THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN, PORTIiAJTD." MAECH ' 6, 1910. 13 REAL ESTATE. SPRING 13. HERE. GET BUST. We makft a specialty of suburban homes Ionic the different rarllnes. Here is the cream of our Ions list today. 5 acres near Lents line. $1650. easy terms, part clear. A fine spot. 11 acres. Tlgard station, all cultivation. 3 acres onion land, will soon double in value. $350 per acre. Will divide. 17 acres, Durham station, part cultiva tion, good buildings, on two carlines. 0 acres. Kuaa station, half bearing or chard, sightly, a snap at $526 per acre. Term a. 20 acres near Che maw a. 8 acres hop. 10 acres apples, 10 acres prunes, first-class buildings. Only $5200. Easy terms. 6 acres near Multnomah, station, in high state cultivation, fenced, on macadamized road, a most beautiful home spot at bar gain price. $3200 Easy term. 3 acres all covered with bearing" fruit, berries and crapes. 8 minutes from Court ney station, Oregon City line; 8c car fare, fine new 7-room house. A very modern suburban home and must be sold. Some of above places will exchange for city .property, pay cash difference. CLODFELTBR BROS., 414 Couch bid. Main 8064. NEW WHEAT LANDS 250.000 ACRE8 $12 TO $1S AN ACRE One-tenth cash. 9 years' time on the balance. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY IS OFFERING THESE FER TILE BOW RIVER VALLEY WHEAT LANDS FOR THE FIRST TIME. They are the choicest wheat lands on the Amer ican continent. Land all cleared and ready for the plow. Crop pays for your farm here In two to five years. The immigra tion to Alberta this year Lb greater than ever before. Lands are being rapidly taken up. Avail yourself now. of the op- ort unity of securing a piece of choice and at these very low prices. Write or call at once for free illustrated literature fully describing these lands. Our next ex cursion leaves March 14. We will furnish you with reduoed rates. IDB-M'CARTHT LAND COMPANY Colonization Agents Canadian Pacifio Railway, 425-424 LUMBKRMBNS BLDO. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage tracts. 20 minutes out on the Oregon Electric R. R. Beautiful building sites for modern homes. Finest soil about Portland. A small payment down will still secure one of these choice tracts. Anyone interested, however, must act at once, as the property is going fast. run information can be obtained by call ing on Trustee, 410 Failing bldg. COUNCIL CREST. South slope We have a number of acre tracts from five to ten acres. This Is the closest-ln acreage for the price around the city; only a half to a mile from Council Crest; if you are in the market for close-in acreage, call in and see us about .these. HAAS A RINGLER. 211 Lewis Bldg. 2H ACRES of choice sightly ground, with concrete walk and improved street on one side. Will plat into 13 lots. Must sell at once and will sell at $0500. You can walk to the center of town from this In 20 minutes. It has some frontage on Powell Valley road. No agents need ap ply. I must deal with people who want to buy. Call on owner. 410 Failing bldg. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Do you want a 5. 10. 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40-acre tract for investment or im mediate platting? Then come and see us at once for we have something good and at big profit-making prices; property ad joining already platted. JOSEPH 11. JOHNSTON, 82-8 Lafayette Bldg., Washington and 6th. FIVE acres cleared, right at station. Five acres three blocks from station, beautifully wooded, overlooking river. One acre with modern 11-room house and one acre with 4-room cottage, right on car line. Any of these are fine for home or In vestment. Take Oregon City car to Mel drums. See George Morse. 100x100. Two good 6-room houses, on East 10th St., only 15 minutes from 3d and Morri son; facing west; bringing $40 per month; $5000 cash; this Is the finest buy in city; look this up. A. J. GANTNER. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAVERTON. 8 acres of excellent soil, within easy walking distance of both depots; place Is . fenced and highly improved; good o-room house, with bath, etc.; good barn and out buildings; orchard and berries; $4251); half ' cash. KAUFFM ANN A MOORE. 825 Lumber Exchange. -ROOM modern bungalow: full cement basement, gas and electricity; lot 50x 100; 50 feet from car; H cash, balance to suit. A. J. GANTNER. ' 818 Board of Trade Bide. SUBURBAN HOM E61TE. Will sell all or portion of my ideal place In MUwaukle at a bargain price; ideal In location, perfect elope, very rich soil, fine running stream and springs. B. L. Hagemann. 266 Pine at. A CHOICE home of 9 acres in Forest Grove; 9-room house, with all modern conveni ences, fine barn, fruit, price very low for 'quick saie or mis spienma place. w. o. Waddel, 809 Lumber Exchange. $3000 -acre tract, mostly in grape, straw berries. ram berries : 2W miles cast Monta villa, few blocks south Base Line, near Dickinson s bungalow. Choice property Main 3176. 9 ACRES on the Baseline road, near end of Montavllla carllne. This is a bargaJn for $6000, and $1500 cash with easy terms on the balance takes the property. Queen Investment Co., 410 Failing bldg. 5-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100, good lawn, fruit trees, on canine; $1150. $650 cash, bal ance to suit; this is a snap. A. J. GANTNER. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. WILLAMETTE RIVER ACREAGE. 1200 feet frontage, natural eroves. or chard, etc.; 5 acres all cultivated, good river frontage, 5 acres all clear, some - rruit- bee Hagemann, at 2tfo Pine st. AN Ideal spot for a country home, 8 1-3 acres, one block from Curtis Station, over looking the Columbia; level, excellent fruit land; no agents. Owner, Phone' East IO ACRES on. Section Line road near the reservoir. This is beautiful, sightly prop erty, ana can now oe Dougnt lor $12,000. .-au tiu railing Diag. 9 ACRES, hlgn state cultivation, T-room house, bams, chicken-houses, orchard, va- rimy emsui rruats ; joins town ot Newoerg 80000, cash. Tabor 184. T"""" v-ii4jo, a. cauj Jk BUUUIVIBIUII ; till in cultivation ; part In orchard ; 6-room ,jijudc , o uiuckb irom -jviontaviiia canine. TIT j-fc TTT A T T C T OAn T 10 ACRES on 5c carllne. all rood anil small house. $6500: $2000 oaab, balance terms, or Portland Heights lot. 3Q2 8wet- tana Dias. FOR SALE acres, close In, Lenta, Owner, Homesteads. 4 MORB for our private oartv. for R. Fi Oregon. Lake County, to those 820-acre homesteads, 18 feet of water. 4 miles from timber, and on R. R. building in Lake valley. We go Tuesday. March 8. Call wd see our locator. Bob Roblnett. who has lived up there from boyhood. 14 Mul key bldg., 2d and Morrison, phone Main 7145. bend for booklet. Plggott A Rob- neik. WE) ow locate parties on the best of Gov ernment land in Malheur. Hajnav. TaIca Klamath, Crook and Lincoln counties; relin quishments and farms for sale at prices coax wiu convince you that we mean busl aesev DAVIS A BUXTKAMP. 510 Dekum Bldg. OREGON land surveying and locating HOMESTEADS. CENTRAL OREGON (and Oregon Washington, Idaho). Free reports; nt tiling; no fee. Our surveyors know their respective dis tricts. "Overland," 205 McKay Bldg. WH WILL locate you in Tillamook County on the best lands that are left. W Will lOOate VOll In CTt fro I and Southern Oregon In any district where vur uovarnment J ana. DAVIS A BUlTKAMp 610 Dekum bids. MUMBSTatiwBa acres l mtiM of s t Railroad station; easily reached from Port- wwi svnaii nouse, nam, stream, - plenty wood : acta A ti-iiI tnnri nuiriv a 11 r. . owner will relinquish for $500 Portland Homes Co-. 04 Morrison st. HOMESTEADS. 330 acres in Crook County, free wood and plenty of water; leave Portland every svuu jiik"i. bco us xor particulars. B.UGHBS LAND CO 010 Lewis Bids. Z .CAN loate you on the best farming wnu m uwimy. oy a reslden AMr:. uvu jw ud or OiX. W rMI or call on zne. E. M. Kellogg, MUwaukle, IF you want 320 acres In Lake County we will locate you on the best land. Inquire X3.Mvnvr xswuu. v-u., xa jvortn eth st. JTOR homesteads In Centsal Oregon, address REAL ESTATE. Homesteads. PARTY LEAVES PORTLAND THURSDAY, MARCH 10. TO LOCATE ON FINE CENTRAL OREGON HOMESTEADS, IN SAME VALLEY WHERE I HAVE MY HOMESTEAD. Along the new railroads now build ing; near forest reserve, where Gov ernment gives you your fuel supply, fence posts, etc.. free. We have a large community of fine people, schools, sawmills, store, dally rural mall delivery NOW. (Don't have to take chances on the future; we have these things NOW.) Deep, rich soil, land level, no rocs: or stumps; plenty GOOD water lO to 30 feet. Call and arrange to go. ALVIN 6. (HAWK, Printer, 88 Third St. 820-ACRE HOMESTEADS. 920 acnes of free Government land for you In best wheat section of Central Ore gon; plenty of wood; good water, no alkali; new railroads now building. Call for information and terms of location. Party going out morning of March 8. Join us on the trip. Office open Sunday DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND A INVEST MENT COMPANY, 301 Buchanan Bldg., On Washington, Near 6th St. SPECIAL low rates for Crook and Lake Counties this week; 2 claims of 160 acres under irrigation ditch, worth $65' per acre; we have some fine homesteads on f-he coast: relinquishments from 90 up. "ADVANTAGES OF OREGON." A book of 32 pages, explaining what each of the 84 counties is best adapted for, also the amount of Government land open to homestead on a map attached, 21x28, showing all the new towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon and counties In different-colors drawn down to Jan 1. 1910; latest map in U. S. A., price 25c Stamps or coin. Nlmmo A Runey, 13 Ham ilton bldg. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on S20 acres of Hen Government land In Southeastern Oregon, in the section about to be opened up by the Hill and Harriman lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left in the U. S. to get a homestead. Our agent has been living in the neighborhood of these claims for the past four years, and Is well posted on conditions and knows the country well. For further particulars call at our of fice. THE HART LAND CO. 145 2d aU HOMESTEADS TOTJ CAN IRRIGATE. Call today for description and terms of location on homesteads which you can ir rigate; near town and new railroads in Deschutes Valley ; party going out March 8: Join us on the trip. Office open Sunday. DESCHUTES VALLHY LAND A INVEST MENT CO.. 801 Buchanan Bldg. Washington, near 5th. WOULD you like to have a homestead on fine prairie land, where a living can be made xno nrat year : jiose to jx. k. no aageorusn, If so, can you go this week? BEAVER TRUST CO., 102 Second St. For Sale Frnlt Lands. A NICE LITTLE FARM. 28 acres. 22 under cultivation, running water, apple orchard of about 125 trees ' in full bearing; new house and new barn just completed coat $1200; water piped to house, good bathroom ; this Is the 'finest garden soil, part can be Irrigated; one mile from R. R. station; price $4600, one-third cash, balance to suit; 20 miles from Portland. This place has ' south west slope and strawberries would bring fine returns, with irrigation. See owner, 708 Corbett bldgv $200 PER ACRE. 70 acres of best fruit land in the conn try, 60 acres under cultivation, 30 acres in pasture, 6 miles from city limits, 14 mile to electric line, high elevation, over looking Portland and surrounding rmin- . try, fine living springs on the place sup plying all parts, god house, barns and outbuildings, two family orchards; $.T0OO cash, balance to suit buyer at 0 per cent interest ; a oargain. Betts' Realty Co., Woodstock, Or. Phone-. Sell wood 1283. SPITZ ENB ERG SCAPPOOSB ORCHARD LANDS In 10, 20. 30-a ere tracts are sell ing to the many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only nines 1 rum roruana, on raiiroaa. rvice $300. $40O. $500 per tract. BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 810-311 Corbett Bldg.. Portland, Or. Merxit A Palmer. Sales Agents. M OSIER. Is the place to buy apple land and now Is the time. -Prices are right, soli Is best. We have the proof. See us and get in MOSELE V & FARRELL, 205 Couch Bldg, MOUNT HOOD DISTRICT APPLE I.ANn On western foothill slope of Mount nooa. mues sou meant from Portland, on line of electric survey to Mount HonH: no -better fruit land in Oregon; so con sidered by our best horticultural author ity; get our Illustrated booklet. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Cham. Commerce. DO YOTT WANT A FARM? Call or write for my new list. It is a 32-page pamphlet, giving description, location, price and terms of a crreat manv eenuine hares ln In fruit fatv end grain farms In the valley, stock and j grain rancnes in nastern uregon. v. J. imith, 438 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. IDEAL FRUIT LAND 1020 acres, $12 per acre. 6 miles from Oakland, Or. RUFF-KLEIN SORGE LAND CO 418 Board of Trade Bldg. FAIRVIEW ORCHARD TRACTS. I A subdivision of the best land near M osier in 10 and 30 acres; better get one before they are all gone; $650 to $2000; terms. MOSELEY A HAHRELL, 205 Couch Bldg. TUALATIN FRUIT LAND. 15 acres at Tualatin station; 6-room boue; land lies nice and rolling; no waste land; In a beautiful orchard tract and a snap at $175 per acre. KIRK & KIRK HAM, 236 Stark, St. YAMHILL COUNTY 90 acres, choice land. 72 acres cleared and ready to plant trees; joins large or chard; price $3000; sure to double your money In less than a year. WESTERN LAND CO. 24SVi Stark sU FOR SPRING PLANTING. One-year-old apple trees for sale at the rate of $9 per 100 of 4 top trees, of the most popular Winter varleltes as Spltsenberg, Baldwin or Pippin Graven stein and N. Spy; all clean; a guaranteed tree. M 7SS, Oregonian. 6-ACRB fruit tract, Kennewiok Highlands; S buildings; flumed and fenced; 27S apple trees, acre in onions; $40O acre; must go East; $800 will handle, balance on long time; if not sold by April 1 will hold at $500 acre. C J. Goet singer, Kennewiok Highlands, Wash. . FOR SALE A bearing orchard of 5 acres, In splendid condition, at a great bargain; a beautiful tract within a few miles of Vancouver; owner permanently located in the East and must sell at (3 nee. Particu lars by addressing box 2&1. Toledo, Ohio. ACRES of good soil, under cultivation ; orchard, 4-room house, woodshed and chicken-house; 1 block from main street, near depot; 77 miles north of Portland 1 price. $500. Addres owner. Pv D. Adki son, Wlnlock, wash. 5 ACRES ' One rolls from city limits, near Bar road; Ideal frqit and chicken ranch; price . 90OO per acre. RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO., 41S Board of Trade Bldg. MOSIER APPLE LAND. The best in the state for the least money; $20 to. $100 per acre; easy terms; rich or poor can buy and make money. THOS. M'CUSKER, S29 Luxnbermens Bldg. FOR SALE: 267 acres, 12 miles from Eu gene, R. R. station on ranch, well Im proved, 250 acres fine fruit land; price, $52.50 per acre. The Bingham Land Co., Eugene, Or. COLUMBIA RIVER IRRIGATED PLANTED FRUIT TRACTS at 250 per acre. Your Inspection invited. (Inexpensive one-day trip from Portland, Spokane, Seattle.) Overland. 205 McKay bldg. . CRANBERRY LANDS A small investment will let you In on 4 acres best cranberry lands, at Ilwaco, Wash. - For particulars, C Hughes Land Co., 610 Lewis bldg. . IO ACRES Burbank Irrigated fruit land, ditch right, water right, maintenance $l.0O; will trade 1 $300 acre net; terms. 450 Magnolia C WANTED Tb rent from O to 10 acres with house, within 10 miles of Portland; must be reasonable; no agents. Y 765, Oregonian. IRRIGATED fruit lands for sale or -r ebaofie b W Oht, ffro- iUrer 3?a&.4 REAL ESTATE. For Bale Frnlt Lands, A 8ERMONETTB. When It comes to tlva matter of apple land, the sub-dlvlslon of somebody's farm in the Something valley proves nothing. Working the printing press overtime does not make a proven apple district to any alarming extent. The area which grows fancy Spitzenberg and Newtowns Is very limited. Just write that behind your ear, as our German friend says. Mosler is a part of that rare dlHtrlct, and it gets high est prices for its apples, while Its land Is still about one-rhird the price of that at Hood River. Take It from us that prices at Mooter are going higher than the prov erbial cat's back, and then some. The only reason we don't buy all Mosler our selves Is because our banker persistently refuses to loan us his entire capital and surplus, for neasons we cannot fathom. This being the case, we can let you in on a few good buys if you step lively. MOSELEY A FARRELL, 205 Couch Bldg. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY FRUIT LANDS. 42 acres, 16 in cultivation, balance In brush and small timber; fair house and barn; fine for pears or apples; only 4 miles to railroad; near Central Point; price $50 per acre for short time. ISO acres, about 80 acres cultivated. 14 acres of 2-year-old orchard, house and barn and good water; close to a fine col lege town. Price $160 per acre; terms. 66 acres, 40 acres under cultivation, SO acres alfalfa; fine for pears; this is a fine fruit section; close to Ashland; price S1S. 000. 700 acres, about 100 !n cultivation, bal ance oak and other timber; lies along county road; fine for fruit and subdivid ing. Call in and let us tell you about this fine tract. We can resell for you at a big price in small tracts. Price $36 per acre. Call and see us about Rog-ae River fruit lands we have them. v MOBSMAN & M'NAIR. 408 Commercial Club Bldg. WALNUT ORCHARD 20 acres, less than a mile from Mc Minnvllle. on good count v road; has over 1100 trees planted, consisting of walnuts, apples, peaches and cherries. The orchard was planted more particularly as a walnut orchard, the trees being planted 45 feet apart with the apple, peach and cherry trees as fillers. This place has been well cultivated and the soil Is deep and rich. Price $375 per acre. Terms. Owing to the location and soil this tu a bargain at that figure. CHESTER H. STARR 1022 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE TO-aore tract, best orchard land, close to town. Finest 6 -acre home In Marion County. Rich 40-acre farm, also " 0-acre home and 80-acre home, worth the money, be sides a lot and fraction in Seattle to ex change, and the best 500-a ere tract in Oregon for $70 per acre. C. M. CRITTENDEN, Hubbard. Or. For Sale Farms. 10.06 ACRES. In Marlon County, mile from good country town and 2 good schools; land all clear and in cultivation; land lies level; 10 acres in hops, 1 4 acres In good bearing orchard, 1ft years old ; one good hophoue, 65 hoDsacks. 25 hoD-bartceta 1 rirhanb scale; price $2100. terms; one mile from ooat laixung, miles to Salem EHec-trlo carllne. 166 ACRES. In 'Marlon County, Oregon ; good T-room houae, 28x41. frame building, good barn 20x48 feet. ' carpenter s-hop 16x20, good bear ing orchard in fine condition; mile to two good schooLa and postoffloe. In good country t- ,n, 1 mile to steamboat landing; price $1750, terms. These two places can be handled together, as they are only mile apart. Will sell all stock and farming Implements very chearx Will take in part trade a 7 or 8-room home on fcJast wide. A BARGAIN. 16H acres nice roiling black loam soil. good orchard, with all kinds of fruit; creek runs tnrougn place; large 7-room nouae, good as new. good barn and other buildlnsi on place; good bricked well, some stock and vegetables go with place; 8 acres under cultivation; mile to boat landing, mile to good town, school and postoffioe. Price aztx 2 casn. KIRK KIRK HAM, 226 Stark St. OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME.. 635 acres Yamhill County, 45 miles from Portland. Oregon. S15 acres rich bottom land, 360 acres under cultivation. Hay, grain, etc. Crop now In. 150 acres timber. oak and fir. 320 acres rolling land. Includes timoer; 3 springs form a creek; 7-ro" house, brick foundation, hot and cold water, 8 large barnsv other good outbuildings. A-l class farm Implements, stock, horses, mules, 50 cows: milk condensing station within 2, miles and R. R. station; faces fine county road. Choice fruit land. Price, $H0 per acre. Includes improvements. Farm Implements and all stock. $11,000. 6-year mortgage, 5 per cent cash and terms on balance. Might consider income Portland property. $6000 cash will handle this. See BHEFTI&U & KILHY, 23 Rnssel Bldg., 4th and Morrison ats. IRRIGATED LAND. In famous Deschutes Valley of Central Oregon; the country you have been read ing about ; rich in latent resouroes, tim ber, waterpower, new railroads now build ing; prices advancing; buy now and get benefit of present prices; party going out morning or aiarcn 8. call lor informa tion and terms. Office open Sunday, On Washine-ton. Near fith St. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND A INVEST MENT COMPANY, 801 Buchanan Bldg., SOMETHING GOOD. 200 acres of fine bottom land, all In cultivation, on rock roaa. a mues of Dai las: 865 ner acre. 5 and 10-acre garden and fruit tracts on Oregon Electric, 1 mile of Donald City, $150 per acre: on ixayments of $10 ner mo.: no Interest; best and cheapest tracts on this road; this land is all cleared; agents wantea to sen tnese tract a I have more Valley farms for sale than any real estate firm in Portland, as I have my cwn omces at eaiem and Dallas. C HUGHES LAND CO., 610 Lewis Bldg. ASIC US. A GOOD BUY. 15- ac re. near Gerd en Ho mi; 2 minute walk to Oregon Electric sta tion; all under cultivation: extra good buy, with all personal effects; splen did nel gh borhoed . COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. 270 ACRES. Best platting proposition Clark County Wash., 11 miles east Vancouver, good road, to be macadamized; electric line within 6 mfles and survey passes farm; telephone line, R. F. D. Extremely easy to put in shape. $6000 cash. Price $11,600. Will take Portland property up to $3000. Owner, filO-11 Merchants Trust bldg. Vbone, Mar- snail, owj. 80 ACRES near Orchards. Wash.; fine, rich black soil, no gravel; SO acres liw culti vation, 250O cords of wood on other ItO: good 8 -room bouse, outbuildings; orchard of apples, pears, auincea and prunes: 2 miles from R. R. station and near electric - line now building: will subdivide nicelv This is one of the finest farms In that country of fine farms: only $125 ner acre terms. Coast Commercial Co., 419 Henry iiag. IDEAL IMPROVED FARM DAIRY. FRUIT OR SUBDIVISION ADVERTISED BY OWNER. 206 acres in Willamette Valley. 30 miles irom roruana, aa joining gooa railroad town ; 3ft acres rich bottom, balance roll ing upland: 170 acres under plow: first- class drainage; finest soil; full equipment and all stock, go with place. For further details see John Q. Wilson, 730 Cham- oer 01 commerce. HOGS 7 HOGS T HOGS? Have for sale two farms, hard to beat. on the Willamette River, boat landing on both; both mostly cultivated and highly the finest corn grows on these places, and airaiia. we nave a large 11st. oi dairy ana biock i anun. vret our list. ROSE CITY REALTY A INV. CO 015 Lumber Exchange Bldg. CROOK County Improved and unimproved lands, at prices prevallms before the boom. One tract has 150 acres of alfalfa, with private water-right and good Improvemen-tsi Another is nearly all natural meadow, fine for stock or dairying. Railroad will pass ri;nt oy it. axu joroett oag. $4.50 PER ACRE. I own 320 acnes of good land In Uma tilla County, if sola this week: I will sac rifice It at the above price: $500 cash, balance mortgage. Own en, 618 Board of Trade. 62-ACRE farm, good buildings, only 12 miles from Portland, fine road, right close to station: only $7ovu. Fine place for coun try home, good to Cut up into S-acre tracts; It Is a snap. Call 61& Chambe Commerce. $8000 WILL buy 60 acres of fine land 20 miles from Portland, rig-ht at transportation: no better land. lx Orecon, M, E. Lee 411 iQoitoett fcld REAL ESTATE. -ACRE FARM. SOME BEAVERDAM, STOCKED, $1650, We have a fine $-aore farm, close to the Oregon Electric line, one hour from Portland, with 5 acres cleared, 8 H acres of good timber. There are several acres of the best beaver- . dam land which is worth several tiroes the price of the place. For anyone con sidering a poultry and gar den ranch, this cannot be surpassed. There im a bear ing orchard of fine apple -1 rees aroun (t the h ouse. There is a grood strong spring1. The Improvements con sist of a 6-roora house re cently renovated and put In the best of condition, a barn 18x38 feet, othr outbuild ings. The following stock and implements go: 1 horse,' 1 cow, 25 ' chickens, 1 buggy, 1 cultivator, 1 set single harness, and a num ber of small tools. Price $1650. RALPH AC K LEY. 605 Corbett Bldg. A POftTTTVR KM A. T 75 acres of deep black soil, every foot level, 60 acres in high state of cultiva tion. S acres second grade beaverdam in cultivation, place all fenced and cross fenced, good orchard of 1O0 trees, good oomiorxaoie o-room nouse in nne shape, rood barn and outbuildings, running stream the year round, good well, good team horses. 10 fine milch cows, heifers. pigs. 76 brown Leghorn chickens. lOO young chicks, some hay. several sacks of grain, potatoes, apples and other fruits, 1 heavy wagon, 1 light wagon, 1 new ouKKy, a gooa mower, rave, plows, culti vator, harrows, single and double harness, cream separator and all milking utensils, bone cutter and all small and large toola nis piace is 11 miles irom ortiana, 14 miles from electric station, on R. F. D.. milk route and telephone, in fine open country and ood roads. You don't have to buy anything, everything is on the ptece. Everthlng goes at $5000, $3900 cash, balance long time. This place can not be duplicated anywhere. See this at our expense. CHAPIN St HER LOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. FARMS. Dairy and stock farm, located 3 miles from Wa id port, Lincoln Coun try, 209 acres, AO acres bottom land, balance low bench land, 6-room house, 20 head of cattle, lots of fruit, also farming Implements; best ranch on Alsea Bay ; $4000, half cash, balance easy terms If taken at once. Douglas County farm, near Glen dale. 160 acres, 40 under cultiva tion, good 8 -room house and large new bam; 80 acres good Umber; a fine farm and a bargain; $25 per TO OK ER -RE AD LAND CO. Offices Henry bldg. BEAVERDAM. 19 acres. 11 miles from Portland at R. R. station and a-bout 1A miles from eleo- trlc line; nearly all cleared, 7 acres of the finest beaverdam that will produce $4000 annually, and balance of soil Al; fine new 6-room cottage, cost about $1200, new barn, cost $400, and other good buildings, all nicely fenced and the very best of well water at bouse and barn: larse family orchard, mostlv annlAa ahnut half an acre of strawberries and other email iruita. one good cow, horse, har ness, wagon. 2 larare dIks. chickens. In cubator, all farm Implements, large and small, wood, hay and some produce. This will pay as big as most of the lOO-acre farms, on account of the 7 acres of bea verdam, which Is superior to any other soli and is worth more than you are pay ing for the entire tract. Advertised last week at $4000. but will take $8660 if deal is ciose a at once. Terms. CRAWFORD REALTY COMPANY 386 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. 1O0 ACRES Valley farm, on railroad, all clear and level. 20 acres In grain, balance In pasture, good farm land, two small n one es. Tarn. good, water an d windmill R. R. station Just acress road. Price $66 an acre. . (1ST) CO acres Near Albany on main traveled road, all fine land and In cultivation;- 6 room house, barn and some other build ings; nice little place and one of the best on the market. Price $5000, half cash balance at 6 per cent, 105) 4S0 acres Willamette Valley, near R. R.. about mid wav between A Ihnnv mrA Eugene, fine farm all fenced and cross fenced, good portion now In crop, fine large house, well built, well finished and modern; two large barns, buildings are superior and in flno condition; photos in office. Price $BO an acre; can be subdl- viaea to advantage. (93) W. H. LANG CO.. 414 Ablngton bldg., 106 Third st. GARDEN LAND. 70 acres, mostly all level and In cultivation; river front age, 20 acres overflow, 7-room new plastered house, with full basement, barn 80x50. with shed and 4 other outbuildings, new and well painted; good cement-, ed well with pump; family or chard ; all machinery, Imple ments and tools. 12 cows, 1 team and wagon. Price $135 per aore. EASTERN EXCHANOE. 226 Morrison 6t. A S670; M 3022. SNAPS IN SMALL FARMS $$800 for a 70 -acre well-improved farm on the Columbia: llOOO cash win hniA. $3200 for a well-improved farm near Newberg; $2000 cash will handle. $45 per acre for a well-Improved 160- m.Ki m mriu. 2 Ya nuies irom county seat 100 acres In crop: s320O will hundi Get particulars at office. They are too good to spend too much money for adver- USlIlg. F. FUCHS, 221 V Morrison St. NOTICE. 160 aores. near Vnrnat Ortmi wtV tun 000 feet of saw timber, 10 acres in cultf- vBuoxi, smaii orcnara. Dam 2Ux40, J run tiiuB Bircttini. oniy ssutfu; casn. DUBOIS A CROCKETT, ' . Washington Bldg.. Room 2. INVESTMENT. 1000 acres, located in Lincoln County; 100 ac-rca trottiTu , toibc, Dam, eiC. ; DO nead Of oattle. 6 horses; lOO sheep, 300 goetsv all Timuu me y . Kjiuy per nxrrv. W. H. MORBHOUBS INVESTMENT CO. 233 Alder sU TEN acres. ' 1 xStlle southeast of. MUwaukle; good 4-room house; barn 20x32 feet. All kinds of fruit, H acre strawberries, 3 acres beaverdam land which produced 12j0 bushels of onions last year; balance fine Mack soil. Price $6500; small payment down, balance 6 per cent. Chism. 616 Couch bldg. A WINNER. 267 acres near Eugene. 250 acres fine farming land, good house and barn, rail road station on the place; price $02.50 ' per acre; $5000 cash. RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO.. ( 418 Board of Trade Bldg. BT OWNER; 800 acres, Clark Co., black sandy loam soil; 4,000.000 ft. timber; will sell timber separate ; will sell In 80-acre tracts: some Improvements; Al dairy proposition ; for particulars address E 755. Oregonian. 80-ACRE farm. In high state of cultivation, close to live little town, Yamhill County, 30 miles from Portland; splendid soil; for sale by owner; $7000. terms on half. Ad dress Comb, Box 82, Dallas, Oregon. 640-ACRE farm, Willamette Valley, at R. R, station; 650 under cultivation. Pos session Oct 1 and half of crop. $70 per acre, half cash, balanoe five years. Wright, 836 Sherlock, bldg. FARM, 400 acres. 40 acres under cultiva tion, 76 bearing fruit trees, between 15,000 and 20.O00 cords wood: In com belt; $23, cash, an acre; plenty water. Chris Rabin sky, 6c a p poos a, Oregon. 800 ACRES, near Ooldendale, Wash.; most nil clear, no stumps; finest of fruit land; plenty water; only $12 per acre; hurry 1 See or write to N- LegauXt, 2073 Ev Wash ington st. FOR SALE 640 acres A-l wheat land, 600 In cultivation, 9 miles south of lone, for ?ulck sale, $20 per acre. George W Utt, one, Oregon, Morrow County. 13TO-ACRB FARM. $26 per acre buy farm near railroad In Willamette Valley, suitable for subdivision. . Howard Land Co.. 420 8 wetland bids;. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying : lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co. Salem. Or. ON small payments, 60 acres, $1350; 5 acres 200; others for sale and exchange Ot AUd.dlska.uff Toledo, Oi. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. FARMS. $800 cash will handle this splendid 80- , tre farm. rood, rich soil. 5 acres in culti vation, balance brush, easily cleared ; fair new buildings, spring water. 1 horse. 6 cows, 6 head of cattle, new cream separator and all farm tools. Only 4 miles from Oregon City. Very cheap at $2500. Only $000 cash required. R2U. AORTO. See this farm and you will buy It. 26 acres in cultivation, IO acres siaeneo. ana seeaea, balance timber, all aood soil and all fenced. Small house and new barn. 84x48. and good outbuildings. ' fine well water, one heavy team, harness and wagon, 6 cows, 2 hogs, 2 doxen chickens, new cream separator and httm hiiv. t A iurM Mndtl to Fall oatst Located near school and church on good road. 6 miles &. E. of Oregon city. R. if. D. and phone. Price $0O0, $4000 cash, balance 6 years, 6 per cant. Look, this up. 400 ACRrasL Here's a good farming proposition for a party of friends to cut Into small farms, 260 seres in high state of cultivation, balance timber. Good house and Improvements, large barn and outbuildings, everything goes including farm machinery and e)tock. sheep goats, etc This Is good fruit land, onw 8 miles from H. i". tu it. near oaaiano. ZTftce oniy 30 per acre, terms. 16 ACRES. 9 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared, some good onion rand, can oe irri gated. 6-room nouse. bam and good water. Only la miles from Beaverton. Price $3000, term a We have anything you want In farms. Sea , GTBSON A HOLLXD A T, 8O4-306 Gerllnger Bldg. 10-ACRE POHiTRT FARM ON ELECTRIC LINE; , $1000. With running water across tt; this bottom land prop erty has been operated suc cessfully as a paying poul try ranch. It is mile from a good town; 2 acres cleared; 150 cords of wood, 3 -room house, 1 acre or chard, chicken -houses, bees, chickens, some furniture. This Is a fine suburban loca tion, surrounded by peach and apple trees and berries of all kinds. If you are thinking of a chicken ranch close In, look us up and get the terms. RALPH ACKLET, 605 Corbett Bldg. 160 ACRES, near Roseburr. 2U miles from : ,k. rt- station. 60 rods to school. 20 acres now seeded, fenced and cross-fenced, es timated 1.500.000 feet saw timber, excel lent water springs and well, thousands or acres or ou tran ge, n ne 6-room house, excellent bam and other ontibulldtnfirs. famlly orchard, soil adapted to fruit rais ing or dairying; surrounded by good farms and neighbors; only $2.tO0; terms. lOO acres, near Corvallls, 60 in cultiva tion, family orchard, 140 acres of level bottom land, black sandy loam, fenced 1 and cross-fenced, a fine dairy ranch, new 6 -room house, new bam 60x60, other ouLDunainsTB, 1 yg miies to K- K. station, close to school; 3 horses, 13 cows, 5 calves, 4 hogs, 100 chickens, ducks and turkeys : al 1 kinds of farm In s- Imple ment; 500,000 feet of saw timber, great quantity of piling have refused $20OO for same; all for $75 per acre; worth $100. Large number of Willamette farms, all sizes, at bargains. 160 acres and relinquishment for an other SO with plenty of water in East- rn or Southern Oregon, cheap for trade or casn wu n terms. COAST COMMERCIAL COMPANY, 410 Henry Bldg., Portland, Or. IRRIGATED land The greatest fruit and alfalfa valley In America is now open for settlement at Fort Stockton, Tex., rich al luvial, natural flow .of pure spring water exceeding 65.000.OOO gallons per day for ir rigation and domestic use: water on land now; amured profits' of from $100 to $1000 per acre ; no rt rougnt ; no crop f al 1 ur es ; finest all year 'mundi climate In the United States1: altitude 9050 feet above sea level. Fort Stockton Is county seat of Pecos Coun ty and important divlMon point on the Kan as City. Mexico A Orient Railway, now unoer construction; population now uxm; will soon be a city of from lO.Oho to 15.00O. Greater opportunities for homeseekere and Investors- Mian were ever offered In the older Irrigated districts., wlhere orchards) are valued a from $2000 to $5O0O per acre. Choice locations open to those who investi gate now. Low rate excursions first and fhlrd Tftesdaya of each month. You cannot afford to buy land anywhere without see ing Fort Stockton. For full Information ad dress Fort Stockton Irrigated Lands Co., svi jnaeuty J rust Diag., nanses uuy, mo. 120 ACRWS TBTE VERY FINEST. At reasona-bl price and liberal terms; 1$ miles from center of Portland; close to R. R. station; electric line building ; 86 acres In high state of cultivation, fine hopyard ; a lovely home In beautiful location 60 minutes by train to Portland; running water In house. If Interested, see owner. P. REI31ER8, 709 Corbett Bid. 80-ACRE farm in the foothills of the Che- halem Mountains. U mile from Rex Sta tion: $ acres of splendid orchard, 6 acres In berries; house of 6 rooms, water piped to house: running water: fine view of the Willamette Valley; land gently sloping to southwest; B0 6-year-old cherry trees; no better buy so close to Portland; $13 6 per acre; oue-i-nira casn, Daiance 5 years at 6 $er cent; win sen part or tnis. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, ' 70$ Corbett Bldg. TnB MAN WHO WANTS A HOME." B. 10 or 20-acre tracts, ready to plant. sightly, level, rich black sandy loam, on the Willamette river, very deal sable for fruit and vegetables; water and rail . transportation. one hour's ride from ' Portland. This means something to the man who wants a home, wants to be in dependent and educate his famllv. Price $150 per acre, easy terms; larger tracts xor coiomes a specialty. DEAN LAND CO.. 623 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. . BUY NOW. Need money. Have 103 acres. 20 sen . neaveraam. Daiance nigh swale land, all seeded to timothy, will cut 8 tons per acre. 7U acres cleared, balance vood pas ture, fine stream. 8-room plastered house 1 (brick iounaauon), barn and other build ings, mile graded school, store and ; church, K- f. J-. cream, route and tele- Shone. CRAWFORD REALTY CO.. 335 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, On 20 ACRES 17 miles from Portland, about half mile from station, on main macadam road, extra gooa fruit lana. mostlv In cul tivation, about 40 fruit trees, deep rich soil, no rock, house and barn. Oregon Electric survey near, win give two rt. rt. lines; land near by selling $2O0 to M00 an acre. Price of this only $2700, part cash, balance terms. W. K. Lang Co., 414 Ablngton bidjr. v FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS. No mutter what kind or wha.r siwl farm you want to buy, we have it, and will give you the best value for your money ana a square aeaL. ix you wish to get satisfaction, ask us for Information on any subject regarding farm lands In Ore gon. F. FUCHS, 221 Ht Morrison St. ABSOLUTE, SACRIFICE. Of'650-acre dairy farm, 25 miles from I Portland, with all stock and Implements, ! instate must oe settled tms week. CHAPIN A HER LOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. THIS IS A MONEY MAKER, 154 acres, nearly all under high state of cultivation; nne 8-room house and splendid new bam; buildings alone cost $(5000; can be cut up into 10-acre lots and easily sold for $350 an acre; price as It Is. only $115 an acre. J. M. FRENCH A CO.. 412-413 Ablngton bldg.. 106 Third St.! OX Willamette River, right across the river ' rrora Newoerg, a beautiful 100-acre ranch. 100 acres clear, balance timber. Boat land ing right on place. Finest soil, no rocks or I gravel, can oe ooujcnt ax t per acre. C F. Pfluger A Co., room 6, Mulkey Mac, 2d ana Mnmson sea FINE VALLEY FARM. Close to Portland, splendid for dairy. No better in Oregon, 124 acres at $125 I per acre. Fart cash, part Portland prop erty, balance terms. See my agent, Mr. REAX ESTATE. For Sale Farms. STOCKMEN Attention. SIO acres, 180 in cultivation and meadow. balance timber and open pasture, 2 miles from S. P. R. R. town. 35 miles to Port land, on good county road, 70 acres river Dot torn, oaianoe roiling and oench lana: an can be cultivated when cleared except about 40 acres; fine springs on place for stock use. also gooa wen at house; mixed family orcn ard plenty small fruits, eohoolhouse on corner of place, land all fenced and crose- lencea, rine b-room nouse, good large bam and other outbuildings, 2 horses, 8 milch cows. 4 heifers, Jersey bull, 30 Angora goats, 60 chickens, wagon, buggy, cart, binder, mower, plows, harrow and other tools are included, at $52.oo per acre. SEE THIS. 81 acres, IV. miles from S. "P. and electric station. 20 miles from Portland : on good county road, with R. F. D., fine O-room nouse. new. smai 1 Darn, a 1 1 lenoea. an oest solL, level and has fine creek, good well, IO res In cultivation which Is rich swale land. T acres slashed and all seeded. Price $;t&00; $1500 cash will handle and terms to suit on balance. This will go to iirst party who looks it over. WASHINGTON COTTNTY'B . CHEAPEST RANCH. 200 acres, 125 acres In cultivation, balance pasture: wood for farm uee; well fenced and cross-fenced; orchard for family use, and plenty or small fruits: H mlie to K. H. sta tion. miles to HUlaboro; on fine county road ; living water on place; 6 acres fine beaverdam. all in cultivation; balance of place lies level; best of Tualatin valley soil; fine house of 8 rooms, barn 70x70, sheds, chicken house and other buildings, ail in good shape: 4 fine horsecL 8 cows. 2 year- lings; hay in barn for this season; full list or farm machinery, binder, potato planter and digger, mower, hav rake. 2 wagons, top ffcuggy. seeder, harrow, disc, spring tooth cultivator. 3 plows and all email toola in cluded at $126 per acre. Half cash, balance easy terms. Look this up. MUM Mi. tV ijjfcjr 20 acres fine level land, part of It black swale, about 8 acres cleared and In cultiva tion, balanoe pasture, smai 1 voun sr orchard. mile to railroad station, store, etc., on fine road, R. F. D. past door, also tele phone line, house 3 rooms, good shape, bam and other buildings. 16 miles from Portland in a tnicKiy settled section: cow. ao chick ens, mowing maohine, cultivator and email 1001a. iTToe. .ri(H. Terms on part. rxiL,jx iojv. unu & is & ill. Both phones. 310 Oak sU 240 ACRES mile from the Salem Electric. 223 acres in fine state of cultivation. 15 acres timber. 12 acres hops, family orchard on Main County Road, good 1H -story 7-room house, good, large ham. all level, best of hiacK soli, ail well-fenced, fine location, U mile of school and church. R. F. D. and telephone; this Is one of the best nuys in Oregon; guaranteed as advertised: price only $ 1O0 per acre. If you are In the market for a good Investment, see mis nerore ouymg; win divide place; terms one-tnira casn, Daiance long time. $480O. lOO acres, one mile from Estacada elec tric car, 28 miles from Portland, 30 acres in fine state of cultivation, 30 acres very easily cleared, not to exceed $20 per acre 2 acres bearing orchard, small fruits. ffood 2-story house, 18x20, good barn, fine spring near house and barn ; personal property goes with place ; team, new wagon and harness, ft cows, 2 large hogs, 2 doxen chickens, 10O sacks spuds, cream separator; binder, mower and rake ; ir0 bushels grain, all kinds of farm tools, and the very best of black soil no better fruit land In Oregon; give good terms; a snap. 600 ACRES in Clark County, Washington, So miles irom Forriana ; k. k. station on place; several acres cleared. B-room liouse. 1.- OOO.OOO feet of green timber, very -best of fruit land, fine for plattln in 10-acre tracts; price only $15 per acre; H cash-. uaiance long time, o per cent; would dl vide tract. .T. H. SHIELDS 205 Oerllnaer bide. cor. 2d And ATHr Office Main 8430; residence Woodlawn ztttu, Portland. - 667 ACRES In Yamhill County, one of the 1 in obi iarms ror planting orchards, or stock and dairy. Over 20 aores In cultivation ; 150 acres bottom land, house, bams and out- ouiiaingH, imiy do an aore. 11 acres on the Willamette Rtver, finest oiacK river oottora son, an m cultivation fine new plastered houwe with modern mn venlences. windmill, hot and cold vstAr. patent toilet, bath and lavatory; boat land- 10 acres highly Improved, fine buildings, running water. several acre In Kn-tHo fruit, 2 acres set to Lambert oherrles, A beautiful suburban home with automobile roan to r-ortiand and only 14 mile to elec- tna station or railroad. $0500. THE DUNN-LA WRENCH CO.. 248 Alder Kt. YOTrLL DTP1 Looking1 If you look for anything as cheap as this, and only 14 miles from Portland; $80 per acre for 10O acres of fine soil, no gravel: 70. acres cleared, about is anro fine green timber and other 15 mostly '"neu( ana easily ciearea; good 8-room house, nice large barn, small barn and oxner outouiiaings ; renced and cross xvncea i new wire), . nne well at house, with pump: larsre faxnllv nrrhani tt F. D., telephone, on cream route, close to R- R. station, store and school; farm implements targe and small. stocK. chick ens. etc. Without a. rtouht vnn rallTi hi to be the greatest sacrifice on the market as It would cost almost all you are paving to put the 70 acres In cultivation, saying nothing of the cost of the land, 'timber and Improvements. Very easy terms. See mn ai our expense. CRAWFORD REALTY PftMPAKY 835 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. A SPLENDID DAIRY AND FRTTTT PARM jiw acres. o in cultivation, about half oottom ana nair nigh land; this place ti 16 miles from Portland and adjoins R. R. sittiiuu , n&s nne, large nome and out houses, large bam: on account of near ness to station and protection o raimi cold winds, would be very suitable for aairy Dusiness ana milk tmniivrtitinn I . to Portland; electrio line will run through nlng water on the place; finest orchard large part could be Irrigated Si firt r. acre, easy terms. For further particulars owner, tr. xieimers, ov Corbett bldg. 43 ACRES. Near Vancouver, on carllne to the new TOwnsite 01 Litton; the land is all in high wi cuiuvftuuu uia lies weii ana th soil Is of the best; no rock or gravel; 1 acres are In bearing orchard. A nnrM ii small fruit: place is fenced anrt mu fenced and faces good county road; there Is a good 7-room house, furnished with new oak furniture; a. good barn and out buildings; everything In first-class shape; a good span of 6-ye ax-old mares and all farming machinery go with the farnx; price only $7500; $4000 cash; a snap. KAtTFFMANN A MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. WANT A GOOD FARM In the Willamette Val ley, of Oregon ? Of course you do. Write or call AT ONCE for our lists. STARR A FOSTER 1022 Board of Trade bldg. 20 ACRES 13 miles from Portland and one miie irom station .on rne baiem Electric road and riyht on the Tualatin River; the NewbergoMcMlnnvlIle Electric Railroad is surveyed through the place. There Is a small shack and barn and 8 acres cleared, 1 Vj acres beaverdam and no better land In the. state for onions or anything else. This can be bought now at $2uO per acre, but is subject to a raise and will go up soon. J. W. DOANEv 3 Lewis Building. 1000 ACRES In cultivation, with build ing improvements, at $25 per acre; this property Is located on the R. R. In Sherman County, near Columbia River; the offer Is good for a short time only. Columbia Truot Co., 64 Fourth at. OPPORTUNITY. Can double your money In short time In the Sandy River District. Call or write for my pamphlet and learn all about this choice farm and fruit land; only 20 miles from Portland, where everything la rlirht S. SYBELDON, a S21 Board of Trade Bldg. 90 ACRES in Polk County, on R. R. $50 per acre; 46 In cultivation, 44 iii pasture; close to school and church; - the soil Is rich black loam; must be sold this week, Columbia, Trust Co.. 84 Fourth st, - YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. . 138 acres; 00 acres In high state of en HI vat Ion. well Improved; livestock and Imple ments Included, fine roads, SO miles from Portland. $70 per acre; easy 'terms. We have many other desirable farms. INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD. 256 Washington jioom 1Z. REAL KSTATB. For Sale Farms. CTTLTrVATED -FARMS. ONLY 4 MILES FROM FOREST GROVE.. ACRES'. 16 acres under cultivation, black soil. Hps level, all fenced, nice young orchard, fine berry patch, 8 acres is pasture land; 4 room house, bam 30x40; land well drained: R F. D. . I mile to hurch and school, givd 1 "'' 1 iwm ruii orov oest loca tion. Price' $5000. 20-ACRB FARM. v IO acres under cultivation. 4 acres in pastures 2 acres of orchard. 25 nice cherry trees, balance, assorted fruits; -all fenced, and land level, good black soil, small house, barn 18x28. chicken-house, 1 mile from electric line and country town. 4 miles from railroad. 6 miles from Vancouver; good team worth $3O0. harness, wagon, cow." all farm machinery and small tools. Price $32O0; $1800 cash, balance to suit. $2000 CASH. Buys this beautiful home, consisting of 40 acrea fine black loam soil. 25 acres fine state of cultivation. 8 acres in green flr timber. 14 acres of walnuts, family orchard of as sorted fruits In excellent condition : all fenced and crows-fenced with good fencing; a new barn 60x7S. with fine basement for cattle, good 7-room house and excellent out buildings, water piped to 'house and barn from spring, t mile to school and church. 1 mile to tore rural free delivery; phone in the house, location, IV Vt miles from For est Grove, on good road, and is a good buy at $5500, $2000 cash, balance to suit, 6 jer cent. CULTIVATED FARM GOOD LOCATION. 75 acres, all good level land, 60 acre in good cultivation, 8 acres green timber, bal . anceeasUy cleared; g"od ''-room story And half house, barn OOxtiO, granary. 2 chicken houses and parks, place fenced and cross fenced, good orchard in full bearing; well, trout stream through pl-sce;' 1 mile from school and electric carllne, 5 miles from Vancouver, on level graded road. Personal property : Team, wagon, new top bug gy , new double and single harnesses, piuwe, (harrow, cultivator, mower, rake, cream sep arator and all small tools; 10 milch cows, fine Jersey bull, some hay, grain, all lor $SOO0; cash, balance' 6 per cent. 1 Oet our list of ranch bargains In CTnrk County, Wash., also Willamette Valley, be fore buying. We can save you money. . THOMPSON & SWAN, 110 2d st., Portland. Or., or Citizens BflJik -bldg., Vancouver, Wash. CHEAPEST LAND ON OREGON ELEXTRIC. Near Orenco. 14 miles' to Port land; 12 acres. 9 cultivated, 3 pas ture and timber; -creek running through place; on emmty road. Is a bargain at $2.Vm). 1 Easy terms. . - .-COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. ' 84 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. $5. PER ACRE Great wheat country; 100- acre rarm in tne ncn aeiia ox me aonora River, near American line. In Mexico, be tween Southern Pacific and sea; most ex cellent climate; deep garden soli; corn, wheat, cotton, beans, alfalfa. dates, oranges, lemons, all vegetable products ; good market; 150,000 acres now opened to American farmers; first 10,000 'acres at $5 per acre; half cash; this Is really $100 land. See or write us Immediately. C. M. Wooster Company, 702 Market St., San Francisco, Cat. SPLENDID COUNTRY HOMH. mile to graded school and Mores; 5 minutes to Oregon Electric station, . county road: 214 acre, good house. ' baron, orchard. berries, gardens; fenred and cross-fenced; plenty of water; land and personal property for much less than value. See us Mon day. Wants quick sale. COLUMBIA TRUST "CO:. 84 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg, FARM BARGAINS. $250 21 acres all In prunwi. one of the finest orchards In the state; 2 driers, storage house, bam, 7-room house; im provements alone cost $5OO0; rail and water transportation; 2T miles from Port land; easy terms or will trade for city property. 181 Acres Only $flO Per Acre. 18 miles out, on Clackamas River, near ly all choice bottom land; about 60 acres close to car line; easy terms. FRED C. KING, 506 Commercial Blk.. 2d and Washington. 60 ACRES 29 miles from- Portland, mile from station on the &alein E4ectrlc Road and all fine 'black soil; no better land In the Willamette Valley; It Is under cultivation except about 12 or 13 acres, which Is good timber. There Is an old house and barn; other outbuildings and all the farming Im plements; a running stream. 2 good springs and a good well. Thio would make some family a nice home and a good, easy living; close to good market; all land around there Is selling for $150 to $20O. You can buy this now for $125 and get terms. J. W. DOANB, 3 Lewis Building;. 120 ACRES orchard land, all platted, at $150 per acre; all tncultlvatlon : ft ml lea from Hatom : 2 macadam roads; for either farm or orchard purpojes, this can't be beat. See us Monday morning. Col umbla Trust Co. , 84 Fourth st. O. W. P, LAND CO. Have two fine dairy farm? rlos? to Gresham, feoth In Al condition. Location and particulars given to IntereMed parties'. Excellent dairy farm of lfto acres, all fenced, all stork and Implements Included. This week, $2850. - - ! 80 acres, fenced, 30 can be cropped this sea son. Good creek, buildings, orchard and spring. Only $22o. 1st and Alder, room 4-5. NO. 3S8 75 acres In Yamhill County. 3 miles from Carlton on publlo road, all fenced. U acres under cultivation, school 1 14 miles. Will exchange for city property. Price $lrf per acre; terms $10oO down, balance one to ten yare, 6 per cent. . THE SOUTHER-ALB EIRTSON CO., 260 Oak t. Main 6719. A 7374. : 160 ACRES located 35 miles from S. P. station; $100 per acre; all In cultiva tion; good buildings; 24 seres TO- year-old A-l orchard, all fenced. See us Monday morning. Columbia Trust Co., 84 Fourth st. TRACT of land, containing 40 acres, more or less, lying in the anglo made by the K a lam a River and the Columbia, west of City of Kalama; 'bounded as follows: On the south by the Columbia River, on the east by the Kalama River, on the north by the Northern pacific. This prop erty will be sold for $3fiOO; easy payments. It J. McGowan, McGowan. Wash. FOR SALE 1 tsve for sale several good farms In Yamhill County, ranging In size from 40 to 370 acres; some very fine fruit, and walnut land; - 22 miles from Portland, close to railroad . station; pric and terms reasonable, W. a. BURKEJ, 620 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 107 ACRES, ten miles - west of Portland, on Oregon Electric Railroad, midway be tween Elmonlca and Qu&tanla vta.tlons; also on county road; creek, orchard, house, barn: this land is good for any kind of farming and dairying : fine for subdi viding: $180 per acre, terms; no agents. Wingren, Route No. 2. Beaverton. 160 ACRES at $25 per acre on easy terms; timber and improvements are worth price asked; -two miles from R. R. and 35 from Portland; has good house, young . orchard and soil as good as any; owner leaving country and in a hurry to sell. Y 762. Oraconian. 600-ACRE improved farm, half mile from R. R- station, of Baker City, Or.; 200 to 300 acres rich tillable eolL Ideal for cat tle or dairy farmer. Free irrigation water; $15.000 ; " one-third down, two-thirds on easy terms. Apply 1127 Corbett St., Port land. Or. WEST SIDE 21 acres, on two county roads, 6 miles from Courthouse; all. In cultivation; - 5 room house, barn, chicken-house, all fenced; half cash; balance 5 years. A. J. GANTNER 618 'Board of Trade bldg. ATTENTION", BUYER-AND HOMESEKKER We have any size or kind of farm you want in Oregon- or Washington; large tracts a specialty; descriptions, prices on application. Oregon Lands Information Bureau. tiOO Board of Trade bldg. MISSOURI wants farmers, truck, fruit, dairy, sheep and chicken farms cheap; easy terms; near by markets. Write-Missouri Board, of Immigration, Springfield, Mo. BARGAIN IN FARM. 100 acres 3Vs miles south of Roedville; 85 acres In - cultivation, 40 acres easily cleared, 2ti acres In young fruit, 20 acres good timber. 313 Lewis bldg. 80-ACRE country home, overlooking entire watershed Columbia and Willamette; new, modern bungalow and bam; bargain for cash. Owner, -4 14 -Lumber Exchange bldg.