THE SUNDAY OHECIOXIAX. PORTLAM). JANUARY FOR BALE. Ant mob lie. BEIjOW are a few bargains in second-hand and stlghtly-UBd automobiles: "Cadillac." 'u7. runabout Victoria. $350. "Ford," '08. ruudi $500. "Rrush, fully equipped. 35o. 'Reo.' 'Of, fully equipped, $35n. "Stoddard Dayton." 'us. a snap, $:km. "Franklin," o-pafcenycr, like new. $75tX "Reo," 5-pAtsnger, $Vn. 'Reo. 5-paswenger. 09. $KU. - 'Tmirlpt. 'tut model, hai f price, $75o. Mitchell, " 3t touring grand .ar, flOOO. "M I tchell,' "0 6-paasenger, $S0. E ervone of the abov cars are newly painted and have bwn thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed to . ta-ko anywhere a ma chine can go. The above Pet in only a part? of the cars we carry in ntork on our own floor. Wo don't have to look them up for you. PACIFIC AUTO CO., 260-204 Eleventh St. KNOX, the fastest stock car !n the world; Moline. the bert car made for the money. We also have a number of four-cylinder cars ellght ly uned but in first -claM condi tion left here for us to pell at real bargain price. WESTERN AUTO CO.. MI Alder St. PACIFIC AUTO CO. New and second-hand automobiles bought, sold and -exchanged. if you are looking' for a- Rood car at a bargain, touring or runabout, call and look over our stock. Cash or term. 2ti6 llth st. Port land. A MODEL JO-Buick runabout, in A 1 con flit Ion; buying larger machine. K 2512. Pianos. Onraon and Musical Instruments. PlAN'O bargain for cash or diamonds, near ly new, value $4'0. See Scott, room 11. 341 Morrison st.. 9 to lO A. M., or 2 to a p. m. PHONOGRAPH cylinder) including re corder, reproducer, speaking and, hearing tubes, etc., 13. Phone A 17."6. X 666, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Pianola piano; practically new; bargain for cash; party leaving city. T Onegonlaji. FOR SALE. F1rt-clase upright piano. Inquire landlady Wellington Court, loth -and Everett sts. FIN 12 jnchaff Hrop. ' piano at ono-ha'f raid for It. Flat 34. Gladys Court. ,'U1 and Mill sts. , JBAND instruments ( Mahlllon's) for sale at cost. Write for prlcelist. Agent, K. V. Lainotte. 449 Gllsan st. "I N F7 genuine old violin In good condition. Call or address Room 6, Rassel bldg., Portland. F1NB Martin guitar, beautiful tone, $25. Phone Main 312. 2 to 4. F1NR piano, sllchtlv used; great bar- gain. Koom Hamilton bldg. $650 Hardman upright grand piano, price $185. 440 Third at.. Main 3753. PLATER-PIANO, almost new. best make; must sell Quick. AD 600. Oregonlan. Birds, logs. Pet Stock. WOODBURN FARM E US' ANN UAL HOUSE SALK. The largest bunch of tine horses they ha vw ever offered at the annual borne sale, Saturday, Jan. 29. 1). M. Ratelitfe, manager and auet loneer. FOR SALE An extra good Jamllv milch cow. 4, years old. with calf by tier side. J ersey anil J I a' stein. Address B 007, Oro-Ki-nian, or inuulre room Hoi Oregonian bldg. KKATTIFri cocker spaniel, one year old, finest in the city, worth $50. will tuke $10 for him. from somebody who can gU e hirn good home. Call 231 x Market at., corner 2d, room IS. JKRSKY cow that will non be fresh, cheap: might exchange for hore or buggy, mki East K8th st. "Woodstock cur to Glad stone Ave. VOX TERRIER punden. thoroufrhbnvl: $10 and $1S; Mtick and white. iabi and white; they are fine. l!2;i East Irving st. Take M V. car to TGth t. ; wulk 2 blocks north. AJRDALK PI'PS, "Matlock Hob" and 'Hilar wood Seconl" stock ; no better blood in Portland. Phone c 1050 or AU 671. Ore gonlan. PLYMOUTir RUCK Homer pigeons, from t to 60 pair, at DOc pair, account of mov ing; must sell. A'lW East tith U cor. Grant. ONE registered Jersey and one part Jersey cow. both fresh In A iril. to trade, for a jreh cow and calf. C, J. Haggerty, Heav erton. K'OTCH Collie pups, pedigree furnished. Dr. Hamilton Meade. 1814 Division st. phones A 1471, Tabor 103 o. FOR SALE Thoroughbred WhlU Leghorn cockerels, $1. .110 Emerson at. Phone Woodlawn 1100. FOR' SALE Finely marked thoroughbred pointer pup. male, ajre- ;i months; $Ut. Call M8 Clackajnas st. EBLLINQ out my aviary of Dikj F1nciie and Canary Birds; singers and females, cheap. Phone C 2273. E 666 Oregonlan. TWO white llk French poodle pirppiea 8 weeks old; little beauti1?. H. Miles Lente Or.; $5 each. Gilbert Station, R. f. d. i. FOR SALE Several canary birds, fine sing ers, cheap. Phone, Tabor 1S5G. FOX TERRIER pups for sale; prettily marked Iitle fellows. 49 X. 4th st. HANDSOME 3-year-old Pitt Bullterrler for sale. E 673, Oregonlan. NICELY marked Fox Terrier puppies, cheap 624 E. 12th. Phone Sellwood 13SS. FEMALE: pitz sup for salo. Phone East A FINE barred Plymouth Rock cockerel. Phone Woodlawn 0335. Miscellanwous. PLCMBING. A great chance for one .or two good plumbers; other business compels me to sell out. You don't need much money to handle this. Give me some good secu rity and take it. 255 Flanders street. ONE 14 -H. P., G. E. motor, used one month; perfect condition; $40. " One stationary gasoline engine, 4 II p Same as new; $150. Address. 501 Medical bldg. . , FOR SALE Cheap or exchange. large round quarter-sawed oak dining- table, almost new; also other furniture leaving city. 31 o E- 50th. FURNITURE, one room, oak dresser large oval mirror, center table. Davenport bed -rug, chairs, stove, curtains, new. r2o Williams ave.. room 4. Call after 4 PI LLETS, March hatched Plymouth Rocks Rhode Island Reds; very reasonable price 'Mrs. Cooper, Tremont Station. Mt. Hcott car. OFFICE equipment consisting of small Mr Neal & Urbane safe, two visible type writers, must be sold for cash Va week Address S 672. Oregonlan. FURNITURR of four-room flat, including nice upright piano; must sell; $200 Call ISO E. 33d st.. near Belmont. VOR SALE Five thousand bonds, three thousand stock Home Triimhr.n- . nd; make cash offer. X ti7, Oregonlan. 18-FOOT canoe. 6 passengers. 3 h. p cost $150; will sell. $90; 3 h. p. gas "motor $20. C 2625. motor, I'RNSMOHE typewriter, good as new $-, If taken Immediately. B 67:;. Oregonlan. 1S A first-class range. No. 8. 170 N. IKtrt st. Main .11 76. 1 YOUNG frwh cows with calves. iHW Will iams ave. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. atarK st. Main 1407. FOR SALE An old clock; made in" 17T slso an old mirror. E 667. Oregonian. VALUABLE and useful recently issued pat ent for sale. F 668. Oregonlan. DIFFERENT kinds home canned fruits 1014 Holgate st. Phone Sellwood 1112. FOR SALE China pheasants. Inquire Mrs, T. Wigman, Foreat Grove, Or. LA RGB f1 at -top desk. Phone Main 493. . drawers, cheap. S0O BUSINESS CARDS, $1.25. Ryder Ptg. Co., 857 Burn si da st. Main 5536. FOR RALE New felt mattresses. 7R9 Kearney. cheap. A GOOD late style Underwood typewriter for sale or trade cheap. T 674. Oregonlan. FOR SALE -2 -H. P. boilers in tlrst-cias order. O 66ft. Oregonlan. $8 Standard sewing machine, excellent con dition. Call SfcO Morrison, room 42. LAUNCH. IS feat, 2 b, p., electric whistle; csh. $125 fci- &67, Orexoniaxu FOB SALE. M iacel laneoiu. THIS w.-ek we have on sale the fine house hold furnishings of Mrs. Chapman, of 694 Irving street, consisting of fine mahogany dresser and chiffonier, cost 175, both pieces will be Fold for $45; fine library table, 1 a ; pu rlor tab lea. $1 2.50. and some beautiful rot'k-irs and chairs; also a $65 9x1:; Axminster rug for $25; $35 hall rug 4x12. $10. and other smaller ruga and cur tains. We have an extra fine assortment! of All kinds of household poods that we have bought at -ixCeed lngly low prices and we will sell them on a very close margin. Our ti. s to ft-a are full of bargains for the balance of this month and we will sell them on th.3 installment plant at the reduced prices, too. Our terms are 4 down and ptiihII monthly payments. WESTERN SAI.VACK CO.. 62 7, 2!t. 6 it 1. 03 3, 63 5 Washington St.. 'or. of 20th St. Phones: Main 1 LOS or A 3793. BKW1XU MACHINES Do not fall to visit the White sewing machine store THIS WKKK. SPECIAL BAIyES 120 drop-head machines, slightly marred ; all standard makes machines for rent and repairing. J. L. Jones, Prop. 420 Washington St., cor. llth. FOR PALE. 2O0-horse power motor, generator set. belt ed cniLs. complete with circuit-breakers- and peneJtf. alternating and direct current ma chines;" Meal drive for industrial plant; com plete Information furnished at room 2ol Ore gonian bldg. Ki'uxrrntB for sals. NWrly n-w two-toned gr.-en Axminster -arpet, dining-room table, chairs, etc. Call after 12 toCay or after 10 A. M. .Monday, 352 College mi. Main 1075. SAFES Largo assortment second-hand safes slightly used, very cheap; new and second hand vault doors; nwsafes. all sice. Call or write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 5th. A i 'OM PLETE massage outfit: including elnetrfc g:ument. shower bath tub', etc., Ht a great bargain. Room 12. Hamilton bldg. FISHERMEN Extra quality flies ; regular 76c doss., only 15c doz.. or $1.50 per gross. Lay In your supply for the seaaon. Hud son Arms Co.. 110 Third et. GOING East, must sell a I most new house-, hold, kitchen range, bed. tables, chairs, bureau, linger sewing machine and other things. 1C04 East Hnvt. M-W car. LA T NCH, 22 ft., 8-horsepower: Smalley en gine; fully equipped and good condition ; ali boj thoue for sale at bargain for cash. Inquire No.- 1X Fifth el. BEST dry nr and oak wood, either sawed or 4-ft., at lowest possible prtss. Kirk Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 5415, FOR SALE 4-h .-p. gasoline engine ; Edi son moving-picture machine and views ; canvas glove outfit. C. D. McCoy, p. O. Box 52, Lents. Or. t El ISON phonograph, large size. rl records; fine rtarlor organ. Call today or Monday. UJSti E. Grant t. FOR S A I.E Fine postage stamp collection ; cataloguing $SK; about 4000 varieties; sell at a bargain. R o7vi, Oregonlan. GASOLINE launch for eale. 2ox6; with or without X h. p. Palmer engine. Call at Peters', foot of 17th t.. West Side. GOING EAST; will seil cheap my fui new Ivor Johnson truss bridge wheel; latest model; tufl equipment. Phone Main 7006. 1 NEED cash and will sell GOO shares of Ore gon iJokl Hlil stock at a bargain. F 67U. Oregonlan. "WILL tiude for real estate a Stevcns-Dur-yca automobile, five-passenger, in good condition. 510 Worcester bldg. By owner. "WATERPROOF nil coats, slightly damaged: regular $.r.u goods, ut $1.25 each. Hud son Arms Co., 110 Third m. FOR SAl.K Ctttin co? net. late mmlel. In good condition; a bargain. X 62. Ore goiiiai:. AV ANTED Fresh G-gaJlon cow, preferably Jerwy. I'hfMie Main MiOl. Write Mixter Uainu Hotel. ' sniOtJLHOOKS bouaht, sold and exohantred at Ilyland's. 1!U 2d t, near Salmon. lt5 5th at., opposite Pustof lice. $2f O'oM PUETE electrical engineers' coursw In 1. C. S.. including all ixt-books. N 6G5. Oregonian. TWO portable wallcases. ten feet long, for sale i:he up. 240 Alder ut. . FOoTBA LL goods at cost for two weeks. Hudson Arms Co., 110 Third st. FOR SALE cheap, portable hou.--x'. furnLshed for housicekeplng. J84 Gibbs s-t. N KV No. d Hlick typewriter cJieap. Robs) 4 Buchanan bldg. BPKAY'IXO oarrel pumr for sale cheap ; in good condition. J 7.), Oregonlan. BOO BUSINESS carda $1 If you mention this ad. Rose City Printery, 1U2H 3d. MANURE for Ue. Phone Hast 1775. WANTKI MISCELLANEOUS. "WANTED Men's castofi. clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 47 3d st. North. Phono Main $273. WANTED Rhode Island Reds, cockerels, hens and pullets, no trash wanted; give price, description and where located; also Cornish Indians. C 671. Oregonian. A VIOLINIST and n reader to take up ncademy proposition with other artists. Location secured best part 0 city. H OC.7. Oregonian. WANTED A 42-Inch second-hand 4-drum sander; must be in good condition; name lowest price, make and full particulars. AK 672. oregonian. WANTED Teams for hauling cordwood at once; short haul; also to contract for hauling 2.0il0,0tM or 3,000.000 feet of saw logs. Oregon Fuel Co., lath and Overton. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phones A 2445, Main 8951. WANTED Clothing. bes: price paid for ladles- and gents' second-hand clothing and Bhoeg and bicycles. Main 2080. 2WO 1st. WANTED To buy Chen tv for nih .Virta house for 22-foot launch; must have eood logs. A K Oregonlan. W A NT ED Pupils by lady with European schooling: violin and piano; . reasonable. A K. 673, Oregonlan. WANTED Pigeons. One pair each Fan Tails. Tumblers and Carriers. P. O. Box 25S. St. John. Or. WANTED 1 second-hand motor. 2.HOO volts; 1 cycle 3 phase; 1 second-hand 20 H. P. vortical boiler. Phone Main Hr20. HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass, pelts, hides, wool. furs. Phonos A 7618. Main 510S. J. Leve. 1S6 Co urn Li a. WANTED Second-hand screw-cutting Lithe. AG 7'J. Oregonian. SPOT ra?h raid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1007. WANTED Human skeleton, either articu lated or disarticulated. Phone E '!t03. WAXTUD Range stove, for cash; must be good and cheap. Main 93.15. WANTED Fire insurance in exchange for tailoring. AL 6 67. Oregonian. 'VAXTKI) 12xlS job pres; murt be in good condition; cash price. N 674, Oregonian. WE buy, ell or exchange anything; ray htga cst pilcew; pell tor less. Main C2i57. , VY A N T E D A flrst-cla.-w 2(H. P. engine; --tate make and pric. AD GrtS. Oregonian. HELP WANTED 3IAZJC. OPPORTUNITY Club organizers make $50 to $100 weekly; permanent work and un limited ad vancement. Add rews X 672, Oregonian. 1 , . WANTED A good strong hoy. with bicycle fcr delivery. Chics.go. Cleaning and Dye Works. 440 Washincton st. Booo MENT to know about our $ sample hats for ?1.50; hats reblocked 50c. The Mattery. 315 Alder; basement. W A NT ED A young man for greneral of Qoa work. AC 6 7 0. Oregonlan. CARPENTER to open up a shop with mo. Room 7. 233 Vi 1st st. WANTED Competent road man for Install In tr h ydraulic pumping machinery, 503 Commercial block. " WANTED Draftsman, steadv employment to right party. .-:; Commercial block. WANTRD Onndy-maker. Call 242 Alder St., Monday morning. EXPERIENCED w!ndow-rtresfr to drea wln 0ow aftpr 6 once a week. i 6th st. EXPKRIKK1" wlfsman for shoes? and gents' furnishings. Kftnnard & Adams. Aloina. NEAT, clean boy to wait on table in res taurant, 464 Glisan st. Hl-F WASTE I) MALE. OPEN TODAY. 6 house carpenters, country'. $4; lotig Job. 8 hlp carpenten. $'1.5o. 9 hours. Gasoline and etcam engineer for pump and hoist. $75 and board. CALIFORNIA. Free fare daily for R. R. oonwtruction. EA ST. On the Deschutea R. R., construction men; free fare. SOUTH. On the Eugene. Natron, Klamath Falls, S. P. R. R. enntracta for the L'tah Con. Co., R, R. laborers. $2.25 up; free fare; daily. Ne w Orders Da 1 1 v . C R. HANSEN ifr CO., EMPLOYMENT. 26 X. 2d St. WANTED AGENTS. LOOK! This Is what every one has been wait ing for, the Improved Imperial Self-Heating Flat Iron; new invention; sells Itself; beautifully made, nickel-plated, always hot. always clean; costs only He per hour to operate; all housewives, dressmakers tailors and laundries buy on sight; both men and women agents coining money : some positively making $20 -a. day; far superior to charcoal, carbon, gasoline, gas or electric irons; no attachments; fine for light cooking.' Write or call at once for particulars and territory. Imperial FI;tt Iron Co.. Portland, Or., 470 Washington st, TAILORING salesmen selling $10h or more a season will ttnd it to their interest to Investigate our proposition : We will double you r sales and InTua Be your in com e ; spe cial samples, special selling features, spe cial prices; we positively guarantee if our suggestions are followed $ IOO week ; our proposition is something- entirely new, which we have been planning for some time, and now offer to the btg tailoring salesmen." This is t he hust lors' oppor tunity. Write at once; give particulars, amount of sales, etc. Address. Special Offer Manager, Dept. 43, Locok Box -a 39. Chicago. Hi. A' I A TORS Prospective owners of flying crafts take notice that the first Aero Park built In the Northwest is now being constructed in the Ideal spot of the Pa cific Coast at the Rose Vista Farms Twelve-Mile Houso). in Eastern Mult nomah. For information write Fred T. Merrill. 7th and Oak. A FEW MORE active and capable men wanted; bst and most popular manufac turing enterprise in city; just getting ready for businrts; profitable and agreeable em ployment to right parties; must invest not less than $100 to insure good faith. Ad dress finrt leter to K 670. Oregonian. MEN WRnted. experience unnecessary, fire men or brakemen on nearby railroads; ac count increasing- business ; no strike; Aeo. 20-30; $75-S10: monthly; promotion; 1200 men sent to positions in last four months; Fend stamp : utate age, weight, height. Rallwav Association, care Oregonlan. LARE responsible St. LouL firm needs few - more s iJpsmen m account of large terri tory we cover and also on account of pro motions; sell to bewt trade; the work is hi eh claps and we want results and appreciate good services'; portion. pav big income; per manent. AM 64y. Oregonian. WA NTE3D A first-class, up-to-date office manager in Portland to take charge of an established business; must Invest $10to; good salary, and sure dividends to right man. Makeshift!) need not annwer. D 073, Oregonlan. ELECTRICITY. automoblllng, plumblnsr. bricklaying taught in few months on actual .1obs; no cash exoene: 200 students last year. Catalogue free. Position se curod. United Trade School Contracting Co.. 232 AUso. Los Angeles. COMPETENT bookkeeper, good position out of city, must bo accurate and reliable; salary SHH to $125: also good active book keeper for city position. $toO per month; also competent mini to keep books even ing". Address W 070, Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE Attorney to enter law and real estate otfice in Deschutes Vat ley ; no money reouired ; must have ref erences, bs a lustier and readv to start Monday evening. call at 80 1 Buchanan bids. TRAVELING SALESMAN for wire rope logging machinery and supplies; must be experienced' salesman and have knowledge of the line. Give full details regarding experience, salary expected, etc. s Olio, Ore gonian. WANTED Salesmen of abilitv and neat ap pearance to call on all merchants in their territory': elegant side line, convenient to carry; good - commissions; prompt remit tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. REAL estate salesmen who have had ex perience can make big money on this; it's a good live proposition ; only experienced men wanted. American Trupt Company. 2O0 Chamber of Commerce. TRAVELING salesman for Pacific Coast States: experience and established trade necessary. Denzer. Goodhart & Scheuer wholesale hats, 721-723 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN Rest accident, health policy; old line company; $10K ivath $." weekly, $100 emergency, $2 yearly: seal wallet free. Ger man Registry Co.. 217 N. 7th tt., St. Louis Mo. EXPERIENCED special edition advertising solicitors. Easter number, Catholic maga zine, commission ; inexperienced men not wanted. Benedictine Press, Goodnough bldg. SALES manager for an established re I laid a firm with a good selling contract; can vi.u get men to work for you? fan you stim ulate them? Can you keep them working? Confidential correspondence. J G72 Ore gonian. WANTED First-class man to make him selE generally useful; family liquor store; must have best of references; onlv those with experience need apply. AJ 075 Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wanted young man able to open and keep set of books and willing to help around store Address in own handwriting and give phone number. AB ttr.5. Oregonian. GERMAN couple, middle-aged, to manage ranch in Eastern Oregon ; general farm -Ing ; good inducements to right party K oOO. Orcwonian. BOOKKEEPING Private, tuition in book keeping given by an accountant. 301 Merchants Trust building, 6th and Wash ington. W A NTE D Man between 2 and 35 years, with general business experience, one wit-' knowledge of checking rail and steamship freight preferred. T 071. Oregonian. W ANTED Strictly sober man. able to In vest a small amount cash with his serv ices in paying business. Salarv guaran teed. Particulars 417 Board of Trade 1j PER CENT paid to salesmen, subdivision real estate; cam you make goo'd ? If vou are a live one and want to get the money write to AM 077, Oregonian. WANTED By young man. a room-mate, with references; heat, bath, photic, walk ing distance; with or without board. 37 W est Park st. BIG MONEY Start a dyeing-, cleaning and pressing establishment; splendid field We teach you by mail. Particulars free VRen- onde School. Dept. 2.':i. Staunton Va SALEFM-AN- to sell staple line to all deo ler. attractive contract, commlrc'onj advanced for expenses; hustler wi'h clean record wanted E. L. Rice & Co.. Detroit. Mich. PfI-,iCI1 wanted to act as locum tcnens. MonrK ui purcnasing; reply todav, giving professional rpfrtu, 1 tt- ..... WANTED About April 1. man and wife on a Wil-eqmppej fruit ranch In Hood River district; steady employment to right peri loir. C W75. Cre-Konlan. WANTED A starcher and polisher for laundry, out of town; wage. $0 per week. Inquire Tatum & Bowen. 35 Istst. MOT! ON-PICTURE operator, earn $5 week ly; easy inside work; learn busings In short time; lesaona reasonable. 526V; Wash, W ANTED Two first-class cabinetmakers Pacific Coast Show Cae and Fixture Co 2'Jth and NicoLai sts. " A GOOD collector and salesman who can furnish horse and wagon and give bond for honesty. Address C 080, Oregonlan WANTED Photo and portrait agents k something good. Cutberth Studio. Lekum bldg. MAKE money writing ah ore Rrories- bis pay ; our free booklet tells how. Press Syndicate. San Francisco, Cai. IF you want to learn surveying with per sonal instruction by technical I v educated engineer, write G W57. Oregonian WANTED Men to smoke NEW YORK BOND five-cent cigars. PHOTO coupon and portrait agents; good - c.Ter Davie, 342 H Washington st. WANTED, energy and push; worth $3 to $5 per day. HlSfe Wash. St.. room 15. WE secure positions for our members. Special membership. Y. M. C. A- CHIPPER wanted. Call L'22 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED 3 bakers. Address box AL 665, Oregonian. WANTED A solicitor. Apply Reliable Dye Works. SO i " RLE LP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN Hundreds of positions now open, paying from $loo to Sr0 month and e.xtpenses; no former experience needed to get one; if you earn less than $.0 week and expense, write for particulars today how to Increase your earnings from two to ten times what they are at present; have assisted thousands of men to ecuro good positions or better salaries, w can it costs you nothing to investi gate. Address Dept. 0r-;i. National !?aks men's Training Association. Chicago. New York. Kansas City. MiruieapoIU, San Fran cisco, Atlanta. 1 1 LARGEST comparrv of kind operating in slates; hraiu-h in Portland ; .want t hree high-grade salesmen : proposition appeals to very best people; no competition; highly rated t-y commercial r gencic-s and banks; pay Rj,iranu-( salary with ad ditional commi -:sion ; splendid, opportunity for advancement ; unless vou are high grade, willing to hustle, don't reply; we want no "ha-s-beens."' "booze-ligliters" or loafers; unless you can make at -east $;XKHt a year und'-r our contract wo would not talk. Address C 072. Oregonian. SAW AND HAMMER CA R PENTERS Sev ern 1 sinaie men who understand come thlng of carpentering, but willing to do any kind of work, w ho have a saw and hammer and a pair of blankets, can have several months' work a farmers' .Tlirv w i t h good roi in and boa id. at M e rr tl I s new race track and aerial park. Twdve M ilo iious One or two ;rood carpenters wanted. See Merrili, 7th and Oak. a-fter-n-.'.ons. S'loOv TO $10,000 yearly easily made m real estate business, no capital required; we will teach you the business by mail, ap point you special representative of loading real estate com nan v lint u-irh v,i,i rnrlllv salable properties, co-operate "with and ( n!'ls' ou to a permanent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative. Write for (VJ-page book froe; it. will be sure to interest you. The Cross Co.. Dept. 17, CMeago. TRAVELING SALESMEN Eight live sales men to sell established and new trade,, . . crockery, glassware, talking ma- cnlns, etc.. to general and department stores in Western territory; will make yearly contracts commencing February 15; on 1 y men of marked abl 1 1 1 y wit h r - -o r for selling will be considered; experience in above lines unnecessary state age and experience. Address Robert Johns Co.. 200 Monroe et., Chicago, 111. SALESMAN for this territory to fill va cancy, experienced, ambitious man capable selling to best trade, bv Chicago whole sale house"; applicant must sit bin It con vincing proof of competencv; line opening; permanent; position wiU pay right man high wages ; state experience fully ; refer ences. Commercial Manager, 120 Frank lin st.. Chicago. CUSTOM-HOUSE an7 railway man. clerk ex amination will soon be here. Begin your preparation with early; salaries- from $800 up. The wssx-huskat srot more ap plications than we did laat year, because they were too late. Waka up. Book No. 30 Is free to you; write for it. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland. Or. HORSEMEN of the Northwest : don't mae arrangements for vour 101 o training until you learn what 'I have to otter; A two minute, half-mile track, ideal soil, large roomy stalls, tine water, in -the midst of plenty of hay and grain and 30 minutes from Portland; we'll deliver the goods." Write us. Fred T. Merrill. 7th and Oak. A REPRESENTATIVE New York cotton and dress goods house rea Hires a resi dent agent in either Portland. Seattle or 1 acoma. Only those having sold piee goods to the jobbers, retailers and manu iacturers will be considered. Address Goods, P. 0. Box 1502. Philadelphia., l a. FIRST-CLASS salesman for Oregon territorv to sell staple line on absolutely new and exceptional terms; one having specialty experience preferred; attractive contract -for nun, containing liberal weekly nu .ance clause: references required. Miles F. Bixler Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. 10.000 POSITIONS -for graduates last vear; men and women tx. learn barber trade in a weeks, help to Feure positions; gradu ates earn irom $15 to $25 weekly; expert nstructor; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 34 North 4th st., Portland. Or GOVERNMENT positions; chances never better secure one of thousands of appoint ments to be made. Particulars as Lo sal aries positions, dates of examinations in i ortland. sample questions, snt free in circular 101. National Cor. Institute, W ashington. D. C SALESMEN WANTED Resident, to place carbon paper directly with consumer can be made either sklo line or regular business; previous experience needn't draw In &- t oiiru. t ameron Cornora t ion 3t-41 Corl lai st.. N. Y. TRAVELING salesman making Grays II ar 'rU orfTf;niail towns In Southern Oregon. . to handle Oriental goods and lireorackera us sine line on commission ; state where and when you go and for whom vou travel O ut), Oregon iah. . SALESiM E N. on ' Wear-Proof ' ho-nierv aTd International" uncerwoar direct to fami Jla in Portland. Vancouver. HlMtiboro Ore gon .R- McMinnville; small capital to handle orders. Address D. J. Elrr.d Maji agcr, S. fith ave., PocatoJio, Idaho. fe ALKSM a N. experienced in any line, sell general trade onPacltie Coat. unexcelled specialty proposition; vacancy after Fe-b- , niary 1 ; commissions with $:;; weekly for expenses The Continental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. W ANT ED -oung man attending school or college to work snare time in home irv; ?JrpCrrWMlk Address Franklin Kanff Mfnot NUDaa Commercial Publicity. o! r ,to.ta3k rr a first-class, unemployed real estate man: no money required something good for the right party state xneri,;n; references rbqui-ref. AD bli9. Oregonian. SAP?1AS want"", strorg line advertising pre.iiUmi an-J unique roeUit-- to all clajscs of irade; four new article. M" Specialty Mrg. Co., 427 W. Randolph. Chl- THREE live wire salesmen for public .serv ice proposition ; commercial success ; biir returns and responsible positions to those making good: good address and references essential. an G70, Oregonlan. BIO pro-fits ; start cleaning. dveing and - J wt! fS business; no capital" required; r.n ? "ouk. opportunity. Flor -" 't'1- i', ftvanston ave. cairo. ' Chl- WANTKD Typist and clerk in railroad gen eral office; must be familiar with P-m-rlo tabuiaior: mating salary expected; no ether need apply. t 07;i. Oregonian! SAK5TMK"A fevr K'od salemien capable of nu'n- r,,t0 ,,er week; advancement: Portland Uaw TeltrPh. 4R Corbett bldg.. WANT to etart you in business, spare time tla most Ingenious money-maker ever devised: free particulars. p. E Ab bott. Desk AX. Omaha. Neb. AV-A-TDCityJ r1Wt''-r 2.-5 per day; mu: ?f "'i lid know city. Call C17 Worcester biny., between 11:30 and 1 U-day. S.N) MON rill.y and expenses to advertise, leave samples and collect names. Write KUverton Co., F 77. Chicago. GOOD money to an Al salesman, city and road work. Call today between 10 and 32 M. aF.a I nion ave. WANTED SHO E MAKER. Exnerienced wun machine woi k. CnM Monday, room 4. 220 Morrison. ORGANIZERS Fraternal Social Order of t u " rr-r'?J insurance; g-ood commissions. John Talbot, South Bend, Ind. BOY wanted to learn hardware business ? 0 month; stage age and references. V ' U 4 Oregonian. LA I " N D R Y 51 A X, a 1 1 -e. ro un d roa n . permane n t portion, g.rfxl salary; must wme at once Cr.erry'a New Laundry. La Grande. Or. SALESMAN or saleslady wanted; no solicit ing; $Sa security required. V 6tlS. Ore gonian. fH MONTH salary and expenses introduce stock and poultry powders: steadv work. a he Grant Co., A2H, Springfield, III. BRIGHT, energetic man for territory man ager. 575 to $H)0 per week. AN ti.;.-,, Ore gonlan. A GOOD money-maker if von have- $r to invest; 11 until 2 today. 201 V Morrison, room A. first floor. I CAN use more real ostate solicitors; no rno,ne' J?nuJred: liberal commissions. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st. WANTED Druggist to buy Interest and take charge of d-rtirotore : owner oa Ilea East ; gooi opening. Phone Sellwood 1404. SALESMAN wanted, salary and expenses pa-.d ; ome capital required. S G'19, Ore gonian. . DENTIST Must be first-class onerator and have Oregon license. 314 Abington bldg. EXPKR'EXCEp shoe salesman. Inquire at 24 7 Morrison si. MAN WA NTET to clear 5 acres of land, mar cltv. AF 6t8. Oregonian. PATTERNMAKER wanted for out of town. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg. HELP WANTED M.ILE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT YMPANY. Main Office 12 N. 2d St. Open Sundy. lrt;30 to 2. Wanted Gang tdgerman. .-1.50: rip rawyprs, $2.25 up; ntillwright. 75 to $IM; wood-ttirner, $3.5u; 10 jhip cftrpenters. $;t.5 tin; tuk h oJirpentcrs. $3; camp blacksmith, :' Two liook -tenders. $!on to $125; section foreman for logging road. $3. Lumber truck teamster, $2.25. Man and wife on ranch. 00. Land c'.earers, $50 to $1(K per acre; wood cutters. $1.10 per cord. Largo lu?t of other work. PACIFIC EMPI)TMEXT CtlMPANY. Main Office 32 N. Jdi St. WANT a better place? Government salaries are high, steady and sure, work pleasant and promotion easy ; liberal vacation : no pull needed ; hundreds of vacancies every week all parts of T '. S. Our paper tells you how you can get one of these line po sitions; only ten cents for six months' trial; money hack on request. Send dime or sinning trwlay'to Dsk 300, Civil Serv ice Record. Washington. D. CV CASHIER Man with demonstrated abil ity. Tor country bank. STENOGRAPEK High grade, clean cut young mn or permanent position. COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO.. 407 -S-t ommerclal Club bldg. CALL today. 10 to 12. wanted young man, services and small capital; take half Inter est and help; cash business; can make $125 month; experience unnoo?jnary. 32d"ri Washington st., room 417. MEN (or women j. $4 a day Pine all Win ter, growing mushrooms in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc.; big market; free illustrate! booklet. Hiram Burton, West 43th St., New York. MAN. willing to learn and capable of act ing as representative; no canvassing or soliciting; god Income assured. National Cn-nr.nVitlv Tfunllv i 'O T i Marfan hlili7 IX" a ah Imrtun 11 J" W AN T ED 5t k men who apprec! a t e ba rjrai 1 1 s In high-grade s-u!ts, price $K. 75 to $1.75. value;! $15 to $:;5. Jlmmie Dunn. "Knew" Samjile Suit Shop. Klo tregoiiian bldg. ENGLJSPI teacher wanted by young Japan ese student bet. S and y 1. M., within lo rdocks home. Write to O. N., 351 East Irving st. WA NTE D Youn g man trt work in bank ; must be' good stenogrnphor ; write H. W.'hail. cashier Willapu. Harbor State Bank, Raymond, Wash. TWO experienced solicitors. J look magazine proposition. Liberal ommissi(m, steady em pl... meiit. Call Monday, t he Review of Reviews Co.. 82-1- Fllednr bldg. SALESMAN to sell staple line to all dealers, attractive contract, commissions advanced for ex penses ; hustler with clear record wanted. E. L. Rice & Co.. Detroit, Mich. EXPERIENCED novelty snlesmaa for Ore gon or Washington territory; snap for right man. Give Home phone. D GrtS, Oregonian. EX HKR1 ENCED special edition advertising solicitors, co mm i&sion. $10 to ?25 dailv ; Inexperienced men not wanted. Benedic tine i'ress. Goodnough bldg. BE an optician, class of Instruction forming, easy terms. Particulars. P. O. box 344. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. AGENTS WANTED G 1 lt-edge proposition; big money to hustlers. Standard Metals Company. 409 Gerllnger bldg. FJSK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po sitlone to .V-1 instructors. Gil S wetland. WANTED Solicitors1, male, or female. 233 Market Mt. HELP WAXTKI) FEMALE. LADY A rENTS to I n t ro d u c e our P I T R fl ALL'MLN I'M :0K ING I'TENSl LE; ever lasting, non-score ilnjc. 237 women maIe l ooo each durini? 1 yo 9. Send at once for particulars of this splendid business. American Alumnlum Mfg. Co., Dept. A, I.umont, 111. YOI'NG lady stenographer. Smith-Premier machine, accustomed to tabulation, billing and general office work ; must write legible hand and he able to figure. Salary $12 to start. Phone between 11 and 1 today, A. or Main 4440. LADIES out of employment can earn from $2 to $4 a day ; oasy 'and profitable em ployment; something overy lady uses. Call or write. 202 West Gth St., Vancouver, Wash. BRIGHT girl to bccln in law office, who de sires to learn ol'ilf-e work; $j a week : state age and ed ucatlon. AH 71, Ore gonlan. WANTED fUuiLst who has had some ex perience. Jn d-nnce work, and would accept a position' of some other light work. Chas. A. Newman, 300 Oak at.. Hood River. Or. EX PER I ENCED public stenographer can se cure, established buslne, complete equip ment, reasonable rent, easy terms. AL ti73, Oregonian. A LADY - to share suite of rooms; conveni ences for housekeeping; references ex changed. Address W H7L Oregonian. WANTED A kindergarten teacher for small private school. Please address, Mr. George Gerlinger. Dallas. Or. YtH'NG lady to operate I'nderwood type writer, shorthand not necessary. Call room 4 A ins worth bids-. 27 Oak l. G IRLS wanted to work on men's neck wear. Columbia Neckwear MIg. Co., 2U4 Stark st. EX'l'K R I ENC E r chocolate d ippers. Good Robl in Candy 'o.. Vancouver. Wash. Carfare paid. YO:NG lady to learn hairdrcRsing. manicur- ing. Madam Hudson, 2Sd Yaahington St., room 207, after 1 0. WOMAN COOK Small, hotel, family style. Inquire Riverside Hotel. St. John, Or. PJione Jersey $H I. Gl RL for general housework and plain cooking; good hom-i. good wages. Call mornings 28 i Park st. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family; no children. 1 S6 N. isth st. YOI'NG girl to learn sewing in alteration rem. HV5 let st. WANTED Girl for general housework in small family. phone Tabor SOrt. GIRL to assist with general housework. Phone East 5 4 56. GO( D cook, where second girl Is kept. 274 North 25th. cor. Overton. WA NT ED A young lady roommate; ref erence exchanged. Main 4."04. C.1KI, or woman for general housework, family- of three. 5(iS Broadway. WOMAN to make beds. 233yj Hurnslde, cor. 2d. Burnside Lodging-house. C K K. lop Ring c imp; t5u; open Sunday. Pio neer Employment. 16 North 2d. YOI'NG girl apprentice for ladies' tailoring; paid. Hoenig, 211 Fletdner bldg. WANTED A girl for general housework. 3U4 College street. G 1 RL for general housework. Apply 702 Marshall st. GIRL to assist with general housework. $5 per week. 3oO 13th St. GIRL? WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grind ave. and East Taylor. COMPANION and nurse to elderly lady; some housework. AN (7t. Oregonian. OIRL for general housework. Phone Mala OIRL f or general housework ; good wages. 77fi Johnson st. WANTED Waist and skirt help. 506 Mar- ciuam. EXPERIENCED wiro framemakers. Apply Lowengart & Co. YOI'NG girl wanted for general housework In small family. East lij.t. GIRL to work for room and board. S2S 6th st. A 3622. LADY barber wanted. Applv 50 6th St., North. 4 EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 7SM Kearney. PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting; expert method. 304 14th. Main 6810. WANTED A first-dsn stenographer. Call 214 Honry bldg. between 10 and 12 A. M. WANTED Dining-room girl. The. Olvmpla. 141 l;.th cor. Aider. EMjPLO v E L lady to share housekeeping Toom with widow lady, p 173. Oregonian. GIRL to work in bookbindery. 205 2d st. U'ANraD Nun girl at 400 Holladaj av. HELP WANTED FK MALE WANTED Several bright young women to learn telephone operating ; we maintain a school under the supervision of a woman principal at our Eajst office. East Ankeny and frMxth mreeUs; applicants who qualify will .e given a thorough training in the work before being assigned to positions; mix dent are paid at the rate of $20 per month while learning. Apply to school principal on weejt 3as between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. Tlio Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY. 2 waltreroea, Marshiield, $3t, fares paid. Second girl. $3. House girLs, oouke and servant girls of ail kind??. NEW STTT" ATION3 DAI LY HAXSBN'S LADIES' AGEXCT. R43Vb Wash. St.. Cor. 7th. Upstairs. LADY agents to introduce our pure Alumi num Cooking Utensils. Everlasting. Non scorching. 237 women made. $Ut0 each during 1309. Send at once for particulars of this splendid business. American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Dept. A., Lemon t. III. GOOD stenographer; state experience- and in what line; will pay good salary; short hours; new company jutit starting, there fore chance for promo t ion : will buy new typftwrtter: state make preferred. E 671 . Oregonian. WANTED Young lari bookkeeper and typewriter: must have experience and ca pable to . take charge of office in liquor house; most give reference and experience with application; steady position. AJ Oregonian. WANTED -Lady who has moved in cul tured society to take position In this city representing a prominent publishing s - house ; tact, education and abiMi y are neoossary cjualificaUons; liberal remunera tlon. X th;5 Oregonian. MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety for Your.g Women. Advice or assistance gladly given to all young women. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, Supt., room 37 Y. W. C. A- bldg., 7th and Taylor sts. YOI'NG lady housekeeper for Army officer at Fort Columbia. Transportation paid. Call at 34ti Oak cor. 7th betwoen 5:30 6 P. M. LADIES for telegraph service ; easily learned; good wages when competent: In vestigate. Oregon College, fc3 6th, near Oak. WANTED A lady to work in boarding house for her and husband's room and board; no children. . J21 Russell st. Phone East 3878. M I LL1N ER Y saleswoman, thoroughly expe rienced, up to date, capable of managing large salesroom and assisting buyer. K tkiO, Oregonian. WANTED A lady to care for child for her board and room ; can have every evening and Sunday off. Call 21 2 Hamilton ave. , between 2 and 4. WA N TED Young women for light house work ; muse understand cooking ; pleasant home, wages $25. -Call funlay, 590 E. Al der st. BY FEBRUARY 1, competent girl for gen eral housework. In family of three. M ust be good plain cook. Good home. 120 Ea.t Fifteenth. TRAPDRUMMER. just from East, desires t o meet orchestra leader or t heater man ager; "can deliver the godda." C 670, Oregonian. LADY for 1910, travel in Oregon; good pay; tailor-made suit in W days; experience unnecessary; reliable firm. Write for par ticulars. J. E. McBrady Co., -Chicago. WANTED Young lady about 10 for photo studio to learn; experienced clerk pre fer red ; small wages to start. Will G. Cuthberth, Dekum bldg. SCHOOL GIRL to work for room and boardi good home. 210 East 2-Sth st. North. East Ahkeny car. W A NTED Experienced shirtmakers; also a few to learn ; positions steady. Mount Hood Factory. 2d and Couch. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquara bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Vs Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2092. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 600 Roth chlid bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED A healthy girl to assist with housework and care of baby. 031 Clacka mas st. Phone C IS75. M RS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 220 H Washington St., Room 307. Main 8h36 or A 3206. ENERGETIC woman over 25 for position with wholesale house ; experience not nec essary. R OOS. Oregonian. STRONG girl to help with housework, no cooking; good home; $20 month. A. 7104. 321 West Park st. CHOCOLATE DIPPER, must be first-class. Call after 10 A. M. Swetland's. 209 Mor rison. TH E Meier & Frank store want a number of experienced hands for the drapery work room. Apply to SupL, 8 A. M. WANTED Girl, German preferred, to cook and do housework ; good pay. phones Main 506 and A 5581. a STRONG woman, good cook, for general housework; German preferred. 106 N. 22d st. SCHOOLGIRL wanted in private family to work for room and board ; good home. Call 442 3d st. GI RL who likes children to assist w It.h housework. Call between 30 and 12 A. M. lt91 Thurman St. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking and general housework ; best wages. Ap ply 733 Irving st. WANTED First -ekif fitter. Apply, stating exjeiience, reference?;.. e:c J. S. Graham, Box 223. Seattle. Wash. A NO. 1 COOK wanted ; one who un dor stands pastry and carving meats. 53 North 18th. cor. Davis. TO woman or girl, will give good home In fam ily of one. in exchange for light duties. 1128 E. Alder st. MAKE money writing, short stories; big pay. Our free booklet tells how. Press Syndicate, San Francisco. COMPETENT girl for general houseworjc 1131 Franklin st., Willamette Heights. Phone A 2-42. GIRL for general housework ; small family ; no laundry. 410 H Morrison st. COMPETENT girl for gf.neraJ housework; good wages and steady plaoe. 354 lOt-h st. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 2rt 14th. Main S803. THOROUGH course of millinery taught in 6 weeks. Terms1 reasonable. 415 Alder st. GIRL for housework, no cooking. Phone Hast 1H'3. FLOOR and door j rung lady wanted. Ache son Cloak & Suit Co., 14S 5th et. COMPETENT salesladies for coats and suits. Ache-son & Co.. 148 Fifth St. WANTED Lady cashier. Theater. N. 3d st. Model WANTED Girls to make shirts) and overallst. Mt. Hod Factory, 233 Couch. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BR IGHT, energetic young man, 19 years old. commercial college graduate, wants position wirTi a real estate firm, bank or trust .company, or any similar employment where chances for advancement are good; excellent references and bend furnished If required. A 6;9, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, understand ing bookkeeping and general office work, t desires position in or out of city ; satis faction guaranteed, moderate salary, ex cellent references. AM 008, Oregonlan. EXPERT payroll man with thorough knowl edge of bookkeeping, many years' expe rience, wants position in or near Port land. Address at once. S 6S, Oregonlan. YOUNG married man, thoroughly competent bookkeeper, stenographer, ten years In charge of office, three years city experi ence. A-l references., L 073 Oregonian. ADVERTISING manager now employed with large Eastern firm wants to go west as advertising manager or sales manager. Address W 00O. Oregonian. ACCURATE and reliable bookkeeper with wide experience and best references from former employers, desires position. Phone East 27SC. V 072. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED office manager desires change position ; can handle any line. B 072. Oregonian. WANTED 'Position by experienced sten ographer and timekeeper; willing to leave city. R 605, Oregonian. AN experienced bookkeeper and rapher; can save you-, one salarv. Oregonian. stenog AN V62, SITUATION' WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. LAWl F7R. not kid fresh from school. A No. 1 business man. seven years' banking ex perience, got h1 personal appearance and a worker, wishes to get In with good law yer in Portland or vicinity; will take sal ary or none until demonstrate .a Ml it v ; studied while in bank and admitted to bar In Iowa. Address Box 213. Boon. Is. ENGINEER who understands alternating, and direct-currer-t and electric elevators, steam fitting, gasfittlng and electrician : can run any plant; will leave town. aJ 6 SO. Oregonian. . A 1 FRENt H chef, thoroughly experienced in all branches of cooking, wants, posi tion In hotel, club or private family inf erences, foreign. Eastern and local" Ad dress B G61. Oregonian. PATTERNMAKER. IS years' experience, wants work; good estimator for job shop; proprietor Spokane Pattern Works Spo kane. Wash., for two years. O t40, Ore- BY MIDDLE-AORD single man. steady joh r'n Willamette, Valley farm; no c i arer t t tbmd or bin an all-around man for farm w.rk. Thomas Or. Rhein pralz Hotel, Front and MadUon m HARDWARE man of cx-cottv. abilitv and several years' experience wants position, m or out of city. Might Invest som money. References. p H67. Oregonlan. A GOOD alt-an.mnd man of 24 is willing to conslde-r any proposition that U worth con sidering; at present m with one of the beet: firms In the cRy. M 004. Oregonlan. SORER, married. man. experienced In all klnd of hoi) and garden work, desires position a houseman, gardener. Janitor or watch man. R 004. Oregon ten. LUMBER salesman, with experience, want a position with reliable lumber company, city or road; commission preferred. K 000, Oregonian. TINNER and furnace man. 15 vears ex perience; capable of taking fulfcharg of shop; best of reference; steady work only considered. S 674, Oregonlan; YOUNG man wants steady work of nn-r kind: wiiiinjr to start at small wages. Addresi Am 41 8. Oregonian. TRUSTWORTHY Japanse boy desires em ployment in private family. AM eS, Ore gonian. SITUATION by architectural draughtsman having two years' practical experience, AG 000, Oregonian. BY first-class circular sawyer and filer, all around mlllman; best of references. Box 104. Chehalis. Wash. SI NGLE white man, sober and experienced, wants place on farm or fruit ranch. J 679. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED collector wants position with reliable bu.fn? firm; beet of references. v OGS, Oregonian. MAN and wife want place on a farm by month or on share; experienced. Address C 07, Oregonlan. POSITION as cook in logging camp by man and w ife ; experienced. Phone Main 8737 or address X 670. Orpgonian. YOI'NG man attending buainc-f college wants place to work for room and board. N 62. Oregonian. Fl RST-CLASS carpenter wants employment by day, contracting, all repairing. 374 2d st. Hansen. Main. 2220. YOUR building, altering or repairing -wanted by competent workmen. Phone Tabor 1 3i5. FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position, restaurant, hotel or boarding-house. Phone A3S56. LOCOMOTIVE engineer and expert air man main line and logging camp experience. AF 064. Oregonian. WIN DOW cleaning, carpets and rugs a speciality. Main 0573; evenings. S. i'hos. Green. SITUATION wanted by first-class tinner, ulso plumber, city or country. I'. K. Garber, 535 Washington st. MARRIED man with good education wishes position at once ; thoroughly capable and honest. X Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced gardener and' general man; would like care of place; strictly sober. M 074, Oregonlan. YOUNG man with experience wants job on small farm or dairy. A!j 672. Oregonian. MARRIED man wishes work at once. S 005, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese wants to do any work In family. V O08. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS reliable colored chef, position, hotel, rest, or club. Phone A 24W). YOUNG MAN wants position as collector; has best of references. A 667, Oregonlan. STEADY, sober. Industrious man wants po sition, ranch or dairy. AN 0S0. Oregonian. OOOD and t:lean Japanese cook wants Job anywhere. A J 072. Oregonlan. JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all help. 208 Everett. Main 4050; A 4o73. A JAPANESE boy wants a situation as schoolboy. H 000, Oregonian. WANTED Situation by A-1 collector, with some good firm. F 074. Oregonian. GOOD Japnnese wants position fer hours work, schoolboy. A 071, Oregonlan. TOOL and die maker. In or out of town. N 00. Oregonian. GK1 plain cook, Japanese, wants positions In family. N OC.S. Oregonian. EX PER 1 ENCED shoemaker wants position. AH 6 70. Oregon Ian. ki'l L'AHON H A.NTE I) FEMALg. Bookkeepers aod Stenographers. REFINED young lady, normal school educa tion, wishes position cashier. flllDg cleric or assistant bookkeeper; bust references. AN 600. Oregonian. WOULD like position in office: typewriting, ami general off lire work ; reasonable. Mrs. Lordon. M 6437. WANTED Position by lady having three years experience in bookkeeping and gen eral of fit work. A J 667, Oregonian STENOGRAPHER. 6 years experience, will ing to assist on books ; no objection to leaving city, o 64S. Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced stenog rapher and bookkeeper ; good references. B 000. Oregonian. POSITION as stenographer by young lady from East ; have had some experience, D Ott7. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as stenograph er and bookk epor; experienced ; $40 pe? month. Main 120l. EXPERT stenographer desires position. Phone A 520. POSITION wanted by competent stenograph er and billing clerk; references. East 1105. RESPONSIBLE young lady wishes position, in office. S 002, oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, would like posi tion; moderate salary. AL O'ft. Oregonian. YOUNG lady, first-class stenographer, wants first-clasii position. AJ 67u. oregonian. -BRIGHT, clever girl would liko good cleri cal position. T 669. Oregonian. Norses. M IDDLE-AGED practical nurse. 1 1 years experience with all kinds nursing, inva lids, elderly people. Infants. Reference. Main 33S8. CAPABLE woman will care for Invalid lady; no objection to some housework ; reason able. Phone B 2152, Tabor 174S. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes children at home; references exchanged. A 670, Ore gonian. NURSE would like cases of any kind; city doctor's references. East 1308, Home B 2748. GRADUATE nurwe would like good position In doctor's office. Phone East 4379. B 2409. PRACTICAL nurse, references. Yamhill st. B. 2392. 1275 EJ NT "RSI NO wanted by experienced middle aged nurse. Phone Main 3270. NURSE, ten years experience, invalid, eU derly. infant. A 4T75. Main 2039. PRACTICAL nurse wishes to nurse Invalid. Phone Main 7972. 560 Everett st. Or essma leer. DRESSMAKER wishes work by day or weeki references. B 2544. WANTED Dressmaking arvd ladles tailor ing. 875 Taylor L iPhonefA-idfiO. !