v 1'MO? JTIir: SUXDAY -OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. JANUARY 9. REAL KSTATK. Acrcag, . ' onEfio.N city lines. Near .Va-nt fare we have ' Tl acres- in walnuts. $,Huo-). 5 n, r and berries. $Ui 0. S arrpc,' including both the above. S72w"i. bie.nl slf for beautiful suburban humea Keiiogg (Wk orov it. MIST Uo THIS WEKK. 5 or 1 acres on Orgon Ciiy earline. on main county ma 'J, near car; considerable grapes- and berries; all Increase in value an.l i-itcifwt on money and over 3000 imported ::-ear-otd hoi iy trees must be Faorifiee.-V to protect owner from the 1j-w of cash paymeni' nialv. r,p:T. REDT For the Spring bt-inesK: we hav two ex-" celleiit nil) livisiorv proper! ies. a1! 1!UM - ar-1 ready to market; Mnail caxh lnvetnient - will triple itself; we will attend (o the de tails of celling, and collect: ins. t A.ND l-AnK Tracts all along the razadtro earline; good terms'. 20 ACRES 1 ' mile from earline. unimproved land; FARMS AND nilM I.AXDP. Improved and unimproved, in varlcw pa rut of the stat1. O. W. PT LAND CO.. Walt Ing-room, 1st and Alder. : BEAUTlKCTi COUNTRY HOME. Nice 7-room house in beautiful )f:'ovft of Large oak and -walnut tryes. with 5 acres of tin level land, best of soli, all in culti vation, plenty of fruit, berries, graphs, apparsjtup hd, on corner of tvo main foinuy nmiis, ad joi n ins Hi 1 lsboro. 12 min uten' walk to Oregon Electric and S. P it. It. ; a second rln trie line now bull-Hue ' will pass the door. Frice 32."0; $32 ensh. balarfce ,S I 0 per month, or 10 per cent discount for ail cash. 6-Aeoa trncts adjoining the, above, all in tihival.io;. J 1 "uo ; $ 100 cash balance 1 0 lp" r month: ire wi 11 build you a nice little. hous on these 5 acres if you de fire: y uu pay on ens v p; vmt-nls for it. THR fROSSLK V CM PANT, 70'. Corbett Bldg. - 15 A R KS at Ft. II. si at ton. a i 1 fenced and plowed rf ad y for Spring crop. A-l ho us nirt 1)hhu ivlnlmill ivith ivatcr In house and bai t) ; you can't beat this place ; IS00; Jfooo cash, balance 5 years at il per cent Interest. iiitm on Oregon Electric line clnse to Port-In nd. hnupn and barn. h11 fenced and in high-class mate of cultivation, good apring on place. $i;ooo; $'5n0 cash, bal anre tonus to suit. See Brown, 411 Couch bids'. ! t S A L,K 3 I a cr on three-fourt l- Tleedviile Pra irie, mile frinn station. Public. r"ad on two wide;. In rse 1 tarn . Is in f all clou red and hisii itaie t cultivation : '. 1'nventent to school at-d church ; ;it i"'.c:i! hitmo fite, nw offered t ;.t Jp.'i.H7.", part cash, balance 'i-rnm. - TLifcl SHA'r-FK.R COMPANY, "V- V 24 : -i Stark et. Tl-;t ArHES oti Jloljate hvc, close In, near car; first-class for jlattin(y; K'-'od terms; SI n.tmii. 60 acres near l.innton rojrl and .Sc fare; beautiful park. rihi In irjjfk of development, near land hold at doubfc price, ami all we ask is jer acre; t erins. acres cln.so in. $1 UuO pvr acre. 7 '-j arrc this side vf--TJents. S."0t. 10 arr-:s Pert hind HciKhtB, ;i0 acre. -!0 acres same, sr.ttg per acre. Thos. IcCusker. :t5 Couch b'dg, NICE MTTLE HUM W ON OREGON ELEC TIUC 1 t acres, alt in line cultivation, fair i-r-'ont houFc. fine well and pump, large fruit-dryer. til tine fruit trees, place over looks Willamette River, close to Choppo iuth etittion; price $ltH) cash, bal. ear CHAPIN & IIKKLOW. Chum be r of Commerce Ti 20-nere tracts on the Clackanas River, 2 H m iles from r eon City Electric line; your lioicc d 204 acres. Price S(i." to per acre. Terms $:;0 per acre cash, bal ance to suit. No tincr land for orchards ; will make beautiful country homes; virgin soil, beau tiful viw. umtuing water; fine larg trees, tlmler would fully pay for the land. The Crossley Compauy, 70S Corbett itlcig. fesr maKnitit IOHT maKniticent building spot within 7 it- i ies i ro nt center or city, on the Wil lamette River; beautiful view, 5 minutes' walk, to Oregon city Electric line, 2 to 4 aciej of land, tine large trees. If you want the most beam if ul countrv home wit h in easy reach of th. eitv. ca II hi The Crosse) y Compan v, TO 3 Corbert bid. HO At '1UW land for sale. 'aniies east of to peach trees. crane vines and nlfuKa- beonjcin to estate of late Sarah R. Mc Cutrheon ; must be sold before Mav next. Apply to John KuLhweit. on farm, o"r John W. il eCuiclieon, C;hehalis, AVash. M ACRES, 1 a miles west of North Yam hill, oil under cultivation, including 8 ncre hopyard. dwelling, fcam, hopho'ise ami small oivIih rd ; wonlit- make a tine dairy or fruit farm ; pro pert v is easilv w ort h 7'KMt. but will take .50250- this proptrty is not listed with any Teal estate firm. T Oregonian. ACRES state school land in Harney oun t . i- nitlo f l-oiu R. n. survey ; will uncover corners for $1 per a era. These lands are level and specially adapted for growtner of grain. . f JAMES A. FANNING. 107.3 East Salmon' Phone K 20S7. - &JI TOU JiARELV CAN GET- AGAIN. 17rt 'per acre on eay terms, finest oll on earth, ever-running spritig. all in culti vation, lij hours' busgy drive to center I ri uMim. i iicra are.oj acres, to support 4 families. enous l F. FIX'HP. 221 Vb Morrison street. SOMETHING GOOD IN ACREAGE. Beautiful level and high fi-acre tract, r.c carhne; main macadam read, cloe in"; special -each price for equity. JOSEPH IT. JOHNSTON. :i2-.1 T.afayette Bldg.. Washiugton and dth. SH ELTERED NOOK. a-ac ere-tracts, on 1'nltcd Electric carllne. Burlington, tine fruit land, cheapest roar acreage anout Portland ; $ro cash ; ,l o month. Smith-Wagoner Co.. ail-:n- T.ewi bldg. S1, ACREK. closer in. but adjoining Wwt moreland; a lot pmroition; tine location, 2 hliK-krt eafit of SeiHood earline on South ave. : one-fourth down, 'balance on time Apply on preiiiiws. p. Johnson, t0 South CHOICE six acres, on Oregon City line, or rite. I0ti Hawthorne ave. call For Sale Aruit Lands. LATEST REPORT FROM DR. COOK, i Halhy's comet will switch his tail and wipe out Hood River and all other appb lands except Mosier. which will be the only place on the map. Come in now be fore the price goes up as it will when we hear from Copenhagen. Prices now 2a tu 100, not of price asked elsewhere, with better values for our money. The man of small means cn get in here on easv pavments THOS. M'CCSlvER. 2o5 Couch Hldg. SPITZ EN H ERG tOAPlOOSE ORCHARD LA'DS In JO, 20. oO-acre tract are sell ing to many levelheaded buyers who know a good (thing when ahown. Only 2ft milts from Portland, on railroad Price ;hk. jfil00, $.-.oo per tract. BETTER HI RR Y and go with us by appointment Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms. MeFARLAND INVESTMENT CO blO-nn corbett Bldg.. Portland, Or Merrit Ac Palmer. Pales Agents. 12-ACRH Flil'IT RANCH I have f,.r jale the best fruit ranch in the fioKue River Valley. It io situated at .Vhland. Or., and is within the citv, limits vMiei is obliged to sell or. account of his wire's lualih. and can be bought at a sac rifice. You can get full part rcular If vou will call at nty of'tiee. G. T. Moore. ol4 Abington lil;i. APPLP LAM)-. "'V miles .iiul mu.-t of" i RHEf-d and I: icrniK. Appl IN. trd of Trade ' acre.- cho-cc from fNrtlanii ; i casllv .-loured land, located j?ome clcare.t can le irrt- an acre. cajv .ment Co., 417 1-l.i 3 Oltf SAI.E-"Ui-c-h:i)f interest in one of the linear 2M-anre 1 1 acts of fruit land In UOC.CE RIVER VALLEY; near railroad ;t;iii tam.uis bciirnii; orchards. , A Irargain. Mostly improved. Ad.il rvss L. TJ., 3t:s. Metl- t -rd. t.h'CHou. YAMHILL fruit land; 17 under pi'.w, btCancc tini:. hard, abundant water- acre. loV acres ' r: hvu.-e. b.trn. - i only $;:o an acre ra:e bargain. Ca.l j I 417 Hoard of Ti I HAVE 'J - acre ex imt" from rl.!ier. g-t'd frurt lniul. 7." LT'toa read. 1 1'Ui'ic cl.iir. goo.i e-pring; S24U' .oviier Moiiduy A. M. 47.2 E. Burtisid' 22. n. 1 : HCtD RIVER . Tpte orchard. 40 acr . within'? mile of cliy; treeH 1 to 12 yars old; w!H sell all , or part. Income from start. Terms. L C:i. rcgoai.iii. - HAVE So acres sLl Icily rirst-clns Holi River fruit nt:d. unimproved, to trade f.r I 'oi l land uropvrt v. ; ive full description m nd price. i i n::2. u . tjonian. YAMHILL half clc.- n-pN.ind 'ed, l-riianc- ... i-re. chot.-e 'iIiiiIt; iie fine -k: only 2 miio r Hoard f Trad. la nil fnun bide. Ut' ACRF-S. best high fruit land, ino acres cultfiaied. P miles to R R. station bsrgain. 127 Foard of Trade. REAL ESTATE. l or le -Fruit Lands. r ACREAGE me miie eah of ilillsboro and 14 in lies w west of Portland, cannot be beaten for an investment. For cherries, pears, berries and vegetables therft is nothing finer. "We are selling this land in tracts to suit, all in tame grass now and ready for the plow. Station on the Ore goo. Electric Ry., i mile from the cor ner of the land. l00 per acre; $30 pr acre cash. bal. easy payments. , Rogue River Valley land planted to a pics and In tracts to suit.. Nothing- finer for a fruit proposition. We have different selling plans, according to ac? of trees and amount of care we are to give after the sale is made; See us for price and terms. t " 10 acres planted to cherries, pears and app:.,s. Vs mile from station, on Oregon Electric, one mite from Hillsboro, $3000. , Cash required. $500 ; bal. good terms. y 28 acres, 6 miles from The "Dalles, will s-1!! all or part, planted to apples, caved' f.ir and tax-- paid three years. for Siiu , per acre. $ per acre cash; bal. terms. MOKgMAN & M'NAIR. 1 Commercial Club Bldg. ... , jC FRUIT- LAND. 320 acre. 200 ready to plant; rolling and levels plateau, 1 milej from town and Ry. ; nut an acre hut w hat can be cult--vaied; elevation 3' ft; ' irice 50 per acif. S0 acr. ,V ready to plant, balance clump ot oak Krubx, esjtiy cleared ; beautiful.-- grenriy sloping -ridge:"? large .'priiiR!. near hijrhe!t elevation, at edge of valley; B""1 road ard improvements; absolutely the in-ipt beautiful orchard tracL for pl.'Uting In county; soil d. ep. rioh red;-would teil all patfj V pf r aeve and terni praci icpiy adjrfTn frti; t ra ciw n d by a K1"" ' i ' c u ra 1 co I - pTir-e&jrt and other prominent orchard See owner.' Ueo. l-l. Wanjconer, 23 Board of Trade. FOR SAXB l-1 affcs. loca.etl JO miles southwest of Portland on he Sotithern laciflc Raili-oad. onf half mile fiom wore and station. fn venient to frHKl school and fhurcli. pood homo buildings, iai-jire houv? and basy. . all oiu 1'iilldlnge. iH.vmy orchard. w.'.X watered and -nceil. now vac.int a nd rartv f r occupancy : price only $75u: will take trade in sXd city projerty to $.Uh on TIf s h a w- ff:Cr COM PAX Y, 24TU. Stark ft. For Sale- -Farms. INFORMATION. Reliable free information on all Oregon and Washington lands, also Government lands; booklets on all counties. O ICE C. ON LANDS J N FORM ATT O N HI" RE At". G04-fi-S Board of Trade B'dg. 4.Vtc ' home, near PortJfind. To acres timothy hay, 20 acrs Fall pr:in."'2 acrs kale. 2 -a ere orchsrd. good buildings, im provements first-class, church and school near, creamery condenser and R. route: l1; miles from electric line; price 6-"O0. RIS acres, all fenced. 40 acres In grain. k.t acres readi for plow. 78 bearing apple trees, small band of goats. 5 cows, car- riage. good buildings, nil goes 44) per acre; 3'a miles from P. R. A., Lane Co. Southern Oregon. So acres, bottom land, 1. acres in cultivation. 70 fruit trees, 4U grape vines., bouse, barn and outbuild b in gs. oak timber ; 570 per acre, terms. 176 acres, best land In Rogue River Val ley, all bottom land, two sets of houses. 4 hop houses, under orftvitv ditch pnn he divided into three tracts; price 20u per H acre. 160 acres in Applegate Valley, for -iale or trade for good home in Portlanl ; T0 acres cleared, all in alfalfa ' and fruit, s0 acres under ditch, good nouse. and out buildings, good outside range; v milos from tJrants I'aas; per acre. Details O FI E G OX LANDS INFORMATION BCREAC. 04-fi-S Board of Trade Bldg 40 ACRES S miles from Valley tdwn; ail - in high state of cultivation, good build ings, plenty of water. This Is ail good fruit land, no stone or gravel; is on Ore" gon Electric survey. Price ?5500, easy terms. ' ."0 acres 3 .miles from, one of the host towns In Willamette Valley, all in cul tivation, good 5-room house and other buildings, soil is the best and well watV ered. Price o0ao, part cash,- balance at 6 per cent. n4 acnes One mile from railroad, IS rrrileA, from Portland, about 14" acres In cultivation, 4 acree line beaver-. dam, run ning water all the year around, new house 8 rooms, good barn. Price $4000. T7 acres On Oregon Electric survev. 35 acres in high state cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; good 7-room .house and other buildings. Price $4i)0ip terms. . 265 acres in high state cultivation, good buildings, well watered, good soil. Price $10 an acre. Terihs. .4S0 acres All in cultivation, good soil, good buildings. Southern Pacific station on the place. Price $60 an acre 45S acres Nearly aJ in cutlvation. good 9-room house, 3 barns, good soil school on the place. Oregon Electric now building. Price $55 an acre. W. H. LANG CO., 414 Abington Bldg.;106V Third St "S 1 - 1 , 17 ACRES. 10 miles from 2d and Stark sts -all highly cultivated; 1 acres in full bearing fiult trees. acres apples, a pars and cherries, the balance in Italian prunes this year's crop sold for ? 12np: the. soil is a black loam and is as good as any other fruit land in the state; a goot". room cottage and other outbuildings fit ted up for chicken, henhouses, 3'ards and broodiug t pens; good well at the house; 1s mile from country town, ou electric hue I mile from. R. R. station; thlcklv settled community, eautifuily located- 1 ow lOO chickens, wagon, buggy and all small tools Included; price $::Suo $'rwH cash, balance to suit. M. E. Thnmn., 'or. 4th and Oak. Phones Main G0M; A 35-ACRE- FARM. New 5-rooni house, barn, chicken-houses. I rood er-house, live water 2n acree in culii varion. acj-e of .strawberries. 130 full-blood i-tijcjtens, I turkeys. 2 Jerev cows, 2 hogs 1 horse, .cart and harness, all tools and im p. emeu lp. 2o0 bushi potatoes, grain- on new Swift electric, line and fine crushed 'rock road, near good market. :t5t, half caa-h balance 6 per cent interest. ' G. M. McBRIDEJ. 2."t0 Sturk St. HILLSIDE FARM. SO acres. 60 cultivated. 12 miles from Portland. 3 from Tigard, Washington County; good buildings; prune orchard, dryer, team. 10 cattle, brood sow 100 chickens. feed. vehicles. Implements cream separator and some furniture, $12 -500; $67.00 cash. Or 40 acjvs of same cultivated, with Improvements and per sonal property ; $ 8250 ; $7, -50 caRh. No agents. 1, R. F. D. No. 1. Box t5, Bea verton. Or. , . ' SPI.ENIUU Bl'YS. 40 acres. Improved. li3 tuilerf R. R. town Washington Co., only $l.on, caii. ,t A ares near Fore tlmve." improved, only flA: 7 cash. bal. to suit. 15 acres well improved, 2 miles of Forest Grove; $2.VK. cah. M acres in Washington Country; $10 per acre; thj Is a snap. DFBOIS A CROCIvETT. Washington Bldg., Room 3. uR SALE Irt acre on Reedvlile Prairie . three-fourths mile to Mtatiom family orchard, g xhI home build ings, large ba l n . con v en i e v. t to x.-hool and church, on t;ood -tad. tine frut hind, lies beaut if uliv ana now offered ut $3S7o, paj't ;i;!i. balance gd tern-. T IK P H A W- F E A R COM P A X Y. 245 S Stark et. 28 ACRES tine garden land, acre pro duced ISO bushels of onions last year; S acres cleared for plow ; 5-room house, large barn." near school and railroad, ou good road ; house-hold goods, farm imple ments. 11 head tf high-grade Jersey cat tle and- enough hoy and feed to Winter cattle; all for $2"oO. Bruce c. Curry, shs Cnlou -nve.. North. Fhone Woodlawn 24L l-.U'RE farm 9 miles from The DalV's. on Mill Creek. SO acres cleared, i acres orchard. 11 acres tamo gras. 12-room house, large baru and stock sheds. 100 acres can be irrigated and sufficient water right to do this; $45 pvr acre, terms on one-half. " , MOSSMAN A M NAIR. Commercial Club Bldg. ' FAHMBRS AND HOMESRKKEIw! lo a day and expenses if rot found 'as M-presented. We huve all kinds and sizes oi cnoite iariiis in tne orm' est. If vou iaiue lor r.ur s and wjiisio iai. ee FCCHs. 21 1- Moi -:j-vn jreet,- 1 CAN sell you Improved or unimnroved farms, large or small, best or dairv and f 'A it land, on main llrr railroad ; daily .bflat to Portland. l'O mi?. Prices right -' terms easy. . THOS. H. BLAOKTOXE, fRidgefteld. Wash. SPECIAL Little farm. 11 acre rich- blacK soil; house, bam. orchard and t'li to g'd s-hool r price only f 1750 U-rm. Call 417 Roaj.1 of Trade bldg. FOR SALE 40-acre farm, only 8 miles frcm PtTt lan-i. .-n surfaced rr.; large barn. Touse. orcHard : esvy terms. Apply MeEwen & Koskey, 12tt Front st. 11 1'.XPRflU thousand fruit, dairy and poul try farms in Missouri, $?.50 per acre and up. For particulars k Missouri State Immigration Commission, SpringfV?Id. Mo. RKAL KSTATE. For hale -Farms. 80 ACRES, all good land, one-half cleared. 7 acres fine green saw.-, timber. bal-, ance very easily cleaivad. comfortable 4-room rustic house, good barn and out - buildings, place fenced and cross-fenced, good orchard of assorted fruits, all kinds, of small fruits, never faiiiag spring water, water piped through dairy-house; personal property consists of good team, wagon, harnesses, buggy, plow, cultivator, harrow, and all small tools, 2 milch cows, 4 hogs, chickens, etc Price $::5o0; term on jjart. This place is sitirited 7 miles rom. Van couver on good road. mile to sawmill, close to fine trout stream. U mi!e from S'-hool. 2 miles from countrv "town. V. F. D. and telephono service, in good neigh borhood. 5S acres, good level land. 25 acres in der cultivation; . 20 acirtfe line green saw timber, balance easily cleared, 5 acres In assorted fruits In full bearipg. new 2-storv. (-room house, modern, with porclies. hail. .-','lC barn 55xfiy. hog and all ouhou.rs. good well, running stream through tim ber land, 30 acres teuccd and cross fenced. Personal pmpertv: tesm. wagon. 2-seated spring: wagon with too, top bu--gy. plows, harrow, cultivator, all small tools, 4 milch cows. -T-.jar-old heifer, some hogs, chickens, cream so;yar."tar ete This place Is . situated 1 mllesTtoni country town and miles froirt Van- , couvcr. in good locality. Price $5500 Terms on part. THOMPSON & SWVNv- Citizens National Bank Bldg.,' ancouvei-. Wash , Or 110 Second St.. bet. Wash and Stark. ' Portland, Or. 45 ACRES V Of finest black .-hot soil, near Orchr.rdt. . mite; from Vamcouvei. on feood c.'.untv read and. close to earline now buhdlnp. Place ba fenced and cross-fenced ami all of the land is under cuitjva t ion. lo ac res in orchard, a acres m Kmall Visorredi fruir, all tn.tull caiing. 2. well.- and fine water, good 7-room house. furnished with new oak furniture, ranpe and heating Move. Good 4"xti0 barn f.ni other outbuildings. -1I in hmt-class condition. A span of 5-year-oM mgw, two to three daien chick ens and all farming implements go with the place. A very choice piece of afrB age within' oa.v reach of Portland, ami fo. snap at .he price offered. "Will accept Portland prop"Hy up o SirH, as Dart pov ment. Price .77wm. $P-;wp cash. Values are rapUily advancing in thi viclnitv. K A I : FFM A N N & M Oi R E , a24-'!2T Lumber Exchange. CALIFORNIA LANDS. LITTLE IRRIGATED FARMS. ' Yolo County. Cal.. miles north of San Francisco, 1 1 ruiles north of Winters on a branch of the S. J R. R. IT IS THE "WOODLAND TRACT." :00 ac !es of rich - valley iaml. irrigated from the Cache Creek at .Vic per acre Tor irrigation and no water ihx. $ 1 2 7. PER ACRE ON T E RMS. In nirali'a It, will pay for itself." in 2 years. In almonds it will be worth $:i.",o per acre i n :t year. In orargCH it will prcn i uce $47iU per acre and produce .'1 w eks earliei than the South. We are cutting it Into' 2n-aore tracts. The Svl! Is rich and water cheap and plentiful. Invest now be fore Improvements increase the values. turid for our tree lok!et. COX & COMPANY. 2oS Monadnock Bldg., afnn Francisco. - W-At'HE farm. 43 aor-s in cult i vat Tun. 24 . acres beaverdam land. g'o.i buildings. 7- room. house. barn. onion Ikum. with plenty of mrfbuJIdinsrs, fenced with woven wire fencing: span of hordes. 1 cow. loo chickens. ail farming implements W plenty of them ; 4o tn hay In barn : 1m to socks of onions in onion house; price, $!.". AA), and S,"hnw cafh. balance on long time at- G -per ceut interest, or will trade for Portland property up to $.wiO. ami $-1ltX) In cash ; on Oregon Electric and river. RAND. READ & C . 3H; Board of Trade Bldg. CSO ACRES, Willamette Valley; $7,5, acre. $440. S. Oregon, Rogue i;irt per acre. " iver Valley; ST.4U E. Oregon, famous ralnr belt, fine; 522.7,0 ' p:r acre.' on, near Portland, 54 hishlj-tmproved; 20O per acre. -Many farms all over Oregon. Come to office for full particulars. Good terms given. s0 SQCARE DEAL REALTY CO., 610-621 Board or Trade Bldg., w JS4 Fourth St. AN" EXCELLENT PUY ON ACCOUNT OF ESTATE BEING SETTLffilJ. 200 acres, on Willamette River. 8 miles north of Albany, 3 miles from S. P. R. ft. ; flrst-class river bottom land: 90 acres in cultivation. balance covered with growth of marketable white fir. ash. and cottonwood; some piling timber; SS'iQO, $:!O0O cash, terms on balance. ' See us ti v noon Mop da v. CHAPIN, & HER LOW, 832 ("hamper of Commerce. HERE'S A SNA V. 40 ar-res, ;t2- miles from Poriiwfd. 1 from sta t ion. good roa,d ; rt acres culti vated. 27 acres pasture, running wate through pasture; best of soil, no rock or gravel; cozy house, fair barn and other outbuildings; horse, cow .heifer and calf, wagon, buggy and implements; about tift chickens, 100 bearing fruit trees, rurni ture in fact, everything goes. Photos at office. Pleasure to talk this place to you, ROSE CITY REALTY 0k. 1NV. CO.. olo Lumber Exchange Bldg. - , ,. , . , , . FINE KNAP. o acres of fine, deep black soil, n acres in tine cultivation, good family orchard, new 4-room rustic house, small barii. good chicken houses and outbuildings, gopd well; 14 miles from Portland, on good road; GO rods from It. R. station; X horse, i cow, young heifer, no chickens, all farm machinery; price S27,oo, $J7K) cash, bal. long time. CHAPIN 4-HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 120 ACRES rich heavj clay loam. 40 acres cleared and fenced. 5 acres orchard, bear ing apples., cherries, pears strawberries and all in yood shape; 4-room housr and small barn, well and running spring on property: $100 per hciv; 2 '- miles from srood live town, close to Portland; all property adjoining is subdivided; cash, or will exchange part for city property. See Brown, 411 Couch bldg. Ii0 ACRES FOR i'50. We have 3 10 acres in the Mosier dis trict which can be homesteaded ; 20 acres is good apple land; 5U0.O00 feet vellow pine saw timber and several thousand cords of good oak wood on the balance. Near good county road. Will locate up to "Wednesdav for $250. DEVLIN &. FIRE SAITOH". 510-511-7,12 S wetland bldg. 00 ACRES In the Chehalem Vallev. close to Newberg. has a prune dryer and over 3000 bearing fruit trees. 2000 of these are prunes, 4H apples. 4tO" cherries and the rest are peaches, pear.- etc.; this is one of the .finest In Hhe valley; price $100 per acre ; easv- terms. WELDON" DARLING, . 1S Board of Trade. FINE HOPYARD. 20 acres in four-yea r-olfl hops, neac both river and electric t 'ansporta ti n ; tan be con t ract cd at excel Strut ('.cure ; land fanpot Ijv excelled for fruit orHterry land if hops At wanted; easv terms. G. M. McBRIDE, - 260 Stark St. CEAP VAL -EY FARAL w arT-e . oO a ires in c ul t i vat i oil. "o Ko-Hj narn. gotta pasture on rfr. cvilti vated port ion; hot far from -ailway station. In southern part of Willamette Valley; a fine stock ranch at onlv aJout half market vrhie: S2 Jr-er acre G. M. McBrflDE. " ' 27,0 Stark St. FARM SACK1J--1CED. 15S Sores choice land- in Yamhill Count v 1..0 acres in cultivation. 00 acres in trap row, balance pasture and timber: good house, liarn. orchard, close to rwiiroad For price and ternwf call 417 Board of Trade btdg. ; FARM ON RIVER. 20-acre farm with river frorftage. on Willamette. 14 miles from Portland: wv.te.r and electric line transportation; nearlv all n njimauun, line i oi oeacncs. any kind' of fruit ami bern-ies. G. M. McBRlDE, f ' 250 Stark St. grapes or FOR PALESO aeroe opposite St. John and .1 mile; back; from he river, all heavy timber. n -xd public i"ad and offered at $100 per acre terms. , THE SHAW-TKAU COMPANY. ii4 7 1 -. Stark tft. 240 ACRES 2 miles from Goldendale. 70 acres iji Fal! wheat, balance in pastui and tnnlter. a! I good soil, well watered ; good 7-room house and other buildings ; price $25 an ac: e for" a quick sale; terms W. H. Lang l- Co.. 414 Abington bldg. A NICE far for sale, a; miie from Sher wood. 20 acres- nice land, Jo in cultivation; 25 fruit tl-ees. strawberries, raspberries etc -good 2-mory house, barn and outbuiidines oiily $.-)poo. $1150 CBh.- ' MARTIN" J. HIGLET. 1 '12 Third st. POLK COUNTY APPLE LAND. S20 acres, all fine fruit land. 170 in cultivation, good house, orchard, barn miles from station. $40 per acre. .1. H Moran., Monmouth. Or. I HAVE farms in the ehehp 'encva Jlv from 15 to 2:3 ares. and cart give good prices on all of them. W E L OO N DARI.l XG. 0D Board of Trade. 5-ACRE pruiw orchard In heartng1, 11 miics ( out. $'00. See 2 72 Stark su REAL ESTATE. ior 8a le -Fanes. DAIRY' AND STOCKRAISING FARMS. HO acres. 77 Cultivated, cross-fenced, good 7-room house. 2 larte barns, milk house, cement cellar. sheds and ter buildings; complete outfit of implements for farming and dairying; j;t cows, brood mare, Jersey hull. hogs., chickens; plenty feed, family orchard ; 5 mile to school. 1 ' to station and boat landing; 27 miles from Portland $7."i per acre; $;;r,oo down, balance rime. " 211 acres, good part cultivated, balance fine- pasture, tL mi I -a from station and boat landing; gasoline boat. team, wag- i:s, hack, buggy, complete dairy and tarm implemeutM; lots feed; good 7-room house.hot and cold water, large l-urn, 2' cows. it head young stock. 4- acres fine owhard; fo per acre f S4000 down, balance if we- On and along Columbia Rier. 27 mi !e f roua Portland, 2K acres. 40 culti vated, balance tine pasture. 7-room house, large barn and plenty outbuilding?, r.n head ca-ttle. 24 milch Vows, r. horses, 12 hogs. 30 tons hay. family orchard. mile to station, creamery, etc household fur niture. Situated on and alone Columbia ' er. complete- outfit for farming and ua.rying; S7.r. per acre; terms. acres. i. cultivated, good build ings, lots out range, soil cannot be beaten or location for dairying or stockraisirtg - 22 head cows. 12 calves, hogs, chickens, com-r-fte farming and dairying implements; 10.50O; easy terms. r Have a few more money-makers, includ ing horse or cattle-raising ranches, in the Valley, sheeo or dairv farms '. ROSE CITY REALTY & I NV. CO.,. . -Mr Lumber Exchange--tdg. 27 MILES- FROM PORTLAND. 24 - acres', all in cultivation, fine orchard, fme -rooiu houfce and Unyr.s. other good outbuilding-?, some houwhoid gooutf. goo. water, mile from It. R. station. 4 trains daily, also tuatj,: sawmill in lie. scho-d J2 mile; fine bla;k soil, good for fruirs and cickens; R. F. D. and phone close; $2Soo. 8OO acres. SO) acres) r'-auv to plow, t glance S.50O.O0. ft. yellow Pii:e. milea fnuv R. R. station, s-priris, creeks on place; iu per acre; a gift. - v. 240, acres. 2 mile from R. Tt. station, g-.K-.-l 7-room i-ou-v and outbuildings, water piped In "house, 70 acres in cultivation, at acrea in Fall wheat, some timber, famiiv orchard . Th ii? is -a fin farm and $25 per acre will take it; 47 other farms. See list. We have some g ood ho u se. ca n el 1 on payments; alo fino city vacant at price tha cannot be beat. NIMMO & Itl'NKY. 13 Hamilton bldg. STOP, -LOOK. LISTEN. i 10O acres. cultivated, good T-room house, fair barn, fine soil, close, to rail road, good location; snap at $4o per acre; termj 0 acre ,25 miles from Portland, all can be cultli-ated. new S-room bouse. ne-.v barn, . several acres cultivated, some cleared, balance owner cutting fenceposts from and making living by contract; very fiite potato land. Here's your chance, only $2oOO ; terms. f A acres. 27 cultivated, small hut com fortable house, 3 hen-houses, etc. ; I'l.wf to good town, good neighbors and school close by ; running water through pasture ; just the plare for a home and a fine little place for diversified farming; $27Oo ; trms. .so acres, close to good town. 40 cleared. , balance easily cleared; good hoise. three barns. "O ht;ad cattle; .0 per acre. ROSE CITY REALTY & INV. CO.. 515 'Lumber Exchange Bldg. BEAVERDAM. o acres, all pure beaverdam. with run- ni"K water for irrigating; this - tract is the heaviest and deepest piece of beaver dam in the state. Is in perfect state, of cultivation and ready for garden; 1030 worth of onions were produced and sold from one acre this year; this land it built up from pure beaver cuttings-and there is none better; 34ftO o-ks of onions were sold from the adJoiniiTte tract of acres; eviral beaverdam tracts in this locality have sold from $70o t: $1000 per acre: this tract is located 11 miles from Portland, h. mile from station on electric line and good country town, on macadam-, ized road. y, milei from steam road- will sen for- jpaoo per acre, i-3 casv balance to suit; this $lace wiTT not last at the price offered. M. E. Thompson Co., Cor. 4th and Oak. Phones Main 00S4- A y:i '7 I LL BBT A MILLION That you cannot beat it. 1 have 20O acres 4t milest from Portland, on railroad and Columbia River; new auto road to Mt. Hood passe? through it; boating. fifhinghuntiiiE mountain ecenery, waterfall and atreain on place; all under cultivation ; rwh, deep soil; will produce any crop or fine for fruit; near ood Uwri, sawmill, etc. I will ael this in .V or no-acre tracts. 200j and $27iO ieracre; electric lights, phone aird free water for v domestic and irrigation purposes1; any term you want; crops will pay for land and you will not only have, good farm, but ideal Sum mer home. If you want something ;ood, you'll hum'. Thos. ji'CUSKER, 205 Couch Bldg. SEE DURHAM & FR E D E NT HAL, 270 Washington St., Kotftn 1. If you are interested in a nice little Home of 15 acres with good buildings and nice young orchard; handy to good -trtmi serv ice, for .5-tO0O. Or 0 acres, fine buildings. l:i miles of Portland, witn stwck and ail farm imple ments, for $12,000. terms. 80 acres. 10 cleared, buildings, stock, etc., for $3500: will take -$2000 in trade for city property. t acie8 ' mile of Beaverten, with uunuuiBs, ior oou. terms. i 4f ACRES Iti mile from Castle Rock. Wash - excel lent soil and beat of spring water; about 20 Voad, R. F. D. and telephone In house, room 2-stttry houe. newly papered and all furnished ; good barn and other outbuild ings, a acres in good orchard, all imple ments go with the place, also horse, 2 cowh, 2 heifers, Q pigs, ;i dozen chickens-. Price $2,100; a snap. KAUFFUAXN A MOORE, - :i24-325 Lumber Exchange. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN ! At this sh or flee. 12 acres I1- miles from Camas. Clark County. Washington, n 11. F- D., county road, adjoins lake where good fishing, hunting and boating mav b had; all cleared, fine level soil, mostly in fruit. Two Japuscs. three barns. large poultry botrie. Will make one or two ;ood hom-fl; six trains fofth Bunk) dnilv at Camas and two boats da ilv to Portland. 25c round trip. Owner has poor health and must leave tills climate. Mow is vour time to buy. Price cut to $2000. Take Woodlawn car and see owner. 129S E. Sth st. N. "OK SALE Dairy and poultrv farm. 70 acres. SO cultivated ; fenced ; new 6-room house, new- dairy barn, silo, chicken, and brooder-houses-. two incubators. all com plete. 500 hens. 5 Jersey cows. :t Je'-wev heifers. 1 Jerpey bull, one horse, farm iin plemenia, R. F. D.. telephone. 1 milee to live town, good roads; Ynmhiir Countv; $.HiXW ea.-h will hanAle. balance long time. See agent. P. O. Box 04. Amity, Or. 82 acres highest state of cultivation complete set of Imitdings. family orchard. large, living creek, from 700 te 1000 cards timber, fine market, close to schytnl And railway statfon. not far from Port 1 all d ; no stones or gravel. - For $4250. C. L. BAMBERGER, i Main 3124. 508 Chamber of Commerce I FARMS A XPhTIi T .TV c 4 FOR SALE-r2 acres, 20 miles southeast of ; Portland. 20 acres cleared, bal ance good heavy timber, on good roa1. 11 well watered and. now . iYe red a t $iH pe r ac re ; 27i per cctit cash, balance to suit pur chaser. TUB SHAW-FEAR COMPAN1, u 245 S tai k et. ACRES. 5 miles from 5c car fare sta tion. 2 miLes from O. W. P; modern 7 room house, hot and cold water, 2 fine, barns, 2 springs, wlndmili and 17,000-yal. storage tank. Best Tarm buy near Portland; car subdivide! and sold at 100 per Cent pr-fit this Spring; terms. BAIRD & BROWN. ..P2 Henry B'dg. 2 io-acre: farms Close to city limits of Portland" splendid buildings, and all in hlghest'staie of culti vation, fine for berries. fruit, garden truck and country home, fine market; in come producers: the" prices are right. C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 6124. 50S Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT FARMS FOR SALE OI X X. CHANGE. We nave 2 of as good wbatVf0rms ss there is in Eastern Oregon for sale; 1400 acres in one. 22O0 acres in other. Address Owners, Hawthorne avt.1 stables, 42U Hawthorne ave. GARDEN land two blocks station. .t acres all in cultivation. 9 miles from Portland, stocfe and implements all go. Sqe?n E-iee-trio, Anderson & Murey, 300 Board of Trade. THE be.t 20-acre farm in the Tualatin Val ley: highly -improved, right at station ; jT best of soil; am going awav: ptiiicipulH only. Owner. P 65. Uiegouian. RY OWNER. :2o acres of best land in Clark 'County, one-haif beaver dam. new boujue and barn, 100 acres almcs cleared; ai- kneae the only reason for selling. E 10, Oregonlan. 15 ACRES, house and barn, near Eugene: 5 acres beaverdam, balauce good bottom land; $1500. - BAIRD A BROWN. :D2 Henry Bldg. ANYONE washing alfalfa land which will produce six bumper crorn jier vea.;- w-tll receive vauable Information by calling t Room 34. Hicks-Chatten Bldg.. Portlaiii SEND for our list of Willamette Vallef farms before buying; lands shown Xres. Olmstead Land Co., Salena. Or. FOR farms in the Chehalem Vallev see W ELDON DA P. LI NO, SIS Board of Trade. . REAL ESTATE.' l or Sale -Farms. 0 ACRES. FRUIT AND GARDEN TRUCK. - 7 acres fine bearing orchard. acres berries and garden truck; fine market, close to school and earline. This Is just the place for a man v?ho is willing- to work. Its past figures will prove that It Is a producer. DesiralSle in every way. Complete set of buildings; price $427Ht, easy terms. C . L . BAMBERGER. Main ."124. T.OS Chamber of Commerce. FA RMS A SPECIALTY. f OK SALE T1MBFK LANDS. vA BOUT "oOO acres, cruising CO.0O0 ft. perV ci e trni'AT nr ttiiii t . VJ. inmi ; tide watV and miils land practically level: easilv iogged; price. Srstl per acre. Over ::o.OK.ouo ft. -'yeHow dr. finV tim s ber; $1.25 per M. otwt acres, cruising Ooo.OOu ft., fine timber; l.Om. - tv r 45.ho0.00i ft. on Santiam ; price. $2!t.0on.- About lU.0oO.0O0 ft. fine timber; price. j- 14-tKMi.ooo ellow fir and P. O. eedari price $7000. ZIMMERMAN, ; t!21 Board of 'Fiyyie Bldg. SAWMILL AND TIMBER. Operating sawmill with 7,0i.OOO feet fine timber, near Portland T plenty of othor timber available at fair price, plant complete. wirh logging engines. plar.r equipment, dry kiln. et:,; good or ders on hnntl. and money-making 'prop osition; $9,000 oabr will handle; owner, A.I 635. Oregonlan: ACCESSIBLE TIMBER. ji-.arter . section. Washington ' ijounty, nerr Buxton, mile from rail t oad ; .wilt- se! 1 for S'J-'.oO casl". less 10 per cent, or for si a thousand on honest ci-uio. Was offered' $2ono before railroad was built. Add res Willis Brlnd.ey, 445 Bush st.. San Fran cisco. FOR SALE cheap by owners. 70 acres of A 1 timber on the Nehn lem River. x Tills -mool X'oun ty. close to tidewater transpor tation; railroad now building within a mile of it. A real snap, it's got to go. L t3, Oregon ian. . . TIMBER LA.VD5. OBEGOX, WASH! NOT ON CALIFORNIA. JAMES D-, LACET .& CO., yClTicayo, New Orleans, Seattls. 29 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. - MILL SITE AND TIMBER. Mill si to with about 25,000,000 to 30.000. 000 feet timber available: -close to Port land; can be had chet-from owners. AF fi7. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ilt'.O acres. Klamath t'runty, Or., near Borranza- containing l.fiOO.oOo feet good Umber: price .f 254.0 net. L. . Rowantree. 31S Lissner byldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. 4o ACRES S 1 OO0. Lane County, near Sprihgfield, 8 t ac res. Curry County, near Gold Beach. $2000. THOS. Ji'CUSKER. 05 Couch Bldg. - 1 LOGGING prorMelfon, for sale cr contract. 4o . million. ietly red fir, handy to water, ready for immediate operation; red fir,nw In besx demand. AESf41. Oreconian. TIM BER claims, homesteads. Rogiw River Valley. Douglas, Jackson. Josephine Counties. Write or call. 4S1 Mohawk Bldg. FINEST of acreage, near Portland, 'or sub dividing; tint Iter $2 1O00. Pittenger. l54 Morrison. WOOD STUMPAGE-Ahout miles south and mile - 750 East Couch. Portland. :i0O cords. station. Apply WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises or all kinds, s Kinney & Siampher. &31-532 Lumber Chang bids. FOR SALE Several timber claims. Grant Co., Or. A. L. Ransom, Moscow, Idaho. TIMBER and homestead relinquishments. 327 Worcester block. FARMS WASTED. HAVE bh successful In disposing of some :io t ootacre farms, but have Targe list, of tmyere who are willing t-o pe"aa reasonable prlc per. acre, not a 25 year-to-come pi'ine; if ou have small farm to s?ll or large one. and accept a reasonable .profit over what you paid, we oan sell it for you. but you must mean business, and no mis representation 6e.f. ROWK CITY' REALTY A- INV. CO.. -' 515 Lumber Exchange Bldg. ' WANTED To buy partly improved farm near market, by widow with 2 strong children, good manager,- where ?he can raise ail kind of poultry, cows aiP-'kinds f sma1 1 fruit must be reasonable and easy terms, or would except sensible nart -ner. Mrs. M. I". Albert. St. Johns. Mult nomah Co. , Ore gUm . WE HAVE parties looking; for Improved . farms in the Willamette Valley; send description, quote price and t erms. THE SOUTH ER-A LBERTSON .CO., HKtf Or.k St.. Portland. Oregon. t A FARM. 5i to loot acres, at $lo to $100 an acre; state full particulars. A L 18. Ore gonlan. FARM, bnsiness aad incom property; I will deal only wit h owners. Carvill. 811 Palace BlTg., Minneapolis, Minn. FOR RENT FARMS. WANTED I have 5G acres fertile soH which , I would lik' to rent on shares or cash. Call F. B. Ley. Columbia Trust "o.. Board of Trade bldg. 10" ACRES, all in high state of cultivation. R mi 18 from city. :tSl E. Pine st. J hone B 1072. TO RENT !10 acres, near Forest Grove, for $ 1 ::.". and can work out $100 of the same. Roswurm & Moulton. 2 ACRES of good land in Mount Tabor; small house, with city water ou propertv. J. J. Libak. 37 North ltith. FOR RENT lt acres, good house and barn. n-jnr Lents. Phone East 4012. WANT E TO RENT FARM S. SMALL dairy ranch with stock and imple ments, location, .O'koii; can give Port- u u'niu, jiiusi ue reason --ble rent. FenJou. 1 51 Jt X. 6th st. WANTED To rent for 3 years, farm of 50 acrej or more, near Portland ; mutt he g-ood, with house and barn. - P. O. box 481. FARM with an option of buving. J Welland. 140 Knott st. V.1NTEI TIM RE R LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. 304 McKay bids;. C. J. McCrackeo, 1VAXTEI) REAL ESTATE. 1 WANT to" buy from 5 to 10 acres neati- ruruaiiu, tinss 10 carnne; owner, wnat have you ? Give phone.. C fUL Oregonian. 3 OR 4-room bungalow, Mount Scott line, j not over isooT small amount doXvn Tnd - le oer month Box li Arieia o per montn. is ox ix Aiieta. Oi. "WHAT have you in a home on Nob-Hill ? Owners only answer; state price and lo cation. AK 638. Oregonian. V-""" V.'A .VrVEDv-Siglitly lot7 view of- city and mountains ; direct from owner. V 3.". Oregonian. MR. OWNER, for quick returns list vour property here. Stewart fc Ziebel, succes sors to ThevStemart Co. W A NT ED Lot. rTWners onlv. Park. - close rn, must be sacrifice : - Address Butterneld, 2S2 WANTED 5 or fi-room modern house,- near Washington High School, for spot cash. WANT to buy for cash, equities in vacant lots: stte !ot and block number In first letter. M 6S5. Oregonian. WANTED Apartment-house site, - 7.0x100 comer, close In, West Side ; give location .and price. Address Y 631, Oregonlan WANTED Lots in vicinity, of Alberta, cash this week. Howard Lain) Co., 40 S wet land bldg. T L WILL buy a lot near" Alberta St.. if price reasonable, iu boW, Oregonian. . WILL buy close-in acreage, near earline. If price Is righ"t. AH 6K3, Oregonlan. 5OTC100, Walnut Park, snap. cash. AJ 62S. or Piedmont; Oregonian. WANTED 2 to lO aciys near earline for suburban home. K tfcifsT Oregonlan. - WE want houses and vacant citv propei-tv to eell. Smith -Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Lewie bldg. WANTED Bungalow . cinoaiory preferred. In Sellwood, near AJ 39, Oregonian. LIST your house and-vacant lots with Smith-sJ RESIDENCE lot In restricted district, for cash; must be bargain. R 38, Oregonian I WANTED REAL ESTATE. I AM interested in a, warehouse site, would consider one with or without trackage fa cilities ; -prefer i block on West Side: would want terms on 1i of balance of pur chase price: give location, price and terms; will consideV propertv offered bv agents or owners if site is submitted Is what I am looking for, will take it up with re spective owner. X Wi. Oregonlan. v. HAVE a customer wishing to buv lot 50x l'K. 75x100 or 100x100, in the following lo cution: North of Ho.faday ave.. east of Sth st., fouth of Fi eemont and west of 28t h sL You can write me or call and st a in full what you have. F. E. Keed. 402 Uregoman bldg. IMVE client for- apple orchard, fro:n 5 to lO acres, areil locatetl. Send Complete de scription and lowest - price or,.se me at once. C. L. BAMRRHOER. Main 5124. 5oK Charrrber of Commerce. WE ARE In touch with parties wishing to pur chase desirable homes cu either East or TTst side. If your horse I for sale call and see us or phone Main 6718. , THE SOUTHER- ALDERTSON COMPANY. 286 Oak st.. Portland. Or. R 8 ACRES oi Ee car fare, improved or unimproved. We have buyer. If you have good salable residence or country property we invite you to list , with us for the coming Spring business. Clodfeiter Bros.. - 414 Couch bldg. WE HAVE been very successful in handling city vacant. If you have any vacant prop erty that yon wirh to d:spo5e of kindly call ard see us regarding; same. , THE SOUTH ER-ALBEHTtiOy COMPANY. S8 ak -St., Portland. Ov. WANTED Good lots In Rose City Park. R!m h"rt, Merlow or Ro.sTneve- rourt be bar gain; I have the oasr : fnlr particulars tn first letter, as to prk-a, and locati an. . I 0-0, 1 uregonian. HAVE' you a corner lot. Wer; Sid at rea e want onable price? W'e wan it good oronerties anywhere, close lose in. and I - have lots of customers waiting. CLIENT has deposited $500 with us to in vent in the best lot in Portland that JlOOt) will buy : will pay bai. monthly. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. I Lafayette Bldg.. Washington Ind (Jth. HAVE several customers for apartment houses, both East and West Side; a!io apartment house, site. NORTH PACIFIC "REALTY CO.. 005 Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. WE HAVE parry that wants io purchase mall, rhiproved tract near Portland. THE? SOUTHER-ALBElcTSON COMPANY, 256 Oak T.. Portland, Or. WANTED A 5 or 0-room bungalow or cot tage, strictly modern; good locality, walk 4 ing distance. ,ive fun particulars, pn- and terms; owners only. L C-15, On gon Ian. WILL trade residence lots and a 3-acre tract for a modern 7 or 8-room residence In Portland, or for a good farm; might pay some difference. 808 Board of Trade bldg. LIST your real estate with us. We can sell It. r PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. AN unrestricted corner lot or quarter block in district bounded by Washington, Quim by, ISth street and Cornell road. Phone or address room 715, Cornelius Hotel. WANTED BUNGALOW. - " Cottage or bungalow. Price $2000 or up war -Is. Price must be right. Call 210 Lumberman's Bldg., 5th and Stark. WANTED 2 or 3 lots on East Side -between Division and Hoyt. price $44M to $doo. State size, location and particulars. 1 mean business. G 638, Oregonlan. WANT investment or income tiropertv f eooi owner; have $10,000 to . $20,000 cash; send full particulars in first letter. T 6:iS, Ore gonlany . WANTED 5-room bungalow, strictly mod ern. Can pay a little doih. balance like rent. GivevT.Mll particulars. H 630, Orego nlan. LIST you home, vacant Jot,- business prop erty or farm with nip. I get you results. V WELDON DARLING, 61S Board of Trade. HAVE you got a fir4-class rooming-house to s?ll to responsible party for about $200 dowqi Address ' D $37 Oregonian, or phone East 4565. MR. OWNER, for quick returns list your property li ere. Stewart & Ztebel . succes sors to The Stewart Co., 523-25 Board-of Trade. .1 PARTY desires to purchase modern 8-roora house; $3iHo to 50OO;, give location and full description ; Irvington preferred. W 6,11, Oregonlan. I WANT to buy from 10 to -20 acres near Portland, near good car service. Owner. what have you, Oregonian. - Ulva anhnni Give . telephone. Y 633, MODBC house, corner lot. improved dl- Itriot. or corner lot; must be cheap for spot cash. A 642. Oregonlan. VX IMPROVED lots tot customers. List yith us. We make a specialty ' of lots. Purse, S18 Chamber of Commerce. MY business is selling Eaft Side properuC J. J. Oeder. cor. Grand ave. and E. An keny. - - , . RESIDENCE Six or seven rooms. 10 or 15 minutes car service; will pay cash. Owner reply. O 6:17. Oregonlan. WANTED Income property on Uniin ave.. between Morrison and Russell sts.; $10,000 to invest; owners only. 272 Stark st. WANT 10 to 20 acres, partly improved, within 20 mj.kc-e of Portland. 272 Stark st. TO EXCHANGE- HAVE some Home Telephone and cood min ing stock to trade as Mist payment on lot ot- hou?i and lot, balance' $15 per month, give price and location in first letter. E 651, Oregonian. 23 -FOOT skiff-hulled, canopy top cedar launch. 7 h. p.. 2 cylinder. Fairbanks Morse engine, all new last September; - val3 $350. What have vou of eaual value to trade? P. O. Box 14 4, Kelso. Wash. MEDFORD apple and pear land. 200 acres at $1l'5 per acre; 55 acres set to ajiples and pears. W ill take $o00o in city property; a good residence preferred. Terms. Call East 520. ESTABLISHED notion and dry ""goods store In growing suburb, good trade, for from 15 to 20-room rooming-house In jood loca tion. AN 642. Oregonian. HAVE SO acres strictly first-class Hood River fruifr land, unimproved, to trade, for " Portland property. Give full description and price. H032, Oregonian. "WE have number "of SCOOtl fmmn nn.l acreage to excnar.ge ror Portland prop erty. 4 Dubois & Ceckeit. office -A Wash ington st. WILT trade flue new house, just com pleted, 7 rsp. fireplace. ?vx. y Oo.iVcnieoit-, -h ard -etui fax street, clo?e. in. for kswd Port- I land vacant property. & o. Oregonlan. I.1Pr:tr Southwest luiiaua clt t,t 1J.OOO, to exchange for w.nall Improved -acreage; Southern Oreaon preferred. E 65" FOR SALE S-room house, on Hawthorne ave.. cios in; will take bungalow farther out In payment. - AC 632. Oregonian. TO TRADE 5-pajwnsrer automobile for lots, a ore age or diamonds. 517 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trade equity in new 7-room "fionse, full lot. rear earline, for good touring car. E t5-'?, Oregonian. TO TRADE Hupmobile runabout ajy'part pay on larger machine. 51T Chamber of Com merce. ' SMA LL hous. barn and 3 acres at Scotts Mills, by Hugh Magee. for Portland prop erty. ILL take cheap automobile first Daymen t ou o-ruom uuiiKaiow , Qamaco installments. B 2187. - - . i WANTED Farm land '- acreage In exchange for 12 Coos Ray lots. Puree, 818 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN tl-room house to exchange for lot: eouit v Si;ir.o, balance terms;' price $2350. AH 6-J5, Oregonian. CI T Y' lots to exch an ge f n r acres ire. - - C. L. BAMBERGER. MMin 5124. 50S Chamber of Commerce. WILL (change equity in H acres Crook County, for Portland property. - Stewart. 22 Chamber of Commerce. H A VE good lot and some cash. 4 trade diamond. James. Main 6377. ' $5k LOT for acreage within 100 -miles Port land. AJ 641. Oregonian. AO ACRES, Goodnoe Hills, equity for farm land. Stewart. 622 Chamber of Commerce. COLUMBIA County. H section. 3-i million fir. for lot or cot t age. - 227 A b I ngton . ETNE- arge bungalow to trade for lota orJ J TO 1CX CHAN .I.E. EXCHANGE. i - l block, close tn. fine modern Xi-Aom house: will exchange for Vallev ranch and pay difference to f:0,O0O. 2S5 acres joining county seat:will ex-(-hauge for timber or city property, 2M acres In outhm Oregon, good buildings 6.': acres In cultivation. 2 springs. 5 ares orchard, good out range, fine for hogs or cattle; want Portland home. UrxP0. houses, plummng business w.iHh $20o per month: want farm in Southern Oregon fruit belt. lt acres flood River- commercial or chard, fine buildings. S15.O0O; want Port land propert y . Have many exchanges. Call at office f or particulars. SQUARE ORAL REALTY CO., 0lw-ti2l Board of Trade Bldg. 30 ACRES. a!l cult Ivated. Reedviile. new tmiigalow and buildings. hk?al fruit land, ill divide. S3000. Would take half in Portland properly. Hood 4tlver land for good residence. 1 SO-acre stock farm. 12 miles from Lebanon, good buildings, 'i cultivated, big lot stock and implements: Z2 per acw. Take residence in Portland. 1 60 acres unimproved land 12 miles Vancouver. 5J. a res finest fruit land, bal ance passive. $35o0. Will take Portland home. 2S acres Ronita. 'jO in cultivation. :i0o per acre. Wili take som-3 Portland prop erly. X CLODFELTER BROS.. JT4 Couch Bldg. EXCHANGE. 120 aeres of tiinb?r land In Douglas County. 3,000.000 fir. some sugar pine ; will trade for a farm: price $170. :'4 lots, each 40x100 feet. near-MRisli-field. Or., on Coos Bay; ra i 1 roads build -Ing hito that district will increase values rapidly; wLl trade for a faun; price JiT" each. We n No have several 40-acre tracts near Forest Grove to sell or. exchange ROSWURM & MOULTON. Forest Grove, Or. EXCHANGE OR S'CLL ' ' 450-ACRE FARM. A 1 level, nearly all now cultivated, on main county road. convenient to bi h steam and electric carltnes. a fine tract to subdivide; will trade into good cltv property ; no mortgage on th-s farm, and will pay s cash difference; if too large -wrrsht divide, x - HE.VKLK ST HARRISON, oil Geriinger Bidg. x JO EXCHANGE. :ilt-edte- l.iness property with income or $o per month for acre or city propertv. Price $15.0M. STEWART & ZIRBEI . V Successors to .The Stewart Co.. 52:U5 BoanV of Trade Bldg. Mafn VTtJO. A 7422 CASH OR PART EXCHANGE. ? Modern 0-room beuse; wood fiber plas tered, concrete basement, electric lights 8 nd fi x tares ; porcelain barh. lot 50x 1 oo ; d est rah I e Iocs t i on ; reason able cash pa . -ment, balance Jlo per month, or will ac cept a lot. rote or mortgage balance ; price $2500. 51.1 Lumber Exchange bldg. HAVE a good country store -which will stand your closest investigation, to ex change for a good farm or cltv propertv, value from $7000 up to 3O,000. If Inter ested, send in fullost description; no iu nated values considered. F. FL'I HS. 221 Morrison St. ' "OLSE and lot. Walla Walla, near Whit man College, permanent tenant, income 7 per cent net; price $150o; exchange for vaTant lots or acreage, small farm or good equity. AK 64:;, Oregonian. EXCHANGE Fine hill ranch. stocked, equipped, some provisions and furniture; Portland residence property for part. For pa rt icu lars add ress Box 67. R. F. D 1 Gaston, Or. EASTERN Oregon farm to exchange for . :;omu equity in Portland property, or vouldv pay cash difference for larger eqtiity. 2lo Lumbermen's bldg.. ,5th aim Stark. , "WANTED Rooming-house in trade for house and lot; must be close in. rea sonable, 12 rooms or more preferred with some housekeeping suites. K 639, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE or- exchange for Portland prop erty, a farm of ioo acres In Southwestern-. MisKOtiri ; nearly all dwelling, -barns, etc. Board of Trade bldg. under cultivation ; G N. Howell, 41o ' A BEAUTIFULLY situated country home near Portland, with new modern bunga low and barn, for cheap Oregon land: no use loading values. Address AB 627, Ore .gouia.ii. TO EXCHANGE 40 acres of land in Lincoln County, close to Toledo, as part paymeut for a residence in Portland, about 0 acres clear, small house and about 1.000,000 feet of fir timber. G 639 Oregonlan. TO EtXC HAXOE Two good houses in South Portland, income $40 per month, for va cant lots in Portland. - IDE-M CARTHY LAND COMPANY, 425-26 Lumbermen's Building. QUARTER block with good 12-room house on Earn Morrison at., close in. Want acre age or unimproved city lots. To enable In vestigation, state location, price, etc.. of what you have to offer. AM 6.10. Oregonian. UP-TO-DATE OO-acre farm, all modem con veniences, good springe, to exchange for good income city property. ,Will sell st bargain. First State Bank. Gresham, Or. i, pOTTAGW and large grounds on improved So- ft. street, near. Columbia University, to trade N for place near Jefferson High Bcool. AJ x 629, Oregonian. STOCK, of ladies and gents' furnishings, novelties and notions, value about $150o. for house and lot or acreage not to exceed $2500. AM 624. Oregonlan. ?2550 EQUITY in a modern new house V- exchange, for lots or small house and lot; Full particulars - F. V. TORGLER. 100 Sherlock Bldg.. TO excha'tige for unimproved lots, acreage or fa nil land, ne v 6-mom house. Monta -villa. Value $3000. Taylor, 249 Stark street. - FRUIT, gra in . dairy a nd stock fa rm to ex -change lor city property. See Everett Us. MeLeod. wonw 516 and 517 Rothchild bids. FIVR-VtOOM. modern bungalow, for vacant - lots, uc.reage or farm near Portland. Y ;:;.. Oregonian. , , 1RVINGTON lots in exchange for thousand feet of cement sidewalk. AB 6.17, Ore- goninn. MODERN 7-room house and 125x100 to trade for timber; well located. T 630, Orego nian. EXCHANGE A-l stock ranch, unlimited range, fine buildings. Write for descrip tion. M. B. Signs, Gaston. Or. TO EXCHANGE 8 I-S acres bearing orchard, near Poi-tland, for vacant or improved lots, ' value $2ooo. 614 Ruthchiid bldg. WILL exchange 5-scre Irrigated fruit ranch. Ker.newlck. Vah.. for house or vacant lo t k. J 1 0 4, E. H oy t. DAI RY farm ail" stocked, cleared $3300 last year. Will take city residence as part' pay. Howard Land Co., 40 Swetland bldg. TO TRADE Lots in West Portland or Hyde Park for good typewriter. 517 Chamber of GOOD income property in McMinnville. to exchange for business. Portland. . H Gtfti. Oregonian. GOOD " 7-roolh house in Sellwood to ex change for coiner lot In- Hawthorne or . Irving ton or Holladay. Phone Main 1512. SOME suburban lots for part payment on house of 6 rooms; Alberta would suU. It 634, Oregonian. A GOOD jowelry Aisiness in an Eastern Oregon town for male or exchange. P O. Box 415. CHOICE stock ranch of over exchange for city property, gonian. ' 6O0 acres to . M 030. OTV.-y GROCERY store, valued at $2500; will take half cash, balance in vacant lcrts." -Owner. X 630, Oregonian. . y ' TWQ Eugene lots for sale or exchange for Portland property or diamonds. P." Q. iJiox 41-. WILL' trade good' real esLae for auto. M 6:t7. Oregonlan. j Wl LL trade two fine Coos Bav lor for a piano. P 6... Oregonlan. WANTED To trade a good transient rooming -ho we for real estate. AG 633. Oregonian. YOU can', trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. $2200 Equity $750 diamonV for wild land or automobile. AC 634. Oregonian. TIMBER land to exchange for bouse and lot In city. B 636. Oregonian. HOUSE auto. and lot for sale . P. O. Box 415. or exchange for INSIDE Grants Pass property for sale or exchange. P. O. Box 415. TO TRADE Lots for automobile, diamond nt .what have you? 517 Chamber of Commerce. ROOMIXO-HOVSB. close In. long lease, cash or real Htat. Room 227 , A b i ngt on .