5 ESTABLISHED IN 185753 YEARS IN BUSINESS See Full Page Advertisement Regular Position, Last Page Sec. 1, Today's Qregonian, and Half Page Advertisement Sec. 3 Page 7 er Meier $ Fraiil IT SALE ON 4TH FLOOR ANNEX AN EVENT OF INTENSE INTEREST TO BOOK LOVERS. EDITION DE LUXE BOOKS AT ABOUT ONE-fOURTH PUBLISHERS! PRICES SALE ON 4TH FLOOR ANNEX This is the culmination of well-known panic conditions in the Subscription Book Trade. Some big publishing failnres axe known tothe public, but only bankers and others on the inside understand the extensive financial difficulties which , iiave caused this enormous ForcedTSale. Atthe inflated Subscription Prices $6,000,000 worth of Fine de Duxe Editions were recently thrown upon the market by leading Subscription Publishers, Printers and Binders, who were compelled to unload at any price to raise money. A Subscription Publishers' Clearing House was formed to distribute the enormous stocks among leading houses in large cities. We bought heavily, securing the entire allotment for this Pity, and therefore we offer these Superb Editions exclusively here. The sale comprises de luxe publications of many subscription houses, including Bigelow, Smith & Co., The Davos Press, Gebbie & Co., The Nottingham Society and The Chesterfield Society. Under the two last mentioned imprints were re-issued from he same plates the fine de luxe sets of standard authors formerly published and extensively sold through agents by John D. Morris & Co., - Philadelphia. All the best sets advertised widely in magazines and sold by agents at high prices you'll find right here at astonishing bargain, prices. Yon can now get three or four magnificent sets for the subscription price of one. Select the favorite authors you want and enjoy the possession of a fine private library, a creditabls ornament in your home and a good investment in every way. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, JANUARY 23, 1910. Grea l Store . 9 At AbOllt 23c On tile Dollar These are not ordinary trade sets sold everywhere, but genuine de luxe bargains offered exclusively by us in this city BoOlcIOVer's Opportunity 7 ' - . " . 7 '. ' .L BOOK-SAL- KNOWN De Maupassant Muhlbach auv De .Maupassant Is the most gifted and versatile writer that France has given us for o years." says worgB sainisoury the critic, -while Mr. Mable In the Outlook calls him "the foremost master of the art jf ;SWj raSi of short story writing." No more fascinat. $? ing fiction was ever written than "Line j?a j3S?z? Vie." "Bel Ami." "Pierre et Jean," etc. ' fe-.22vE$&aV This beautiful new Edition de Luxe SSkSSjSC 1 contains the best unabridged transla- SWfiX'f tlons of his complete novels and all of his authentic short story masterpieces, . 2v Including 17 brilliant short stories never,. r, Mminnniisnt before translated, here published for the-" Maupassant first time In book form. The edition is printed only for sub scribers and should not be confounded with cheap trade edi tions. The tyre Is large and clear, the press work extra fine, be ing nrst impressions of new plates, the paper superfine and the Illustrations include numerous full page photogravures and halt tones from original drawings. The set Is in ten volumes. Three-Quarter Leather Binding, marbled sides, gold tops, uncut edges. Sub. Price, $49.00, SALE PRICE, $12.75 Same in Extra Cloth. Binding, vellum label, gold tops Sub. Price, $35.00, SALE PRICE, $8.75 Best Edition de Luxe of the famous Muhlbach Library of Great Historical Romances. In Three-Quarter Leather Bind ing. Thousands of sets of these fascinating and valuable books have been sold at high prices through agents -and by extensive magazine advertising. The magazine editions are greatly Inferior to the genuine de Luxe edition which we offer here. This edition de luxe is carefully printed on superfine ' white wove paper and includes full page photogravure il lustrations, from historical paintings, printed on Japan paper. " y The Three-Quarter Levant Grain Leather (red) binding Is very handsome and durable. Marbled sides and inside linings, silk head bands, gold tops, uncut edges. Korm erly published by D. Appleton & Co.. this edition Issued for subscribers bv The Chesterfield Society. Size of volumes 5?ix8 about 9000 pages in the set. 18 volumes. Sub. Price, $72.00, SALE PRICE, $21.95 Oscar Wilde Hugo Complete romances, poems, essays, best dramas, including Hugo's rare book on Shakespeare and life of Hugo in ten handsome volumes. New Edition de Luxe from new plates, with ttO illustrations in photogravure and half tone.. This is the best and most complete set of Hugo in Bng liKh, excepting only one other costly edition which pells at from $100 to $500 per set. Edition limited to 1000 V numoered sets, jaieframiy Douna in leather, de Luxe style. ml Victor liugo. Sub. Price, $49.00, SALE PRICE, $12.00 Same in Cloth. , ' Sub. Price, $30.00, SALE PRICE, $0.00 Dumas Alexandre Dumas Is declared by count less enthusiastic admirers to be the prince of romancers. He carries along the reader breathless with interest, through plots and counterplots, ingen ious intrigues, humorous sit ua tlons, and never-ending adventures, all told with . Inimitable wit and dialogue. JBooklovcrs should not confound this new edition de luxe with the numerous vAt-u- InonmnlerM aati rtf Tinman uhlf-h Probabiv the world will never see an ab- solutely complete set of Dumas, for it is Alexandre Dumas, impossible to discern positively all of Dumas own writings from those to which he allowed his name to be placed, although written by others In the "Du mas Syndicate of Authors." The present new edition, h owever, contains all of the recognized masterpieces of Dumas .about 13,000 pages, and therefore may be called practically complete -the most sat- , lsfactory set ever Issued in English the best translations. Illustrated with numerous duotones in two colors, the type, paper and press work are excellent. Three-Quarter Leather Binding, marbled sides, full gold backs, gold tops. Eighteen volumes. Sub. Price, $S0.00, SALE "PRICE, $21.65 A great Poet, playrlght. Novelist and Essayist. Ldteraure presents few more remarkable careers than that of Oscar Wilde. While yet a student at Oxford his poems were com pared with those of Tennyson. In 1882. when only twenty-six years old, his lecture tour of America netted him over 30, 000. He was undoubtedly the greatest playwright of his time. . This only complete authorized edition de luxe is now for the first time made accessible for American readers by special arrangement with Wilde's literary executor. Mr. Robert Ross and with th.e London publishers. Meth-uen & Co. The plates of this edition, which were imported from England, are the same as those of the rare English edition Issued by Methuen & Co.. of which only a few sets found their way to America, to be quickly bought up by bibliophiles at $75 and upward per set. Space here permits mention of only a few more important titles, such as The Duchess of Padua (first complete edition). Intentions and other Essays complete. Poems, Ravenna, The Sphinx, Ballad of Reading Gaol, the Harlots House, and all poems complete. Including many never before published. Lady Windermere's Fan, A Woman of no Importance, Florentine Tragedies, Vera. The Nihilists. Salome, and all other plays complete; The Picture of Dorian Grey, A House of Pome granates, The Happy Prince, Lord Savtlle's Crime, and all other tales and novels complete. ; Reviews and Miscellanies newly colelcted and published for the first time. 10 volumes. The type of these English plates Is extra large and hand Bome, printed on superfine white wove paper with the Aldus de luxie watermark. The Illustrations in photogravure and half tone are from original drawings. Cloth binding, vellum labels, gold tops, -uncut edges. ' Sub. Price, $35.00, EALE PRICE, $9.25 Three-Quarter Leather Binding, extra levant grain lea ther, marbled sides and linings, wide leather corners, silk headbands, gold tops, gold backs, uncut edges. Sub. Price, $49.00, SALE PRICE, $12.75 Gebbie-Burns Self Interpreting1 Edition de Luxe of Robert Burns Complete Poetical and Prose Works. Printed for sub scribers only. All Scotch words throughout are In Italic type and English, meaning In small type at the end of each line. The set includes "Burns' Immortal songs, words and music, letters and life. The only complete edition, con- , raining 10O more poems and over 200 more letters than any other set of Burns. The illustrations num ber over 1O0 rare engravings, includ ing duotones. photo era vures, manu script facsimiles, colored map, etc. 3ix volumes.. Elegantly - bound In i Levant grain leather Sub. Price, $35.00. SALE PRICE, $10.50 Stevenson This new Edition de Luxe (limit ed and numbered) brings to book lovers for the first time an approx imately definitive edition of Ste venson at a moderate price. Here tofore the only other good edition has sold at from $52.00 to $104.00 per set, moreover this new set con tains hundreds of pages of valuable matter never before presented In V book form not even in the -most expensive editions. The type is a new Scotch style; good paper, with portraits and oth er illustrations from photographs. Ten vols. leather binding. , Stevenson. Plato pis Balzac Honore De Balzac New Saintsbury Edition de Luxe of The Complete Oomedie Humalne the best and .. only unexpurgated scholar ly complete translation. Balzac treats of the whole range of human emotions, creating over two thousand personages, who move through the scenes of The Comedie Humalne a complete social world. The illustrations include numerous photogravures and half-tone repro ductions from original paintings by French and English artists. Large Type. Superfine paper, hand inmelv hound In Th ree-Oua rter Lea ther, Marbled sides and inside cover lining, Gold Tops. -Complete in eighteen volumes. Sub. Price, $70.00, SALE PRICE, 21.95 De Musset "His novels are extraordinarily brilliant. He had no successor in frrance either as a poet or dramat ist." Enc. Britannica. Te complete -writings of Alfred De Musset translated into English. Edi tion de Luxe limited to 1000 number ed Mts, with 41 photogravures, large type, deckle- edge paper. Ten volumes Elegantly bound in leather, gold tops. Sub. Price, $49.00, SALE PRICE, 13.95 Same In Cloth Sub. Price, $35.00, SALE PRICE, 10.75 Guizot's France " Translated by Robert Black, whose translation is recognized as the most ! authoritative wherever the English language is spoken. Here is a great history which gives a vivid and truthful account of events, . coucn Thi work. -. I" VII tivvmiit Willi 11J1H3 ji and historical scenes reproduced in ( fwpv photogravure and half tone. Three- iv&fy auarter Dark Levant Grain Leather. " Z gold tops, marbled sides and linings. Taine. photogravure on Japan Ie MiiMiet. ea in simple ana direct language. . TVjAMV-vr-!f s de Luxe Edition Is the. completo-TJtSKMpf in s volumes, printed from largeJjiSjfijpSB i Oulzot Sub. Price, $35.00, SALE PRICE, 10.75 Green's England New Edition de Luxe of the History of The English People from earliest times, with a continuation to the year 1909. including- an introduction byt the author's widow. Alice .iUopford Green. Countless editions of this work have been issued because it Is the only readable standard work on the sub ject. Previous editions.., however, have been Incomplete, ending with the year 1815- In the present beautiful de luxe set the history is completed to the year 10O9, making It the best and only com plete authoritative history of England. Large type, printed on superfine pa per. Illustrated with photogravure's on Japan paper andduo tones printed In plate paper, rive oiumea. Sub. Price, $25.00, SALE PRICE, 7.75 Green two colors on India It Is indeed true that though written 2300 years ago the works of Plato dis cuss the very same problems that we discuss today and still rank among the greatest productions of the human mind, teaching the great truths of life with convincing logic and fascinating simplicity. Plato is as necesasry to a library as a fonudation to & house. This Edition de Luxe in three vol umes contains the best translations with Introductions and notes, including: 1. The Dialogues. 2. The Republic. 3. Trial nnri TlfHth of Socrates. The type is large and clear printed,on I mvnhJvr-r. ;0 superfine white wove paper. The illus- MULi-'- .i-rv'1 trations include photogravures and duo- , rW. tones (In two colors') on India plate paper. , Three-Quarter Leather Binding, gold tops, marbled slat and linings, silk headbands, Japan vellum titles. - Sub. Prke, $15.00, SALE PRICE, $5.00 1 Taine The History of English Literature Illustrated Edition de Luxe In four tiandsome volumes. Pres. Butler of Columbia writes: 'Taine stands head and shoulders above the authors of other works on, English Literature. His estimates are Just, his style charming. ' You cannot get too much o Taine." The entire field is coveerd by Taine from earliest to modern times with Illus trative excerpts from great writers, with an excellent index, making this " an excelent reference work. Large type, extra white wove pa per, handsomely illustrated with duotones on India plate paper and paper. Three-Quarter Leather Binding:, marbled sides and lin ings, Japan vellum title pages, gold tops. it Sub. Price, $21.00, SALE PRICE, $6.95 Plutarch Plutarch's Lives include brilliant biog rophles of the chief personages of Greek and Roman history, embracing the six hundred -eventful years, 500 B.C. to 100 A. D.. Shakespeare ,-hlmself drew ideas and characters f rotn Plutarch, and so have countless other writers. Emerson says "cannot be spared from the small est library, his lives are as entertaining as a French novel." Edition de Luxe, fixe volumes, limited and numbered, large type, good paper, Il lustrated, durably bound in beautiful style, , genuine leather. Plutarch. Sub. Price, $22.50, SALE PRICE, 6.98 Gibbon's Rome The Tecline and Fall of the Roman. Empire, covering the period from the death of Julius Caesar and the down fall of the Republic, through thirteen centuries, to the fall of Constantino ple. "Whatever else is read. Gibbon must be read, too." New Edition de Luxe, the only large type set in six volumes, It must not be eonroundea with the cheap broken type sets in five volumes.) Notes by Milman, Gulzot and Dr. William Smith. Elegantly illustrated and bound in . genuine leather. Edward Gibbon. Sub. Price, $33.00, SALERICE, $9.25 ..Rawlinson Mew Complete Edition de Luxe of Tlie History of Ancient Egypt and the Seven Great Monarchies. This famous standard -work tells In readable style the history of the great monarchies of the ancient Eastern world Egypt. Oialdea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthla. and Sassanian or New Persian Empire. The narrative is' embellished with hundreds of il lustrations throughout the text and there are very copious notes and Indexes, making this the best George Rawlinson. as it is the handsomest edition o fthe work ever issued In America. Large type, excellent white wove paper. Three-Quarter Leather Binding (dark red) marbled sides and linings, gold tops, Japan paper titles in colors.- Five "vol umes. " Sub. Price, $25.00, SALE PRICE, 7.75 Sub. Price, $39.00. SALE PRICE, 12.25 Eameda Cloth. Sub. Price, $30.00. SALE PRICE, 9.10 Smollett The writings of this classic old novelist are famous for depicting with spirit and wit the free and easy manner of ISth, century life. Smollet deals with the ri diculous and humorous- side of life. Thackeray called his "Humphrey Clin ker" the most laughable story ever writ ten. The novels, "Roderick-Random," "peregrine-Pickle," etc., excel in original comedy.- The set contains the complete novels, unexpurgated, best text, large type, paper. Illustrated, six volumes, Ed de Luxe, limited, numbered by hand, leather binding. ovels, tA: , fine fcfS dltion WW Sub. Price, $30.00. Same In cloth Sub. Price, $22.50. Smollett. SALE PRICE, 9.15 SALE PRICE, 7.25 Fielding Scott It was who named Fielding "The 'Father of the English Novel" because Fielding created a new school of literature the novel. After more than a century his novels still hold a foremost place among the world's masterpieces. He wrote those celebrated novels, "Tom Jones," "oseph Andrews," "Amelia," etc., which are truly classics of theirklnd. Edition de Luxe, limited and num- bered (uniform with Smollett), large type, excellent paper. Illustrated, complete novels, unexpurgated, six vols., leather binding. Fielding. l SALE PRICE, 8.25 Same in Clotli Sub. Trice, $22.50, SALE PRICE, 6.90 Sub. Price, $30.60. Poe mm This is a. new complete Edition de Luxe of poe's complete Tales, Poems, Essays and Miscellanies the most desirable library edition in existence. The type Is large and clear, text page printed carefully, on super fine white wove paper, with excel lent photogravure and half tone Illustrations. Frontispieces are hand colored. Edition limited to 1 ,00O numbered sets. TWe binding $i leather. Ten volumes. Sub. Price, $49.00. Same In Cloth Su. Price, $35.00. SALE PRICE, 13.75 SALE PRICE, 10.35 Hawthorne New Edition de Luxe. Contents of the set; "Twice Told Tales," "Mosses from an Old Manse," "The Scarlet Letter," ''The House of the Seven Ga bles." "Grandfather's Chair." "The Wonder Book," "The Blithedale Ro mance." "Tangle wood Tales," "The Marble Faun." The type is large and clear, printed upon fine white laid faper made expressly for this edition, llustrations include frontispiece, duo tones, from originals and a fine new , photogravure portrait of the author. Fine leather binding, 9 volumes. Sub. Price, $35.00. Same in Croth Sub. Price, $30.00. Hawthorne. SALE PRICE, 10.75 SALE PRICE, 7.50 Irving Dante The Trvlne Comedy. Best transla tion by Longfellow, with voluminous notes evnd introductions, printed from large new type handsomely Illus trated in duotone rTlors. 44 full page plates. The best edition of Dante. Durably bound. In cloth. Complete In 4 volumes. Sub. Price, $(?.00. SALE PRICE, $3.75 Eaaia in leather, extra d. Lum, Sub. Price. $25.00. SALE PRICE, 7.50 Ainsworth New Edition de Luxe of Alnsworth's Standard Novels with full page duo tone illustrations toy George Cruik shank. AInsworth's justry celebrated histor ical novels her offered in a worthy edition, are rich In sensational inci dents, exriting adventures and ani mated scenes. This set in eight volumes contains: Guy Fawkes and Windsor Castle. 'VTt Handsomelv -printed on fln white. d luxe paper and bound In Three-Quarter Levant Grain Leather (wine color) gold tops, marbled sides and linings. 5 $J J Harrison Ainsworth. "The books of Irving, the Founder of American Literature, are whole some, full of sweetness and charm, of humor without any sting, of amuse ment without any stain; and their more solid qualities are marred by neither pedantry nor pretension." Charles Dudley Warner. This de Luxe edition deserves spe cial attention, as it contains all of Irving s writings, with the author's latest revisions ajid several valuable mortis 'nmnlfto in lO handsome vol umes. Illustrated with many half Irving-, tones, photogravure portraits and maps. The paper made ex pressly for this edition is a very fine white wove and the presswork is of the best quality. The type Is large and clear. Three-Quarter- Leather Binding dark red), marbled sides and inside cover linings, gold tops, uncut edges, silb head bands, Japan title pages In colors. Sub. Price, $45.00. SALE PRICE, 12.75 Emerson As man and writer, Emerson ranks among the great world-spirits. Strength and originality of thought, force and brilliancy of expression dominate hi works. Contents of the set, six volumes, "Representative Men," "English Traits." "Nature Addresess and Lec tures." "Conduct of Life." "Essays," "Poems'" and a biography by Rich ard Garnett. Large type, illustrated, excellent paper, bound beautifully In ?i leather ' This Is a limited Edition de Luxe, each set numbered by hand. Longfellow Emerson. Lonjrfellow. New and exquisitely Illustrated Edi tion de Luxe of prose and Poetical Works. Including his translation of Dante's Divine Comedy. In 10 beauti ful volumes, nearly 500O pages. The type. It is the only large type edition of Longfellow, and is care fully printed from new plates. The paper Is a pure white wove of extra auallty. The illustrations Include 83 beau tiful full page reproductions In pho togravure and duotone (.two colors) from original paintings of distin- guisned modern artists. The notes. In addition to the au thor's own notes there are numerous notes, by the well-known critic and author, Mr. Charles Welsh. It should be stated here that there la no absolutely com plete set of Longfellow. The most - Important poem omitted from the present edition because of certain copyright re strictions is "The Hanging of the Crane." -which, how ever, is sold in various cheap editions. On the other hand this new edition contains, besides the original editorial mat- ter referred- to, a great deal of Longfellow's prose and poet ical writings not obtainable in any other edition. For ex ample, we have here for the first time in book form "The Bald Eagle" and "The Indian Summer," two brilliant stories written in the author's best style. Therefore, it may be safely stated that this Is by far the most satisfac tory set of Longfellow ever published. Maroon Cloth Binding, gold tops, Japan titles. Sub.. Price, $35.00. SALE PRICE, 8.75 Three-Quarter Leather (blue) ' marbled sides. Bold tops, Cold back. Sub. Price, $49.00. SALE PRICE, lS.OO Full Wine Leather, extra sold tooling. Bold tops.. Sub Price, $75.00. SALE PRICE, 18.50 Kipling New Illustrated Edition de Luxe of Kipling's Standard Works, as fol lows: 1. Plain Tales from the Hills; 2. The Light That Failed: 3. Mine Own People: 4. Soldiers Three. 5. The Phantom Rickshaw: 6. Under the De odars; 7. Wee Willie Winkle. "City of Dreadful NiKnV American Notes: 8. Story of the Gadsbys In Black and JJj White: 9. Letters of Marque; ' 10.'f Poems. Ballads and Other Verses. "4 lether binding. 10 volumes. Sub. Price, $39.00. SALE PRICE, 8.75 Same In Cloth. Sub. Price, $30.00. SALE PRICE 6.25 Kiolini Scott In 1S14. at the age of 43. Scott published anonymously his first novel "Waverley," followed In rapid succession by that matchless series of romances, unbroken up to 1 82fl. within three years of his death. The world knows -what mar velous achievements he wrought In that brief span of years. What a life of splendor and misery, fame and pathos! Yet Ms -works breathe purity, courage, honor and sweet ness. Complete Waverley Tsovels. lim ited Edition de Luze, 24 volumes, large tpye. laid paper, 200 illus trations, handsome dark green leather binding. Sub. Price, $100.00. SALE PRICE, 34.50 Same In Cloth. - . Sub. Price, $75.00. SALE PRICE, 17.50 Sir Walter Scott. Dickens Charles Dickens. illustrations, elegant "While Scott was writing his famous romances a noy named Dickens waa working in a blacking warehouse, teaching himself shorthand, soon ris-. ing to he a reporter, ana at tne most popular living writer in the world, a nooularitv which he main tained for more than 30 years, until ' nis aeatn irom jieeaiess overworK. Dickens' works are too widely known and loved to require comment. Fine Limited numbered Edition de Luxe, complete works in 20 volumes, large type, fine white wove paper, 160 learner Dinaing. Sub. Price, $90.00. SALE PRICE, 22.50 Same In" Cloth. Sub Price $60.00. SALE PRICE, 14.75 Thackeray Fine New Edition de Luxe. 1 1 lustrations include about l.tO brilliant duotones. from the origi nals of Brock and other eminent artists, including Thackeray's own Inimitable drawings. There are also 1 o photogravures. Title paees on Japan paper. The type is large and clear. The paper and presswork lirst-ciass. The binding is a handsome dark Three-Quarter Leather, marbled sides, gold tops, uncut, edges. Tha set is complete in ten volumes. Sub. Price, $49.00. SALE PRICE, -12.50 Thackeray. Pepys Diary New Edition de Luxe. Printed from new large type, with 14)0 full page reproductions In half This entirely new edition should not flrfpl be coufounded with sets sold at aT?v similar or higher price but which arey type plates. t 'M X.-.- flo.r 1lvft y) ber of bookiovers mav enlov at a . trifling outlay the same pleasure as tne weaitny DiDi.opnue who has spent years, and perhaps thousands of dollars In collecting engravings for his beloved Pepys. The type is new, large and clear, and or tne famous Lord Bray broo ke edition. The paper Is a soft white, antique white wove stock. title pages printed on Japanese vellum in two colors. The illustrations are printed on plate paper with protect ing tissues on w-Uich the titles and sources of the illustra tions are given. ' The binding is a luxurious Three-Quarter Persian Leather of a rich dark shade, hand tooled, with full gold backs and gold tops, with marbled sides and linings. This "set is com plete in four volumes. Sub. Price, $25.00. SALE PRICE, 6.25 De LUXE CLASSICS Pepys the text is that with Shakespeare Incomparably the best Shakespeare in the world. The first printing from new plates. Complete In 30 volumes. Size of volumes 5 xSH inches. This truly magnificent new edition de luxe of Shakespeare, Immeasurably superior to all others, was published by the well-known New York subscrip tion publishers. Bigelow, Smith & Co.. who were engaged in its preparation for nearly three years, expending over f20.0(0 before the work was ready for the press. William i-.hake&psir During recent years In America probably the three most extensively advertised and most widely sold editions of Snakespeare have been the Bookiovers, the Morris and The Temple, in all of which the notes are at the end of each play, with no references to notes In' the text. In the Book lovers and the Morris editions there are two sets of notes at the back, which force the reader to turn to the back of the volume to hunt until the desired' note Is found, if it ever is found. Comment is unnecessary upon this vexatious, impractical arrangement of notes. In Bigelow, Smith & Co.'s new edition, through enormous expense of typesetting, the notes appear properly at the bot tom of each page, where they belong, tor the obvious con venience of the reader, and moreover every one of the thou sands of notes bear the initials of the commentator, so that one may know the exact authority for each explanatory statement. General readers as well as students will appre ciate this commonsense aid in reading Shakespeare. The notes and critical comments accompanying each play are by Uorodra, Krandes, Lloyd, Hazlitt, Vlricl. Dvce, Coleridge, White. Mr. J a mi et on and all the world's great fihakewpearran scholars. A brief synopsis, written expresf.lv for thiH edition, precedes each play. At the end of each play are study questions modeled upon a t'nlversity Shakes pearean course, affording: the fullest help to the student or casual reader searching for Information. The illustrations of this 20-volume Edition de Luxe In clude 170 full pare reproductions in photogravure and mez zofcravure of celebrated tthakespearean paintings by great artists. These brilliant pictures are unrivaled for beauty and artistic merit. The type is a beautiful new Scotch face, large. Pica or 12 point size. The art bindings of the 20-volume e Luxe Kditlon are as follows; Shot Silk (Mauve) silk head-bands, vellum label, gold tops, uncut edges. Sub. Price, $60.00, SALE PRICE, 16.75 Three-quarter Leather (dark blue) Levant Grain, mar bled sides, gold tops, silk head-bands, uncut edges. Sub. Price, $90.00, SALE PRICE, 25.25 . Shakespeare 10 Volumes Full Levant Grain Leather, rolled gold inside covers, hand-tooled, silk head-bands, gold tops, uncut edges. Sub. Price, $130.00, SALE PRICE, 31.25 This handsome library edition was the second impression of the new plates printed on superfine lifcht weight paper in order to make this set in 10 volumes, each only 1 inches thick. The contents of this 10-volume set are exactly the same as the -20-volume set described above excepting that the former contains only SO of the illustrations, of which 10 are -photograureB and 40 are mezzogravures. Cloth, 10 volumes. Sub. Price, $35.00, SALE PRICE, 10.75 i, leather, lo volumes. Sub. Price; $49.00, SALE PRICE, 13.25 v Eliot George Eliot Inscription of this Edition de Luxe. The present complete text Is admira ble In every feature. It includes the author's novels, poems. tales and sketches. Complete In eight volumes. The Illustrations are of unusual ex-, cellence, numbering 5 full page re productions from originals by well known artists. Handsome Three-Quarter Leather Binding (dark brown), gold back stamping, marbled sides and cover lin ings, generous leather corners, gold tops, silk headbands, ornamental Ja pan title pages. Each set numbered by hand. Sub. Price, $35.00, SALE PRICE, 10.35 Sterne Edition de Luxe. Complete works with life by Percy Fitz gerald and introductions by The same plates from which 40 this edition was printed were !C-a. used in making tha special edi-K tion which sold for $20 and $25 ftj a volume. A brilliant series of photogra vures and etchings are Included In this edition. Bindings. There are two styles Aof binding, a luxurious darkly, r.. Laurence Sterne green Three-Quarters Leather and a Silk-finished cloth. The Three-Quarters Leather has gold-veined onyx marbled sides and wide leather corners. The backs are hand finished in ornamental gold panels with raised bands. The volumes have onyx inside linings, gold tops, silk head-bands and uncut edges. The set complete in 6 volumes. Cloth. Sub. Price, $22.50, SALE PRICE, 6.75 34 Leather. Sub. Price, $30, SALE PRICE, 9.75 V !ftP Lamb The Merrymount Press ( Cpdyke & Co. f Boston did the type composition of this superb edition, of which copies in sump tuous bindings sell at from $00 to $000 a set. The set In eight beautiful volumes con tains the complete works. Memoir, Essays,- Tales from Shakespeare. Letters, Humorous and Otherwise, Miscellanies, Notes and Index. The binding Is a handsome three-quarter leather, de luxe style, gold tops, uncut deckle edges. The illustrations include superb photogravures and half tones. Charles Lanib Sub. Price, $35.00, SALE PRICE, 9.75 Kingsley Charles Kingsley Edition de Luxe. Limited to 10(M numbered sets. Complete Xovels. Poems. Life a nd Tetters with introduction by Maurice Kingsley. The edition Is strictly limited to tOOO numbered sets. The work is printed on fine laid paper from new plates, large clear type. There are two full pane i photogravures in each volume. The set Is complete In 7 volumes. The binding Is a rich dark Three Quarters' Leather, genuine- leather, with wide leather backs and corners. gold -veined marbled ides. gold back stamping and gold tops, with silk head-bands, Japan Raper title pages. . Sub. Price, $32.00, SALE PRICE, 9.75 Also In Cloth Binding. Sub. Price $30.00, SALE PRICE, 7.50 Sub. Price, per Vol., $6.00. SALE PRICE, 1.50 EACH inciuninK tne nest or -res. fc,nors Recommendations for his VFive-foot book-shelf" admittedly the most readable .classics deserving of a place in every private library. Each volume of these eight de luxe classics is printed from large, clear type upon extra white wove paper with the exclusive watermark "Aldus le I.uxe" in each page. The title pages are printed on Japan vellum and the photogravure frontispieces are printed by hand also upon Japan vellum. The binding is ' Three-Quarter Ixsvant grain leather, of a rich old rose shade, cloth sides, silk head-bands, gold back stamping, gold tops, uncut eages. each volume is boxed. Published by the Chesterfield Society. Sub. Price, $35.00, SALE PRICE, 10.50 Sub. Price, $25.00. SALE PRICE, 7.50 ADDISON'S ESSAYS. Limited Edition de Luxe Edited by John Richard Green. M.A., LL..D. i The Meditations of the Emperor ' MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS Translated by George Long, M.A. With a biographical sketch1 and a view of the philosophy of Antoninus by the translator. BACON'S ESSAYS, Counsels, Civil and Moral Including also his Apothegms, Elegant Sentences and Wisdom of the Ancients, with a biographical Introduction by, Henry Morley. . CHESTERFIELD'S LETTERS Including his Sentences and Maxims, with a- prefatory note by Charles Sayle and a critical Essay by C A. Sainte Beuve, de l'acadamie Francais. THE DISCOURSES OF JEPICTETUS with the Enchelrldion and Fragments, translated with notes, a life and a view of his philosophy by George Long. M. A. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Including Poor Richard's Almanac. A Plan for Saving One Hundred Thousand Pounds. Advice to a Young Trades man. Dialogue between Franklin and the Gout. The Art of Procuring Pleasant Dreams, Familiar Letters and other ca pers. LINCOLN'S SPEECHES Including bis Inaugurals and proclamations, with a bio graphical Introduction and Prefatory Notes. WEBSTER'S SPEECHES "Embracing Webster's acknowledged masterpieces In each department of oratory. Including The Dartmouth Col lege Case. The Plymouth Oration. The Bunker Hill Monu ment. The Character of Washington. Reply to Hayne. Reply to Calhoun, The Constitution and the Union, etc.. etc