The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 20, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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We are now offering, while the stork Yarn.
a fine line of high-grade used cars of popu
lar 4 and standard makes, liir9, 'US and '07
ranging in prlc from $350 to $15oo. Every
oar guaranteed to bo exactly an represented.
The following are a few bargain nure- to go
Maxwell Runabout, new equipped. $330.
Model 10 Bulck. fully equipped, $730.
Overland 190ft Roadster, new 30 H. P..
Cadiiac 30 1009 o-paaengr. good as new.
Twenty others of all makes nd prices to
elect from. The four cars listed muM not
be compared with regular second-hand cars.
Give us a call. We are sure to have the
car you want to price to suit. Open Sunday.
199 3f HORSEPOWER touring car Bulck
model 17. in perfect condition, run 1000
miles; price S170 cash. f. o. b. Portland.
This includes top. glass front, speed indi
cator, 1 extra tire, two inner tubes ana
tire chains; this auto cost $21 ."O when
bought and In the present condition is-a
real bargain. Box 447, The Dalles, Or.
266-268 E le vent h St.
Automobiles bought, sold and exchanged;
we are legitimate and responsible dealers;
every car guaranteed as represented; we
handle second-hand cars for the dealers,
runabouts and touring cars of every
standard make. Call and look them over.
KNOX, the fastest stock car In the world;
Moline. the best car made for the mosey.
We also have a number of four-cylinder
cars, slightly used but in first-class condi
tion, left here for us to sell at real bar
gain prices.
WESTERN" AUTO CO.. 031 Alder St.
ABSOLUTELY the best bargain In second
hand automobile in the city. 88 N. 6th.
COMPLETE outfit of office furniture con
sisting of typewriter, typewriter desk,
large safe, high-standing desk, flat-top
nsk, office chairs. tc.
71 Seventh st.
22-FT. fwwtoline launch, H H. P. D. S. en
gine, cost complete $u7fi; for cash only,
Phone M. 1S44. 84 Lewis Bldg.
BICYCLE riders, send for fnee description
of greatest invention of the 20th century;
an absolutely puncture proof bicycle tire.
Address Clipper Tire Co., Desk E, Everett,
FOR SALE Letter press, stand, and bathe,
roll top desk, revolving chair, 3 chairs,
S window shades. 611 Chamber of Cum
in e rce.
BE8T dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4-ft.a at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, S13 Water il Phone Main 7451.
A 5443
Latest oak roll top, used 2 months;
bargain; also of nee chair. Phone Cooper,
Main 71.
for sale cheap. Motion picture machines,
300 folding chairs, electric piano, etc. AC
730. Oregonian.
AT Oregon Yacht Club, several desirable
houseboats at bargain prices. Phone I.
V. Woodward, port Captain, Sellwood
LAUNCH, 22 ft., 8-horsepower: Smalley en
gine; fully equipped and good condition;
also bout house for sale at bargain for
cash. Inquire No. 90 Fifth at.
closed out at absolute cost. Portland Of
fice Supply Co. Phone Main 6614.
ONE-CYLINDER, 5 pasenger Cadillac in good
condition, with top equipments. $4jO if
taken soon. Tabor 1731.
9 1
! SCHOOLBOOKS bought, sold and exchanged
at Hyland'a. 21 1 2d st.. near Salmon. 10S
fth st., opposite postoffice.
A SACRIFICE in a 40-acra Improved ranch,
fine soil and water, in Washington. Ad
dress 80 6 Montana avc, Portland, Or.
ONE Herring-Hall fe Marvin safe, 41
Inches high, 24 inches deep, good as new.
T-elephone A 1154, Main 1554.
FOR SALE A lot of 1-inch galvanized iron
water pipe, second-hand, about 700 feet.
F. W. Torgler, 108 Sherlock bldg.
THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock cockerels.
$2.50. Bared Rock and Brown Leghorn eggs
$1.00 setting of 15. Mills. 6 West Going st.
TWO 9x10 logging engines in good con
dition, on slrds. S. B. Mallory & Co.,
35 Pine st.
HOISTING and logging engine; we buy, sell
or rent. Railway Equipment Co., 74
First st
CO-EGG Cypher's incubator, last year model,
also homer pigeons; must sell. Phones,
B 1471. Tabor U3tl.
BEST equipped sailboat on the river for
half what it's worth. Phone Sellwood
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms, $10 to $GO. Northwest
Typewriter Co., M. S870, '222 Abington bldg.
FOR SALE, cheap. Chief Cooker gas ptove.
with oven. No. 14. Call after 3 P. M. Tues
day and Wednesday, 014 Pettygrove st.
FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
gine ; good as new. R. T. Cox, 230 3d
st., Portland, Or.
FOR SALE or trade Launch and boat
. house. Cheap. 806 Montana ave., Port
land, Or.
7xlO4, DOUBLE drum donkey engine with
cables; first-class condition. O 678, Ore
go ni an.
ONE L. C. Smith typewriter In good condi
tion, also typewriter desk. Phone A 115 4,
Main 1554.
STANDARD correspondence law course;
$f0; $30 down and $5 a month. AL 7.17,
SMITH-PREMIER typewriter, and National
ash Register, both in llrst-class condi
tion. First st.
L C SMITH typewriter, almost new. Cheap.
John Guy "Wilson, 730 Chamber of Com
merce. REMINGTON typewriter firet-clas condition,
guaranteed; only $35. Cal. B3B Chamber of
FOR SALE Typewriter, Remington No. fi.
in first-class condition; $45. C 737, Ore
gonlan. BARNES foot power, screw-cutting 'lathe,
complete with tools, good as new. Price
reasonable. Phone East 4530.
NIAN. FURNITURE nearly new, in 6-room Hat at
062 Flanders, apartment 4. Call Monday
or Tuesday afternoon.
MOVINO-PIOTURB machine outfit, curtain,
roestadt and carrying case, $45. Pioneer
, Loan Office, 13 North 3rd st.
TYPEWRITER, Remington, good as new, $4o.
Pioneer Loan Office, 13 North :-ird st.
FOR SALE Almort new Tuxedo stilt, No. 3r;
first-class condition. Room 403 Couch bldg.'
FOR SALE Furniture of 4-room bungalow
at a bargain. Call 340 East 51st st.
STANDARD sewing machine, with attach
ments, cheap. ,'514 Morrison, room 42.
FOR SALE Eloctrlc carpet sweeper, $5 7.
Phone East 36 4 6.
BUCKS wood range, bought short time ago,
cost $55; will take $25. Call 414 Taylor.
KBW No. 5 Oliver typewriter, terms.
AK 741, Oregonian.
231 Stark st. Main 1407.
KO. 5 UNDERWOOD typewriter, practically
new; bargain ; must sell. Phone A 1030.
SOOD as new gas range at half price. Call
421 12th st.
L MILE of 30-pound relaying rails for sale J
Simon & Bros.. 244 Front st.
A. GOOD guaranteed typewriter for $15, stand
ard make. Y 723, Oregonian.
&00 BUSINESS cards $1 if you bring this ad
Rose City Printery, 182Va 3d, near Taylor.
FRESH cows, one registered Jersey. 95 e.
30th. Sunnyslde car.
FOR SALE Cheap, -kt. white diamond.
. V 737. Oregonian-
FOR SALE Tinner's tools at 374 First
st. Call Tuesday.
BOO BUSINESS cards $1 If you mention this
-ad.. Rose City Printery, 192 3d-
JLAUNCH and boathour?. nearly new to ex
change for runabout. N 740, Oregonian
THIS week we have a lot of fine second
hand household furnishings that we are
going to sell on a very small profit; for
instance, all the carpets and part of the
furniture of Mrs. A. G. Clark's large resi
dence at 097 Hoyt St.. . also a reataurant
outfit consisting of six-foot range, chairs,
tables. linoleum, crockery and cooking
utensils. If you are in need of any house
hold furnishings, it will pay you to call
and see our large stock. We are making
extensive alterations In our store and we
are making substantial reductions on all
goods for the next two weeks; our install
ment plan holds good, too, at the reduced
prices. Western Salvage Co.. 027-fi2tf-O3l-rt3.1-ti35
Washington st- Main 1118. or A
SEWING MACHINES 50 slightly used ma
chinos at very low prices; Singer, Wheeler
& Wilson. New Home, White and others, to
gether with a fin lot of good second-hand
machines of all makes, $5 and up; making
room for the new Singer Rotary and New ft6
machines; sold on easy payments or rented
by week or month; needles, parts and re
pairs for all makes of machines. S. S.
Sigel Singer Sewing Machine Store, 336 Mor
rin et.
LAUNCH for sale; 74 f hull, hardwood
decks. 8 H. P.; 2-cylinder. 4-cycle Palmer
engine, speed 10 miles ; complete equip
ment, including ' chairs, life preservers,
tools of all kinds, chai n clocks, lights,
etc. ; fine boa thou se : outfit invoices fnS;
will fell for $575 cash; no trades consid
ered; this is an excellent buy for some one
wanting a pleasure boat for the coming
season. Phone East 1052.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine Inlaid banjo,
almost new ; large graphophone with rec
ords, diamonds, pianos, furniture, horses,
automobile, real estate, etc ; I want lum
ber, workhorses, hay, oats and, feed, gro
ceries, electric light outfit, ice machine,
etc. What have you to trade ? Merrill,
7th and Oak. Afternoons.
Rare coins, TJ. S. and foreign, ood prices
paid; you may have a fortune in some old
coin ; send 00a for my 1910 coin book;
stamps bought. A- B. Jacobs. 1601 Polk St.,
San Francisco. Cal.
LAW BOOKS: Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law.
Ency. of Plead. & Practice,. Am. Stato
Reports. Pomeroy's Equity, Pomeroy's
Code Remedies, Bispham's Equity, Fletch
er's Equity Plead. Practice and Clark on
Contracts, Greenleaf on Evidence. 611
Chamber of Commerce.
FOLLOWING office furniture at less than
half price:-1 roll-top desk, 1 Mat-top dek,
3 chairs, 1 revolving bookcase. 4 carpets,
20 yards linoleum, 1 solid oak counter
10x2. All in good condition. M 743. Ore
gonian. FOR SALES.
200-horsepower motor, generator set, belt
ed UTilLs, complete with circuit-breakers and
panels, alternating and direct current ma
chines; laeal drive for industrial plant; com
plete information furnished at room 201 Ore
gon la a bids;.
One new, eight-foot, Belvidere bar-back
ref g. soda fountain with fixtures com
plete. Apply room 701, Wells-Fargo build
ing, or can be seen, at warehouse, foot of
Jefferson at., afternoons.
SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines,
slightly marred ; all standard makes ma
chines for rent and ropalring. H. D. Jones,
Prop. 420 Washington St., corner 11th.
FOR SALE cheap, one 4burner arc; 1 In
stantaneous water htater; 1 lavatory- In
quire at 335 Union ave.. South.
FOR SALE Steam engine 30 horse power
Atlas. F. C. Stettler, 10th and Glisan
FOR SALE Large size Buck range, water
back In good condition; cost $70; will sell
for half. AE 741, Oregonian.
LAUNCH hull for sale cheap; also lot; will
take motor cycle In trade. Phone Tabor
FOR SALE cheap. Isabella fox muff. Tele
phone Sellwood 1320.
A. REINER, designer and furrier, has moved
to 12& Eleventh nt., near Wash.
FOR SA 1R, cheap, a good Oliver typewriter.
Call 220 Failing bldg.
10-HORSEPOWER vertical engine for sale
cheap. J. Simon & Bros., 244 Front st.
$10.00 BUYS 140-egg Mandy Lee incubator,
brooder complete. V 733, Oregonian.
CORDWOOD stumpage for sale. Equity In
vestment Co., 508 Gerlinger bldg. M. 325L
NO. 5 Underwood typewriter, practically new;
a bargain. Rosa, Buchanan bldg.
CYLINDER press, sire bod 23x29. Quick
Print Co.
ROOM3 pnpered or tinted. Including mate
rial. 42. oO up. J 751, Oregonian.
FOR SALE One l-in. Chandler cutting
machine. B 744, Oregonian.
WA LL PAI'ER cleaned ; new process; $1
room up. Leave oriK"s at 68 6th North.
ROLLTOP desk with chair, price $12.50.
440 3d St.. A 1725.
INDIA silk dress, size 30, price $3. Room
2S. 1S7 17th st.
PRINTING SET, new, $2; was much more;
splendid value. 01. Washington' st.
A SNAP Fur-lined coat, mink and beaver,
reasonable. 631 Y. M. C A., Vincent.
FOR SALE cheap, side tilled plow, good con
dition. W 724. Oregonian.
A NIFTY little Job printing plant, nearly
new, reasonable. AF litis. Oregonian.
GO-CART cheap. Woodlawn 2O80.
WE have several customers for the best 10
to 20-room proposl t ions that money can
buy. Make your price right and let us
know what you have to offer. Becker & Co.,
till Swetland bldg. Phone Main 4835.
WANTED Hand or power printing press
outfit, cash ; state price ; give detail of
outfit ; no attention paid to answer other
wise, G 742. Oregonian.
WANTED Men castofl clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings
highest prices pa.'d. Call at the "Fair
Dual." 47 Sd sr. .North. Phone Main 27X.
WHY" not t 11 that Idle machine In your
mill? See Montgomery in timber and mill
dept., M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and
Oak sts.
WANTED $1000 worth of second-hi'.nd fur
niture, the highest price paid. Baldwin
Van Kleek, 748 Thurman st. Pnone M
DOES your sawmill pay? if not Montgomery
can help you, or will take an Interest in
your mill. Timber and mill dept., of M.
E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts.
WANTED Roll-top desk about 4 feet long;
goid condition: state least price; also three
foot lift-top counter cigar case. Y 720, Ore
gonian. MONTGOMERY buys and sella timber, mills
and machinery. Call for Montgomery at
M. E. Thompson Co., (.timber and mill
dept)., cor. 4th and Oak sts.
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and gents' second-hand clotbtng and
shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 200 1st.
WANTED 2 100-h.-p. second-hand boilers;
l.o-h.-p. 4-valve or automatic engine. AF
743, Oregonian.
WANTED Small watch dog. Prefer giv
ing good home for keep during Summer.
Phone East 223.
HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool. furs. Phones A 761s,
Main 510S. J. Leve. 1S6 Columbia.
WHAT have you to offer in exchange for
suburban lots, value $100 each 7 p. O.
Box 435.
SELL your second-hand furniture to ths
Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phones
A 2445. Main 886L
WANTED The use of a piano for storage
of same; no children. L 730, Oregonian.
HIGHEST prices paid for men's cast off
clothes. 204 3d st. Phone Marshall 745.
WANTED To buy carpenter and small wood
working plant. AD 730, Oregonian.
TRANSIT wanted to rent. Moffett. the sta
tioner. 327 Stark st.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1U67.
FIRST-CLASS shoemaker wanted at 269 Yam
hill. Steady Job for good man.
ERRAND BOY. Chrlstle-Hoge Co.. printers
128 2d st.
GOOD photo coupon agents; an offer you can't
-beat. Houghton, photographer.
WANTED Grocery clerk. A-l reference
515 Jefferson sU Call today.
Plledrlver foneman.
Stationary engineer, do own firing, small
country mill, $60 and board.
Toolsharpener. quarry, $3.
Blacksmith, country shop, $3 up.
3 stonecutters, S5.
Section foreman, $65. .
Tunnel timber frarrwsrs. $3.
Trimraerman. $2.75 ; mill night watch,
Mill and yard hands.
City t-aamsters and laborers.
Man and wife on farm, cook for one
man, $45 and found; farmhand and wife,
$60 and found, family of seven to cook for.
Bridge carpenters, $3 and $2.75.
CONSTRUCTION CO. on their new big
Job In Oregon. Fr-se Fare for construc
tion laborers.
on the new big California-Oregon job.
Free Fare construction laborers.
Agents for TWOHY BROS, and sub
contractors on the DESCHUTES JOB.
Free Far for construction laborers.
Agents for the P. C. C. Co. on their
work. Free Fare. Teamsters wanted.
Agents for many other contractors and
private individuals, and out of this city
and stat.
10,000 more laboring men will be re
Quired in this section this year.
26 North Second St, PORTLAND.
424 Front ave., SPOKANE.
8 7-S9 4th St.. SAN FRANCISCO.
Established 18 76.
$3000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made In real
estate business; no capital required; we
will teach you the business by mail, ap
point you special representative of leading
real estate company, list with you readily
salable properties, co-operate with and
assist you to a permanent . success; a
thorough commercial law course free to
each representative. Write for 62-page
book free; it will be sure to interest you.
'The Cross Co.. Dept. 127. Chicago.
to $500 month certain for men calling
on drug, grocery and department store
trade to sail a new article as staple as
sugar. Used In every home. Unlimited
demand. Free pocket sample. Send in
your application. Full and complete in
formation promptly given. Strictly con
fidential. Dept. 15. Schnadig Sales
Agency, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago.
WANTED Able-bodied men for trie TT. S.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and
85: must be native born or have first pa
pers; monthly pay $15 to $60; additional com
pensation possible; food, clothing, quarters
and medical attendance free; after 3o years
service can retire with 75 per cent of pay
and allowances; service on board ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at
New Grand Central Hotel. Portland, Or.
WANTED Salesman ; a large, well-known
Portland corporation, whose officers and
directors are the most prominent bankers
and business men in Portland, desires to
employ three high-class salesmen to sell
its bonds and stock to 'bankers and in
vestors in Oregon. Salary or commission,
or both. Good local references required.
M 737, Oregonian.
WANT three salesmen, reai hustlers, each
one to care for a special district in State
of Oregon; very high grade, rapid selling
proposition. We will pay almost anything
to the right men to take these positions;
must furnish bond to cover all moneys,
etc Must slate age, experience and when
you can go to work. Give your phone
number. AC 733. Oregonian.
MEN WANTED, experience unnecessary, for
foremen or brakemen on nearby railroads;
account Increasing business; no strike;
age 20-30; good vision; $8O-$100 monthly;
promotion; 1524 men sent to positions in
109- send stamp ; state age. weight,
height. Railway Association, cars Ore
gonian. AN" EXPERIENCED and capable bookkeep
er, stenographer and typist. Man or lady.
The requirements are good character, ac
curacy, neatness of work, capacity and
dispatch. A retail house in this city in
vites correspondence with one of such
qualifications offering a good and perman
ent position. Y 740, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLAS salesman for Pacific Coast ter
ritory to sell staple line, absolutely new
and exceptional terms. One having success
ful specialty experience preferred. Attrac
tive year's contract, containing liberal week
ly advance clause. References required.
Mile F. Blxier Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
CIVIL service employes are paid well for
easy work; examinations every month; ex
pert advice, sample questions and Booklet
3t0, describing positions and telling easiest
and quickest way to secure them free. Write
now. Washington Civil Service School,
Washington. D. C.
an all around mechanic, with temperate
habits, for mlllwrighting and repair work;
will give good live man steady work; pre
fer man near 33 with small family; will
furnish house and water; $2.50 per day.
AJ 732, Oregonian.
better to secure one of the thousands of
appointments to be made; particulars as
to Balarates, positions, dates of exam
inations in Portland, sample questions
sent free in circular 161, National Corre
spondence Institute, Washington, Uf. C.
Reliable real estate dealer wants sober
young man a. partner to show farms and
wait on cusiomers; this is first-claws propo
sition and will pay easily $2oo monthly.
Call 28ti Washington St., Room 012.
WANTED Four first-class piano salesmen
by high-grade piano concern, who will
efctablish branch store shortly. City and
road positions open. God salary, with
opportunity for advancement. AE 733,
DISTRICT managers, agents, solicitors for
new whole life and ten-year 0 per cent
debenture bond; also best natural death
and disability policy; no classification
for occupation, race, sex. Good pay. Mr.
Meek, 1041 Drexel bldg., Philadelphia. Pa.
WANTED By a first-class concern, a high
class salesman on straight salary. Appli
cant mutst state previous experience, nam
references, and full particulars regarding
themselves. E 752, Oregonian.
INVESTMENT of $2000 with your time will
pay good salary and dividends. Estab
lished jobbing business, with big trade.
Don't overlook this. Absolutely legitimate.
References required. AM 73 6, Oregonian.
MEN to clear land, set fruit trees in ex
change for land or gocd Portland suburb
an lots. Will furnish tents, tools, stump
puller. McCoy, 304 N. 2ith, o to 7:30 even
ings only.
SALESMAN having established trade with
mining companies in Oregon and Washing
ton, to represent us on commi!on basis.
Caro Manufacturing Co., Cleveland. Ohio.
START a mall order business at home.
Spare time. I show you how. Large
profits. Particulars PRE K. H O Jones,
313D Heussy bldg., Seattle, Wash.
30O SAMPLE suits at $10.73 and $13.7.1;
these suits must go; values up to $30.
Knew Sample Suit Shop, 313 Oregonian
bldg.. Jimmie Dunne, manager.
The Jno. P. Sharkey Co.. 122 14 Sixth st.,
desire several men who have enterprise to
sell high-class subdivision property; liberal
comrn issions.
WAXTED Three neat appearing honest
boys IS to 20, with bicycles preferred. Ap
ply Sunday or Monday, 11 A. M. to 3 P.
M., 1316 X. 5th st., bet. Glisan and Hoyt.
WANTED Bright, energetic fire insurance
solicitors and collectors. State experience
and salary expected. The right place for
the right man. R 741. Oregonian.
RESIDENT manager, also salesman, $30
weekly and expenses, or commission. Ex
perience unnecessary. American Cigar Co
Cincinnati. O.
WANTED Young man to act as stock clerk
and do general oiTlce work. Should be
able to operate typewriter. N 743, Orego
nian. THE Meier & Frank stores require a com
petent clothing salesman for the boys
department. Apply to Superintendent
from 8 to 10 A. M.
EXPERIENCED man for work on small
fruit ranch, near Portland, Immediately ;
married man preferred ; separate cottage ;
state wages. AE 744, Oregonian.
CAN earn big commissions selling our spe
cialties to cigar dealers, druggists and
kindred lines. It's money-maker. Sam
ples free. Lee Novelty Co., Chicago.
WANTED An intelligent young man be
tween the age of 18 and 25 years, to learn
our business. College education preferable.
B 742. Oregonian.
Successful gilt-edg residence real es
tate proposition. Call 10-12 A. M., 323
Corbett bldg.
WANT to start you In business at home;
most Ingenius money-maker ever devised
Free particulars. jr. E. Abbott, Desk
AX, Omaha, Neb.
HUNDREDS of positions open. We place
thousands of men in good positions with
the best firms in America; some of our
richest men got their start selling goods
.on the road. Hundreds of our graduates
who formerly earned from $23 to $73
month now earn from loo week to as
hij?h as $100 a day and expenses. If you
want to earn from two to IO times as
much as you now earn, our free book. "A
Knight of the Grip." will show you how.
Write today. Address nearest office.
Dept. 693, National Salesmen's Training
Association, New Y'ork. Chicago. Kansas
Cf ty Minneapolis, San Francisco, At
lanta. WANTED Man. some selling abilitv. Cap
able of organizing a Helling staff. To handle
one of the best-advertised commodities. No
expenss to you in organizing. You must
have a clear record. Position will pay sal
ary and commissions, $200 to $3500 per year.
Answering, give full particulars. All replies
will be treated confidential. C 740, Ore
gonian. SALESMAN for Stete of Oregon, best and
most complete advertising specialty novel
ty line in the count ry, and sold at prices
that will get the business. Exclusive terri
tory and a money-making proposition will
bo given the man who can convince us of
his ability and honest ty. State particulars
regarding self In answering. Address Gart
ner & Bender, Dept. A. Chicago.
WANTED Responsible party to take out
stumps and plow small tract at Jnnincs
Lodge Station, on the Oregon City car
line ; cash when work Is finished. See
J. L. DeLong, with
245 H Stark St., Portland.
Phones Main 35, A 3300.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barner trade In
8 weeks, help to secure poslUons; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $26 weekly; expert
Instructor: tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Coi leges. 94
North 4th St., Portland. Or.
WANTED Young man to learn show card
writing; only field not overcrowded; we
teach by mall and guarantoe success or
monev refunded; complete course. Includ
ing outfit, $13: write for free booklet. Ex
celsior Correspondence School, 906 Market
St.. San Francisco.
WANTED Salesman with a good record
who can sell good specialty and make
$500 per month;, must give good refer
ences. See Mr. Curry at Belvedere Hotel,
between 10 and 2.
EXPERIENCED general clerk wanted for
steady position, dry goods and men's fur
nishings. State age, references and ex
pected salary. Address P. O. Box 243,
Vancouver, Wash. Position open till
March 15.
LEARN more about civil service positions
and examinations. You ought to. Don't
cost you much. Free book No. SO may
help you write for it. Our students sat
Portland, Or.
WANTED Traveling salesman to fell our
Fall production blankets, flannels, dress fab
rics, on commission, to retail country stores.
First-class side line. Frank D. LaLanne &
Co., Philadelphia.
REPRESENTATIVE wanted to introduce
book, essential In every home; good profits,
success guaranteed right party; will com
municate with principals only. McClana-han-FIsher
Co., St. Louis.
WANTED 600 men to buy $3 sample hats,
now $1.0. Low rent in basement is the
reayon. Hats cleaned, blocked, 5c. Also
ladies' straw hats remodeled. The Hat
tery, 315 Alder.
GOOD opening for a man to invest $2000
with services; will prove to you that last
year's business shows over 40 per cent
net profit, besides good salary. N 72'J
OPENING for male public stenographer-bookkeeper
in Central Oregon. Prent stenog
rapiier turn work over and .-supply office
room return for part services. Box 1. Prine
ville. Or.
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat ap
pearance to call on all merchants in their
territory; elegant side line, convenient to
carry ; good commissions; prompt remlt
tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. O.
WANTED Young man as assistant credit
man and remittance clerk in wholesale
house. Address In own writing, stating
age. experience and salary expected. W
741, Oregonian.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line. High commissions with $10 0
monthly advance. Permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit.
MAN willing to learn and capable of acting
as representative; no canvassing or solicit
ing; good income assured. National Co
operative Realty Co., 702 Marden bldg.,
Washington. D. C.
MEN (or women) $4 a day sure, all year
raising mushrooms in cellars, sheds, boxes,
etc. Big market. Free illustrated book
let. Hiram Barton, West 4Sth St., Now
$2.50 PER DAY paid to one man in each
town to distribute free circulars and take
' orders for concentrated flavoring in tubes
permanent position. J. S. Ziegler Co., Chi
cago. STENOGRAPHER Exceptional opportunity
for capable young man as credit man's
assistant; salary $73 to $00. Call Mon
day. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Com
mercial Club bldg.
ANTED High-class window trimmer and
phowcard writer. Good permanent position
for first-class man. Apply to A. R. Specht,
care Owl Drug Company, 7th and Washing
ton. SALESMAN Experienced in any line, to sell
general trade .n Pacific Ceist. An unex
celled specialty proposition. Commissions,
with $35 weekly advance for expenses. The
Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. Ohio.
WE aid our members to secure employment.
Constant demand for young men of ability
and integritty. Special employment mem
bership. Y. M. C. A.
TRAVELING MEN are earning $5 to $10
day carrying our pocket side line. For
particulars address 20th Century Mfg Co
i;X8 Wells, Chicago.
Ship daily; no fare held from your pay.
600 laborers wanted.
C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 0 N 2d St.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor, good
proposition, quick money, chance for per
manent work. Call today 1 to 3. 301
McKay bldg.
WE have a very attractive proposition for
live solicitors. Call Monday, 0 A. M to
12 M. Review of Reviews Co., 324 Flitd
ner bldg.
101H) LEGS can be respectably covered with
men's sample trousers. $.50 a pair; worth
$3.50. "Knew" Sample Suit Shop, 315 Ore
gonian bldg., Jimmie Dunn, mngr.
MIDDLE-AGED German, single. Intelligent
honest and willing, wants position of any
kind, handy with tools; good all around
Y" 736. Oregonian.
MEN and women every-where, copy letters at
home during spare time; $25 made weekly
no capital required. Daiay Rug Co., Bara
boo, Wla.
WANTED Man and wife for private family
in town. Wife must be good cook, man
good gardener and help about house. Main
EXPERIENCED timekeeper for railroad
construction ; salary to start. $ti( per
month and board. K 737. Oregonian
iiOU K K hihrl iNii .Private tuition In bock- I
Kupuig oy m 11 accountant. 301 Mer
chants Trust bldg., Gth and Washington.
MOTION picture operators earn $25 weekly
easy inside work: learn business In short
time ; lessons reasonable. 520 Wash
WANTED Orchardlst, experienced; good
position for right man; one hour from
Portland. Apply 13 First st.
WANTED First-class solicitor for cleaning
and dye works; 35 per cent commission paid.
750 Thurmjan.
HARNESS, chap and saddlemaker wanted;
good wages. Address Poa toff ice box 477
The Dalles. Or.
WANTED Photographer. or party who
would learn the business and take 14 in
terest in gallery. Box 422. Arleta, Or.
WANTED Two shoemakers. Inquire Shoen
heinz, 7th St., near Depot, Oregon City.
FIRST-CLASS machinist wanted for out of
town. Call 222 -Commercial Club Bldg.
FLOOR molder wanted. Call 222 Com
mercial Club Bldg.
BRIGHT boy to learn trade.
Ore Brass
Works. 73 Nortn zci.
EXPERIENCED driver and s iJMcitor. Broad
way t Dye Work, 353 Unionave. north.
WANTED Two boys with wheels, well rec
ommended; ood wag oa. 31 14 th
WANTED For a permanent position, a
man who Is an experienced accountant,
correspondent and stenographer. Apply
giving experience, references, nationality
and whether married or single. ag"e and
salary required. Address Captain Webber,
P. O. Box 1910. Seattle, Wash.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St.
Open Sunday 10:30 A. M. to 2 P. M.
Foreman for roed treble work, $4.
PlledriveV, engineer. $75 mo. and board.
Foreman, log R. R-. $3 and up.
Millwright. $4.
Cutoff sawyer (shingle mill), $2.75.
Gang trirr.merman, $3.25.
Rand sawyer and sndperman, $4.
Gang erigerinan. $4.
Granite quarry foreman. $150 to $200 mo.
2 granite-cutters. 50c hour.
Mill and yard hands. -$2 to $2.50.
Buckers, mipers. rig-rustlers, chasprst and
all kind of logging work at good wages.
Farm hands for EUstern Oregon, $30 and
up. room and board.
Man and wife on ranch (take charge). $45
month ; steady.
Large list of new work every day.
We guarantee to pay your fare both ways
If there is not work where wo send you.
Main Office.- 12 N. 2d St.
ONE of the largest retail houses on the Coast
desires services of tlrst-class F-tenonrapher.
Exceptional opportunity to learn the mail
order ar.d advertising business. None but
keen, intelligent young men netd apply. Ad
dress, giving full particulars, R 753, Orego
nian. WANTED Experienced janitor and night
watchman for store; answer stating age,
refwencea and salary expected; give phone
- number. AM 730. Oregonian.
WANTED Two salesmen of ability, one for
city, one for country work. Expenses
guaranteed and promotion. AL 753, Orego
nian. WANTED A good all-around furniture man
to take charge of furniture section In a
department store, AL 733, Oregonian.
FEEDER, with year's experience, for
platen presses; steady work. D 722, Ore
gonian. FIRST-CLASS card writer and banner
painter. Apply room 513, Rothchlld bldg.
Ask for Mr. Metzger. .
TWO live salesmen of ability, city work, per
manent iosition for men who make good.
Apply 200 Oak st. Monday forenoon.
TELEGRAPHY taught. Graduates all have
positions. Address or call evenings. Expe
rienced operator. 2'.H 3rd st.
WANTED To contract with some one who
has gasoline spraying outfit to spray my
orchard. Staples, the Jeweler, 162 First st.
RARE CHANCE for young man with $3oO
cah, as partner in good paying business;
must be neat. Room CIS, Swetland bldg.
WANTED Experienced stock salesman,
country clientlo, desires connect ion re
sponsible concern. A L 752. Oregonian.
MARRIED man for permanent place on
ranch; will provide house, milk and vege
tables. Write R. G. Scott, Sherwood, Or.
MAN and wife to work on small fruit ranch,
everything furnished; no children. P 730,
WANTED To meet a timber cruiser famil
iar with the Siletz country. Y 722, Ore
gonian. WANTED FIrst-c!as architect uml drafts
man ; permanent position. AG 741, Ore
gonian. WANTED Coremaker, brass moulder. In
quire 222 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Boy about 17 years of age. ML
Hood Factory, 233 Couch.
five-cent cigars.
BOYS wanted to sot pins at the Oregon
Bowling Alleys. 84 7th.
WANTED First-class shirt cutter. Mt. Hood
Factory. 233 Couch.
WANTED Cloak road salesman.
Bros. Cloak Co., St. Louis. Mo.
ELDERLY widower, one child, wants house
keeper; country; give age and personal de
scription; easy place and permanent for
right party: one with small child preferred.
E 734, Oregonian.
WANTED refined, middle-aged woman, an ac
complished musician preft-red. Must bo earn
est, of pleasing addrfss. Steady employment
if suited. Y' lease give present employment.
Address B-75o Oregonian.
WAIST salesladies, also 1 competent to take
charge of waist department, none but thor
oughly experienced need apply. Grand
EXPERIENCED cloak and suit saleslady.
Worrell's Sample Cloaks and Suits, 1 34
0th st., cor. Alder. Opposite The Ore
gonian. PUBLIC stenographer; can have free use
of office, machine and telephone for smalt
service; no other public stenographer in
the building. 414 Rothehild bldg.
Practical nurse, middle aged.
Ladles" Dept. 2u5Vi Morrison.
BOOKKEEPER and typewriter, to take charge
of office work; state experience, references
and salary. Scio Condensed Milk Co., Scio,
WANTED A waitress ; must be competent.
Apply Monday morning, Sheldon Caffete
ria, 20B Morrison.
YOUNG lady to read aloud to gentleman
evenings; salary expected. AN 753, Ore
gonian. WANTED a competent girl for general house
work, must be a good cook. Two in family.
Call Sunday of ternoon, 425 7th street.
WANTED A lady for housework who is
used to children. Call A 7o:3, Sunday
I'. M-, after 6 P. M. other days.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
family of 3; good wages. 4til Hancock el.
Broadway car.
EXPERIENCED milliner wanted for city
position. Call Butler-Schutze Co., 63
. 5th st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework
p 11 d cooking; good wages. Phone Mnin
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
small familv. 3-S1 East I2th st.. North.
Broadway car. Phone East 3390.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Apply 4 3S East 10th st. North. Phone
L'asi 40S2.
GIRL to work In grocery and confectionery;
must have references. Brumbcrg's Gro
cery, 423 E. Morrison St., near Oth.
WANTED Experienced cook; references re
quired. Phone Miss Maud Ainsworth,
Main 752.
COMPETENT g!rl to assist with care of
children and litrht housework. Call at 422
Wasco after 1 P. M.
PUBLIC stenographer can have office rent
free in Gerlinger bldg. 2d and Alder. Ap
ply room 012 Monday morning.
WANTED A few ladies to take orders for
photo pillow tops. E, A. Bukowsky, 20G
Mill st.
WANTED A girl to help with housework;
good home, out of town. Inquire 520
Clay st.
ary. Aply between 10 and 11 A. M.
room 30, Hamilton bldg., 131 Third st.
RELIABLE young girl, assist In general
nousework. rast jut.
SCHOOL girl to help with work; good home.
238 11th et.
WANT a good sew girl. Columbian, apart
ment No. 1, 11th and Columbia.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
3 in family ; wages $2u 752 B. B urns id e.
GOOD girl for general housework. Call 330
Park Bt.
A. REINER, designer and furrier, haa moved
to 12H Eleventh St., near Wash.
MILLINERY apprentices. 303 Tilford bldg.,
cor. 10th and Morrison.
EXPERIENCED cook, at once. The Weaver,
710 Washington st.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid at once. The
Weaver, 710 Washington st.
GIRL to assist with work in private boarding
house. 225 West Park.
GIRL for general housework. Call Sunday or
Monday afternoon, 038 Love Joy.
A GIRL to do sedonJ work In small family.
No small children. 700 Flanders st.
GIRL or woman for general housework.
Call 02S 4th st.
GIRL for general housework. 347 l'ith. Main
ftP? I ice uerai housework, Lxvejuv w
WANTED Several bright young women to
learn telephone operating; we maintain a
school under the supervision of a woman
principal at our East office. East Ankeny
and Sixth streets; applicants who qualify
wl.l lie given a thorough training in the
work before heing assigned to poMtlons; u
denw are paid at the rate of $i. per month
while learning. Apply to school principal on
week days between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company.
AN EXPERIENCED and capable bookkeep
er, stenographer and typist. Man or lady.
The requirements are good character, ac
curacy, neatness of work, capacity and
dispatch A retail houe in this city in
vites correspondence with cne of such
qualifications offering a good and perman
ent position., Y 740, Oregonian.
WANTED A capable woman of education, re
l'nement and cheerful disposition to assist
invalid lady in household duties and care of
children; hlghe-st references given and re
quired; good wages paid. AB 742, Oregonian.
MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety
for Young Women. Advice or assistance
gladly given to all voung women. Mrs.
Lola G. Baldwin. Supt.. room 37 Y. W. C
A. bldg., 7th and Taylor sts.
HELP WANTED A competent middle-aged
woman to do housework in private family
at Hood River; wages $25 per month. Ad
dress drawer G. Hood River. Or.
YOUNG lady stenographer and bookkeeper;
give full particulars, experience and ref
erence; salary wanted. Address Lock
Box C Bend, Or.
PUBLIC stenographer may have use desk
. room, desk, typewriter and telephones in
exchange for receiving messages, etc. S14
Lewis bldg.. 1 to 2 P. M.
WANTED Milliner, good practical trimmer
for the city, highest salary; only first
class with experience need apply. A 752,
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and f tenoKrapher,
general merchandise store in country town.
State age and salary expected. A 741. Ore
gon ian.
WANTED Oirl. competent cook and house
keeper. Family of throe. Good home,
wages $25. German, Swedish or Finnish
preferred. Phone East 1510.
WANTED An experienced woman to take
charge of ladies' ready-to-wear depart
ment in good Eastern Oregon town. X
730. Oregonian.
WANTED A good stenographer capable of
writing a good letter and general office
work. Steady employment if satisfactory,
$12 week to start. Phone East 506.
ADVERTISER would like to meet with a
bright, educated woman of 30, anxious to
make a position In which fitnens would lead
to good salary. J 743, Oregonian.
WANTED Neat-appearing girl to put up
lunches, short hours. Apply Sunday or
Monday. 11 A. M. to 3 1. M., 131 N. 6th
st., bet. Glisan and Hoyt.
NEAT-APPEARING woman not over 35, can
have Ood home for looking after bache
lor's apartments. Very little work. F 740,
LADY to travel in Oregon ; good pay and
tailor-made suit in Po days; experience un
necessary; reliable firm. Write for partic
ulars. J. E. Mc Brady Co., Chicago.
FIRST-CLASS hairdressers at The Elite
Hairdressing parlors, 109 7th st. Main
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. WOO Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WOMAN for general housework, private
family ; must be good cook ; good wages.
310 Poplar. B 3 $03.
MAKE money writing short stories ; big
pay. Our free book let tells how. Press
Syndicate, San Francisco.
WANTED House to house lady demon
strator; new toilet cream; easy money;
quick seller. Apply 374 Morrison st.
WANTED Girl to help with housework.
good home, small wages. Inquire L. J.
Rawlings, 202 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED A lady trimmer with $75 to join
nie in out of city millinery and dressmak
ing. G 740. Oregonian.
CAPABLE GIRL wanted for cooking and
general housework ; good wages. 161
North 24th st.
WOULD trade piano for interior carpenter
work. Shermam Clay & Co., Sixth and
WANT two lady English teachers, Japanese
evening school. 430 Burnside st., this
MILLINERY trimmers wanted, department
h-uee. Walla Walla, Wash. Pofitofflee box
WANTED A neat young girl to assist with
general housework ; sleep at home. 8S0
E. Ash. Phone East 49W4.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work and cooking; 3 adults. Apply morn
ings. 440 Williams ave. U car.
MILLINERY preparers; only capable peo
ple; good salary to experienced. A 751,
WANTED Girl for goneral housework,
washing included; wages. $25. 424 Oregon
st. East 242 ; C 163S. References.
SENSIBLE, energetic woman over 25 for po
sition with wholesale house; experience un
necessary. AL 721, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced operators on shirts
and overaljs; learners paid while learn
ing. 75 1st st.
WANTED A good woman as working
housekeeper; muft be a good plain cook.
Tabor 107, or AB 737, Oregonian.
A COMPETENT girl for cooking, where sec
ond girl is kept; good wages. CSU Ever
ett st.
WANTED Young girl to wait on table; pay
good wages. Cull after 10 A. M., 200 Ever
ett st.
GIRL for general housework; two In fami'y
and baby. Call or phone Room 12, The
YOUNG girl to help with housework mornings
and evenings for board and room. Apply at
03 East 33th st.
GIRL for second work In small family.
Apply between 10 and 2 at 700 Northrup
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work; must be good cook; three in family;
wages $25. Phone East 5312.
U2ot4 Washington St.. Room 307.
Main 883tt or A S26&
WANTED A young girl for general house
work in small family. 406 East 20th st.
north, Irvington.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
mnw: be good couk; two in family. Out of
town (fare paid) . Sel. 878.
43 & Washington si-, cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phono Main 2602.
GJR LS wanted. Experienced, two needle
unh-n special, sleeves and felling. Mt.
Hood Factory, 233 Couch.
GIRL to assist with hounework, attend
sclnoI if desired. Phone C 1148.
WA XT ED Experienced bookkeeper. Ap
ply AE 740, Oregonian.
A WOMAN for general housework; 3 In fam
ily; good wages. A 3873. 67 Madison st.
WANTED Sewing girle for dressmaking. 46
N. hth st.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert, $5 a month. 200 14th. Main 389X
CAPABLE girl for general housework. 7H0
Johnson st. Mam
LADY to assist gentleman soliciting; office
work. 221 Morrison st. Room 22.
EXPERIENCED second cook In private
boarding-house. 735 Hoyt Bt.
A GIRL to dance and sing In dance hall. J
739, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lady as booking agent for
high-class lecture. K 735, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
good wages. 74 1 Irving st.
WANTED Girl or woman, general work. A
2854. 627 Hood st.
GIRL for general housework, in small fam
ily. 175 16th st, corner Yamhill.
EXPERIENCED hairdresser and manicure
wanted. 308 Wash. st.
GIRL, general housework, must be experi
enced; good-wages. 455 Market. st.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
cooking; four In family. Phone E 13GS.
G Fit MAN taught by experienced teacher AB
713. Oregonian.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework; no
hUdren; no washing 060 Lovej-ay st.
W a n t s Monday.
Hotel cook. $40; cook, country boarding
house, $4." ; family cook. $'SC.
2 cham bermaids. $20.
2 second girls, $3u.
1 nursxi girl. $30.
1 kitchen hand, country, $2 5.
1 housekeeper, $15.
N ow Urtiors Da i 1 v.
H A N S K N " S 1 , A D I E S' AGENCY.
3 453 Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs,
Cook and helper for small camp, kitch
en helpers, housekeepers, waitresses, girls
for general housework, et c, etc.
Large list of new places open dally.
Ladies' Dept. 2o5 V Morrison st.
GIRL to assist with general housework and
cooking. r7 4 Hoyt st.
EXPERIENCED solicitor wanted, ladv ot
gent k-man ; except loual opportun it v : quick
returns; exclusive. C. Barnhill, 211
Hlnckb'y biock. Seattle, Wash.
BVT HER SHOP, restaurant, dentist and
dressmaker wanted in thriving mill and
railroad town. Phone A 744.
PRIVATE instructor In English for 2 or 3
hours each day ; only competent persona
need apply. Phone Main 8itiy.
SPANISH language taught by native instruc
tor, day and evening clutveA 3'0 Common
wealth blig.
sitions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland.
WANTED Good traveler, guaranteed salary
and expenses. 1 751. Oregonian.
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting.
3U4 RSth st. M CSOO.
WAITER to work, from 6 to 8 P. M. in pri
vaM boarding-house. 735 Hoyt st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
Bi acrountant and auditor, capable of keep
ing books and making (statements, or analyz
ing and reporting on accounts kept by oth
ers. Duel re responsible position with honcne
people. - Portland exierit.nuo and reference!.
AK 739, Oregon inn.
YOl'NG accountant, capable of taking charao
of tiff ice, acting as wedlt man or assistant;
six years' experience; thoroughly versed in
modern methods; at present employed;
wishes to make a change. M 75o. Ore
gonian. POSITION as accountant and bookkeeper,
handle correspondence and typewriter; fa
miliar with general office work; position
w ith chance of investing capital preferred ;
married and property -owner; references, d
735, oregonian.
TRAVELING salesman, 29 years old; 5 years
experience mill and mine supplies. 3 years
road, covering 12 states ; open for p isitton
March J ; hard worker; highest references.
P 752. Oregonian.
BOOOKK EEPER wants position ; young
man, 2S. 10 years experience as bookkeep
er, cashier and office manager; verv best
Eastern and Western references. H 7:7,
YOl'NG man wishes position in city office
railroad and shipping experience, under
stands bookkeeping, not afraid of work.
minimum salary $05. w 734, Oregonian.
ROOK K EEPER wants position; knows lum
ber and planing mill business thoroughly;
young man ; 2s; lo years' experience. I)
735. Oregonian.
A POSITION to take charge of solicitors
or outside salesman ; experienced in but It
lines ; best of references furnished. A K.
754. Oregonian.
YOl'NG man as pay-roll or general office
man; tt years' experience. AM 738. Ore
gonian. WANTED Position by experienced book
keeper accountant, general office man. L
7;-;s, Oregonian.
YOl'NG man preparing for medicine. a.--slres
position in a rue store aft er noons and
evenings. AK 735. Oregon iu.u.
SET of books or any clerical work to do
evenings by experienced bookkeeper. A K
742, Oregonian.
W AN TED Position of responsibility, v i t
chance of advancement. AN 7;;. urogonian.
A STKAD Y. sober. Indus t rious man with
family wishes steady place as mill car
penter, near good school ; is a good car
penter. L 7.'i7, Oregonian.
W ANTED Ry competent and experienced
lumberman, position as yard foreman, does
taHyman or sidetrack foreman. C 7oi Ore
gonian. YOl'NG Japanese with good experience of of
fice, family apartment-houne work, d'-sii-oi
position : willing to do any kind of work;
talks English. AD 741. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by negative retoucher
of many years' experience In one of the
best stud his In New York. City. AO 7'.iS,
POSITION wanted by married man as man
ager of farm with farm experience and
good reference; or would lease farm with
equipment. Y 717, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED first-class hotel steward,
good bujer, best or Eastern and Western
references; in or out of city. X 73S,
DRl'G clerk, young man with ons year's
experience, desires position in drug store.
Address E. McGrew, U57 Michigan ave.,
THOROUGHLY experienced shoe salesman
wants position in or out of city. AJ 723,
YOL'NG man, 25. wants work after school;
attend school before noon ; willing to do
anything. AG 734, Oregonian.
STRONG young man. age O. wants job,
anything, not afraid of work. Phone
B 27,i7.
MAN and wife desire position in country
hotel; first-class cook and waitress. D
7ti, Oregonian.
LAD. 14 years, work after school for. board,
with kind, enterprising people. AD 7.17,
YOUNG man wants position as mechanical
draftsman; 4 years' experience; salary no
object. AJ 734, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by man, long experience,
gardner and rose tree man. Heckard.
Phone A 7077.
.MAN 33 wants work collecting or some outdoor
work that requires walking; can give refer
enced. Phone C 12iS.
CANDY-MAKER, first -class retail candy and
ice cream. Will go anywhere. 10i4 Corbetc
st., room "1-
YOUNG man attending business college wants
place to work for room unci board. F 73s,
COOK tman and wife), ilrst-claris. desire po
sition, city or country. "Mills." Rainier Ho
tel. 128 North 6th st.
MAN, 30 years experience in taking care of
sheep, wants pisltlon. Apply 1'41 N. 16' h
st. P. J.
GOOD Japanese cbtrplo wants family place,
man as cook, wife wait on table and
housework. 327 Everet t st.
WANTED Position as rodman or chalnman
-by young man. AB 738. Oregonian.
- ' 1
FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position,
hotel or boarding-house. A 3S5U.
EXPERIENCED gas auto driver and re
pairer. AM 724, Oregonian.
BOY. 17, wants to leans printing trade. F
731, Oregonian.
BOY, 18. living with parents, wishes to
learn trade. G 7".0, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position at hotel
work or general housework. A 4S35.
WINDOW cleaning, carpets and rugs a si
cialty. Main 6573, evening 8. Thos. Green.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants a .position. P
73V. Oregonian.
MAN wants clerical work, office or store, ot
any kind. au 44, oregonian.
AS chauffeur or gasoline engine man; thor
oughly experienced. AM 73i, Orefionian.
EXPERIENCED druggist wants stead v posi
tion or relief work. AN 737. Oregonian.
BY MAN cook, strictly temperate. Meat
and pastry. M 744. Oregonian.
MAN wishes work as teamster. J 744, Ore
gonian. NEW and old house and window cleaning,
X). J. Henderson Main 3010..