V ?OlTTjA?fT,! "-JANUARY 23, 1910. 7 The Last Week of January Clearance Sale It's the bona fide price lowering movement for the purpose of making a prompt clearance of all merchandise prior to inventory. Without regard to cost or former selling price you will find every article in this sale bearing a price that instantly proclaims a saving that will appeal to you. An unprecedented saving opportunity. At no other time during the year will you have an oppor tunity to save money on merchandise of merit as in this sale. 5E OF MERIT ONLY N ow on Sal Dam take great pleasure in an lir store of Mrs. F. T. 'Dean, it Company of New York- comen must decide on the mak- ns. All women knoW the impor id fit of corset for the success of hile to come to the store and be ;w Spring Models Nemo Corsets. e modish figure and still be per- l in selecting the right corset for hion, fit and wear are combined greatest degree. t Mrs. Dean. Sensational Waist Sale at $3.98 Values to $10.00 Ladies' Waists in net, messaline, plaid silk, striped, Persians, moire, and silk Jerseys; good assortment of styles ; some have fancy yokes in baby Irish, others have Val. lace in sertions and fancy braided effects. All colors. - ' ' a $2 Tailored Wash ' Waists, 98c Ladies' Waists in white madras, corded and figured patterns also black sateen made in tailored styles, open in the front. 740 New $1.50 Shirts at 79c i ' li r 3 final clearances or men s high-class shirts made of fine madras and percales, 1 - with attached or detached i cuffs, also some stiff a bosoms, values to $1.50. Owl Sale of Pure Drugs and Drug Sundries $2. 00 red and white rubber, 2 and 3 quart Fountain Syringes . . . . . 89c $2.50 red and white rub ber hot water bottles, 2 qt. seamless . . . Si. 39 75c odds and ends alcohol burner Pocket and Nursery Stoves .20 15c Porous Plasters 8 $1 Physicians' Rubber Gloves 39c 50c Half Lb. Bottle Peroxide 19c 35c Pkg. Merck' Sugar Milk 19c 25c Pkg. Carbolic Salve . 13c 1 0c Bottle Washing: Ammonia 6c 10c Pkg. Boric Acid . . c 5c Powdered Borax . . 3 10c pkg. Soap Bark . 5 10c pkg. Epsom Salts 7 5 50c Wyeth's Lithia Tablets 29c 10c pkg. Copperas 5 10c pkg. Ground Flaxseed. . 5 10c bottle Cocoanut Oil 7 50c O s b o r n's Croup and Lung Ointment. v , . .10 Anheuser Busch Malt Nu- ' trine, 2000 cases which are put on sale per case $1.80 -25c pkg.. .Glycerine .and Rose Water, .-.l i i . . . .13fr 35c Imported Tooth Brushes 9 $1.00 Hair Brushes, large variety . ..3f $1.50 Metal Back Brushes. . .59 35c Whisk Brooms..:. 19 25c Hard Rubber Combs 11 35c Flexible Nail Files 14i 8c Hand Scrub Brush , . 4$ 35c Sponges . . . . 12c 10c Cake Jergens Oatmeal, Glycerine and Elderflower Soap, per dozen 59 20c Cake Pears' G 1 y c e r i ne Soap 14 25c Box Violet, Gly c e r i n e, Alpine, Violet de Parrrie and Rose Soap.. 19 25c Sanitol Tooth Paste . 14c 50c bottle Honey and Almond Cream 36 75c Nail Buffers, ebony and rosewood 39 75c Jar Pompeian Massage Cream 59c 75c Pinaud's Vegetal, Lilac and Violet .63 25c Rubifoam Tooth Wash. .16 35c Powder Puffs 16 35c Theatrical Cold Cream 19c Fine Umbrell as of Mercerized Gloria Umbrellas; and women. An assortment of arasron frames: absolutely fast regular $1.25 umbrella. Inventory Sale 95c t tomorrow we have collected 300 nbrellas in sizes for men and t handles; regular $2.50. nventory Sale $1.85 $3 Coronet Curls 98c Also Billie Burke Curls made from best quality hair. All shades on sale Monday. 'V.. v& tin, SMi This sale requires very little introduction. We-have divided this entire stock of trimmed hats into four lots which we expect to close out tomorrow. This assortment includes many stylish hats which we are about giving away at these exceptional quotations Lot No. 1 Seventy-five Trimmed Hats, selling to $3.00, pre- inventory price 75c Lot No. 2 One hundred Trimmed Hats in black and colors, sell ing for $4.00, pre-inventory sale . . . . . . . . ..$1.25 Lot No. 3 Assortment of Hats selling up to $5.00, pre-inventory sale .'. . . . . . . $1.50 Lot No. 4 Assortment of beautiful Fall models, finest materials, selling as high as $10.00, pre-inventory sale. $3.00 On the merchandise we do not wish to inventory we are not going to take any chances going to make the reduc-' tions decisive we want the clearance to be thorough. TJ I t in ,ti t.A Attkff,. I M' If 4 K 1 , $4 i : I m ' " ' t , 1 I f 5 , Iff rhil I l ' 1 I 1 85 Capes Regular $20 P r e - Inven toiy $7.89 These capes are made of fine quality broadcloth, some are made with fancy braid trimmed yoke ef fects. Plain tailored satin trimmed and military capes. Single and double cape. All satin lined and flannel lined. Castor, cadet, gray, catawba, tan and black- Children's Coats Go at Half Colored Cloth Coats, Box Coats, broadcloth, cheviot, velvet bound. Tailored Coats in navy, red, cadet and brown. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Every coat in the lot new late this Fall. All Our $2. 00 Coats $1. 00 All Our $3.00 Coats $1.50 All Our $3.50 Coats $1. 75 All Our $4.00 Coats $2.00 All Our $5.00 Coats $2.50 All Our $6.00 Coats $3.00 . Dress Nets and All overs Red uce H u n d reds upon hun dreds of other lots, odds and ends and remnants, all marked at such reduc tions that you will be forced to take advantage of the pavings. 18 to 45 inches wide, odd com binations Embroidered Colored Allovers, imitation tuckings and dotted and Fancy Figured Nets in white, cream and ecru. Excellent for yokes and dresses $1.50 Yard Value for 67c $2.25 Yard Value for $1.27 $3.00 Yard Value for $ 1 .67 25c Values for 9c Several thousand yards white and cream Oriental Net Laces, In sertions and Galloons, fine for dress: trimmings and sleeves. 35c Values for 1 8c Odd styles and various good trimming widths, white and em broidered Net and Venise Lace Insertions. 50c Yard Val ues 25c Large variety , of patterns in various good trimming widths, white, ecru and cream Venise, Oriental and Embroidered Net Bands ' and Insertions and Ap plique .Medallions. EMBROIDERY $3.50 Embroideries re-lnventory Linen vJrrerrngs Pre-inventory $1 Odd lots in Linens left over after a busy season's selling. Linens that won't grow cottony after a few launderings they come from makers who are world-famous. Linens that all women know and love. All at special pre-inventory prices. WE ARE DETER MINED NOT TO TAKE THEM UP IN STOCK. .68. 85c Impt'd Damask Pre-inventory . . . . I m p o r t e d Mercerized Satin ' Damask, 72 inches wide, extra weight, large assortment desirable patterns. $1.25 Napkins, doz. Pre-inventory .. . . . 98. Mercerized Damask Napkins, size 20 by 20 inches. $3.00 Table Cloths Pre-inventory . . . . 500 Bleached Linen Pattern Tablecloths 250 in size 2 yards by 2 yards; 250 in size 2 yards by 2 yards; border on four sides; beautiful quality. Warranted all linen. All the same quality. Madras Waistings Pre-inventory 13 to 27 inches wide Edgings and Flouncings, showing wide in sertions and galloons to match. These come in fine eyelet and blend embroidery and novelty venise lace combination effects. Excellent for entire gowns. 15c Embroideries C Pre-inventory J C 3000 yards. Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss Embroidery Edgings and insertion ; neat and showy patterns, various good desirable widths. 2 oc Fine Insertions r Pre-Inventory 3C $3.50 Napkins, doz, Pre-Inventory . . . :.$2 Bleached Linen Napkiris, size 24 by 24 inches, choice patterns, heavy linen. 1 ; $5 Pictures $1.28 25c Hair Pins 10c 25c Bath Towels g this season. Artistically framed in - with mats, others framed close with it able for the parlor, hall and dining- r-25 Pictures at 49c Odds and ends in best quality Horn Hairpins. All sizes. Amber color. Pre-Inventory wels B leached Hemmed Bath Towels, size 22 by 40 inches. ' 500 yards new w a i s t i n g of madras, all white. Large selection of pretty designs in dots, sprigs, stripes and figures. . White Imported . Dot Swiss ' Small and medium-sized dots 20c quality for 15 25c quality for 19 50c quality for 39 2000 yards Fine Nainsook and Cambric Insertions ; well made, pretty patterns and wanted widths for waist and dress trimmings. 50c Embroideries Pre-Inventory 19. 35c Pompadour 18c Qdd Lots of Worthy Dress Goods Pre-Inventorr Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries, 10 to 18 inches wide, fine well-made edgings and flouncings, 2 to 4 inches wide in sertions. Large variety of styles to choose from. 25c Embroideries 12. ta mental corners, 2-inch white mat, land u st see these picture. You have no no- jng of Frames 24c In black, gold and brown finish. Com up to 10 by 12. A remarkable bareain ULAR 75c VALUES. A 1 1 - a r ound Pompadour Hair Rolls, net covered, in all shades. 50c Hair Roll 34c' All-around Wire Hair Roll, net covered, with side combs attached $1.00 Turban Pads 69c 'Turban Hair Pads made from genuine hair, come in all shades. $1.75 SILK-AND-WOOL BENGALINES, 42 inches wide. Colors pink, ivory, old rose, heliotrope, reseda, pearl, gray, apricot and black. Pre-inventory, a yard.. 98 $3.50 FANCY BROADCLOTHS in solid colors, new Fall shades only; 54 inches wide, sponged and shrunk. Pre-inventory. .. .Sj1.98 $2.00 IMPORTED ALL-WOOL DRESS GOODS Satin Prunel las, Bedford Cords, Poplins, self-colored stripes and checks ; in all the new Fall colors. $2.50 AND $3.00 IMPORTED NOVELTY SUITINGS . Silk-and-Wool Stripes, Diagonal Cheviots, exclusive dress patterns. All colors. Pre-inventory . .98 Several thousand yards of Fine Well-Made Embroideries, Edges, Insertions; embroidered on cam bric, nainsook and swiss. Good widths and styles. . $1.50 Embroideries Pre-Inventory 73 Fine Embroideries reduced for quick selling, including odd inser tions, galloons, flouncings and all-overs. C3i x i it P fJ. Extraordinary value giving in a dozen different lots of undermuslins. In this sale our chief aim has been to demonstrate in the most convincing manner that it is possible to get down prices to the lowest point without lowering standard of quality. For this particular reason we desire to direct your attention to the superior quality of bur materials. Following is an exceptional array of under-muslin values 65c Ladies' CambriciQ $1.25 Ladies' Nighty Q Corset Covers JsC Gowns, Clearance. V sC Made of cambric, high, cir cular and square neck; em broidery and lace edging. French banding with embroid ery insertion, beading, ribbon. $1.50 Ladies' NightQO Gowns, Clearance r vOC Made of good cambric and nainsook; high, circular and square neck ; embroidery inser tion, beading, ribbon, lace and insertion trimmed. $2.00 Ladies' Ni'ehld 1 49 Gowns, Clearance Circular neck, trimmings of lace, insertion, beading and ribbon. $1 Ladies' Cambric C Q Corset Covers sC Circular neck, daintily trim'd with 3 or 4 rows of lace, inser tion, beading, ribbon, embroid ery and insertion. $1.50 Ladies' Corset 7Q Covers, Clearance. sC Nainsook and Cambric Cor set Covers; circular neck, pret tily trimmed with fine and dainty laces, insertions, bead ing, ribbon and medallions. $1.50 Ladies' Cam-"JO brie Corset Covers sC Nainsook and Cambric Cor set Covers; circular neck, pret tily trimmed with fine and dainty laces, insertions, bead ing, ribbon and medallions. $1.50 Ladies' White QO Cambric Petticoats s O C Cambric Petticots, deep flounce, embroidered edge, cluster tucks, dust ruffle. $1.75 Ladies' White Petticoats, Sale . . d 1 10 q 1 Made with deep flounce, trimmed with lace and inser tion, embroidery, hemstiching and tucking. $4.50 Ladies' WhiteI098 Cambric Peticoats.P':: With deep embroidered flounce, with lace insertions and edgings. Made of fine nainsook dain tily trimmed with fine lace, in sertion, beading, ribbon, cm broidery; circular neck. 35c Ladies' CambriOQ Drawers, Clearance s C Made of fine cambric, deep ruffle, with cluster tucks in ruffle and above ruffle. Open only. '65c. Ladies' CambriQQ Drawers, Clearance-' C With deep lawn ruffle, trim'd with lace edge and cluster tucks $1 Ladies' Cambric HQ Drawers, Clearance -J s C Deep ruffle, lace, insertion, embroidery, cluster tucking and hemstitching. $1.75 Ladies' Fined 1 H) Drawers, Clearance ' Fine Nainsook and Cambric Drawers, deep flounce, daintily trimmed with fine laces,, inser tion, beading, ribbon and medallions. We Will Never Inventory These Long and Short Kimonos Prices Cut in Half Long and Short Kimonos and negli gee, made of fancy figured and plain color silk, Japanese crepe, albatross and flannelette; trimmings of fancy band ing, ribbon, silks, lace insertion, loose arid belted, empire, shirred waist and yoke styles; short puff, long and flow ing sleeves; in red, blue, pink, black and white. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.75 4.50 6.50 $10.00 $21.00 value, value, value, value, value, value, value, value,' value. clearance clearance clearance clearance clearance clearance clearance clearance clearance 50O 75 $ l.OO 5? 1.25 S 1.88 S 2.25 O- $ 5.00 $11.50