8 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 30, 1910. FOR BALB. MlsceUneoa GKJANTir iv movaJ sale Get your fine furs t cost during my removal sale, which la 'on until the 15th of February, when I will move to my new location, between 'Washington and Alder streets on 11th st. Rather than move my present stock I will sacrifice same at and below cost, making t his your unsu passed chance of obtaln- . ing fine furs at prices lower than ever offered on furs of quality. Ilghest prions paid f.-r raw furs. Come early and get t he cream, which Is always included In money saving sals. A. KRIXKR. 3 48 Fifth St. SEWING MACHINES Do not fall to visit the White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. SPECIAL. BALKS 120 drop-head tnichlncR, el!gh tly marred ; all standard makes machines for rent and repairing. Jl 1). Jonea, Prop. 20 Washington, st.. cor. llth. FOR SALE. 200- horse power motor, generator set. belt ed units, complete with circuit-breakers and panels', alternating and dlreot current ma rhines; Ideal drive for Industrial plant; com pieie Information furnished at room 201 Ore gon i an bldg. CANOE FOR SALE A good Racine canoe in first-class con dition. IS feet; new last Summer; will sell for :0; this is a bargain. 680. Ore gonian. FOR SALE New. complete Goodyear Welt Khoe repair outfit. lOlo model, stitcher, trimmers, burnishers and cobbler's com plete outfit. L 084, Oregonian. VMMERCIAL Camera, 6x8, Gerts lens, mat. trays, frames. etc., all complete; KUinKy plates; chemicals, paper. 76 E. Ankeny st. BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed ur 4 -ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk Hoover. 813 Water ml. Phone Main 7451. A &445 CAFES Large assortment second-hand aafes lightly used, very cheap; new and second hand vault doors; now safes, all sizes. Call or write today. Portland Safe Co., 87 5th. FOR SALE One 5JO-H. P. skid boiler and 4-ft. tank; 1 20-H. P. HxlO stationary en gine, good as new. cheap. M 084. Orego nian. LAUNCH. 22 ft., 8-horsepower: Smalley en gine; fully equipped and good condition ; also boathouse for sale at bargain for cash. Inquire No. 90 Fifth st. FOR SALE Fine antique oak buffet and beautiful antique oak china closet. Ar tistic pieces. Phone B 2509. $fl0 EDISON talking machine. $ir cabinet. S.io worth records, all for $C'5.' F. Leasy. 868 ( viiHtiaione. f0 EDISON talking machine, $15 cabinet, $30 worth of records; all for $55. F. Leasy, 868 Glisan. $00 NEARLY new architect's level and transit, A snap. Hynson. 320I Washington street. TxlO'i DOl'BLE drum donkey engine with cables; first-class condition. O 078, Ore genian. A FINE solltare d lamond ring cheap, . or will take horse, wagon or buggy in ex change. 80U East 28th. FOR SALE Conn cornet, late model. In good condition; a bargain. X 662, Ore gonian. FINEST Jersey cow and calf In town. In quantity and quality; 3d calf coming sea son, phone Woodlawn 2008. SCHOOLHOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at H land's, 211 2d st, near Salmon, 108 6th at., opposite Post of flee, FOR SALE Portable bake oven and pans, cheap. Call 104 fc East 20th at. Call fun day or evenings. A 6- FOOT high desk, dark finish, little used. In first-class condition. Addrses M 007, Oregonian. ST A N DA R 1 sewing machine, good condition, cheap; rUk phonograph. 350 Morrleon St.. loom 42. FOR SAL?; Neostyle letter-copying- ma chine, gocd as new, bargain Equity In v. Co., JVON Gerllnger bldg. KLL-K NOWN family will sell small baby enh, about new. verv cheap. Phone A 1OS0. HOI'HEHOAT wnd furniture with Peterborough canoe for $100. H. K. Arnold, Main 2SuO, A 6277 FOR SALE One rolltop desk, good as new. Apply Olson & Rontofer Co., 200 Oak st . Portland. Or. FOR SALE or trade One Austin No. 2 well drill w ith either steam or horsepower. Ad dress k. Ketchum. Oamas. Wash. MAN DY LEE Incubator and torooder. used one hatching, at a bargain. Phone Tabor Uo.9. CA M PBELLS Automatic Gas Burner stock 50 shai es $7.50 share: owner must raise money at once. W 680. Oregonian. HAIIJY piano. $125; small library table, d reiser, morris oh air and bed. very reason able; Investigate. 740 Water st. S. car. CANARY BIRIS, singers, female, cheap and finches, phone C 2273. Call U1S Bast' 24th t. North. Alberta car. WOOD STUMPAOE. about 30oO cords. miles Portland. mile station. Apply 750 3aat (tmch. Phone East 1346. M M ERCI AL law cour never used, for sale or Oregonian. I. C. S. schools, change. AN 691, 1 C SMITH visible typewriter, $45. Pioneer Ijnan Office, 13 North 3rd j . KTOMINGTON typewriter, good aa new. $40. P oneer Lan Office . 13 N ort h 3rd a t. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 1407 B00 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.23. Ryder Ptg. Co.. 857 Buraslde it Main 5530. DANDY little portable house. ready for housekeeping; $70. 1295 Corbett st. PORTABLE photograph studio and complete outfit for sale cheap. Arleta, Box 422. A 2 ft-LB. feather bed to trade for fur niture. Phone Main 5019. OPEN-CORE Transformer or spark coll for wireless, $3.00. 270 Broadway. $125 MARBLE soda fountain for 190. Phone East 1141. T NEW furniture for rale by the piece. 430 Montgomery. phone A 4672. FOR SA LB Cheap, Smith Premier typewriter. Call .15 Ankeny, corner 7th. A . NOTE and mortgage of $1300 on Port land real estate. Phone Woodlawn 1516. FOR RALE cheap, "brass-trimmed Iron bed, spring and mattress. Phone Main 5705. 2 V O U N G. fresh cows with calves, a t 969 Williams ave. e0 BUSINESS cards $1 If you mention this ad. Rose City Prlntery. 1924 3d. WANTED VISCJEIAAXKOTJS. WANTED Men's castoft clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 7 id at. North. Phone Main $173. WANTED. chickens. three dozen young white and -brown Leghorns and Plymouth Pock hens. Address L. N. Beck, Wood lawn station'. PIANO WANTED Will take the best care of a good piano and pay $3 per month rent for It; no dealers. Address E 078, Oregonian. WE want to borrow ldu.000 for & years on S 100 acres of land worth $40 per acre Wll! pay 7 per cent Interest. payable semi-annually. Room 304 Henry bldg SELL your second-han A furniture to he Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main 896L VA NTED Furnished apartments bv man and w i f e ; ni u st be roa won ab I e . a E 67 7, Orego- W ANT man t cut 40 to 60O cordu or wood on sharer, or t buy stumpage. Bqulty In vestment On.. 5'8 Gerllnger bldg. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing and shoes nd bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st. HIGHEST prices paid rub tier, copper, brass, pelts, hides, wool. furs. Phones A 7618, Main 5198. J. Leve. 136 Columbia G'On musician wants to take care of plane for use of same. Phone East 506. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. WANTED 6 ducks, 3 turkeys and 50 hens. Wm. Bates, box 84, R. F. D. 2, Portland. Or. WANTED An A-l second-hand canoe, cheap. H 681. Oregonian. JtOW BO AT, must he well built, good condi tion and snap for cash. Main 9540. TOt; NO lady wants roommate; references exchanged. Main 605, Miss Stoebel. FOlt BATS. M lacel lan eon a. FLAT top deek. 48x30 In.. 110; roll top deek. 42 in., $16; revolving chair, 13.50, and other office furniture; folding beds, $5 up to 20; fine quartered oak library table, 29v43 In.. 10; extension tables, 84 up to S20; 875 ma hogany combination case. tK'xS4 .in., $30; $K kitchen cabinet, grod as new, 86; sideboards, T.oO to 835; buffets. SIO to $30; iron and braes beds, 2 to S20; hail racks, $5 to oak hall seat. $5; china cabinets, $15 to 30; bookcases. 82.50 to 112.50; center tables. 11. 60 to 815; chairs. 60c and up to $4; rockere, 11.25 and ui to $12; 9x12 Brussels rug. $8.00; 9x12 all wool rug, $5; $60 Royal Axmlnster rug, just like new, $25; linoleum. 5c to 81. 50 per yard; sewing machines, $5 to $10- waahing machines. $2.50 to $0; No. S- 16 Reliable steel range with water coll. $22. W); -4-hole laundry stove, $5; 6-hole cook move. 10; 4-burner gas ranges. $7.5o; good kitchen" treasure, 82. 50. We have eeveral fine black walnut bedroom suites from $15 to $25. In addition to our large stock of fine new and second-hand household good we have the Immense stocks of the differ ent wholesale houses at our disposal for you to select from. We will take your old furniture, carpets, ruga, stoves, etc., in ex change, and make you" a liberal allowance - for eame. We also sell on the Installment plan at a much less profit than any of the regular Installment houses can afford. Our terms are H down and small monthly pay ments. WESTERN SALVAGE. CO., e27-a2-&ll-aa-ft.Y Washington St., comer of 20th st. Main llOft. A 3793. $350 A MONTH 500 hens; easily possible by the Brlggs system; fourth edition Just off press; price reduced from $5 copy to only $1. including also Poultry Success one year; If you have one or 6000 hens you need thia great book, our Poultry Success, circular and sample free; Poul try Success. Springfield, Ohio. Brlggs. Desk L. $7.50 TO $ 10. 00 for standard makes box cover; $1 2. IK) to 815.00 fe-r slightly used drop heads. Other bargains in the highest grade sewing machines, both new and slightly damaged. Machines for rent. J. G. Walters. 536 Williams ave. near Russell. FOR SA LE A one-horsepower, direct cur rent electric motor, good as new; also one Roots blower, new, and one complete 16 tnch swing drill-press, second-hand ; price for cash very reasonable. JS 699, Ore gonian. FOR SALE. Two-toned green Axmlnster carpet, cheap; oak dining table, six chairs and other furniture; also tine guitar, banjo and very old violin. Call 352 College at. Phone Main 1075. ONE office safe ; Monarch typewriter, one 22-foot gasoline launch; all these articles are practically new and will take any reasonable offer, as I am going away. Call 804 Lewis -bldg. Phone Main 1844. FOR SALE One 9H11 Willamette donkey, sled and riggings, 120O feet main line, blocks, etc. W. G. Bonn, 50th and Division. Tabor 1454. B 1253. THREH full-blooded White Plymouth Rock cockerel at reasonable price. Arthur Hoff mann, 891 Halght ave. Phone C 2312, Port land. 3 EXTRA fine Jerseys, fresh, none better; extra heavy, rich milkers, will give tu bercular test if desired. 95 E. 30th. near East stark; Sunnyslde car. WANTED A small cook stove. A 2169. or 311 Main st. HELP WANTED MALR. WANTED An experienced ledgerkeeper in wholesale house; must be good penman and accurate at figures; give age, exper ience and salary expected. A J 690, Ore gonian. WANTED Steady, sober men to chjeck goods and wait on customers; $25 per week now ; will increase with Interested help; $25(1 required. Particulars 417 Board of Trade. WIRELESS specialist's course. You can qualify as a wlrelees operator Ix a few months under personal tuition of wireless specialists. For prospectus, address AM 692, Oregonian. WANTED A thoroughly competent bus boy; must be hustler. 206 Morrison St., Sheldon's Cafeteria. Apply Monday morn ing. MOTION picture operators earn $25 weekly; ' easy Inside work; learn business In short time; lessons reasonable. 526 Washing ton. WANTED Young man for light work. In terest and share of profits, to right party with small capital. Call Sunday forenoon, 242 Fifth and Main. WANTED A salesman who can sell; no failure, but a clean cut, successful man wanted; you can make $100 a week. Call forenoons. 302 Lewis bidg. WANTED All men to know of this week's , bargains at the "Knew" Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg.; 80 suits at $10.75, 60 at $13.75, 50 at $16.75; all worth double. THREE young men wanted who wish to learn traveling; fine new line; big money; will pay salary to hustlers. 428 Lum ber Exchange. YOUNG M AN, experienced retail grocery, good showcard writer; give referances and salary wanted. Address AC 687, Oregonian. MECHANICAL draftsman, first-class man on sawmill and hoisting machinery. Must be capable of taking charge. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg. STENOGRAPHER Large concern; young man. living with parents, willing to start small salary. Address P. O. Box 628, Portland. Or. YOUNG man to assist In. men's furnishings department; good opportunity to learn the business. McAllen & McDonnell, 3d and Morrison. WANTED Steau. reliable man to . work tn town place and nearby acreage: Ger man preferred. 1149 E. 27th North. Wood lawn 403. 50O0 MEN to know about our $3 sample hats for $1.50; hats reb locked 50c, The Hattery, 315 Alder; basement. ROOMMATE wanted by young man doing office work; student preferred; good room and location, cheap. 472 Yamhill. WANTED Good energetic man with $10,000 to Invest In good paying wholesale candy business. AD 689, Oregonian. MAN who thoroughly understands conduct ing small fruit and vegetable ranch. Ad dress C 697, Oregonian. BOY wanted. light Inside work, wages $1.60 per day; good chance to raise. See Gatchet, $21 1st st. YOUNG MAN as assistant bookkeeper and stenographer: state age and salary. AB 670, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman to solicit business for us as side line; paying legitimate propo sition; easy to handle. E 097, Oregonian SALESMAN for manufacturing line, wllline; to Invest, good opportunity for a hustler Main 1213. EXPERIENCED salesman can make good money handling our proposition. Call room 426 Lumber Exchange bldg., 9 to 12. SOLICITORS, experience not required; good wages. Call from 9 to 1 Sunday. 286 13th st, off Jefferson. WANTED 3 salesmen to sell groceries to consumers. P. W. G. Co., 266 Taylor st. WANTED Men to smoke NEW YORK BOND five-cent cigars. FIRST-CLASS tailor for ladles coats. Har ris. 129 5th st. CAN you write automobile "dope"? if so address C 689, Oregonian. WANTED A bright, rustling salesman, un der 35 years of age. F 677. Oregonian. PHOTO coupon and portrait agents; good tTer. Davis, $42 Washington st. BOY about 17 to learn drug business. Phone Monday. Tabor 764. ERRAND boy wanted. Must be neat. J Pollvka A. Co., 306 Corbett bldg. WANTED Good solicitor; fine position for one who will work. F 605. Oregonian. A MAN to invest $20, secune a good Job delivering. AD 685, Oregonian. WE secure positions for our member. Special membership. T- M. C A BOOK KEEPER and Washington st. stenographer. 813 WANTED Boy for work in library. Call Public Library, 7th and Stark. WANTED Young man stenographer. 603 Commercial Block. WANTED Plumbing In exchange for expe rienced carpenter work. N 689, Oregonian. WANTED Good boy. over 17 years. Apply Lowengart & Co. WANTED Boy. about 17, light indoor work. Call bet. 9 and lO Monday, 25 2d t.. South. CHIPPER pan 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Bricklayer. B. llth and Pine. HELP WANTED MALE. IF YOU HAVE GOOD BACKBONE; ARB SUSCEPTIBLE TO INSTRUCTION; WILLING TO ABSORB AND HAVE A DISPOSITION TO FOLLOW SUGGES TIONS. I WILL ASSUME THE RESPON SIBILITY OF YOU BECOMING A SUC CESSFUL REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. J. FRED LARSON, SALES MANAGER, TH B JACOBS STINE COMPANY. LARGEST REALTY OPERATORS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 146 FIFTH ST., ' PORTLAND. - . LAND SALESMEN Here's an amazing op portunity: We're writing contracts with live agents now to sell the biggest, easiest, most profitable propositions fn the country. If you can sell first-class fruit land at $15 per acre on easy terms, write us quick. Something new, something good, some thing the people want. This company is as strong financially as any real estate firm in the country. We want live wires only, and will give liberal commissions. You can stay at home and make big money. Monthly payments. 16 acres up, everybody buys. Write Quick for full rte . tails. Republic Colonization Co., Midland bldg.. Kansas Cty, Mo. ASSISTANT CREDIT MAN WANTED; also bookkeepers to learn the science of credit; the most experienced credit man can learn much from my Instruction; do not remain an "office man" or "detail man." -use even ings to equip yourself for the highest posi tion in the house; terms suited to all. Ad dress Credit. Man. W 661, Oregonian. $1 LEARN $1. SHOWCARD WRITING. Get one of Bett's Little Showcard In structors. One Set of Card Brushes. Lettering Pens, ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR. BETTS' SHOWCARD INSTRUCTOR, 770 Front t. WANTED A young attorney who has good appearance and Is hustler can form con nection with largest corporation of Its kind on the coast. We have exceptional opening for a live man. Salary will be good if you can earn It. Don't trouble yourself and us unless you like hard work; must give bondi write fully, giving ex perience and references. T 684. Oregonian. SALESMEN WANTED Resident, to place carbon paper directly with consumer; can be made either side line cr regular business; previous experience needn't count; immediate profits; big future drawing account. Cameron Corporation. 89-41 Cortland St.. N. Y. SALESMAN Local manager to handle com plete line of formaldehyde disinfectants and sanitary supplies, used, bv U. S. Gov ernment and N. Y. Central R. R. ; exclu sive territory; liberal commission to right man with good references. Form ac one Company, 46 Church St.. New York. WANTED Salesmen to carry as aide line on commission basis a staple and popular priced line ef laces and embroideries for well-known New York Importer; state ter ritory, experience and references. Ad dress "B," box 477, Madison Square. New York. SALESMEN who have sold nursery stock, fer tilizers, farm Implements to teach farmers - how to double their crops with guaranteed germ fertiliser; costs the farmer leeo and pays to the salesman more th-an any other fertilizer; chances for a lifetime. -Write to day. International Nitrogen Co., Milwaukee. WANTED First-class bushelman, must be reliable and competent to take charge of branch office, wait on trade, etc. We also have openings for wagon men that are hustlers. City Dye Works, Spokane, Wash. MAN. willing to learn and capable of act ing as representative; no canvassing or soliciting; good Income assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co., 792 Mar den bldg.. Washington. D. C. YOUNG man desiring to learn practical advertising can. if he has a little money, obtain profitable position with a new publishing company. J. K. W-, 1015 Board of Trade. MEN (or women) $4 a day sure all year, growing mushrooms In cellars. sheds, boxes, etc.; big market; free illustrated booklet. Hiram Barton, West 4Sth St., New York. SALESMEN Lightening family churn, pure butter 15c pound made home in a minute; sells itself; sample to agents $3; we give and ask bank references. Wapaul, 19 Bank bld., Elgin, 111. Stamp for booklet. HAVE houses in prices from $2000 to $25,000, and now is -the time to buy your home. Call and let me show you what you want. WELDON DARLING. $18 Board of Trade. WANTED Experienced solicitors; hustlers can make $5 dally; splendid, proposition; nothing to sell. Apply between 10 and 2, 526 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANT 35 good men to sell horseradish from house to house In Portland; also one or two to clean and grind. Call room 201, Swetland bldg. $2.50 PER DAY paid to one man In each town to distribute free circular and take orders for concentrated flavoring in tubes: perma nent position. J. S. ZlegTer Co.. Chicago. BOOKKEEPING Private tuition fn book keeping given by an accountant. 801 Merchants Trust building, 6th and Wash ington. SALESMEN A few . good salesmen capable of earning. $100 to $200 per week; ad vancement. United Wireless Telegraph. 410 Corbett bldg., Portland. SIDE-LINE salesman, sell 1WK fine valen tine and Earner postcards, $10. large tower display stand free. Alfred Holxman 0o.. Chicago. 111. WANTED A stock salesman, one who can deliver the goods In a legitimate propo sition; none others need applv. Address C 688. Oregonian. Give phone number. WANTED About April 1, man and wife on a well-equipped frut ranch in Hood River district; steady employment to right parties. C 675, Oregonian. MAN to travel In Oregon ; good pay and tailor made suit In 90 days; experience unnecessary; reliable firm. Write particu lars J. E. McBrady A Co.. Chicago. $00 MONTHLY and expenses to advertise, leave samples, collect names. Write silver ton Co.. F 78. Chicago. WA N TE D Dm ggist to buy In er est and take charge of store: owner called East; desirable location, good opening. Phone fiel!wood 1494. A WIDE-AWAKES young man with good references, to call on the best business man In the Interest of an attractive prop osition. Phone East 2646. START a mall order business at home; spare time; I show you how; largo profits. Par ticulars free. H. C. Jones. Dept C, S13 H&umuy bldg., Seattle. Wash. WANTED Young man ae city shipping clerk for wholesale house; state age, experience, reference all In one letter. N 676, Ore gonian. BOY. over 16 years of age. for office work and running errands; must ride wheel; salary $25 per month. Pes toff Ice box 746, WANTED two experienced solicitors, good proposition and cash every day. Call at suite 423. Princess Hotel, today. THE MEIER A FRANK store requires in their clothing department a competent tailor. Apply between 8 and 10 A. M. DENTIST WANTED. Wanted All-around operator. licensed ; must be strictly sober. T 680. Oregonian. PHYSICIAN, registered In Idaho, as an as sistant in office; state age. Address J 686. Oregonian. BIG wages, solicitors or salesmen; no house-to-house canvassing. 313 h Washington, room 15. . $90 MONTH salary and expense. Introduce Mock and poultry powders; steady work. The Grant Co.. A26. Springfield. 111. SPINNER to operate a 240 spindle jack; guaranteed $2 per day ; write at once. Bandon Woolen Mills, Band on. Or. WANT, ED Photo and portrait agents, something good. Cut berth Studio, Dekum bldg. WANTED A young man of neat appearance for a permanent road position. Apply room 337, Oregon Hotel. DOCTOR, registered in Oregon, as assistant In spec! a 1 1st' s office ; good sal ary ; youn g man preferred. , C 681, Oregonian. MAKE money writing short stories; big pay; our free booklet tells how. Press Syndicate, San Francisco, Cal. I CAN use 3 more real estate solicitors; no money required; liberal commissions. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st. WANTED General blacksmith and horse shoer in good location ; call on or write Kab le Merc Co.. McCoy. Or. HELP WANTED MALE. TAILORING SALESMEN celling $!OCO or more season, will find it to their interest to In vestigate our proposition ; we double your sales and Increase your Income; special samples, special selling features, special prices ; we positively guarantee if our sug gestions are followed $100 week; our proposi tion is entirely new, which we -have been planning; for sometime and now offer to the "big tailoring salesmen." This is the hustler's opportunity. Write at once, give particulars, amount of sale, etc. Address Special Offer Manager, Dept. 46, Lock Box 839. Chicago, III. - SALESMEN WANTBD No experience re quired; hundreds of good positions open pay ing from $100 to $500 month and expenses; . why be contented with poorly paid posi tion, hard or dirty work, you can earn from two to ten times what you now earn; the demand for salesmen always exoeexis the upply; free book, "A Knight of the Grip." will show how to become a flrst-clasa sal eu ro an and our free employment bureau will assist you to secure good position. Write for particular, Address Dept. 6G3. Na tional SUleemen's Training Associatlo New York. Chicago Kansas City, Minneapolis. Sen Francisco, Atlanta 4 WANTED Salesman; a large, well-known Portland corporation, whose officers and directors are the moat prominent bankers ami business men In Portland, desires to employ three high-class salesmen to sell Its bonds and stock to bankers and in vestors in Oregon, salary or commission, or both;' good local references required. Address M 676, Oregonian. SALESMEN successful selling cash., regis ters, computing scales typewriters, jewel ry or other standard specialty propo sitions to cover Pacific Coast; staple line, absolutely new; exceptional terms; at tractive contract for 3.910 containing lib eral weekly advance clause; reference required. Miles F. Bixler Co., Cleveland, Ohio.. . . CUSTOM-HOUSS ana railway maU clerk ex amination will soon be here. Begin foot preparation with as early ; aalarie from $800 up. The waste-basket got mora ap plication than we did last year, because they were too late. Wake ftp. Book No. tO Is free to you; writ for It. Padflo State School, McKay bldg., PortLmad. Or. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN CO., Publishers, Boston, are about to open new Western offices for the sale of their complete line of popular subscription publications. Ex perienced agents and managers are In vited to meet the general manager. For appointment address Mr. C &. Olcott, Hotel Portland, Portland. Or. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 84 North 4th St., Portland. Or. MEN wanted, experience unnecessary, fire men or brakemen on nearby railroads; ac count increasing business; no strike; Age, 20-3O; $75-$ 100 monthly; promotion; 1200 men sent to positions In- last four months; send stamp; state age. weight, height. Railway Association, cars Oregonian. GOVERNMENT positions Chances never bet ter to secure one of thousands of appoint ments made; full particulars as to salaries, positions, dates of examinations in Port land, sample questions, etc. sent in circular 161. National Cor. Institute, Washing-ton, D. C. SALESMAN WANTED Few good men to sell our Polar Wave Adv. fans; dandy. clever line, liberal commleeloiv; season open; some of our men making over $50 week. Write at once for territory; every merchant a buyer. Fan Dept., Blanc hard Bros., Inc., 808-14 M-3ln st., Davenport, la. CIVIL SERVICE employes are paid well for easy work; examinations of all kinds soon; expert advice, sample questions and book let 369, describing positions and telling easiest and quickest way to secure them free; write now. Washington Civil Serv ice School. Washington. D. C. SALESMAN Experienced any line to sell general trade in Pacific Coast ; unexcelled specialty proposition ; vacancy after Feb ruary 1; commissions with $35 weekly for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. Ohio. THREE HXI'ERIEN'CKD salesmen at once to travel In good territory for St. Louis house well known in the territory; we want ca pable and ambitious salesmen desirous of securing remunerative positions. AM 64S, Oregonian. ELECTRICITY, automoblling, plumbing, bricklaying taught In few months on actual Jobs; no cash expense; 200 students last year. Catalogue free. Positions se cured. United Trade School Contracting Co., 232 Aliso, Los Angeles. WANTED Specialty salesman for - good stock proposition. If you are a salesman we guarantee you can make $200 per month and expenses. Only hustlers with a clean record employed. AC 683, Ore gonian. SALESMEN, on "Wear-Proof hosiery and "International" underwear direct to fami lies in Portland, Vancouver, Hlllsboro, Ore gon City. McMlnnvllle; . small capital to handle orders. Address D. J. Elrod Man ager, 238 8. 6th ave., Pocatello, Idaho. WANTED First-class man capable of man aging liquor house now employing 10 men; . must be able to keep books; furnish bond, and give best of references; only those stating previous experience need ap ply. Answer B 689. Oregonian. THE- Meter Sc. Frank stores require 1 ex perienced salesmen for the "domestic." also a first-class men's clothing salesman. Call 8 A- M. Employment Bureau, 6 th floor. WANTED A competent salesman, who is . favorably known to the trade of Eastern Washington and Idaho, can find a good position with a wholesale hat house. Ad dress Chapman Advertising Co., Portland, Oregon. SALESMAN to sell staple line to all deal ers, attractive contract, commissions ad vanced for expenses. Hustler with clean record wanted. E. L. Rice & Co., Detroit. Mich. WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat ap pearance to call on all merchants in their territory; elegant side line, convenient to carry; good commissions; prompt remit tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. MACHINISTS and shopmen wanted; $100 monthly earned at home; ingenious money making plan; posral brings free particulars. Frank S hum an, 1530 Masonic Temple, Chi cago. DRUG LABEL and pillbox salesman for .Northweet territory; state experience, with references; also telephone number. O 681, Oregonian. MILWAUKEE agent cleared $105 last week giving guaranteed $3 razor free with Box soap; you can too. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. WANT to start you In business; spare time, at home; most ingenious money-maker ever devised. Free particulars. F. EL Abbott, Desk AX, Omaha, Neb. SURVEYING If you want to learn survey ing with personal Instruction by tech nically educated engineer, write P 681, Oregonian. - TWO experienced solicitors for our circula . tion department. Call Monday, ft to 12 A. M., Review of Reviews Co., 324 Flled ner bldg. WANTED lOOO legs for 500 pairs sample pants; Price $2.50, values to $4.00. Some raincoats left, sizes 30 to 87. Take-away price. Jlmmie Dunn. S15 Oregonian bldg. SALESMEN to -handle Irrigated lands; newest and best project on the market; very at tractive proposition to righ t men. Bur bank Land Co., 2 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED Young man. quick; experience unnecessary, services and small capital required. See manager, 326 Washington st., room 417. TWO first -class cloak and suit salesladies. Worrell's Sample Cloaks and Suits, 184 6th st.. cor. Alder, oppolste The Oregonian. WANTED -Bill clerk for wholesale hard- ware; must be quick, accurate and write a good hand. AB 687, Oregonian. SALESMAN. Washington territory; commis sion. . Snap for hustler. Give phone. - B 689. Oregonian. WANTED Young man with kodak or cam era. One Interested in art also. Call 532 Washington st. MEN WANTED to clear land in exchange for lots or house; tools ffmiUthed. McCoy, ,364 North 26th. 6 to 7 evenings, W car. $2000 HOME, 5 rooms, 1 blocks to car; this Is a dandy; $300 cash, $15 per month. WELDON DARLING, 618 Board of Trade. WANTED Salesman acquainted with arch itects and contractors, to take a profitable side line on commission. O 665, Oregonian. WOMAN to work in boarding-house; no cooking; easy place. 101 12th, corner Stark. Call today. ORGANIZERS fraternal social order of Owia, not insurance; good commissions. John Tal bot, South Bend.. Ind. TRAPDRUMMER, Just from East, desires to meet orchestra leader or theater manager; "can deliver the goods." C 676, Oregonian. TWO solicitors ' for new enterprise; must be well recommended; fine opportunity for right parties. D 685, Oregonian. SELF WA5TED afALBL The Municipal Free Employment BUREAU. Main 8555 Phones A 5624. Wants - Work for the hundreds of men that call at the office daily. We can furnish you anything from com mon labor to skilled mechanic. No charge to anyone. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main Office. 12 North Second St. OPEN SUNDAY 10:80 A. M. TO 2 P. M. WANTED WOODS. Hook tenders $8.50 up Camp blacksmiths. $90 per mo. Donkey engineers $90 per mo. Rig rustlers .$2.75 per day and up MILLS. Resaw man. planing mill $2.50 Carriage rider -. , $2.50 Yardman $2.25 and up Lumber pliers '. . .....$2.25 Gang edgerman $3.50 Operating millwright $75 to $90 mo. Rough carpenter (log camp) $2.75 CITY. Asst. foreman (planing mill).. good wages Ga n g trlmmerman $3.00 Ratchet setter $2.75 Experienced lath mill men feedere) i.....$2.50 and up New Jobs coming in daily. We give written guarantee to pay fere both ways If there is not work where we send you. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main Office. .12 North Ssoond St. AGENT WANTED For one of the best American autdmobiles made; three mod els, selling at medium prices; has won many contests in competition with the highest-priced cars in America, for speed, endurance and economy; three 1910 models will arrive within day or so; Oregon ter ritory open. Address Factory Representa tive. E 695. Oregonian. WANTED Young man, age about 18. to work in fire insurance office; must be neat,, and willing; small sal ary to begi n with, bu t good chance for advancement. Answer In own handwriting; state how long in Port land and give references. AH 693, Orego nian. RELIABLE men with some means to nelp develop fruit lands. We need good men who will be Interested with us. We have one large tract ready to work on. Address AD 686, Oregoman. HELP WANTED FEMALE. SALESWOMEN experienced and competent, wanted In drug sundries, notions, etc etc. OLDS. WORTMAN KING. HIGH SCHOOL girl wanted; wil furnish room, board, carfare and good home. Call today. 1344 Hawthorne ave., corner 47th st.. Mrs. 8 tram. WANTED Girl as saleslady In hidlesvtallor lng etore ; must have experience and refer ences; good wages to rigbt party. B 698, Oregonian. WANTED A lady cook, one that Is thor oughly experienced in restaurant work. Call 162 Grand ave. COMPETENT girl for general housework or young girl to assist; references. 816 John son st. GIRL WANTED Assistant for corset work room; must be neat and quick sewer. E. Hummel, 141 llth st. EKPERI0NCED girl, references, children's nurce $.(0. St. Lou la 245 Washington. Main 2O30. A MOTHERLY woman as working house keeper to a family f small children; good wages. 8 67, Oregonian. W A NTED An experienced nurse t o care for two ohlWren; references required. 145 North 22d st. YOUNG GIRL to assist with housework, to go home nights; Irvlngton. Phone Main 2832. NEAT girl, all-round helper In ladles' tail oring establishment, experienced preferred. Apply 401 Merchant Trust Bldg. YOUNG LADY as stenographer and as sistant bookkeeper; state salary and ref erences. AB 670, Oregonian. GIRL for nice clean laboratory work; must live at home and have good references. Ap ply 405 Hoyt St.. 8d floor. SCHOOL girl to assist with housework; small wages. Call 425 Broadway. WANTED Strong, capable girl apprentice, Turkish baths. 884 Yamhill st. WANTED Apprentice girls In hair depart ment. 384 Yamhill st. WANTED Good reliable jaifltress; ref erences required. 34 Yamhill st. WANT an English lady teacher at Japanese evening school. P 686, Oregonian. WANTBD, experienced girls on shirt id overalls. Mt. Hood Factory, 233 Couch st. THOROUGH course of millinery taught in 6 weeks; terms reasonable. 415 Alder st. ' i .... .. -' .- . A WOMAN to do chamber work for board for self and husband. 872 Hawthorne ave. ... WANTED Music teacher Tor singing and instrumental. 144 East 2d st. N. GIRL for general housework; good place for right girl. 962 Savler st. WANTED Experienced girl for second work. 245 St. Clair st. GIRL to assist with general housework. CSS Love joy st. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. NEAT quick lady for general housework. Call early by telephone. M. 1299. WANTED Young girl- for chop house. 345V Morrison st. GIRL wanted to assist with housework, 747 Glisan at. . WANTED Cook and general housework girl : no washing. Call mornings, 654 Irving. WANTED Girl for light housework. Call 680 Lovejoy st. FINISHERS and operators on men's neck wear. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co. LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting; expert method.. 304 12th. . "Main 6890.. LOCAL house can place intelligent woman as head of state branch. B 685. Oregonian. WA NTED Girl for general housework In small family. 144 North 2 2d at. WANTED Girl to assist In housework small family. - 1187 East Yamhill. WANTED Mlddle-aged woman to do houm- WJfjyj girou . j im'H WQOQiawn 2064. NICE empoyed lady by widow as room-mate GIRL to assist with general housework. 408 North 32d st.. Willamette Heights. GIRL to sselst with light housework; no cooking. 430 H 7th st. YOUNG girl to assist with housework. East 6458. Phone PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting; expert method. 304 12th. - Mala 6S90. WANTED A girl for general 'housework. Ap ply mornings, 721 Johnson st. GIRL for general housework; small family; good home. 504 Davis st. WANTED Experienced cook, with refer encea Inquire 163 N. 19th st. COMPETENT nurse girl. 1091 Thurman st. KELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Several bright young women to learn telephone operating ; we maintain a school under the supervision of a woman principal at our East office. East Ankeny and Sixth streets; applicants who qualify will be - given a thorough training In the work before being assigned to positions; stu dent are paid at the rate of $20 per month while learning. Apply to school principal on week days between 8 A. M. . and 5 P. M. The Pacific Telephone Jt Telegraph Company. THE Meier & Frank stones require ex perienced sales clerks for the following departments; Gloves. laces. millinery, dress trimmings, notions, iwelry. neck wear, hosiery, toilet articles and sta tionery. Apply to Employment Bureau, 6th floor, at 8 A. M. THE Meier & Frank Stores require a com petent person to take charge of their classes of Instruction In art needlework ; must be a first-class designer and em broiderer. Apply 8 A. - M-, employment - bureau, sixth floor. MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety for Young Women. Advice or assistance gladly given to all young women. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin. Supt., room 37 Y. W. C A. bldg., 7th and Taylor sta YOUNG lady of pleasing address to secure subscriptions for the Spectator, leading weekly. Salary and commission. Apply 8:30 to 8:30 A. M.. 1:15 to 2 P. M. 320 : Chamber of Commerce bldg. $2.50 DAILY DEMONSTRATOR Refined lady, good appearance, to act as dem onstrator. Experience unnecessary. Lib eral pay, steady employment. Adv. Dept., Central Mfg. Co.. Iowa City, la. YOUNG lady for general office work, not stenographer. Reply In own writing, stat ing age and experience. AM 6fe3. Orego nian. YOU will find advance Spring styles in tailored hats and street hats at the Bills-Davey Millinery parlors, Rooms 28-29. Selllng-Hlrsoh bldg. A WOMAN of pleasing personality and ex ecutive ability for responsible position in mercantile establishment. X 60S. Orego nian. AN HONEST, clean, capable, willing girl for general housework, family of 4 adults; kind treatment, good home, good wages. Apply forenoons after Monday at 684 Wasco st. WAITRESS wanted for Hotel Central, Pros ser. Wash.. $22 per month, good room, etc. Address Box Hotel Central, Prosser, Wash. WANTED Lady solicitors for refined prop osition ; nothing to sell ; liberal conipensa- tion. Apply between 2 and 4. 526 Lumber Exchange bldg. MILLINERY saleswoman, thoroughly expe rienced, up to date, capable of managing large salesroom and assisting buyer. R 660, Oregonian. WANTED Suitable girl or woman for cook ing and housework from 7 A. M. to 2 P. M.; no Sundays; sleep home. Phone Main 5671. YOUNG LADIES for commercial telegraph service, quickly learned, good wages. In vestigate. Oregon College, 83 5th. near Oak. COMPETENT housekeeper, small family, good home; Coos County, Oregon. F 696, Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 848 Vs Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstair a Phone Main 2692. WANTED Good girl or woman for general housework; laundry. sent out. Apply 387 Taylor. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 600 Roth calld bldg.. 4th and Washington. FOREIGN- elderly woman to assist in care of child and general housework ; good home and wages. 549 3d st. GIRT for general housework ; must be neat and clean. Apply mornings, 684 Broadway. Phone East 2522. GIRLS over 16 to work in niching fatoi y; good wages while learning. Western 1k. h ing Co.. 243 Ash St. , , : , j MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. 826 H Washington St.. Room 307. Main 8836 or A 3266. LADY agents for the best proposition in Portland: big money. 426 Lumber Ex change bldg., 1 to 5. HOUSEKEEPER to take care of home and child 6. No objection to 1 small child. State particulars. R 688, Oregonian. WANTED Girl or woman who can sew; must be reasonable; several days' engage ment. Phone Main 5671. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework. 794 Irving st. Phones A 1182. Main 8235. TYPEWRITING, copying or circular work done evenings. Standard type machine. Accurate, reasonable. XX 500, Oregonian. AN experienced nurse maid to care for 1 child ; references. Apply 744 Hoyt. Main 1742. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 1131 Franklin at., Willamette Heights. Phone A ii20. GIRL for general housework. 351 32d -St., Willamette Heights. Main &S50; good wages. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework; good wages. 354 10th st. WANTED Three young ladles to solicit residences; good money. Call at suite 423 Princess Hotel, today. MAKE money writing short stories; big pay. Our free booklet tells how. Press Syndicate, San Francisco. WANTED A second girl and nurse; good wages and good treatment. Telephone, Eattt 429. PUBLIC stenographer can secure desk room free for light services. Must have type writer. AE 62. Oregonian. NORWEGIAN girl for general housework; Inexperienced girl preferred; call mornings. E 683. -Oregonian. LADIES can find pleasant, profitable and permanent i if desired) employment, without capital, at 330 Lumhermens bldg. RELIABLE girl for light general housework. East 1511. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. 789 Kearney st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FKMLaXlO. WANTED Immediately, responsible men and women of neat appearance to solicit sub scriptions for the Overland Monthly; pleasant, profitable work ; splendid com mission, valuable cash prizes, permanent employment to hustlers. Call at 305 Flledner bldg. A COMPETENT -and experienced stenogra pher for law office; write today, stating ae. experience and salary expected. R 6S6, Ore gonian. COOK WANTED On dairy ranch. For par ticulars address Rivervlsw Dairy, Lewis ft Clark. Astoria, Or. ' SPANISH language taught day, evening classes. 309 Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Ankeny. A JAPANESE wants private English teacher every afternoon, with tuition or exchange languages. E 681. Oregonian. WANTED Pianist and violinist, 6 to 8 P. iM.; might use three pieces. S 6S2, Ore gonian. WANTED First-class vaudeville team, man and wife preferred. Acme Theater, 265 Russell st. TWO teachers manual training, piano and violin. 611 Swetland bldg. WANTED Experienced girl to wait on tables In restaurant. 283 Grand ave. TEACHER Today, rural, $65; leave 1 o'clock. Phone Tabor 1273. F1SK TEACHERS' AGENCY ofTers good po sition to A-l Instructors. 011 Swetland SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG married man desires position In of fice; have had 14 years' experience, can operate typewriter and keep books; ex cellent references. H 2012 Base Line. EXPERIENCEH shoe and gents' furnish ing salesman would like position; ref erences and papers. Address P 684. Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER, competent man. age 87. . desires - position with chance of advance ment; best references, local and Eastern. Address C 687, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS wholesale grocery man, worked with largest firm in New York; wants pesitlon. F 684, Oregonian. A YOUNG MAN with good legal education wants position with lawyer or bank; good references. Address R 683. Oregonian. MAN experienced In law and abstract work desires position. G 6 89. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MATE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. IF YOU need the services of a bookkeeper ho thoroughly understands bookkeeping in all Its branches, one who does not have trou-ble with his trial balance. who is painstaking with his work and can be rc lied on. AJ 0- Oregonian. POSITION by young man. bookkeeper, sten ographer, collector, correspondent for sev eral languages, experienced In duplicating, printing, typewritten letters or similar work. M 675. Oregonian, REAL estate position wanted to co-operate with A No. 1 good company to show and sell on commission. Can prove good, having 10 years' experience In salesman ship. AF 6S-. Oregonian. BRIGHT young man. age JO. rood penman, business college education, wants position as bookkeeper where efforts will be ap preciated ; would leave city. Phone Mon day. Jersey 5471. YOUNG man. 22 years old. with citv refer ences, desires position as bookkeeper or clerk, with concern where advancement follows devotion to business, o 680, Ore- XUIllHIl. HOTEL clerk of many years experience in best hotels, will give the highest coact references; open for position in or out of city, for interview. E 686. Oregonian Miscellaneous. MAN and wife, good cooks, up-to-date ca terers, would like place In club. Serve parties, banquets, etc. Take care of club In general. Well acquainted in city. The best of references. Will work on com mission or small wages. AN 6j6, Ore gonian. PRACTICAL farmer, married, sober and in dustrious, wishes position manager or work ranch on shares, having working experience In grain, stock and dairy busi ness and know value. Address C. Nelson. Kennewick, Wash. WANTED Position, salesman, in any line. Can sell anything. No fake or company of not good standing will be considered. Am high-class salesman. 10 years' expe rience, and only co-operate with good company. AF 683, Oregonian. WANTED Position in charge of Independ ent heating or electric plant, sober, and reliable. Apartment or of f fee preferred. Reference furnished. 1 Gilbert, Colum bia Hotel, Vancouver. A LI j-A ROUND printer. Job or ad., wants em ployment In city or country; 10 years' ex perience as proprietor and foreman in small country daily and weekly; bcfft vf references. F 6h2. Oregonian. ADVERTISING EXPERT. Writer of forceful copy, compiler of booklets and catalogues, has spare time " to devote to firm doing limited amount of advertising. AL 686, Oregonian. YOUNG man studying music wishes work, odd hours. In good home, for room and board; references furnishesd. Phone Main 5301), to 1 o'clock. YOUNG man. Agricultural College and practical experience In frulWEroing. competent to take charge of an orchard. Address R. J. Earl, Corvallls, Or. ANTON'S wishing the services of a first class collector a few hours each day may have the same by addressing Box H C8;. Oregonian. TOl'NG single 'man, German, exjjerienceil driver and horseman, handy with toole, wants steady position. Walter, Mathtesen Hotel, cor. Front and Madison. A FIRST-CLASS mill builder open for an engasoment; good references and satis . faction guaranteed, either repair or new work. H 6S7. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by young man. 28 years old. thoroughly acquainted with timber estimating; can give references. M 6M, Oregonian. EPTMIATE3 given on tlntlnjc.' papprhanp ing and general lnM .finishing; beat of workmanship; prices reasonable. Phone C 1750. EXPERIENCED and strong Japanese hoy wants situation to do "cooking and house work: understand English; ban good ref erence. Tabor 142 or 223 E. 53d st. ICE and col I storage expert wants position ; German, tge 31, married; references; now Is the time to repair your plant. D 677. Oregcnlan. YOUNG MAN, 1 year's experience at candv maklng. wants work ; be satisfied with small wages. AH 69, Oregonian. WANTED Position as cook in hotel or boarding-house; experienced, and can fur nish local references. AF 68S, Oregonian. WANTED Position as working foreman for contractor or buUdinp company ; 10 years' experience. AM 604. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN 19. wants to start in whole sale house. Small wages. AK 6S9, Orego nian. WINDOW cleaning, carpets and rugs ren ovated and cleaned. Main 6573; evenings, 8, 289 Taylor. GOOD Japanese cook, position in private family; has experience. 11 273, Burnsid YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. N 627. Oregonian. J. H. COINS offers his services for limine Cleaning or any kind of work. Phone Main 1493. POSITION by competent and sober man cook. No objection to leaving city. R 6S7, Oregonian. LADY pianist wants to play In orchestra, music store, etc. Accurate siirht reader ; small salary. C 6H5. Oregonian. 1 WA NTED position as timekeeper or mate-, rial clerk. 3 years' experience In con struction camps. .AM 6S2. Oregonian. SOBER, reliable driver, with good refer ences, wants job with first-class firm. A 687, Oregonian. ABLE and experienced man desires work as porter or Janitor. Edward White, 06 N. llth st. LEAVE order at 96 N. llth st. to have your furniture revarnlshed. Edward White. BOY 10, wants work after school hours. AK, 6S3, Oregonian. YOUNG man and wife wishes chamber work. M S.163. room 204. JAPANESE wants all kinds' work by day or hour. K. K.. 250 1st st. Phone A 50;!2. JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all help. 268 Everett. Main 4659; A 4073. YOUNG Japanese cook desire position In family. G 633. Oregonian. JAPANESE cook wants position in family? K 686, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese wants to do housework ; any store cleaning. L 683, Oregonian. BOY. 18. living with parents, wishes to learn good trade. E 677, Oregonian. WANTED Position as meat cutter; market or hotel experience. Y 082, Oregonian. SINGLE young man wants work in iso lated place. 301 Y. M. C. A. BY honest Japanese bv. In family, help work of any kind. H CSO, Oregonian. COLORED BOY wishes position as of lice boy ; can give references. Main 4 04 4. ft IT V A TI ON S W ANTE D FE MALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BY experienced bookkeeper ; best of refer ences ; can use t pe writer. Phone East 730. APT young lady desires position as stenog rapher. Object advancement. References. Phone Woodlawn S81. WILL do light bookkeeping or make out statements at home. Accurate, reason able. M 660. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED law stenographer, first class education, desires permanent posi tion. References. AM 684. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as cashier In a moving-picture show. Phone Sell wood 740. ft YOUNG lady wishes position as stenogra pher or bookkeeper; experienced; city rcf- erences. L 697 Oregonian. YOUNG lady would like position; can kepp books; stenographer and be useful around offloe or store. AF 689. Oregonian. EXPERT stenographer desires position. Phone A 5209. YOUNG lady m-lshes position In music house, or store. Box 535, St. Johns. WANTED A position as bookkeeper; 5 years' experience. P 62. Oregonian. LADY wishes position as clerk In grocery; experienced. Miss Williams. Main 060$. YOUNG lady typist desires position ; excel lent references, p 670. Oregon I axu