io THE SUNDAY OKEGOMAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 23, 1910. BOB RENT. Hoam. W'HEX you move you'll need new furni ture. Buy it judiciously and the savings will exceed your moving expDiee. , Our NXf-2KXT PRICKS made us one of the largest furniture houses In the city in two years. lookers shown same courtesy as buyers. MORGAN-A TCH LEY FL'KMTL'KE CO.. 9-75 Grand Ave., Cor. Kast Stark St. East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carlines pass our door. S-UOOM modern house on K. 13th St.. $20. 6-room modern house on E. 37th. St., Sunnyside car. 312.50. fi-room house on E. Stark ate. $12. b -room cottage, bath, etc., I5u Stark t.. $12. 4-room cottage, and half acre of ground, at Myrtle Park. $7. THE DIX.V-UAWRKNCE CO., 24 Alder St. MODERN" flat, five room., on second floor, and two finished wms in attic; stplcnuid lifcht, large rxnjms; furnaw, lawn In front und war: $3i month; no children. 547 1, Sixth st. Telephone Sundays and evenings. Main 4.180 or during business hours. Main S79S. a HOI'SR, lots fruit, 1 i acr-?. good for cow, chickens, garden. Kast Side suburbs, k fare, $10 month. Snap. Apply 364 X lth, "W" car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 20 th. block north. lo-ROOM nous. 73 Union ave. N.. near K. Ev ere 1 1. Low rent. luin Salomon & Co.. 2.33 Stark st., near 2d. 8-ROOM house, rent $30, will sell this week for $300; large yard, lots of fruit trees, fine location, trrlnging In good Income. 105 N. autli at., cor. Flanders. Phone Main IK7. A NICE-, modern house should have modern furnishings throughout; Kastera prices and easy terms at Calof Broa, . 300-370 East Morrison st. EAST WASH. ST.. near J 2th, 6 -roomed house, closets, bath and reception hall ; lament tubs. Call 55 1 .East Yamhill. Phorxe East 1710. 8-ROOM modern bouse, with gas, electricity, furnace, concrete baemeht, one block f i - mi carllne ant school, cor. E, 3oth and Taj f r. Apply 246 Washington st. WE have several good houses to rent at rea sonable prices. THE SHAW-FK A R COMPANY, 245 Stark St. . HOUSE, 5 rooms, modern; chicken house; would rent .1 lots with fruit; also cottage, 4 rooms. 2 lot, stable. Mrs. Moxley, Tre mont. Mount Scott car. S-ROOM cottage, 01 Belmont, $14. 7-room house. 71H E. Morrison, modern and In excellent condition, $22. F. W. TORULER, 100 Sherlock Bldg. SIX-ROOM house, bath, hot and cold water, electricity and gas. 221 Shaver, ono block from car. Rent $1S. Inquire 855 Williams ave. Woodlawn 10 40. $ 15 -NEW 5-room cottage, bath, shades, electric light, garden. Phone Sell wood 1335. HOUSE a rooms, bath, yard, fruit, $2G. Phone Kast 70. 461 E. loth North, bet. Tillamook and Thompson tlrvlngton). '.ROOM cottage. 734 Second at. Gas and bath. Phone Main 4 SOI. Jt ROOMS, 721 Flanders st. Inquire 88 N. 22d street. l-'aralslieil House. WILL rent completely furnished It-room cot tage, near the carllne in Montavllla. for $12 per month to right party. Call .Ml S wetland bldg., tor. 5th and Washington H- ROOM modern cot tape, nicely furnished, atVl Quarter bTock of ground, with line lew of clt y, $25. fi-ronm modern home, nicely furnished, and convenient, near E. lHth st.. $40. .n THE lHT.W-LAWRENCB CO., 24 K Ald'r St. FOR R EXT Wll-f urnlahed modern nine room house ; most desirable residence dla trlct on West Side : rent reasonable. Ap Hy WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth st. Fl'RXISHED cottage, t rooms. West Side corner, owners want board or may con wider combination with right parties. P 672, Oregonlan. COM PLETELY furnished modern 4-room cottage, nice yard. 465 7th bi. Inquire 407 ith st. ; $30 month ; will lease 6 months or year to responsible tenant. XEATTiY furnished 7-room modem house for rent cheao. 704 Mississippi ave. ; "L" car. Phone Wood lawn 33 or Kast 4 764. 7 ROOMS, nicely furnished flat for sale; heat, ht and cold water and bath; strict ly modern 55 1 Washington at., flat C. EIGHT-ROOM house, nicely furnished; piano; Eaat Side; lease; only $35. Goddard, 613 Hoard of Trade. Main 4557. (ROOM house, completely furnished In ma hogany and rugs, Including piano. Phone Main 3808. r FOR RENT $ 1 S, five-room furnished house; no dogs or children. Phone Mon day. Hell wood 502. S- ROOM houses completely furnished in ma hogany and rugs, including piano. Phone Main 880B. A NEATLY fuminhed 5-room cottage, mod ern, no children. 503 West Main. Phone Main 8382, FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage; modern im provements: iea.-omiMe to retqjonsible t-u-ants. AC 674. Oregonlan. XE AT, modern .furnished flat ; walking dw tance; free phone. Main 8255. MODERN 7-room flat, with piano, $". 701 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 4IO. T HREE-ROOM houxe, (urn tithed. K. 75 th. Call 05 X. 18th. FVR.NLSH ED 5-rooni bungalow, Portland Heights. O Kilt, OiCKonian. MODERN furnished 4-room house. East Burn stde and West Ave. Tabor. 1H71. $22 CLEAN, furnished "-room flat, nice neighborhood. 015 East Salmon. B 1634. House for Kent. Furniture for Sale. MlST SELL MONDAY. Elegantly furnishod 7-room flat : rent $" 7.60 ; this is a swell place to 11 ve ; in come of rooms $70 ; this one-day bargain for $57f. onlv $300 cash. STEAM-HEATED FLAT. 5 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, for $37; two rooms rented for $3 0 ; best , location. West Side ; don't m iss this bar gain; only 30". on'-half cash. MRS. LENTS AGENCY. 2S6i Washington st.. rooms 406-407. 6-ROOM. new. corner, strictly modern fiat, all light rooms, rent $32. furnished with the best of quarter-sawed oak. Brussels carpets, etc. ; price $550 ; cash, nice. close-In location West Side; 3 rooms rented pay all expenses. Call 191 4th st. ELEGANTLY furnished steam-heated fiat, rent $37. must sell; price $300; terms; Phone today from 2 to 3 P. M. Phone Main 8560. A 3475. FOR SALE FurnRurc of 9 rooms and bath, boat location in the city tor rooming-house, may be seen any afternoon after Sunday. No agents. Phone A 11781. FURNITURE of nicely furnished 5-room fiat, cheap. Party, leaving city. Flat steam headed, fine location, close in. olM Couch st. Flat ,V Main 3347. ALMOST new furniture of modem 4-room vt am-heated flat, reasonable; rent cheap 'all Sunday. Phone M. 421 2. .NEARLY new-furniture of nine-room, mod ern flat; leaving city reason for selling. .'106 12th st. R-ltOOM flat, beautiful furniture, complete, for sale; steam heat; water free: rent. $2"5. Janitor. 421 West Park. FCRNJTCRE of 7-room house, reasonable rnt. part of house rented. Only $330. 547 Monison st. 4-ROOM modern apartment, completely fur nished, close in, rent reasonable. Main fctS7. FI'RNITIHH of ovi paying f-nxun hou.e $4 it, terms, or fuburban lot. li5 North 17t street. HOUSE of 5 rooms for rent, fine locality; furnlturo for sale. $150. 434 Harrison. , FLAT for rent, some furniture and wood to sell. A4 Ella st. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. 4 47 Alder at. F1NW furnished rt-room house, modern, 38th and E. Stark. Main 2024. MODERN 6-room house; furniture fr sale, bargain. 2o1 E. 1st N. FVTtNITVRE of strictly modern cottage, cheap; rent $18. phone Woodlawn 42tS. ROR RENT. Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sale. THOROUGHLY clean, well-furnished sftf room upper flat ; well arranged for sub renting; sofne rooms now rsutfd. 71-!; Washington. Stores. GOOD CORNER STORE. Union ave. and Knott st., adjacent to Irviugton district; will rent corner sep arate, or whole space; good store on Ivnott also; rent reasonable. JOSEPH H . J QH N S TO N , 32-33 Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and tith. STOREROOMS FOR RENT. Drugstore, meat market, barber sh S! per month for three months; nt;w build ing. Take Ya verly-Richmond car. In tiuire at Sanitary Grocer:-, 4 1st and Di vision sts. 5vtfc.1 feet in new brick building for rent ; suitable for meat market ; also 2 rooms on s scond floor, suitable for doctor's of fice. 1 Inquire of ,Lind & Swanman, 919 Union ave. STORE lT.t Third St.; will give lease. Ap ply 171 Third st. I'P R I.E ASE -:t! and barber shop, basement, modern building, 2d and Yaia hill. JACKSON St DEER1NG. 240 Stark st. FOR SALE Lease, fixtures, small stock, 11th st.. corner 35jc5o with basement 47x02. lease ha 27 months to run. JACKSON &. DEER1XG, 246 Statrk st. FOR RENT 4-srory and basement brick store building. 100x365, S. E. cor. Front and Pine sis. Apply C. A. Dolph, Mohawk bldg. TWO-STORY brick building with elevator to rent. 103 Front t. Apply 374 Taylor or M. 2081. ONE new storeroom, 25x60, left in new block. Appiy at drugstore, 800 Front at. Either F or S car. LARGE store, including shelving, counters, ta bles, electric lights and other fixtures; ready to move in. 231 First st. 931 UNION AVE NORTH, plate glass front store and tlat; fln-i business location ; cheap. GRAND AVE Best location near East Morrison. Bucbtel & Kerns, .100 East Morrison. FOR RENT Stores at reasonable rent, new brick building. S. W. cor. 2d and Flan ders. Inquire 291 Morrison. CORX ER store, fine location for drugstore or dry good, corner Alberta and 23d st. Apply on premises. ONE of the best stores on Grand ave., 20x00, $4Q. Hartman & Thompson, Cham ber of Commerce. ' FIRST-CLASS location for butcher shop. East iMde. Phone Main 8722. FOR RENT 1 lofl. corner location, rent cheap. t3 5th st. Officer. MANU I A ( Tl ' HERS representatives and transients can eecure office beadiuarters and stenographic service reasonable. Both phonea 1444. WANTED Physician, or other professional, to share furnished reception-room with dentist. Room 20. Russcl bldg.. 4th and Morrison. G ROUND floor desk room, permanent loca tion, rent reasonable. Including phones and steam heat. 83 oth, room 1. FOR RENT Business - rooms, recently va cated by printing establishment. Inquire of A. G. Churchey. 3 45 3d st. FOR RENT A few offices in Couche bldg. Apply Room 501. DESKROOM to rent in new Lewis bldg., with use of telephone. Y 62S, Oregonlan. DESK room to rent in new Lewis building, use phone, etc. R 674, Oregonian. WAREHOUSE and dock to rent, foot of Main at. Inquire at 195 Front st. DESK ROOM In pleasant outside room. 408 Henry bldg. DKSK space, furnished or unfurnished, ground floor. Both phones. 3 Commercial Club bldg. DESK room in No. 42H Lumbermen's bldg- Halls. BALLROOM, good location, in gooA condi tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones, S00 Front. Warehouse. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large offices; 60x100; three stories and basement. Corner 4th and Glisan sts. Apply to D. G. Woodward. 104 2d st. Miscellaneous. HOT SPRINGS. Ark. Send for free booklet Chicago Stag, bachelor apartments. 34t5 J .rrtiLt n.i iivc, uppusne rsain nouse row. F'OR RENT lUth st. -Private garage. Apply 157 TO LEASE. OWNER will lease 14 block wholesale dis trict, tl p-r cent on valuation, giving ten ant option to purchase gnound, or will buy your building at expiration of lease. AF 667, Oregonian. BUSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. CARPENTER shop and woodworking business. Good location, low rent and established busi ness. Owner lis old and must retire. $150 Kete everything. Fine opportunity for car I en ier. Call 31 3 C ha m bcr of Commerce. FOR SALM or trade General merchandise store. gotKl irrigated district. If you mean huslne4 write Lock Box 1 1, Two Rivers. Wash. WANT suitable location for woolen mills; good water, cheap fuel; employ 100 peo ple; close corporation; no stock for sale. Address J. P. Wilbur. Union. Or. FOR SALE Electrical fixture and suppiv store and complete equipped shop; an extra good opportunity and worth looking into. AE ti73, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Blacksmith tool stock at In voice prioe. or to much for it all ; only shop in town. Call at once. P. O. box tiO. Canbv. Or.- FOR RALE Restaurant in good location, clearing $150 per month; fixtures, stock and a 3-year lease at a low figure, for $1300. AF 673, Oregonian. FOR SALE 10.000 capacity sawmill; best local market; plenty of timber; wii! stand investigation; buyers only. S 663, Ore gonlan. WELL-ESTABLISHED halrdressing and . dermatology parlorr completely equipped to do all branches of work, including chiropody. AE 672, Oregonian. WANTED WANTED. A practical milliner with some capital to get in millinery bufdnesi. Address AF 671, Oregoniair. CALIFORNIA owes Its prosfperity to the oil Industry.-' our monthly paper. "California Oil Fields," free for the asking. Sagar & Loom is. 710-713 Phelun bldg., San Francisco. LIBERAL discount on stock of groceries; in voice about $3000; good location and busi ness. 60 Board of Trade. FOR SALE First-class moving picture show, complete; In a good cltv near Portland a bargain. AM 605, Oregonian. HOTEL barroom for rent; $5o per- month. Irr quire Term 1 nun Hotel, 96 Knott at. Take I car. CLEANING-PRESSING BUSINESS. Good location. Cheap. JOO1, st st. SM A LL rooming-house downtown ; sacrificed for $300. oOH Board of Trade. lOO CLARK'S WIRELESS AT $1.00. Y 669, Oregoniiin. DENTIST'S oflice, best location, fine equip ment, cheap for cash. A 628. Oregonian. SM ALL rooming-house downtown ; sacrificed for $300. 50t Board of Trade. $45M) STORE, Willamette Valley, or will trade for farm. Curran, Failing bldg. DRUG STORE for sale, desirable location, light expense. H. K. Arnold, care Blumauer Frank Drug Co. WHO 1111 build modern apartment-houss for reliable tenant; West Side only? Phone E. 2395. SNAP 1-chair barber shop for sale. Flske. Cornelius. Or. L. K. FOR SALE Fine corner saloon doing good business; Investigate. AN 682, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cheap, small restaurant and lunch counter. 22 Burnside at. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. Investigate. 2N9 East Morrison st. SMALL paying business; cheap rent Room 33 Savoy Hotel, thU afternoon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AV A N TED STATE M A XAGER. Wanted, an experienced business man to ta ke interest and full management of an established wholesale implement trade in Washington. Oregon. Idaho and Mon tana. Business is handled direct from factory to dealer. Only tnose looking for permanent connection and in position to invest In the- company's preferred stock need apply. Present company will furnisn the necessary funds for carrying account, paying salaries and expenses. An equal division of 'profits nrade annuallv. J. L. OWENS MANUFACTURING CO., 1 Minneapolis, Minn. CREA M E R Y FO R SALE. The Elma Creamery is for sale and can be bought very cheap. It is a thoroughly equipped plant with good cold storage and ice -ma king machinery installed. It is in operation and doing a good business. Located In the midst of a splendid dairy country it offers the best of Inducements for a practical buttermaker. Thin cream -,vry can be bought on reasonable terms. If not sold we desire to employ a competent, buttermaker and any one desiring such a position write us. For particulars ad dress Frank Groundwater secretary, E 1 m a , W as 1 1 . BAST-NEVISON- ROOM TNG- HOUSE. BUSI NESS CHANCE. Best bargains in city today. 10 rooms, rent $30. unusually fine furni ture, $730, terms; delicatessen. $175, snap; 15 rooms, rent, reus., steam heat, best location. $150n; RART5I3R SHOP, the best: 20 rooms, rent $l, always full. We have other good ba rgains ; equities, acreage, limber lands, etc. WE TRADE. See our v list today. Don't fa 11. BAST-NEVISON REALTY A- INV. CO.. 319 Board of Trade TODAY Main 3877. $3000 GENERA L merchandise business In a growing town; railroad "-being completed. $600u General merchandise. Inland town, 35 miles from railroad; business paying- $5000 profit each year; parties having good security can buy this business. $tStHK First-class grocery in the cit $10.u00 to $12,000 General merchandise In a good suburb. $50,uoO Wholesale and fobbing business. All of the above will stand investiga tion. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 410 Ablngton blag. THE HOTEL, EXCHANGE. We build hotels. If you have a good location in the city or in any gocd live town call or communicate with ub, and we will investigate name at once. Phone Main 743. THE HOTEL EXCHANGE . Suite 7 and 8. 302 Washington St. MUST be sold at once the Oregon City Confectionery Store and Pool Room at Or egon City. Or.; without doubt the best paying place of Its kind In the state; come, see for yourself; trial given; good lease; best location, no opposition; right price and terms; no agents. phone Main 108. or p. O. Box 102, Oregon City. Or. A GENERAL MERCHANDISE stock of $15. t.'OO with business property worth $4000, located in growing town in best fruitgrow ing, section of state; a money-maker and one of the beat propositions in the country. Owner has made money, and desires to look after other Interests. A 022, Orego nian. APPLE. PEAR AND CHERRY LANDS. 1 020 acres. 500 acres open land, 300 acres oak openings, balance pasture and timber; can be cut up In small tracts for fruit farming; 6 miles from railroad town; price, $ 1 5 per acre ; terms. IIEMENWAY & LOCK WOOD, Cottage Grove, Or. . LAWYER owning good library, with over 10 y-?ars experience in Middle Western States and who can furnish best of refer ences, desires to correspond with attorney familiar with Oregon practice with view to association for practice of law in Port land. G 6S0, Oregoniun. LIVERY AND PALES STABLE A first-class proposition in a country town; owner retiring, part cash, balance good security; books and business open for a thorough Investigation. W. Law rence. 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. REAL ESTATE. Partner wanted in well-established busi ness clearing over $.VK per month; this ie the best opening in Portland; full est investigation wlioitcd ; references re quired. Call 28tH Washington fit., room (H2. $150 REQUIRED Partner wanted to show land for a re Hdble real estate firm, experience not nec cossary, will teach you the business ; you can make $15o to $2Mi per month. fall j room 315. Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and j Stark sts. v FOR SALE A business paying monthly profit 5. more than $400, and which can be greatly increased by intelligent effort, i'rice, $45o) ; $35t:t cash. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 32G Washington St., Rooms 201-202. RESTAURANT on Washington st. wants partner to act as cashier, as owner does the cooking; will guaranty good salary, besides profits. For particulars, call room 523 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. YOUNG man with some capital would like to hear from parties having manufactur ing or jobbing business; will invest capi tal and take active interest. AK tMS, Oregonian. RELIABLE real estate man wan ts partner to show property and wait on customers ; a good, sober man can depend on $ 1 5 monthly ; references required. Call room -rJ3 Lumber Exchange. WANTED to buy. First-class monev-maklng saloon, good location, south of Oak st. If you have a nice place that $2000 or $3000 cash will handle answer. AE 608, Orego nian. MANUFACTURING. Household article of merit; partner wanted; will pay $25 per week salary: Utile nionev needed. Call 2S6i. Washington st., room 612. WANTED Man to act as director of a new )ank close to Portland;- big opportunities; only bank in growing town : investment required. 5UoO to $10,000; only best bank references considered, p. O. box 433. GENERAL store, doing $9000 monthly busi ness, located In the best suburb of Port laud ; will sell at invoice, a bout $ ItJ.Oitft ; will stand closest investigation. Address, A. B. C Oregonian. ME RC H A NT S We ca n fe 1 1 your b u i n e sc or get you a good Meady partner; have 'buven with the cash. Call or write Western Land Co., 248 St ark st. SOLID mercantile business netting $600 monthly; will take partner; references given and required. Call 523 Lumber Ex change. A SNAP Skating rink equipped, in town of 000 ; no competition : snap if taken at once. Write to A. C. Brown, 309 West K st.. Grants Pass. Or. FOR SALE- Dry goods and clothing store in one of the best irrigation towns in Cen t ral Washington. Groat opportunltv. $23, OOO stock. AG 665. Oregonian. WE want a man who has $5000 or $10,000 cash to enteram a project for the build ing and selling of houses. AN 647, Ore gonian. HALF interest in good cleaning and press ing business for sale; owner will guaran tee $4 per day. Particulars, 417 Board of Trade FRUIT and confectionary A genuine snap at $100. Cigar store on Washington st. for $M0. SPENCER & CO., 102 Second St. a ror rtgnt party; grocery and con- leciionery, nome bakery; must sell at once on account of sickness. Phone Main 7601. CORPORATION bond issues. $100,000 up v. ards. negotiated. L. N. Kosenbaum, law yer ad hiianieial agents, 317 Fern block. Seattle, Washington. A SPSENDID opening for a bright, ener getic, ambitious young man in a clean-cut. straight business; $U0 cash required. R 672, Oregonian. SALOON Central;, owner wants partner- ex perience not nn-ewary; takes- in $75 day; pays big. Call 248 '.i Stark jst. FOR RENT At 14.". 3d st.. business rooms, suitable for printing, small manufacturing, etc. Inquire A. G. Churcbley, photographer. F'OR SALE Old-established wood yard, fine trade; reason for selling bad health. Y 64S, Oregonlan. DRUG store for sale; will sell for rash or exchange for real estate. Inquire X 66O, N Oregonian. j TWO light groceries at invoice; about $800; J both tine opportunities for someone. 617 fcioara or j raae. WANTED To buy retail milk route in Port land; give prine and full particulars. Ad d ress 'X. ' Box 11, Hood River. Or. HAVE few hundred dollars with service m good business; no fake agents need an swer. 129 Grand ave.. room 5. PARTNER with $ot for a good legitimate business. Room 7, 233 lirt t- BUSINESri OPPORTUKITTE8. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. F. J. Catierlln &. Co.. Room 2. Lumbermens Bids. AVE OFFER FOR SALE: ; S.Hiin B. C. Amal. Coal $ .04 5.OO0 Alaska Pet. & Coal snap 2' Clarke Wireless . . .. bid 50 United Wireless bid 4.OO0 Fidelitv Copper bid 4 tif Black Eagle M. & M at snap Ll.ono Morning CMetallne) .o. ' .iMtO Cascada o-" 3. oho Mammoth (Metallne) 2,HfO Oriole MetaIin) bid 50 Campbells Gas Burner bid 5 Saares of Copper Sandstone. .. snap loo Portland Concrete Pile & E....bld l.ooO Wanhougal Gold & Copper, make bid lt0 Automatic Gas Light bid 2,0ut Almeda Con bid 10 Ranger Boiler Insulator Cc. .at snap 10 Portland Home Tel. stock. .$17.50 500 Ccmstock Golden Gate 22 3 2.000 Gold Creek M. At M bid 3,0(H Freeland Con 071. Eastern Oregon Oil & fia bid Collins Wireless .-. . 1.S5 5,0Of Electric of Santiam snap , AV E WILL PAY CASH FO it : 5.000 Almeda. IO.O00 Cascada. 10.000 Fidelity Copp-r. 1U0 United Wireless. 10 or UK) Portland Concrete Pile & Equip ment. 10.000 Alaska Petroleum & Coal. 50.OU0 B. C. Amal. it Coal. . Home Telephone bonds and Tacoma. bonds with 50 per cent stock. We will forfeit $500 if we cannot fill any order we "agree to, or advertise. TRY US AND SEE. WANTED STATE MANAGER. Wanted, an experienced business man to tike interest and full management of an esta.biish.ed wholesale implement trad a in Washington. Oregon. Idaho and Mon tana. Business ,-is handled direct from factory to dealer. Only those looking for permanent connection and in position to Invest in the comuanv's nref erred stock need apply. Present company will furnish ine necessary runos for carrying accounts, paying salaries and expense.. An equal division of profits made annually. J. L. OWENS MANUFACTURING CO., Minneapolis, Minn. ARV3 YOU looking fir a genuine good opening in one of: the -bet growing towns in Oregon to get Into business; we have a splendid department, dry goods and general tore. f which will invoice about $17,000. three-more building, 65x53. basement and warehouse in rea r , a 1 so wa re houwe on d oc k . with dock privilege; even-rooru flat above, with all modern Improvement."; le.?.e on building at low rental; carry $14.0N insurance; busi- v ne.ea clears $4o0O to $r0W a year for eight years past and can be greatly increased by adding one or two more lines. See Geo. Cur tip. 7ol Couch bldg. Might take come Port land property in trade. WANTED A man with $4H0 to $5ooo that wi shes to become 1 n t eree ted in one of the best building businesses in the city. This business will pay you on your money more, than o per cent per month money invested, and you will have control of your money all the time and at all times; will have your money amply secured by real estate. If interested look this up. Dox not answer this ad unless you mean business, and can, if satisfied, take the matter up. D 671, Oregonlan. EXCELLENT BUSINESS CHANCES. Dry goods store, clearing over $100 a month besides nving for only $1200. Bakeries. 1 for 000. the other for $2200, no better ones in Oregon. Restaurant clearing over $130 a month, for $125o, or might take good lots. Country stores, hotels, rooming-houses and manufacturing. On ly propositions of merit handled. and open to the most scrutinous Investigation. F. FUCKS, 22114 Morrison st. BUTCHERS, ATTENTION. If you are looking for a market of merit, come and fee what we know about; mie thing down town, with unlimited established t ra d e ; it Is go-d now f o r b tg money a nd will do still better In 3 months. EASTERN EXCHA.VOE, 226t Morrison. A 3670 M. 3022. LIVERY STABLE In good town on S. P. R R. and Oregon Electric; 12 horsoe. 6 nets double harness, 2 seta single harness. 5 bug gie. 1 surrey-, one 3 -seated hack, all neces sary equipment; 4-year lease at very low rent; grofs receipts $40O per monrii. expermea $150; price $3.V;0. term? $2000 cash. bee Geo. Curtis, 7u9 Couch blog. PRINTERS Complete job printing plant, forctd on mortgagee, must be eold imme diately regardless of price. Four presses, good location, low rent. Fine opportunity for two or three printers who want to get into good bmsineps. For full -particulars address B 074, Oregonlan. THERE IS a great need for a firet-clasei gro cery and meat market in one of the best lo cations on Willims ave.; we 'have the lot. .""OxloO. upon which we will erect suitable building for good tenant. See Geo. Curtis, 7 L'J Co uch bldg. 4i-ROOM hotel, crowded all the time, well furnifhed and scrupulously clean, all light, airy rooms, office ground f loor. long lease, rent $75. worth $150. A money-maker, free from incumbrance. Price $2000. worth S3o0. Owner must leave city. Call room . 362 Washington st- - HOTELS wanted for sale or leas, cash cus tomer waiting. You liet the hotel with us; we do the reM; no publicity; all business tttrictly confidential. P. L. AUSTIN & CO., Exclusive Hotel Brokers. Suite 7 and 8, 362 Washington St. PA RTNER with $250 and services In good substantial business that is paying well and will improve rapidly; experience un- neceswary; guarantee $100 monthly: rn o n.2 y secured ; will stand thorough invest iga tion. AC 669, Oregonian. WANTED A flrst-claes, up-to-date office manager in Portland to take charge of an established business. Must Invest $11'0; good salary and sure dividends to right man. Makeshifts need not answer. D 673, Oregonian. SNAP Good laundry doln a bood busi ness, selling out on account of sickness ciood butcher shop doing good business, lo cation can't be beat. Cheap payments. In vestigate both. Neep, 2v3 . Mora St., Arleta. Or. HOTEL. ,., 50 rooms, cleari v. g over $3.V per m n t h ; fine location; price $225o, or will take good property. Call 2S6Vj Washington t., room 61-2. ONE-HALF Interest in fine general mer chandise business ; new up-to-date hotel making S2o per day; town in which these proposition are situated is booming val ley town. G 677. Oregonian. A MAN -with few hundred dollars who has had experience in real estate to open an oflice with man of like experience and money. M 665, Oregonlan. $M0i TO INVEST In legitimate business wit'h ixsitlon. by man 0 good character. 36 years old : resident of Portland ten years; well ac quainted. F 671, Oregonian. WOOD hupinesa. partner wanted; requires lit tle money: pay active man $150 month. Call 248Vj Stark t. LITTLE restaurant, Just the thing for man and wife; -stands thorough Investigation ; sacrifice for $500. 50G Board of Trade. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. 1 elephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher In v. Co.. 225 Abington. HALF interest in fish and poultry market; cash business of $4000 per month; $1000 gets this. 506 Board of Trade. FOR SALE Sawmill, very cheap; 10.00O capacity ; plenty timber: will consider trade. Address J 063, Oregonian. LIBERAL discount on stock of groceries; in voice about $"000; good location and busi nejss 506 Board of Trade. GOOD grocery for sale at once; will in voice shout $1 lOO; good location ; reason able -ent. phone, East 5S0. C 13S5. LITTLE restaurant, .lust the thing for man and wif- ; stands thorough investigation ; sacrifice for $500. 506 Board of Trade. I NEED cash and will sell R00 shares of Oregon Gold Hill stock at a bargain. F 670, Oregonian. HAVE fine wpte-rfront, Columbia Slough and boulevard, track through propert y. Oin for milling proposition. D 674. Oregonian. HALF Interest in fish and poultry market; cash business of $4000 per month; $1000 gets this. 506 Board of Trade. FOR SA I.E Tailoring and furni.mlng busi ness. $2(M"K) stock, located on best corner In town of 80t)0. F 662, Oregonian. PARTY with $5000 to buy Interest in good paying candy business; city. R 671. Ore gonian. REAL estate business owner wants reliable partner- full investigation ; only $350 1 e ' quired. Particulars. 417 Board of Trade. POOLROOM, with cigars and confectionery attached, cheap. See oner, 708 Union ave.. North. FA MI LY liquor store, good location, long established buslne; will sell whole or half interest. Call 314 Henry bldg. TWO box ba 1 1 alleys ; good as n ew ; good money maketv. N 647, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DTETZ-MUELLEK COMPANY, 315-316-317 Abington Bhlg. SEE - TH TS HOTCL; - IT'S A BIG MONEY MAKER. 10O rooms. NEW CORNER BRICK BUILDING, very well furnished. STEAM HEATED, porcelain baths, gas and elec tricity. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE. This is a fine proposition and a BIG MONEY MAKER. Rent ONLY $350 per month, with a FIVE-YEAR LEASE. Be sure to see' this if you want something GOOD. Call for price and TERMS. SWELL NEW APARTMENT-HOUSE. 84 rooms, dr.o now MODERN CORNER PRICK BUILDING, exqulsitelv furnished; PRIVATE RATTLS; 'Z and 3-room suites; RENT ONLY $400 per month and a, FIVE YEAR LEASE. This is a SNAP.. MUS 1:113 SEEN TO BE appreciated. Good terms. AN AWFULLY GOOD BUY. . - 52 rooms, fine new MODERN BUILD ING, elegantly furnished; HOT and COLO WATER IX ALL ROOMS; steam heat. PRIVATE BATHS; very REASONABLE rent and a LONG LEAi!E: this is an un usually good house and a BiG MONEY MAKER. Call and see us for price and ti ins. A B E A T T T I F I L A PA KTM E T - H O U S H . 65 room s . In :i and 4 -roo m s r. i : es ELK G A X TLY J'UR.VI S H ED. ?TE A M H EAT. PRIVATE BATHS; strictly modern and up to. date in every way. THIS IS it BEA UTY. and one of the best-paving apartment-houses in th city. Reasonable rent and a GOOD LEASE. The price is . R TGHT. and good TERMS. See us a t once for particulars. S EE TH TS. SURE ! ELEGANT A P A R T M E NT-HOfSE 50 rooms. In NEW. MODERN BUILDING. STEAM HEATED, PRIVATE BATHS, BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED in all hard woods, Axrainster and Brussels carpets; this is a. very exclusive house. CHEAP RENT and a GOOD LEASE. This is a big moiK'y maker and a very easy house to run ; nothing to do but collect the rents. Price $6750; terms. A FIXE HOME SNAP, TOO. 4 2 rooms, fine modern BRICK, located In the bst part of the city; VERY NICE LY FURNISHED; 3 years' lease and rent OXLA $260 por month, INCLUDING HEAT. HALL LIGHTS. WATER VXD JANITOR SERVICES. You never saw its equal before. BEST BUY IN THE CITY AT THE PRICE, $6000; TERMS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. SEE US BEFORE ' .MAKING A DECISION WE HAVE THE BEST!! DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 315-316-217 Abington Bldg. 2o-ROGM hotel in outside city, population 1000, big transient trade, office, bar and billiard hall on ground floor, bar cost $ltoo alone, dining-room seats 5o poopie. building, real estate and everything el.e for $r5 worth $li,6flo. Cash $3000, balance easy. Present owner retiring from business. .Call 7 and 8, 362 Washington st. MERCHANTS, LOOK HERE. The only general merchandise store in a lively town on the Columbia for sale. Cause old age. Clean stock to amount of about $0000. Might take good citv prop erty or good Farm in exchange. No in flated values considered. F. FUCHS, 221 H Morrison st. LIVERY STABLE Business. $2000 per month, fine location and chance for1 increase of 50 per cent; serious mason for selling; wU give the first man the advantage. Come and see the inventory. It us prove the facts. EASTERX EXCHANGE. A 3670. M. 3022. 220 Morrison St. FOR SALE An old establishpd clothing, dry goods and shoe business in one of the best corner locations in Portland ; jstock first-class, invoices about $ls.O00; can be bought right if bought at once ; reason, have to leave the state. Address P. O box 376. city. $20,X0 for one-third or. $30,600 for control of established textile manufacturing plant with n. monoioy; larger quarters required before March, 1 to fill contracts; 25 per cent net profit; seven gold- medals A. Y. P. Exposi tion ; personal investigation and quick action essential. J. R. A.,- S17 .27th, Seattle. Wash. A RARE opportunity will be given a party with $20.4K0 cash to join secretary, having inside information, !n securing a largo tract of Improved property in cltv; profit $50,000 on the transaction : principals wJXh bank references only considered. P O. box 435. FINE OPPORTUNITY. Good, clean, up-to-date stock of shoes and gents' furnishings, in best location In suburbs; other business Interests compel owner to sacrifice; price $15('0. CHITTENDEN", OTTO & NEILL. .TIO Oak at. $HMi,(Mo FOR an investment of but $1K)0 is all any reasonable person should ask; most popular and profitable manufactur ing enterprise in city; just geLting ready for business. Address first letter to K 671. Oregon ian. ACTIVE BUSINESS. Centrally located. Well equipped; light ex t tenses; attractive features; a good owning for two or more enterprising people; require? only moderate capital. Address AK 602, Oregonlan. STOCK AND BOND offerings sold on com mission basis. Entire Issues negotiated. M IX YARD- KESSLER CO.. selling brok ers. First National Bank bldg., Cincin nati. O. HOTELS We will build hotel. . You furnish us with good location in good live town. P. L. AUSTIN & CO., Exclusive Hotel Brokers. Suite 7 and S, 362 Washington St. $100 STARTS profitable business. The American razor honing and stf ety blade sharpening machine earn $2 per hour up. For particulars R. S. Green, Mgr., 171 Washington st., Chicago. WORKING MAN'S HOI EL This place is clearing over $2O0 per month. 40 rooms, all full, low rent. Par ticulars, room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE Newly erected C0. 000 fpt daiiy. sawmill. $ worth of timber, on Grand Trunk Railway, vicinity Prince Rupert. Splendid opportunity. Owner, Box 272, Vanrou er. B. C. GROCERY STORE BARGAIN. " Grocery, doing big business, large stock, fixtures, horse and wagon, rent only $15; sr an for 011 ink 1 ST'illi j 11 c; ... Inn.l l.iwlo- $500 BUYS my business, paying S125 to $150 a month: if you have no experience I will teach you full detai Is; man or woman. Give your address if you want to hear from me. R 660, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to check goods, etc.; start you at $25 w ek ; Ciii; be increased with ln frsted help; small investment required. Cafl 24Si Stark st. BETTER let us place you in business. W will safeguard your interests. Our Hat is the best in t no city. Hnmcseekef Land Co., 132 Sixth street. North. SM A LL cash business ; ownr can't depend on hired help; wants partner to keep books und collect; salary $25 weekly, besides profits. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. GEN E RAL M E RCJf A N D 1 S E. Country attire, clearing 4;io moiinhlv; will 1 1 at invoice and o :r t e rms . Cal l" 2 0 t.j Washington St.. room 612. WANTED Party with $500 to Join In selling well-known nri ic?o. con 1 rolled on Pari he Coast, good seiler in East and Mildle West. References exchanged. H flijS. Oregonian. IRRIGATION PROJECTS--We would like to of first -das propo--U Ions; we can financo goo I or. or. A tul it A itest So -irty 42 Broadway, New York. W A NT ED At once, a good grocery ; must have a solid business, and bo reasonable $s00 up. AC 667. Oregonian. WANTED A good iv-omir.g-bone. from 20 looms up; must have the right location and price; owners. AD 667. Oiegonliui. I'ARTN F.R wanted in eMuhlifhed office busi ness: must have in threat vd help, .small in vretmient required. E 674. Oregonlan. TWO $lO,HM pro!osittn f r cash or it." enirtl. salary with each; Investigate. D t;72. Ore gonian. M 1 L LINER Y department, with ti:t-cl:iss suit house, in San tYnin-in. Owner now in portlnnd. E 672. Oregonian. COUNTRY ftore clnrintr jS.Wio year; ipecia3 but gain. Call 24H,.-. Stark t?:. BLACKSMITH WHOP, close in on East Side $250. Spencer &. Co., 102 2d st. FT RST-CLASS dry goods business. Owner leaving city. B 66m. Oregonian. MACHINE shop for ale. For particulars address M. Giadl, Aberdeen. Wash. S2 FOR 1000 business cards; 200. 75c. Rose City Printery. 102 2d st.. near Taylor. S A LOON for sale, centrally lnnted ; price reasonable. Apply Gambrinus Brewing Co. 1 $40OO buys controlling Interest In wood -work it g b 1 u i 1 iejs. R 662, T ego n fan. T 20O CLARK'S WIRELESS T. T. if taken thi week, 75c. X 60S, Oregonia-P- BUSd'ESS O P PO RX UNIT FES. TALK WITH FLETCHER 3'on Alaska Pet. & Coal treas . . . .bargain 5000 Almeda Con bid 25 Am. Bark & Trusv n! a r.oo Am. Differential Axle 500 13oi Automatic Gas Light big snap HHi: Black Eagle (Santiam) big .snap .".OoO B. c. Amal. Coal bargain 20 Burllngame T. T. stock $3.50 70 Campbell's Aut. S. Gas B 4.50 50ft lark's Wireless bargain HiO -Collins Wireless Tel $ i .50 .TOO Comstock Golden Gate 20 50 Cooper Sandstone bid 1 5ft o Fidelity Copper .. . market 50 m Oold Creek 5 '3 c r.ftft Oov't Standard Powder bid 3ft H. O. Peck Auto. Wheel snap 5 Marconi England 1 $0.O lout 1 National Copper 71t;C lftftft Portland Coal & Dev S5c 5O0 Portland Tel. bonds bid 5fto Pickets Adv. Mach .....170 50O0 Prince Extension 05c 10 Range Boiler Insular bid :0 Rose City . . . .bargain 7000 Tacnma Tel. bonds stock bonus., bid 5O0 Wahougal G. & C .S5c 1 All othertocks and bonds; see me be fore buying; may be able to do better. , 1 WANT II. O. Peck Auto. Wheel. Almeda Con. National Copper. Am. Min. Synd. O. iole Copper. B. C. Amal. Coal. Portland Con. P. E. Cascadia M. & D. I" ni leu Wireless. Fid el it v Copper. Alaska Pet. Coal 2 5 5 Abington bldg. $15uO 5 acres on carline, 10 miles out. Tl room house, furnished. garden, CASH trout stream, spring, a lively Sum mer home for a man who works In the city deal with owner. $650 S acres fruit and garden, 1 -a can be put in trees or crops this Spring. balance light hazen brush, fine lo cality on carline. Land all around held at S40 to $500 per aero. $2560 takes It, 6 per cent, i acres, garden, inside city limits. H sold in lots will pay the whole price, neat cottage, fruit, etc. The only place of the kind In the city. :0 acres unimproved fruit land, near car. water, elevation 13f0 feet, easy cleared, only 3 of these pieces left, land on all sides held at DOWN $5500 5 CASH $1200 i $600 CASH double the price. INVESTMENT Apartment-house, upper PROPERTY Washington street, new and growing In value, $12,S0O; Terms. NEW JEFFERSON Two beautiful VIEW HIGH SCHOOL lots, very cheap for cash. $550 each, one or both. "LITTLE FARMS" We have 10 "little farms," right near the . city where you can grow your own fruit and vege t ables, etc., and have them fresh and cheap", get a COUN TRY HOME while they are cheap. OREGON LAND CO.. . 215-217 Henry Bldg. G K N ERA L M E RC H A ND I S E STORE. Fine clean stock of groceries, dry goods, clothing, shoes, notions and hardware, in one of . Portland's -best suburbs; sales S1S. ftftO per year; guaranteed; stock and fix tures will invoice about $6000; nice large gla.s front ; store can be bought for S30ft0 or leased at $25 per month; S-room residence and acre ground can be had for $3000 or leased for $15 per month; freight unloaded right at door; electric lino 2 blocks away : it you want a fine business on a paying basis, this one will bear strictest investigation. GRUSSI & ZADOW 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. BRICKYARD Outfit for sale cheap. - Consisting of 1 brick machine. .10-H. P. motor. Brick trucks. Brick moulds. Dumii carts. :;o.OOO oallets. Every tiling than goes with a brickyard, whose capacity is 45.606 brick a day of IO hours. Price $250o on the ground at Portland. 1IRUBAKER' & BENEDICT. 502 McKay bids.. 3d ana Stark. GROCERY and delicatessen, best location, East side, close In, clean new stock, rent cheap ; will sell at invoice. 5 per cent off for cash; fixtures up to date, electric cof fee mill, American meat slicer, etc. ; over $ 1600 per month trade, good horse and wagon ; business established over 3 years, steadily Increasing ; invoice about $25ift ; also furniture of 5-room house. closj by, cost about $i;oo : will sell for $200 : no agents wanted and no trade for other property. I am leaving city and must have cash. Address C 674. Oregonian. FURNITURE store In live Eastern Oregon town; stock new and complete; will In voice about $4500; building large and well located; will sell or lease building: almost exclusive country trade in best grain sec tion of state. LINCOLN INVESTMENT CO. 201-202 Drexel Hotel. 2d and Yamhill. MILLINERY fixtures, modern, almost new; four 7 -foot glass front wall cases. 5-foot plate-glas3 floor case, twelve 18x40 bevel plate mirrors, portable shelving, counter, tables. chairs, stands, etc. ; cost $400 ; all for $150; .store for rent if desired. Phone Main 0122- PATENT secured or fee returned ; Illustrated guide book and list of inventions mailed free to any address; patents secure.! for us ad vertised free in World's Progww; sample copy free. Victor J. Evans & Co., Wash ington. D. C. H AVE -rubber proposition that well-organized selling company can make half mil lion dollars in two years; must be In po sition to invest few thousand dollars; None but well-organized brokers wanted. V. H. Henderson, Mapastepec, Chis., Mexico. FOR SALE: Butcher business in full run ning order, stock. fixtures, horse and wagon, lot 50x100. shop 16x32, barn 20x2S, on corner of main streets. For partio- ulars. address box 173, Milwaukee, Or., R. F. D. Xo. 2. YOUNG business man, qualified to system atise, general office experience. Including banking, with $2000 to $5000- to invest; open for legitimate business proposition ; satisfactory references guaranteed. G 078, Oregonian. PLUMBING. A great chance for one or two g,ood plumbers; ot her business compels me to sell out. You don't need much money to handle this. Give mo some good secu rity and take it. 255 Flanders street. SPECIAL Owner of cash store dealer In all kindci of fwxm produce, wants a partner he can denend on: will pay you, $30 weak now and will Increase with Interested help. Call 248 1 Stark st. A RAILROAD land company incorpor ated) wants an extra man to take active interest in business; small amount of cash, collateral or real estate required for stock interest. P 671. Oregonian. FOR SALE 10-room hotel, cost $12,000. lot, building and furniture; will sell for $6ft00. :,000 cash, balance on time: interested in old dredging in California. Call or address Commercial Hotel. Seaside. Or. DRUGSTORE snap. 20 per cent below In voice, out of town, railroad, good pre scription business. Don't answer unless you are prepared to do business. AF 66, Oregonian. STX"K bond offering mining, electric, in dustrial or railway company wanted for sale ; eomm i-dson basis. Address full par ticulars ? Clientele, P. O. box 3088. New York. FOR SALE, easy terms Good foundry and ma chine hop. .n main line Northern Pacific Railway, in bewt city between Puget Sound and INirtiand. For information. Address Citizens Club. Uhehabs. Wash. BAKERY and confectionery; this is the best paying bakery in the city, clearing o er $2im a month ; cheap rent ; lease. This is a snap. See owner. Laurel wood Bakery, Mount S'ott car. FOR SALE 50-room hotel, with bar. clear ing $12ft0 per month; must be sold in 60 days; price, $20,000. Write for particu lars. Joseph Dalton, North Yakima. Wash. MUST raise money; client will sell A, J. & D. Co. stock at 25c; market price is 60c; large or small lots. investigate thir. 617 Board of Trade. GENTLEMAN with wants interest in growing concern, wholesale or retail; jew elry, millinery preferred. AH 661, Ore gonian. TEAM laundry, doing $350 a week, making money, situated in one of the hfit towns In state. For particulars call 3163 Haw thorne ave. 'I VE grocery, good location ; ' must sell at In voice, about $1200: cut price $SO0. sell at once; line bargain. 617 Board of Trade. ; EN ERA L merchandtJ-e stock for sale, about Sfcoftft; will s.-ll at Invoice price; in the heart o f good f a ri n ing c -u n try ; good reasons for selling. Address AF 062. Oregonlan. PLU'M BER, gas or steamfitter with about 3ftft can bupy a shop that will invoice at $5ftn with a good trade; leaving city. AN 677. Oregonian. WANTED Partner for good-paying restau rant. Very lit tie money required. 309 Wash ington. Vancouver. Wash. GROCERY Reliable partner wanted; requires sm3ll inveftnv nt : need not pay one cent before you try it. Call 24KU. Stark sr. PARTNER wanted, close-in store, choice lo cution: must b reliable; $ required. Pai titulars, 417 Board of Jfitf- BUSINESS OPPORTXTNITII-S. FO RT G EORGB. las t great metro pot i ot North America, will be one of the larg est cities In the West, and the largest in British Coiumbla, except Vancouver; Fort George is the geographical and siratria commercial center of British Columbia and present supply point; Fort George t on main line of Grand Trunk Paclfia " itranscontinental Railwav, now building, and terminus tor on line) of six othet railways projected and building; Vest George is at Junction of lftOft miles ot navigable waterways, on which 3 lines of steambouus now ply; millions acres fin est agricultural land, coal, timber and mineral, are tributary. The immense ton nage from waterways- will be transferred to railways at Forth George; onti hundred million collars ($100,000,000) wlll be spent in next three years in vfcinitv building railroads alone; first oflering of business lots $ 150 each for inplde lots and $2t0 each for corners, payable $10 down and $16 per month, no interest; no taxes until 1 01 1 ; 10 per cent discount for cash ; tM !e insured and guaranteed by the gojf n ment. which owns cue quarter of th .011. Write quick for maps, plans and official data. " Natural Resources Security Co., Ltd.. 412 Winch bldg., Vancouver. B. C. I WANT 10 Interest a reliable business mar with me in a largo proposit ion that v, i: , bear . he closest inspection; this is a! Hon dollar proposition. If you are in rar est ed and u III take the advice of one who knows and who Ih now operating on a la rge scale and you have from $50.noo : . $100,000 that could be placed at advan tage. Write this address, T 663, Ore gonian. A REA LLY good business opening Is of fered to a sober, energetic man. to pur chase half interest In a genuine and profitable business, one that is not afraid to be investigated: $1500 required, and almost all of It will go right into the business; it will afford from the start a fixed monthly income and it. with profits, will insure for you at least $2o0 first year; please do not reply unless yon truly mean business and have the money; no time for business chance men or fak era. Address AC 662. Oregonlan. HOTEL proprietor wants a partner to tak care of cash and financial affairs, owina to increasing business; $4000 cash re quired: profit over $2500 year assured; only parties with clean record and good references will be considered. AM 6o, Oregonian. PAYING big In good Valtey town, ban County. $7000 stock general merchandise, clean stock, no clothing ; expenses light. Payroll town. Age 70 and must retire. We court investigation and can give refer ences. If you want a good business ad dress G 679. Oregonian. SALOON Positively the best location in th city, has exclusive sale for the stato for two standard liquors; long lease, moderate rent. This Is an Al proposition and will appeal to any man who has the cash and wants a saloon; prica $10,000. Particulars Spencer & Co.. 102 2d st. - BAKERY. DELICATESSEN, BEST BUY IN CITY. $.5ft ROOMING-HOUSE, 26 rooms, rent $75. Equity Swinton lots, $400. cheap toriav BAST-XEVISON REALTY & IN V. CO. " 319 Board of Trade. PARTNER Reliable man wants partner in cash busi ness ; you can make. $36 per week out ol business; experience not necessarv ; w in , teach you the business ; $ l."o req'uh c.. Call room 315, Lumber Exchange bldg. 2d and Stark at. CORNER grocery for sale, fine location ir residence district, cloan stock, doing goo: business, best of reasons for selling, about $100 0 required. Will accept vacant lots or acreage as part payment. V 66. 0:c gonian. FOR SALE Furniture of real estate off if in Chamber of -Commerce, with office tr, rent; less than cost price; two or three good deals pending with good list; parties leaving- town ; you will want t his if . ou investigate. Address AK 667, Oregonian. WANTED Partner, worth $000. I have op tion on Portland office for California cor poration. We can make $3oot annuallv. Takes two to run business. Address for in terview, giving phone number, IH04 10th st. S. SMALL manufacturing business, paying S27rt a month, which can be groat I y "increased by good management, for sale for 1275ft; $1650 cash required. O. C. R ELLIS & CO.. 326 M Washington St., Rooms 201-202. RHUABLE merchant wants partner with $lo00 and services; he will guarantee yon good salary, also share of profits and tak you to t he ba nk for refe.rcncea. Oa U 2A w Stark st. ' GROCERY This place is doing $150 to $2S0 per dav owner retiring: will sell at invoice; inves tigation solicited. Call room Slo, Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark st. 10-ROOM house. 73 Union ave., N., near B. Everett at. Ixw rent. Ixmls Salomon & Ca, 233 Stark St., near 2d. POOLROOM, 8 tables, cheap rent, ft poor money-maker, good terms; must be sold, at once as owner is engaged In other business. 301-302 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Foundry, machine shop liy. Southern Oregon. For particulars inquiry Helser & Unden, 2oO Glisan bC, Portland, Or. MARKET. Well-located market, cash trade, must sell on account of health ; lease, cheap r en t. See owner. S 673, Oregonian. WANTED To buy general merchandise stock, live town with future; give full particulars. Room 425, Prinoees Hotel, Portland, Or. DO roll want supplies or rent film T W are independent, do not belong to th trust. Pacific Film Co.. 808 Rothchild, oidg., Portland. Or. WOOD AND COAL. Partner wanted in business paying- oyer $3m per month ; little money needed. Call 2&6 Wash lngto n st. . room 612. WE can locate you tn paying business. Be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney . & Stampher, 531 -32 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone A 4 SSI. MILLINERY department In one of the best dry goods houses in N. Yakima, Wash.; to lease on a commission basis. Address P. O. Box 223. RESTAURANT and dairy lunch, everything new and up to date, fine location, rent low; one of the finest in town. 626 Wash ington. FOR SALE All or half interest In eawmtli 5.000. KH feet of yellow and red fir timber, logging outfit and mill in running order, clo to Portland. G 675. Oregonlan. CONFECTION TORY store, 88ft East Burnsid st., alongside picture theater; leae or piacc; rent only $10 per month ; best busi ness stand in city. Phone Kast PI8. IF you want to buy Into a legitimate and profitable business carrying a good posi -tlon and have $1000, call at once on J. II. Zane, 200 Salmon st. Real estotf man wants sober man aw parrnt to sho wiand; no exj-eiince necessary, little money required. Particulars Nntiunai Keai: v Co.. 326J-3 Washington st., room M6. WANTED Drugstore. established business suburban or Valley town preferred: not ee, $ 2f oo to I n vest ; n o agents ; owners only. N 664, Oregonlan. WE WANT a party with busme-vr ability sales manager for Port. land: ubernj eomr-j will tie given to one carrying an investm ;:. of $1500. AF 663. Oregonian. MAIL-ORDER business pays several thei ?and dollars annually; new Iinprocl p!:i-i. $25 to $1'0 necessary. J. & P. Lackey v., 2232 La Salle St.. Chicago. KXTRA good side line at once f-r Southeii. Oregon. Coos Bay. Columbia River. Alt.!' territory over three years. 581 E. Pino sr.. East 5S76. FOR SALE A g-ort-paylng business st a bar gain if taken at once, phone Ma in 33V. 22-",i First st.. room 19. onOCERV with living-rooms, doing good cash business. low rem . good lease, clean, stock. Particulars, 4 17 Board of Trade. MOVING-PICTURW show in live, industrioiu town; snao if taken at once: owners ha-ve other business. N 603. oregonlan. MARKET, doing fine business, will sell at bargain - owner has other business. Call 417. Board of Trade. OWNER leaving city, will sell new gro cer v stock, choice location, cash trade, $500 will handle. Phone East 490. FOR SALE Small foundry, well located, doing good business; good reasons for sell ing. Address G 674. Oregonian. SA IOOX for sle cheap if taken at once. Inquire o? North Pacific Brewing Co., corner ISth and Upshur sts. FACTORY in live Oregon city; staple Hne nl nrge field; owner must sell controlling; Inter est" immediately. R 661. Oresouian 4