12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 6, 1910. "REAt. ESTATKT For Hoatc. RE3AD THIS. A bunv&low of 6 roorw, built after the Idea of b. pest manter In the art of archi tecture. Is for sale. This is a genuine California bung-alow. The living and din ing rooms are finished beautifully, entirely In the finest fir. Everything In sight Is wood, and the effect Is restful and ex tremely beautiful. Deep beamed ceilings and all of the built-in effects. This house is a beauty, built by men who know how. Not a detail In lacking not a thing is wanting. Immense old-fashioned fireplace. The living-room Is an effect in brown and green, the dlnlngroom In brown and blue. No man ever saw a prettier or more tasty effect. This Is an absolutely new house, with all modern conveniences. It has a grfeat many special features. This will be aold at an unheard-of sacrifice if taken at once. Owner must sell. Price (3900. Ad- x. i o. uregoman. BUILD A HOME ON THAT VACANT LOT. The fact that we are building better houses for less money is the reason why we are now building more homes than any reputable concern In the city: clearly denned contracts, courteous treatment, building dispatch, over 10OO plans to choose from and ten years of success ful construction work are the valuable assets which we extend to our clients; It Is to -our mutual advantage that 'we meet BEFORE Instead of AFTER you sign up with some other firm; KEM EMBER "WE CAN OFFER EVERT FACILITY WHICH THEY OFFER AND MANY AD- DITIONAL FACILITIES WHICH THBY CANNOT. Now Is the time to build. We will build on any reasonable terms; will take a good lot. as first payment; or take your lot. build a house on it and share the sale profits. Plans and estimates fur nished free. OREGON BUILDING TRT'ST CO., 3O8-9-10 Henry Bid.. 4th and Oak. ARB YOU LOOKINO FOR TIMBER? 320 acres in Coos County, cruising over 13.oon.ooo fine timber; Port Orford cedar and yellow fir; price $WVto. S20 acres, cruising .3.500,000. fine large yellow pine, ati.OiM) ties; price $7.50 per acre; good farming land. Weil watered. 2-4 o acres on Jennie Creek, 3..VIO.0O0 sugar and yellow pine; price $20 per acre. 1 acre, cruising between 7.000.000 and B.000,000 yellow fir and Port Orford cedar. 360rt. k About 3OO0 acres of fine yellow fir and Port Orford cedar, crulelng 60,000 per acre, land level, near tide water. Price $0 per acre. Have large tracts of timber that are de ainble. ZIMMERMAN. (SI Board of Trade. RIVERDALE. A beautiful residence of T rooms, new and thoroughly modern from attic to basement. A large reception hall, full length sitting-room, with fireplace, a pan eled and beamed dining-room, with ma hogany finish and tapestry paper; a very convenient kitchen, three bedrooms, each in separate color scheme, sleeping bal cony, hardwood floors, full cement basement- The attic Is large enough for two good rooms. The grounds - cover an acre and command a sweeping view of the city, river and mountains. A private water system under heavy pressure supplies the house and grounds. For price and terras R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1063. x 1227. HOMES AND INVESTMENTS. 3O0o for beautiful house and lot. Sun nyslde; 6 rooms, modern; 100 'feet from Belmont street; nice neighborhood; best car service in citv. gttfoo 30x100. " Flanders street: nice 8-room house; $3500 cash. fft500 Corner lot. 2-4h street. Nob Hill beautiful 8-room house, strictly modern in every respect, built less than 3 years; also garage: terms. 14.000 50x100. Hoyt street, with tour nice flats; Income 1440 per year. FRED C. KING. BOB Commercial Blk., 2d and Washington. ONE block from Alberta car. east front lot. 8-room house. Just completed: all modern. fireplace. panel dining-room, built-in buffet, plate rail: a splendidly fitted up panlry. wood lift, full basement, wash tray, sleeping porch: this Is the best buy in this district; seeing Is believing; see us about this; it will surely please If you want a home; price $3500, $1000 cash, balance easy. REPASS AND WOOD YARD, 300 Henry Bldg. SUN NT SIDE. i-room house, close In. onlv I blocks to car. has large reception hall, furnace, fire p.ace electricity and gas. stationary tubs, built-in china closet, four bedrooms, linen eloaet. two stairways, lot 65x100, corner; cement walks, also good barn; price 400 terms 6 per cent Interest: take Hawthorne car to 31st: 984 K. Main, corner 31st." tJwner on property. C 7 73, Oregonlan. 7-ROOM new bungalow, SOxlOO lot. In best part of Sunnyside; especially well-built of select material, by expert workmen, for a permanent home: circumstances require that It be sold at once, hence S4."00 will get this beautiful home, and It could not be duplicated for J.-iOOO; would rent so as to bring 12 per cent. It Is a genuine bar gain. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. HOLLA DAY PARK. Fiiwt-claas TWO-STORY, T-ROOM house, close in. 3 blocks from car. Can be had for r.ij4. 500 cash, balance monthly pay ments. " COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 8 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. fifiO CASH buys a great bargain In en 8 room house, suitable for 2 families, large barn, with 4 stalls, other outbuildings: Just the place for a teamster or express man. Price only JIOSO. payable $15 per month, interest. 6 per cent. Ifs No. 1507 Pine st. Go and see it. F. J. Steln metx & Co.. 1M Morrison sU TTRST STREET SOUTH. 2 houses. Income, naif cash, balance terms; good buy; also Lnion ave.. BOxlOO. house modern - for bus asked purpOBe" cornf alone worth price GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY 722-723 Electric bldg. HERE IS A FINE BUY. A modern 8-room house with two full loA."1?"" ln wllh flno view. Price only . ?? t?rmn- There Is a profit at 600 in this to you this Summer THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO. 605 Lumberinens Bldg. BARGAIN Close in. on carllne. 2 fine i'i..7i? f- 5 ,"- w"1'"- extending from Mis sissippi to Alblna ave., good 7-room house. Lit f;, -1? bearing assorted fruit trees all kinds berries, roses and other flow 'Kht trade for good farm land In Washington County. Owner, 716 Miss. ave. JT''E NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE " On 60x100 east front lot In fine location. This house Is modern In every way and a J" 3500- Come ln and see photo. THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO. uumovmens Jaldg. 'BEAUTIFUL new. modern 7-room house and new furniture; u, block south Hawthorne f. ""Ple. gas and electric- SZ' fuI1 mnt basement finely finished; this la a bargain; Price 3260. B 774. Ore gonlan. 'eACRIPIca 4 lot and 4-room house, close , wiiv&riuaBmeni. or owner, this can be had for 14O0 cash, or $1500 ri2Lf" Cal1 at moe- 613 Chamber 2 ow- modern. S-rooro bungalow, Hawthorne district, fireplace, beamed cell- a,us, iiuicn Kitcnen; S500 down. 120 month. Dorney. 702 Board of $750. 5-roora cottage, electric lights, lot 25x100. 1 block to "M-V carllne: a good -buy - J. J. OEDER. - Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. $30 0 DOWN. S-room house! sewer, water. ....... . . ... i w i , i. iks. nne lawn and x?!' 1 block Hawthorne car. 1210 East fr . i .."i. . . , . . , " ,v",T3 onw. Agenti re piles riven no attention. V 7S0. Ore conian. . good outbuildings, 2 blocks from Mt. Scott V.OH, uatonce euy terms. M iS4, Oregonlan. TOODLAWN, cottaare. Ir-room wim full basement, lanre fruit tree and flower hl iW cah win handle this. I"uU lnforma- nun railing Dlag. . IRVINGTON SNAP $4O0 buys on easy a,a.a i-iwm iituuwm nouae. IumiCA, place. Dorny. 703 Board of Trade P. O. box 480. fire 2Z. Tailuk BT 4-room cottagre, $2000. This is a genuine rood buy, liberal terms. Call "iv r .A ' i u k oiag. IBVINOTON Very complete, attractive home: b&rs&in at $7000;- term. Phone A. MODERN' ftfburbaa home; nice lawn fmtt and flowery for ale, reasonable. Phone Ta- NEW 4-room bungalow, lot 4Oxl00v 100 feet L AiDeri r. on 24m su; only 911A0; icruiB. x au on aiinu QiQf, $2800 NEW 7-room bungalow, near Jeffer son t en 00.; nice n re place, lull baaemeDt. EEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hoates. WALKI.NO DISTANCE, $2250. Lot o0xlX. 2 blocks from car; cement retaining wall in, cement walks and side walks, cement curb ami macadam street, goKi view and location, with 6 -room house, with reception hall, pantry, bathroom with porcelain tub, etc.. cement foundation aiid basement, chimney to basement floor; 3 clothes -closets, woodshed;, hot and cold wa ter and electric lights in. sewer In. walla all plastered and tinted, linoleum on bathroom floor; everything in line shape, for $3o cash, balance easy payments. Take lot for first payment. ELEGANT HOMB On 50x100 lot, less than block to good car service, with a very cozy up-to-date -room bungalow, walls and floors all double, wall plastered and tlnte-i. built in china clojseta, large reception hall, nice fireplace, full basement, with cement walls, plate gias windows and door, with French plate mirrors over fireplace and china clos eti. rooms - good size, with clothes cloeeta from bedrooms, elegant bathroom", with porcelain bath and bowl, wash trays in base ment, street graded, sidewalks In, hou has electric lights and ie piped for gas. This place Is a snap at $360o, and will not last, with eaev terms. NICE HOME CHEAP. Lot 47x133. with 5-room house, wood fiber plaster, concrete baeement, city water In, close to car. Price $1425. Half cash. . CHITTENDEN, OTTO & NBILL. Both Phones. 310 Oak et. FINE large up-to-date house, furnace, fire place, all modern Improvements, lot iSxVw, the finest home on East 6ide, near Ml Tabor carllne: only $7000. $2KtO caeh. An extra buy, fine 8-room houne. modem corner lot, lot of fruit; a bargain, $5000, $1500 cash, balance easy terms. Fine quarter block, 2 good houses. JC 33d st., near carllne, only $6600; will take some trade. Fine new, modern 6-room hoiwe, well lo cated, good furnace, cement basement ; only $7.fK:e, S1O0O cash. Will take a good lot in part rmnt- Kine 15 acres, carllne through place, lit 3 well foT platting, country roid runs through, some good timber, only 12 miles from Portland. Good terms. Fine tract. 27 acrei. Ilea well. 1 mile from Boring, 14 - mile vfrom station, over looks the whole country, as fine fruit land OA ever laid out of doors. Only $1,000, $5o0 cah. 25 acre fine land. 100 yarns to station on carllne. K10 or 800 cords of wood, worth $1.50 per "cord stuonpage. Running water. 5 acres bottom. A snap. $200 per acre. Will take some trade. tuO acres extra good land on carlino. Lots of wood. Onlv $HK per acre. 5, IO or 15 acres to rent irwide of city limit. CHARLBSON & CO., 411 Commercial bldg. THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS. $5,VK) East Side, S rooms, 00x100 cor ner; fruits and flowers. 55O0 9 rooms, modern, walking dis tance. East Side. $4000 On quarter block east of Laurel hurst. 7 rooms and garage. 4000 Modern S-room bungalow. East Side. $3800 Corner on carllne. East Side, 6 roora. modern. $ 1 650 Modern 4-room bungalow on Peninsula. $H0O Cash for fine lot and 3 -room shack 011 peninsula. S. T. WALKER. 604 Corbett bldg. IR500 TILL MARCH 10 ONLY: Beautiful S-room Irvlngton residence, on Broadway carllne. prominent corner. POxlOO lot, modern with many exclusive con eniences; built for a home, but too large; owner Just notified us that price will be $10.0no after the 10th; this s really $3000 under value, as investigation will prove; bargains like this are as scarce as twenty-dollar gold pieces on the streets of Portland you'll look a long time be fore you' il find another; ntl cash, no reduction for all cash. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 82-3 Lafayette Bldg.. Washington pnd 6th. WE BUILD More houses ln one month than most contractors in a year. We can afford less profit. Tt will pay to see us. If you own a lot will build, any terms to suit. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUC TION COMPANY. 102-3 Lewis Bldg. A FINE HOME. For $8400. 1 -story. 7 .rooms, on 44th ana E. Main, lot 56x100, 2 blocks from Haw thorne and on one of the -best carllne in the city. This Is a fine home; nice large fireplace; in fact all the modern conveni ences of a home; fruit trees and roses. Would be glad to show you this placo Monday. Easy terms. ..p CHAPIN HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. SUNNYSIDE. 7-room, strictly modern home, on fine corner of East 2th street; best of neigh borhoods and excellent car service ; ce ment basement, with furnace; large at tic: 4-bedrooms; owner left town and is offering this home at a sacrifice; $4250. 92750 cash. KM" FTM ANN A- MOORE, 32o Lumber Exchange. PORTLAND -"Will be ready to move into TRUST soon; 7-room home, with den CO. and sleeping porch. beamed ceiling, nreless- cooker, every thing that yon would want; $3700; $5O0 cash. PORTLAND TRtW TO-. S. 12. Cor. Third and Oak St. A BARGAIN AT S4000. 6-room house. 3 years old. double floors .and walls, fireplace, furnace. built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, in fact strictly up-to-date. Located on Shaver st.. near Gan tenbein ave. Half cash. See us. MALL St VON BOKSTEIj. S6A Russell st. at Union ave. East 1438. PORTLAND Nothing better; 6-room bunga- TRUST low. Ito the latest; the best CO. material, and lots of It. Let us wow you Price. $3700; terms. PORTLAND TRUST fX., S. Et. Cor. Third and Oak St. $1S70 $350 down, $15 monthly; fine 4-room house, moaern. on beauttrui lot. one piock from Alameda Park; electric light 40 feet away; open fireplace. Bull Run water; Al ameda car will build within 4 blocks of thin at once. 910 Glenn ave. North, Phone Woodlawn 2035. MUST A LITTLE DIFFERENT." Willamette Heights, 6-room house, hardwood floors, open grates, all conve niences, large porches, unobstructed view. $6600, with terms. CHAPIN fr HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. 9 1700 New cottage. 5 rooms, bath, nice deep lot (plenty space for garden), only V block from car. 15 minutes out. fine lo cation, high ground, faces south, half cash, balance on time. W. 1. Lonr jo, 414 Ablngton bldg. WEST SIDE. 8-room house, modern, hot water heat. two baths, a fine home, easy terms; close in. GOODNOUGH & 8ETTZ. 718 Board Trade. BEST modern 6-room bungalow ln Rose City park; cement basement, furnace, fire place, -beamed ceiling, paneled dining room, enameled kitchen and bath ; $3800; terms. Jrt toi, uregoman. JU6T WHAT YOU WANT. rHrlctly modern six-room, 50x100 lot, six fruit and 'two English walnut trees, all bearing. TaJta L car. get oft Prescott st. WE own and will sell cheap: One 6-room bungalow, new. Ail street improvements. etc One 6-room bungalow: attic and H base ment. Some fruit trees. 413 Corbett bldg. E. 86TH ST., near Clinton, 5-room modern house, fruit and shrubbery. Improved street. cement sidewalk. $1700. Call 410 Failing mag. OVER two blocks, 15 minute out on elec tric line, west Side, S3000 Improvements, modern ; all for $0000 ; easy terms ; no agents. Q 77 o. Chregoxuan. MODERN 5-room bungalow, corner lot. East 27 th and Rhone. Evans ton tract. $2050; 60O cash, balance $25 a month, 6 per cent Interest. See owner, 336 Washington st. CLOSE TO LAURBLhTRST. 2 small cottages and two lots, $3100. JENNINGS A HOWE. 122 West Park St., cor. Washington. $375X 100x100, on Clinton St., 6-room houm and bam; fine comer, high and sightly; fruit trees) and improvements In; terms) to suit. Cali 410 Failing bldg. $2950 $2O0 cash. $25 per month; strictly modern house, 3 blocks from car; choice district; 25 minutes from -business center. M 770, Ore gonian. . 4-ROOM cottage, bath and basement; full lot: near car; $1350; terms. H- Hatfield, I65H 4th st. CLINTON ST., near 27th. almost sow bunga low. 6 rooms; $2350. part cash. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third 0t. YOU can't beat iu An 8-room house on lOOx 100 lot. 1 block from carllne. Price $28O0. BROWN, 411 Couoh bWg. . BELMONT ST.. near 24th; 7-room house, modem; only $360O. MARTIN J. HIGLBT, 1S2 Third St. FOR SALE New modern 6-room house; never occupied terrace-park. Owner, 249 REAL ESTATE. $6250 6 ROOMS, den. attic ami basement. A beautiful shingled -residence. Inside fin ish exclusive to itself, beautiful woodwork; built for a home. Located on E. 27th st. ; high and sightly corner lot, close to car. Terms. $4400 A Colonial 7-room residence, in the beautiful residence district of Sunny side, on a fine corner lot with lawn and roses ; hard-surface street. larg-. light rooms, furnace, basement, etc. Terms. $3600 This is one of the best buys on the market, either for a homo, an Invest ment or a rental proposition. Owners leav ing city. A 6-room modern bungalow resi dence, paneled dining-room, built-in china closet, plate rail, Dutch kltch?n, basement, gas and electric lights, 2 blocks car, on E. 87th st. Terms. $4150 Now Is the time to get that beau tiful home Just being completed, and se lect your own tinting and colors of paint; 6 rooms, with clothes chute, furnace, fire place, hard-wood floors, walking distance, street improvements all ln, concrete walks, sewer, etc. Walking distance. East Side. Easy terms. $3250 6-room new. and modern plas tered house, with furnace, cement base ment, beautiful lot. on E. 29th St.. con venient to two cars. $600 down. $2750 6-room residence, all modern with wood lift, porcelain bath, etc. ; nice lawn and fine district, 3 blocks Sunnyside car. I $240O 7-room residence and 2 lots close to carllne In Woodstock; Jias bath, hot and cold water. Terms. $2250 5-room plastered cot tare, norce- laln bath, patent toilet, fireplace, pass pantry and two fine corner lots, on mac adamized street. $800 cash; 8 blocks car. $1700 5-room cottage, 2 blocks car, Sellwood. Easy terms. $1300 4-room cottage, barn and half -acre of ground; 3 blocks car. $1250 5-room cottage, poultry-house and park, and half acr-a or ground, all fenced and in cultivation. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder Street. VERNON HOME. 9 6-room new and modern home, with Dutch kitchen, built in buffet, window seats, sliding and swinging doors; full na se men t ; stationery laundry trays; fine porches; plate glass front window and door; fireplace, brass light fixtures, double con struction ; lot 50x100 ; 2 blocks from th- carllne. Price $3500. EASTERN EXCHANGE. 26 Morrison St. A 3670 M 3022. $10O DOWN. Positively the last, chance of a Spring sale and onlv $15 PER MONTH For an up-to-date 5-room house; 'large reception hall, open stairway to second floor. large living-room. dining-room, kitchen, pantry, hot and cold water, two bedrooms and bath; best of plumbing, ce ment basement under the entire house, front porch, full width of front and back, chicken house and yard, all fenced. Phona SELLWOOD 15,4. TABOR 77. DOUBLE HOUSE. A beautiful home arranged for two fam ilies. Seven rooms and bath on first, six rooms and bath on second floor, with large garret, grates, all conveniences. The arrangement is unique and differs - from "flats" both inside and out. Fine view. $13,000. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. SEEING IS CONVINCING. 6-room house, brand new and strictly modern in every way. Rooms are all largo and finished in hard oil, large basement, cement walk around house; lot 50xlO0, all level and seeded to grass, faces east, 1 block from Alberta car, close to good school. This house is worth $3500. Our price for a quick sale is $2800. The own er must have some money. J. M. KENT & CO.. 311 Henry bldg. A MODEL HOME. On Hawthorne ave. between 81st and 3 2d. on one of the best thoroughfares in the city, and In one of the finest of neighborhoods, 'hard-surface streets and cement sidewalks. 8 rooms, furnace, fire place, sleeping porch, in fact all the mod ern conveniences of a fne home, price $6350. Terms. -p- CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND Let us show von lmrhina T RUST feren t In the wa v of . h om e CO. a Los Angeles bungalow that Is a bungalow; breakfast room, French windows, brick pillars, flower boxes. You'll like it; $700: terrp. PORTLAN D TRUST CO. , S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Ste. BUNGALOW, nice restricted home district, near Country Club. H block to Rose City car: 5-room. modern, basement, attic and fireplace, electricity, shades. laundrv trays, largo porches, fine view; lot 50x 1O0. cement walks, etc., paid; JB2S0O, easy terms. Jas. C Logan, 320 A Wash, st., room 404. $1700 Williams ave. north of Killlngsworth. modern bungalow, 6 rooms (not quite finished), ful! concrete basement, full cor ner lot 50x100. A pretty and desirable home. Cheap. Owner leaving city. Photo in office. W. H. iAng Co., 414 Abing t jn bldg. $SOO $150 down, $12 monthly; part of house, living-room, kitchen. attic can be used for -bedroom; cellar, woodholst. etc.; can add on at any time. Mutual Building & Realty Co., 732 Marquam bldg. phone Marshall 298. PORTLAND We have three fine homes Just I TRUST h1n.r finiwhoH- lot ... C. 1 CO. to you ; two 6-room. one 6- rooni. Low price and terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. " ' - S- B- Cor. Third and Oak Ste. NEAR new Jefferson High School and Pied mont car barns, new modern 5-room bunga low, corner lot 50x10". east front, cement walk. in street paid. $2600. $600 cah bal anc easy terms. Plttenger, 119 Killings worth ave. MODERN bungalow for sale by owner. This to a beauty of 6 rooms, with all modern conveniences. Is new. jut completed; mupt sell and will make reasonable terms and low price. Call 410 Falling bldg. NEW. classy 6-room bungalow; shades, fix tures and new steel range go wirh price, $30v.O; $500 cash. 475 51st., cor. Sandy road. phone C 2552. Tabor 3984. Owne.. Call and see It. COSY BUNOAlW. 6-room, modern, full cement basement; everything complete; $2200. terms. JENNINGS & HOWE. 122 "West Park st., cor. Washington. COTTAGtt. With all modem equipments, located on sightly lot in good residence district, $2350. Queen Inv. Co., 410 Falling bldg. $17,500 Whole block, olose ln; Income $75 month;' manufacturing, laundrv. stable sites; terms. Owner, FUhr, 3876 East Burn side. LET us build your house. M'GACHY. EDWARDS & RUSSELL, t Building and Real Estate. 413 Corbett bldg. OMAHA telephone bonds taken down, $35 monthly buys 5-room bungalow, 2 blocks to car. Owner. Tabor 1492. 10 HAPPY owners. Why not you? $35 down, $35 monthly, buys 5-room bungalow. Owner. Tabor 1492. FOR SALE For only $3000. . 7-room house and 8 lots, berries, apples, small fruits, close carllne. BROWN, 411 Couch bldg. I ALBINA AVE., close ln, full corner lot, 4-room ouuse, ror low. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. EAST 28TH ST. Quarter block and palatial 8-room modem house ; $1 2.5iK. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. $1600 PARTLY built house and comer lot to exchange for 6 acres onion land. A R. Hitter, 226 Lumber- Exchange Bldg. EAST 21ST ST, near Clinton; modem 5-room house; a snap at $3000. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third 9t. 9tuoo '3"bjb 'buiooj oi 'atuou; ujapopg TIIH HON aVNS SNAP Good house, 2 lots. $750; good house, 2 lots on carllne at station, $1300 Neep, 203 N. Mora st.. Arleta. Or. SNAP $1200. 100x100. 4-room cottage, cov ered with fruit and flowers; terms. Monta vllla. Phone Tabor 805. GREAT snap. 12-room, modem house, high and sightly. 777 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn S5. $5OO0 CORNER 60x100 on Bert Yamhill, new, modem, 6-room house, garage on lot. Terms to suit. Call 410 Failing bldg. SNAP 2 lovely cottages; income IO per cent; one block Union ave.; price $3000, terms Y 764, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For Sale YOU CAN BE SUITED From this bargain list. $2800 6-room bungalow on E. Clinton st. Very best finish ; fireplace, paneled work, cement basebent. C-12 I 2-story 6-room house on E. Salmon st. corner; furnace, oak finish; price $4800; easy terms. A-l 1 Irvlngton bungalow, 6 rooms; one of the best ln the district; $5700. (12 $3200 $500 down, $20 per month; new house on E. 17th St.. N. We can con vince you this Is a bargain. (F 44 Very nobby bungalow near E. 80th st large lot, fruit trees; $2400; 5no cash. At $500 under the maritet. fC-21 OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS. PORTLAND REALTY A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, v Phones Marshall 646. A 7183. 902-3 Lewis Bldg. PANORAMIC VIEW HOME. $250O cash will buy an 8-room modern home where life 1 worth living; lHiet com pleted; WVst Side; walking distance to town; excellent foundation; double sheathed and floored; large, light, airy rooms, with stleeping-porches and spiclou verandas, fire place, built-in buffet, bookcase, beautiful fixtures1 and Fox furnace: magnificent un obstructed view of city, the Willamette and Columbia valleys, the mountains and sun rises. Owner will sacrifice for quick sale, $7500. W 789. Oregonlan. $4800. Fine, well-built, modern home of 8 rooms, on East Bumside st; full cement basement, 4 bedrooms. 2 toilets, living and dining-rooms, pass pantry, tin pantry, sleeping porch, large front porch; fn fact, - it is just the home that you would like: nice neighborhood; lot 40x100; plenty of roses and shrubs; can be handled with a pavment down. RAND, READ &-CO.. 816 Board of Trade. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 5-room artistic California bun galow; Hawthorne district; price $2i00; cement basement, large porches, tinted walls, every convenience built in ; $j00 down, easv terms; on premises Sunday 2 to 5 P. M. ; faces Arnold, between 3Tth and Marguerite. Take W-R or Hawthorne carllne. J 787, Oregonlan. BUY FROM OWNER. Splendid new home, finely located In Holladay's Addition, close In ; quartered oak floors, heavy beamed ceilings, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch.- five rooms, plentv of closets and porches; plumbing and fixtures the best; In fact, a distinctive complete home; prico Is right. R 784, Oregonlan. MODERN new bungalow, furnished; 5 rooms and bath: Dane led dining-room, beam ceil ing, handsome electric fixtures, wash traya in basement ; price, tnciuaing new furniture. S3100. navable $10OO cash, bal ance monthly payments; this m $oOO under original cost, owner at jaiei dtob. , joo js. Morrison st. A $3100 BUNG-ALOW for $1000 cash, balance monthly payments; $600 new furniture thrown In gratis: modern and new. five rooms and bath; paneled dining-room, beam ceiling. handsome electric fixtures. wash travs In basement; was taken on a debt; a sacrifice at thut price, owner at -aiei orw, WILLIAMS AVE. Fir. 8-room modern house, furnace, fire place plate-glas. built-in buffet, paneled dining-room, beamed ceilings, oav pantry, Dutch kitchen, full cement baeement, wash trays, large porchefl; living. -room nx, price, with terms, srwuo. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. EASY PAYMENTS WIT.T. B1TILD. I have a lot in Westmoreland or the Irvlngton district; will build a house on either of them to suit your own Ideas; $500 down and $25 a month is all the money that Is required. Write or phone Main 6604. SUBURBAN HOME CHEAP $250 cash, balance like rent, buys new lx-room bungalow, right on Oregon City carllne. 25 minutes out; has stone base ment, best of plumbing, large stone fire place, Dutch kitchen, all conveniences. with 7I2M reel or gxouna; prn w See owner. 171 Third st., near Yamhill. VJTW A'D MODERV Four 5-room flats, with fireplaces and trnncAH v. i2th and lav sts.. overlook ing the Iadd tract; price $li.000; $0000 win nanoie 11.; reni v j co.. . CAMEO REALTY 'CO. 02 Swetland bldg. Phone--Marshall- 438. S6500. wn-bitiit modern O-room house. on East Tavlor; beamed ceiling, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, electric and gas - fixtures. This was built for a home and Is on comer lot; very sightly. Don't miss seeing It. Terms. RAND. READ A CO.. 316 Board of Trade. BARGAIN One of the most attractive buys on the East Side. S-room house, full ce ment basement, wash trays, furnace, fire- nlace. 4200; $2075 cash; Including car- nets, aras range, gas water heater, cur tains, shades. Owner, 883 East Main, near 20th. Sunnyside car. $400 tfVs $0O equity in new modern home, restricted district, reception hall, 9x12; living-rooms. 15x16; with fireplace, paneled dining-room 13x17; three bed rooms, five closets, bathroom 7x9. gas and electricity. See this . today. iua 1 ilia mook st. SOMETHING GOOD. 7-room new modern bungalow, fine lo cation; price with terms. $2500; two flats, rented, ror per mo., price wtwu This Is a snap, rtartles are going away. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. RY OWNER Modem S-room bungalow. 1ust completed, for $3250; two blocks south of Hawthorne ave., on Kast &va st. : terms, or discount for cash : fine neighborhood, - newly Improved streets. Call at premises. 328 Kaat 3"Jd t. SNAP $2000 N. E. cor. E. 18th and Salmon sts.. 36x117. HARTMAN & THOMPSON 4 Cham-ber of Commerce. 7-ROOM home. Ladd's Add., paved streets this home is complete in every detail price $6750. A250O cash, balance long time, WKbUOM 1J A H 1 j1 i I.. 620 Board of Trade. FLAT SITE 40x100 11th st.. ten minutes walk to Postoffice; small income; price till 15th Inst., only $."iOO: terms. Vanduyn & Wal ton. 015 Chamber c ommerce. 5-ROOM bungalow, on SOxlOO-foot lot. close to cr; this Is a dandy home; .price $..Mo, inw casn. nainnce 10 buh. WELDON DARLING. 620 Board of Trade. $6250 WEST RIDE, walking distance Inc. $6C0; 2 6-room modern fiats, $2250 ca"b. balance 3 vears. 6 per cent. Jas. C. Logan. S26 Wash, st., room 404. THREE LOTS less small fraction on good warehouse property on East Side; income $60; no agents need apply. N T70. Ore gonlan. ELEGANT, thoroughly modem T-room res idence, Just completed ; Irvlngton; lot 100 xlOO; price $8500. $2000 down. Phone owner, Woodlawn 986. MUST sell, on account of sickness, modem 6-room house; see this today. 336 E. 83d st. : take Hawthorne car. LEAVING CITY, 5-room modem bungalow, furnished. Kimball piano. 2 lots, $3000; $1600 down. Owner, C 770, Onegonian. IRVINGTOU Beautiful modern home; hullt for owner; bargain at $6250. AC 761, Ore gonlan. $8."i00 BEAUTIFUL home. 0 rooms, grounds lOOxriOO. all kinds of fruit and flowers. M. Billings, owner. Both phones. MODERN 8-room house on 3d St.. West Side, close in: lot nr.xlOO; will sell out at bargain; only $6500. terms. Call 305 3d. OWNER has to sacrifice 6-room mocVm house. $1900; terms; full lot. B 773. Ore gonlan. $6500 Fine1 8-room residence, 3 fireplaces: Hoyt. near 23d. West Side. Phone after Sunday. Owner. Main 1277. A 331$. A BARGAIN. Modem house, with furniture or without; Lovejoy. noar 21st. 301 Henry bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, one block from car, $2700; $150 cash, balance $20 month. Main 3060. $4nrX 6-room modem house- In choice part of Portland Heights; $100O cssh. balance to suit you. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. FOR ALE or for rent, modem 7-room house In Ladd's Addition; rent $35 or will sell for $600O. easy terms. Phone B 2305 or write. $7700 GREAT 'bargain, by owner, beautiful West Side residence, entirely modern. F r 782. Oregon ian. $650 4-room house near Alberta cars; $350 cash, balance znonttoljr. &abb St Pat ton, 90 5th sU REAL ESTATE, For Sale -Houses. TWO NICE HOMES. Six and seven rooms, respectively, hard wood floors, cemented basements, china closets, built-in book cases, handsome tiled fireplaces, woodllfts. coolers, bark porches screened, first-class plumbing, lots of closet room, beamed ceilings, concrete walks In front and around houses. For the price asked these are the best bargains on the market; the fact that they are not quite ready is to your advantage; choose your own colors for . Inside and outside finish; suggest any little changes which would suit you: we can complete either house within ten days If you wish to oc cupy at once. EVERYBODY IS TALK ING ABOUT OVERLOOK. SO DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT IF THE WEATHER IS GOOD TODAY. OUR HOUSES ARE ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF THE f'A-RLINE. ON LONGVIEW AND PATTON STREETS. RESPECTIVELY. SALESMEN AT THE PROPERTY ALL AFTERNOON WILL GIVE YOU FULL DETAILS. ' DON'T m MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. ONLY A FEW SUCH CHANCES TO BUY RIGHT OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 308-9-10 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. -ROOM house, full lot. close to East Side High School, ' all improvements in and paid; $5000; terms. Quarter block near Killlngsworth High School. $3200; half cash. 281 acres along Sandy River, partly cleared, on county road and propose-d line of Mount Hood Ry. ; very attractive and good platting proposition; $55 per acre. 40 acres. Northern California, house, barn, close to Pitt River. $1000 cash, or will trade for Portland property. $2000 to loan on first mortgage. F. W. M'KECHNIE A CO.. Room 223 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAINS. 1 acre with 3-roora house, best of soil, set out in fruit trees. 2 car lines, 5c fare. Price $1650. must have $50O- cash, balance $10 per month. abres. 3-roora poor house, barn, chicken-house, soil good, set -out in fruits and nuts, mile from station. Price $1350 for a few davs only ; terms. F. J. STEINMETZ & CO., 193 Morrison St. BUNG A LOW BA RG A I N. $400 buys an equity bargain in a beau tiful new modem bungalow of 6 rooms, a reception hall, a large siting-room with fireplace, a paneled dining-room, a con venient kitchen, three bedrooms with closets, and hall and large bathroom, full cement basement. In restricted district, gas and electric lights; payments eesy. Owner, Main 1963, A 1227. 505 Chamber of Commerce. DEAL WITH OWNER. Beautiful home, lovely surroundings, un excelled view, 10 rooms, modern ; shrub bery, lawn, flower beds, bearing fruit trees, chicken yards, close In on East Side; leaving city and must sell; I challenge you to beat this for a beautiful scenic home; good car service; will take only $4VOO down and give easy terms on bal ance. G 783, Oregonlan. TWO FINE BUYS. Modern bungalow wit h furnace, on the northeast corner of E. 37th and Salmon. This Is one of the prettiest in Sunnyside. West slope Mt. Tabor. 5-room mod ern bungalow. 244 E. 52d st. If you are looking for something nice it will pay you to go see these places today. THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO. 65 Lumbermen- Bldg. $150 CASH for fine modern 5-room cottage. full lot with o-roo. aMey; montniy pay ments. $15. Price. $1P50. $350 cash buys a 6-room modern bunga low, with fruit ; nice neighborhood. This is exceptionally fine buy at $2300. Both t hese homes are between two carlines. Have some bargains in lots on easy pay ments. Call up owner, Sellwood 1554. 100x100 WITH 2 good houses, located right In the center of Irvington; the ground alone is worth yz the cost of alt ; price $8500. terms. REPASS & WOODY A RD. 300 Henry Bldg. WE have a splendid bargain, comer 5x1oo, on 6th and Weidler streets, Holliday's Addition ; a modem eight-room house; this location will make a buyer a profit ; a fine propertv; price $6750. terms. M. E. THOMPSON CO Henry Bldg.. Fourth and Oak Sts. Main 6084. A 8327-. THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS. $35500 will buy splendid 6-room modern house, nearly new. $1600 will buy fine building site, 166x 154. 3 blocks from carllne. $500 will buy lot 6Hxl0O, close to car line; can arrange terms. C. B. LUCAS. 51 1 Corbett Bldg. WHY PAY RENT? Here Is a modern new 5-room cottage on full lot. H block from car. only $1400; $100 cash, balance $10 per month. THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO. 605 Lumbermens Bldg. CHOICE 5-ROOM HI "NG A LOW In Sellwood, FURNISHED COMPLETE; pretty lawn. $3500 $500 CASH; balance can be arranged. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Building. WE have the finest new 12-room colonial home in Irvinscton: lot 75x100 feet: a per feet place ; location Is unexcelled ; $12,500, -terms. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Henry Bldg.. Fourth and Oak ' Sts. Main 6084. A 3327. IRVINGTON HOME. 6-room modern house, new; built for home, with every modern convenience ; 50 x125-foot; a snap at $3SOO. CA NN. H EI LBORN & McBRIDE. 330 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark. WE have the best buy in an eight-room, well-built, up-to-date home in Irvington, on Fourteenth street ; $."i750, terms M- E. THOMPSON CO.. Henry Bldg.. Fourth and Oak St a Main OS4. A 3327. 2Va ACRES, will cut up into 16 lots, direct line almost within a stone-throw west of Reed's University site, adjoining West moreland to north ; will increase in value rapidly; good terms. See P. Johnson, 680 South ave., Sellwood car. 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, $1650; $250 down; lot and a half. 7-room modem house. $2250; one-third cash: lot and a half: Comer. Lots In Waverleigh. t 340 E. 72d St. NEW. 8-room house, thoroughly modern in every respect, on Broadway, near 17th st. ; let us show you this: price $6500, $2500 cash, balance easy term. REPASS A WOODY A RD. 300 Henry Bldg. SNAP. J Modem 7-room house on 4 block on Union ave.. only $7000; terms. DUBOIS A CROCKETT, Washington Bldg., Room 3. NICE now and modem 7-room house in Irvlngton in the best residence district; all paved streets and close to carllne; price and terms, address 504 E. ISth North or phone E. 1S14. HOLLADAY PARK RESIDENCE FOR SALE. New 6-room modem house, $2000 cash, balance 6 per cent. Cigar factory, 202 H Washington st. v BY OWNER l-room house In Sunnyside, nice place, fine location, nice yard with fruit and roses. 1032 E. Morrison st. Key next door. Phone B 2152. 7-ROOM modem bungalow on corner. 1 block from carline. for 13 300 ; easy terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. 60x50 CLOSE In. East Portland, 0 blocks from Burnslda bridge; house rents .$180 year; ground worth price. $2650. CULVER. 623 Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM concrete block house. Rose City Park; price S4000; eaaie.it of terms. WELDON DARLING. 620 Board of Trade. SEE this 5-room cottage and beautiful lot 5Cx 100. in Vernon, at No. 70 East 23d st. North; price $1400; then call on Gelser A Strachan. 221 Morrison at. $2200 NEW 5-room bungalow. Hawthorne district, $400 down. $20 month ; snap. Dorney, 702 Board of Trade, or P. O. box 480. SWELL 6-room home, just completed, mod ern throughout. See owner, 743 EAST YAMHILL ST. NEAR Killlngsworth ave.. large lot, modern 7-room house; only $34O0, part cash. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. SOO ACRES. 200 under cultivation; 10.OOO. 00O feet fir timber; 6 miles from railroad. $35 acre; terms. 302 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Cottage a t Seasl de; vl ew of ocean; bargain for cash. Phone Main 4614 or A 4614. SNAP 5-room eottage and business tot, EJ. 28th near Flanders, $2800. terms. Dubois A Crockett, Washington bldg.. room 3. FOR SALE Cheap, modern 6-room house, one block from L carllne. See owner, 761 Al-bina ave. HOUSES In Irvington and Walnut Park. BAIitD A BROWN, $11 Henry Bid. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoaw. NEW 8-ROOM BUNGALOW WITHIN H BLOCK OF CAR. ON EAST 17TH ST. ' Modern 8-room bungalow. Lfc block from the car. It has 5 fine large bod room, clothes closets. reception hall, porcelain bath, wash bowl, living and dining rooms, rooms freshly tinted. It has all the new up-to-date features, such as built in window seats, built-In hall seats, plate rail In dining-room, kitchen with pan try, woodllft. porcelain sink with back, stationary tubs ln basement, gas, electricity, front and rear porches, ce ment basement, part cement floor, piped for furnace, fire place, terraced lawns, good neighborhood, lot 50x1 00 ft., house faces west, close to school. This bungalow is new It has cement walks and steps, cement steps up to porch, cement porch col umns. It has an artistic mantle with three bevel plate mirrors. The kitchen, bath and pantry are all tile finished and the house is ex tra well built with doubk floors, and walls throughout. Will take vacant lot in part payment. Price $3500. RALPH ACKLEY. 605 Corbett Bldg. IRVINGTON SNAPS. New 2-STORY 6-ROOM home, strictly first-class, every modern convenience, 3 BLOCKS FROM CARLINE on E. lth St.; $6500, part cash, balance can be arranged. New 2-storv 6-ROOM HOUSE, everything 'first-class, on E. lHth St.; ALL IMPROVE MENTS PAID. $5500 $1000 cash, balance monthly. Fine lot on E. 22D ST., facing EAST, 60x100; $1000. Lot on E. 23D st. facing West, 50x100; $1600. Lot on 14TH. BETWEEN THOMPSON AND BRAZEE: $1400. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade Bldg., 84 4th St LIVE on Portland Heights; beautiful bun galow, near car ; pressed brick fireplace, full basement, furnace, large porch, pan eled dlntng-room and library, plate-glass windows. gas, electricity ; good view ; owner needs money and must sell at once. Sacrifice price. $4 800. Also cozy 4-room bungalow on Portland Heights, furnished, good view, for $J500. A beautiful 8-room bungalow, near Rose City Park car. furnished, price $6000. Also a 6-room residence in Rose City rarK. near car, price ?;,iuu. HENRY C. PKt'DHOMME COMPANY", Ixatts-Insurance. 636 Cham, of Com. FOR SA LE 8-room house, with attic and full basement, heated wit h hot mater, hardwood finish; nearly block of ground ; near Mt. Tabor carline. Price low or "will trade." A I so 8-room house, modern, full basement: Rose City Park district. Price low or will trade for farm. J. M. Lelter. 515 Lum bermen's B Id g. WEST SIDE APARTMENT. On Hall st., 10 minutes from Postoffice, yearly income $810; price $7500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 .Commercial Club Bldg. Tor Sale Business Property. $12,500; $5000 CASH. FRACTIONAL CORNER. WEST SIDE, 6 APARTMENTS. NETTING $1000 AN NUALLY ABOVE ALL EXPENSES. Within 12: blocks of Olds A King's new building. I have been Instructed to sell the very handsome little investment of 6 modern apartments. Now. let me say to you if you mean business and wish a conservative investment. I will be glad to assist you ln investigating this but do not apply with wildcat trading proposi tions or other emergency schemes, for nothing but the money will buy this. DAMMEIER INVESTMENT CO. 021 Board of Trade bldg. COM ET REALTY COM PA NY, 602 Swetland Building. We have a fine list of rooming-houses and furnished apartment -houses for sale. 84 rooms In 3-room ' suits, new brick, steam heat, modem, elegantly and newly furnished. 35 rooms in 2 and 3-room suits, furnace heat, hot and .cold water, clearing $140 monthly. 4 years lease ; rent $14u. 40 rooms, brick, rent $00. modern and weir furnished ; good income. 52 rodms. transient, reasonable rent, lease, terms; new building, clears $500 monthly. EAST SIDE apartment-house paying 10 per cent on the investment : on East 14th st., near Salmon; price $S50O, $4000 cash, balance easy terms. REPASS AND WOOD YARD, 300 Henry Bldg. BUSINESS CORNER. Swell residence district. East Side, no stores within ten blocks; drugstore, gro cery and meat market would rent quickly at a good rental; ground enough to build some flats: high and sightly and close in : onlv Dlace not restricted In district : Come in and let us tell you about this. HAAS A RINGLER, 211 Uwii Bldg. Phone Marshall 647. INQUIRE A BOUT THIS. You want a money-making proposition. We offer for sale for cash or will take some trade, a first-class apartment-house of 2 and 3-room apartments, with pri vate baths; all completely furnished for housekeeping; best of carpets; golden oak ana mission rurniture; wit n gooci lease ; this is strictly modern and first-class: reasonable nent; nets a good Income; best or reasons ior seaing. t 784. Oregonlan YOU'LL MISS IT If you don't purchase this corner on 17th and Pettygrove for $,".500: United Rv. passes It and prospective terminal track for 17th ; $2000 will handle. Another good one, 100x100 on 25th. near NIcolai; watch and you'll see something THOS. M'CUSKER, 329 Lumbermens Bldg. FACTORY SITE FOR SALE. Factory or warehouse sltes in St. John, 400 feet deep, with about 880 feet front age on the O. R. A N. Co. Railway, and near the waterfront. This is the only large tract with R. R.. frontage for sale in St. John, Will sell all or part of this iraci. i erms. uwneri. AtL 761, Ore gonlan. CHOICE DEPARTMENT HOUSE STTR. On 25th st.. between Marshall and North- rup. van be had ror $4750, $2750 will COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade Bldg., 84 4th st. Acreage. OWNER must have cash and offers for saie a cnoice jo-acre tract on Powell vaney roan at a great bargain. W . (. Waddell. 309 Lumber Exchange. 10O0 ACRES, Willamette Valley, considerable timber. 3 miles from thriving town, fine orchard land for subdivision; cheap. H 1 sz, uregonian. ACRE on St. John carline for $1500; must ds soia lmmemateiy ; wortn counie. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. CHOICE acre, Jennings Lodge, near store, school and church, $800. P 782, Ore gonlan. SOUTH MT. TABOR. Joale Davis place on 71st and Powell sts., 23 acres; easy terms. east iu-is. HOG RANCH; money maker; 3 acres or more; nice creek: improvements, etc.; $2000; near city. S 787, Oregonlan. 40 ACRES for sale. Southern Oregon, near Klamath Falls; $7.50 per acre. J 773, Or eg on ian. FOR SALE 2 acres. Just outside city lim its; running water; $1500. Apply room 42 Fairmont Hotel. Upshur st, I HAVE a very choice acre on the West Side which I will trade for a jsmall house and lot. Phone Tabor 2004. 6 ACRES BEAVERDAM LAND, mile off Vancouver Electric, below value; $200 per acre. AJ 768. Oregonlan. SEVERAL pieces of acreage, 5 to 22 acres, near Montavllla. 323 Ablngton bldg. YOUR attention is respectfully called to Oregon Land Co. Bui letin. 700 ACRES chjolce logged -off land, river and railway facilities, cheap. P 783. Oregonlan. 5 ACRES, good garden land. Inquire Mrs. M. Hart. Jennings Lodge. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. 4OO ACRES. 8 miles from Oregon City, 140 cleared, balance timber, rich soil, land, lies beautifully, on good public road, run ning water on place, fair orchard, good roomy house. large ne barn, new hop house, 10 acres of good hops, one-half or all can be had at a bargain price; 2H acres at $70 ner acre and 2O0 acres at $50 per acre; good terms may be had on this. 320 acres within one mile of Beaver ton, on good public road and in the very choicest location for a subdi vision prop osition; this can be had. If taken at once, at $200 per acre, and double your money. lOO acres, ft miles northwest of the city and In very choice location for cutting into small tracts; this i In direct line of the development down the river and can now be had at $ 125 per acre, with good terms. lOO acres within one-half mile of the Oregon Electric and one mlie of the Southern Pacific, on two good roads, run ning water, and a great bargain buy at $l.o per acre; good terms. 40 acres. mile from Oregon Electric and H mile from the Southern Pacific Ry. : 10 acres cleared, balance timber, running water, and now offered at only $1."0 per acre; good terms. 40 acres. 1 miles from Beaverton, on good public road, light brush, easy to clear, in the midst of good community de velopment and now to bo had at $125 per acre. 44 acres. 8 miles northwest of Portland and near the proposed route of the United Railway, with enough wood on the place to pay out ; this can be handled on good terms and offers a chance for money making; at $125 per acre. 10 acres on Reedville Prairie, ft acres clear, 1 in timber, never-failing stream, and located pn good public road; price $2."VO per acre, with terms. 5 acres, located 40 minutes ride -west of the city and within Va mile of the sta tion, all cleared and in high state of cul tivation and offered at $2.V per acre, with 10 per cent cash and balance monthly. H-acre. 1. 2. 5 and 10-aere tracts, gome adjoining the railroad and some quite a little distance back from station at prices ranging all the way from $125 to $."u0 per acre, also small tracts with build ings; all this property Is convenient to school, church and store with all crm--munlty advantages, such as free delivery of mails and merchandise and excellent telephone service. We are pleased to show this propertv. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245j Stark St.. Portland. Main 35. A ' 35i u. ONLY SIX MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. On the Clackamas River. 45 minutes' walk from Oregon City Electric line; 204 ares of as fine level land as can be found anywhere in Oregon ; all In timber; fine creek of running watr; right on the Clackamas River; beautiful view;, will sell In a few years at $l4XM per sere: buy it now at $75 per acre; it takes $10,000 cash, balance to suit. THE CROSSLET COMPANY. 70S and 700 Corbett Bldg. DO YOU Want the finest ?0 acres for eonntry home, 900 feet river front. 1 mile to elec tric station and to R. R.. mile to Auto 'lubhouse ? 5 acres in cultivation, set to peaches. 4 years old. fine building sirs; very scenic for country home ; easy auto distance. See us. CHITTENDEN, OTTO A NEILL, Both phones. 310 Oak st. BRITISH COLUM BI A If RLIT LAND. . 1O00 acres guaranteed to be of the very choicest quality; has a beautiful sandv beach, Iak? frontage, is extremelv well situated and Is already sub-divided Into small tracts with registered plan; Includes a small townsite with postoffice. hotel, general store and a sawmill in operation; can show maps and photos of this land. Telephone owner. W. J. TOYE. Main 7020. THE flfnest 5 or 10-acre tract near FTTTbs- noro. 10 minutes to electric line, new electric line will pass close: all In culti vation; on main county road; Siooo jer tract. $2O0 cash, balance $10 per month; If you want something fine, call at The t Crossley Co., 70ft Corbett bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN Homesltes. 3. 5 or 8 acres, on two good nad from Mllwaukle. nil in cultivation' and goifd creek croipes place. 2 excellent 5-acre tracr for poultry Tais- Ing. Cloe to carline. $75o each 1-3 casrh. 10 acrfw all level and in cultivation, Hou 24x16. $22oO. 10 arrs. 4 In cultivation, running water. Trade for house and lot $lW-0. O. W. P. LAND CO., 1st and Alder, rooms 4-5. FINE HOPTAfJD FOR SALE. Near R. R. atatlon. 15 miles from Port land; can contract for 16 cents now; will take small payment down and balance In yearly payments: hopdryer, baler, etc.. complete. See owner, P. REIMERS. 709 Corbett Bldg. GRAND PLATTING PRVpOSlTlON. 5o acre right on the United Railways. 2 mile ftouthweM of Rurllngtnn. Running water right on the place. Kvery A acres can be made to face the cn r 1 i n e . We can Rll the whole tract at $2o pr acre, if taken at once. The land Is unimproved and, rolling. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 5 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. 14 ACRES. $500. 24 acres. $1000. 5 acres. $1500. 10 acres. $."tOO. All choice cherry, berry or gardon land and all within 26 minutes ride from cen ter of city. B. S. COOK & CO.. 503 Corbett Bldg. Ten acres of full-bearinjf orchard; ft miles from Pr rtland. !3 mile of R. R. station and steamboat landing; price $2500; land la worth the nroney without the orchard. . J. M. FRENCH A CO.. 412-416 Ablngton bldg.. I1MH4 Third St. BEST COLONIZATION PROPOSITION IN OREGON. 2000 to 10.000 acres, four-fifths In al falfa and wheat, elevation 1100 feet, fine apple, etc.. land, $35 per acre, including ditch and water rights. Address William Flzelle. Portland. Or. $3 PER ACRE. 640 acres near Oakland. Or.. 5O0 in cul tivation, all fenced, good house nd barn, living Ft ream of water. 5 Kpringe. spring water piped to house and barn. KUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO.. 418 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 ACRES fine fruit tract. 5 miles from. Scappoose. near railroad, water, stump land ; $4H) cash ; Is extra choice selection and Improvements are being made in the neighborhood; is 20 per cent cheaper than adjacent tracts are selling. 310 Corbett . bldg. Bring this ad. ACRE TRACTS at Lent's Junction. on Mount Scott carllne and on Foster county road; all cleared, running water. $650 to; $850 per acre; $50 cash, balance monthly. WARD REALTY CO. 800 Lewis bldg. M. 1075. BEAUTIFUL 5 and 10-acre tracts, 0 miles' west of city, on electric line and 9. P. R, R. ; running water and springs; fine black soil ; nice, level land. Ideal homesitea, $150 to $175 per acre. Easy terms, at 6 per cent. Chlem, 615 Couch bldg. $81.25 AN acre cash, balance In 4 years, for 40 acres, cleared and under cultiva tion, on proposed extension of Oregon Electric, near Tlgard. by owner. Price $ti750. p 778. Oregonlan. 20 ACRES this side Mount Tabor near car line also 5 acres, near Broadway carline. Irvlngton. by owner, J. J. Fraser. 373 East Salmon st., phone East 2901. Call aftei 5:30 P. M. 18 ACRES. 20 minutes' ride out on Salem electric line; station on land ; beautifully located ; suitable for subdivision. A "bar gain t must sell. Owner, 514 Board Trade bldg.. tel. A 3231. 20 ACRES on Barr road. 24 miles east of city limits; excellent soil, no gravel : ad Joining land $400 to $50O per acre; quick male $300 per acre. V 780. Oregonian. NOW Is the tim-s to buy acreage. See us first. We have the goods. BAIRD A BROWN, 312 Henry Bldg. TEN acres. fine platting tract, level an5 sightly, on Powell Valley road. 310 Cor bett bldg. IO ACRES rich level land. 23 miles east, neai Mount Hood road; a bargain. M. Newell 247 Halsey st. 5 AND 10-acre tracts with running water, fine soil, near station. $150 per acre. BROWN, 411 Couch bldg. 20 ACRES good, level, irrigated land. 2 . miles from Lakeview. Or.; $000, half cash X 776, Oregonian. 200 ACRES on Oregon Electric, at less thaa $100 p-3r acre ; level, rich. BAIRD A BROWN. 312 Henry Bldg. ST. JOHNS'. 2-acre tract, one block from cars, cheap. Owner, 345 Morrison U