessons for 75 cents. O 781, Oregonian. WOMAN wants day work. Please call after 6. Phone Tabor 701, CAPABLE, experienced girl wants second or nurse work between 12-2. Main 2356. CIRCULAR work or addressing envelopes at home. A 786, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. COIN No ducatlon is complete without some knowledge of ancient and modern coins; rare coins made many a fortune; Hub Coin Rook, published by expert, states liberal prices we guarantee to pay for all coins quoted; 160 pages, 1000 illustrations; retails at 25c; agents more than double their mon ey; send dime for sample copy and whole sale rates to dealers. Alexander & Oo. (est. 37 years)-, 33 Devonshire st., Boston. Mass. WONDERFUL Invention, money selling Can cheater Kerosene Incandescent Lamps-; bums with or without mantel; brighter than elec tricity, gas. acetylene, 1-TO cost. Burner fits any lamp, saves 75 per cent oil. No trimming wicks. Showing means selling. Outfit furnished. Canohester Light Co., lid State St., Dept. Ill D, Chicago. AGENTS, streetmen, stores; St. Patrick's day emblems. Shamrocks. huttons, bangles, flags, banners, pennants, canes ; Easter, Decoration day, firemen and old noma novelties; post cards of all kinds; cele bration, fair and Summer resort goods. Catalogue free. Miller, 158 Park Row, New York. SEND for free copy of "The Thomas Agent." the greatest agents' paper ever published; filled with money-making plans; "no license tax" decision of Supreme Court; pointers to agents; every agent in U. S. should have copy. Address today, "Thomas Agent," 4015 Wayne ave., Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS You can make lots of money right off, selling Mother's ironing wax; every woman knows as soon aa she sees it how much time, strength and money It saves; it does the talking; a wonder for quick sales. Write Bromund Wax, Co., 97 Reade st., New York. AGENTS We have a nigh-grade article, one in which men competent to sell can make good; every man requires It; carried. in coai pocnei; sens on aemonsirauon; unusual opportunity. Address. W. F. Hol combe, 1947 Broadway, New York City. STATE and general agents to sell banana growing contracts. No capital required; large profits. Address Escondldo Plantation Co.. 816 Hewes bldg., San Francisco. Ref erences required. NEW, profitable field. Brilliant Mexican diamonds exactly resemble genuine. Defy experts1. Large commissions. Send for SPECIAL OFFER. Mexican Diamond Imp. Company, 594 Las Cruces, N. AL AGENTS for 'Roosevelt African Hunt" are making $5 day; everybody wants it; ex citing; father and son surprise old hunt ers; send for circular. Educational Co, Chicago. LOO A L represents ti ve wan ted Spiend I d in come assured right man. Must be willing to learn our business. Experience unnecessary. Send at once for full particulars. U. S. Part nership Realty Co., Topeka, Kan. WANTED Reliable agents to handle new, high-grade, guaranteed articles. Quick sell ers in homes, offices, stores, shops. $2 to $ 10 per days. The Phillips Co., 243 Phillips bldg., Dayton, O. MAIZE RICE CRISP" New confection; sells like wildfire; enormous profit: machines $10 to $20; literature free; samples lOc Shaw Co., 905 Laguna, San Francisco. FOUR-SIEVE4 strainer and "No Splash; sold agents. Sample free. end 2c stamp, cost mailing. $5 profit dally. Let us prove it. 6eed0, 164 Duane, New York. WE pa,y $36 & week and expanses to men with rigs to introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 78, Parsons, Kan. BIG MONEY selling gold sign letters for of fice windows, store fronts and glass signs; easily applied; samples and particulars. Me tallic Sign Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS, to be successful, should join our co-operative bureau, free; saves and makes , you money. V. Fletcher, 202 Franklin st.. New York. ROBERT PATTERSON cleared $89 last week in Raleigh, giving guaranteed $3 razor free with box soap. (You can, too). Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. AGENTS for staple article; sell like wild fire, big commission; send 10c for sample end terms. The Drummer Boy Co., Dept. J, Salt Lake City. Utah. AGENTS earn big money selling our "Name on Tie." WTite for particulars. Jerome Tie Co., 8 6th ave.. New York. TWO A-l stock solicitors; fine proposition to good parties. Box 454, Portland. AGENTS wanted to sell native herbs, $1 box for 60c Write P. Melrose, Columbus, O. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes, Insurance and keep up repairs the same for you as though the property was our own; references - any bank In Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 2454 Stark St. Phones A 3500; Main 35. Homes. WANTED 'House, fairly close In, rent $1S will lease; references, X 781, Oregonian. SMALL furnished cottage Phone M. 4388. or call Z2S- AJUky hid. WANTED TO RENT. House. COTTAGE of 5 rooms or more, for the Summer season, at Long Beach, Wash., furnished and in good condition. Write C H. Lind, 106 10th st-, Tacome, Wash. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE, WEST SIDE, EASY WALKING DISTANCE, FIVE . TO EIGHT ROOMS. MODERN. ADULTS. Phone Marshall 1287. G 781, Oregonian. BY MAN and his wife, large sunny room, with or without board, between Glisan and Marshall or 16th and 21st. C 784, Oregonian. 5-ROOM house. abjut March 20, in Al blna. near Russelr and Williams aves., or in South Portland, Vest Side; must ba modern. W 783. Orego i ' an . WANTED To rent modern unfurnished house, 12 or 14 rooms, close in. West Side. G 778, Oregonian. WANTED By responsible tenant upper and lower flat; will take lease for 1 or more years. O 783, Oregonian. FURNISHED house with 8 bedrooms, April L Modern. R 763, OreRonlan. SMALL furnished cottage. Phone M. 7484. Boon A REFINED young married couple desires two or three furnished housekeeping rooms in some good private home, with modern conveniences. . Address M 789. Oregonian, giving price. TWO connecting furnished reoms, privi lege of light housekeeping; within easy walking distance; by two young gentle men. AD 783, Oregonian. WANTED By business lady. 2 or 3 unfur nished rooms; private bath, basement or first floor. X 778. Oregonian. WANTED A furnished room, by middle-aged gentleman, in private family; quiet, home like. R 762. Oregonian, Rooms With Board. WANTED Room and board In private fam ily; German preferred; willing to pay rea sonable price. Address 488 Burnslde st, city. C. Kohler. A REFINED couple jcish board and room in strictly private fimlly; must be on West Side and modern. AH 783, Ore gonian HOUSEKEEPING accommodations for lady and grown daughter. To be in a good location and reasonable as to cost. Y, 766, Oregonian. WANTED by young lady, board and room; employed days; state price and location. M 77b, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board toy single man; must be close to business center. N 777, Oregonian. TWO sisters, employed, suite light housekeep ing rooms, walking distance, in private fam ily AD 777, Oregonian. WANTED FumLshed apartment for three adults; must be reasonable. T 781, Ore gonian. WANTED -Room and board by single man, within walking distance from business cen ter. N 777, Oregon ian. WANTED By young lady, board and room with sleeping porch. N 779, Oregonian. TWO rooms, with board, three adults; must be reasonable. AB 782, Oregonian. Business Places. WANTED For massage and beauty par lors, two thoroughly well furnished rooms, near business center. Answer at once; references. M 785, Oregonian. WANTED To lease location for photo graph studio on or below Washington su, between 3d and 7th. E 784, Oregonian. WANTED jQood location for fruit and ci gar stand in heart of city; In answering give location. J 770, Oregcfnlan. BOB RENT. furnished Rooms. Homelike. Homelike, Homelike. NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny Sts. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." One whole year of redocorating, refitting and refurnishing, all for your benefit. STEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Winter home at reasonable rates for those who appreciate cleanliness and comfort. Free bus. Free phones. HOTEL RAINIER, 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. w. modern, fireproof building,' steam - heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that , money can buy, and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor; everything first-class; rates, 50c, Too and $1 per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 128 6th st. North. THE ANTLERS. Cor. 10th and Wash. New corner brick, center of city, tight In the shopping and theater district; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; rooms single or en suite; special rates by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington sr., near King, brand new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want the best In the city for the money, call and inspect; dining-room in connection, ft HOTEL BAKER, Fifth st.. opposite City Hall. New. beautifully furnished; steam heat, hot and cold water in every room; pubilo end private baths. Permanent and tran sient. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 88 N. 5th St.. S. E. Cor. Flanders. New brick building, steam heated, por celain baths, fine large office on ground floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new and clean; rates only $2.50 and up per week; 50o and 75c par day. $ blocks from Union Depot. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement, newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL BRESLIN. 422 Washington, cor. 11th. Steam heat, hot and cold water, hatha, nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week up; transient rates, 75c up. FURNISHED single room in first-class apartment-house, gas plate, steam heat, free light, bath, both phones; rent $12 per month; also pleasant attic room, $7 per month. 187 17th. HOTEL LEIGHTON Cor. 11th and Wash ington st. Rooms single or en suite with running water and steam heat. Clean and new. By the day or week. Country transient, solicited. Rents reasonable. HOTEL IRVING 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable; permanent and transient. HOTEL LENOX, oor. 3d and Main sts.. t uruiBhed rooms, single or en suite, at reas onable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaxa. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 6647. THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington, elegantly furnished rooms; hot and cold running water, modem conveniences; $15 and up. THE ESTES Good rooms. reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 32.7 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estcs. WANTED, as companion, a young lady for roommate; one employed preferred, A 763, Oregonian. FURNISHED also unfurnished rooms, very desirable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st and Pine. THE GAYOSA. S92 E. Stark, cor. Grand. East 5466. THE LANDORE. .2S8 Tenth, at Jefferson, newly-furnished rooms. A FEW nice, clean, well-ventilated rooms for men. 22 North Front. FURNISHED rooms, Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th. THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $5 pr week. 848 Washington st. LARGE front suite and single housekeeping rooms. 508 Alder M. NICELY furnished room, furnace heat. 471 Morrison. WANTED Agreeable lady to share heated apartments. East 2580. KOMAIN HOTEL 147 Second st atsm. heat, running water In all rooms, ROB RENT. Furnished Rooms. NEW MODERN THE MOODY MOTTSTa CLEAN 268 Third st.. cor. Jefferson st. New fireproof building and furnishings throughout; desirable neighborhood; four minutes walk to business center; rooms and suites; large, light and airy; hot and cold water; steam heat; gas and electric lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce lain tubs ; lavatories convenient. Take S car at depot to Third and Jefferson sts. We aim to satisfy; that is why we pleass our TRANSIENT AND PERMANENT PA TRONS Rates $3, $5, $6. $7 per week. A 7731.' PHONES Main 8639. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh St. New. modem brick building: Just opened ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ; hot and cold water In all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private baths, excellent location, just off Wash ington St.; pedal rates by week or month. A LARGE alcove room, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen. 406 Burnside st. Unfurnished Rooa 3 UNFURNISHED rooms cheap; for house keeping, connected; rent separate or all; iww, modern, except heat. 444 East - Burnside. LARGE unfurnished rooms en suite. 54s 551 Morrison st. 2 OR 3 light, sunny unfurnished rooms, rent reasonable. 404 Manhattan st. 6 NEW rooms, bath, gas, $16; 3-room flat. 13. lOO Market. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NICFLY furnished room, sv.lt able for 2, private family, close In, West Side. 225 Fsjling bldg. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In an at tractive home, with modern conveniences. 601 East Morrison, corner 15th. TWO front rooms of cottage, 35 minutes out on carline. $4 per month. Address AJ 779. Oregonian. FOR RENT A sunny front room for gen tleman. Nob Hill district; references re quired. Phone Main 4134. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, gas, bath, heat, phone, rent reasonable; walk ing distance. 407 Holladay ave. NICE cozy rooms for one or two gentlemen, reasonable rates. 220 Thirteenth at. Phone Main 9010. FURNISHED room in private family; elec tric lights, free bath and telephone. 227 Cherry, near Steel bridge. NICELY furnished front room, all conven iences, in German family, $7 per month. 420 Eliza St.. near Union ave. A FURNISHED room for one or two gentle men, with gas and bath ; one block from vv m lams -ave. carline. 258 Graham ave. FURNISHED room to rent in private family to gentleman ; all modern Improvements. R. 672 W asco. A 2535. BEAUTIFUL front room, newly furnished, private family, use of phone free. 44 East 7th and-Pine sts. Phone East 2410. $14 VERY' desirable furnished room on second floor of modern apartment. Flat D, 469 Jefferson. M 7594. SUNNY light room, heat, bath, phone, $10; walking distance. 430 Jefferson St.; gen tlemen only. ONE front parlor bedroom, free bath, phone and all conveniences, close in. 30 16th, near Washington. PLBASANT front room, modern conven iences, walking distance; board If de sired. 553 E- Alder. phone East 2054. FURNISH ED front room , hu i table for two ; phone, light, bath and laundry; $10. Phone East 5313. 410 East Market. ELEGANTLY furnished front room, bath, heat, phone, choice location; also smaller room, $2 a week. 292 Tenth st. NICE front rooms, suitable for one or more persons; gas, phone, bath, furnace heat. 213 Thirteenth St. NICE room, with bath attached, best of board, strictly private, one or two gentle men: references. 284 Park. A 2618. WELL-FURNISH ED sleeping-room with or without board, phone and bath. 384 tlst st. Suitable for lady or gentleman. A COMFORTABLE, nicely furnished room, refined private Jewish family, for gentle man; with or without -board. 501 Milt st. TWO nicely furnished rooms, private family, choice location. $8 and $10. Address 527 Johnson st. Phone M. 3690. TWO rooms with or without housekeeping privileges; prlvat-a home ; close in. Main 6785. FRONT upper floor, partly furnished, $0.60 month. 308 Union ave. North. "A car to Holladay. MODERN room, private bath, 5 minutes walk from Portland Hotel ; no other roomers; references. Tel. Main 7329. CHOICE of several desirable rooms, single or " en suite ; reasonable, modern, easy walking distance. 565 Irving. Main 6389. NICELY furnished rooms, all conveniences, walking distance. 634 Flanders st. Phone Marshall 1320.- FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, clean, quiet: no children: handy for R. R. men. 190 McMillan 8U FURNISHED front aloove with piano, also room first floor, each suitable for two; modern. 226 12th, near Salmon. LARGE furnished room, private family, walking distance; reasonable. A 4348. 548 Love j oy at. FURNISHED sleeping room, all conven iences; $2 a week. 549 Morrlson.- 446 TAYLOR, near 1 tth, fine large front rooms, 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. FURNISH ED rooms, gas, bath and phone S3 Park st. NICELY furnished room suitable for two. 395 Sd st. 186 14TH ST.. front room, modern con veniences. NICE furnished room, electric light, bath, phone, reasonable. 547 Yamhill st. NEWLY furnished bedroom In private fam ily; references. 647 6th st. Main 6283. NICELY furnished room for rent, close in. Call 2S Holly st. Phone B 1673. 888 JEFFERSON BT. 3 furnished house keeping rooms; no children; references. WALKING distance; two furnished or unfur nished rooms, reasonable. 307 Crosby st. THREE clean, completely furnished rooms; gas, water In sink; references. 32T 7th. PLEASANT room for one or two gentlemen; central and reasonable. 292 12th. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, modern. 552 3d St., S. TWO up-to-date rooms; gas. bath, phone; single or ensuite. 547 Morrison. M. 4401. 240 FIFTH ST. Suite of furnished house keeping rooms. SINGLE room, clean, newly furnished, bath, phone, gas; reasonable. 294 14th St.. $7 AND $9 Neaely furnished modem. Main 2288. 428 Second st., near Hall. NICE pleasant room; everything modern; $18 per" month. 195 N. 17th. 857 12TH ST. Large front room, newly fur nished, thoroughly modern house; references. 324 7TH ST. Rooms for rent In private family. Phone Main 4207. $2 PER week, front room, light, bath, phone, stove, furnished. 380 1st. FRONT room; light, heat and use of phone free. 28 N. 16th st. TWO or three nicely furnished rooms. 475 Main St.. corner 14th. FURNISHED room In private family; use of parlor if desired. 27 Grand ave. ONE large front bedroom, private family, for gentlemen. 512 Market st. A 1796. NEATLY furnished room, private family. $7. 323 4th. near Clay. $7 MONTH Nice front room for gentleman; good location, close-Mn. 452 5th. NICELY furnished rooms In strictly modern house. Call 701 Irvlmg st. FURNISHED room for rest; private family. 248 N. 20th st. NICELY furnished large room by prtvatf family. 48 E. 6th st.. near Oak. FURNISHED room for rent, Touor college man p rater rd, Xf Gfcba at. ROR RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Families. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms; large Win dows, splendid view; all modern conven iences; fine neighborhood, walking distance; price $10, $13 and $20 per month or by week. Call A or at 575 Couch st.. comer 18th, West Side. FINELY furnished front rooms in new. modern residence, for gentlemen; easy walking distance; few steps East Morri-son-st. carline; $10 per month. 652 Bel mont St.. cor. East 18th. ONE large room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; gas, phone, bath, furnace heat. $15 ; also attic room, good, $8. 265 Lin coln st. Take S car south. NICELY furnished bedroom, suitable for young man: gas. phone, bath. heat. $13. Phone A 7243. 38 N. 21st st, block off Washington. NICELY furnished parlors suitable for 2 gen tlemen ; also smaller room ; phone and bath. 70 North 15th, bet. Davis and Everett. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In pri vate home for gentleman; breakfast If de sire ond I. Phone C 2457 or call 290 B. Seo st. N. FURNISHED ROOMS Most central location in city; reasonable; well furnished. Phono Main 7S5. Call 167 West Park, after noons. IF YOU are looking for nicely furnished, clean, quiet rooms, modern conveniences, board if desired, call at 20S 17th st., near . Taylor. Main 7923. IA RG H, n I ee 1 y f urn I sh ed room in prl vate family of two; steam heat, hot water; West Side, walking distance. Call A 3138 after noons. ATTRACTIVE, homelike room, with every convenience, for one or two gentlemen, East Side, close in; fine neighborhood. Phone East 189. TWO unfurnished housekeeping - rooms; light, bath, phone; 264 14th st., near Jefferson. NICELY furnished rooms, bath and phone, $8 and $10 per month. 811 Main St., bet. 5th and 6th sts. NICE furnished room for one or two ladles or gentlemen, with or without board; pri vate family. 410 Park st. NICE comfortable rooms, separate beds, $1 and $1.50 week, phone, bath, etc No. 2, corner 14th and Burnside FRONT room . nicely furnished all modern, block from Washington st. 31 North 17. A 4129. NICELY furnished rooms, "good board, gen tlemen only. 28 North 16th. Main 847tt SINGLE rooms. $6 per month. 889 6th st. Boob Wltn PORTLAND Women's Union, 22 d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. 186 5th sr. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, Supt. THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 loth st., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. CHOICEST kind of table board; elegant room for one or two on Parking. 374 Park. FAMILY board and rooms, first-class, at low rates. 175 12th st. "Roycrest." LARGE elegant room for two or three; single room. 6th and Jefferson. Rooms With Board In Private Family. REFINED people can have room and board in private home, newly furnished, bright, cheerful rooms, plenty of hot water, home cooking. 646 East Alder, half block from Morrison car. ROOM with board In modern house fur 2 gentlemen or nice working girls; ue of laundry, $5 week each. 420 East Coj, 1 block from Grand ave. Phone lEast 1824. FOUR people, ladles or gentlemen, can rent 2 finely furnished bedrooms, detached from balance of house; board; private bath, Shone, use oC parlor and piano; reasonable, a in 5228. PARTIES having a modern home will rent -one or two rooms to gentlemen; either sleeping rooms or will give two meals. AK 769, Oregonian. LARGE front room with grate and running hot and cold water; first-class board, fine location; 1 block from Hill Hotel. Graham, 714 Davis, corner l!2d. LARGE double, small single room; board; modern, private, home pleasures. 35th, Hawthorne. Sunnyslde section; adults. Phone Tabor 2064. NICELY furnished rooms, with home cook ing; 1 large front room suitable for 3 gen- tlemen; 5 minutes walk from Postoffice. 509 Morrison st. NICELY furnished room, first floor, adjoin ing bath; also front room upstairs; A-l board ; modern home conveniences; rea sonable. 521 Couch. LARGE furnisned rooms, with board, home cooking, all conveniences; reasonable. 107 16th at., near Flanders. Phone M. 5513. YOUNG man would like roommate; separate beds; all home comforts. $20 per month. 525 Clay. FURNISHED rooms, with or without board, in widow's home; electric light, bath and phone; two car lines. B 772, Oregonian. LARGE room with board for two; Infant al lowed; near car; reasonable. 200 East 53d, cor. Taylor. Tabor 207. F3RST-CLAS8 room and board for 2 gen tlemen. Inquire 650 Hoyt. Phone Mar shall 1253. GOOD board and room, everything modern, walking distance, very reasonable. 549 Johnson. NICELY furnished pleasant room with home cooking, for one or two. Phone Main 4968. NICE front room, cor. lflth and Salmon; heat. bath. Phone Main 3213. Mil B. Lohr.' 695 EAST TAYLOR, corner East 15th; large front room, suitable for 2 men. Phone East 2006. PLEASANT single room, modern, walking distance, home-cooked meals. Phone A 2719. WELL furnished front room, suitable for two. also single room, two meals. 241 North 22d st. Main 2071. ; ROOM and board, 404 Mad Ison at., corner lOth. Main 2006; well furnished, large, sunny rooms; close In; good home cooking. LARGE room for two, with board; home privileges; reasonable. 321 West Park St., city. A 7104. ELEGANT rooms, good board, exclusive lo cation, every convenience, 41 21st St., N. BOARD and room. 149 Gth st., between Morrison and Alder; also single rooms. WANTED Man of good habits to room and board at 146 East 26th st. JCEWLT furnished rooms, with board. 896 East Oak. cor. 15th. B 2619. MODERN rooms, board or without. 293 Weidler st. C 1903. ROOM and board, private family, suitable 2 gentlemen; walking distance. 423 Mill st. ONE or two gentlemen for board and room, Scandinavians preferred. 11 N. 10th st. NICE room and good home cooking for one gentleman. 501 Davis st. YOUNG MAN desires roommate; large front baywlndow room, with board. 227 7th st. NICE large airy rooms, heat, bath, phone, walking distance. 327 West Park st 120 N. 18TH Nice front room, with board; moderate rates; employed people preferred. Apartments. FOR SALE New furniture of strictly mod ern apartment, 3 rooms; King street; very desirable; free phone. A 7395. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, private bath, sleeping porch: phone, water and heat. 551 East Yamhill st. East 1710. ONE four-room furnished apartment; heat, water and phone. Call 5-3 Lucretla, or phone Main 5055. A FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment with heat, water and phone inclusive: rent $35. Call at 58 Lucretia. or phone Main 5055. LANDORE APARTMENTS. 288 Tenth, at Jefferson; perfectly new three-room, fur nished apartment; sleeping porch. THE ALTAMONT. Fifth and College st. Main 608O; one 3 room apartment ; Janitor service. MODERN five-room steam-heated apartment. Apply to janitor, 2 1st and Kearney. nUS, 3d and Mill, one 5-room unfurnished: $45. JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS, 16th and JarfWson sts. Furnished 2 rooms. $30k FOB RENT. Apartment. ORDELEIGH APARTMENTS New brick, 82 Grand ave.. cor. East tstark; well-furnished 3-room apartments. possessing every modern convenience. Including steam heat, hot water, private baths and phones. While these apartments are as up to date as any In the city and about as close to the business center, the prices are consid erably less; now readv for occupancy. Phone East 300. No children. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone; some unfur nished ; janitor service; rent reasonable. $28 WEST SIDE, steam-heated apartment of 4 small rooms, furnished with bedstead and spring, dining-room table and dresser, alfo gas stove and kitchen treasure, light fixtures and shades. Call Janitor. 454 11th at. Take Montgomery st. car. COZY 4-room apartment, up to date in every detail; phone 1 and janitor service; fine location; this place has changed hands and been thoroughly renovated. Welling ton Court, 15th and Everett sts. C. L. Williams and wife. THE RUBLE APARTMENTS, formerly the Buell. nicely furnished 3 and 4-room suites: steam heat, private baths and phones. first-class janitor and elevator service, nice surroundings, within walk ing distance of Postoffice. 473 Salmon st. TH E LUXOR, R. E. Corner 13th and Clay Sts. Fine MODERN apartment for rent; ele gantly furnished; steam heated: gas and electricity: private bath and toilet; both phones. See this at once. THE LAURETTA APARTMENTS. 22 11th st., new brick building, five minutes' walk from P. O. ; newly furnlshesd three-room apartments. Including all modern conven iences. Phone A 7706. Main 8397, SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS All outside rooms (unfurnished); unexcelled service and best lighted street, only 5 minutes walk from P. O. 272 7th st. Main 2506, A 3149. $28 West Side; 4-room steam-heated apart ment; nice building, furnished -with bed stead and spring, dresser and dinlng-table, gas stove, light fixtures and shades. Call janitor, 454 11th St. " - " 1 STEAM heated 3-roora suites, furnished, all outside rooms,, running hot and cold wa ter, private baths, free phone, large base ment; 13 minutes' walk to business cen ter. 448 Clay st. STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply Morgan. Fleidner & Boyce, 503 Ablngton hldg. 4 VERY DESIRABLE 6-ROOM. NEW APARTMENTS. EVERY CONVENIENCE; ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FINE VIEW. SEE OWNER. 912 LEWIS BLDG. FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated. janitor serv ice, modern apartment (partial base ment), finest In city for money. Apply to janitor, 2lst and Kearney. THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2 room apartments, hot and cold running water and all modern conveniences; $18 to $30. Corner 20th and Washington sts. THE RE U-KAN, most exclusive furnished apartment in the city; three rooms and bath, both phones. Take W or lOth-sx. car. 624 Marshall. MODERN 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished and unfurnished; private vestibule and bath, elevator service. Ionian Court, 579 Couch. Ftass. $22.50 Modern flat of five large, light rooms; fireplace, furnace and bath ; two nice porches. In srood neighborhood. clo?fe in. Inquire at 320 Weidler st., cor, E. 1st, or phone C 2793. ELEGA NT 6-roomed lower flat, easy walk ing distance; East Side; furnace and fireplace; nice lawn. Phone A 3215, Main 7337. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 161S A 1984. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. FINE modern 5-room flat, with porch, $22.50. 209 McMillen st., across Steel bridge. 65 PETTYGROVE. near 21st. tt-room. modern lower flat. Furnace, fireplace, etc. Rea sonable. Key 657 Vj- Main 3176. FINE, modern, lower flat. 5 rooms, corner 23d and Johnson; rent $33. C. H. Korell, 250 Stark. MODERN 5-room flat; has porch, fireplace, etc. ; $30; must be permanent. Call 441 11th st. $17 6-rxx'm flHt, modern conveniences. J 24th and Halsey ts.. Irvington. W. O. W&ddell. 309 Lumber ExchanKe. 3-ROOM furnished flat, with piano, gas. bath and phone ; walking distance. 322 Mill. 6-ROOM modern flat, plenty of light. 28 . East 13th st. Phone B 10SS. THREE-ROOM modem flat, unfurnished. In quire 225 Market. Phone Main 516. NEW, modern 4-room flat, 5 blocks from Steel bridge. Inquire 309 Ross t.- 6-ROOM modern flat, 24 N. 10th, near Burnside. 6 ROOMS; front and rear porches, stationary range; modern; $13 per month. Tabor 1663. (MODERN upper 4-room flat, children, al lowed. Woodlawn 426, 811 Williams ave. FURNISHED modern 5-room flat. Call after 2 Sunday. 432 2d st. Phone B 1152. SWELL new 2-family flat, fine location, sightly. Phone East 3024. 787 E. Main. UPPER flat. 5 rooms, den and sleeping-porch. 392 Ross st. Phone East 851 or C 1831. TO let. 8 rooms and bath, hot air furnace. 598 Salmon. Key corner. 6O0 Salmon. Housekeeping Rooms. LHE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up; best In city for money; short distance from Union Depot. 'S' or 16th-st cars north, -get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed. ONE large furnished room and also small room attached; large range, sink and necessary requirements for housekeeping; wood shed and large yard ; price $3 a week 01- $12 a month. 332 First St., near Market. ONEONTA. 187 17th, near Yamhill; take W' car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites by week $5-50. by month $20 and up; hot and cold water, baths and phones free. Main 4697, A 4739. WELL FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 1S month; 3 for $12; cottage. 4 rooms, $20; 364 26th, North. W car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 26th, block north. TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished or un furnished; cheap. Stephenson Court, 515 Mill. oor. 16th st. Phono Main 510. $1.25 TO $2.00 wvek. clean, furnished house keeping rooms. Laundry, bath, phone, gas. furnace heat. 406 Voncouvor ave. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping suite, very desirable. Call room 36, Cambridge bldg., 3d and Morrison. DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur nished suites. Fifth st.. 305 Jefferson. Beautiful central location. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Call C32 Williams ave. Phone C 1523. NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms, S14.00. 631 Washington St., cor. 20th. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, Jaundry. bath. 203 Stanton. U car. $1.50 week, large, clean furc. housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath. gas. 184 Sherman. THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park, horns apartments, all conveniences. 487 TAYLOR, near 14th, desirable 2-room suites, $ 16. SO and up, furnace heat. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete building. Call Woodlawn 2379 or C 1342. LARGE unfurnished rooms. 649-561 Morris son t. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms. 489 Washington st. THE COLLINS. 503 Alder St.. neatly fur nished houseekeping rooms; central location. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. 8th, completely fur - nlshed housekeeping rooms; reasonable. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, with piano. 200 14th St. 5-ROOM house, barn and one block of ground. Call 1024 Powell St. RUNNING water, electric light, steam heat. St. James Hotel, 345 First st. NEWLY furnished, very close in. 301 4th. Housekeeping Rooms In Prtrots Family. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reason able rent, lose in. $ 4th sw FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family FINELY furnished large front room with dinlnu-room. kitchen, gas range, furnace, to refined married couple with children ; elegant location, walking distance, few steps East Morrison st. carline: modern residence. 652 Belmont st.. cor. East ISth. TWO. three or four light housekeeping rooms, or rooms with board; furnace heat, gas, bath, phone. 359 Benton st.. 6 blocks from Steel Bridge. Phone- East 1343. COMPLETELY furnished front suite. 2 rooms: gas, phone, bath, everything new and modern. Phone A 7243. 38 North 21st, block oft Washington. TWO beautiful rooms nicely furnished for housekeeping; modern home ; all con veniences; no other roomers; walking dis tance ; two beds. Phone A 7404. CLEAN and well-furnished housekeeping rooms, three $25; two $lrt; walking dis tance. - Phone, electric lights, bath. 66 East 8th. FURNISHED housekeeping room. In pri vate home, for rent to neat, reliable party; adults only; no dogs, ns.7 Oregon-st. be tween Union and Grand ave. TWO largo, nicely furnished front rooms, newly tinted, gas. bath, phone ; walking distance: no other roomers. 594 E. Taylor. TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep ing; 2 beds; bath; rent reasonable. 483 Flander?. near 14th.- MODERN four rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping; hot and cold water. Phone and bath. Woodlawn 12U5. THREE flats, 20 housekeeping-rooms, well -furnished: price. $10OO; half cash. Sea owner, 273 Columbia st. FRONT and back parlor for houseeping or with board ; good location ; reasonable. 321 West Park st. A 7104. $1 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms in cottage; gas range, bath, yard, sepa rate entrance. 610 First st. FRONT suite, desirable and modem; also pretty single room, large and sunny; finest location. .67 N. 20th st. Call A. M. FOR RENT One nice front parlor room for rent, housekeeping or sleeping. 667 Everttt st. Main S122. FRONT suite; furnace heat, gas range, free phone and bath; $16 per month. 509 Johnson st., near loth. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms for rent; gas. bath, sink in kitchen. 40a 1st St.. flat K. 322 14TH. Clean, light, front housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, phone, walking dis tance. THREE) scrupulously clean furnished rooms, separate entrance, gas, sink. Main 5415, afternoons. FRONT housekeeping suite, furnace heat, gas, bath, phone; reasonable. 511 Morri son. Main 3687. 8 OR 4 NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance; everything mod ern. 1S7 East 14th. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, also single rooms ror rent in private xa 046 Yamnui st. TO respenslble people, part of 'modern home, furnished, with exclusive use of kitchen; no children. Phone A 3762. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms and fur nished rooms, private family. 526 Columbia street. WELL FURNISHED connecting housekeep ing rooms; bath, gas, free phone, large yard, close In. 421 Second st. SUITE of 2 lovely rooms, gas range, sink, free phone, hot water heater; nice place. 384 Pa rk st . Te mis reaso nab le. FOR RENT Suite 2 housekeeping rooms with kitchen; 1 housekeeping room with alcove, phone, gas. bath. 206 Hall. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, basement, well -furnished; central location. Phone Mala 7685, or call afternoons, 167 West Park st. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping suite, two to four rooms, walking distance. 389 Sixth st. 3 FURNISHED rooms with privilege of kitchen, man and wife. 843 E. Flanders, near 28th, in cottage; rent $15 per month. THREE modern furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance. Phone East 3735. 2 OR 3 ROOMS, bath, phones, light; Pied mont Addition, near Jefferson High School. 1204 Moore st., Woodlawn 1035. SINGLE light housekeeping rooms, $7 and $10 monthly; gas plate;, central. 270 Montgomery. Main 44ti9. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, ladies or couple In nice home near three car lines. 501 Rodney ave. East 24S6. S10 MAIN ST. Two suites of nicely fur n I shed housekeeping rooms, first floor, cot tage; close In. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 493 Ever ett st. No children. THREE newly furnished rooms; private fam ily. 26 E. 14th at. N. TWO unfurnished housekeeping; rooms. 7S5 B. Sixth, near Yamhill. 168 10TH. 3 neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms complete, kitchen. FOl'R furnished housekeeping rooms, de sirable. 124 N. 18th st. NICE single housekeeping rooms, bay win (low. 421 7th st. 354 SALMON ST.. 2 pleasant housekeeping rooms, parlor floor, furnished; no children. CLEAN, well-fumisb?d housekeeping rooms, reasonablee. 395 6th st. LARGE light front room with alcove, for housekeeping. 294 Jefferson st. ONE nice clean housekeeping suite, light, bath, phone, reasonable. 175 14th st. FRONT single housekeeping rooms, furnace) heat, bath, phone. 405 Stark st. TWO large, light. completely furnished housekeeping rooms. 308 College. FOUR unfurnished rooms first-floor pleasant corner, walking distance. 554 Yamhill st. 3 NICELY f umishesd housekeeping rooms; gas bath $15 month. 692 Front. TWO small furnished housekeeping rooms 5 neat, close down town. 309 7th st. 3 CLEAN housekeeping rooms, heat, light and phone; private bath. 290 12th st. 306 5TH ST., 2 neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms, gas, bath, phone. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms cheap. 545 East Couch st. TWO rooms, suitable for light housekeep Ing; walking distance. 301 Halsey st. NICELY furnished rooms In strictly modern house. Call 701 Irving et. FRONT alcove, furnished light housekeep ing. 450 Yamhill st. 357 12TH ST. Furnished room. modern house, use of gas plate; reference. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, everything home llke. at 466 Main St.. bet. 13th and 14th. 1 OR 2 furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, sink; no children. 488 Everett st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; bath and phone. 86 Park st. Main 8855. 4 WELL-FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms on East Side. Phone East 1475. TWO well-furnished housekeeping rooms in private home. Phone East 2683. TWO rooms, new furniture, bath, light and sunny. Rent 13. SO. 2l3 Ivy. TWO or three furnl shed house keep! ng rooms. 446 E. Burnside st. , VERY pleasant front rooms for housekeep ing. 32 N. 11th. 386 PARK Sunny rooms, nicely furnished, gas range, sink; $17- M. 4419. $11 PER MONTH, basement, furnished for housekeeping; private entrance. 3S0 1st. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms for rent 260 East 6th North. TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms; $15. 581 .East Pine st. East 5876. THREE or four furnished housekeeping, rooms. 449 6th St.; walking distance. 831 14TH Two housekeeping rooms on first floor; free phone, bath. Main 1076. LADY wants 2 or 3 girls to share furnished flat; close In; reasonable. A 7245. ONE large housekeeping room with closet. 224 North 16th st. Rouses. FURNISHED modern 4-room flat. No. 11 West ave.. Mt. Tabor. S3 X-ROOM house, 614 7th st; gas and bath Phone A, 5613. or call Xga