The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 30, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 7, Image 31

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Pacific States. Home.
Cogntmi-nom Main TWO A 0065
City Circulation. ...... Main 7070 A 9095
Manmioj Editor Main T070 A 6003
Sunday Editor Main 7070 A 00D5
Composing-Room Main 7070 A 601)5
City Iiltor . .Main 7070 A C0U5
Supt. Buildings , . . .Main 7070 A 0095
rison) Blanche Walsh, In "The Test." To
nlKht at 8:15.
OKPHEUM THEATER (Morrison. between
Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville. 2:15 and
8:15 P. M.
BAKER THEATER Thlrd and TaxnhUl)
"Brewster's Millions." This afternoon at
2:15 and tonight at 8:13.
GKAND THEATER ("Washington, between
Seventh and Park) Vaudeville. 2:30. T:S0
and P. M.
STAR THEATER (Park end Washington)
Motion pictures, 1 to 11 P. M.
Will Ikvitb Crvic Olitbs. Moat of the
push club a have appointed delegates to
meet to frame drafts of a water main
amendment to the city charter, and
others are expected to act during the
week. It has been decided to widen the
neope of the movement and invite all
civic organizations of the city to eond
delegates to the meeting when it is held.
Invitations will be issued to the Portland
Commercial Club, Realty Board, juaDor
Council, Board of Trade and Taxpayers'
league. Final arrangements for the gen
eral meeting of the delegates will be made
at the annual meeting of the Waverly
TUchmond Improvement Association next
Tuesday night in the hall at ISast Twenty
eixth and Clinton streets.
Wire Thief Sentenced. John "Wil
liams, a nlghtwatchman employed in the
yards of the O. R. & N. Railroad, was
sentenced to six months on the rockpile
by Judge Bennett yesterday morning in
the. Municipal Court on the charge of
having stolen copper from the railroad
company. Williams pleaded guilty. He
liad enjoyed a good position W'lth the
company for 'several years. Special
Officer Edward Woods employed by the
railroad, aided by the police, secured
positive evidence against Williams, who
had been stealing for more than a month.
Ho sold his loot to Welnstein's Junk shop
at Front and Columbia streets.
Exhibit op- Indian Piotukiob. There
ere now on exhibition at the Museum of
Art, Fifth and Taylor streets, the flno
large plates of Indian subjects accom
panying the last two volumes issued by
Mjv Curtis on "The North American In
dian." Shown with thesa veracious and.
vigorous clotures of Indian life are
. various objects Illustrating the work of
the Indians, baskets, horn Bpoons, gambl
ing sticks, beads, bracelets, blankets, etc.
The Museum Is open each week day from
9 until 6 o'clock: free, Thursday and Sat
urday afternoons; also. Sundays, from
2 to 6 o'clock.
Castt.ii Coal. Minh Sold The Apex
Coal Company of Portland and Seattle
added to its mine holdings yesterday by
acquiring the property of the Huntington
Mining & Development Co. located near
Castle Rock, Wash . There are 260 acres
In the tract and the mine Is already In
operation. The Apex Company will en
large the present facilities for mining and
greatly Increase the output. A spur road
will be built to connect with the Northern
iPacifio Railroad at Castle Rock.
Preaches to YOttno Men. Dr. Ben
jamin Young, pastor of Taylor-Street
Methodist Episcopal Church, will preach
at 10:30 o'clock this morning to the class
of young men. of which Professor Nor
man C. Thorne la teacher. The members
will assemble and attend In a body. The
class held rts first banquet last week, at
which 107 were present.
Nsrws Wanted. R. P. Cixwn. Mayor
Flmon yesterday received from Mrs.
Mary Cllne Warren, Maiden, N. C, a
telegram, stating that M. M. Cline Is
dying, and wants the Portland authorities
to locate and notify tils son, Robert P.
Cline. The latter Is supposed to be In
Portland. The Mayor asked the police
to assist.
Women Hold First (Muettno The wo
men of Sellwood held their first meeting
Friday afternoon In tWe clubhouse of
the Sellwood Commercial Club, Friday
Afternoons having been assigned to them.
There was a large attendance for the
first meeting and the question of or
ganizing an auxllary club was considered
People's Forum Tootoht. The People's
Forum meets at 8 o'clock this evening, in
Allsky hall. Third and Morrison streets.
Bubject for discussion, "The Evils of the
Commission Form of Government" H.
ID. Wagon will lead and says he has some
"hot shot in his locker" for the com
mission method. No admission; free plat
!n Reincarnation" is to be the subject of
Dr. Davidson Buchanan's lecture, at the
Belling-Hirsch hall tonight. This con
cludes the present course and Dr.
Buchanan will begin another series of
lectures on "Science and Religion" next
Bunday, February 6, at the same place.
German Hemes' Work. The annual re
port of the German Relief Association
for 1909 shows: "Value of property, $116,
027.67; indebtedness, $10,100; Income during
the year, $90X9.73; expended for relief of
Germans, $8315.91; balance in relief fund,
$773.82. The organization Is one of the
strongest in the city.
Wh Sell hair mattresses retail at
wholesale prices,for 30 pound beds from
$7.50 and up. We renovate mattresses and
return them the same day. Portland
Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, pro-
. prletor, 226-228 Front St., Main 474. A 1374.
"Bt This Handicraft Wb Havb Our
Wealth" and "The Commonwealth vs.
Atheism' are the subjects of the morning
and evening sermons today, at the Church
of Our Father ( unitarian), Seventh and
Yamhill. Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr., minister.
Art School of the Portland Art As
sociation. New term begins February 1;
the drawing, color, sketch and evening
life classes are opon to new members;
students taking lull course may enter
design classes. Apply Museum of Art.
For Sale.
SOO-horsepower motor generator set, belted
units, oomplete with circuit breakers and
panels. Alternating; and direct current
machines. Ideal drive for Industrial plant.
Oomplete Information furnished at room
S01 Oregonlan building.
Cheap Rates to San Francisco, Los An
geles and San Diego. ' Steamer "Klam
ath," brand new, passenger ship, sails
direct, Tuesday noon. Make reservations
early. F. Bollam, agent. 128 Third street.
$27,600 Quarter block, near Second and
Jefferson, rents carry. This is a cheap
buy. New Madison-street bridge will en
i hance value. Walter G. Cox, 223 Falling
' iMartow F. Dolph, attorney at law,
formerly associated with Dolph, Mallory,
Fdmon, Gearin is now located at room 827
Mohawk bldg. Phone Marshall 626.
"LsrrzKTS" diamond engagement rings,
finest quality, all slses;. every stone guar
anteed, prices $25 to $500. 272 Wash. St.
Warehouse for Rent. Two floors,
100x100, brick building; side track. Thir
teenth end Irving. Main 5361.
Dtjntlby Pneumatic Cleaners. From
$55 to $140 Demonstration office or home.
Main 86S2, 620 Swetland bldg.
Moft-btt, the stationer, new location,
827 Stark street, between Sixth and Sev
enth. ;
Swiss watch repairing. C. Chrlsteneen,
second floor Corbett bldg., take elevator.
Oreoonian Barber Shop has moved to
63 Sixth street, between Oak and Pine.
Brakdes" Grill. 103 Sixth, serves an
elegant seven-course fowl dinner, 50c.
Richards' table d'hote dinner Sunday,
$1 per cover; 4 to 8:30 P. M.
Printing. Ansley, cheapest, beet. M. 4671
Dr. Rant has returned. Main 375.
Kii J'Jgit Ero get WooaisB. y
Deserving Sick Poor, regardless of
race, nationality or creed, who are unable
to employ a physician, can now receive
the necessary medical and surgical treat
ment and medicines, by applying to the
Portland Association for Improving the
Condition of the Poor, room 1013 Corbett
bldg.. Fifth and Morrison streets, hours
10 to 1 o'clock weekdays; Bundays 10 to
12 o'clock. The main purpose of this as
sociation is to maintain a centrally
located office, where the deserving sick
poor can receive the necessary Immediate
treatment without delay, threby often
preventing what might otherwise have
been a serious case of sickness. The cen
tral object is, the preservation of the
family. This association is maintained
by voluntary contributions entirely, and
all money should bo sent to the treasurer,
A. L. Tetu, manager Realty Associates of
Portland, Or.; room 9 commercial Club
District Managers Confer. District
commercial managers of the northern dis
trict of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Company met yesterday afternoon in the
Portland offices of the company to con
fer on general matters pertaining to the
system. Only rttutine business was trans
acted, but the agents present discussed
the development of the system In their
territory, which Include Oregon, Wash
ington and a portion of Idaho. Those
present at the conference were: C. E.
Hickman, Portland; Peter J. Lynch, Se
attle; C. H. Moore, Tacoma; B. F. Reno,
Bellingham; F. G. MacGougan, Spokane;
A. R. Johnson, Lewiston; C. P. Van
Houtte, Walla Walla; C. B. Porter, Baker
City; W. H. Dancy, Salem; D. H.
Drewery, Med ford and J. E. Heaton.
Eugene. I
Home Disturber Arrested. Accused
of breaking their household furniture and
driving his wife into the street In the
night, A. Myers, 472 Bidwell street, was
arraigned before Judge Bennett yesterday
morning In the Municipal Court, Mrs.
Myers said that he would not allow her
to come Into their home and that she
was compelled to go to the house of S
G. Jewell, her son-in-law, at 682 Bidwell
street, to find shelter for the night. Pa
trolman Anundson arrested Myers after
the neighborhood had been aroused. After
listening to the story of the disturbance,
Judge Bennett gave Myers a stern lecture
and continued his case indefinitely de
pending upon his good behavior.
Lockwood Reaches City. E. C. Lock
wood, head , engineer at Bayocean, the
beach resort being constructed at Tilla
mook Bay, reached Portland yesterday
ftom Kansas City to take up his new
work. He Is accompanied by H. H. Dicke
and A. II. Pittenger, engineers who have
been working with him in Kansas City.
Mrs. Lockwood and Mrs. Dicke are also
in the party, which will proceed to Tilla
mook Bay within the next few days.
Messrs. Lockwood, Dicke and Pittenger
have been engaged at Marlborough
Heights, the large residence suburb at
Kansas City developed by T. B. Potter,
who Is president of the Potter-Chapin
Realty Company of Portland.
Fire Engines Meet Test. Mayor
Simon, Samuel Connell and S. C. Pier
yesterday afternoon witnessed tests of
two third-size fire engines, recently de
livered to the city. Both engines more
than fulfilled the requirements, and one
of them will be placed at Sellwood and
the other at engine No. 10 on the Mac
adam road. The engines raised steam
from cold water in three jrriinutes, pro
duced ten pounds of steam in Ave minutes
and 20 pounds In six minutes. They de
livered water in 7 minutes and 60 seconds,
and pumped 796 gallons of water a minute,
although required by the contracts to
pump but 600.
Mrs. Haskell on World Tour. On a
tour around the world, Mrs. Ella Knowles
Haskell, of Butte, Montu arrived In
Portland yesterday and is th guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Wommelsdorf. at 81
East Eighteenth street. Mrs. Haskell is
the only woman actively engaged in the
practice of law at Butte, and Is recognized
as an able attorney. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Parchen and daughter, of Helena, accom
pany Mrs. HaskelL The party will leave
for San Francisco tonight and will sail
for the Orient! on February 6. Thei
Montana pilgrims will probably not see
the shores of America, again before De
cember. 1910.
The new Mountain View Sanatorium
has been opened at East Sixty -seventh
and Division streets, at the end of the
Hawthorne carline. This institution has
Just been erected and equipped as a
sanatorium for the treatment of all forms
of nervous trouble and for alcoholic and
drug cases; mild forms of mental dis
orders are also received. It la continued
under the same professional management
as the former sanatorium', Drs. William
son and Calbreath.
Car Company to Answer. The special
committee of the City Couhcl, appointed
by Mayor Simon to hear complaints
against the streetcar . service, will meet
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. It is
expected that the company will reply to
allegations against the service, presented
by various persons and referred to Su
perintendent Franklin for consideration
last week.
Council or Jewish Women to Meet.
The -regular meeting of the Council of
Jewish Women will be held Wednesday,
February 2, at 2:30 P. M-. at the Neigh
borhood House. The meeting will be in
charge of Mrs. S. M. Blumauer. An ex
cellent musical programme has been ar
ranged, the numbers to be furnished by
Messrs. Samuel and Herman Herzog.
Bridge Finished bt Mat. Mayor
Simon said yesterday that, so far as in
formation obtained by him reveals, the
contractors- on the Madison-street bridge
will finish that structure by about May
1. That will make it one month late,
as -the contract calls for a completed
bridge April 1. High water has been
the chief cause of delay.
Frv-B Members Added. The University
Park W. C. T. U. held Its mothers' meet
ing at the home of Mrs. Ferris. Thurs
day afternoon. There was a good at
tendance, Mrs. Mallett, County Superin
tendent, addressed the women, treating
particularly the responsibility of mothers.
Five new members were added to the
Youth Gets 'Heavy Sentence. iLeon,
White, 21 years old, who came from
Tillamook County to Portland and
mingled with bad company here, was
sentenced tt five years In the peniten
tiary yesterday by Judge Bronaugh for
his pleading guilty to the crime of
Indian Club Elects. The Indian Club
has elected new officers and appointed
new committees, and is conducting meet
ings for boys between 14 and 20 years
of age in the boys' lobby of the Y. M. C.
A. every Sunday afternoon at 8:30 o'clock.
I Want a partner with $5000 to put into
fan enterprise being handled by some of
the leading men of the state and city.
Money absolutely secured to your com
plete satisfaction and big profits certain.
Forenoons, room 802 Lewis bldg.
Down-town Apartments, secured In
come $1100 to $15,000. Downtown apart
ment site, corner, near Morrison, $20,000;
Sixteenth-street corner, near Washington,
$17,000. 253 Washington, room 5.
Lambert-Whitmer Company will re
move on, February 1, their West Side
office from Sherlock building to ground
floor of new Lewis building, 70 Fourth St.
Ladies. Tomorrow is my last day of
reduced prices. Spring selections. V.
Kaspar. - ladies' tailor, 401-3 Merchant
Trust bldg.. lately of 109 Eleventh st.
John H. Buroard & Co. have removed
their general insurance offices to ground
floor Lewis building, 278 Oak street. Same
phone numbers.
General, agent, Furber patents shoes.
138 East 19th st. East 1ST, B 129.
See Reiners fur sale ad in classified
Two weeks' sale of Trunks, Bags and
Suit Cases. Harris Trunk Co., Sixth
and Alder. -
Morgan & Robb, 260 Stark, St., will
write your Fire Insurance for you.
Pauper Oath Refused to Land
Conspirator. i
Hearing- Before Commissioner Can
non Shows That Prisoner Mort
gaged Cattle He Sow Asserts
Are Property of Wife.
At the close of a hearing, United States
Commissioner Cannon yesterday refused
to administer the pauper oath to George
H. McDonald and remanded the prisoner
to the Multnomah County Jail. Mc
Donald will be required to dispose of
all of bis property in excess of $20 and
pay the proceeds into court In partial
discharge of his fine of $2500, or remain
in Jail two years.
In company with 13 other members of
the Umatilla County conspiracy to de
fraud the Government in the opening
of the Umatilla Indian lands for settle
ment, McDonald pleaded guilty, and
through an understanding with the De
partment of , Justice substantial fines
were imposed December 5 instead of Jail
sentences. The 13 men paid in a total
of $47,500, Colonel J. H. Railey leading
with $10,000.
Tine Unexpectedly Large.
McDonald then stated to the District
Attorney that he had not expected that
his fine would reach so large a figure,
and received permission to return to Pen
dleton to raise the money. After 10 days
McDonald returned to Portland and sur
rendered to the United States Marshal.
After remaining In the County Jail 30
days he notified District Attorney Mc
Court that he desired to take the pauper
oath and be set at liberty.
The attorney for the Government had
personal knowledge that McDonald had
been engaged in the sheep business up
to a few months ago, and owned a ranch
and several head of stock. An investiga
tion was started, and the result seemed
to warrant a hearing. Among the wit
nesses examined were G. M. Rice, cashier
of the First National Bank of Pendleton,
and P. C Sperry and Joe Connolly, sheep
growers of the Pendleton district. It
was shown that in January, 1908, Mc
Donald mortgaged 25 head of cattle at
the First National Bank, claiming them
as his private property.
Mortgage Tells Story.
The fact also developed that he is the
owner of eight horses. McDonald as
serted that the stock belonged to his
wife and children, but did not explain his
action In mortgaging a part of the ani
mals. It was also proved that McDonald
was the owner of valuable farm Imple
ments. Under the law he will be entitled
to retain two horses and two cows 'for
his own use.
It was shown that prior to the begin
ning of the operations of the Umatilla
conspirators McDonald deeded his farm
to his wife. That transaction will not
be investigated by the Government. Mrs.
McDonald is supporting the family by
the operation of the ranch. The band of
sheep also was disposed of lawfully.
Dominic Rarnholtzer, 01S Resident
of Dayton, Or., Is Dead.
Dominic Barnholtzer, formerly of
Dayton, Or1., and a well-known G. A. R.
veteran, died last Monday In the St.
Francis Hospital at Santa Barbara,
Cal. The remains will be brought to
Dayton, and Interred in the family
graveyard there about May 1.
Mr. Barnholtzer was a resident of
Dayton for 25 years, and for the last
15 years had lived in Santa Barbara on
account of Ill-health. He -was 76 years
old, and came to Portland In 1875.
He Is survived by seven children, as
follows: Mrs. Frank Eckert, Helena,
Mont.; Mrs. Maud Lewis, Portland, Or.;
Mrs. Harry Knight, Omaha, Neb.; Mrs.
The Late Dominic Barnhaltaer.
O. W. Long, Portlandv Or.j George L
Barnholtzer, Kalama, Wash.; A. Barn
holtzer, Gresham, Or.; Miss Llda Barn
holtzer, Portland, Or. The wife of the
deceased died July 22, 1895.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart
ments for ladles. 306 Wash-, near 6th at.
Hongkong Cafe. Sunday special turkey
dinner 60c from 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. 107
Sixth sL, between Stark and Washington.
Seward Hotel Grill, Tenth and -Alder.
French dinner every Sunday from 5 to
A special 60c chicken dinner today at
Hall's restaurant. 330 Washington at.
Turkey and chicken dinner, Peerless
Cafeteria, 104, 6th, near Wash. -
On Tuesday, February 1, P. C. Lavey &
Co., Inc., will make the greatest and
most sensational real estate offer ever
made on the Pacific Coast.- There will be
a full page advertisement In this paper.
Watch for It. It may mean a fortune to
Federal Calendar to Be Called.
Arrangements will be made for an In
terruption of the proceedings of the
Hermann trial Monday morning to allow
:'v.:::::;:-:'.i-::;':-- :':: "i-:::---? v-:i- ": :::x-:: ::':-:-
rr .. .... r -z'
111-..-. imliimv nnflmm -"Tum'siTSM J
Are They Secure?
Row long baa it been since you
have had them examined? Are 7-00
Bare that they are securely set?
It may be the old, old story we
bear o often. FORGOT all about tbem
until I lost one or two.
Will cotrt yon notblnfr to have us
examine and clean your diamond
Jewelry, tell you Just the condition
the settings are in and perhaps
save you the price of a stone.
All Diamond Jewelry- should be ex
amined at least once a year. This
is a good time to attend to it while
we are not overrushed with work.
We have an Expert Diamond Set
ter, who does nothing but set pre
cious gems. You run no chances
in having us reset your Diamonds.
We carry a complete stock: of all
the very latest mountings in Rings,
Brooches, Scarf Pins, Studs, etc.
We Manufacture most of our
mountings, which are made in 14
and 18-k; also platinum.
Yon may vrlsh to match a Diamond.
Our large stock contains every
thing In beautiful Diamonds from
the small one at $10.00 to the
larger ones at $1500.00.
Enencement Rings we make a
specialty of S3T.50 for a
Diamond Ring that is sold in
most stores at $45.00 to $50.00.
Others up to any price you wish
to pay.
Come o,- uret our prices, then
look around In the other stores.
That Is fair. We are so positive
as to oar low prices that we.
feel sure we can please you.
If you are looking for the new
things in Jewelry yon cant afford
to overlook our large store, which
is full of the very latest articles
of Jewelry and silverware.
Jewelry coming from our store
needs no further recommendation.
We handle only the finest.
Von may need grlasses, if so, go
to an experienced optician who
thoroughly understands his
Our optician Is an expert.
Our Watch Sale continued one
week. If you need a watch here
is your chance to get one at half
Jaeger Bros.
SOS Morrison St., bet. Srd and 4Wh,
the regular calling of Jthe law and motion
calendar In the United States Court.
Judges Wolverton and Bean probably will
follow their usual custom of arranging
for hearings of pending litigation, and
attorneys who fail to be present will
be unable to arrange at a later date for
setting cases for the February term.
Marion F. Dolph Begins Independ
ent Career as Attorney. .
Marion F. Dolph, a prominent young
Portland attorney, has opened law of
fices of his own In the Mohawk build
ing. Mr. Dolph Is a son of the late
Senator Dolph and has been for the
last six years associated with the lav
firm of Dolph, Mallory, Simon & Gearin,
of which his father had been a mem
ber. Marlon Dolph' la a prominent
member of the Multnomah and Uni
versity clubs. He Is a . graduate of
Williams University.
'Promoter Fred S. Stewart Discloses
Startling Facts In Libel Case.
All stockholders of United Wireless
and others Interested can have a lengthy
report of Fred S. Stewart's testimony
given by him In the Justice Court in
recent libel suit, upon request while they
703 Oregonlan Bldg., Portland, Or.
An early Spring win probably follow
the severe Winter.
Take advantage of every fine spell
to plant Sibson's roses.
Grown In the open ground, -well rip
ened, full of fibrous roots and true to
name, Sibson's roses are attaining a
National reputation. Orders promptly
filled. No agents. Twenty acres de
voted to rosea.
1180 Milwaukle Ave.. Portland. Or.
Catalogue free.
AunV Columbia Bldg., Main, A 163fi.
We wish to thank our neighbors and
friends, also the M. W. A. for their
kindness and sympathy bestowed upon
us In our late bereavement, the loss of
our son and brother; also for the beau
tiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert -Henderson and
family wish to express their sincere
appreciation for the kindness shown
during the illness and death of their
daughter and sister.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their kind sympathy In our late
bereavement In the death, of our wife
and mother.
I wish to extend my sincere thanks to
the many kind neighbors and friends
for their kindness and help during the
sickness and death of my late husband,
Frederick A. Kelley. IDA G. KELLEY.
Lump CoaL
Hercules lump per Son.... ............ ..$8.60
Raven lump per ton 8.50
Clean coals, no soot, no clinkers.
Oregon Fuel Co., Main 65, A 1665.
Rock Sprlaa-a Coal.
- The best house coaL Liberty Coal &
Ice Co., exclusive agents, 25 North
Fourteenth street. Main 162 A S13C
The Neeaiecraft Shop, now located at
888 Yamhill, near West Park, '
General agent Furber Patent Shoes.
128 East 19th st. East 157, B 1294.
Plant Sibson'a Roses. Phone Sellwood 9501
vercoats aa
You will find wonderful savings in this sale
for tomorrow. Many odd lots disclosed dur
ing inventory will be offered at the lowest
prices on record. We strongly emphasize
the special values that we are offering you in
Overcoats and Cravenettes
(PIC Men's Cravenettes,
JJXO perfect fitting and
finely tailored garments.
Military models, also full
box extra long, in gray,
black, brown and fancy
weaves, specially CT
priced at, each . . PJLO
Portland, Oregon
CAPITAL $150,000
G. L. MACGIBBOX, Cashier..
Interest paid on Time De
posits and Savings
. Accounts.
10 Days' Free Trial
Bend in this Advertisement with your
Name and Addreos. We will send
to yon at our expense on approval.
This " Magnificent - Watch
Sold by all re
tail dealers for
If perfectly satisfied A M Pf
after 10 dar' free O Jf U .Ovl
trial, we give yon the . m
wholesale factory skai -price.
To be paid on the very easy terns of
50c A WEEK or $2.00 A MONTH
StnwDlw. we take th. ri.k. not you.
f. high-class Elgin, Illinois or Waltham
ft-le-woled DQTcnMst in a heavy g-old-flll.d
omsa, ruara.Dt.ed for SO years.
tm wind and stun set, fancy cold
The Schumacher Fur Co.
209 Madison Street.
483 Washington Street.
We answor by mail all auctions of law
and arad you a oompl.te latter of adloe.
Zf you ars not satisfied -with our serrie.,
tlier. will be no eharga. If you are p leaned,
aend th. fa -within 6 days after racelot of
our letter. Hail It reference, on requert.
Imtr Bnneau. 402 Harding RlflJ-. Sam
Broken lines to cleanup
$40.00 Overcoats, Now $26.65
$35.00 Overcoats, Now $23.35
$30.00 Overcoats, Now $20.00
$27.50 Overcoats, Now $18.35
$25.00 Overcoats, Now $16,65
$22.50 Overcoats, Now $15.00
$20.00 Overcoats, Now $13.35
$15.00 Overcoats, Now $10.00
Architects and Engineers use Dietzgen's fine supplies,
The best in all creation, no thinking Tn"n denies;
The Kilham Stationery & Printing Co. offers them to you,
So call around and buy them as the other kinds won't do!
Every Instrument You Need
Madison St.
CO. Borcn An.
To HlgVast Grado Erery Modern Co.Tenlenc
Centrally located and commanding a view of th
Olympics. Cascade Mountains, Mt. Rainier and
Vmaot Sound. Auto-'Bu. moats trains and boats
on direct carline to the A.-Y.-P. Exposition.
J. a. McTERNAN. Manaaer.
Kearny St.,
Bet. Safer and Bash.
CEarTRAxzvr located.
Headquarters for Portland Peopde.
Rates 1.00 Day and Up.
Formerly of Portland.
Geary Street, above Union Square
Just opposite Hotel St. Francis
' European Plan $1.60 a day up
j American Plan $3.00 a day up
Hew teel and brick structure. Furnished at
cost of 9200,000. Every comfort and con
enience. On carlines transferrins all OTer
city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers.
Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco
for Dancing, Deportment
tvidJPhysical Development
Chriatsnaen'a Ball can be rented, flrat
Tlaas affair, only. For terms apply to Mr.
Chrlstensn. offlc. at halL, cornor Slov.nta
and lamhlll atreets. Portland. Orea-oo.
Phones. Main 0017. A 480,
A New
Testing Room
has been added to our suite of office
to enable us to handle our increasing
optical business. We are prepared
better than ever to give you glasses
that will be a comfort and a satisfac
tion to you. No extra charge for our
scientific method of examination, and
our motto is the best service at a low;
and reasonable price.
218-219 Falllnr Bids;.,
Corner Third and Washington Sta.
Second Flooa-. Take Klevatoax
Eaclaeera, Ftmafcia,
Machinists and Boilermakers,
Building; and struct oral Work.
Fire Hydrants, Loc Baals, Cast
Gears, HydraoUo Giants, Water
Gates, Lumber Tracks, eta.
For your cemetery -work
call at our show rooms. We
carry the largrest and best
stock of monuments and tab
lets, and our prices are the
best on the Coast.
264 and 2fl6 Fourth Bt
Op. City, Hall, Portland. Or.