The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 27, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 25

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BLICKENPDERFER typewriters are so pop
ular certain second-hand dealers are fea
turing; them In their advertising above all
other standard machines The demand
is greater than the supply there must be
a reason! It is the only standard type
writer sold at a low price. We are the
exclusive dealers. It pays to buy direct
from us, our guarantee protects. We have
the only factory mechanic in the North
west. You take no risk here. Mew ma
chines, $40; slightly used only $15. Bllclc
Agency. 90 Fifth st.
BBWINO MACHINES SO slightly used ma
chines at very low prices; Singer, Wheeler
-& Wilson, New Home, White and others, to
gether with a fine lot of good wcond-hand
machines of all makes. $5 and up; making
room for the new Singer Rotary and New 66
machines; sold on easy payments or rented
by week or month; needles, parts and re
pairs for all make of machines. S. 8.
Figel Singer Sewing Machine Store. S35 Mor
rison st.
FOR SALE: Complete lot of farming Imple
ments and machinery, located near Stan
field in Eastern Oregon; also a number or
rsglstered Lincoln ewes and some buck
Jambs. Apply in person or by letter to
C. M. McAlister at Stanneld or D. O.
Lively, Union Stockyards Co., Portland. Or.
Should be clothed in the best and latest
style. This can be done most surely and
economically by having your Spring suit
mad by the Unique Tailoring Co., tailors
and haberdashers, 309 Stark St.. bet. 5th
and 6th sts.
Bar colna, IT. S. and foreign, good prices
paid; you may have a fortune in some old
coin; send 60c for my 1910 coin book;
stamps bought. A. B. Jacobs. 1601 Polk St.,
San FrancWco. Cal.
200-horsepower motor, generator set,
belted unit, complete with circuit-breakers
and panels, alternating and direct cur
rent machines; ideal drive for industrial
plant; complete information furnished at
room 201 oregonian blUg.
SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the
White sewing machine store TH IS W KSK.
SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines,
sllahUy marred; all standard makes ma
chine for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones,
Prop., 420 Washington st., corner 11th.
FOR SALE 20x4-ft 10 launch, 'guarantee 18
miles, 3-room launch-house, everything
complete, be&t of condition; make offer
cash or terms or trade considered. K 76ii.
FOR SALE 8 per cent preferred stock in
one of Portland's largest and most pro-
fresfiive mercantile houses; any amount
rom $300 to $10,000. Address L 762. Ore
gonian. LAW BOOK.
Kncy. of Plead, and Practice, H. A E.
Ency. of Law. 2d ed., Amer. State Reports,
127 vols, and 4 digests. 011 Chamber of
BICTCLH riders, send for free description
of greatest invention of the 20th century;
aa absolutely puncture proof bicycle tire.
Adreai Clipper Tire Co.. Desk E, Everett,
CAMERA, 4x6, double extension, complete
developing and printing outfit; exchange
for wheel or sell. Call after 4 P. M.,
Sunday. 808 H 1st st., room 10.
TWO prize-winning Angora males for serv
ice; one orange, one blue; full pedigree.
Phone Marshall 12fe0.
"WOOD STUMP AGE About 3000 cords,
mile station, 8 miles Portland, Apply 75i
E. Couch. Phone East 1346.
A COCKEREL, and five pullets, white Ply
mouth. Hocks; fine stock. Phone Woodlawn
L. C. SMITH typewriter. No. 2, late model,
ball bearings, almost new. F. J. Zwiebol,
361 Morris t.
$S STANDARD make sewing machine, good
condition, attachments. :i50i Morrison,
room 42.
NATIONAL cash register and Smith-Premier
typewriter for sale, -both in good
condition &nd cheap for cash. 220 First st.
DO-EGG incubator, bone-rutter and Homer
pigeons, cheap. Tabor 16:J6, B 147 1-
FOR SALE 10x1 2-ft. domestic rug. used
two months, $12. Call 455 Failing st.
SIX-ROOM cottage, income over rent; snap
if taken at once. Phone Main 7902.
TWO cub bears for sale. Phone Sellwood
815. 1082 E. 41st st.
LAHGE oak sideboard ; heavy mirror, $18.
Call 2C Pine st.
ROOMS tinted or papered including mate
rial, $2.60 up. M 758, Oregonian.
TWO bahy go-carts and baby walker, for
sale cheap. Phone Main 6062-
BVTCHER block, knives, scaWs and many
butcher's utensils. 6 N. 5th st.
LAUNCH and houseboat for sale. Apply 18S
West Park.
BOO B'JSINESS cards $1 if you bring this ad.
Rem City Printery, 1926 3d. near Taylor.
Donkey engine, sawmill machinery and
planing mi H machinery at once.
Timber department
Cor. Fourth and Oak Sts.. Henry Bldg.,
Main 0O4. A 3327.
WANTED One high-grade. 1109 or 1910, 7
passenger touring car; one four or five
passenger 1D09 or 1910 touring car; must
be in first-class condition and bargains.
Address Lock Box O, Bend. Or.
TO let. contract to clear 20 or more acres
land to responsible party, with donkey
outfit preferred. Vanduyn & Walton, 515
Chamber of Commerce.
"WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes: we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 47 3d st.. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED At reasonable price, good team,
wound and true pullers, 25 0 to 2S0O, not too
old maybe whole outfit. Farmers preferred.
V 766, OregontaJi.
TYPEWRITER wanted, latest Underwood
preferred. State lowest price, how long
In use and where it can be seen. AB 767,
TEAM suitable farm work, mares preferred,
also harness wagon, buggy. Jersey cow and
chickens. R. G. Garner, Vancouver, Wash..
R. F. D. No. 4.
i .
LADIES' gymnasium suit, small size. 14, 16
years, 3 2 bust measure. Blue &jrge, good
condition. AF 757. Oregonian.
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and genu second-hand clothing
and shoes and bicycles. Main 2oao. yyo 1st.
HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool, furs. Telephone Main
6198. J. Leve, i&Q Columbia.
WANTED to buy a second-hand express or
vegetable wagon; must be cheap. 309
Stark. Main 514.
WANTED Incubator and brooder; must be
cheap. Address Mrs. M. P. Willis, St.
LADY near school would give good care to
one or two children of Bchool age. A
767, Oregonian.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones
A 2445. Main 8951.
WANTED Home, weight about 1100 lbs.,
harness and buggy: bring your rig to 267
Knot tst., today; cash.
FIRST-CLASS china closet, folding herl. one
fold, with long mirror. 2 rockers. Cheap
Phone Tabor 939, Monday.
WANTED Pool table, for cash.
L 75S, Oregonian.
Give size.
WANTED Small job printing press; must
h&ve foot kick-off. L 768, Oregonian.
WANTED At once, 25 loads of dirt. 285
East 47th st.
WANTED Good roller-top desk, cheap for
csh. Main 5558; 306 Goodnough bldg.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 3067.
WANTED Men's d iscardeel clot hlng ; we pay
highest Marshall, 745. 294 3d.
WANTED Diamond 2-k. up, must be cheap,
blue white and perfect. F 767, Oregonian,
TWO roll-top office desks and 1 flat desk.
Phone today. E. 60O7.
WANTED to rent a barber shop location on
Washington st, D 769, Oregonian.
WANTED Second-hand laundry machinery.
Address F. Ketcham, Camas, -Wash.
WANTED First-class blacksmith for out of
town. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg.
A FIRST-CLASS tailor for ladles coats,
J. Harris. 129-W ot-b. sU
WANTED An experienced specialty sales
man to start about April 1 to represent In
the Northwest a manufacturer of a well
known, extensively-advertised grocery spe
cialty; exceptional opportunity ; position
permanent, one where ability will be rec
ognized; applicant must be a hustler and
have a successful record selling special
ties ; give age, experience In detail and
salary expected to start. Address box 130,
125 Michigan ave., Ch.lca.go. 111.
"KEENOH" razor sharpener, the liveliest
seller of the country ; men -buy on sight;
S25 to 50 dollars week easily; exclusive
territory; see $100,000 advertising cam
paign; free course in salesmanship tells
how to sell ; write today. The "Keenoh"
Co., 150O Keenoh bldg., Detroit. Mich.
FIRST-CLASS salesman for Pacific Coast;
staple line on absolutely new and excep
tional terms; one having successful spe
cialty experience preferred ; attractive
year's contract containing liberal weekly
advance clause; references required.
Miles F. Bixler Co., Gleveland, Ohio.
CIVIL SERVICE employes are paid well
for easy work ; examinations every
month ; expert advice, sample questions
and booklet 309 describing positions and
telling easiest and quickest way to se
cure them free; write now. Wrashington
Civil Service School, Washington, D. C.
WANTED Young man to sell epeclalty In
city; permanent position If satisfactory,
give city references. AN 759, Oregonian.
WANTED A salesman to represent ui In
Portland and surrounding towns selling
calendars and advertising novelties; will
turn over some good customers to the
right party; write today. The Winters
Company, Springfield, O.
WANTED Immediately, 30 young men to
qualify as freight or passenger train brake
men; locomotive firemen for new railroad,
free pass, mire positions. Apply or send 25c
for particulars. Pacific Railway Association,
Post-Intelligencer building, tseattle. Wash.
PRINTER, competent to take management
of small shop on partnership basis; 3
presses and good business; fine opportu
nity for right man; owner has other busl
nees; will take very little money ; give
phono number. AC 740. Oregonian.
LEARN more about civil service positions
and examinations. You ought to. Don't
cost you much. Free book No. 30 may
help you write for it. Our students sat
Portland. Or.
WE will pay any man straight salary of
?85 per month and all traveling expenses
to take orders, as will be Informed for
the greatest portrait house in the world.
Address at once, R. D. Mart el. Dept. 5,
Chicago, ail.
WANTED Competent general assistant in
lumber mill office; one familiar with rail
road rates and claims preferred; state ex
perience and salary expected. Address
Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dallas,
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line. High commissions, with $100
monthly advance. Permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
WANTED Neat, reliable young man for an
office position ; must know the city well
and be willing to start at a medium sal
ary. Excellent chances for advancement.
L 760, Oregonian.
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat ap
pearance to call on all merchants in their
territory; elegant side line, convenient to
carry; good commissions; prompt remit
tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O.
WANTED COO men to buy S3 sample hats,
now $1.50. Low rent in basement Is the
reavon. Hats cleaned, blocked. 50o. Also
ladies' straw hats remodeled. The Bat
tery, 315 Alder.
M EN (or women ) $4 a day sure al year
raising mushrooms In cellars. sheds,
boxes, etc.- big market; free Illustrated
booklet. Hiram Barton, West 4Sth St.,
New York.
SALESMAN WANTED Embroidery and
. lace manufacturers want salesman now
traveling having established trade in
small towns: liberal proposition. Merk
& 'o., 416 Broadway, New York.
SALESMEN You see how we are advertis
ing Othello. We want three good men to
follow up prospects. Permanent position
to hustlers. Call F. O. Harris. 219 Com
mercial Club bldg.
MAN Must be willing to learn; capable
of acting as representative; no canvassing
or soliciting ; good income assured. Na
tional Co-Operative Realty Co., 792 Mar
den bldg., Washington, D. C.
SALESMAN WANTED Livest advertising
novelties on the market; other attractive
specialties: four new articles; liberal
commission. Metal Specialties Mf g. Co.,
427 Randolph St., Chicago.
WANTED Foremen, timekeepers and don
key engineers for out-of-town work. Ap
ply by mail only to Hurley-Mason Co.,
Board of Trade bldg. State fully as to
experience, reference and salary.
SALESMAN wanted hy largest European
manufacturer to sell popular lace and em
broidery specialties; samples 35 pounds; lO
per cent commission; drawings.
Wilson. 491 Broadway. New "York.
BOY WANTED with wheel, to deliver pack
ages and make himself generally useful.
Steady Job. Bannon & Co., 3S8-390 East
Morrison st.
NEAT young man partner in good business.
$.V cash; returns $3 to $5 day. Room 10.
Hotel Savon. 131 y 11th st.. between S:SO
and 11.
A GOOD job for right man. We want a,
good man to solicit and measure for tailor
made clothes. Call at room 28. -142 14 2d
st.. city. .
BE your own boss; make $4 daily silvering
mirrors; anyone can do work at home,
spare time ; booklet and sample free. G.
F. Redmond. Dept. 56. Boston, Mass.
STRXOGRAPHBH may have use desk room,
desk, typewriter and telephone for public
work In exchange for slight services. 814
Lewis bldg., 1 to 2 P. M.
CAXDTMAKERS can secure good positions
through the "want" columns of the Con
fectioners Journal. Philadelphia
'i 11 ru anil mich.
WANTED Candymakers seeking positions
to advertise In the Confectioners Journal,
Philadelphia, the recognized "want" me
dlum of the trade. Write for particulars.
SALESMAN to sell mill line blankets, flan
nels, etc., for Immediate delivery, to re
tailers; commission; strong side line. F.
f. Rollmann & 'o., M-frs.. Philadelphia.
CITY salesman for established cigar house:
only those who can deliver the goods need
apply; good position for right party. AG
75S, Oregonian.
WANTED Bxr-erleneed "H night engineer.
htel portion; furnish good references;
state salary wanted, with board or without
Address AB 758. Oregonian.
1000 LEGS can be respectably covered with
men's sample trousers, $2.50 a pair; worth
$.'i.50. "Knew" Sample Suit Shop, 315 Ore
gonian bldg., Jimmle Dunn, mngr.
WE aid our members to secure employment.
Constant demand for young men of ability
and integrltty. Special employment mem
bership. T. M. C. A.
Ship dally; no fare held from your pay.
500 laborers w rented.
C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 2fl N 2d St
WANTED Energetic young man, show
properties, experience unnecessary, refer
ences and small capital required. 326 K
Washington sU. room 417.
WANTED Machine blacksmith; must also
have some knowledge of machine work;
steady job. Apply to Pendleton Iron
Works. Pendleton, Or.
Successful gilt-edge residence real es
tate proposition. Call 10-12 A. M. 82
Corbett bldg.
WANTED Moulding machine man experi
enced on special work. Chehalia Fir Door
WANTED Boy to drive city delivery wagon
for wholesale house. Must be experienced
Address AN 769, Oregonian.
WANTED Toung man, honest and sober
small capital required. 242 Fifth and Main
Sunday, 9 to 1.
WANTED Two young men. good appear
ance, nothing to sell. Call Sunday, 10 to
12. room 10. Bushmark Hotel.
W ANTED A thorough, reliable, competent
hotel man, wants situation. Good record and
references furnished. T 767, Oregonian.
AN experienced receiving clerk for whole
sale house; state experience and give
references. J 75S, Orgonlan.
BOOKKEEPING Private tuition In book
keeping by an accountant. 301 Mer
chanta Trust bldg.. Oth and Washington.
WANTED Immediately. a 5ung msn with
knowludse and experience in wholesale
millinery. S 767, Oregonian.
five-cent cigars.
WIDE-AWAKE agents and general agents
in all unfilled territories to sell great bath
invention ; combines shower, shampoo and
massage In one article; lOO.Ouu already
sold and field is 'barely touched ; 2-30.000
will be sold this year; can be used on any
kind of tub and has siphon attachment for
homes without bathrooms. J. A. Duvall,
Virginia, sold $350 first two weeks; H- J.
B uckley, Massachusetts, sold $ 1 S0O nst
three months ; everybody buys If shown;
no bathroom complete without it; drop
your dead line and start Spring with live
seller; this is your opportunity to own
private monopoly on greatest seller of
the day. Write for terms and territory;
will forever associate this advertisement
with prosperity. The Progress Company,
Rand-McNaliy bldg., -Chicago, 111.
SALESMEN WANTED Hundreds of posi
tions now open paying $100 to $500 a
month and expenses; no experience needed
to get one. if you earn less than $50
week and expenses our free book, "A
Knight of the Grip," will show you how
to increase your earnings from two to
ten times. We have assisted thousands
of other men to secure good positions
and we ca.n help you. Write for full
particulars today. Address nearest of lice.
Dept. tiiiil. National Salesmen's Training
Assn.. New York, Chicago, Kansas City,
Minneapolis, an Francisco. Atlanta.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and
35; must be native born or have first pa
pers; monthly pay $15 tp $69; additional
compensation possible; food, clothing,
quarters and medical attendance free;
after BM years service can retire with 75
per cent of pay and allowances; service
on board ship and ashore in all parts of
the world. Apply at New Grand Central
Hotel. Portland. Or.
6 live salesmen, sell established and
new trade a line of crockery, glassware,
talking machines, etc.; general and de
partment stores in Western territory; will
make yearly contracts commencing March
1 ; only men marked ability with record
for selling will be considered ; experience
In above lines unnecessary; state age and
previous employment. Robert Johns Com
pany, 200 Monroe St.. Chicago. III.
WANTED Man. some selling ability. Cap
able t organizing a gelling staff. To handle
"ne of tl:e best-advertised commodities. No
expen.e to you In organizing. You mu.t
have a clear record. Position will pay sal
ary and commissions, 200 to $3600 per year.
Answering, give full -particulars'. All replies
w ill be treated confidential. C 740, Ore
MEN WANTED, experience unnecessary, for
foremen or brakemen on nearby railroads;
account increasing business; no strike;
age 20-30; good vision; O-$10 monthly;
promotion ; 1524 men sent to positions in
1909; send stamp; state age, weight,
height. Railway .Association, care Ore
gonian. THREE good men needed; exclusive terri
tory, liberal commissions, popular line i
sold by hardware, drug, jewelry trades ;
$100000 advertising campaign in maga
zines of National circulation ; opportunity
for good men. The "Keenoh" Co., 13 Fort
st. W.. Detroit, Mich.
10.O00 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructor; tools free ; write for cata
logues. Mohler Svstem of Colleges, 34
North 4th st.. Portland. Or.
GOVERNMENT positions; chances never
better to secure one of thousands of ap
pointments; particulars as to salaries, po
sitions, dates of examinations Portland ;
sample questions, etc., sent free in circular
161. Nat's Cor. institute, Washington.
D. C
WANTED 4 first-class piano salesmen hy
high-grade piano concern, who will
establish branch store shortly. City and
road positions open. Good salary, with
opportunity for advancement. G 757, Ore
gonian. AMBITIOUS young men can become con
tractors in a short time by taking our
course In estimating, any and all claspes
of buildings ; modern methods ; will help
you secure contracts ; day and night
classes. 610 Swetiand bldg.
WANTED A-l stenographer. by one of
Coast's largest ret-ail houses. Splendid
chance to learn mail order and advertLMn
business1. None but first-clasei men need
apply. Give particulars when replying. T
747, Oregonian.
SALESMAN Experienced in any line, sell
general trade on Pacific Coast; unexcelled
specialty proposition; vacancy after March
1 ; commission with $H5 weekly for ex
penses. The Continental Jewsrtry Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
CARPENTER or man handy with tools, and
a little money, can secure a good business
in his own line; will pay nig; ran guar
antee no opposition for 15 years. Call
room 4, 226 Morrison st.. Monday.
$2.50 PER DAT paid to man in each town
to distribute free circulars and take or
ders for concentrated flavoring In tubes;
permanent position. J. S. Ziegler Co.,
SALESMEN $3000 to $5000 for our ex
clusive manufactured advertising spe
cialties, including copyrighted calendars;
state experience. Dept. S, Cruver Mfg.
Co.. Chicago.
BT w11-known St. Louis firm, to travel in
country towns; man of good business abil
ity can obtain a permanent position in
pood territory; good pay to start. D 743,
WANT' to start you In business at home;
most ingenious money-maker ever devised;
free particulars. F- E. Abbott, desk AK,
Omaha, Neb.
PUBLIC stenographer can command $KK per
month if thoroughly capable. Established
business. Small investment required to ln
eure permanency. P 757, Oregonian.
I CAN use 3 more real estate solicitors; no
money required ; liberal commission.
132 Third St.
WANTED One or two high-grade sales
men who can furnish first-class references.
Call 403 Lewis bldg.. today or Monday,
between 1 and 4 P. M.
START a mall order business at home;
spare time. I show yon how. Large
profits. Particulars FREE. H. C. Jones,
S13D Heussy bldg.. Seattle, Wash,
WANTED By a Portland wholesale grocer
for country territory. A-l salesman with
expe-i'ience and good record. Apply V 766,
EXPERIENCED R. R. switchmen. 34c hou;
free fare.
C. R. HANSEN & CCK, 23 N. 2d st.
MOTION picture operators earn $25 weekly;
easy Inside work; learn business in short
time; lessons reasonable. 520 Wash.
TELEGRAPHY taught. Graduates all bave
positions. Address or call evening. Expe
rienced operator. 200 3rd st.
STRONG young man to give treatments at
homes, evenings; experience unnecessary.
O 755, Oregonian.
WANTED A salesman for city and local
work. State age and experience. Rodgers
Paper Co., Salem, Or.
WANTED To exchange dentistry for paper
ing and painting ; also sign work. Apply
at Union Dental Co.. 1st and Morrison.
SALESMAN to call on automobile trade.
Simplicity Mfg. Co., 5607 St. Clair ave.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
EXPERIENCED special edition advertising
solicitors. commission, religious maga
zines. Benedictine press, Goodnough bldg.
STUDY LAW in day or evening classes; new
classes formed Feb. S. Portland Law
Scnool, 630 Worcester block.
WANTED A good slack barrel. Copper.
Atlas Mixed Mortar Co., foot of East
Salmon st.
WANTED 50 carpenters at once who wish
to become contractors. Investigate. Call
at once. 610 Swetiand bldg.
$0O MONTHLY and expenses to advertise,
leave samples and collect names. Silver
ton Co., G 7S, Chicago.
WANTED a few energetic salesmen to sell
a high-class subdivision; experience not
necessary. Call 322 Mohawk bldg.
HARNESS-MAKERS wanted. The P. J. Cro
nln Co., 129 1st.
WANTED Bench hand on bread. Apply to
G. A. Kali. 26S Morrison fit.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents; our
n-aw offer a snap. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
WANTED First-class Job polisher and buf
fer. Oregon Brass Works.
WANTED A doctor to assist in a doctor's
office. ' J 757, Oregonian.
BOY WANTED 18 years of age. Mt. Hood
Factory, 233 Couch.
EXPERIENCED bushelmen.
Tailor, lOB Third st.
For the Utah Con. Co. on their Natron
Klamath Falls contract on the S. P. R
R., via Eugene. Or:
Tunnelmen. bench men, drillers, muck
ers and heading men ; wages. $2.2."i to
$2.75, long job, dry tunnels. FREE FARE.
Outside laborers and drillers and men
for coyote work, $2.25 and $2.50.
WEED, CALIFORNIA. 500 laborers on
new S. P. construction work, for Erick
son & Petterson, FREE FARE. SHIP
Construction laborers, $2.25 up, FREE
C. C. CO., teamsters and laborers, $2.25
. up. FREE FARE.
300 foreigners wanted, Austrlans,
Greeks, Italians, $2.25 a day, board them
selves In camps by themselves, on new R
R. construction. Free and paid fares.
A tunnel station gang.
Station men, sandstone, 70 a. Other
prices of work on application.
Cake baker, $25 a week.
Steam shovel dump foreman, $3.75; rock
foreman, $75 and board, free fare.
Section foremen, $05 and $60.
Tallyman, $2.75; grader on machine,
Edgerman, $3.50. cut-off man, $2.50.
30 mill and yard hands, city and coun
try. $2 and $2.25.
3 bridge carpenters, $3, 9 hours.
2 bridge carpenters, company repair
gang. $2.75.
Miners, $3.
City laborers, $2.25.
Farm help,, milkers, etc.
Cooks and kitchen help all the ttm.
2 finishing carpenters $4.
2 granite cutters $5.
20 N. 2d St.. Portland.
424 Front avenue, Spokane.
87-80 Fourth St., San Francisco.
Established 1876.
10.OOO more men for common labor work
will be required In this section soon. Men
come WEST.
JAPANESE for housework, country home.
25 minutes' car-ride to city.
25 per month and board.
Might take married couple.
Call 709 Corbett Bldg
WANTED Traveling salesman making rail
road points south of Portland to handle
Japanese drawnwork and novelty line as
side line on commission. State when, for
whom you travel, etc AB 762, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED salesman to handle our cir
culation proposition ; liberal commission,
steady employment. Call between 9 and
12 A. M. Monday. The Review of Reviews
Co., 324 Fliedner bldg.
WANTED Experienced, up-to-date res
taurant head, waiter; must be neat and
steady and haw good references. Address,
stating experience, etc, to manager, J 762.
The Jno. P. Sharkey Co., 122H Sixth st-.
desire several men who have enterprise to
sell high-class subdivision property; Liberal
REFRIGERATING engineer; sober, reliable
and experienced man wanted as local
agent for well-known ice-machine factory.
R 766, Oregonian, Portland.
WANTED A bright young man and sten
ographer; good opportunity for advancement
If capable and willing; give phone number.
A 760. Oregonian.
GOOD opening to invest $2000 with services;
will show you last year's business) netted
over 40 per cent profit, besides good salary.
O 764, Oregonian.
WANTED A few good agents to sell best
property on the market. Call Jno. P.
Sharkey Co., 122 Oth st., mornings, be
tween 9 &nd 1L
MAKE money writing short stories-; big
pay. Our free booklet tells how. Press
Syndicate. San Francisco.
WANTED An all around man who can
write signs and trim windows for country
store. 313 V2. Washington, room 18.
WANTED 2 first-class solicitors of good
appearance, first-class w acres to right
party. 2SH Union ave. North.
WANTED Assayer and Chemist. Apply
Monday. 4 to 6. Wells & Probestel. 204
Washington st.
BARBER wanted; $17 guaranteed; no appren
tice. Address F. B. C. Box 63. Hoquiam,
GOOD solicitor for printing, one who Is
well acquainted with city. Call at office,
220 First st
MAN capable of handling: 60-acre hopyard
and laying out work for others. R 760,
FIRST-CLASS colored barber; good wages. W.
W. Jackson, 12 Yakima, ave.. North Yakima,
2 FIRST-CLASS solicitors wanted. 35 per
cent commission. Pacific Cleaning & Dye
Works, 750 Thurman at.
BOOKKEEPER, experienced in lumber busi
ness. 313 Washington, room IS.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 313
Washington, room 18.
WANTED A good coatmaker. J. S. Jen
sen. The Dalles, Or.
WANTED Teamster, none but desirable
man need apply. Phone C 2684, Sunday.
WANTED Boy with wheel. Jones Book
Store, 291 Alder st.
EXPERIENCED restaurant checker and
cashier, $75 and board. K 769, Onegonian.
WANTED Two men to cut first growth fir
cord wood. 808 Board of Trade bldg.
FLOOR moulder wanted, out of town. Call
222 Commercial Club bldg.
NEAT young girl for housework, small
family, good home. 149 Porter St., apply
WANTED Girl to assist with light houfe
work and care for children. Call today, 422
Wasco st.
A GIRL for general housework. Call Mon
day between 10 and 3. 1O07 Cleveland
WANTED- T?xperien-ced waitress for lunch
eon. 11 :30-2. Apply after 9 A. M. Monday,
Woman's Exchange, 1S6 5th st.
WILL give general office practice to stenog
rapher desiring practice only for a short
time. L 764, Oregonian.
GIRL to sew on ladles' " work : must be able
to make tailored buttonholes. Elite
Ladies Tailors, 546 Wash.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for house
keeper; easy place. Call Monday between
12 and 2 P. M. 291 -Morrison St., room 7.
WANTED Girl for housework who is good
plain cook; small family, no children. Call
at 409 11th st.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
Apply apartment 1. 69 N. 23d st. Main
WOMAN for farm housekeeper; two to four
persons to cook for; no objection to chil
dren; $20 per month. O 762, Oregonian.
GOOD plain cook where there Is a second
girl. Apply 274 North 25th St., corner
GIRLS wanted at paper box factory- E.
25th and Holladay ave., city.
WANT a lady English teacher at Japanese
evening sshool. AC 706. Oregonian.
GIRL to assist in housework Apply fore
noons. 747 Gllsan st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 677
Schuyler st.
MILLINERY apprentices. 302 Tllford bldg..
10th and Morrison sts.
COMPETENT stenographer wanted; Reming
ton machine used. V 769, Oregonian.
SCHOOlGIRL to work for room and board.
442 Third st.
A YOUNG girl to assist in a dressmaking
establishment. 34 North 10th.
GIRL for general housework. Phone East
1818 or call 330 Weidler st.
SECOND coo k . small hotel. Riverside Hotel,
St. Johns, Or. Phone Jersey 911.
WANTED Neat girl for general housework.
Apply 228 North 19th.
WANTED A girl for general housework,
willing to teach. Main 5843. 332 N. 23d.
STRONG, middle-aged woman for general
housework. 214 13th st.
HAIRDRESSER and manicure wanted. 80S
GIRL for general housework,
ingfl. 148 N. 18th St.
Call morn-
W A NTED Several bright young women to
learn telephone operating; we maintain &
school under the supervision of a woman
principal at our East office. East Ankeny
and Sixth streets; applicants who qualify
will be given a thorough training in the
work before being assigned to positions: stu
dents are paid at the rate of $20 per month
while learning. Apply to school principal on
week days between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company.
LADIES of social standing having entree
to wealthy people can, without leastwise
Impairing their position and nrestige,
make from $10 to $50 a week selling Rob
inson's Expanding Hand Bag. Every re
fined woman buys It on sight; no talking.
Write me for particulars. FRANK E.
ROBINSON. 25S Broadway, New York
Preferably one who lives with parents;
to answer telephone and run errands in
a real estate office
Short hours. Pay $10 monthly.
W'HY serve six monUis of apprenticeship when
you can learn either millinery or dressmak
ing in as many weeks. For particulars ap
ply to Boston School of Millinery and Dress
making. 274 WiiUama ave., Portland, Or.
Phone FJ. 345.
MUNICIPAL Department of public Safety
for Young Women. Advice or assistance
gladly given to all young women. Mrs
Lola G. Baldwin. Supt.. room 37 Y. W. C
A. bldg., 7th and Taylor sts.
A lady with experience to print calling
and business cards on a new hand ma
DEMONSTRATOR for traveling position,
grocery store work, not over 4."V years of
.ge; must be neat and have a good ap
pearance ; straight salary and expenses.
A 755, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced saleslady for hosiery
and knit underwear department; one com
petent to take charge; permanent position
if satisfactory. Give references and where
last employed. AE 756, Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer, who desires pub
lic work, can get office room, use of ma
chine; perhaps small salary. W 755, Ore
gonian. WANTED Woman for housework, who is
used to children: good nay to right party.
Call 549 Overton st., Sunday P. M. after
6 week days.
GIRL or middle-aged woman to assist with
light housework; no washing. Apply be
tween 10 md 4. 407-408 Fliedner bldg.,
lOth and Washington sts.
STENOGRAPHER may have use desk room,
desk, typewriter and telephones for public
work In exchange for slight services. S14
Lewis Bldg., 1 to 2 P. M.
WANTED Young women clerk. See O. A.
Potter, Home Telephone Co., Monday only,
between 4 and & P. M.
LARGE business firm desires a woman not
under 30 who Is trustworthy and resource
ful ; experience unnecessary. N 758, Ore
gonian. COOKS, dishwashers, housekeepers, second
girls, waitresses, chambermaids, wanted at
M rs. Howe's Agency, room 307, 326
Wash. st.
WANTED Bright young lady for errand
work; $1 per day. Write fully of former
employment ; state age and give phone.
Address AN 758, Oregonian.
WANTED Lady bookkeeper and stenographer;
not under 25 years of age, for general mer
chandise store in country town ; state age
and salary expected. O 760, Oregonian.
WANTED Good stenographer with some
knowledge of bookkeeping ; state ex
perience, salary; references. L 759, Ore
gonian. MAKE money writing short ftorles ; big
pay. Our free booklet tells how. Press
Syndicate, San Francisco.
WANTED House to house lady demon
strator; iww toilet cream ; easy money;
quick seller. Apply 874 Morrison st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. V iavi Co., ti09 Roth
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED A woman for housework in
family of two adults, living In suburbs.
Phone Main 3421.
320 Washington St., Room 307.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
WANTED Operators on custom pants;
steady work to right party. Room 400, 83
5th st. -
SECOND GIRL, family of five. Apply J. H.
Pag-e, N. W. cor. 20 th an d Cli f to n sts.,
Portland Heights.
GIRL for general housework, small familv,
wag?s $20. Call 1187 Kast Yamhill or
phone Tabor 866.
WOMAN to assist in kitchen and general
work. Waverleigh Sanatorium. Phone
Sellwood 937.
WANTED Girl for general h outwork ; fam
ily of two; no children. Call 440 East 17th
N3rth. Take Broadway or M" car.
343 Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2 GO 2.
WANTED Girl for general housework; very
little washing. Apply forenoon, 645 Han
cook St. Tel. Kast 691.
WANTED A good cook for a small family;
good wages; must have references. Apply
2i5 W. Park st.
EXPERIENCED waist trimmer, waist, skirt,
sleeve help and apprentice wanted. Call
between 12 and 2 P. M. SOS Dekum bldg.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework; 2 in family. -352 Clifton
et., cor. Park, South.
PARTY to correct anl typewrite manuscript;
state price per 1000 or per sheet; give
phone. AE 766, Oregonian.
WANTED Refined girl to share housekeep
ing rooms; references exchanged. AN 755,
COMPETENT girl for .general houRework,
email family; wages $30. References re
quired. 691 Flanders st. Main 6S67, A 7310.
"WOMAN with executive ability can secure
Interest in established office ; small invest
ment, good income. P 759, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl or woman for general sowing
in shop; must be competent. Mrs. Briggs,
256 Ruseell st.
TO TAKE lessons in- physical culture: Ral-
ston system preferred. AG 755, Orego
nian. STENOGRAPHERS desiring positions should
enter our special speed class. ( day or night.
B. B. LT. , 630 Wor cet- ter block.
WA NTED A motherly lady who wants a
good home, family of two ; give telephone
number. E 767, Oregonian.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for light
housework ; permanent place ; good home.
AL 767, Oregonian.
A GOOD girl or woman for general work,
small family. 432 Marguerite ave. Phone
Tabor 30.
PRIVATE lessons shorthand, typewriting.
304 12th. at. M . 6S-.MJ.
A. REINER, designer and furrier, has moved
to 129 Eleventh st., near Wash.
WANTED An experienced waitress. 3S5 E.
Morrison; good wages.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 381 10th
WANTED Girl for general housework; small
family. 733 E, Ankeny.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
GIRL 'for general housework; 3 in family.
734 Main, between King and Ford. A 4S36.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893.
COLORED woman for general housework
and cooking. East 4S91.
GOOD girl for general housework, small
family. 808 Clackamas st.
WANTED Millinery makers. Apply Lowen
gart & Co. 92 Front st.
MILLINERY marker and saleslady. Call
1022 Belmont st.
WANTED Woman or girl for general house
work. Apply 574 East Morrison.
WANTED Girl for cooking, family of two;
washing. 144 North 19th.
WANTED A girl to assist in housework.
Apply 562 Gllsan st.
GIRLS wan tod, to make shirts and over
alls. Mt. Hood Factory, 233 Couch.
GIRL for ' general housework, 3 In family.
248 N. 20th.
GIRL for general housework, family of 3. 771
Everett st. Phone A 2451.
SMITH-PREMIER operator. State experience
axkd salary. P 758, Oregonian,
2 cooks, country, $50, $40.
2 chambermaids, $20 room and board,
2 second girls, $30 and $25.
3 waitresses, hotels, $30, $25.
Kitchen help, $25, $20.
H ousekeeper. $20.
Family cooks, $35.
Household help of all kinds.
Room 7.
3454 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs
WANTED First-class coat and skirt hands
for alteration room The Bartholomew
CO., 400 Wash, street.
A splendid opportunity for girls about
16 years of age to learn the business un
der the very host talent in the land.
DO you want to keep boarder? Restaurant,
nearly furnished, with sleeping room, in ho
tel, rent for boarding one; some boarders to
start with; snap. Apply 364 North 26th.
't car to 26th. block north.
WANTED Baker: a first-class man on sweet
dough and coffee cakes. Apply before lO
this morning. Royal Bakery, 11th and
WILL give ambitious girl, full course In la
dies' tailoring In exchange for services few
hours each day. Keister Ladies' Tailoring
College, 14314 11th st.
COM PETE NT head wait reps for refined
d ining-room : state experience and refer
ences. N 764, Oregonian.
NEAT girl for general housework, washing
and ironing Included; two In family. 'Ap
ply 815 E. Main, near 26th.
Salaries range from $15 to $200 -per week.
We teach every branch of the show busi
ness, fit you for the stage and guarantee
positions; irrnis very reasonable; Investi
gate. Tne A th on" School of Acting. 3 27 4
Seventh st., suite 6- operated In connec
tion with The Athon Stock Company,
Lyric Theater.
COOK and helper, good all-around married
couple; no bad habits, desire position, city
or country; state terms. AE 750, Ore
gonian. WANTED Stenographer and bill clerk,
with lumber office experience; young man
or woman. AC 748, Oregonian.
A YOUNG LADY wishes a teacher In Eng
lish and American literature. N 768, Ore
gonian. WANTED An experienced stenographer; per
manent position; give phone number. A
701, Oregonian.
WANTED A vaudeville team. Acme The
ater, 2fl5 Russell st.
CAPABLE man or woman for bookkeeping,
cashier, general office work. AE 700, Ore
gonian. F1SK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sitions to A-l instructors. 61 1 Swetiand.
Bookkeepers and Clerks,
COMPETENT accountant, now employed by
a jobbing house in this city, would like
t j correspond with a first-class manufac
turing or wholesale house with a view of
making a change, about April 1 ; fully
capable of taking full charge of an of
fice, correspondence, credits, etc. Address
S. Box 407. Portland. Or.
MARRIED man, with broad business exper
ience, desires position as auditor, chief
accountant, office manager, in charge
credits and collections or cost accounting;
accustomed to checking details and an
alysing departments to determine profit
or loss; character and habits above re
proach. P 755, Oregonian.
WORK by young married couple from Okla
homa; married 5 years ; good workers ;
good references; man do anything except
handle horses; no booze tighter, nor cig
arette flend; go any place; give full par
ticulars and wages in first letter. Ad
dress C. D. McGuire. Gervais, Or.
YOUNG attorney, with 8 years' experience,
wishes position with law firm, collection
agency or -bank; an expert bookkeeper and
thorough office and business man ; have
. and use typewriter ; references. AH 769,
BY young man. as lumber stenographer
and bookkeeper, in city office or at mill;
sev en t ars' practical experience ; finest
recommt-nd-ations as to character and
ability ; now employed at large manufac
turing plant. W. Martin, 70 Third st.
BOOKKEEPER wants position; young man,
28, 10 years experience as bookkeeper,
cashier, correspondent and general office
man; very best references, O 757, Orego
nian. EITHER In city or country, by competent
young man, lumber stenographer, a-stdst-ant
bookkeeper and general oft'ico man ;
several years' actual experiencs; best of
references. W. Martin. 70 Third st.
WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper,
timekeeper or collector with good com
pany; can give best of references and
guarantee satisfaction. AE 757, Orvjgonlan.
EXPERIENCED accountant and auditor will
open,, write up, examine or system
attze books; reasonable prices. P 756. Ore
gonian. OFFICE position by thoroughly competent
young man, 5 years experience. A-l ref
erences. W. R- Carter, Monroe, Wash..
STOCK, bond, rea.! eftato salerman, country
clientele, dostres Portland, cononc
tion. AB 763, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED timekeeper wishes position,
can furnish best of references. H 706,
sition, young man of good habits, experi
enced. A 766, Oregonian.
YOI'NG man, temperate, industrious, good
bookkeeper or timekeeper, mut. have
work; references. Phone Main i6Dl.
DO YOIT want a competent bookkeeper? If
so, phone Morland, Sollwood S06.
EXPERT stenographer desires position
evenings. AF 745. Oregonian.
Misce Uaneous.
WANTED Position with nall family, city
or country; had experience and good educa
tion. T 740. Oregonian.
WANTED Situation as real estate salesman
or office; experienced ; $10 a week to start.
AG 765. Oregonian.
COMPETENT Japanese, well educated, de
sires steady position of any kind, work in
store, factors', -bank. L 767. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS chef and wife, waitress or pat
try work, hotel or cafe, country preferred. M
76!, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED farmer, with small family,
wants work on farm or would farm on
shares. A. E. Hoyt. Vancouver. Wash.
NEAT Japanese boy wants situation as
housework and help cook. W 765. Orego
r lan.
SCHOOL boy, 16. wants work for board
and room. W 763. Oregonian.
EXPERT milker wishes Job on dairy. J 765,
WORK wanted at once 1y expert Janitor.
G 749, Oregonian.
POSITION on ranch hy three experienced
men at once. AF 753, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS stlckerman or planer man
wishes position. X 762, Onegonian.
JAPANESE Employment Co., will furnish
all help. 268 Everett. Main 4659. A 4073.
WANTED Steady work by young man; good
references furnished. T 745. Oregonian.
A MAN wishes to get a night watchman's
position. Address 810 E. Pine St.. M. P.
FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted, work at
home. K 767. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, good habits, short-order cook
or waiter. Phone Main 8691.
STRONG man, bookkeeping experience, de
sires work any kind. It 767, Oregonian.
YOUNG man with, good education, wishes
position In office. Main 5234.
PAPERING and tir.ting done for $3.50 per
room. Phone Main 8274.
MAN and wife wants work on fruit or stock
farm. AE 749, Oregonian.
NEW and old house and window cleaning
D. J. Henderson. Main 8910.
STEADY young man wants Janitor or bross
polisher's Job; reference. 329 Gllsan st.
YOUNG Japanese schoolboy wants position
in, small family T 121 K, 10th st.
POSITION wanted by an Enstern man as
superintendent or chief engineer of elec
tric lighting or street railway plant or as
master mechanic of any industrial enter
prise; strong executive, tip-to-date man
of wide experience: employed but desires a
change; best oT references; correspondence
solicited. V 731. Oreconian.
SITUATION, gent's private place or small
ranch, by reliable Maine man; single, 4o;
strictly temperate; neat, congenial; thor
ough stableman and milker ; properly
tend orchard, lawn and garden; refer
ences. M 763, Oregonian.
TWO good, reliable men. with experience, de
sire position in surveying office or in field.
Will accept anything along this lin to star!
with. Both graduates of a prominent engi
neering school. Address room 34, Barr Ho
tel. CONCRETE engineer and foreman, experi
enced on plain and reinforced concrete.
Buildings, railroad. irrigation construc
tion. Cement testing. Employed. Wishes
to change. Will leavo city. Address A Li
74S. Ortsonian.
SALESMAN having had several years' experi
ence on the road, desires to affiliate him
self with reliable house; ihave had experionot!
in specialty lines and dry gods. AK 755,
MACHINE SHOP auperltendent or foreman,
experienced in general Jobbing and manu
facturing plants, also designing and greet
ing; be.-4t of references furnished. M, 765,
A SINGLE young man, German, experienced
driver and horseman, wants steady posi
tion, handy with tools, understands farm
and garden work. M- Wll, 204 Madison
St. Main 2S76.
YOUNG Swede, knowing how to drive, feed
and take care of horses- sober and h-inept.
Carl Carlson, R. F. D. No. 2. Hood Rivet,
AN experienced man In lumber and commlp
iry work, bookkeeping and timekeeping,
wants position, references. AN 756, Ore
gonian. WEI will advertise and put on the market
any good article in Oregon, Washington,
Idaho and California. Cantonwiue Bros.
Main 9146.
EXPERIENCED, reliable wtook and poultry
buyer would like position w ith packing
commission house. Address AH 766, Os?
A HARDWARE man with, several year.' ex
perience wants position; gool bookkeeper,
glazier and locksmith; might Invest oome
money. AM 757, Oregonian.
JAPANESE, experienced cook in family,
wants position as helping cook in hotel or
hoarding-house. phone Tabor 142. 22-1
East 53d st.
YOUNG man, experienced In men's clothing
business, to work in snore In. ono of the live
liest towns in Eastern Oregon. $60 per
month. AL 756. Oregonian.
BAKER wants work in country: good on
bread and cake. J. Voelpol, 406 E. 76th
st.. Portland. Or.
RELIABLE young man would like Janitor
work or moat any kind of work. P 763, ore
gonian. YOUNG man attending business college wants
place to work for room and board. F 73$.
EXPERIENCED cook wants place In hotel,
anywhere ; wages $flO month up; Japan
ese. Hox 17, Hillsdale, Oregon.
WANTED Steady work by experienced
young German on farm; good with, horses;
references. F 758, Oregonian.
WINDOW-CLEANING, floors, carpets ami
rugs a specialty. Main 6573. Evening, S.
20 YEARS cxperhnro as roment foremu-i
on plain and reinfurced construction woilc.
L 761, Oregonian.
Exierienve(i. good foreman and tallyman;
firft -class reference.. A 756. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographer.
A writer of forceful, result-bringing
ropy, designer of booklets, catalogues, ttc,
is open to position. AC 7 CO, Oregonian.
EX PERI ENOlil) bookkeeper, cashier, rapid,
accurate, familiar wholesale, retail work,
wants position; best city references. AL
769, Oregonian.
YOI'NG LADY wishes position as cashier or
private exchange operator. r 757, Ore
gonian. or Woodlawn 125.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced in banking,
mortgage and loan; references. V 755, Ort;
goniun. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper desires position ; good rtf erenccs.
AF 758. Oregonian.
CAPABLE business woman, owning type
writer, would like office work part of
day. M.. 6503 Lucretla.
WANTED Position by thoroughly experi
enced clerk; no objection to going out of
the city. L 76o, OreRonian.
STENOGRAPHER with long betL
references, desires permanent situation. AL
758, Oregonian.
RE 11 ABLE girl wishes position sa stenop
rapher and assist with off loo work. Call
Main Si;t7.
STENOGRAPHER, owning typewriter, de
sires position ; privilege taking outside
work. V 765. Oregonian.
ST EfN KlTt APH EH, lejnl and mercant He e x
perience. Billing clerk. References. T 750,
STENOGRAPHER wants per.onal husine.Ts or
circular letter work, dir-rn ln or copy; will
call for and deliver. References. Main
WOULD like general office work and type
writing; experienced. Mrs. LaixWu, A
226U M. 8437.
STENOGRAPHER desires pitlon; three
months' experience; college education. Phone
A 54-16 Monday.
AN experienced cashier wants position; give
full particulars. G 75S Oregonian.
DRESMAKINO, $2.25 per day, good fitter
Main 1273.
COMPETENT stenographer desires position;
$6. Phone Main oSl5.
experience. M
-ill work half days for
', Oregonian.
Phone A
experienced bookkeeper.
GOOD stenographer wants position. A 5446.
MAN-TAILORED skirts that fit. $3; your own
material. Suits, coats, princess dressea,
reasonable prices. Spring ttyles showing.
p;ttte LaUlea' Tailors, 546 Washington, near
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, neatly
done. reasonable; ladies' upnderwe&r,
waists and kimonos a specialty. Mrs. K eas
ier. Main 4S03.
DRESSMAKER and tailoress will make en
gagements in families; references. East
GENERAL- dressTnaklng by competent and
experienced seamstress; goes to homes; ref
erences. A 491.
DRESSMAKING, underclothe?. children's
ciothes. specialty. 1137 Minnesota ave.
Woodlawn 1446.
DRESSMAKER wishes work by day. B
759. Oregonian.
LADIES and children, plain sewing. Work
called for. 516 Ross, near Russell.
ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 826 Wash
ington St., suite 216. Main Ub2. A 63&1.
LADIES' TAILORING, alterations specialty.
Mrs. Muckler. 4.'i0 Columbia. Apt 21. A 47O0
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage
ments by day or week, phone Main 002.
STYLISH dresse, $5 up; waists. $1 up; fine
work; references. 520 E. Mill. Hast C256.
PLAIN sewing, children's clothes. under
wear; $1.60 per day. Call M. 235fl.
YOUNG lady, German, wishes position as
nurse "for 1 or 2 children; reference. Miss
Kathie Buseh, Sellwood 1505. Woodstock
letter box 41.
MOTHERLY woman would like to take care
of child a few hours every day. H 76S,
PRACTICAL nurse desires engagements at
once, maternity cases specialtv; will care
for Invalid or sick. Main 2030, a 4775.
BY experienced, practical nurse, move cases.
ny .kind, reasonable, Maiu 4ioU