The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 23, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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The Last Week of January Clearance Sale
We have planned this sale according to the Lipman, Wolfe & Company's idea of store keeping
and that puts prices down to where merchandise advertised in this sale will sell on sight, down to
where you will be compelled by' the sheer force of. the values to pronounce this, our pre-inventory
sale, the greatest gathering of bargains ever presented to a shopping public.
If we could gauge our selling capacity accurately,
there would be no need of these sacrifices. But a store
of our size is compelled to keep a full stock right up to
January sale time. We always over-buy rather than
under-buy. With four months of constant wear ahead
of you, our entire stock of outer garments is offered at
LESS THAN HALF PRICE phenomenal prices. We
take as much pleasure in selling these coats, suits and
capes at half price as at regular prices. He's a sorry
merchant who regrets the giving of a bargain. You have
.never seen the equal of th'is sale at any time, in any city.
1 40 Suits, This Season's Best
Styles, Vals. to $35 for $13.98
All the newest materials and styles, 45 to 48-inch coats,
lined with silk, satin and silk serges. full pleated and
moyen age skirts. Materials are homespun, wide wale serge
and broadcloth. All the latest shades, navy, black, brown,
gray, green and mixed colors.
9 5 Suits, Everyone New This Fall
Regular Price to $55 at $1 9.85
High-class Tailormade Suits of roifgh and plain materials, such
as broadcloth, worsted, cheviot and fancy mixed cloth; in navy,
rose, catawba, smoke, olive and black. Some are plain tailored,
others are fancy braid trimmed. All lined with fine quality silk
or satin. Skirts are full pleated.
1 50 Coats, Best Styles Reg. $20
Pre-inventory Sale at $8.7-5
Made of all-wool cheviot, broadcloth and eiagonal serge.
Full 52 and 54-inch length, semi and tight-fitting. Some
are half lined and lined throughout with good quality
satin. Navy, gray, black, mixed, tan, green and black.
240 Coats, Newest Fall Styles
Reg. $30 Sacrificed at $12.65
Of finest imported heavy and medium-weight worsted, broad
cloth and cheviot serge ; plain tailored and fancy trimmed styles.
Some are made in the new pleated styles, others semi and tight
fitting. Full 54 inches long. Lined throughout with best qual
ity satin, and some are half lined.
210 Suits, All Our Newest $20.00 and
$25.00 Garments, Pre-inventory $9.65
Full assortment of styles and sizes, 40 to 45-inch length coat,
tailored and collarless effects; all lined throughout with fine
quality taffeta. Skirts pleated, plain and mixed materials, such as
serge, broadcloth and worsted ; navy, fancy stripe, tan and black,
olive, smoke, wine and black.
Inventory comes next week a fact thaLmakes it ab
solutely necessary to accomplish in six days what is
usually done in a three-weeks' selling campaign. The
store is jammed with worthy bargains.
i iilllli Hi
Caps 2
$i.oo Infants' Caps
and Bonnets
Made of poplin, Japanese, faille
silks, ruche and French styles.
$5.75 Infants' Short
Coats, Clearance....
Bedford Cord. Long and Short
Coats, box and cape styles, fancy
braid and cord trimmings.
6oc Infants' Soft
Soled Shoes
With one, two or three-strap
sandals; in red, blue, white, black
and olive.
$1.50 Infants' Hand QQ
Crochet Sacques . . . . OC
And capes of fine white worsted
with blue and pink trimmings.
35c Infants' Bootees
Clearance price xZ sQ,
Hand-crochet Worsted Bootees.
Children's Night Gowns
Made of cambric, high and low
neck, plain ruffle, embroidery and
insertion, lace edging. Sizes 2 to
14 years
75c value for 38
$1.00 value for 50
$1.50 value for 75
$2.00 value for $1.00
$2.50 value for $1.25
Sale Children's Skirts
Made of cambric ruffle, trimm'd
with embroidery, insertion and
lace, with or without .under
flounce. Sizes 2 to 14 years
35c value for 18
75c value for 38
$1.00 value for SO
$1.35 value for 68
$1.75 value for , 88tf
$2.00 value for ?1.00
Sizes, 34 to 42
Made of papier mache in the
very latest form. Adopted by the
best corset manufacturers for the
Spring fashions in corsets. These
forms were just received last week
Regular price $1.25.
Pongee Silks for Spring, 1910
The First Arrivals and Sale
The completeness of the variety and unprecedented low prices'
bear proof of the values. It is a prodigal display.
We have exercised the utmost care in the selection of our Pongee
Silks. Our selections were made with the full meaning of quality
and reliability in mind.
There is not a yard in this great quantity we have received fot
this sale that is not guaranteed.
We want as many of our customers as possible to buy some of
these silks.
$1.00 quality at 75c
$1.25 quality at 98c
$ 1 .50 quality at $ 1 .25
$ 1 .75 quality at $ 1 .45
Clearance of Colored Taffeta, 59c
3000 yds. of 19-in. Colored Taffetas in a very superior quality, equal
to any 85c taffetas shown in any store in Portland. In this clearance
we do not offer you a few good shades and a large assortment of un
desirable colors that we are anxious to dispose of at any price, buQ
a beautiful range of the most fashionable and delicate tints in every
color demanded for next season. The price, 59c, speaks for itself jl
To Those Interested in Fancy Silks
No withholding of iesirable, stylish patterns; no reserve of any
particular style. Every piece of fancy silk in our store OF THIS)
SEASON'S BEST STYLES and COLORINGS for waists and dress
purposes are offered in this great sale. The regular prices range from
$1.50 to $1.75 a yard.
Colored Messalines , Spring Fabrics
15,000 yards of yard-wide Colored Messalines. A superior grade)
contracted by us from one of the best silk manufacturers, who gave
us the sole privilege of handling his silks which wear test has
shown there are no flaws or weak spots no hard-loaded finish to! ,
throw doubt on the quality of these silks. Beautiful Spring shades in
old rose, catawba, rose pink, light gray, artichoke, reseda, pearl
leather brown and garnet.
Regular $1 .75, Pre-inventory $1 .29
Dependable Black Taffeta Silks
In a quality that has won first place in this city. These silks need
no introduction to our customers. They have stood the test of years
for quality and reliability. On Monday we offer 5000 yards at the)
following prices '
$1.25 quality at . 95 $1.75 quality at $1.4
$1.35 quality at $1.09 $1.85 quality at. ... .$1.59
$1.50 quality at ...$1.29.
85c, $1 Colored Messalines, 69c
3000 yards for waist, dress and lining purposes in the following,
shades: pink, light' blue, apricot, navy, cardinal, garnet, champagne,
old rose, brown, sapphire, ivory, white and black.
Here is a gala time to all those who wish to avail themselves of this
special price, the lowest of the year.
Just 1 6 Rugs Left
Pre-inventory $21.85
RUGS of standard No. 1 quality
Bigelows, Hartfords and superior Ax- ,
minster Rugs are included in this great
clean-up sale. Quality compared, they
are the best values e'ver offered in this
city in rugs.
Great Pre-inventory Music Sale
2000 SHEETS OF GOOD STANDARD music in vocal
and instrumental pieces. PRE-INVENTORY PRICE 2
50c Folios 19c
N a t i o n a 1 Dance Folio
Royal Vocal Folio Bohm col
lection for piano Strauss'
Dance Collection.
Pre-inventory 5c ,
The following well - known
folios and songs selling regu
larly at 25c: Witmark Dance
Folio George. Cohen Folio
June Time in Old Oregon
Taffy Baby Doll Indian
SongSwastika Sue I Love
You More Than Any Boy
Loves Any Other Girl Won't
You Love Me, Honey?
Instrumental Pieces
Regular 25c for 1 2c
Ye Olde Mill Reverie
Last Kiss Waltz Late French
Waltze s Cascade of Roses
Waltz A Medley Overture of
Standard Airs S unflower
Babe Rag Daisy Rag
. Schoolmarm Intermezzo.
25c. Popular Hits 11c
Resignation, by ' Cara Roma
The Angelus Just to Re
mind You Sometime To the
End of the World With You
Sheets and Pillow
ses on
Not the ordinary quality by any
means. Superior fabric, superior
finish. Guaranteed to wash well.
Ready for use. Housekeepers will
save money by supplying their
wants at this sale. ,
72 by 90 Sheets, 65
81 by 90 Sheets ...72
45 by 38 Cases ,...10
45 by 36 Hemstitched Cases. .16
Sale of Ginghams
" At 8 Cents
A clearance bargain comprising
Ginghams in many goo'd styles.
Tan color crash or linette, suitable
for children's wear. Russian
crash and other dark colors in
suiting for house wear. ' . '.
Regular 15c quality.
Oil Cloth 1 9c
Best 25c Quality
3000 yards of best quality Table
Oil Cloth in an assortment of se
lected patterns. There is a great
difference in the quality of oil
cloth, which shows after a few
days' wear. THIS OIL CLOTH
will give service.
Cotton Flannel 9c
2000 yards one odd lot of su
perior quality Cotton Flannel will
be sold out in this pre-inventory
sale at Oti.
50c Art Cretonne, Clear-
ance price ...-.
. . .25
5000 yards of Art Cretonne
in light and dark grounds in
beautiful floral and conven
tional designs, 36 in. wide.
35c Crepe Sateen, Pre
inventory 15g
2000 yards of Figured
Crepe Sateen and Art Cre
tonne, floral and convention
al patterns.
35c Figured Curtain
Scrim, Clearance. .19
3000 yards of Double-Print
Curtain Scrims in light and
dark grounds. A large' va
riety of beautiful patterns.
Forty inches wide.
$1.50 Curtain Materials,
Pre-inventory . . . .68
5000 yards of I m p o r ted
Madras, Fancy Art Curtain
Nets and Imported Scrims,
Bungalow Nets. A n i m
mense assortment to select
25c Curtain Swiss and
Madras for H
10,000 yards of Curtain
Swiss and curtain materials
36 and 40 inches wide. A
large variety to select from.
ri 11 1 ul
Spring Model
Lipman, Wolfe & Com,
nouncing the presence in th
direct from the Nemo Corsc;
The time is here when all v
ing of their new Spring gow
tance of the proper figure ail
their dresses. It is worth w
come acquainted with the nq
With them one may have th
fectly comfortable.
Mrs. Dean can assist yol
your particular figure. FaA
in the Nemo Corsets in the
We invite you to mee
An odd lot
sizes for men
handles; on pi
black colored
To close ou.
Union Silk Uil
women, newe
$3.50, $4.50 and
Our greatest framed picture offerir
black, mission and gold frames, som
wide. frame; all sizes and subjects, sul
room and bedroom.
5000 Framed $1
12x20 inches, gold frame, with on
scapes and figrures in colors. You rrl
tion of their beauty unless you do.
1 Off
Oval and Square Picture Frames
plete with glass and mat. All sizes
at this price for one day only. REG