THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 6. 1910. JEFFRIES SEEMS TO BE SHAPE TWO INTE? .SCHOLASTIC BASKETBALL TEAIIC WHICH PAR TICIPATED IN A FAST GAME I ST FRIDAY. DIAMOND TIRES Archer, Combs & Co., Inc. 306 OAK STREET. Portland, Or. Wholesale Automobile Supplies State Agents for Fisk Tires Sporting Goods and Fishing Tackle ARE NOT REVOLVING DOUGHNUTS Chances of White Man and Rival Contrasted, Give For mer Greatest Favor. Ask the Man Who Knows!! Diamond Mountain Tread. . Diamond Bailey Skidless.' Diamond Leather-Faced Steel-Studded. Diamond Bolted-on Type (For Fisk Rims). PHYSIQUE IS WONDERFUL Arguments in Johnson's Behalf Tall to Make Good Impression When Carefully Viewed and Weighed. BT W. J. PETRAIK. Deapit9 the departure of James J. Jeffrie from Portland over a week ago, the visit of the world-s greatest expo nent of the fistic game continues to be discussed in all circles. It is Jeffries this and Jeffries that in almost every corner where fistic or other athletic stunts are discussed, and while there still remain a few speculators who are willing- to take a chance on Jack John son in the betting line, these are most ly men who did not avail themselves of the opportunity of seeing the big white man when he was here. During a discussion the other day a w-hito admirer of Jack Johnson was heard to voice the opinion that the negro would beat Jeff, and when pressed for his reasons he replied- "Well, in the first place the nigger is younger, and in the second place he has not gone the pace like Jeff, and the third reason Is that he is by long odds the shiftiest boxer who ever stepped Into the arena, outside of Jim Corbett " "ramcuiy me trio or reasons unn considering, yet at the are same '( - ' ' - - ' , 1 r" " r' ,f 4 ., s - .- , ; . ..J t . "kJ j i i ! h I - I A I ; - I : - Iff - -s I Y f ' . I r' Xj i K J ! I : - - - V"- -. I I S C" X I - r J Ms. - ' t ' ? f,L v -T- i i -s I'M t---rTA Portland Academy I,eft lo RIKht, Standing Cobb, Forward and lnn nirerri Itunyan. Center; Nonia, Forward and Captain. Kneeling Kd wards, Guard; Bacneidor, Guard; Bean, Gunrd. t 3 , " .Ml t -" V.,.- i . '"ri'. ' '" r- ' r , , , a- W . - - -f 't . en Preparatory School I Left to ItiKbtt, Standing) Forward and Captain; Rlngler, Coach. Kneellng ward; Wilson, Sub. oniplon. Forward; Smyth. Sab: IlHrr. Center: Shaver, -took. Guard; Crab be, Guard and Manager; Hays, For- li me each can be refuted by evidence as well as fact. The admirer of John son issues his first reason based on the age of the two men. James J. Jeffries was born at t'arroll. C. April 13. 1875, and Jack Johnson was born at Galves ton. Tex.. March 31. 1878. which shows a difference of only three years be tween the two men. .lames J. t'orbett was eight years younger than John I... Sullivan when he defeated the "idol of the pugilistic world" at N"ev Orleans. In 1S92. and Robert Kitzslmmons was four years older than Corbett when he took the laurels away from the Californian in 1SI7. From this record a logical rea soning can be deduced in favor of James J. Jeffries. Corbett was one-year older than Jack Johnson is now when he met Robert Kitz simmons. and during the interval be tween his defeat of Sullivan and his meeting with the "Ruby One.',' Corbett went the pace, just as Jack Johnson is now doing. Jeffries admits that he has enjoyed life in all its pleasures and varia tions, but he lias cut the "airy fairy" stuff for over A year, and shows marked physical improvement over his condition of 190S and previously. Fnrther moro. Jeffries is a physical marvel. Ho Is built on the order of mythological giants, possessing a perfect physique and the strength of several or dinary mortals. His vital organs must neressai-lly be on a part with his physical makeup, else he would not now be able to give the demonstrations lie does of his strength. In fact. Jeffries is a remark ible specimen of the human race. In fact, be is In a class by himself and while Johnson is a fine specimen of man hood, he cannot commence to compare with Jeffries, physically. Kce Question. Too. Another thing to be considered is the fact that the superiority of the white race has been Incontrovertibly demonstrated for centuries, and Jeffries, with his tre mendous physique, will enter the ring with Jack Johnson with an advantage which neither science nor experience, but nature, has given him. In this human giant the American peo ple are to be represented by a boxer who knows all the tricks of the fighting name, and a man who. in the past few months, has demonstrated to thousands of people, the fact that he has "come ba:k." Any one who saw Jeffries go through his exercises at the Exposition builrilng a trifle over a week ago will be satisfied to support the h'g white nin't against all disputing his physical ability. While In Portland Jeffries displayed t;iis ability beyond a question of a doubt, and he did it in the face of the fact that he had not had an opportunity of enjoying a comfortable nights rest for over a week. as his theatrical tour embraced one-night stands, requiring his embarkation on a railway train after each performance and the spending of the restful periods in a railway sleeper, hardly a comfortable or suitable convenience for training purposes. Ordeman and Koller to Meet. SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb. 6. Henry Orde man, of Minneapolis, and Dr. B. F. Roller, of Seattle.' between whom Champion Frank'A. Gotch says will rest the world's championship wrestling title when he re tiree, will grapple In Seattle next Wednes day night, negotiations for the match having been closed by telegraph yester day. Ordeman will start at once for Seat tle and Roller probably will leave the JeffrlesJ-Gotch-Roller troupe at Butte to morrow night. Roller and Ordeman met once before in Seattle, and in this match the Seattle physician was thrown on hia head and knocked unconscious. Forbes Will Keturn to Ring. CHICAGO. Feb. 5. Harry Forbes, the former bantamweight champion, will re turn to the prizering after an absence of several years. Forbes was in Chicago yesterday on his way for Troy. X. Y., where he matched to fight Knockout Brown, a tough New York 120-pounder, before Billy Gibson's club on Monday night. Hope Elected Football Manager. PACIFIC VNIVERSTTT. Forest Grove. Or.. Feb. 5. I-ealie L. Hope has been elected football manager for the sea son of 1910, to succeed C. F. Koch. Mr. Hope Is registered from Vale, Or., and Is the rlrst Eastern Oregon man to be elected to the office of football man ager at Pacific TJniveraity. He la a sophomore In college, and Is active In student body affairs. He has been a member of the Intercollegiate debating teams for the past three years', and was on the team that defeated Willamette University last year. Mr. Hope Is a member of the Alpha Zeta Literary So ciety. He is already busy on the sched ule for the season's games, and will likely take his team to Tacoma to play Whitworth and the University of Puget Sound. TWO STAR PLAYERS OF THE PORTLAND INDOOR BASEBALL t LEAGUE. t ( 1 v I 5 'J? V : . i' ? Penny Briggs. Shortstop. With a Bnttlntt Average of .717. 'Jrorif I'ruibrokr, track In fielder, of Haarrnta Team. A. J. WINTERS CO. 67 SIXTH STREET -Reliable Auto Supply and Hardware Dealers, Vul - cantatas and Re-treadiaar. Send your old tires to us and have them "Half Soled." We'll make them last as "ions aa new ones. LEAGUE ICE CLOSE Columbia Has Slight Lead in Basketball Series. TWO OTHERS WELL UP Both Lincoln High School and Fort land Academy Have Chance to Win Championship In Six Remaining Games. The results of the basketball g-ames played so far In the lnterscholastio leagrue Indicate that the championship of the season probably lies between Lincoln Hlg-h School, Portland Acad emy and Columbia University, with the odds In favor of Columbia, l In the first grame of the season. . week agro Wednesday. Portland Acad emy was defeated, 22 to 14. by Lincoln High School, and although Runyan, P. A.'s star center, was out of the grame. the Lincoln HIgrh team probably would have won anyway because It excelled the academics In general team work. The work of Lincoln's g-uards was su perior. In the next frame at the T. M. C. A. gym, Allen won over Washington High In a fast game by the close mar gin of 21 to 19. In this game the Aliens put up a poor exhibition In the first half, but played brilliantly In the second period, and won the game. All In all, the Allen team put up the best game both individually and collect ively. Decision May Change Result, In a hard-fought game last Wednes day. Columbia University won over Lincoln High, 27 to 26. -This game has been protested by the Lincoln High team on the ground that it should have been allowed two more points on a basket that was made Just after the referee called a foul on one of the Co lumbia men. and another on the foul. The referee ruled at the time not to allow the points, and it is maintained by the Columbia team and others that his decision should hold. The cham pionship of the season may hinge on the ruling of the athletic committee on this game. Strengthened by the playing of Run yan at center, Portland Academy won handily over the Allen Preps last Fri day by the score of 32 to 14. The Aliens were somewhat weakened In thl g-ame by the fact that Hays, their crack forward, was not In condition to put up his usual fine game. Nevertheless the academics had It over the pre paratory school lads considerably more than a shade1 In passing, in accurate basket throwing and in defensive work. The Allen team did not have the form shown In the game Wednesday against Washington High. Judging from the fact that Colum bia defeated Lincoln High on a very close margin, while Lincoln High de feated Portland Academy and Port land Academy defeated Allen, it looks as though the result of the season's contests will be the same as last year a tie between Lincoln High and Colum bia for first place. Columbia Is Now Favorite. It Is the opinion of many of the fans that Columbia will win out without losing a game, while the other teams will finish In this order: Lincoln High School. Portland Academy. Allen Pre paratory and Washington High School. It is figured that Lincoln will win over very team except Columbia, that Port land Academy will lose to Columbia and that Allen will lose all the games remaining to be played. Washington is expected to finish last. However, there are six games yet to be played, and there Is a chance for all the teams to spruce up and for the tail-enders to spring a few surprises. The games still to De played are as follows: February 9 Washington High School vs. Columbia University. February 11 Lincoln High School vs. Allen Preparatory School. February 18 Portland Academy vs.' Allen Preparatory Sclfol. February 18 Alien Preparatory School vs. Columbia University. February 23 Lincoln High School vs. Washington Hlgb School. February 25 Portland Academy vs. Co lumbia University. The present standing of the teams follows: W. L. P.O. Columbia University 1 o 10O0 Lincoln Hts-h , i i ..loo Portland Academy I .r,00 Allen Preparatory 1 1 .500 Washington High 0 1 .000 The attendance at all the games played so far has exceeded that of last year, and the managers of the team are therefore congratulating them selves. All the games, except the first, have been played in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, and it Is probable this floor will be used for the remaining contests, as it is centrally located. It is intended to use the same offi cial at all the remaining games and to find a man who Is absolutely impartial and knows the game thoroughly. Artel Is Recognized Champion. PORTLAND. Feb. 6. (To the Sport ing Editor of The Oregonian.) Kindly state through the columns of The Ore gonlan who. In your opinion, is the real, recognized legitimate bantam weight champion of the world Attel. Webster or Coulon. READER. Answer Monte Attel Is generally recog-nized as the champion because of his decisive victory over r'rankio Neil. Coulon has not yet met either Webster or Attel. The Los Angeles lad's claim Is based on three fights with Attel In which he secured one newspaper de cision over Monte. Miss Laura A. Hecox. who for 7 vears has tended the light of the Kanta "crui lighthouse, has recently returned to her post from the last of the six vacations she has taken during that period. Since 18SI she bss bad absolute charge of the light and in all that time It has never gone out dur ing the night. s 1910 Model 30. Cylinder Q $1900 F. O. B. Portland The Powerful Car That Climbs Portland Heights on the High Gear Dual ignition system, U. & II. Magneto and Battery. Customers are urged to place orders immediately in order to secure prompt delivery before Spring rush. WATSON AUTO CO. 503 Alder street AGENTS FOR OREGON. Phone A 7612 F. P. KEENAN CO. ROYAL PIOEER MOTORCYCLES. . POPE BICYCLES. Evei-ytalna? foi Auto, MotororHr or Hlci-rle. ISO Fourth Street. HARTFORD TIRES - AND VEHICLE Rl'BBEK. C. M. MENZIES MOTOR CAR CO, Inc. Phone A 38S1, Main 4S80. Immediate Delivery. 330-332 DbtIs Street. WI PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. S23-S38 Alder Street. Distributors for Oregon. Phones Main S583. A 4944. Auburn Motor Car Co. Temporary Quarters 264 Front St. Phone A 7339 BUIGK Northwest Buick Company F. W..VOGLER. Gen. Mgr. rth and Couch A2520. Main 4533 BALLOU & WRIGHT Automobile Supplies 86 Sixth Sc. Main 1834: A 1834 MORGAN If "WRIGHT AND GOODRICH TIRES B ELMORE, McDOUGALL, MOORES CO. AUTOMOBILE REBCILUIXG A I KGPAIKING. Machine Department. Woodnorklmr Department. General Overhauling:. Knglne and Special Bodies, Taxicabs, delivery Chasis Work. Bkieksmi thing. Bodies, etc OARAGE Seventeenth and Alder Sta. Crowe Auto Co, 16th and Alder Thomas Marmon Oldsmobile Overland Vclcaatalag A Retreading. R. E. BLODGETT, SIO Alder St. Mala TOO 5. FORD FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING CAR Duplicate of New York to Seattle Race Winner Top, Glass Front, Speedometer and Magneto Included STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., Tenth St, Near Stark STEVENS-DURYEA MOTOR CARS DISTRIBUTORS. GRAHAM MOTOR CAR COMPANY nrrEKNTH and Washington i-honks main S4a. a 3268. The Guarantee Machine Co., 88-90 North Sixth Street Notice to automobile owners. If you wnt to sell your automobile come and sea us. we have a buyer. ICE ATS A Peerless Pope-Hartford Chalmers Detroit at 1 Hudson SEVENTH AND BURNSIDE ; uto Co. Columbus Electric )Lloyd Auto Co., -AND mc- T7 , " ill 523 Alder St. Firestone Columbus Main 705 mm 526 ALDER STREET AGENCY E. E. COHEN Manager Phonf. A 494 llaln 25SS. MOTOR CARS BARNES AUTOMOBILE CO. 88 North Sixth St. Phone Main 7022 PALMER SINGER & SIMPLEX AUTOMOBILES The name ot Palmer Singer on anything Is a sufficient guaran tee of its worth. FUNK AUTO CO. Distributers. ' 32ii Everett St. 1910 cars now hero for Inspection. Gasoline f ft T Q Electric LAlYiJ Phone 1853 Chapman and Alder Sis. "50" H. T. Thompson, Jr. " oise bat the Ilrert. THOMPSON MOTOR CAR CO. "Distribotors" IWM Alder St.. Portland. Or. Phones Main 19, A 7726. INTER -STATE AUTOMOBILES The- Car of Genuine Merit. . WATSON AUTOMOBILE CO. 503 Alder Street. Agents. , Phone A 7612. ar.x- -re- .-S3- r.yr 3 JN kPFF&.rTFI 1 AR1I ITY I i - AHD HILL CUMPIH3 ;.j.vPK0NE: MAIN 37-46 rCR P.MOts57RATtON-, IDIO Metrpoiitan Motor ar;Co. u North 7t. f