The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 06, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 15, Image 27

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ftf tsceliajieoaia.
. Black
Help tut fist the
Plumbing Trust. '
PLnrama shops
IN -l'UB-OTJt.
j emcM & srol.
244-50 Front St.
Call or Write for Price.
C40 ALL BRASS bed. $15: roll-top desk, 48
inches, weathered oak, $22.50; dressers, $5
m to 135; black walnut bedroom suits, $15
to $25 ; cook stoves, $7.50; steel range, $18;
at as irises, $5; folding beds. $5; extension
tablee. ?3; sideboards, $7.50 to $45; buffets,
$i0 to iso; kitchen treasures. $1.50 to $5;
kitchen tables, 1; library tables, $8.60;
center t-ble. $1.76; rocking chairs, $1.50
up to Q10; chairs of all kinds from 50c up
to 4-O0. .
We rurnlah houses complete on the In
stallment plan; we handle both new and
fine second-hand household furnishings;
oar terms are hi down and small monthly
- payments. Call and get our prices ana
- see our large assortments first.
. . - -i ..kwk fn , home at
' -409 Stark St., $35 per month.
jiot am a 1 1 aqa onH ftax Washington.
corner of 30th sta. Main 1108 or A 3703.
14 washing machines.
1 threshing machine. Artmaa A Taylor.
1 soda fountain. '
These goods are all new.
Apply at room 701 -Wells-Fargo bldg. or
warehouse' foot of Columbia, at. afternoons,
except Saturday.
SCYPHEKS incubator and brooders, a bar
gain If taken at once. Thoroughbred
. Plymouth Hocks, cockerels and pullets, bed-
' rock price. Phone Tabor 1513 for infor
' nation.
MORTGAGE SALE Iron safe. Remington
typewriter. 2 electric motors; printer's
wire stitcher. Prudhomme, 635 Chamber
of commerce.
GOOD furniture of email cottage. range,
. xugs, heater, etc. 188 Blandlna St., cor.
FOR SALE 60 00 holly plants. 6-12 inch, 2-year-old
seedlings; $40 per 1OO0, H. Bleeg.
Hillsdale. R. 2. B. 21. Or. Phone M. 860.
SEWING MACHINE, one New Home drop
head, -with attachments. $15. 360 Morri
son st. Call Monday or Tuesday.
.FOR BALE) A complete scholarship in book
keeping with the I. C. S. Will sell cheap
for cash. Call Main 8363.
tIX-HOLE steel range. good condition,
cheap. 61 Clinton st. Phone Seliwood
WOVING- PICTURE machine dlssolver. In
first-class condition, cheap if taken at once.
- Call 4va Salmon at. before 3 P. M.
-1 TPTKtn ft'MW .Ti ..w will - Hstru m
llgivt farm wagon in exchange. 809 East
28th st. Woodstock car to Gladstone ave.
Hi V17Q 1 A njt Y. .. ... .. . .. l. . . .
stock new safes sold on easy terms ; 'call or
write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 6th.
FOR SALE Furniture 7 rooms or will rent
you same for 5 rooms at $5 month. Call
843 Sacramento.
BCHOOLBOOiia bought, sold and exchanged
at Hyland'a. 211 2d st.. near Salmon. 163
0th at., opposite poatofflce.
6FECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
.very liberal terms; $10 to $00. Northwest
Typewriter Co.. M. 8870, 222 Ablngtoa bldg.
FOR BALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
gine; good as new. B, T. Cox, HO'm $d
at., Portland, Or.
COR SALE A 9x12 Wilton rug and Ma
jestic range. Call forenoons. 1047 Thur
.. man st.
fiBCTIONAL bookcases, eight sections, good
as new. cheap. 135 10th st.
600 BUSINESS cards $1 If yon mention this
ad. Rose City Printery. 192 3d.
. 831 Stark st- Main 1407.
FIXE soda fountain complete, cash register
and safe- 33 N. 3d st.
POR SALE Good oak sideboard. Round
Oak. heater: bargain. Phone Tabor 1157.
DOOD launch. 4V4-H. p. engirt. $150; need
the money. C 763. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE A boy's saddle, cheap. Loyal
Allen. Oak Grove. Oregon.
ONE 1-lnch wireless spark coll, excellent,
cost $8; will sell $4. Phone B 1716.
"VALUABLE oil painting and cello; $100 each.
6 789, Oregonlan.
SEVEN . gas arc lamps.
Main 6249.
ELEGANT LADY'S fur coat and sewing
machine. AF 783. Oregonlan.
50-EGG incubator and brooder, also homer
piri" caeap, xaoor a 1471.
JOR SALE Lady's splendid solitaire dia
mond ring; a beauty. AF 784. Oregonlan.
FURNITURE of 11-room horme for sale by
vwuft, ... a 100. vregonuui.
FINE solid oak typewriter desk and chair.
$10. 821 Henry bldg.
1 .
FOR SALE Electric sweeper. $57. Phone
JIALL CAFE Latest make, almost new'
will sell cheap. Call 243 S Stark at.
iSJuBBTTB ' oak sideboard, beswy xatauta xnir
ycel& CaU 268 flna, ... -
244-230 FRONT 6T.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes: we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 47 3d st.. North. Phone Main 8272.
WANTED Light spring wagon, about 1600
pounds capacity, suitable for farm purposes;
must be In good condition. Address Y 756,
WANTED Some more pupils to take lessons
In horseback riding or driving, by a former
German cavalry officer, at reasonable rates.
Phone Main 8O06, A 3006.
WANTED A horse, about 1200 lbs., for
Its keep with privilege of buying; easy
work and best of care. D. D. B, 308 Mill
St.. city.
OENTS Have fun: B0 hot-air ' cards, spicy
reading, rich pictures; lovers delight, full
set 60, no two alike. Sent for only 26
cents. Novelty Mfg. Ox. Arleta, Or.
LAW library for sale. Inquire between 10
and 1 o'clock, room 21, Madison bldg
260tt 3d. Main 277.
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladles' and gents second-hand clonhlng
and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 lst-
WANTBD To buy, old second-hand ex
press wagon. Must be cheap. 809 Stark.
Main 614.
HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool, furs. Telephone Main
5108. J. Leva, 186 Columbia.
WANTED second-hand butcher lee box and
caldron. 843 East Belmont . st. B 2319.
East 467.
WANTED Electric carpet cleaning ma
chine; state price and make. P. O. Box
WILL buy a diamond; blue white, large size
preferred; must be cheap and perfect. R
781. Oregonlan.
BELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones
A 2445. Main 895L
TWO tents wanted, about 12x14 and 14x20
and flys; stabs condition. O 778, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Child to board and care for.
comfortable country home. AD 775. Orego
nlan. WANTED, in exchange for dental work,
painter and paper hanger. Apply room
4. Raleigh bldg., corner 6th and Wash.
TENT with or . without fly in good condi
tion ; must be reasonable. . E . 782, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Second-hand roll-top desk In
good condition. ' Reasonable price. H 772,
WANTED A first-class disc phonograph;
must dq in gooa conaition ana a Dargain.
Address M 786, Oregonlan.
WANTED to lease with option of buying
a small printing plant; give name and ad
dress. G 790, Oregonlan.
2 GOOD houseboats on river at Milwaukie;
an kinds of real estate. E. M. Kellogg.
Milwaukie. Or.
FOR SALE Largest size Jewel gas range.
siw. tzos ueimont St., Mount Taoor car,
get off at 4 2d.
WANTED To buy combings; no Imported
iiair usea. soi .cast xamniii sx. 1 nora
East 1710.
HAS any one a male kitten or pup to give
away or sell cheaply 7 f none Main 60TL
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
Attention Alwivi v1vn Phnn V". 1, . t lAAT
WANTED Men's discarded clothing; we pay
hlarhfiMt rrricm Unrriiall TAK OfLd. !U
WANTED A second-hand concrete mixer.
AJ 760, Oregonlan.
WANTED to rent Heavy team and wagons.
WANTED Small screw cutting lathe, en
gine or loot power; cash. 15 OS Milwaukie.
WANTED A pony. Must be broke to drive
double. SOS Stark.
WANTED Good gasoline woodsaw. McCay,
S64 North zotn. w car; s to 7 evenings.
WANTED to buy. 2 or 4-seated automobile;
ie lowen price, axxj us, uregoniui.
WANTED Turkey gobbler for breeding;.
rnon wooaiawn 197a.
TYPEWRITER Oaah for a good Kaond-hand
maonme. 1 i fvj, uresonian.
WANTED Experienced Janitor and night
watchman for cry goods store; -bonds re
quired. Apply room 16. baggage and om
nibus Transfer bldg., Jth and Oak, today,
between IO and 12.
YOUNG man, 18 or over, as assistant ship
ping clerk, wholesale house; must rurnlan
reference; good opening with chance for
advancement. H 247. Oregonlan.
MARRIED man for work on ranch near
Sherwood, Or. Will furnish house, vege
tables, and milk. Call C P. Scott, 408
Madieon st. evenings.
WANTED Steady, sober man to help in
store; small investment required; wlllpay
p. o" nil J null puai , vi 11 mi 1. vobiuov.
Particulars. 248 y. Stark St.
AN EXPERIENCED railroad construction
timekeeper, salary $60 month, and board;
must be under 25 years of age. R789,
ORCHARDIST and farmer, married man
who understands prune culture and dry
ing, steady position by the year to the
right party. R 770, Oregonlan.
COLLECTOR for publishing house; good city
. references essential. Apply Sunday, 12-1
P. M-. 408 Concord bldg.
WANTED Man with team, plow, scraper and
wagon for week's work. Call Tabor 4i2
WANTED Salesman for furniture and car
pet house; must be active. J 783, Ore
gonlan. WANTED A young man with $100 in a
good road show, good for $50 per week
or more. Address A 789. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED salesman for clothing and
shoes; country store. Commercial Ab
stract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Young man to learn' barber
trade: terms reasonable; union shop. Call
- 832 Mississippi avenue.
WANTED A refined Japanese boy for house
work and assist with cooking. Call morn
ings, 321 6th St., corner Clay.
WANTED 2 young men to learn auto re
pairing and driving. Call 60 and 62 N.
7th st.
HOUSE demonstrators for articles used every
day; ready sale, good commissions. 46
th St.. N.
BUY your gas mantles, and other supplies at
46 6th St.. N.. Economical Lighting Co.-
WANTED Man with - team, to plant 0
acres ox potatoes xor xne. J ilzti. -
WANT good boy learn automobile Daintlrur
4th and Hoyt; steady position. Call Sunday.
2 AUTOMOBILE painters wanted at N. P.
Paint Shop. 4th and Hoyt. Call Sunday.
WANT to contract 20 or more acres land to
be cleared. .515 Chamber of- Commerce.
WANTED At once. first-class baker.
Schrader's. 302 3d St., Oregon City.
COMPETENT stenographer for law office,
small salary to start. N 772. Oregonlan.
BARBER SHOP. 2 chairs, one bath. Ajdr
rti : J- W DeokMttV -BoaeburaV On,
HELP WAXTKD MALE. experience' required;
hundreds good positions open paying $100
to $500 month and expenses. Why be con
tented with poorly-paid positions, hard or
dirty work when you can earn from 2 to
10 times what you now earn ? Demand
for salesmen always exceeds supply. Our
free book. "A Knight of the Grip." will
show you how and our Free Employment
Bureau will assist you to secure good po
sition. Write for full -particulars. Address
nearest office. Dept. 693. National Sales
men's Training Assn.. New York, Chicago.
Kansas City, Minneapolis, San Francisco,
salaries are high, steady, sure; work Is
pleasant, promotion easy; liberal vaca
tions; no pull needed: hundreds vacancies
every week all parts of U. -S. ; our paper
tells you just how - you can get one of
these fine positions; only 10 cents for six
months' trial; money back on request.
Send dime or stamps today to Desk 369,
Civil Service Record, Washington, . D. C.
FIRST-CLASS salesman. Pacific Coast, sell
staple line on absolutely new and excep
tional terms; having successful specialty
experience preferred ; attractive, perma
nent contract, containing liberal weekly
advance clause; references required. Miles
F. Blxler Ca.. Cleveland. Ohio.
WANTED In wholesale plumbing house, a
man who- thoroughly understands steam
and plumbing supplies, to get out country
orders, etc ; must be strong, active man
and very accurate. Apply In own hand
writing, stating wages and past exper
ience. R 777. Oregonlan.
CI v 1L SERVICE employes are paid well for
easy work; examinations every month;
expert advice, sample questions and Book
let 369, describing positions and telling
easiest and quickest way to secure them
free. Write now. Washington Civil Berr-
Ice School. Washington. D. c.
GOVERNMENT positions; chances never
better to secure one of thousands of ap
pointments: full particulars aa to salaries,
fiosltlons. dates of examinations in Port
and, sample questions, etc.. sent free In
Circular 161, National Cor. Institute,
Washington. D. C
SALESMAN, experienced In any line, to sell
general trade on Pacific . Coast an unex
celled specialty proposition; commissions,
with $35 weekly advance for expenses.
The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland,
WANTED Man willing to learn and ca
pable of acting as representative; no can
vassing or soliciting: good Income as
sured. National Co-operative Realty Co.,
792 Marden bldg.. Washington, D. C
WANTED First-class stenographer in our
mall-order and advertising department;
exceptional chance for a young man to
learn this business: good salary to start.
Ellers Piano House: call at wholesale
house. 15th and Pettygrove streets.
WANTED Men for actual contract work;
no expense to learn electricity, automo
biles, plumbing, bricklaying in few months:
20O students last year; write for free cat
alogue. United Trade School Contracting
Co.. 234 Allso St.. Los Angeles.
Only "top-notcher" who can make good
and has clear record will be considered.
Apply in writing, giving full particulars
and references.
F. W. BIRD & SON. BOX 694.'
CLERK and Carrier examination Maroh 26;
special coaching and Instruction; applica
tions must be in early, so quick action
on your part is necessary. Call, write or
phone at once. Pacific States School. Mo
Kay bldg., city.
WIDE-AWAKE, competent salesman; must
be able to give bonds; can clear $3000
right in your vicinity in next year on one
of our new. redhot, hlghgrade townsltes.
We will give ground floor chance to right
man. AF 774, Oregonlan.
SECOND man wanted for general farm
work; steady position; no objection to
small family; Tree house, milk, vegeta
bles. Write, giving particulars, age, ex
perience, family, etc, Webb Farm, Trout
dale. Or.
SALESMEN wanted to sell an attractive
line of drygoods and blankets to retailers
in small towns; liberal commission; splen
did side line. Bryn Mawr Mills, Phila
delphia, Pa.
WANTED One or two good land salesmen
acre: cash commission or Interest. "OVER
LAND' 205 McKay bldg.
MEN (or women) $4 a day sure all year,
raising mushrooms In cellars, sheds, boxes,
etc; big market; free Illustrated booklet-
Hiram Barton. West 48th St., New
$2.50 PER DAY paid to man in each town
to distribute free circulars and take or
ders ror concentrated flavoring in tubes;
permanent position. J. S. Zlegler Co.,
MEN to clear land and plant orchard 'at
Hood River, on contract;, will furnish
tents, tools, stump puller, powder. McCoy.
$84 North 26th, 6 to 7:80 evenings; "Wl
HIGH-CLASS advertising novelty salesman
ror city. commissions paid weekly. Ap
ply by letter only, stating experience, age
and references, to Mr. Rhodes, Nortonla
Hotel. Portland.
The Jno. P. Sharkey . Co.. 81xth U
desire several men who have enterprise to
sell high-class subdivision property; liberal
STENOGRAPHER may have desk room, deok.
typewriter and telephone for publio work
in exchange for slight service it. 814 Lewis
bldg.. 1 to 2 P. M.
EXPERIENCED specialty salesman Tiandle
w . ..wi MuiuDiYuj '. ' 1 Blue line; iioerai
commission. The Ward Safety Razor Co.,
GENERAL and special, by large, old-line
health and accident company; new, lib
eral, easy-selling policies; choice territory.
Royal Casualty Co.. St, Louis.
WANTED Combination singer and pianist
for picture theater in country town. Ad
dress it phone C S. Alderman, Camas.
WANTED Window-trimmer and store dec
orator, to prepare for Spring opening.
Inquire 390 Hall. Phone Main 6798 to
day bet. 10 A. M. and 2 P. M.
WANTED Good, live canvasser to sell cur
tains. Chance to make easy money. Phone
Main 6282.
LIVE proposition for 1 or 2 able salesmen
who can give first-class references. Call
40S Lewis, bldg., between 9 and 11 today.
AGENTS to handle the Wonder vacuum
cleaner and mantel lamps. Fred G Ful
ler. 18SO Exeter st Portsmouth.
BOYS wanted to set pins at the Oregon
Bowling Alleys, 84 7th st. Apply 10:30
Sunday morning.
GARDENER Young man as assistant: pri
vate place: state age, experience and ref
erences. D. Masterton, North Bend. Or.
MAN to take rock cut contract: gang ready:
complete outfit; tools on ground; bond
$i0O. AN 781, Oregonlan.
WANTED Good barber with about 6 years
experience Address O. K. Barber Shop,
Baker City, Or. John Muensunger. r
MEN wanted for Alaska; transportation and
. board furnished; good wages, small in
vestment required. 162 2d St.. room 100
$18 to $85 week, few months only learning;
positions guaranteed. Watchmaklng-En-gravlnsr
School, box 182, Ashland, Or.
CARRIAGE trimmers wanted at once Mc
Donald Bros.. 819-821 East Pine St., Seat
tle. Wash.
X CAN use three more real estate solicitors;
no money required; liberal commissions.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St.
WANTED A first-class sausaeemaker. Ad
dress box 6O0, Eugene.
NON-UNION pressfeeder; give age and ref
erences. AM 776, Oregonlan.
COATMAKER wanted, bill $10.50. David M.
Holbrook. Couch bldg.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents; our
new offer a snap. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
OFFICE and errand boy, about 16; address
In own writing. Y 760, Oregonlan. "
PANTSMAKER -wanted to work by the
week. Herman Mcnuiz, tailor, J35 luth st.
SALESMAN, country, 313H Washington, room
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 313 Wash
ington, room 18.
WANTED Benchman.
Son. Albany. Or.
-M. J. Cameron A
GOOD boy over 16 years. Apply Lowengart
WANTED Dishwasher, $9 per week. Peer
less (jareiena, 1U4 btn st.
WANTED First-clsss corem&ker. Call 222
Commercial Club bldg.
FIRST-CLASS tailor to work lit store and
on bench. Barette. the Tailor. 268 Alder.
WANTED To exchange dentistry fox trigs,
xtaiatlns Union. Deo-tas, Cs-
600 construction laborers for work In
Southern Oregon and California. Free
C R. HANSEN A CO, ! K. 2d St.
SALES MANAGER. -familiar with Oregon and
vasrungton territory preferred, to work
tiardware and general store trade. Advance
ment sure to right man. Munt show best of
references. This Is a proposition, of absolute
merit and none but competent man will be
considered, as a chance to work Into the
business awaits the right man. Address in
your own handwriting stating your quali
fications, age. etc.. giving references, at
once. p. w. C, Vancouver. Wash.
$3000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made In real
ousiness; no capital required; we
will teach you the business by mall, ap
point you special representative of leading
real estate company, list with you readily
salable properties, co-operate with and
assist you to a permanent success; a
thorough commercial law course free to
each representative. Write for 62-pago
book free: it will be sure to Interest you.
The Cross Co.. Dept. 127. Chicago.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. M-
jiiio uirpi, oetween the ages of 19 and 35.
Must be native-born or have first papers.
Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional compen
sation possible. Food, clothing, quarters
and medical attendance free. After 80 years'
service can retire with 75 per cent of pay
and allowances. Service on board ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at
few Grand Central Hotel, Portland, Oregon.
WANTED Salesman who can sell some-
tning today, not next Bummer. We are
willing to pay most anything for a real
salesman of this kind, and will give him
a contract for a term of yaars If ho
wishes; we have a fine opening for such
a man. young or middle-aged, right now;
must give bond; also phone number. AH
64, Oregonlan.
SALESMAN as local manager to handle
riiniiacoaa, xormalrtehyOe dlslnfector;
100,000 in use; used by U. S. Government
and N. Y. Central R. R. : also manufac
ture complete line disinfectants, fuml
gators, disinfecting appliances and sani
tary supplies. New Jersey manager mak
ing $103 weekly. Formacone Company, 60
Church St.. New York.
SALESMAN to sell -che greatest selling line
nnuLTO necKwear made; the big sensa
tion in the East: unmatchable designs and
prices: liberal commissions and exclusive
territory: a grand opportunity for a live
man; mention territory wanted and line now
handled. Harris A Harris, 82 Griswold St.,
Detroit. Mich.
For R. R.; steady work; standard pay;
free fare.
C. R. HANSEN & CO.. I N. M Bt
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu
ates earn from $18 to $25 weekly; expert
instruotor; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 84
North 4th St.. Portland. Or.
ESTABLISHED St. Louis house, account in-
' tiriK Dusiness and extending terri
tory, requires the services of energetic,
reliable salesman, capable of filling high
paying positions; travel and sell best
country business men: very desirable open
ing for good men. C 749. Oregonlan.
M1 Learn the science of demonstration
lOTuiaiioiup; tuition tree, our metnod. Kam
while learning. Graduates guaranteed Jobs.
Big money easily earned. Class now being
formed. Keenoh School of Demonstration.
14 Fort St., W., Detroit. Mich.
SPLENDID opportunity for a bright, In-
. , ...... imn.niunu i i Bttiesiauy accus
tomed to meeting professional people; a
knowledge of music beneficial, but not
necessary. Call today. International Con-
-Hxmaw. 10 1 vv est rant St.
BB YOUR OWN BOSS Make $4 dally sllver-
- . i .. mi. v 1 1 , i ii, wtrjc at
home In spare Uroa. Booklet and simple
free. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 66, Boston.
850 SPRING sample suits Just arrived.
PnnAa 111 7K iotx. ioa . .
values. Fit guaranteed. "Knew" Sample
Suit Shop, 315 Oregonlan bldg. Jlmmie
Dunn, manager.
CAPABLE aalesman to cover Oregon with
, . . . . -- 1- .ftn i wijiininnn'iirs, witn llfU
monthly advance. Permanent position to
right mn. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat ap
pearance to call on all merchants in their
territory; elegant side line, convenient to
carry; good commissions; prompt remit
tance. Belmont Mfg. Co Cincinnati. O.
HIGH-GRADB, Intelligent traveling salesmen.
imwuio auveruamg toy: exceptional oppor
tunity. Sample 25c, prepaid. Information
free. H. EL Smith Company, Indianapolis,
MARRIED man. small family, to work on
fruit farm. Hood River Valley: must be
good , with horses: personal interview
necessary. Call room 5. 410 Morrison.
Monday and Tuesday, 10 to 2.
6ALBS.rEN $3000 to $5000. Man for our
exclusive manufactured advertising special
ties, including copyrighted calendars. State
experience. Dept. S, Cruver Mfg. Co., Chi
cago. SALESMEN for strictly first-class line of
calendars, advertising novelties and leather
goods. Liberal commissions paid semi
monthly. C. Faigenspan & Co.. Cincinnati.
CANDY salesman to Invest in high-class
proposition. Look into this. We have
the goods. Smith-Wright Chocolate Co.,
620 Burnslde.
SOLICITORS We have a first-class propo
sition lur kuuu live uuBliors. .n 1 1 jwonuav,
9 to 12 A. M. Review of Reviews Co., 324
Flledner bldg.
WE aid our members to secure employment
Constant demand for young men of ability
and Integritty. Special employment mem
bership. Y. M. C. A.
WANTED Salesmen to organize selling
force. A public utility, exclusive terri
tory. Brothen Automatic Level Co., Idaho
Falls, Idaho.
HIG-H -CLASS salesman for the city; one
who can "deliver the goods." Call Mon
day morning between ll and 12 o'clock.
208 Marquam bldg.
WANT to start you In business, at home;
most Ingenious money-maker ever devised.
Free particulars. F. E. Abbott, Desk A A,
Omaha, Neb.
MEN to sell wearing apparel and household
goods on the Installment plan; liberal
commissions; no former experience neces
sary. J. D. Sherman, 89 Grand ave.
MARKER and sorter; inuct be accurate and
sober. Cherry's New Laundry, La Grande.
WANTED -House-to-house demonstrators ;
a new article, sold on easy payments.
Room 8. 66 Sixth.
BOOKKEEPING Private tuition in book
keeping by an accountant. 801 Mer
chants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington.
FOREMAN cabinetmaker. local factory,
financial interest required. O 775, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Traveling salesman in Alaska to
take good-paying side line. Apply at 223
ijumDerinen i oiag.
WANTED A first-class stove mounter. Ap
ply to Albion Stove Works, Ltd., Box 001.
Victoria. B. C.
TELEGRAPHY taught, praduates all have
positions. Address or call evenings. Expe
rienced operator. 290 3rd St.
COOK and helper, or man and wife wanted;
no booze fighters or cranks need apply.
Merrill. 7th and Oak. afternoons.
WANTED Buffers and polishers. Apply
Oregon Plating Works. 16th and Alder
MOTION picture operators earn $25 weekly;
easy Inside work; learn business In short
time; lessons reasonable. D2Ufe wash.
MAN for general farm work, one thorough
ly experienced; none otner need apply, r.
O. Box 383. Phone Seliwood 446.
MAN to work on ranch, board himself. G,
W. Chute, Two Rivers, Wash.
AT once, two boys with wheels, wages $40
per month. Apply lai loth st.
WANTED Young man as apprentice moul
der. Call 2 22 Commercial Club birg.
five-cent cigars.
WANTED Strong boy to make himself use
ful; references required. 75 First st.
WANTED Man with team and truck for
hauling logs. Phone A 2678.
WANTED $100 painting as payment lot
or house and lot, uwner, t-ast i: - i.
FIRST-CLASS coremaker wanted.- Call 222
Commercial Club bldg.
i ONE or two high-grade subscription solici
tors. , fna .nortnwesc ArcniLaot, u law.
Open Today.
2d cook, first-class, out of'town hotel grill;
Bread baker, $60.
Country hotel night porter and care of
beating boiler: $35 to $40, room and board.
Janitor, rooming-house, city, $35,
Waiter. $10 a week: kitchen help.
Man and wife, cook and helper, road
house. Man and wife, cook and harper, working
men's boarding-house. $00.
Man and wife on farm, $40 and found.
Gasoline engineer, $fV and found.
Donkey fireman. $2.25; spool-tender. $2.60;
2 raftmen. $3; boom man. $2.50; cutoff man.
$2.50; '- edgerman, $3; sawmill hands and
yardmen. $2.26.
6 section men, logging road, $2L25; board
City laborers and teamsters.
60 acres to clear at $70 to $35 an acre?
R. R. station clearing, $35 to $45. See boss
Steam shovel dump foreman, $3.75.
2 granltecutters. $5 day.
Ditcher and tiler on farm. $2 and board.
Construction laborers of all kinds, on
the new big S. P. R. R. Job.
Eugene; FREE FARE DAILY for tunnel
men and construction laborers for the S. P.
R. R. UTAH CON. CO., contraetors.
the O. R, & N., oonstrucUov laborers; ship
BAST TO THE DALLES; teamsters;
200 Auetrlass. Greeks, Italians, $2.25 a
day, board themselves.
60 'Austrlans, Greeks. Italians for section
work; $1.60 to $2 a day, board selves; free
2 North 6econd St. Portland. Or.
424 Front Ave. Spokane. Wash.
87-89 Fourth St. SAN FRANCISCO.
Established 1876.
OPEN SUNDAY, 10:30 A. M. to 2 P. M.
Wanted, man and wife, cook and helper
for small boarding-house, near city, $M.
Rough carpenters. 3; helper, $2.50.
Cabinetmakers, $3.50.
Millwright, repair work, $75 up.
Shingle sawyer, hand machine. $4.50;
filer, $4: packer. 9c per M.
Lumber graders, $2.50.
Five farmhands, $30 to $35.
We have a large list of work every day
for loggers, mlllhands. yardmen, carpen
ters, teamsters, laborers, cooks, flunkeys,
farmhands, etc etc. . ,
"We will pay your fare both ways if
there Is not work where we send you.
Main Office 12 N. 2d st.
WANTED A representative of good appear
ance wno is capable oi presenting to tne
intelligent mind a business matter of
merit, great possibilities, and one that
shows on Its face the certainty of im
mense return. For the proper man we
have an attractive opening. V 788, Ore
gonlan. A PRACTICAL Ice and cold-storage man
wants a few men to come in with him in
erecting large ice plant and take charge
of city trade; must take $400 or more in
stock: don't answer unless you mean
business. AF 7S2. Oregonlan.
WANTED A salesman with selling ability.
una wno does tnings and can get results.
Must be of good appearance and up-to-date.
If you are this sort of man we
shall be glad to see you. W 7S5, Ore
gonlan. 850 MEN'S Spring sample suits, regular
S3r values,; values to so, S14.70;
values to $22.30. $12.75. Knew Sample
Suit Shop, 315 Oregonlan bldg. Jimmte
Dunne, mgr.
WANTED An experienced special edition ad
vertising solicitor; . sometning new; only
producers of experience need apply Monday,
8:30 to 10 A. M. and 1 to 2 P. M. J. Cleve
land, 89 Park St.
APPRENTICE printer or two-thlrder can get
good situation in Job officer state experience
and wages expected; position steady, with
opportunity to advance. 497 Union St., Sa
lem. Or.
UNION Job printer: steady situation; no
boozer; must be fast and up-to-date work
man; state experience: send samples of
work if convenient- 497 Union sc., Salem,
ESTABLISHED arm wants partner to tin
vest $2500 with services: money to go in
the business. B 7S6. Oregonlan.
WANTED A middle-aged woman who has
a home to do light work from 9 A. M. to
4 P. M. every day. Call Bralntree Apart
ments, 295 12th st. Ask for landlady.
COMPETENT girl for general housework for
2: must be good cook. Apply after 1 P.
M. comer of Ravensvlew and HUlcrest
drive. Portland Heights.
WANTED A model for a ladles; cloak and
suit representative; wages $40 monthly.
Apply between 9 and 10 A. M. Monday,
to O. E. Kelly, room 437 Oregon Hotel.
WANTED Young lady stenographer for out
of the city In real estate office. Address in
own handwriting and state salary expected.
F 781. Oregon ian.
WANTED To exchange dentistry for ladles'
and gentlemen's tailoring. Union Dental
WAITRESS to go to Proaser. Wash.; meet
me at HOTEL HOOD, Sunday, P. M., or
Monday A. M. V. M. Hill.
GOOD cook small boarding-house. Address
110 7th St., Oregon city. Phone Main 315,
A 15L
WANTED A few up-to-date salesladies and
demonstrators. Call rooms 513-514 Lum
ber Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark.
NEAT, capable girl to help with general
housework; call afternoons., 1169 Thur
nun. EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work; good wages. Apartment 1, 69 N.
23d st. Main 6257.
HOUSE demonstrators for articles used every
day, ready sale, good commissions. 46 6th
St., N.
WOMAN to work in boexdlng-house, easy
- plaoe, no cooking. Call today. 101 12th
HIGH SCHOOT girl to assist night and morn
ings with hou?ework for room and board.
Phone Main 6176.
STENOGRAPHER for large manufacturing
concern; industrious, accurate; references,
salary. K 781. Oregonlan.
SCHOOLGIRL to assist In housework for
room and board. Call 889 Savier St. fore
noon. Phone 2392.
DRESSMAKER wants first-class help; also
apprentice girl, 410 Tilford bldg. Phone
Marshall 1336.
SCHOOLGIRL or middle-aged woman who
wants good home to assist with housework.
Tabor 898.
WANTED Chambermaid and waitress. th
and Madison; must be experienced; board
' and room.
WANTED First-class hairdressers. Parlors.
Grand Leader. 5th st.
WANTED Good strong girl over 18 to work
In store. 7 B. Sixth.
EXPERIENCED arm waitress. 348 Morrison
GIRL to sew and make buttonholes. Elite
Ladles' Tailors, 646 Washington.
BY dressmaker good girl to assist with sew
ing. 529 East Mill.
BUY your gas mantles and other supplies at
46 6th St., N. Economical Lighting Co.
GIRL for general housework. 8:30 to 2:30.
392 Jackson. Main 6780.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for boys'
nurse at Children's Home. 887 Corbett St.
WANTED Good strong girl for general
-housework. 771 B. Burneide st. E. 4652.
GOOD trimmers, makers, and apprentices. Ap
ply Lowengart & Co.
YOUNG GIRL to assist In light housework.
Call mornings. S21 E. 16th st- N.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
789 Kearney st.
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting.
304 12th St. M. 6890.
GIRL for general housework; family of $.
Call 672 Haisey st. Phone East 333.
WANTED An all-around girl In -a small pri
vate family. 335 Montgomery.
YOUNG girl for general housework. Apply
228 North 10th St.
2 WAITRESSES. -Merchants Hotel, 3d and
QTBL for Uxta -fconaevock, -8S& IStb st.
WANTED Several bngtrv young women to
learn telephone operating: we maintain a
school under the supervision of a woman
principal at our East office. East Ankeny
and 9ixth streets; applicants who qualify
will be given a thorough training In the
work before being assigned to positions: stu
dents are paid at the rate of tiO per month
while learning. Apply to school principal on
week days between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company.
STENOGRAPH BR for broker's office Ex
perienced In banking, mortgage or legal
work. Must have good recommendations, and
be capable of assuming some responsibility
' in absence of employer. Permanent position
to rigi-.t party. Give full particulars, experi
ence, and salary. Applications regarded as
confidential. V 764, Oregonlan.
QJ.RI.S to work in candy factory; good
wages, steady employment. Paclflo Coast
Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davis sts.
WANTED Housekeeper in a small family,
on a fruit ranch In Hood River Valiey; a
strong. middle-aged and respectable
woman, accustomed to country work: no
objection to a small child; to the right
woman good home and good wages. Ad-
dress, with reference, E 772. Oregonlan.
WHY serve six months of apprenticeship
when you can learn either millinery or
dressmaking in as many weka. For par
ticulars apply to Boston School of Mlltl
nery and Dressmaking. 274 Williams ave.,
Portland. Phone East 845.
A GTRL or middle-age woman to assist with
light housework, no washing, good home
and fair wages. Apply at 407 Flledner
bldg., 10th and Washington sts., between
IO and 12 A. M.. Monday
accustomed to waiting on fine trade; no
others need apply
273-275 Morrison, at 4th.
WANTED 6O0 ladles to buy sample straw
braids, ail colors. 50c bundle; wire frames,
flowers; straw hats remodeled.
315 Alder, corner 6th.
WANTED Two stenographers; must have
at least two years' experience: permanent
position; opportunities for advancement;
state salary expected. W 778. Orego
nlaa. MUNICIPAL Department or Public Safety
for Young Women. Advice or assistance
gladly given to all young women. Mrs.
Lola G- Baldwin, Supt.. room ST Y. W. C
A. bldg., 7th and Taylor sts.
LADIES can make big money by selling my
line of wearing apparel on the installment
plan; no former experience necessary. J.
D. Sherman, 89 Grand ave.
WANTED A competent office: girl for de
tail work. Must be a thorough sten
ographer. Salary $65. References. 8 763,
WANTED Refined, cheerful young woman
as companion to lady and to da house
work for family of two. Suite 206 Seward
Hotel, Sunday forenoon.
$2.50 DAY paid to one lady in each town to
distribute free circulars and take orders for
- concentrated flavoring In tubes. Permanent
position. J. S. Zlegler Co.. Chicago.
MIDDLE, AGED woman, family of two.
good home for right party. Call 292
Portland Boulevard, St, John car. Arbor
Lodge station.
GIRL to attend Jefferson High School and
assist with- houeework ; small wages; .1
blocks from school. Call forenoons. 1129
Williams ave. Phone C 1697.
LADIES to take orders on stores. Nothing
to sell. Something new. Call Monday
after 9 A. M. 142 Second St., Room 26,
Desk "A."
STENOGRAPHER with some ability as
saleslady; must be over 26; give telephone
number and apply own handwriting. O
779. Oregonlan.
LADY to travel in Oregon. Good pay and
tailor-made suit in 90 days: experience un
necessary; reliable firm. Write J. B. Mc
Brady Co., Chicago.
STENOGRAPHER may have use desk room,
desk, typewriter and telephones for public
work in exchange for slight services. 814
Lttwls bldg., 1 to 2 P. M.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavi Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED House to house lady demon
strator; new toilet cream; easy money;
qulok seller. Apply 374 Morrison st.
826 14 Washington St., Room 307.
Main 8836 or A 8266.
WANTED Competent dressmaker by day;
must be A-l fitter and reasonable price.
Phone Main 6671.
WOMAN, capable of earning $15 per week.
No clerical work, but energy and honesty
required. T 764, Oregonlan.
WANTED Saleslady and office manager:
wholesale and retail business. 302 Commer
cial block.
WOMAN for general housework, family of
two adults: good wages: out of town.
Lock Box 99, Dallas. Dregon.
WANTED Experienced girl for second
work family of three. Apply 6:30 to 7:30
P. M 113 North 20th,. corner GILsan.
CAPABLE girl for general housework. 111
Franklin st-. Willlamette Heights. Phone
A 2420.
85 E. 9TH ST.. NORTH Phone E. 4139.
Wanted, a middle-aged lady to assist in
general housework; good home.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family. 99 7 Hawthorne ave. Phon-e
B 2799.
84344 Washington St,, cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Apprentice for dressmaking es
tablishment. Apply Monday, M. Danlelson.
4234 Morrison.
NURSE wanted, for Institutional work. Ad
dress Dr. A. S. Austin. Grays Harbor Hos
pital. Aberdeen. Wash.
EXPERIENCED girl wanted for general
housework; good wages; telephone Main
GOOD hairdresser wanted, in exchange for
superior piano or French lessons. V 762,
STENOGRAPHER capable of reading notes
well and general office work. AJ 776,
WANTED Operators on custom pants;
steady work to right party. Room 400, 83
5th st.
WOMAN to assist and care for invalid gen
tleman: moderate wages; one wishing
home preferred. 150 N. 22d st.
YOUNG girl to help care for 2-vear-old
baby. Must sleep at home. Call 1022 Bel
mont street.
WANTED A lady to share houseekeplng
rooms: $d per month; references exchanged,
380 1st.
MILLINERY apprentices. 302 Tilford bldg.,
corner loth and Morrison sts.; small pay
while learning.
OI HI j to assist with housework. Phone East
' 5133.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework. Phone Main 5071.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 324
Jackson st.
GIRL wanted for 10 children. Apply in
afternoon. 777 Everett.
EXPERIENCED girl for dining-room work.
554 Couch at.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
WOMAN for general housework: no chil
dren. 3 adults. 186 North 18th st.
GIRL wanted, general housework, good
home, good wages. 401 Rothchlld bldg.
WANTED Girl for light housework; small
family; good cook. 804 Clackamas.
LESSONS tn Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert. $5 a, month. 269 14th. Main 3803.
WANTED Colored woman for cooking and
general housework. Phone East 4S01.
GIRL to oook and general housework. 75
N 23d. Main 4325.
LADIES to travel. $75 month and expenses,
city $2.60 day. Call 249 V4 Holliday. room 9.
WANTED Girl to work for room and board.
Phone Woodlawn 983. '
GOOD girl for general housework. Phone
Main 2053.
WANTED Girl or woman to care for 3-year-old
child mornings. Main 2343. 145 23d. N.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
good wages. Phone East 927.
WANTED A girl for housework. S-77
Schuyler st
Wants Monday.
Cook. Institution.. $40.
Chambermaid, $25; pantry girl, country,
Waltreses, country hotels, $25.
Family cooks. $.15. city and country.
2 kitchen girls. $25.
Housekeeper. $25.
All kinds of household help.
rme fine places out of the city.
454 Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
Hotel and boarding-house cooks. $35 and
$4o; kitchen helpers, $2.".; waitresses, city
and country, $0 to $2.1; others, too nu
merous to mention here.
We have a large number of new places
open every day.
Ladies' Dept. 20."iV Morrison st.
Require sales clerks for the following
Gloves, neckwear, hosiery. ribbons.
Jewelry, leather goods, drug sundries,
laces. dress trimmings. handkerchiefs,
veilings, millinery, suits and waists.
Apply to Supt., S to 10 A. M.
WANTED Girls to make shirts and overalls.
DO you want to keep boarders? Restaurant,
nearly furnished, with sleeping room, in
hotel, rent for ,boarding one; some board
ers to start with; snap. Apply 3i4 Nortli
2fith. W car to 26th. block north.
WANTED Refined, educated lady. ex
teacher preferred, to (111 a pleasant and
profitable position requiring initiative and
executive ability. Previous experience not
necessary. AC 755, Oregonian.
WANTED Congenial working girl to share
room: centrally located, with fireplace and
piano; rent very reasonable. T 787. Ore
gonlan. HOUSEKEEPER In family of two adults:
good home to ripht party; widow pre
ferred. Phone Marshall jit, room 023.
Call Stimlay. bet. 1 and .1 P. M.
ML FOR "millinery" style and saving;
makeovers, trimming, etc.; bring any old
material: now is tho time. ZZlyk Wash
ington st.. room 27.
WANTED Bright young lady for errnnrl
work. l per day; state age and write
fully of former work; give phone. F
780. Oregonlan.
WANTED Competent girl for cooking and
general housework: small family; good
wages. Apply mornings. 807 Lovejoy st.
Phone Main 1R77.
MAKE money writing short stories or for
newspapers: big pay; free booklet tells how.
Address Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sltlons to A-l Instructors. 611 SwetlandT
Bookkeepers auttd Clerks.
A writer of forceful. result-brlngine
copy, designer of booklets, catalogues, etc .
is open to position. R 7S2, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED accountant and bookkeeper
. knowledge of correspondence, seeks
office position; would accept small salary
to start, where chanrv-s of rapid promo
tion are good. P 780. Oregonlan.
MARRIED man. experienced In bookkeep
ing, cost accounting, credits and colleo
tlons, office management and auditing,
desires permanent position with honest,
- reliable people. L 773, Oregonlan.
CAN jou use an experienced man who Is
something more tiian an expert bookkeeper'
Does not require much brains to keep books
right: fine references. Will you grant ma
an Interview? Address K 785. Oregonlan.
A-l DRY GOODS man. with 14 years' ex
perience, good caniwrltcr and window-trimmer,
desirea position in or near Portland.
Box 2fc7. Chahalls. Wash.
YOUNG MAN 2B, has had 5 years' ex
perience as salesman In various lines, de
sires to affiliate himself with reliable mer
cantile house. V 181. Oregonlan.
A FIRST-CLASS traveling salesman. S years
on the road, Oregon and Washington ter
ritory, out of Portland. Is open for posi
tion. N 774, Oregonlan.
BOOKKEEPER wants position. under
stands stenography and typewriting; ex
perienced young man; city or country
Phone B 168S.
STENOGRAPHER ami bookkeeper wants
work evenings; -what have you? AM 783.
YOUNG Italian gentleman would like to
teach Italian In exchange for English.
Write to L. Biancone. 67 N. 9th st.
COMPETENT druggist, married, at present
employed, desires position in country. AV
778. Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper, wide experience,
reliable and faithful worker, city or coun
try. AB 781. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographey desires posl
tlon: understands bookkeeping. AJ 76.
BY bookkeeper, thorough and competent:
in or out of town. A 780. Oregonlan.
POSITION as clerk and assistant window
decorator. D 771. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wants work of any kind; well
acquainted with city. Alvin Harris, Lents,
WINDOW-CLEANING, f loor-pollshlng a spe
cialty. Thomas Green. Phone Main 6573,
8 o'clock evenings.
YOUNG man, 22, wants position night watch
man or work of any kind. J 778. Orego
nlan. WANTED Position as gardner on private
place; good experience; good references.
Phone Main 4508.
BUSINESS college student wants place to
work for board and room: willing to do
anything. H 761, Oregonian.
JANITOR and wife, with long experience,
want position In apartment -house; Xirst
class references. G 772. Oregonlan.
WANTED A position on a farm, bv a man
and wife and grown son. AC 779, Ore
gonlan. RELIABLE single German, middle-aged,
willing, wants any kind of work; no ob
jection to country. AN 774, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED solicitor wants line with
local firm on which permaneiTt city trade
can be established. L 781, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man of experience wishes position
as chauffeur: private family preferred. A
762, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. college education, desires em
ployment with reliable firm, learn the
business. lOO Ski-djnore St., city.
KITCHEN helper wishes place to learn
cooking; some experience; sober. good
worker; small wages. D 785, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as clerk in hotel or
rooming-house; years of experience, R
780. Orejzonian.
EXPERT gardening. trees grafted and
trimmed, lawns seeded, etc.: graduated in
European College. Phone Main 2229.
YOUNG Japanese boy wants position as por
ter or housework. W 782. Oregonian.
GARDENER wants lawns to grade and
seed; work guaranteed. Phono Tabor 1170.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants work with
private party. S 780. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE Employment Co.. will furnish
all help. 268 Everett, Main 4659. A 4073.
A POSITION aa watchman; beat of refer
ences. H 778, Oregonian,
GASOLINE engineer wants situation In or
out of city. W 775, Oregonian.
ENERGETIC boy. age 18, wants work; fur
nish A-l reference. Y 761, Oregonian.
BOY. 17, wants work of-any kind. AB 775,
WINDOW washing housec leaning. Mailt
6713. J. H. Gorrls.
COOK and wife, first-class, wants position;
abstainer. T 763. Oregonian.
REGISTERED nharmacist wants relief
srork. Address S 761. Oregonian.