The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 23, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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lire tmu kern.
.MAX-TAILOi:!-:;) skuts that fit. S:.. your own
nmteriul; suit.-, write, prince. d rc-v re
duced prices. Elite L.idica' Tailors. 540 Wiuh,
M. 32d5. A 2.W.7.
i X P K HiKNTKD (. res rrt :;ikor
merit-; children's vik a s;j
1; tia.
KX PERI E NV K L 0 r e s m a U v
tailor wants work at home.
77 lo.
and ladies'
Phone Main
UKN ER A I j d ressmak iig by
experienced Kcjmsi rcss. i
Keferenoe.s. A 4Im1.
competent and
ooa lo homes.
i.'A'AllI.K dressmaker wl!l cut. lit and baste
narmints or mnsh thruush-iut; good
niter. .Main li'7:i.
STYLISH diessi s. 5 up; waists. i up; fine
work; icIVienin-h. Ji Kasil M ill. Kast
5256. ,
i i i dressmaker wis!,e: tcv
i!inls at :.;. ptr day. 4:
45 VJ.
in. ire
4 512. 5
U A NT K D St w ing ut:
Hies. Sl.T.u per ilnv.
, dr ssniak ir.g
Phone 1121.
FIRST-CLASS fl'imal.f-r and rams tress
wants family work. Phono East 0556.
AXOIil.KS Dre.-smaking Vr!irp. Wash
ington St.. suite 210. Main y-2. A 51.
j;Y widow with oiip child, position as lvnise
keoir In wM'-wrr's family, wh. re service
and ability would be appreciated. I none
Main 5157.
SWEDISH girl wishes place in private fain
ily to Irani ; wapfi reasonable. Inquire i.
W. I. A. Monday; hours 10 to 4.
COMPETENT lady would like to take
charge. f bachelors flub or widower a
home. W 607. Oregonian.
KI-DIUIA ladv wants situation to take care
of axed person ; would do the housework.
A ("J 002, OregonUm.
WAN'TKD A position as hmi-ki'pfp by
middle-aged woman on ranch. Inquire
S64 Jith ave. North, loom JS.
ELDERLY Iaiy peeks
or in am a 1 i . spec : :
and manager. G., b7
position as U u s
!c (airt:v; u-w:
Kasl Moirison.
SWBDISII GIRL, cannot sneak Er.gbsh. wants
work in family place, lioo K. T.iWi.r. Moiua
villa. POSITION as homokt
or widower's family.
cpor, rooming-housu
JK. 007. oregonian.
I.ADY wishes ,a situation in a bachelor's
or widower's home. AH t'4, ott Koiiian.
1 KRKNCH chef. thoroughly experienced
in all branches of c.Mkins. wants posi
tion in hotel, rial) or private family. Rof
crences. foreign. Eastern and local. Ad
dress H 000, Oregonian.
A ANTKP- Position as
experienced plain ci ok
Smith. Albany, or.
ook. amn or hoiei.
Address Mrs. K. IS.
COMPETENT coloivd woman wants house
work or cooking. Phono Maui oJtio.
LA I Y rook wantu posjuon it
hiK-hoiiFe. Phone Main
hotel or board-
11 li:H Si'HOOL Kil l w ants
a nd room in RO'iil finnily
ton. or phono Kaat b.'i.t
w eek dajs.
work fr.i- bard
Cull :( Ken
afier 0 o'ebu-ic.
ELX PKKT i:.V"Ul middlo-aiTod 'vmai: m ed
inn .'haiu-v. will to Uasteru Oie'Ti or
Washington as a.dstant in hotel, farm o
business house, lex A.I. '71,
ore !.;( o.ii an.
MUH'bK-AClU) or elderlv hidy to aid with
housework on farm, family of five e:iil
dren : Cerinan pr.-l crred. Addre.s M rs. A.
K. Huche. Sur'uiRA ater. Or.. It. No. I.
KXPKKllA"iT-D dressmaker will pivo thor-oiip-h
i ust r in-1 Ions tu tue art of dress
making ; terms mod era te. A M tif.. Ore
Konian. HfKlNEO Ocrnian laoy. good help at din
ners. Kod a-amstri s. alteration spec,
want work ; modest prices ; refereves.
R iWhi. Oivjjoniiin.
K PKlt IK.N (. 1;L vaudeville and ti ram a tic
pianist open for em;aement would prefer
leaving city. Adili''f Miss 1, ;.4: Taylor
si. '
W(ill,l."T you like ti leave your chil
dren in tho care of a rethied. reliable irl
whtm you k out o an evening " 1 so,
phone A 4 040.
M IDDhK-AC1KD, wrll-educated lady wiylies
posit ion as compan ion and help in tho
household ; no wuros expected.- Y C'i7,
i'OLOKKI) woman, neat, reliable. wants
chamber work or cooking. -70 Wheeler".
Phono C lMot.
I.Al'M'HESS and plain cook, colored, wishes
work in private family. Inquire Y. W. C.
A. Monday hours 1 to 4.
,VOMkl. for clt-nniiiK and laundry in prl
:it family by day. Inuuire Y. W. C A.
Monday, hours 10 to 4.
M inrthK-AGKD respect a hie woman wants
work in roominc-hou1, hy day or hour; go
home nights. 7i;;t Jlurthwti'k st., I ear.
WANTED Woman of middle nye wants
plain sewlniT or livrht liouseworlv or both.
Addrnss V ;7-'!. Oregonian.
0!'N(1 worn an 3ci ie.- iOei t ion as t e leph ono
oxehanpo operator ; t x;w: i;ncecl ; references.
Main 8515.
IjATY of Jh. with exrrrience. would take
eharae of apartment or rooming-house. JJ
5ta. Orejconian.
WtU'll) like to care for one o'r two Bmall
chlldr--n at my home by the month. Phono
K. 5240.
WORK for Monday. Tuesday, by experienced
la undress; best rof ereiu es. A t73, Oi e
Roman. A-1 DI0.M NSTKA TCHt wants poU ion dur
ing pure food show at Meier & Frank's.
U t74. Ori'i;tmi:iii.
1A N ISir woman wants work washing, iron
ing and genera I , housework, by day or
hour. Phone Wood la, wn I'.U.V.
V 1 h V lady, ex perleneed In room in hou "e
business, wishes position as housekeeper.
K tHir, lreBOi:ian.
WANTKli By reliable young lady, position
in eon i eel lottery store or bakery. (.1 tlt'iTi,
t rogon ian.
IjATY gninp falifornla will accompany sick
invalid perKon for part fare. N ti"0, Ore
gtmiaii. AN oxiiorlenced exehnnge operator would
li ke posit ion with business hou be. X (17 4,
W ANTKD O lean Pan. sweeping and washing
by day. Main tti'oT, room i s.
ti 1 Idi wa nts day
Saturday . no hi
v h"ur. " hurda
Main llii'.l.
If day.
WANTKI) t'ieanlug by (.lay; nothing h-sa
than half day. H tit'.S. Oregonlan.
LADY wishes work, any kind, by day or
hour; relerenecs. Phone Main iis.
KXPi'dtll-rNi'l-.l chambermaid wishes a po
sition. K b'l'i. i n-eonian.
nin Uei" wan
ladies' fhilnr and dr
w in k at home. M 7710.
N !' A T colored girl would
ma M to- eh a in Ik in: a i d.
i Ike- a . po ii ion as
Phone Main .;;: j.
bA l)Y wishes lautidr to take home.
t'.7u. t M i Knian.
A I..MY wants work by day or liour. M.
, t:i.o, room '.si-
KX PKR 1 1'iM'KLt woni' ii want a ny kind of
work by the day. phomi Main 'J17.
WHMA N want s work botis
references J 'hone I 'asl I :
(leaning, etc. ;
".it. room 26.
ants day work
HKbl A IU.K colored woman
of any kind. A IM'.tn.
POSITION" wanted in private family bv ex
perienced i ook. ('all ;i i i i;th Bi. Nort h.
COLORKli WOMAN' wan's day work as
chambermaid. Phone Woniiiawn 41t0. t
LACK OUUTAIN'S washed and m retched 40C
a pair. Phone O East r;;37.
ladie.-V Ui-Moring; alrer t tioii.o spe.-iah v. Mrn.
Nfueklr. 4:to Oolu in hia. Apt. '2. A 47n"
W A N T 15 D I a y work
Phone Main 4UI.
by capable woman.
YOPNO lady gives nuii-ic Ik-i!c to begin
ners'. Main 44Iit. . (.'all mornings.
WOMAN want dav work. Phone p. pie.s,
SALESMAN' wanted by largest Ktiropean.
manofarttirer to sell popuhu lace and oni-h-oilery
speoia'tles; pimples u:t pounds;
10 pit cent c-'-minissloni wr.kly drawinss.
Wit&out 4'Ji Broadway, .'ovv York.
rOKTHAIT , ( j KNTS W ANTKU Guaranteed
crayons, tlze Uixo. 4'e;. frames ot yojr own
pt b:e ; '.a ia erei it. tvi in pit s f rf-u ; w e are
not, in the jii.-tur-- end fume trust; we own
a larpe factory ar.d s?!l at oni-riMlf
tb.e pric-i portrait cnipaiue.- can; our bae.-iie?-.-.
eyt;'diMie,l year.'-; we can give you
rfu a:y eiitpn.y ir.ent ; our bly wholesale art
eatai. g with eonii-ieiit i .1 prices and i:;Mruc-tioi-j;
maiie'J irev t.t aent.-. Picture
& I' Co.. liUi Taylor t-. Cniciitjo.
ft i
X No education is complete without
.ni knowledge of nnefent and modern
i:is; rare cuius made many a fortune;
Lib Com Uook. published by expert,
ates lioei'ii 1 prices we guarantee to iay
ir ail loins quoted; i't pages. louO iiius
iUious; r-. tails at 'JT,c. ; agents more than
vi!de their ltioned ; send dime for sam-i-opv
anil w heb-'sale rat es to dealers,
lexander ''o., test. ."'.7 .years', ".o D1--
liAui'v1 St.. 1; os ton. Ma-ss.
W: i S I J i'i R ( i" I. m en tii m r bl ir nionev selling
'ai.i lu..s;L'r kerosene : ae.mdeyet nt lamps ;
i.uiiis with or without mantle. C. Limes
brir-iiicr elect rieil y. nas, acetylene, one- !
t-nih con; Irjraer lits any iaiiii; saves 7."i j
per cfiii ::; no irinn:iiii; wics; s.towiiiK
it i. a ns se :ng ; on nil f urn ished. c'ancii s
t'i IJght Co.. state st., rept. Hi X,
Chi. ago.
".M'JCNTS WAN ri5D'-. to sell ih". woiob-r:'ul
A lad u in lot an descent Kerosene Mantle
I 'i:i p. i.lort per i t.ct lamp aiade t od :i . O'JK,
new sunbeam burners, latest addition to
our line, will lit tin: common kerosene
(am p. Write for agents' proposition. Sam
ple lamp free. Dept. s. The Mantle Lamp
Co. of America, Portland, .r.
(.iKXEIlAL agent wanted or. Texas Vg Col
ony, lu-aciv tracts; purchasers furnished
enough tcok to .set out f a of pureh ie in
Jik and railway ticket to club representa
tive to inspect propertv free. Texa Fig
t oin r any. ;, N. Y. Lite bldg., Kurur-j
City. Mo.
AO L5NTS. Btr'et men, stores, head quarters
for Safn t Patrick's day. Washing ton 'a
bu t lidu y, Va lent inc. faster post cacds.
badges, ham rocks and ' novelties, pen
nants. Hags, canes ; celebration, carni a I
and iSunuuer resort ftotuis Catalogue
free. Miiier, loS Park Row, New Yorlt.
AOKXIS Yon can mr. ke lots of money
right oft selling Mother's ironing wax;
every woman knows as soon as she sees
It how mu'4i time, strength and money it
waves. J i does the talking: a wonder for
iiuick miii's. Write itronund Wax Co.,
fi Ceade st.. Nt-i, York.
SEND for copy of "The Thomas Agent." the
gieate.t agents'' apei ct;r publihel;.
idled with inoiit'v-inakin.i; plans. "no
lie n so tax"' deet.-hin oi" Supreme Court ;
pointers to agents; every agent in V. S.
should have copy. Address today, "Thomas
A gen Jul.-, Wayne ap.. Dayton, Ohio.
LIVE M EN 1 f you are making les. than
weekly send address quick; if yon
have horse and buggy or bicycle you can
use. ali the better; we teach you; you can
start rit; ii t w tie re you 1 i v : let us prove
that we can better your condition. Thomas
MCg. Co., lOl.-j State t.f Dayton, Ohio.
A l.DY agent wanted to sell .1 e - N- Wa,
i'inii almond brick ; a pure fac.e tdb i ;
rells at. sic; lit; bite proijr; for tree sample
am! full particulars send 4c yos-.; to
J anette Wail t"u.. lept Jl. Kan&as i v ,
rU'''LII f't oeklng d men. Is everyt hing
fi' tn uiHiervxear to la. e curtains, lu-ed on
any sewing- machine; st money-maker
b,r a-,--..T.v; l.",o ,ei- eer.t profit ; sample 10
cenin. Pnchh- Soc-jialty "o.. i"S M.aikcrt s:..
Siin Eranci.-eo.
MAN clearf d U s2. 1-dv -VTl'o last C months
-Hi'!g Hoilatla.x' Marvel Slioe l-'olie-h: evlf-
K.iuir.g. waierprc-f : why not yon 7 Write f.r
iienio;:.--rrat. d i-anii.le aiui tTUiM. C. C. Holla
dux, lUii West iilst. New York.
EVEltY merchant buys our 1UIO eopyrihted
show and wit: flow display cards; not It in g
lika them; latest hit. suiisa tiona I sales;
no rum pet it ion ; samples. People's Show
Card Concern. 7 10 W. Madi.oih Chicago.
WIUK-AnVAKB agents- to aell Dnird & lice's
publication.' in ail i-inen r.wns mti.1 fiiimI
iii.-Tii.ds; wide today for special prices and J
iernis; ;l may mean a Tortune to you. Jaiid
Ie. publisliers, 2tI Wabash ave., Chi
cago. AtJ ENTS, genera I and special, by large old
Jine health and accident company; new,
liberal, easy sidling policies; choice ter
ritory; big pay. Koal Casualty Co., St.
1 ion i.s. '
$10 to
to ir, daily, new' plan, sell in g herb
ithout talking; i7." monthly guaranteed,
-i : I'i 1 I .'tiu ! . tiui I. ,1 ft n .. - Ini'nufiuQi.. . .1
thony Fisher Co.. Salt iike City, I'tah.
4 -S 1 H V E st 1 ainer and "No Splash." sold
a cents only ; "e stamp, cost of mailing:
sr, profit la:!-; let us prove it. Seed's, ltjl
Dunne st.. New York.
WE pay $.U a week and exp nses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound;
year's contract. Imperial . Mfg. Co., Dept.
7 ."Sr Parsons, Kan.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free Capital City Nursery Company,
Salem. Oregon
$;;oo every month sure, in t rod ucing- S-piece
kitchen com Id rati on ; this is our leader;
1 00 pep cen t pro lit ; sample free. Thomas
Mt'g. Co.. ;;oirt State at.. Dayton, Ohio.
A ( 1 KNTS wanted to sell Native Herbs, SI
box for r0c. Write P. Melrose. Columbus,
A d I-'. NTS You can know about the prof 1 ts
made supplying perfumes to families. Ad
dress J a-filer & Co.. St. Lou If. Mo.
LIVE ON EN to $73 salary weekly; llt-edge
fraternal contract.1. "Brotherhood." Box
Denver, Colo.
LA I Y and gentlemen represent at i ves in
your commiva'ty; quick seller; don't dclav.
Address Muncie Mfg. Co.. Muncie, hid.
A 3 KNTS Live
Swellanrt hlda
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes. Insurance a nd keep up re pa Irs
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references any i bunk in
-15 U Sfri rk St.
I'honrs A oj'JO; Main
WANTED Houses to rent; we have a large
number of calls daily for modern houses
of all sics, .welt located on either side
of the river, and owners of such houses
will tind it to their advantage to list
them with us for rental.
R Ai : KIS II, WATKI N -S & CO.. '
-50 Alder street.
WANTED By middle-aged lady, nicelv fur
nished front rcrnm. close In. K. ,.b7-i, Ore
gonian. , llouwes.
WE are in -touch with several parties wish
ing to rent desirable homes on either
East or West Side. K your place Is for
rent, kindly call anil sue us or phone
Main t71h.
Ji Oak St.-,
I ortland. Or.
A i or ti-i ooin cottage or bungalow and
fail int. walking distance: give location
and full particulars m lli-st letter; pay
$-0 4i own and 0 a mom h. with t per
cent in to rest. J t74, Orogonian.
R ES PONS I RLE business man w ants to renr
ix. sx'n or eight-room furnished house,
good neighborhood. West Side, reasonable
rent; desire immediate possession. AL
tioti. Oregonian.
Y' ANTED We!l furnished t or 7-room
lii'U-1 jn good residence- d is' rict, on East
or West Side; will lease for ti or S months.
Phone Mam C4 J.
W A N T ED 1 mmed iately ; f n rn ished or un
iiiTdished house. :i or 1j rooms: close in.
West side. Main 7'JJ.
Kl'RNlSH Efc house. W st Side, at least 4
bed rooms ; possession about Feb 1. AN
(IKS, Oregonian.
Gives kp rial ut tent ion io the handling of
aimrtmcnts ami h.1! othr rentabl-e prop
erty, jts aim is to please loth landlord
and tenant.
Rental Dept.. Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Kour furnished housekeeping
i"o?ns. West Side. clone in. witn hath,
idee tide TnhLs. niia. reasonable. A L tKJJ.
NICELY furnished apartment or small house.
Would give reierenccs and best care of
house for parties wishing to travel. O Gtii,
( h'egonian.
W A NTED Smali furnished apartment for
t wo adults a i reason aide rent. References
O tn:s. Oreimiiin.
WAS. TED Today, one or two housekeeping
rooms rot over $ I'i. 50 month; answer
quick." X ti? 1. Oregonian. '
W A N'TKD light. elry iinfumiffhu room
wih, house or flat, do?- In. N
ail. Oregeiiian.
TV ladies wish 1 or f urn ished houe-keepin-T
rooine; give particulars. K 07t),
WANTED Warm, furnished room, with use
bath, in American private family ; nice
neighborhood, near carline. by refined,
business man, who appreciates home com
forts; will be permanent. S 0b, Ore
goiiiun. GENTLEMAN desires warm furnished near 1 usiness center, reasonable. C
ti77. Oiegonlan.
WANTED to rent; 'small house with 2 to
5 acres, suitable for chickens and gar
dening. AM ti,.7. Oregonian.
K ooms Wl t h Ftoa rdl.
GOOD iXK'iiiH in mi.Iern l.ome north of Waph
ingtn, w e?t of "o; r. st., with or without
board. I'hone A 37HL'.
WAXTR.U Room and board by a business
.woman, a kirge well-htated room in good
neighborhood. AH . Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN desires room and hoard,
modern conveniences preferred, full par
ticulars. C 07 N. Oregonian.
THHr?E young ladles desire room and board;
reasonable, home privileges; atate terma A
k'aAI, Ore6orriari.
WANTED Room and board in private
fa in Ily by young lady, employed days.
Must be reasonable. AH ti7i. Oregonian.
TWO young lady stenogra phera want board
- and room, private family, on West Side;
clos5 in. A ft 7 4. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants room, board and use of
pailor in private family, close in. AM 671,
TOT.'XG LADY wants board and room, pri
vate family; give phone and wrms In let
ter. AC bG5, Oregonian.
BOARD and room wanted bv man and 2
children; near Ockley Green- School pre
ferred. A K 065. Oregonian.
ROOM and board", private family, by young
lady, stenographer. X 0b8, Oregonian..
WANTED Room and board in private family,
Wct :de. AK 074, Oregonian.
RuKinesa Places.
WANTED Small lodge hall. East Side, cen
tral location. Addrepjs box 447, city.
El" KN 1 SHED Also unfurnished rooms, very
sui table for gentlemen. Ktamm bldg.,
1 st and Pine.
2tV' N. 1UTH, near Marshall, steam-heated fur
n lulled room, with or without board.
X-'urnisbedl Roomh.
14u KOUMS.
New, modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy, and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house ;
nice large offico on grcund lloor ; every
thing llrst-elass; rals, o0o 70c and t
per day; rs.Od and up per week. Call and
see us. lii.S Otn St.. North.
i:n i Eleventh St.
New. modern brick building; just opened
water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private
batiis. excellent location, just off Wash
ington st.; special rates by week, ur month.
3d ami J eft'erson tits.
Away from the noise; 5 minutes walk
Washington and :id; just completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava
tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy,
sing le rooms or suites; permanent and
transient; 43. J4 and 3 per wuek. Phone
A 77oJ, M. iiG31.
Opened January 17, new and beautifully
f uriiuslied ; hot and cold water in every
loom. Public and private baths. Permanent
and transient L't;r 3 ,-th st., opposite City
Grand and Ha.vthorne ave.; new manage
ment, hot and cold water, elevator, free
pnune in every room; largest rooms In city
for perm an en t people ; en suite or single,
with bath. W. M. P,obinson. mgr.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement, newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; .suites with
running water, $2.50 to 30; elegant
pubnc parlor; phones and baths free.
422 Washington. Cor. 11th.
Steam beat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week, up:
transient rates. 7"c up.
Corner . 3tuh and Washington Sts.
Rooms, single or en suite; SPECIAL low
monthly rates; steam heat, private baths,
hot and cold water in all rooms; beauti
fully turmslieil ; toprisi trado solicited.
H ERE i. an absolutely cb an suite of two
well-riirnlih.a :ront room, with kitchen
privileges, suitable for 2 or 4 person; or
back parlor having fireplace, with kitchen
privilege; phone, bath, heat, light free. X'JA
10th st.
N lc E1-Y furnished front room, brick build
ing, ptfarn heat, hot and cold water, use
of bath, righ t in business section; $0 per
week -for cje or two. 422 n Washington
st., corner llth.
HOTEL LARRABJOE, 227 1-arrabee St.,
near Holladay ave. ; every modern con
venience, new ly furnished, reasonable;
new management; permanent and tran
sient. AR Bo R LODGE Beaut if ullv furnished
rooms, running hot and cold water, free
phono, bath and heat; also laundry priv
ileges; reasonable prices, East Sth st
cor. Washington st. Phone East 1390. '
NICE furnished room, steam heat, hot and
eoid water, use of bath, brick building
4.,n weekly; also good room at $3 422 W
CHOICE furnished rooms In Savov Hotel
(Burkbart bldg.), Vs East Rurmdde.
w alkiru distance and on carlines in
quire on premises.
Gth and Oak; large, handsomely furnished
running hot and coid water; steam beat
reasonable; permanent and transient '
IOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sta..
furnished ro"m, single or en suite, at reaa-
(j, luuuurn conveniences.
posite the Plaza.
Washington and 37th. fust-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; ull modern con
veniences ; 3 weekly up. A 11047, M. 547.
NEW management. The Grand. light clean
rooms, heat. bath. Phone A 5190" 42
up; close in. J87 Yamhill. w
ALD1TOR1CM, Third. right awa
town; warm rooms, hot and cold water
lew private baths; transients 70c up.
u .m.m, Huuaoie for
twu gennom n : all conveniences- rio In -v
" A -c v
ELEGANTLY furnished bay window front
room suitable tor two. with or without
board; close in. --7 7th st.. South.
NiCE front room suitable for one or two
young ladles, with use of kitchen. Rent
very reasonable. 433 0th st.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable- new
lurnuurc, telephone and baths free 37i
Stark, corner OLh. Mrs. Maud J Este
THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington, ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and eoid ruimlnjff
waLer, modern conveniences; $m ani up"
NICE. large, light room; suitable for two
bath : heat ; reasonable. a 7323 uu
1st t. 73
EAST SIDE, completely furnished, three
room fbu. large veranaa, high and sightly
two cai'lines. Telephone Sell wood lsii
147' i d st. ; steain neat, runnin
in all rooms.
T H E LA N DOR E A PA RTM EN T9. 2S8 lot h
st.; 2 large front rooms newly furnisiied- ex
cellent view; rent very reasonable.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms
bath, heat; 00c to $1 day, $2 to 4 week.
LARGE neat room with stove, bath and phone
$t!. P.5 N. 17 f h st. r '
FI'HNISHEIJ " rrioias. Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and llth.
THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $3 per
week. .MS 1-2 Washington at.
NEWLY furnished front room for two ladles
lfl 2d st. ,
THE ANiPLKS, 272 6th st., nicely furnLshed
room, bath and phone, $3 to 0.
Furnished Room.
88 No. Gth at.. S. IS. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, 3 blocks from Union
Depot; steam heat, porcelain baths, elec
tricity and cas, fine large office. BEST
OF IT ALL you can get a room with
steam heat FOR $t.o0 PER WEEK; o0e
and 75c per day. JUST OPENED AND
have to hurry If you get a room here
as they are going very fast at these prices.
ro IT NOW.
Homelike. Homelike. Homelike,
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
One whole year of redecorating, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate cleanliness
and .comfort. Free bus Free Phones.
A SUITE of furnished front rooms', suitable
for 2 or 3 gentlemen; $5 per week. 4oO Burn
"ioe st.
Furnished Rooms In Private Fiunlly.
FINELY furnished rooms, modern home,
furnace heat," gentlemen or refined mar
ried couple, no children. Phone, -bath,
only yio per month ; easy walking dis
tance; few steps east Morrison-st. car
line. 652 Belmont st., corner East 18th.
FOR RENT Well-rurniflhed room, also one
unfurnished. stee.m heat, bath. both
Phones, modern, in small private familv.
West Side; walking distance; references.
Phone A SS57.
FURNISHED, unfurnished or partly fur
nished rooms, for lodging or light 'house
keeping. Phone, gas, bath, good car serv
ice. Call 593 E. Ash st.
NICE attractive room in a strictly private
home, with every comfort and convenience,
for one or two gentlemen; walking distance
references exchanged. Phone Eat 189.
NEWLY furnished steam heated room fot
2 ladies or gentlemen, with or without
board, modern conveniences. 549 Wash
ington. Flat B, second floor.
FOR RENT a month, nicely furnished
front room, free bath and phone; suitable
for one or two. 427 Harrison st. Main
LA RGE. nicely furnished room, modern,
walking distance, good neighborhood; nnt
very reasonable. 403 12th st.. near Mont
gomery. FOR RENT in private residence a large room,
beautifully furnished, modern, rent very
reasonable. Main 4424.
WELL furnished heated rooms, new uouse.
West 'Side, walking distance, reasonable.
Phone Main 2219, 5 to 8, evenings.
NEWLY - furnished, modern, conveniences,
reasonable, walking distance. 024 Flan
ders st. Main 7S1.J.
TWO nice furnished roome In new, modern
home, all conveniences, with board if de-s-ired.
Call at 188 East 12th St.. South.
2 PER week, front "room. light, bath,
phone, stove furnished. 3S0 1st St., cor.
LARGE, light front rooms for 1 or 2. all
now furniture electric and bath. 41200.
$10. 41 E. Pine.
213 THIRTEENTH st., large front 'eulte,
nicely . furnished, good heat, modern con
veniences, suitable for two or more persons.
FINE corner room, large closet, hot and
cold water, furnace heat, bath, phone,
strictly clean. 542 Morrison. ,
FURNISHED front room or 2 connecting in
-private family of three. fiSI East Oak,
cor, of lth. Phone East 5!y2.
NICE furnished room in private residence.
57 Trinity place, near W'atthington, between
lth and 2oth.
TO RENT Front room nicely furnished
with modern conveniences a nd breakfast
lor gentlemen. $30. 072 Wasco, cor. 19th.
OUTSIDE room, furnace heat, electric
lights, phone in room, $2.23 week.
50i Johnson st., near 13th.
LA ROB front room in private family; heat,
light and bath. 040 Marshall st. Phone A
1 TO 2 nicely furnished bedrooms, refined
people, first-class neighborhood; board
optional. Main 6S27.
NEWLY furnished room for one or two,
modern, electric lights, all conveniences,
easy walking distance. 391 3 0th st.
FCR RENT- Large room in modern Hat.
325" 10th st.
FURNISH ED room. $10 per month. 425
Taylor, between llth and 12tb.
NICELY furnished room, modem, very reas
onable. ISO 17th jst., cor. Yamhill.
SINGLE room for gentleman; clean and
quiet; modern residence. 52S Morrfn m.
2 NICE rooms, cor. Mill and East 8th sts.
Phone East 2203.
06 N. 14TH ST. Two front rooms, suitable
fur two.
1 ROOM with alcove, bath and phone, no
children, $12. 372 6th.
FURNISHED room, gaa and bath, $2 a
week. 175 17th. corner Yamhill.
FURNISH ED room in private family; free
bath, fine car service. East 42J3.
FURNISH ED rooms. $6 up: also housekeep
ing room. 292 10th fit.
FOR RENT Well-furnished attic room, also
other furnished rooms. 472 Yamhill.
-5Sti 13TH ST. Nicely furnished room, house
new, every convenience; gentlemen only.
WELL-FURNISHED, large front bedroom.
044 Everett st. near 20th st.
68 N. 14TH ST. large front room, suitable
for two
170 N. 18TH Parlor, well furnished ; small
room $0 ; references. M ain 3 1 76.
4 ROOIS. partly furnished,
Montgomery et.
$10.50. 585
NEWLY furnished parlor bedroom; close In.
Phone Marshall 3152.
NICELY- furnished room for rent. 95 North
17th st.
NICELY rumrnneil room, modern walking
distance. 28 N. lUth.
LARGE front room, modern, rent reason
able. 407 Jefferson s:. Plat E.
WILL loan $2H) or !e.-:;. teal estate. Faar
Ington, 416 Commercial Club bldg.
ROOM with or without board. 469 Taylor et.
DESIRABLE rooms. Modern flat. 364 12th.
Unfurnished Rooms.
FOR RENT 5 unfurnished rooms for house
keeping, upstairs; $a. 227 East 49th st.
Phone Tabor 523.
270 MONTGOMERY, $12 monthly. 3 unfur
nished basement rooms; water, garbage
and phone, free. Main 4469.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
close in. 222 N. 16th st. Phone A 2730.
TWO LARGE) rooms; can be further subdi
vided. 551 Morrlsun st.
Rooms With bosro,
THE COLONIAL. 1S5 and 107 10th St., cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders sts.,
4-room modern apartment. Apply to
NEW addition to private boarding-house,
just finished; steam heat, modern, near
carline. 735 Hoyt st.
33 17TH ST. N, 1 block off Washington st.,
beautiful corner front room wite, east ex
posure; also single room; A No. 1 table
NICELY furnished front room with board -reasonable,
easy walking distance. 178
Ella st., Jst south o Washington.
ELEGANT large front room, suitable for 2
in an up-to-date private boarding-house'
.374 Park St.,
GOOD board and warm rooms for $J a week
easy walking distance; free phone and bath
. The Lindell, 209 Market. '
THE MANSION, cor. , 5th and Jefferson
Large, elegant room, open fireplace; suita
ble two or three; also single room.
BY January 1, fine front suite, also single
room. 452 Morrison, corner 13th.
"THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with or
without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th.
ROOMS with first-class board. 535 Couch
st., cor. 16th. The Sterling.
THE OLYMPUS Rooms and board, hot sjid
cold water. Ill 15th tu, cor. Alder.
Rooms With Board.
710 Washington st.. near King, brand
new, elegantly furnished ; every room has
a private bath, telephone ; the maximum
of convenience and excellence, the mini
mum of expense. If you want the btst
in the city for the money, call and in
spect; .dining-room in connection.
THE MAGNOLIAS Kearney St., between
19th and 2Uth. Large, newly furnished
rooms for families; private brUhs. hot and
cold water, modern conveniences, ffrst
class table, beautiful grounds. Also swell
rooms for gentlemen, $3o.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 51 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath, SupL Woman's Exchange. ISo 6th
st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, Supt.
THE MARLYN, 6S4 Couch St., handsomely
furnished rooms, single or en suite, steam
heat, attractive dining-room and good
board. Phones A 3081, Main 653.
THE MARLYN, 554 Couch St.. handsomely
furniFhed rooms, single or en suite, steam
heat, attractive dining-room: good table
board. Phones A 30M, Main 5523
Rooms With Hoard In Private Family.
NICELY furnished rooms and breakfast for
two or more gentlemen, in private home;
everything strictly modern arid up-to-date;
fine neignborhood, one block tu fine car
service; references. Phone Tabor 1761.
NICELY' furnished, airy front room, with
alcove, a large clothes room and private
balcony, steam heat, bath, gas, telephone,
and use of piano ; breakfast and evening
dinner. M.. 7785. 195 North 23d st.
ROOM and board, one room with sleeping
porch. Phone A 3S28. 515 Morrison st. cor.
WELL-FURNISH ED room with board; mod
n reasonable, employed people. 120 N.
NEWLY furnished outside corner room,
strictly modern, lO minutes P. O. ; ttioa
employed preferred. 404 Clay. Main 9425.
ROOM and hoard; have room for one young
gentleman; private familv; every con
venienre.' Cn II ,Tt ii 1 1 ma. o,, , ,i ..
UAN1ED Refined young ladv to room with
young lady. Hoard reasonable. Close in.
B 2773.
FRONT parlor for two or three parties
board if desired. A 7104. 321 West Park
WANTED Two men to room and board In
private family; no other boarders, or chil
dren. .-M 679. Oregonian.
A-1 BOARD, modern; home conveniences;
large, beautlfuly famished front room- also
smaller room. 521 Couch.
ROOM and board, all conveniences, furnace
heat, walking distance ; reasonable. 4 1
Ella st.. .Vi 'block north of Washington.
WANT children to board; will room parents.
401 First. Phone Main 8518; furnished
WANTED Small children to care for at
my own home. Phone Main 6732.
LARGE front room, suitable for two; first
class table board. a49 Johnson.
FURNISHED room, with board. 355 llth
st. A lo:6.
ROOM with board; home comfort. 89 E.
8th st. N. Phone East 722.
NICELY furnished front room with board: all
conveniences. 655 Washington et.
FOR RENT Itoom with board for three
gentlemen, reasonable. 569 Everett st.
TWO front rooms, suitable for 2 or 4. 392
Salmon st.
SINGLE room for gentleman; very reason
able. 335 Montgomery st.
67 E. J)TH Rcom with board, $5 a week, for
men or students.
NEWLY furnished room with board, private
family. Phone East 0008.
A FINE large front room with or without
board. East &381.
BOARD and room. 149 15th st., between
Morrison and Alder; also single room.
NEWLY furnished room wit h alcove. 5U5
East Oak, cor. 15th. B 2619.
NICELY furnished room in private family;
breakfast if desired close. y N 9th.
NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
two, with board. 469 Taylor st.
FOUR and two-room housekeeping suite,
first floor; reasonable. 41 7th.
NICELY furnished front room, gas, bath,
phone and heat. 433 7th st.
CHOICE table board. 712 Hoyt et.
READY January 1. THE ALTAMONT, 5th
and College; make reservations now. Best
in the Northwest! deposit vaults; phones,
, hot water, steam heat, electric lifts In
each apartment. FREE - CLUBROOM.
First-class janitor service. Call at apart
ments or phone.
FIDELITY ADJ. CO., Main 9014.
417 Fenton Bldg.
Brand new 4-room apartment. West
Side, on two carlines- every convenience;
kitchen cabinet, gas stove, front porch,
sleeping porch, halls lighted and cared
for. separate furnace or stoves, $25. Call
for key. 417 Fenton bldg., or phone Main
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate bath, ' reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, levator. free phone; some unfur
nished ; Janitor service; rent reasonable.
FOR RENT 3 and 4-room apartment, mod
ern, furnished and unfurnished apartment;
steam heat and both phones. East Ank
eny car; two fine storeroom. Kentucky
Apartments. 28th and East Glisan.
THIS KING-DAVIS Corner of King and Davis
sts., new brick building, high class; most
convenient and complete 3 and 4-room apart
ments in city ; satisfactory reference re
Beautiful 6-room apartments on Port
land Heights for rent ; fine neighborhood,
on carline.
Owner, 912 Lewis bldg.
LA UR KITE apartments, steam heat, hot
water, best class in Portland ; 5 minutes
from Portland Hotel; one three-room and
bath. $45, unfurnished.
THE MERCEDES Nicely furnished 2-roora
apartment, all conveniences, walking dls
tp.nve, only $20. 20th and Washington sts.
STANLEY APARTMENTS, furniture for sale
and apartments for pent, 701 Washington.
A 3647, Main 7653.
WANTED A lady to sharp apartments close
In with one whose husband is traveling.
G 666. Oregonian.
NEW steam-heated apartments; 4 large
rooms; East Side; $35. Main 5501, Tabor
FIVE-ROOM steam-heated. splendidly fur
nished apartment, cloe in. Inquire lamont,
2oo Chamber of Commerce. Main 3143.
A 5-ROOM steam-heated apartment, partially
basement, best In the city for the money ;
$3o. Apply Janitor, 21st and Kearney.
THE IRVING 21st and Irving. January 1.
4-room unfurnished apartment. Refer
ences. Apply Suite 2.
5 LARGE rooms. Iris Apartments; gas range,
hot, and cold water, sream heat; $45.
NEATLY furnished 2-room apartments. 5
minutes to Postoffice. 304 Montgomery.
TH E DAYTON Pine six-room apartment;
heat, hot water, etc. Inquire 658 Flanders.
ROOM with or without board In private fam
ily, suitable for two. 868 13th et.
THREE-ROOM apartment for couple; all con
veniences; close in. 526 Flanders.
A NEW flat, with 10 rooms and 2 baths;
West Side, clo3 in. Inquire at 404 Col
lege st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co., Main 1618, A 1984. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
FURNISHED 3-room fiat. 440 12th. Call aft
ernoons or evenings. Phone M. 4925.
MODERN flat. 192 Vs McMillen st. Inquire
188 McMillen. Phone Main 1806.
THREE-ROOM unfurnished modern flat.
Inquire 225 Market. Phone Main 516.
$16. MODERN 4-room flat with basement;
adults. 7 so Williams ave. Wood lawn 426.
NEWLY furnlsheil six-room flat, rent reason
able. Phone Main 7712.
MODERN 5-room flat to rent. See owner,
7085 Union ave.. North.
NEW. modern upper 5-room corner flat, with
furnace and attic. 475 7th st.
TO LET JuFt one left ! Nothing like thes
flat.1; m town : living-room, with big. . Id -fashioned
fireplace, beautifully paneled dining-room,
two bedrooms, kitchen. pa4 pan
try, bath, front and read verandas, priv ate
?t ore room and servants room in basement;
be-t carline, best street and best ncighlnu -hoiKl
in the city; up to the second in every
S22 Board of Trade. Main 6974.
FLATS 'for rent. 5 rooms each. t
73 Union ave.. N., near E. Everett st.
Iow rent.
Louis Salomon & Co.,
233 Stark st., near 2d.
FOUR-ROOM modern flat for rent, furni
ture for sale. 2 rooms rented: lease; terms.
Must be sold this week. Call Sunday, 434
College st., cor. 12th.
MODERN 5-room lower corner flat. Furnace
and fireplace ; walking distance. It; E.
Alder; rent S25. dames & Sigglin. 141'
1st. Sunday Main 1728.
THREE large, modern, unfurnished rooms;
bath, phone, electricity and fcas. Call
190 12th st
N EW FLAT Large light room, fire place,
hard wood floors, fine yard, loses, walking
distance. 57o East Main.
6-ROOM lower flat. East Side, exclusive
neighborhood, near I.add's Addition. Rent
35. Phone Main 7537. A 3215.
$ 132 FLATS of 4 room s each . ba t h . gas.
etc., 2Hh and E. Morrison. W. O. Wad
dell, 309 Lumber Exchange.
MODERN 5-room furnished flat for rent
reasonable, w alking d t sta nee. 312 Jack
son st.
-ROOM modern flat, 7
132 6th st. Main 2
!1 Hoyt st.
NEW 5-room flat, 73o3 Belmont st. Rent,
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping, includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water,
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free ;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up;
bst in city for money; short distance from
Union Depot, "S" or lOth-st. cars north,
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
ONEONTA, 187 17th, near Yamhill; take
W. car at depot ; furnished 2. 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites by week $5.50.
by month $20 und up; hot and colil water,
baths and phones Tree. Main 469 1, A 4739.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping roomt. 2,
$8 month, 3 for 12; cottage, $16: lower flat,
4 rooms-, $10; unfurn ished houses. $10. $13.
364 26th North. W car from depot, 3d or
Morrison to 26th. block north.
1, 2 OR 3 i. fnmt housekeeping rooms; fur
nace heat. light?. phone. bat h. hot
water. 3 beds and 3 closets; lo minutes to
I. O. Phone 5297.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3-room apart
ment; steam heat, private bah. large closet;
best location in city; furniture for sale; rent
$1'5. Phone A 7558.
$1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms. Laundry, bath, phone, gas,
"furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave.
$15 TH IRD near Hall. four unfurnished
housekeeping rooms. Bath, yard. A pply
449 3d.
THREE nice, unfurnished rooms, wl'h pri
vate bath, vacant Feb. 1. Stephenson
Court. 51-5 Mill st. Phone M. 5110.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, steam heat, ph ne,
bath, rent by week, month ; centrally lo
cated. 350i Alder.
DF-TS1R A BLE two and three-room unfur
nished suites. Fifth St.. 3u5 Vi Jefferson.
Jf eautif ul central location.
VERY nice large modern housekeeping
rooms. 403 Second st.
$ 1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car.
$1.50 week, large, clean f urn, housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 1S4 'Sherman.
THE "ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments fur
nished; phones, heat. 191 14th ht.
THE MILNER, 350 Vie Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms. S14.00.
O.HI Washington St., cor. 20th.
CAMBRIDGE bldg.. 3d and Morrison; fur
nished housekeeping rooms. Apply room 3 it.
2 AND 3-room furnished apartment;:. $20 and
$-lo. Jeffersonian, 10th anil Jefferson st.
FOR RENT A furnished housekeeping suite.
4t'6 Rurutfide st.
Housekeeping; Rooms In Private Family.
FRONT parlor and kitchen, completely fur
nished; walking distance. 140 N. loth.
Main 5173.
$10 2 NEWLY furnished ground floor
housekeeping rooms, water and phone.
Main 7700. 328 Grant st.
NICELY furnished hoiif-ekeeping rooms; large
closet, gas range, heat, light, bath, and
phone Included; $12 month. 409 7th st.
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms for light
housekeeping, free phone and bath, no
children, reasonable, close In. 212 Hall st.
TWO-ROOM suite, nicely furnished house
keeping rooms; gas range, furnace heat,
bath, phone. 153 13th, corner Morriton.
3 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 742
iSivier. near 23d.
2 NEWLY furnished ho us' keeping rooms for
rent. 260 East Oth st. North.
NICELY furnished parlor suite for housekeep
ing; no children. 4-8 Main st.
NICELY furnished room for one or two gen
tlemen. 4U8 Main st.
415 TAYLOR Housekeeping suite, ground
floor; modern; no children.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished com
plete. 149 13th st.. near Morrison.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. East tith st
North and Burnslde; house No. 20.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms; bath,
yard; $12.50 month. Inquire 092 Front sc.
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms,
gas, electricity. 631 East Morrison.
Tit REE desirable rooms, completely fur
nished for housekeeping. 541 0tr st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, two
and three rooms. 3s9 Oth st.
TWO housekeeping rooms furnished; close
in. 315 East Oth st. South.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms reasonable; bath,
phone. 308 13th st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, modern,
reasonable. 2S8 13th st.
THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms.
Modern, phone, piano. 892 E. Salmon.
NICELY furnished front suite housekeeping,
all conveniences. 549 i Morrison.
FURNISH ED housekeeping and bedrooms;
good light. 526 Columbia st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, con
necting, 2. 3 or 4. 485 Clay St.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished or unfur
nished. 01 Union ave.
MODERN housekeeping rooms In private
family, phone Sellwood 36.
SLEEPING-ROOM, kitchen privileges; clean,
quiet place. 528 Mcrrison, near 36th.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 425 East
Ash. Phono East lo7.
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
gas, bath and phone. 787 Glisan.
354 CLAY Unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
Call today.
FRONT housekeeping rooms for rent. 405 1st
st. Flat L.
240U. FIFTH ST. Suite of thre furnished
housekeeping rooms; ground floor.
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping.
181Thirtc-enth st.. cor. Yamhill.
TWO large, light rooms, unfurnished, for
housekeeping. 468 Taylor, near Thirteenth.
SINGLE housekeeping room, gas. bath,
phone, large closet. $11. 163 N. 16th st.
TWO rooms completely furnished for house
keeping, modern, close in. 210 13th st.
TH REE front rooms completely furnished
for housekeeping; close in. 214 13th st.
UNFURNISHED room, private family. ihone
Main 7730. 107 North 17th st.
FURNISHED room for light housekeeping,
modern, walking distance. 360 12th st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod
ern, phone Main 6ti7. 1 4 N. 1 Oth st.
PLEASANT, neat, central housekeeping, cheap
to right party. 32 N. llth st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms ;
bath, gas, phone. 34S Montgomery st.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, with
gas. ranee and fret- use of telephone, bar i
and piano, only s;x blocks from P. O. and a I
bloik from carline; und al.-j use dtt in it- ;
room, and will have no exp use for heat, to I
- tran and wife for S4 a week; no children,;
dogs or cats. 3o: Market st. Phone Main.
TWO nicely furnished modern flats, big base
ment, ull convenience. priv ate family, !
young couple preferred. 427 Black intone '
st. between 21 Ht and 22d on Vaughn, or
address A F 005. Oregonian.
3 SWELL front housekeeping rooms, newty
t urn ished. steam heat, hot water, bath,
laundry, free cooking gas. walking dis
tance, also room suited to lady with kltca
en privileges. O50 Glisan. Main &075.
housekeeping rooms u private nous--.
1. 2 or 3-room suites; first clas. all coi-
enietices; from f 1 (I to $15. 374 2d s;.
M ain 2 J2o.
LARGE housekeeping room furnished coni
ph te. Every i h i ng new. gas and water !'l
the room, convenient, suitable for two. 520
W ill jams ave. Room 4. alter 4.
2 WELL-KURN LSH ED room;, furnace hear,
gas range, free phone and bath, $15 p,-r
month tu- rooms, $2250. 5o;i Johnson st ,
near 15th.
Nit KLY rurnihed housekeeping suite, all
conveniences, wry reasonable, adult f:im-
ily. Phone East 4980. J04 Grand a c,
N.. near Hollanav. i
1- FURNISH E D bedroom, dining, kitchen
.V Ja,Iulls: plione. light; Piedmont:
Addition. near JfOVrxon High ;
l-ll' Moore st. Phone Wood law a 10:0.
TWi well -furnished rooms, furnace heat, j
gas range, free phone and bath. $15 per
mont h or 3 looms $22.50. 5"'.. Johnson si.,
near I5t h.
850 la Morrison, cor. park, unfurnished
apartments or single rooms, all conven
iences. 2 N ICELY furnished single rooms en suite -
good location; walking distance; furtia.-.'
heat. 430J... -Miil, between Jl;h and J2ui.
Main 54!M.
EU-KJAXT suite li ncw lv furnished hous-.- i
keeping rooms, beat, water and bath fur- '
nished. 4i4U PaVk. Phone A373L
IN IK V I NOToN Several unfurnished room..-
for light housekeeping; r.ius warm al! u;t
bath, etc.; two carlines. 40s Ea.nt 15th North"-
I PER month, basement furnished l r I
housekeeping ; light, bath, phone. 380 IsL ',
st.. cor. Montgomery.
MODE UN furnished housekeeping-room : :
steam heat; walking distance. 3 W Union, i
ave. i
FI VE I urnishesd rooms, hath, gas, etc. ; ;
cheap to reliable parties. Phone- Main;
, i
T H K EE l ooms, j 1 7 : wood. water, elect rif? :
light included. Phone Sellwood SO''. XJ
Clinton st.
2US MONTGOMERY, near 3d. furnished'
housekeeping suite. :: rooms; bright, clean. :
central; gas unci bailt up. Main 44:. j
FOR RENT Double parlors with kitchen for'
housekeeping, in ptjato family; very rea- :
sonable. Main tillti.
2 MODERN furnished housekeeping- roon-s i r '
private family ; 1 block from Willianis-ave. i
car. .",52 Vancouver ave.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep
ing, bath, phone and yas, good location.
511 Everett st.
TWO desirable connecting housekeeping"
rooms, gas. bath, phon- 17 Chapman,
near Yamhill.
FRONT alcove room, furni.-hei
keeping; also two rooms lir
Yamhill st.
light house
t floor. 456
ins rooms: bath. gas. ('
yard, close in. 42L 2d st
t ing housekeep
ee nhoTie, larga
TWO or three furnished housekeeping room',
bath and phone, 2 rooms for M4 or 3 for
$18. No children. 528 Market st.
T W ) furnished htnisekeeping rooms, sta
tionary tubs. bath, electric liehts. 72i
Milwauk.e st. Phone Sellwood Jv.
THHK E nii-o unfurnished hous.'ke. pin :
rooms. $P: 7 13 Stark cor. 22d. Apply 127
E. lOth near .Morrison.
ONE very nice large o odern housekeeping
room, heat and light. 2...u. Call Mon
day. 202 13th si.
TH R EE furnished housekeeping rooms :
phone, liht and bath. 20 East llth St.,
Nort h. 1'h one East 201 7.
2. 3 OR 4 light, i lean front completely
furnished housekeeping rooms, with pan-
try. closets, gas and bath. 231 E. Oth st. j
2:il SIXTH ST. 3 blocks from P. o., house
keeping rooms en suite and single ; rt.a
sonable. 3 N ICELY furnished housekeeping-rooms ;
gas. bath, phone. Wood lawn 1 ;n. io2.
Garfield ave.
TWO large housekeeping rooms, reasonable,
tine location; gas. water; four blocks from.'
Steel bridge. 16 4 Cherry st. L car. Adults.
TWO or three nicely furnished rooms, clean.'
and convenient. 5 minutes to 5t h and
Wash., bath, gas. phone; adults. 4:13 7th st.
THREE scrupulously ck-an fun rn Ished 1
rooms, separate entrance, gas, sink. Main
415; afternoons.
TWO furnished housokeepin g rooms. Ii5 N.
20t h st. cor. Flanders. Reason uble. Main
CLEAN, homelike housekeeping suite; con-!
venient. ground Moor, walking distance, $4
week. 411 4 th st.
TWO housekeeping rooms, partly furnished. ;
gas. bath, separate entrance, cheap. Phoiiti .
Main 20UU.
TWO or three part ly furnished housekeep- 1
ing rooms. $16 for two, or 21.50 lur '
Hire?. 5Sl East pine st. East 5S70. j
NEATLY furnished alcove with kitchen, fop :
housekeeping ; phone and bath. Call afief ,
Sunday. 432 Rurnside sO
25o "TH ST. Two unfurnished housekeeping:
rooms; closet?, gas, batn, range, phone; no
children. 2 FRONT rooms, furnished for housekeeping ;
every convenience; walking distance. 21 i '
Sherrran si.
NEW 8-ROOM RUNGAL W Evry con veil -
ience; corner of Kast 33d and Main sts. In- j
quire at !77 East Madison. !
RENT modern 5- room cot la ue, corner East f
ltth and Ellsworth St.; rent $10 James .
& Sigglin. 1 M V 1st st. Main 7842.
MODERN 9-room house, bath, furnace j
447 Main st. Inquire room 2',, Elt on
Court, llth and Yamhill. !
THE east half of new. modern ioub1 h"usM. !
503 E. Madison st, Hawthorne Prtrk. pevea '
rooms, rent .3. AJ 00s. Oregoni,?n.
7-ROOM house. East. Side, close In.- do.'-
trlcitv. gas, fireplace, etc Key at 440 East,
7th North or Imperial Pharmacy.
. i
Modern 6-room house, rinse in. Adults
on ly . Inquire 2 Vi E. 3d st. N. cor. Wasco.
MODERN 4-room cottPge. near good cat lin-.
f 1 2.50 per month. Kevs at 1 1 o Failing"
ON 'S" or 'F' carline. 6-room house. $18. .
newly painted and papered. Apply Jones
Drugstore. SUD Front sl
UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished
complete by Calef Jjtros. easy rent id an at;
Enbteru prices. 300-37o East Morrison st.
HOUSE for rent or sale. 7 -room hous-
on ISth and Wasco sts. Phone East 45 u 4.
ti j5 Thompson.
6 ROOMS, hath, hot and cold water, gas.
newly papered. 395 Manhattan et., near
Union ave. and Killingsworth.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer ,
Co.. Maia 101 8, A 1P84. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
4-ROOM house. 7!8 Weidler
month. Phone Main 4"-07.
10 per
5-ROOM house. 6! East p.tth st. North, near;
Everett. Apply 132 Oth st. Main 01:78
T-ROOM modern house, full lot. Love joy near j
24th. I. Vanduyn. 515 Chamber of Commerce, i
FOR RENT 10-room house. Nob Hill. In- !
quire. 747 Glisan st. ;
4-RoOM cottage. $15. Apply at 202 Stanton ;
NEW 5-ro-Trn cottage on Gains ft., bet. Hoed i
and Kelly. Inquire 426V. 0th.
6-ROOM cottage for .rent, modern conveni
ences. Main 3321. , -
FOR RENT House, stabl . 3 lots, R. A.
Taylor. E. 4iUb and Ha w tho me. R 1516 '
HOUSE. 5 rooms, bath. 180 Mill m. Max :
Smith. SS N 16th st , .
MODERN 7-room house 1 blo- K to e.-r. $15
pt r month. Phone Monday, Main 2218. J