The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 06, 1910, SECTION THREE, Image 25

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Ag'eits for Arnold's Infants' Wear "Merode" Underwear Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Richardson Linens Iifrbey
Cit Glass Dr. Deimel's Linen Mesh Underwear Warner's Corsets Women's-Misses' "Knox" and "FisK" Tailored Hats
S M I T I W I T 1-f-TsI
.LT234. 5
6J7 8 9 10 11 12
fojl415l617 1819
Prices Shortened to Expand Sales
Greater; Store
Count the
Days. Only
IP shopping days left. Don't
let the time slip by and then
look back with, deep regret
65c Values Now 39c
Watch us shorten prices during
this short month. Fancy Ribbons
in plaids, Persians, plain taffetas
and moires ; a meritorious show
ing of many novel patterns. Profit
bv this short-price otter O f
of vals. to 65c, sp'L, yd. C
Women's Umbrellas
$5.00 Values $2.98
In lowering this price we make it
easier for you to raise the umbrel
la. Ladies' lisle Union lalieta Um
brellas, also Silk Umbrellas, black
and colors, fitted with fancy han
dles ; values to $5, t f g Q
on special sale, ea. J)(t70
Mocha Gloves
Great rummage and inventory
clearings in our Glove Dept. To
make this sale more effective we
offer standard quality 2-clasp
Arabian mocha Gloves in colors,
stock vals. to $2, fl i AO
special price, pr. X frO
75c Cashmerette
Gloves Now at 19c
We will start this week with a
greater determination than ever
to close out all short lines. The
Glove Store offers ladies Cash
merette Gloves, blacks and col
ors; about 00 pairs;
vals. to ,75c, sp'l., pr.
Correct Styles in
February Trade Sales continue to attract our way a surprising volume of business for this season
of the year Our activity in Keeping the bargain pot a boiling has been productive of tbe most
gratifying results This old established business is being brought up to the highest standard and
efficiency in value giving and store service New ideas, new methods, new merchandise and soon
a magnificent new shopping emporium This is to be Portland's largest and best establishment
"Rummage Sale" and "Inventory Sale"
Money-saving opportunities without equal Something more than newspaper challenges High
class wearing apparel of every description for women, men and children, as well as household
effects of all Kinds, marKed at minimum prices Mail orders filled at special sale prices Order today
China for Pecorati'g II Ptimrnap'e PriCPS II Sale of Women's Handbags Sale Trimmings, Appliques
45c Plates Now 25c I I Regular $7.50 Values at $4.39 BandsandTasselsatHalfPrice
We quote short prices on all odd
lines of white China for decorating.
45c Cake Plates, special, ea. .250
75c Cake Plates, special, ea..50
90c Salad Bowls, special at . . 5O0
$3.50 Salad Bowls, special. $2.35
$4.50 dozen Plates, special. $3. 00
Great Rummage .Sale
Brass Ware Goods
Here a few specials in Brass Goods.
Ink Stands, $2.00 values. .1.33
$3.00 Ink Stands, special. .$2.10
Ink Stands, $6.00 values. .$3.95
50c brass Vase 35c ; $1.25 val. 850
75c Paper Knife, special at..50
$1.40 Tea Caddy, special at..90
Women's Shoes
Correct styles in women's footwear for Spring. Dame Fashion's
mandate is that tan shoes, button or lace, are much in vogue for
early Spring wear. Following are a few of the styles and prices:
STYLE XB150 Women's tan Russian calf, 14-button Boot, espe
cially suited for short skirts ; royal tops, short vamps rt
and new European lasts. Excellent values, at, pair J3 O VJ
STYLE X154 Women's tan Russia colt lace, blucher, tuxedo pat
tern, welt-sewed, medium extension soles and short f ff
vamps. Very good values, at this price, the pair tp "X J J
STYLE X155 "Women's dark brown kid blucher, welt-sewed exten
sion soles, medium toe and heel ; a very sensible ri A f f
Walking Show, which we place on sale for, the pair frvJ J
STYLE XB400 Women's tan Russia colt Button Shoe, with a low
military heel, over the new Turk last ; splendid street rt Qi "V
shoe and a great favorite with young ladies. The pair s J
Women's Combinations
Reg. $2.5Q Values $1.49
$2.25 Petticoats at $1.29
An unrivaled exhibit of pure white Undermuslins is now at your
disposal, at prices much lower than you will expect. Ladies' com
bination Suits, lace-trimmed Corset Covers, Drawers, cut full, and
made up like home-made garments. Regular values rf "J v f
up to $2.50, on special sale at this low price, the suit A TT7
Women's Cambric Petticoats, nicely made, with underflounces, etc.;
neatly trimmed in laces or embroidery. Regular val- tf . tr f
lies up to $2.25, on special sale at this low price, ea. ff JL a t J
Ladies' Cambric Gowns, high or low-cut necks, Hub- tf 1 A Q
bard or chemise styles; stock values to $2.50, special p JL
Women's Drawers, cut extra full, trimmed in lace or embroidery.
Made with circular or plain flounces. The White Store's Q f
best offering of values to $1.35 pair; rummage price, pr. C
New Spring Wash Goods
on Renaissance
Lace Curtains
The Fourth Floor Carpet and Drapery Store
offers 800 pairs of Renaissance Lace Curtains
at greatly reduced prices; 39 different styles
to choose from; all hand-made, lace-trimmed
and best quality of French net. We place
them on sale at the following special prices:
$ 4.00 vals. $ 2.65 $ 5.00 vals. $ 3.25
$ 5.50 vals. $ 3.65$ 6.00 vals. $ 3.95
$ 6.50 vals. $ 4.15$ 7.50 vals. $ 4.95
$ 9.00 vals. S 5.95 $10.00 vals. $ 6.50
$11.00 vals. $ 7.25 $12.00 vals. $ 7.85
$15.00 vals. $ 9.85 $16.50 vals. $10.85
$17.50 vals. 11.65 $20.00 vals. $12.95
$21.00 vals. $13.85 $23.00 vals. $15.35
Now don't hang onto that old Handbag any longer.
If you are tired of it, take advantage of this chance
to get a new one at nearly half price.- These are
made of seal,walrus and patent leather, with single
or double strap handles. A splendid assortment of
small, medium and large sizes, fitted with fine coin
purses. Regular values to $7.50 ea., A O f
on sale at this special rummage price PTTOJy
Final Sale Belts and NecKwear
Fancy collars, jabots, venise lace, Dutch collars;
also fancy elastic belts; some are jet-trimmed. You
will find many surprises in store here, as the values
and styles are much better than you will expect for
the price. Former prices up to $1.00, on O f
special sale at this very low price, each 13 C
At the Lace Counter there will be active selling of
Trimmings. A big showing of black jet and spang
led trimmings, garnitures, appliques, bands and tas
sels.. In this assortment will be found the most de
sirable patterns and colors; In fact, shades that will
harmonize with almost any color fabric. To effect
a speedy clearance, we offer them at half the J Ay
regular selling prices take advantage of sale
$2.00 Embroideries Now 98i
Regular $1.00 Values at 36c Regular $1.75 Flouncings 79c
Women's $9 Waists $3.P5 $10 -to $15
$7.50 Waists $2.95
In the garment store, second floor, will be shown a notable
gathering of Women's Waists, many of which are this sea
son's newest and best designs They come in both fancy
and tailored effects Matchle ss array of style and value
For Monday's selling we offer 25 O lingerie and tailored
waists grouped in one lot for easy choosing Lingeries are
of sheer lawn and batiste, embroidered and lace trimmed
effects Tailored waists are made of high-grade, guaran
teed linen; some are hand-embroidered, others are neatly
styled in tucKs and pleats In this lot is a line of new and
exclusive styles just received from our buyer who is in
New YorK, searching that great fountain of supply for bet- II 1 Airk and "FrT t""V TIt
t and tt attrantiVA -valuers than vr m 1 1 J A.a.Va A W V-J
ter and more attractive values than we've ever
shown before Values to $9; special for Monday
Lot No. 2. A showing of equal merit 3QO fancy waists in
this assortment - Fabrics are chiffons, nets and colored
silRs, in a large assortment of this season's best styles; all
sizes and all wanted shades Your special attention is di
rected to the fact that these waists are made over correct
models, which in sure p erfe ct fit These values
up to $7.5Q are offered for Monday's selling, at
T i d From now on every express will bring vxs
-ttt v-J. -vJ waists. sRirts. dresses, etc. Visit tnis department
often, it will really be a. delig'nt to looK at them Season's most fetching"
styles will be hown in a pleasing variety Most modiih garments that
faihion has designed, are being picKed Tip and forwarded by our buyers
new suits.
Fine swiss Edges and Insertions, also batiste, cam
bric and nainook, 12 and 18-in. corset cover embroid
eries, fine batiste flouncing, etc. ; stock f Q
values to $2.00 a yard, special price, yd. C5 i
Also 27-inch Flouncings, elaborate designs, f fx
in fine swiss ; values to $1.75, special, yard C
New PKippsand Gage Hats
An 'early showing of new Spring Hats
Phipps and Gage models, in turbans and
Colonial effects, both imported and domes
tic patterns, in Milans, Tuscans, etc., and
trimmed in velvets, wings and new, novel
ideas, only to be understood or appreciated
by seeing. The milliners have surpassed
our fondest expectations in the production
of these hats. We invite your inspection
and criticism. See window display. They
are priced at from $10.00 to $15.00 each. ,
SPECIAL In order to make room for the
incoming stock, we will offer for a grand
final clean-upy a lot of trimmed Hats, worth
up to $5 and $15 each, at 49 and 98
$2.00 Values at 79c
$12 Val. Lace 69cDz.
Ginghams lOc to 25c Flaxon 2Qc to 5Qc
In the Wash Goods and Domestic Aisle will be found an early presentation of fabrics for Spring and Sum
mer wear. Ginghams in all the popular domestic brands; also Scotch, American and French zephyrs, in a
variety of patterns so comprehensive as to be all-inclusive, having been selected with a taste and skill culti
vated and developed by yearsof experience in catering to the refined taste of Portland's critical shoppers.
We place them on sale at 10c, 12Vc, 15c and 25c a yard. You will be well repaid by a visit of inspection?
White Flaxon, linen-finished, sheer, delicate, yet strong in texture; priced at 20c to 50c a yard. This fab
ric comes in corded or barred effects, in stripes, plaids, etc. India Linons, Victoria Lawns, imported Per
sian Lawns, French Paris Mousselaines, Wash Chiffons, French, American and Scotch Dimities, on sale
at prices altogether in keeping with the prevailing downward trend of prices at this useful store. See them.
Electric and. Gas Lamps, Andirons
at Rummage Clearance Sale Prices
$4.5Q Lamps Now $2.5Q
Here is an opportunity to let your light
so shine that you, as well as all your as
sociates, will enjoy it. Priced at short
prices for this short month's selling:
$ 4.50 Electric Lamps, special, $ 2.50
11.00 Fleetric Lamps, special, S 6.15
$13..-) Klectric Lamps, special, jj$ 7.75
17.50 Electric Lamps, special, 10.3o
$10.50 Electric Lamps, special, $10.35
$ 7.70 Gas Lamps complete at S -4.85
$10.20 Gas Lamps complete at S 6.45
$14.90 Gas Lamps complete at $ S.OO
Don't put off owning a nice Reading
Lamp. Take advantage of this sale.
$8 Andirons at $6.5Q
Half the comfort of a nice fireplace is
gazing at an artistic setof andirons.
They give a rich, attractive appear
ance. Hundreds of kinds for selection.
$ 4.50 Andirons, at, pair, S 3.50
$ 5.50 Andirons, at, pair, S -4.25
$ 7.90 Andirons, at, pair, S 6.25
$ 9.50 Andirons, at, pair, 7.50
$10.00 Andirons, at,, pair, 7.75
$11.50 Andirons, at, pair, S 9.20
$12.00 Andirons, at, pair, S 9.50
$16.00. Andirons, at, pair, $12.50
Take advantage of the many saving
opportunities in the Crockery Store.
Join our Sewing Machine Club and pay $1.00 a
week. It's an easy way to get a high-grade
machine. Come in and spend half an hour with
the lady in charge of this department. Bring
a piece of your own sewing and learn the
merits of our machines. We sell these ma
chines for less than the large retail stores in
the East. The Favorite sells at $20.00 ; we sell
it for $18.00. The Rotary sells for $45.00 ;
our price is $40.00. The Olds-Wortman-King
Improved is finished in beautiful woodwork
and is' fully equal to the very best machine
made by the other manufacturers; all modern
improvements, high-class in (T f f
every respect. Special price 44 13 J 3
Sale Childs' Coats at Half.Price
Sale Misses Suits at Half.Price
Great short-month rummage, clearance and in
ventory sale of children's Coats, ages 2 to 6
years, and Shoe-Top Suits for misses 9 to 14
years old. Stylish two-piece suits in all f fa
colors and cloths ; special at half price
Great rummage and inventory clearings in the Lace Section. Plain
and fancy Nets, 45 inches wide, in dotted and fancy effects; white,
black, brown, navy, assorted colors. These nets are in special
favor for waists, yokes, etc., or any dress purpose where
overnets are desired; regular values to $2, special, yard
Valenciennes Laces in a great variety of patterns, widths up to IY2
inches wide. This is the best assortment it has ever been
pleasure to show. Regular values up to $1.50 a dozen
yards ; buy all you want of it at this price, the dozen yds.
79 c
69 c
Rare Exhibit of New
R&lS SilK Poplins
Would you feast your eyes on the most royally beautiful fabric ever
shown in tne itose city"T men spena nan an nour in our oiik.
Annex,-Fifth-street entrance, and see the exhibit of R. & S. Silk Pop
lins. At the theater, at the opera, wherever you see well-dressed
women there you will see R. & S. Silk Poplins, the choice of the
discriminating. No words or pictures can do justice to its silken
sheen nor the graceful way it drapes and clings. And the new colors !
the delicate petal of the rose; the exquisite gray of ashes; the bloom
of the apricot ! You will find them all among the R. & S. Poplin
shades. The most beautiful ever shown in American-made silks. For
the formal ball, the informal danee, the afternoon reception or bridge
party for any and every "silk-dress occasion you can select no more
beautiful, no more appropriate dress material than this R. & S. Silk
Poplin. All these grades are full 46 inches wide and are in all shades :
Plain weaves, in all the most delicate shades, on sale at, yd. .$1.75
Fancy weaves in pleasing designs, on sale at this price, yard. .$2.25
Coin dots and fancy weaves in newest colorings, the yard. .$2.50
NEW ARRIVALS Every express is bripging in new goods. Our buy
ers, who are now in the market searching for everything that's new,
are hurrying their purchases to us. Monday we will show new Cheney
Bros.' Showerproof Foulards and new Shedwater Foulards, spotproof.
These foulards will be in great vogue this coming Spring and Summer.
New black and white shepherds' checks, 56 inches wide, especially
good for women's tailored suits, dresses and waists, misses' and chil
dren's coats, etc. Swell importations in Spring dress goods of all
kind are arriving daily. Black dress goods, foreign and domestic
weaves. Fancy mohair suitings, especially good for children's school
dresses. Keep a watchful eye on this worthy store. Go with us to
our splendid new home, which will soon be ready for our occupancy.