The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 06, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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FINE new modern 8 -room house, up to date
In every way, and sleep
ing porch; & full half block, well located,
one of the best houses on the East bide;
1 l.r.rt, J 4000 cash.
Fine 20-acre tract near Gresham. ail
well improved; fine house, barn and or
criard. a real snap; one-third cash, bal
ance long time, 6 per cent;, will take good
h ou se an d Io t.
Fine 7-acre tract, well located, on car
iEne; n;w house and barn, orchard; a beau
tiful home; $S60: will take some trade.
Fine it-acre tract, all improved, with
Rood house and barn, orchard and small
fruit ; a real home ; $2S00; will trade for
city property.
Fine 4-aere tract, all in cultivation, no
"totta or gravel; ;;u0 feet from station; $300
per acre, on-thlrd cash.
Fine 10 or 20-acre tract, with good tim
ber, near carline; wood worth from $1.25
io $1.50 stumpage; only $200 per acre, one
third cash.
Fine, large wheat farm, 800 acres, in
Morrow County. 2 miles from R. R-: lies
well and is satd to be the best of land for
grain. Price ISO per acne; will trade- for
ood city property.
Fine tract, ib." acre; carline runs
through place; line for cutting- in 5 and
JO -acre tracts; 25 acres clear-id. house and
larn ; only lu mlies from Portland ; J 1 75
pr acre; small tracts in that vicinity sell
lor $laO to : h in 5 and 10-acre tracts.
:harlbso & co.t
ill Commercial Bldg.
GIGA NTIG removal w le i Jet your fine furs
at cost during my removal sale, which lta
on until the 15th of February, when I will
move t- my new location, between Wash
ington and Aider streets, on 11th st. Rather
than move iny present stock I will sacri
fice, same at uni below cost, making this your
unsurpaFwd chancw of obtaining fine furs
at prii-ea lower than ever offered on furs
of quality. Highest prices paid for raw
furs. Com early arfd gat the cream,
which is aJwaj s included iu money-saving
A, REIN'ER, 148 Fifth St.
SP'.HNG JIACHLVBS SO slightly used ma
chines at very low prices; linger. Wheeler
A Wilson. New Home. White and others, to
gther with a fine lot of good second-hand
machines of all mnlifff. $3 and up: making
room for the new Singer Rotary and New oti
machines-; fold on eay payment" or rented
by werk or month; needles. i.rtf and re
pairs for all make of - machines. 6. S.
Sic! Singer Sewing Machine store. 335 Mor
rison st.
1 0- FOC T o f f ice cou ntir. with d oors an d 3
shrives. 12-foot office rail, with gate and
pests: ft-foot office counter, wide top. Call
cr sddrss
015 Bck Bldg.,' City.
Telephone Main 7920.
200-horse pow r motor, generator set, belt
ed units, complete with circuit-breakers and
pwneje, alternating and direct current ma
l bines; Ideal drive for Industrial plant; com
plete Information furnished at room 2ol Ore
gonian bldg.
S SWING- machines Do not fail to visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPECIAL SALES 130 drop-head machines,
flightly marred; all standard makes ma
chines for rent and repairing-. H. D. Jones,
Prop. 420 Waehington et., corner 11th.
ONB Linotype machine No. 3. in perfect con
dition, with one motor and one magassine.
i.V-0. One machine In perfect order. No. 1,
with one magazine and motor, for $03t. H.
C. Gillespie. Goldffeltl, Nevada.
FOR SALE Old Oloncoe at
East 4!tth and East Morriwon sts.: will
make good apartment-house; can be moved
easily. Inquire of R. h. Thomas, School
clerk.. City Hall.
LAUNCH, 22 feet long, 2 cylinder engine,
whistle and b-ll; boat house complete; will
exchange for lot or automobile. See R.iy
at Motorboat Club or address 447 K. 12tn.,
FIVE fr'sh cows; fine,
heavy, rich milkers.
suitable for dairy or
fine Jerseys; wouM
ows; delivered free.
family: two extra
exchange for dry
Phone Woodlawn
FOR SALE-t-Unll-top desk. Hat-top desk. S
chairs, revolving office chair, loiter profs
niiil stand, sectional bookcuses. document
iltes, standing. hatrack. lectric desk
lamp. (11 0 Chamber of Commerce.
Kfc'TER POSTCARDS beautifully col
ored and embossed, in handsome Easter
box; worth iic. Snd only ;irrc In coin or
HtampH to 7ia Rothclilld bldg.. Portland.
FOR. SALE 'Full course In illustrating and
designing in the Interiuitional Correspond
ence School of Scranton. Pa., at about
hulf price. AD 701, Oregonhin.
AT Oregon Yacht Club, a number of decided
bargains in houseboats and sailboats.
Phone Port Captain L. V. Woodward,
Sellwood 1015.
FOR HAIiK Law books, Oregon reports, A
E. Ency. of Law. Fiu-y. Plead, and
Practice. American Stat Reports, text
books. 010 Chamber of Commerce.
TO make room for my new fountain, will
sell at a sacrifice, nearly new counter
and three -arm tap fountain. Johnson, Hi
3d st.
A good Racine canoe in first-class condi
tion, IS feet: new hist Summer; will sell for
.'i0; this la a bargain. D tlMi, Oregonian.
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4 -ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk
v. r i-t , dta vy ami l- ruuaf Ala in HJl.
A 5443
ONK I'eerless one-man cement brick ma
chine, complete with 4 do trays; one Sea
man TO- brick machine, cheap for cash.
Astoria fuel Mipply Co., Aftorm, Or.
it-FOOr. hand-mad'1 cnoe. cheap, or will
xenange lor l--root factor? - built canoe
must h in first-clas-i condition. K. 70.
FOR saIjK ln:k green Wilton velvet rug
i-.xi.: cost will sell for $U0. Phor.e
FOR SALE 100- 1!. P. engine. 80-H. P
boiler, in first -class order, c 70 6, Orrgo-
AVM'H and boat house.
chei, or exchange for
K 7o4. Oregonian.
Tl'XEDO dress suit, tailor-mad, worn only
rnree tunes; a snap for 15 ; cost $40.
IS THOROUGH BKKP whlf Wvnndottc
breeders. SI R.iw. Hanscom Tic
mont station. Mt, Scot t.
-A DVS $:o navy blue milt, sire :(tt
also Sli.cer sewing muchine. u'
lc21 E. Glisan.
STANDARD sewing machine, w tth attach
ments, for aale cheap. :irn i, Morrison
room 42.
HOl'SKROAT with furn
with peterborouirh cai
Arnold, Main ,411. A
ture and equipment
ioe f,,r 5 UMI. 11. K.
.i 1 K
1 AM retiring from business and have t
good typewriters which I will 8ell at
rargain. n 7111, oieuoniaii.
FOR SALE Double metal bed. brass trim
mings; extra tino springs; almost new
Main 600 0.
cheap; watt r
Fargo bldg.
0 hole Riehuior-.
roll. Chief ergu
"OR SALE Gasoline launch. '1
feet beam. S horsepow er, Li
Inquire Ruber Machinery Co..
fVet long, 7
:IT engine.
CORRESPONDENCE law course tn Lincoln
Jefferson University. 1' ;u;. Oiegoniaii.
FOR SALE 2,-K. diamond, absolutely per
fect, bargain. -Main nl7
- E W No. ft Bllck typewriter and leather
case, cheup. Rosy. Buchanan, bldg.
PORTA RLE phot -graph .tutiio with outfit;
t trie . Box 422. Aricta, or. .
FOR SALE cheap
new. FliO
-r bldg
blue suit, almost
NEW. rebuil:.. 'cor.d-h.T.rt. rentals at cut
ratey. p u t'0.t siark M. MOT.
TO SKl.l Small National Cash Register
$25. MO Washington st.
FOR SALE Heed-French Piano Co. check.
$125. Phon A 4013.
SWELL baby cab. leather top,
well known family. A loSfl.
very cheap;
'HEAP nine-font showcase and counter,
nearly new. Worcester bldg.
FOR. SALE chea
table. Address
pidden oak dining room
;35 Hancock. Phone C U3o.
HUY Swastika stock and have an income for
a lifetime. 310 Oak at.
NO. 1 fresh cow.
C is;i3.
2d& Bain st. Home prone
'NK-OHAIR barber shop,
son st.
TOO. o5uS Jeffer-
"H lLD'S enameled bed and ha by buggy,
m good condition, cheap. 4l E. Pine.
BIRDS for sale
Phone East
R S AI,E--i "heap, a g-
all 'J2h Failing bldg.
i Olive- typewriter.
: 4.S wster-heatr. cheap.- warranted good as
new. 2M Unisn ke. N
WANTED lien's castoH clothing and
hoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 47 Sd at. North. Phon Main 271.
TVE want to borrow 160.0 00 for S years on
S100 acres of land worth $40 per acre.
Will pay 7 per cent Interest. payable
semi-annually. Room 304 Uenry bldg.
SELL your second-hand furniture to tne
Ford Auction Co., or you'll et loss. Phontts
A 24.45. Main SfiEL
WANTED Clothing, bast price paid for
ladies and gents' secondhand clothing and
shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st.
WANTED A second-hand -yard revolv
ing traction steam shovel. A. B. Frame,
42-2 Failing bldg.. Portland, Or.
HIOHST prices paid ruboer. copper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool. furs. Phones A T618.
Main 5198. J. Leve, 1&6 Columbia
WE have several buyers for second-hand
transits and levels. See ns Jf you have
any. Barthold-Barg Co., 285 Alder St.
TO EXCHANGE Manicuring or scaip treat
ments for lessons in bookkeeping ; must be
comint. AJ 714, Oregonian.
GENTLE, true horse, mare preferred, llOO or
12m 11.: under lo years; state price. A 713.
Oregon ian.
WANTED To lease or buy planing taill.
Must be in good condition, plenty of power,
and on railroad. AK 7u2. Oregonian.
WANTED Gasoline boat. Don't care for
.lt-ed ; want power, durability, not looks.
V 7C. Oregonian.
35 TO ft ytird of good carpet, reasonab le.
Main 2. 473 Washington.
WANTED A span of large mules, not too
old. C Bruck, route No." 2, Newberg, Or.
HIGHEST price paid for men's cast off
ciotnes. sj J a u phone Marshall V4a.
WANTED Furnished rooming-house, close
n. oil) Dekum bid.
GROCERY store fixtures State what you
have, -lowest cash price. F 701, Oregonian.
6000 CORDS sturapage. nar Portland; must
oe gooa timber. M 70o. oregonian.
WANTED Two or three good incubators.
must be cheap. T Oregonian.
WANTED Rolltop desk and typewriter;
state price, etc. Y cyi, oregonian.
r ten-room unfurnished flat
?lose in. 510 Dekum bldg.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given, fnone bast iuo.
WANTED Milch goats; alr burro. Address
. jetrcott, Hawthorne, fortianu.
WANTED To buy second-hand Taylor trunk;
must oe cheap. R oi, ur-gontan.
YOUNG man living at home to learn tea
and coffee business; also help in store;
one wit h some experience in groceries
preferred ; salary $7 to start. Apply Sun
day, between 12 and 1. Grand Union Tea
Co., 44S Washington.
AN excellent proposition for 2 or 3 good
carpenters that want steady work; union
wag?s; must be mechanical: don't an
swer unless you mean business and can
take $200 or more of stock. E 712, Ore
gonian. TWO experienced solicitors to work our
magazine book proposition; liberal com
mission ; steady employment. Cail Mon
day between 0 and 3 2 A. M. Review of
Reviews Co., 324 Fliedner bldg.
IF you are a high grade salesman I can as-ji-it
you in making $150 a week; no one
else in the butdness pays as well as I do for
tiist-class men; all others will be denied
an interview. Call 9 to II. 302 Lewis bldg.
SALESMAN for city ale?roo.m, manufactur
er n line; salary $UM month; must have
l MH 1 n t ere t in busin ea. A ddress A Q
712. Oregonian.
WANTEO Energetic young man with knowl
edge if who5ale and retail drugs; give age,
experience, references and telephone number,
All 7V2. Oregonian.
SALESMAN to represent Portland manufac
turer at Vancouver, Wash.; 'must have
means to maintain office. Add roes manu
farturer, AG 7l:. Oregonian.
WANTED A Swiss man and wife to work
on my farm on Pleasant Hill: woman must
be good cook and understand cows. A. P.
Thatcher, Creswell, R. F. D. No. 1.
STENOGRAPHER Competent young man
with knowledge of or desiring to learn ad
vertising. Commercial Abstract Co., 408
commercial Club.
2-"0 MEN'S high-grade sample suits. S
values. $16.7i: :0 values, $i:j.7o. Knew
Sample Suit Shop. 315 Oregonian bldg.
MAN who understands use of powder, to
grub. Phone Main 6250. AK 710, Ore
gonian. TWO good solicitors for road work;
proposition ; salary and commission,
today, 127 11th st.
M-E.V tu clea r land in exchange for good
Portland lots or team. McCoy, 364 North
26th, & to 7 evenings. W car.
TIMEKEEPER. experienced in foundry
work. Independent Foundry Co., 23d and
York sts.
W E require immediately Campbell machine
operator. iiso good harness cutter. John
Clark Saddlery Co.
WANTED Drug clerk; must bo competent
a nd of good appearance. Address 712
PARTNER wanted at
moving-picture show,
upstairs. '2Sh 4th st.
once for traveling
Call H. A. Rohring,
WANTED Strong boy. aged about Hi. to
work in laboratory and learn the business.
Apply 42 Front st.
ACTICAL machinist fr small tip-to-date
hop .cut of town; give age. experience;
inferences. W 711, Oregonian.
I CAN' iiw H more real estate solicitors; no
money required ; liberal commissions.
MARTIN. J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st.
YOUNG man wanted to do light janitor work
for his Instruction. Apply H. lines Businese
College, loth and Washington st.
BOY. 1 4. grammar school graduate, wants
work; energetic; reliable: references. Main
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer ; book
keeper; cashier. 313 'a Washington, room
BOY about 16 years of age wanted for of
fice work and as m-.ssonger. AN 703,
CLOTH I. Vt; SALESMAN, thoroughly ex
perienced, active and energetic. Lion
Clothing Co., 166-170 3d St.
TH E r.KST proposition and the bet pay to
live mm ever offered in the city. Apply
r 'O Boa rd o f Tra d e .
YOUN'C man wanted, one who has had some
experience in clothing store and able to
act us a salesman. 0 1 0W. Oregonian.
1RST-CLASS lithograph engraver; steady
work and good w ages : wire references.
The Stuff Printing Concern. Seattle. Wash.
WANTED Reliable man to take Vi interest
in real estate business, fstabl.shed 3 years.
5250. Room 22 7 A bins ton bldg.
WANTED Sober, reliable
perience unnecessary. 24'2
day forenoon.
TWO solicitors to work country towns; salary
or commission ; travel by automobile. Call
at 42S Lumber Exchange before noon.
WANTED Young man for HirM work In ex-
hant.v for tuition In telegraphy. Oregon
College. 83 5th. neir Oak.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, railroad of
fice: salary $75 per month. AE 601, Ore
gonian. COAL ile
t!:e dry.
12 ar.4 2
trren wanted;
Room 2. 20-Vj
be-m proposition in
Morrison, between
man to run elevator.
14th and Washington.
Hotel Ra-
Easy work, good pay.
st., room 15.
FRED SANTER. call or phone Sellwood
lvlS. or address W. A. Davles. Portland.
BUIOHT boy. Call this A.
41S Worcester bldg.
M. feet. 9 and 10.
to rent clean roo ma. $ 2 . oO per wee k .
4th and Yamhill, upstairs.
EXPERIENCED salesman, general store.
;ti:0- Washington, room IS.
SOLICITOR wanted: good pay.
Washington st.
Call 4S6H
WANTED Young n-an to operate Fsher bill
ing machine. Apply Iwengardt & Co.
WANTED Te ar.d coffee solicitors, steady
work. E 70S. Oregonian.
e I caning.
-Bright hoy to run errands and do
Aut-plund Drug Co., 110 N. 6th.
A YOUNG Jobbing concern in Portland, do
ing about half million dollars business
per year and making good money, wants
the services of an up-to-die accountant
who can take erftire charge of credits.
ence. We do not need the money, but f
we would want such a party to he able ;
to take from $50o0 to $15,000 of stock in !
oar company In order to be sure of his I
permanency and Interest. We will guar- J
antee the Investment to pay "2 per cent
or more. We prefer a man who has had
a thorough training in the machinery or j
implement lines. In answering, cive age, 1
experience and references from former em
ployera. The applicant must be a thor
ough business man and a success, other
wise useless to reply. This is a business
proposition from a business man v;ho wants
an able and executive assistant. 'Address
L 701. Oregonian.
NO experience required. Hundreds of good
-positions open paying JlOO to a
month and expenses. Why be contented,
with poorly paid position, hard or dirty
work, when you can earn from two to
ten times what you now earn. Demand
for salesmen alwavs exceeds supply.
Our free bonk. -A Knieht of the Grip,"
will show you how to become first-class
salesman and our free employment bureau
will assist you to secure good position.
Write for full particulars today. Address
nearest office. Dept. OJCi. National Sales
men's Training Association, New York.
Chicago. Kansas City. Minneapolis, Sao.
Francisco. Atlanta.
$:UW0 TO f 10.000 yearly easily made in real
tttiaiv nuainess; no capital required-, we
will teach you the bum n ess by mail, ap
pofht you special representative of leading
real estate company, list with you readily
suable properties, co-operate wit h and
assist you to a permanent success; a
thorough commercial law course free to
each representative. Write for 62-page
book free; it will be snre to interest you.
The Cross Co., Dept. 127, Chicago.
IF YOU are the person we want as district
manager, send us 10 cents right now for
mailing outfit of our latest book, "Roose
velt and Africa." and show us what you
can do with it; weekly and expenses
easily earned; c-xperience unnecessary:
premiums and credit given ; investigate
us ; we are one of largest and most re
liable publishing houses in the world. M.
A. Donohue & Co., Chicago.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the V. S.
Marine Corp, between the ages of 19 and
30; must be native born or have firm pa
pers; monthly pay $15 to $6; additional com
pensation possible : food, ciothing, quarters
and medical attendance free; after 30 years'
service can retire with 75 per cent of pay
and allowances: service on beard ship and
a-liore in all paru of the world. Apply at
New Grand Central Hotel. Portland, Or.
GOVERNMENT positions Chances never
betoer. secure one of thousands of ap
pointments to be made; particulars as to
salaries, positions, dates of examinations
jn Portland, sample questions, etc., sent
free in circular 101. National Cor. Insti
tute, Washington. D. C.
CIVIL SERVICE employes are paid well
for easy work; examinations all kinds
soon: expert advice, sample questions and
booklet 30t describing positions and tell
ing easiest and quickest way to secure
them free; write new. Washington Civil
Service School, Washington, D. C.
THE Meier & Frank stores require a young
man for the sporting goods and kodak
departments: one who has had experi
ence in these linese can have a perma
nent position with rapid advancement.
Apply to Superintendent, between S and
10 A. M.
SALESMEN wanted Resident, to place
carbon paper directly with consumer,
can be made either side line or regular
business; previous experience needn't
count; immediate profits; big future
drawing account. Cameron Corporation,
3U-41 Cortland St., N. Y.
LEARN more about civil service positions
and examinations. You ought to. Don't
cost you much. Free book No. 30 may
help you write for it. Our ctudents sat
Portland. Or.
SALESMAN wanted by American Standard
Jewelry Co.. Detroit. Mich., to place spe
cial jewelry departments in all classes of
stores. Customers are successful and satrs
fied. Jewelry experience unnecessary;
commissions advanced for expenses.
MARRIED MAN to work rfin fruit ranch:
experienced handling horses ; permanent
position for right party; write, giving ages
of family and teil me all about your
selves. C. T. Roberts. Hood River, Or.,
R. No. 1.
WANTED Competent salesman, who is well
and favorably known to the trade of East
ern Washington and Idaho, can find a
.good position with a wholesale hat house.
Address Chapman Advertising Co., Port
land, Or.
SALESMAN Experienced In any line to
sell general trade In Pacific Coast. An
unexcelled specialty proposition; commis
sions, with 53.1 weekly advance for ex
penses. The -Continental Jewelry Co.,
Cleveland. O.
MAN to work on farm with me; will locate
you on good homestead In retuprn for
three months work, write R. L. Wolle
son, Rockland, Idaho. Formerly from
SPECIALTY Paint Manufacturing Co. can
use specialty salesman to travel in Ore
gon. Very liberal commission with good
drawing account from the beginning. The
Merchants Paint l.o.. Cleveland, O.
WANTED Traveling salesman to hcndle
Oriental goods, etc., and fireworks as side
line on commission. State when and where
you go and for whom you travel. Address
AC iOO, oregonian.
MEN (or women. $4 a day sure, all year,
growing mushrooms In cellars. sheds,
boxes, etc.; big market; free illustrated
booklet. Hiram Barton. West 48th St.,
New lork.
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat an
pearance to call on all merchants in their
territory; elegant sid line, convenient
carry; good commissions; prompt remit
tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O.
WANTED Man, willing to learn and capa
ble of acting as representative; no can
vassing or soliciting; good Income as
sured. National Co-operative Realtv Co.,
V2 Marden bids.. Washington. D. C.
SALESMEN Best accident, health policy; old
line company ; $1000 death. $5 weekly, lO0
emergency, $2 yearly; seal wallet free. Ger
man Registry Co., 217 N. 7th st., St. Louis,
TELEGRA PHY taught Graduates all have
positions. Address or call evenings. Expe
rienced operator, room IO, - J Colum uia
EXPERIENCED sepe inlty salesmen to
handle our razor exclusively or side line;
liberal commission. Ward Safety Razor
"o., Chicago.
SA LESM EN Experienced selling: advertis
ing specialties: new. quick sellers; big
commissions; fine sideline. Bankers Spe
cla I ty Co., St. Joseph. Mo.
WANTED First-class bookkoepcrs. with
much experience. State references, etc. All
communications treated confidential. Ad
dress Ail 70-1, Oregonian.
WE aid our member? to secure employment.
, Constant demand for young men -f abiMty
and integritty. Special employment mem
bership. Y. M. .C. A.
WANTKD First-class stock salesman: come
prepared to give references. New West Pub
lishing Co.. :n Henry hldg.
t0 MONT H salary and expenses introduce
stock and poultry powders; steady work.
The Grant Co., A2. Springfield. 111.
WANTED Established lawyer to give
young newcomer opportunity in exchange
for services. AB tllto, Oregonian.
$jO MONTHLY and expenses to advertise,
leave samples and collect names. Silver
ton Co., 7.", Chicago.
FIRST-CLASS operator on ladies' coats and
skirts to go to Spokane; fare paid. 1292
6th st. Mr. Lipman.
BOY. 10 to 20. with high school education;
good opening in large office. H 704.
FIRST-CLASS coatmnker by the week ;
steady work to right party. Room :;5,
Washington bldg.
WANTED Bookkeeper to interest himself
with $oOO to $HiOO In the Idea! Milk Sup
ply Co- M. Spahn. Gresham. Or.
five-cent cigars.
mercial Club bldg.
Call 222 Com-
WANTE?D Two boys residing at home;
good wages. Apply 131 10th st.
TAILOR wanted -Cleaning, pressing, new
work. Apply 4"9 Couch stt.
CHAMBERMAID wanted. T.3 North 18th.
one who can help serve dinner.
W ANTED Co 1 1
Adcress T 6fl.
salesman to work.
WANTED Upholsterers and couch makers.
Carman Mig. Co.. isth and Lpshur.
APPRENTICE Boy to Team auto repairing
and general machine work. 3J Everett,
and wife for ranr h ; at
Address R. G. Scott,
ate wages want
Sherwood, Or.
A mail with the necessary
executive ability to take the
managemen t of a manu
facturing business and $50mt
in cash : must have both .
420-421 Lumbermens Rldg..
Cor. 5th and Stark.
WANTED A bright, active man. who is
now earning a good living and NOT OUT
OF A JOB. but who is desirous of increas
ing his Income; such a man can add f0 per
cent to his earnings by assisting me ii
confidential advisory capacity without In
terfering in any way with present em
ployment. StaLe present income. V 6ati,
WANTED A first-class salesman on trac
tion gasoline engines; must be a hih
clas salesman with record to back him
and understand talking gasoline engines ;
in answering, give age. experience in
selling and names of tirms have worked
for and salary expected; no applicant
considered wltnout this Information in
first letter. Address IC 70J, Oregonian.
WHY work all day when you can make from
$ltO to $1.V per month selling our Health.
Accident and Life liuwrance? Work only 4
hours each day. Build for yourself a fine
monthly Income. No collecting. Call or write
C.15 Beck Bldg.. City.
Telephone Main 7020. '
MEN WANTED, experience unnecessary, for
foremen or brakemen on nearby railroads;
account increasing busm&s; no strike;
age 2.O-30; good vision; $n0-$100 monthly;
promotion: 1024 men sent to positions in
lUO; send stamp; elate age. weight,
height. Railway Association, care Ore
TH E Meier fc Frank stores have a vacancy
for a thoroughly competent carpet man.
In addition to salesmanship ability, he
must possess a certain amount of execu
tive capaci t y. enabling him to be an ef
ficient assistant to the buyer. Apply In
person or by letter.
SALESMEN, on " Wear-Proof" hosiery and
"International" underwear direct to fami
lies in Portland. Vancouver. Hilla'ouro, Ore
gon City. McMInnvilie; small capital to
ban d le o rue r. Ad d res D. J. -E 1 rod . llan-
ager, 2S S. 0th ave., Poeatello, . Idaho.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men ana women to learn Darner traue in
8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
Instructor; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 34
North 4th st,, Portland, Or.
WANTED Salesmen to carry as side line
on commission basis a staple and ponular-
' priced lino of laces and embroideries for
well-known New York importer; state ter
ritory, experience and references. Ad
dreg, B," box 477. Madison Square, New
500 PAIRS of pants waiting for legs. Pants
for lean and fat legs, long and ehort lec..
Not a leg show, but a sale of pants at $2,00
a pair, values to $4; nlwo 20 suit;? must go
at $8; all wool, guaranteed; values to 25.
Knew Sample Suit Shop. 315 Oregonian
bldg. Jlmmie Dunn, Mgr.
FIRST-CLASS salesman for Pacific Coast
to sell staple line, absolutely new. and
exceptional trms ; one having successful
specialty experience preferred; attractive
year's contract containing liberal weekly
advance clause; references required. Miles
F. Bixler Co.. Cleveland, O.
WANTED Experienced shoe salesman for
Washington and Oregon, to sell our Una
of Men's Goodyear Welt shoes, made in
Denver. Only those with an established
trade need reply. Chas D.' Griffith Shoe
Company, Denver, Colo.
EXPERIENCED salesmen: sell doctors and
merchants in country towns fur old re
liable St. Louis firm: mut be successful
salesman and know how to sell ; we will
pay well for good man ; permanent. AM
647. Oregonian.
REPRESENTATIVES to solicit exclusively
or side line saloon and drug trade for a
. straight Kentucky whisky adopted by the
Government. Woodland Co.. Dept. loO.
Covington, Ky.
THE Meier & Frank stores require sales
men for the boys' and men's clothing de
part ments ; also a first-class bush el man
or tailor; only those who are thoroughly
competent need apply.
BE your own boss Make $4 dally silvering
mirrors. Anyone can do the work at
home in spare time. Booklet and sample
free. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 50, Boston,
$2.o0 PFJR'DAY paid to one man in each town
to dLtribut free circular? and take orders
for concentrated flavoring in tubes; perma
nent position. J. S. Ziegler Co.. Chicago.
START a mail order business at home; spare
time; I show you how; large prolits. Par
ticulars flee. II. C. Jones. Dept. C, 313
llcussv bldg.. Seattle. Wash.
ATTENTION Write today for 'Tree par
ticulars" how wo teach automobile en
gineering. The Motor Engineering
Schools. South Berkeley, Cal.
Ship daily; no fare held from your pay.
foo laborers wanted.
C. It. HANSEN i CO.. 20 N 2d St.
WANT to start you in business. Spare time,
at home.' Mit ingenious moneymaker
ever devised. Free particulars. I". K. Ab
bott, .desk A. X.. Omaha. Neb.
START dying, cleaning and pressing estab
lishment. splendid field, hsg pit-fits; we
teach you by mail; particulars free. Ben
A'onde. School, Dept. U40. Staunton. Va.
SA LESM EN en ! ling on dry goods t rade to
carry side line of rompers. State terri
tory covered. Reference. Marathon Romp
er Co.. 727 Filbert St.. Philadelphia. Pa
SALESM AN to handle mill line dry goods
specialties, loom to re'ailcr, attractive
side lire, liberal commlsMcn. F. C. Roil
mann & Co.. Sli'rs., Philadelphia. Pa.
WANTED Man of some education and
ability, who i.esires to study law and can
not attend . resident law school; fine op
portunity. O tlK. Oregonian.
MEN" to solicit, first-class proposition; those
willing to work 0 hours daily can make
big money. Apply 3 0 to 4, room T
Lumber Exchange bldg.
FIRST-CLASS prescription druggist and all
around man ; ret ere nee ; married man pre
ferred ; give telephone number. G 701,
BOOKKEEPING Private tuition In book
keeping given Dy an accountant. 301
Merchants 'xrust Dutidlng, 0th and Wash
H ON EST partner with $2K for traveling
motion-picture snow; urst-ciass proposi
tion, money fully secured. Call 520 3
asnmgton st.
your name and address for free bottle, of
liquid that cures to stay cured. T. Gor-
Imm. Battle creek, Mich.
WANTED Boy about Iti or 17 with com
mon school education, to handle mail and
run errands in wholesale house, p. u. box
WANTED Offl-e boy; must b bright and
neat and have some knowledge of office
work. Call at American Can Co.. office
14th and Front bts. Ask for Mr. Turrell.
59 il. O R EUON I A N.
MAKE money writing short stories ; big
pav; our free booklet tells how. Press I
Syndicate, San Francisco, Cal.
WANTED Salesman acquainted with arch
itects and contractors, to take a profitable
side line on. commission. O 0O5. Oregonian.
CIVIL service examinations to be held soon.
Write immediately tor free scholarship.
Central Schools, Rochester. N. Y.
HARNESS MAKERS for country shops. Ap
ply Chas. L. Mas tick & Co., Front and
Oak sts., Portland, Or.
VACANCY for energetic lawyer who knows
law and able to produce results, D 702,
WANTED Young man to
agent on railroad trains.
Johnson st.
act as nev.g
Cole News Co.,
erett st.
repair man.
mercial Club bldg.
STENOGRA PH ER Opportunity in office
of local corporation. L 700, Oregonian.
WANTED Solicitors. 233 Market St.
Main Office. 12 N. ?wcd
Office open Sunday
10:30 A. "M. to 2 P. M.
Citv Work.
2 cabinetmakers. $3 to $3.50.
2 tarriase-riders1. $2-5i.
Young man. learn foundry busiaess. $1.30
Man and wife, cooks (cafeteria), $100 rco.
and up.
mill and yard work. $2 and up.
Man and wife, cooks boat), $TO mo.
Sawmill Work.
Mill car-pen ter. $3.
Gang e-.lgt rman.
Rough carpenter. $2.7.Y
Cra-U-r t-ehind planer), $2.2.1.
Gr:ider (kilntfj. 2.2o.
Planer-feeder, 52.25.
Carriage-rider. $2.25.
Yardmen, $2 up.
. Woe-Is.
Camp blacksmith, $0O month.
Raftsmen, $2 and board.
Hook tender. $3.50 day.
Camp dishwasher. $0 month and board.
Laoorers for logging 11. R., $2.25 day.
" Acreage to clear, large and small tracts,
at good, prices, to be let on contract: wood to
be cut bv the cord at good prices; farm
hands wanted always, good wages.
We give a written guarantee to pay fare
both ways if there is not work where we
eend you. .
Main Office, 12 N. 2d St.
?. It. HANSEN St CO. Open Today.
Man and wife, restaurant cook and helper,
$&0; cook, small sawmill camp, $50.
Janitor, office building, $00. .
Experienced restaurant checker. $oO ana
Band sawyer, $: cutoff man. $2.30: edser
man $3- tail edgerman. S2.25; boom man,
2 73- log-loader, $3; buckers and chasers.
2.77i; filer and bucker, $4: mill hands.
3 cabinetmakers. $3 to $3. AO.
2 car-repairers and rough carpenters, $.50.
Ship ea.-si on the Deschutes, south on the
Nutron-Klamath Falls job. via Eugene, and
.-uth to California, on new construction;
free fare, long jobs: station men wanted ;
acreage t" clear cord wood to cut. .
2fi North Second St. Portland. Or.
424 Front ave. Spokane. Wash.
87-80 Fourth st. San Francisco, Cal.
A complete and thorough course In wtre
vs telegraphy in theory and practice is
offered by Portland's Wireless Technical
School and has unrivaled facilities for im
parting the latest data and most authen
tic Information concerning wireless, tech
nical and commercial, of any school In the
West, and It is at your disposal; can
vou afford to miss the opportunity of bet
tering your position In life? Free copy
of "The Ethogram" on request. Address
AG 70L OreKonian.
WANTED First-class adman and window
dresser and also o assist managing tne
store. Apply Mr. Silver-field, care the
Kllverfleld . Co., 4th and Morrison.
YOI'NCf men to learn automobile business by
mai. and prepare for nceitlons as chaff eurs
and repair men: we make you expert in ten
week: assist vou to secure position; pay
b.'g: work pleasant : demand for men great ;
reasonable; write for particulars and sample
le.n. Empire Automouile Institute, Loch
ester, N. Y.
TVnnted Honwekeeoer for boardlng-houj
$7X., room and board ; cook for private fam
ily. $40; chambermaid. S25; girls lor gen
eral housework, $20 to $.IU; waitresses,
Large list of new work daily.
Ladies' Dept. 205 Morrison St.
Cooks, hotel, boarding-house and family.
Waitrespep. city and country.
"Second girls and chambermaids'.
2 housekeepers. $20 and 1.
Household help of all kinds-
WANTED At once, experienced saleslady
for cloak and suits; also casn gins.
ROBERTS BROS., 3d and Morrison.
WANTED Stenographer and office girl for
a large wholesale nouse; gooa cnance ior
promotion: state experience and salary
wan tod. H 71S. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl to assist hair dress
ing and manueuring parlors.. Room- 10,
1:53 Yv Alder st.
WANTED Woman or girl to work from
7 ::to A. M. to 1! p. M. 604 Flanders
Inquire basement.
LADY wants companion to awslwt with work
fr board ; nice home for right party. 570
East Main. B 2T.80.
EXPERIENCED salesladies for cloak and sui
department. A pply manager, EUstern Out-
fitting Co., Wash, and 10th.
A. COMPETENT girl for cooking, where ec-
nn" girl is Kept; goon wages.- w r-v
erett st.
GIRL to assist with housework, small fam
ily adult. 2o0 E. Oth St., N., near liol
lad ay.
COMPETENT girl for general housework
good wages ; reference. Apply forenoons,
SIO Johnson. Phone A 300.
843 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstalra
Phone Main 2692.
GIRL over i to assist in housework, two
In family and baby. Call today at SV0
East Salmon st.
GIRL wanted for general housework ; smal
family; good wages; nice place. Mai
52O0. or call ;io4 N. 3id st.
SCHOt UXJ1 RL to help with work for room
and board ; small pay. 1 ltn st.
12!i-j FJfT.ll.
duns k!rt maker. A. Lipman
GOOD girl for general
Park st.
housework. Call .to1
YOUNG girl to assist with housework.
3. 302 Jackson. Main 67SO.
GI RL for general
OiU E. Ash.
housework ; good wages,
WANTKD A girl- for general housework;
adults. Phone East HUH.
NEAT young girl for housework: '2 In family
Apply mornings, 1 nurman.
1 for pvn-eral housework,
E. Burnside. East 3227.
3 in family
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting.
304 12th t. Main ONitO.
cirl wanted
257; Main
5o:t Mill st., Wesi
W A NT ED Girl for general housework an
cooking. H41 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1320. 1
WANTED Waist trimmer and head skirt
girl, 50 Marquam:
GIRLS wanted. Western Model Co., 2S Front
WANTED Good girl for general hou?owork
and cooking. Apply 101 N. 24th it.
YOUNG girl to
mornings. fiG:
assist in housework.
Hoyt st.
LADY solicitors. James Neece,
A.. 0 to IO A. M. Monday.
COMPETENT cook with city references. Apply
-Yl J. S.nson PC.
RELIABLE jounc girl t
housework. Eat 1301.
assist general
WANTED MRVIie-aged lady to care for baby.
4:'a East Ankeny st.
family, $15.
g eneral housework ;
149 Porter st.
WANTED Firt-elafce stenographer, by large
wholesale house. AB 713, Oregonian.
GOOD girl for liglit hoiwework. Call Sunday,
034 E. Going st. Take Alberta car to 17th st.
WANTED Experienced laundry girls
tel Portland. Laundry department.
W A NT ED Sctv-: g i rl
hoard. 442 3d st.
work for room and
WANTED Expert hair workers: steady em
ployment. Apply 3S4 Yamhill st.
OPERATORS and finishers on pants; steady
work. S4 1st st.
CHAMBERMAID wanted. 53 North
one who can help eerve dinner.
GIRL for general housework. East 6456.
WANTED Several brlghv young women to
learn, telephone operating; we maintain a
school under the supervision of a woman
principal at our East office. East Ankeny
and Sxth streets; applicant w ho qua;!fy
will be given a thorough training in the
work be fare being assigned to positions; stu
dent are paid at the rate of $20 per
while learnir.g. Apply to school principal on
week davs between 6 A. M. and 5 P. M.
The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Company.
EGG prices high: ;:o delicious eggless des
sert recipes. Spare Moments Monthly Fam
ily Magazine four months and IO beaut ir
fful colored postcards, all IO cents, stamps
or silver. Spare Moments, Dept. 125.
Rochester. N. Y.
WOMAN, about SO years old. who can operate
Remington; no shorthand required: must be
of pleasing personality, accustomed to meet
ing the puhiic and answering phone; give
ace. experience. irevious employment and
talary expected; permanent position. D 71:.,
MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety
ror Young Women. Advice or assistance
gladly given to all young women. Mrs,
Lola O. Baldwin. Supt.. room 3T T. W. C
A. bldg., 7th and Taylor sts.
WANTED Woman as housekeeper and
cook, two in family, small house in sub
urbs; good wages to right party. Apply
r om 422, Hotel Nortonia, mornings and
TOU are still in time to take instruction in
millinery and complete the course berore
the busy season commences. Boston School
of Millinery &. Dressmaking, 274 Williams
WOMAN over 25 to assist lady physician
to give electric and vibratory treatments.
Experience not absolutely necessary. Call
room ott, Selllng-Hirsch bldg.. afternoon.
GIRL wanted: general housework; family of
a: small house. Apply mornings. ats inn
st.. corner Elizabeth, Portland Heights.
Phone Main 2339.
WOULD like young girl to do light house
work; take care or little boy ana gin. a
nice home; If wish can go to school. 883
E. Irving st.. cor. 2Uth.
WANTED Party to build house or deslr-
auie tenant on long lease; must dp locaieu
on West Side north of Washington st. X
714. Oregonian.
LADY to travel in Oregon; good pay and
tailor-made suit in ftO days ; experience
unnecessary; reliable firm; write for par
ticulars. J. E. McBrady Co., Chicago.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, small family, good place tor
right party. 791 East 4-almon st. Phone
Ji 1USS.
WANTED A high school girl to assist with
light housework for good home and board.
Phone East 303.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and general
housework, small ramiiy, good pay. loot
East 30th St., N. Phone Woodlawn 4'M.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral houseworK, small ramiiy. ii ir
ving st. A 1182. Main 8235.
WANTED Raflned. capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co., ouu Rotn
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
COM I ET KNT girl wanted for general house
work. Telephone Tebor 11C, or apply 100
t-tawtnorne ave.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages. Apply 440 rust itn rsortn, morn
ing to IO o'clock, afternoons after 5 o'clock.
WANTED Singer for picture house, out of
town ; good wages; long engagement.
Main 20KS.
WANTED Competent cook for small fam
lly. 314 East 12th st. North; take Broad
way 'car. Phone East
320 Wahingvon St.. Room 307.
Xaain SS36 or A 326Q.
COM PETENT girl for general housework.
good wages. Apply apartment 1, 00 North st. Main UJ.11.
SCHOOIjGIRL to assist in housework; work
lignt; (.nristian nome; Doara ana room
i" none 40.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework. . in ramiiy, good wages. Ap
ply mornings, SO" Love Joy st. Main 1877
WANTED Experienced button-hole makers
and finishers on coats. bbi Third 1
room 10.
WANTED Young girl to assist with house
work; go home nights. Apply Monday after
noon, ibo Weldler.
WANTED A good cook for home on Port
land .Heights, near canine. ; pay good
wages. Phoika Main 20So or A 1366.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages. Call between 10 and 12. 6i9 El
lioti ave.. Ladd's Addition.
WANTED A girl for a shooting gallery.
live one. Wages $2.50 per day. W. Herman,
225 Madison between 1st and 2d.
WHOLESALE house requires services of an
intelligent and ambitions woman ; expei
lence unnecessary. D TOO, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Opportunity in office
local corporation. Address L, 700, Orego
MAKE money writing short stories; big
pay. Our free booklet tells how. Press
Syndicate. San Francisco.
GOOD plain cook to assist with general
housework. Apply 274 North 25th, corner
WANTEI Address of attractive youn
lady as companion to married couple i
shopping and theaters. E 702. Oresonian,
WANTED Experienced girl for general houee
work; 2 in lamtiy. call sunuay rrom i
7 P. M. 105 N. 24h, cor. Kearney.
REFINED young lady possessing energy
and nullity; permanent to the right party
3J0 Lumlx'rmens bldg.
WANTED Salesgirls for permanent positions,
Inquire after IO A. M. Monday, Bannon &
Co., :-&K-3!M East Morrison st.
WANTED Girl to assist with general house
work. Apply 70O tlunuers.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and house
work; good wages. fi.7 Flanders.
COM PETENT cook, for family of
other work. Cl North 16th.
RELIABLE maid for light general house-
- work. 4L K. 12th near J lllamook. E. 1
WANTED Experienced girls on shirts an
overalls. Mt. Hood ractory. 233 Couch.
GIRL wanted; housework: small family
gooa wages, inquire ,ta Kearney st.
W A NTE D A ppren t Ices.
Parlors. lOI Seventh.
Elite Hairdressln
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting
expert, $5 a month. 219 14th. Main 3Siia.
girl to do light housework; good
Can 8J7 jrvuig st.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2, Grana ave. and East Taylor.
WANTED First-class millinery trimmer
once. The Chapeau, 115 7th st.
to do housework in small family. 7;;
IF you are a specialty salesman and dealr
to make money with a household article by
selling either to tne jouncr or consumer. b
ginning March 1, address for conference
714. Oregonian.
ORGANIZERS or Twenty-five Hundre
Club. Good salarv. ao2 S wet land bid,
Main li'Jtio. A 49i6.
CHARACTER man and woman; also leadin
lady and Juvenile man ; stock ; long en
gagement. easy work. J ji;i, Oregonian
WANTED A vaudeville team 265 Ru-sse
at.. Acme Theater; man and wife pre-
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sition to ai instructors, oil swetiana.
TEACHER, commercial. $30; piano, $75
more. fill Swetland bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOI'NG man wants position with wholesale
lumber or shipping firm. Good salesman.
Six years experience. References, N 7v2,
A YOUNG man. 22, with knowledge of book
keeping, who is willing to work, wants a
Job. AB 700, Oregonian.
OFFICE M AN ; good appearance and
dr?ss. out of employment, wants to
something good. P 701. Oregonian.
get EXPERIENCED cost accountant and office
man wants position; excellent references.
P 704, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT nd stenographer; best of ref
erence. Wishes to locale In Portland. Room
425, Prince Hotel.
pCfrSmON 9 bookkeeper or stenographer by
experience man. N 604, Oregonian.
BookJteeier and Clerks,
ABOl'T March 1. position by bright, capo Hi '
young man; good habits, best references;
has had several years" experience as sten
ographer, bookkeeper and g-neral ortice
man in various lines; especially familiar
with lumber business; now practically
manager of mili. J tfc9. Oregonian.
I HAVE had IS years' experience in build
ing and operating some of the largest
sawmills in the United States; know all
shout building lumber railways and I am,
open for a position: would take eom
stock in a good company. J 7l)o, Orego- '
YOUNG man, commercial high school grnd- :
uate. three years" office experience, sitn- i
ograpner. desires posit. on as general of
fice man or assistant bookkeeper. Snltn-
did Eastern testimuniaJs. Early etiMage-
ment needed. V 7. Oregonian. 1
XPEKIENOED bank clerk and commer
cial accountant wants position In city;
banking, real estate or abstracting pref
erable; have had lumber experience; first
class references furnished. J 7o0, Ore go-:
OUNO business man, capable in either of-
nce or sates end of business, desires posi
tion : jiow in himself, but will b
at liberty about February 15. R 70o. Ore-
Soman. '
EXPERIENCED accountant. 3SLthier traffic"
manager, general office man; thorough rub and marine experience; needs employ
ment. A 701. Oregonian.
.BOOKKEEPER First-class and thoroughly
experienced in all office work, wants po
sit km; excellent references, p 70i. Ore
gonian. RELIABLE young office man. stenographer.
d-sires work in office or store. Splend:d
Eastern references. Needs cjtip;oymiit
badly. V 701. Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper of wide experieuco de
sires position ; accurate, competent a nil
reliable; best references. Phono East
27(. Address X 715. Oregonian.
MAN wonted to work on s;Aid scow out
side of city; one who can furnish Govern
ment license for gasoline over 15 tons.
State experience. AH 7o2. Oregonian.
YOUNG man. with five years' experience in
i-ast, wants a position as traveling sales
man with, Portland firm. O 710, Oroson
lan. EXPERT, accountant, capable of managing
large office.. Hank reference given and boud
furnished. Room 425, Princess Hotel.
SITUATION wanted by experienced hotel
ciera. . oregonian.
M lfceUaoeouft.
GENTLEMAN who has commanded $15
per mouth in accountantcy and credits in
the East will enter new held if right
proposition is offered; college education;
good personality and ability as sale-muti.
A J 704, Oregonian. v
AN experienced subscription solicitor and
feature writer will be open for an en
gagement about March 1. Correspondence
invited. Address Hee Jchnsovu 431 ft
South Arizona St., Butte, Mont.
YOUNG married man with reference and 10
years experience in the lumber business
as shipping clerk and yard foreman would
like position with chance of promotion.
AD 000, Oregonian. ""
EXPERIENCED lumberman wants position'
as manager or retail yard; have had l.
years" experience as buyer and manager; !
can furnish bejt of references la or out .
of city. A 700. Oregonian, i
YOUNG man. experienced, wants position
as hotel clerk in or out of town; can fur
nish good references as to habits, charac
ter, etc. R 703. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED collector, with bet of refer- 1
ence and bond, wants steady position with J
firm; have horse and buggy. it 7 00, Ore- :
gonian. . j
MAN and wif-a (colored ) would like to be. 1
employed on a ranch; man to drive, etc.; ;
wife good cook and laundress. O ,702, ;
STEADY and sober man. fair education; j
would like situation of any description.
AB 712. oregonian. 1
POS I TION as cheesemaker; wages or
tract; A-l and long experience. A.
JAPANESE wants position In dental office;
experienced laboratory worK. Jv OiW, ore-,
POSITION wanted on fruit ranch at Hood
River or Mosier by married man. F til.
SITUATION wanted by printer and jul
pressman. Adelbert Young, 4is Faaiinc hi.
Woodlawn 1230.
COM PETENT young man with pome spare
time would like small set books to keep;
good references. F 710, Oregonian.
YOI'NG man and wife want work on farm:
steady uud reliable; something permanent
If satisfactory. H 70S, Oregonian.
MAN, 30, anxiously wants employment.
dishwashing, chamber or residence, AF
713, Oregonian.
YOUNG man attending business college wants
place to work for room and board. ri 02.
coal fuel experience,
ing. AC til 7.
lanitor. oil. wood or
Can do own ropair-
CHBF, Eastern man. wants position, city or
country; can take :eward h place; long ex
perience. R 710. Oregonian.
FI N E Japanese wants comfortable place in
good family as cook, helper or housework.
1 easonable wages. M o3, Oregonian.
PATIENT Japanese wants f do any vior'c
three or four hours after 5 P. M. M.
Ikedu. P. O. box 170, city. , .
YOUNG man wants restaurant or j unity r
work. Experienced. From 11 A. 1L to 4
P. M. AB 701, Oregonian.
BY temperate, saving, all round man cook,
club or institute, country preferred. X 7u4,
BAKER wants work In country shop. Good
on bread and enke. J. Voelpel, 400 E
70th st. N.. Portlund. Or.
GOOD, reliable German wants a position
do any kind of work. A 72. Oregonian..
MARRIED man wan's to rent or take churg
of ranch. Phone East 3:i33.
COOK, long experience, all-round, sober,
steady; city, country. " 0'.), Oregonian. -
YOUNG man wants work on small farm or
the like. C 7o7, Oregonian.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants position near
the Ladd School. AD 704. Oregonian.
JAPANESE Emplovment Co. will
all help, 208 Everett. Main 4059; A 407:i.
GOOD worker wishes job in Catholic home.
V T14, Oregonian.
HIGH school hoy wishes vrk after school
and on Saturday. Phone 11 2OU0.
Y'OI'NG man wants position as bookkeeper.
Phone A 331 1. room 30.
MAN and wife, both experienced cooks,
camp or boarding house. J . L. 310 Mai a.
Y'OUNG married man as paymaster; five
years experience. AE 701, Oregonian.
BY' young man, as companion for traveling
man; salary no object, p 70'J. Oregonian.
PAPERING and tinting dmc, I3.50 per
room: also painting. phone Main 8274.
HIGH SCHOOL boy. 10.
school and Saturdays.
wants work after
Tabor 723.
A GOOD Japanese school boy wants
sit ion. A 2ui.
Bookkeepers und Stenographers,
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi
tion at once; best reference. AD 713,
TYPEWRITING from copy and circular
work done ai home; standard type ma
chine: accurate. E 703, Oregonian.
EX PERIENCED young lady from East de
sires position clerk in cigar stand, cashier
in hotel, restaurant. AD 004, Oregonian,
Y'oCNG lady wishes position as cashier;
can help keep books, do wrapping, phone
Monday. Main 74S7.
WANTED Position by experienced sten
ographer and bookkeeper. S 704, Ore
gonian. CAPABLE young lady wishes some kind of
office work ; experienced; references. Ad
dress T 702. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as private .secretary. Ex
perienced. Cail Main 213.
BY a. stenographer, an
1th some experience.
accurate beginner
Phone A 5440.
YOUNG lady, experienced clerk in candy
store or office work. AK 713. Oregonian.
SITUATION," temporary or permanent, $2
day. Call Stenographer, Main 3015. : -