The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 23, 1910, SECTION THREE, Image 25

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NO. 4
Agents Warner's, Royal Worcester and Howd "Lace Front" Corsets Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
Richardson Linens, Arnold's Knit Goods for Infants,"Merode" Uhiderwear, Libbey Cit Glass, Etc.:
The Greater Olds- Wortmati-King Store The StoreWitK a Future'
ct Aminiial Clearance Sale Kest Valties ill the (City
o.ox" fiats for Spring'
First Showing' of tHe New Styles
-KUVA.W.v New
lr tHe millinery section tomorrow we
maRe advaoce showing of the popu
lar, faihionablo and oacclvj-si-vc "Knox"
Tailored Hit for- Spring and Summer
wear Handsome shapes and effects in
both plain and trimmed, rough braids
Tailored hats that are desirable for im
mediate wear, in fact, the demand during
the past weeH has compelled us to wire
our buyer now in New YorK City to ex
press a duplicate shipment at yonce This
is the first showing of smart styles in
"Knox" hats for Spring The showing
consists of the finest white, blacR and
burnt Milans Extreme and
mings Prices range from $&
$15 each
$8.QQ to $15.00 Each
Tailored Bows. Velvet Ribbons and Wings
$2.00 Veiling' 85c Yard
75c Ribbons 39c Yard
2000 yards of fancy Parisian Veilings, all large
mesh and in this season's latest colorings, our direct
importations. We are anxious to have you see them.
Values are the best we have ever shown; QC
values to $2, imported hy us, hence the price OOC
4000 yards of fancy Ribbons in moire, Persians,
plaids and faicies. We believe they are great values.
Let's have your opinion; widths up to 6 inches; our
regular stock values up to 75c a yard; onOQ
special sale for this week's clearance, yardt
$6.00 Shoes $2.29
We want to ciean up all short
lines in Shoes, and to do this
quickly and effectively we will
put them out at a great sacri
fice of prices. Take advantage.
Lot No. 1 Women's Shoes; too
many and too varied in styles to
undertake description. Whether
for dress or street wear, low or
high heels, whether you prefer
button or lace, hand turn or ex
tension soles, , you will find it
here. Tans or blacks; no an
cient styles, and no shoes worth
less than $3 and up tfJO OQ
to $6; this week, pr. PiI'
Shoes $1.15 to $2.39
Lot No. 2 Children's Shoes to
suit the season. Don't impair
the child's health by neglecting
its feet. Sometimes we overbuy.
That is the case now, so we of
fer this great three days' clear
ance sale with a view of selling
several thousand pairs. Prices:
Sizes 5 to 8, special. .$1.15
Sizes 8V2 to 11, spee'd. .$1.40
Sizes HV2 to 2, special. .$1.70
Sizes 2Yi to 7, special. .$2.39
15c Hat Rack, 4 hoqks, at. .8
25c Hat Racks, 6 hooks.. 10
15c Folding Hat Rack at. .8
10c Metal Towel Rack. 3 arms,
special clearance price, ea..8
15c Wire Carpet Beaters. .10
25c Sleeve Boards, spec'L.15
17c Hatchets, special, ea. .10
25c Turkey Feather Dusters, at
Bpecial clearance price, ea.l2
25c Bath Tub Seat, wood.. 15
15c Crumb Brushes, spc'1..9k
15c Whisk Brooms, sp'1. .10
25c Hand Dust Brashes at. 10
featured See window display finest Tailored Hats
5Qc Erinbroicieiries 25c
l.QO Neckwear at 47c
There is a lot of goodness here for a little price
4000. yards of Embroideries, in Swiss, cambric and
nainsook, edges and insertions to match; 1 inch to 9
ins. wide. Lookers will become buyers whenOC
they see these remarkable values to 50c yardC
Ladies' Neckwear, fancy novelties, including venise
lace, Dutch Collars, Jabots, Croats, Stocks and fancy
Collars, also a line of .fancy Belts, fitted with neat
assortment of buckles; good elastic webbing; f 7
black, brown, navy, green ; values to $1, each " C
Dress Goods
$3 Broadcloths $1.98
$1 SilRs at 57c a Yard
The Dress Goods and Silk Store, Fifth-street
entrance, offers two great specials this week.
Broadcloths, . guaranteed sponged and shrunk,
as well as spotless, in a large range of colors.
This is our standard, grade of broadcloth, and
is better than cloths sold at $3.50 elsewhere.
Our regular price is $3.00; for 3 QO
days we offer at, special, at, yard P-"0
Genuine hand-loom China Pongee Silks in pure
white only. This silk is 21 inches wide and
particularly adapted for underwear, on ac
count of the excellent laundering qualities;
makes very serviceable waists and children's'
dresses; regular $1.00 grade, on spe-EI'Tr
cial sale at this clearance price, yard Oft
Great C 1 earance
Entire stock of large and small Oriental Rugs,
carpet sizes, including all imported Shirvans,
Daghestans, Massouls, Guanghis, Bokharas,
Khivas, Sarouks, ' Kirmanshahs, etc. Prices:
Regular $ 12.50 values reduced to $ 10.25
Regular $ 16.50 values reduced to $ 13.5Q
Regular $ 20.00 values reduced to $ 1G.5Q
Regular $ 27.00 values reduced to $ 22.QO
Regular $ 37.50 values reduced to $ 3 1 . OO
Regular $ 45.00 values reduced to $ 37.00
Regular $ 55.00 values reduced to $ 45 .OO
Regular $ 70.00 values reduced to $ 5700
Regular $ 90.00 values' reduced to $ 75700
Regular $150.00 values reduced to $125700
Other prices reduced in proportion. 4th floor.
Domestics, Bed Linens
Etc., at Low Clearance Sale Prices
Shrewd buyers will now anticipate their linen and bedding needs for many
montht to come and profit by the unusual Clearance Sale bargains we are
offering Housewives. Hotel and boarding-House Keepers are all interested
Included are table and bed linens of
every description, domestics, white
goods, wash goods, flannels. etc LooR to your needs now Mailorders filled
v ' - '
Satin Damask at $1.65
Wash Goods 58c Yard
Dress Linens O 9 c Yar d
Sheets 48 c and 58 c
The best grade Sheets ever sold in the City of Portland at
these prices. No seams in the center, every one is torn
and hemmed not cut. The goods are pure cotton no
dressing or filling to give ' them weight. Just real good,
honest values at special low prices. On sale as follows:
Size 72x90, ap'l., ea., 48 Size 81x90, sp'l., ea., 58$
High-class " novelties in Wash Goods, 45 inches wide, ex
quisite patterns and bordered effects. Only 15 CO
pieces in the lot; values to $1.25 the yard, for
New Spring rough-weave Linens just received. This cloth
will be very popular this season.' 45 inches wide; JQ
all colors; regular 85c values, clearance price, yd. 0C
Richardson's Linens
We are sole agents in all the great Northwest for Rieh
ardson's Irish Linens. We impprt direct from Belfast this
famous product, so justly, popular for mere than a cen
tury past. Five generations have placed the stamp of
approval on Richardson's Linens, and today they are con
sidered by all expert judges the best the market produces
for the prices asked. Following are some of the many
values offered by the Linen Department for this week's
selling. Your every household need can be supplied here.
ri .
The Great A.iiiiial "White Fair"
200,000 Pieces New and Dainty Undermuslins
$1.75 Petticoats 79c $3.75 Petticoats $1.49 Mi
W e a r
2d ri o
GreatXlearance of Italian
SilR Vests and Union Suits
The big White Goods Store, second floor, offers unprecedented values in
Italian Silk Vests and Union Suits; plain or embroidered vests, values
from $3.25 to $12.50, this week, a garment, from 2.44 to $9.38
Any Italian Combination or Union Suit, values $10 to $15, J A. (tl
can be bed at $7.50 to $11.25, which is a saving of just V-JIT
Women's Drawers, made of sheer nainsook, longcloth or fine CfcO OQ
.cambric, lace or embroidery-trimmed; values to $5.00, pair P.7
CHILDREN'S WEAR, Our entire stock of Children's Muslin Wear, consisting of gowns, skirts, corset covers, drawers and combinations, at OFF
Ladies' Accessories
The Undermuslin Store, second floor, offers greater values than ever
before for the coming week. Women's Petticoats, made of good quality
cambric, with India linon flounce, lace or embroidery-trimmed ; some with
hemstitched tucks, with two rows of torchon insertion and lace 70
edge, under flounce and dust ruffle; values to $1.75, special, ea.
Also 350 Cambric (Skirts, made with a 14-inch linon flounce, lace-trimmed,
inset of insertion to match; also embroidery flounce, trimmed in ribbon,
with underlay and dust ruffle. Regular values up to $3.75 !1 A Q
each: on sale during the clearance this week at, special, ea. P
r u
Great Clearance Sale
New "Baby Things"
Baby Bunnie Blankets, in blue and pink and white. We
always lead in infants' goods with larger and better as
sortments and prices much less than you expect. We
show these Blankets in many pretty designs, and 7Q
price them for "Baby Week" at, special, each
We are showing a large variety of Slips and Skirts, made
of fine material, daintily trimmed with lace, made in
bishop and joke styles; regular $1.25 values for
89c, and $1.00 values, special this week at, each
There is hardly a mother in Portland who does not know
the saving advantage, of this week's offerings. Baby
Cashmere Sacques and Wrappers, made with scalloped
edgexand stitching; $d.a values tor $, all
our $3.00 values for $1.99, and $2.2o values
An assorted lot of infants' Shoes in light and dark A O
colors; all sizes; on special sale this week at, pairJC
Hand-made Slips, slightly soiled or mussed. A few min
utes' time will put them-in first-class shape; bestQQ
resular values to $3.75. sDecial this week at. eachJ'OC
Arnold's Outing Gowns for infants, special. .55 Arnold Bath Aprons, for infants, special for. .$1.00
The little child you admired on the street the other day was more than likely dressed in O.-W.-K. infant
goods.. This department is growing in popularity because there is a fine touch in the finish of every article
we show. For this week's selling Baby Week we offer an endless variety of Short Dresses, Slips, long
Muslin Skirts and odd garments in various line. See them. On sale at the following special .reductions :
Regular 50c values, on special sale at, each, 19 Regular $1.25 values, on special sale at, each, 48&
Regular $2.25 values, on special Bale at, each, 87 -Regular $4.25 values, on special sale at, each, $1.48
Regular $5.50 values, on special sale at, each, $2.29 Other goods in this department priced in proportion.'
An extra special a reduction of more than
half. You never buy drawers at this low price,
because you want better ones. . For this week
we offer better ones, indeed. Regular 85c val
ues, made of good quality nainsook and long
cloth. Our regular stock values to 85c, yf 0
on sale this week, this special price, pr.
Warner's Brassiere or Bust Supporter, the
best and most satisfactory made; regu- CO .
lar $1.25 values, at this special price "C
A Muslin Underwear display worth seeing.
The second floor has always been famed for
the extensiveness and beauty of its garment
displays. All high-grade Corset Covers, beau-,
tifully trimmed in lace and embroidery; Ay
regular values from $2 to $10, reduced '
Sale of Toilet Soaps
Palm Olive 'Soap, the soap you always
buy at 10c, on special sale at, the cake OC
Mennen's Borated Skin Soap,
plexion, skin and scalp; 25c value for C
Ingrain 's Milk Weed Cream Soap, regu
lar 15c quality, at this special price, cake C
Pears' Unscented Transparent Glycer- O
ine Soap, on special at this, price, cake
Colgate's Floating Bath Soap you never E?
have to fish for it. On special sale, cake "C
Wild Rose Glycerine, fragrant and re- Q.
freshing; regular 10c value, special, cake OC
El Parnaso, Spanish Castile Soap, pure
white; large 10c cake, special, the cake
Sale of Linen Sets
$11.90 to $16.8 Q
Double Satin Damask Cloths
with napkins to match, woven
of extra quality fine Irish flax;
12 patterns for your selection;
exquisite designs, at low prices :
Size 2 by 2 yards, 11.90
Size 2 . by 2yz yards, $13.20
Size 2 by 3 yards, S14.50
Size 2i 2 by 2y2 yards, 15.40
Size 21 2 by 3 yards, S16.SO
Great saving at these prices.
$1.25 Towels at 85c
. 1 j.
towels sold in
Richardson's finest grade Huck
aback Towels, hand-embroidered
and hemstitched; the
quality of linen
the West; $3.00 values, $2.25;
$2.75 values, $2.10; $2.50 values,
$2.00 ; ' $2 values, $1.50, Q C
and $1.25 values, at, ea. OiJC
All our pure linen hand-embroidered
Sheets and Bedspreads
the most economical in the long
run; last almost a lifetime, and
priced all this week at 2o a
per cent reduction
Satin Dam'sK $1.G5
An extra quality all pure linen
satin Damask, one of our best
qualities, and a special favorite
at $2.25 a yard. Priced special
for this week's sell- Cjl
ing at this price, yd. P 00
Also heavy bleached all-linen
Damask, one of the best every
day. numbers: sells readily at $1
the yard. Many of our custom
ers have bought this quality the
second and third time, and all
claim it's the best they ever had
for the price; regular $1 w7Ctf
value, special price, yard V
$50 Tailored Suits $16.95
$85 Suits $29 $125 Suits $45
Greatest clearance of Tailored Suits. ' You will find this sale an especially interesting event. Fasihonable
products at most attractive prices. A great range of values to choos from values up to $145. We want
you to see them. They are of shapely cut, fashionably and neatly tailored, and fit with becoming grace
Our entire stock is on sale. Women's plain and fancy Tailored Suits, in all wanted colors, and materials of
the best quality. They are, the sort of garments you'll buy, and yon will be glad, you came
during this sale. Regular values $35 to $50, on sale this week at the very low price of, suit
Another line of values from $52.50 to jo y ff
$62.50, on Bpecial sale this week at PJ.UU
Elegant models, In fine fabrics, $100
to $125 values, special price, the suit
Plain and fancy trimmed, regular $65
to $85 suits, on special sale at, the suit
Our best styles and cloths, reg. $135
to $145 values, on special sale at, suit
Great Clearance Sale of Paris Gowns
$15Q-$175 Values $69-$25Q-$285 Valixes $95
This offering comprises about 20 very high grade Evening Gowns, including our rich Paris importations
The very smartest exclusive models. It is realty a' delight to look at them. The season's most fetching
styles are snown in a pleasing variety one or a Kina. ine most modish lashions at such great reductions
$150 and $175 values, $69. OO $185 and $195 values, Sj579.00 $250 to $285 values, price 95.00
Are you about to begin your Spring sewing T These are the making-up days for Spring and Summer. Bring
in a piece of work and spend a half hour or so with our demonstrator who is in charge of the Sewing Ma
chine Department. She will teach you how, easy it is to do your own work on a standard machine. Hem
stitching, darning and embroidering done with greatest ease. Learn particulars of sewing machine club offer.