9 Toll Gilbfog, Krac Toll & Qifofos, Hoe "MORRISON AT SEVENTH Tolll ib GibbSs, foe. MORRISON AT SEVENTH Housefurnishing Goods Sold on Easy Payments Furnished Complete MORRIiON AT SEVENTH Eveimt Ewer rtmmeimt I THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. JANUARY 2, 1910. RuainniinniSLge w Deipa CoimtriTbTUitiiig I Commencing Monday ait 9:3Q oClock No sale is of such magnitude or better known to Portlanders than this gTeat annual clean-up, in which every section of the store participates all uniting in offering the greatest bargains of the year value giving at its best the disposing of all odds and ends, broken stocks, discontinued patterns, many sample pieces and other items that have accumulated in the pa6t few months. It's a selling event that is eagerly awaited by nany who are quick to take advantage of its remarkable bar-gain offerings. So numerous are the items which the various departments have prepared that we've found it impossible to assemble them all ou one floor as in former Rummage Sales. You'll find our arrangement this year to be more to your convenience and comfort we've marked every article in such a way that there is no possibility of your overlooking them. Store will not open until 9:30 A. M. Positively no articles will be exchanged that are selected from the Rummage Sale stock. Long-distance phone, telegraph and mail orders received in proper time will have the same attention as if you had made your selection in person. Delivery at our earliest convenience. The following represent only a few of the many Rummage bargains: Dining Tables, Dining $17.00 $19.50 $1S.00 $24.00 $27.00 $10.00 $22.00 $2S.00 $32.00 $39.00 $4.5.00 $43.00 Dining Dining Dining Dining Dining Dining Dining Dining Dining Dining Dining Dining Table, in Table, in Table, iu Tabic, in Table, in Table, in Table, iu Table, in Table, in Table, in Table, iu Table, in fumed fumed fumed fumed fumed golden golden golden golden golden golden fumed oak, 6 ft., oak, 8 ft., oak, 8 ft., oak, 8 ft. oak, 10 ft oak, S ft. oak, 10 ft oak, 10 ft oak, 8 ft. oak, 8 ft. oak, 8 ft . oak, 8 ft. for $7-65 for $9.95 for 98.75 --S16.50 ..S10.7SL ..11.75 ..$15.75 ..$21.75 ..$S5.50 ..$28.75 ..$29.50 Coafrs Floor Rummage $9.75 Golden Oak Arm Dining Chairs, with cane seats $5.75 $11.00 Golden Oak Dining Chairs, with leather seats, for $6.75 $6.75 Golden Oak Dining Chairs, with leather seats, for . $-1.25 $12.50 Golden Oak Arm Dining Chairs, with leather seats, for $7.50 $17.50 Golden Oak Dining - Chairs, with leather seats, for $10.75 $25.00 Golden Oak Arm Dining Chairs, with leather seats, for . . . .. . .$13.50 OcM Sizes in Carpet Rog FLOOR $22.50 Axminster Rug, size 8 feet 3 inches bv 10 feet 10 inches, for $16.75 $27.35 Bigelow Axminster Bug, size 7 feet 6 inches by 8 feet 5 inches, for $19.75 $35.00 Savonnerie Axminster Rug, size 10 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches, for $22.50 $30.00 Body Brussels Bug, size 8 feet 3 inches bv 10 feet 5 inches, tor $23.75 $55.00 Bundhar Wilton Rug, size 10 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 9 .inches for REMNANTS A lot of printed and inlaid Linoleum Remnants, also remnants of many odds and ends of floor coverings. In the sixth floor Rummage. $34.00 Bigelow Axminster Rug, by 10 feet 5 inches for $35.00 Body Brussels Bug, size 12 feet for , $49.00 Bigelow Axminster Rug, by 12 feet for $45.00 Body Brussels Rug size 13 feet 6 inches for size 7 feet 6 inches $24.75 8 feet 3 inches by $27.50 6ize 10 feet 6 inches $35.00 10 feet 6 inches bv $35.75 $39.75 Cocoa Matting and CHINA CABINETS AND BUFFETS SECOND FLOOR RUMMAGE $39.00 China Cabinet, in fumed oak, for $36.50 China Cabinet, in the golden oak, for. . $25.00 Buffet, in the fumed oak, for $39.50 China Cabinet in the golden oak, for. . $48.00 China Cabinet, in the golden oak, for. . S35.00 Buffet, in the fumed oak, for $78.50 Buffet, in the golden oak, for $79.00 Buffet, in the golden oak. for $116.00 Buffet, in the golden oak, for $20.00 Side Table, in the fumed oak. for $7.00 Plate Back, in weathered oak, for 4 : . .$21.50 .$21.75 .$19.75 .$23.25 $27.50 .$27.50 .$39.75 .$44.50 .$48.50 ..$8.95 .$3.45 ODD PORTIERES S'XTH FLOOR RUMMAGE $8.75 Tapestry Portieres, pr. $3.00 $7.50 Damask Portieres, pr..S3.75 $S.50 Damask Portieres, pr..$4.25 $15.00 Silk-bordered Portieres, for, pair $5.00 $35.00 Art Crash Embroidered Por tieres, for, pair $15.00 $65.00 Rose Silk Damask Portieres, embroidered, for pair $25. OO $75.00 Single Portiere of blue silk velour, embroidered, for. .. .$10.00 Odd Pairs of Lace Cortalns fLo Romiroae At 9oC Pair Nottingham Lace Curtains, worth $1.85 pair. At $1.00 Pair Eci-u Muslin Lace Curtains, worth $2.75 pair. At $1.75 Pair Ivory Cable Net Curtains, worth $3.50 pair. At $2.50 Pair Ecru Cable Net Curtains, worth $5.00 pair. At $5.00 Pair White Panel Laces, worth $10.50 pair. At $7.75 Pair Cluny Lace Curtains, worth $15.00 pair. At $8.50 Pair Arabian Lace Curtains, worth $22.00 pair. At $9.00 Pair White Egyptian" Lace Curtains, worth $20.00 pair. At $10.00 Pair Point Duchesse Lace Curtains, worth $20.00 pair. j At $12.50 Pair Point Duchesse Lace Curtains, worth $V4.0U pair. At $15. OO Pair Point Duchesse Lace Curtains, worth $30.00 pair. At $17.50 Pair Black Renaissance Curtains, worth $35.00 pair. BRASS BEDS, IRON BEDS THIRD FLOOR RUMMAGE $23.00 full-size Brass Bed, for $13.25 $2S.OO full-size Iron Bed. in Vemis Martin finish, for $14.00 $27.00 full-size Iron Bed. with brass trim mings, for $14.75 $30.00 full-size Brass Bed, for $18.50 $34.50 full-size Iron Bed, for $18.50 $36.00 full-size Iron Bed, in Verriis Martin finish, for $19.50 $4.5.00 full-size Brass Bed. for $27.50 $45.00 full-sire Brass Bed, for $2S.50 $05.00 lull-size Brass Bed, for $68.50 PRINCESS DRESSERS and DRESSERS SRUMMAG E $13.25 Dresser, in golden oak, for .'$9.25 $25.75 Princess Dresser, in golden oak. $17.50 $34.00 Dresser, in golden oak, for $18.50 $29.50 Dresser, in golden oak, for $15.75 $31.00 Princess Dresser, iu golden oak.$19.50 $35.00 Princess Dresser, in golden oak. $26.50 $41.00 Dresser, in golden oak, for $26.25 $47.00 Princess Dresser, in mahogany. .$26.75 $47.50 Princess Dresser, in birdseve maple, for ". S30.50 $75.00 Bedroom -Set for $47.50 bed, dresser and chiffonier, in ash ; natural finish. I Odds and Ends in Crockery I&m'mXSI Two patterns in Decorated Austrian China: Bone DUhes at, each . 15c 6-in Platters at, each 30C Coffee Cups and Saueers for 30C Tea Cups and Saucers for 20C Pickle Dishes at, each 3SC Set of 6 Individual Butter Dishes for 50c 6-inch Nappies at 75c 7-inch Bakers at.. 85 42-inch Fruit Dishes, set of 6, for 85c 5-inch Plates, set of 6, for 95C 7-inch Plates, set of 6, for S-inch Plates, set of 6, for Set of 6 Oatmeal Dishes for Covered Dishes for, each 14-inch Dishes or Platters for, each IN FANCY CHINA Set of 6 Plates, in Bavarian china, for. . . Set of 6 Plates, in Orleans china, for S-inch Bavarian China Salad Bowls, each 9-inch Austrian China Cake Plates, each. $1.35 S1.45 .$1.35 .$1.65 .$1.85 ...45c 50c . ..25C ...25C BOOKCASES and COUCHES In the Fourth Floor Rummage Room She RUGS Sixth floor RUMMAGE These are sample Rugs and discontinued patterns. Tapestry Rugs. 0 ft. by 12 ft. size ; $1S.00 values, for $12.75 Tapestry Rugs, 9 ft. by 12 ft. size; $20.00 values, for $14.25 Hodge's Sanitary Fiber Rugs, 9 ft. by 12 ft.: $13.50 values, for S9.00 Tapestrv Brussels Rues, 9 ft. by 12 ft. size; $22.50 and $25.00 values, for $17.50 Axminster Kugs, 9 it. by values, for Wilton Rugs, 9 ft. by 12 ft. ues, for 1J tt.; $2. 50 ..' ..$18.75 $4S.00 val- $35.75 DRAPERY EE RUMMAGE At 20C yd. Cre-i tonnes, worth 40c "yd. At 35T yd- Furni ture fringe in all col ors, worth $1.50 yd. At $1.00 yd. Up holstery goods, worth from $3.50 to $4.50 yd. At $1.00 yd, Drap ery damask, worth from $3.00 to $4.50 yd. At 50C yd. Plain and figured silks, worth $1 per yd.; also Scotch Madras, worth $1.50 yd. REMNANTS Of near ly every kind of drap ery .and upholstery ma terial; denim, cretonne, silks, etc., priced from IOC ca. to 50C ea. HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENT TERMS Ma,ndsomeTnree-PieeeTallored Suits At Half Price . . . The beautiful three-piece models in the elaborate and plain-tailored styles, which are so very popular and suitable for afternoon, reception or street wear. Imported chiffon broadcloth, beautiful satin cloth, crepe meteor, marquisette, French serge and other high-grade materials used only in the finest tailored suits. Some models with lace and net sleeves and yokes to match. All are hand-trimmed with embroidery or braid. No two suits alike. $195.00 Suits, $175.00 Suits, $165.00 Suits, $150.00 Suits, $140.00 Suits, now $97.50 now $87.50 now ....$82.50 now. $75.00 now $70.00 $125.00 $115.00 $100.00 $ 90.00 $ 85.00 $ 80.00 Suits, now. Suits, now. Suits, now. Suits, now. Suits, now. Suits, now. ,..$62.50 ...S57.50 ..$50.00 ...$45.00 . ..$42.50 ...$40.00 EVENING COATS AND CAPES AT HALF In Fine Plain-Tailored Spits $50 Tailored Suits at $2500 ICS . -if-tj-ft w-ft-ft S3 $55 Tailored Suits at.. $27.50 lTOinniirOBl $60 Tailored Suits at .$3000 $65 Tailored Suits at ' $32.50 $70 Tailored Suits at... $35.00 $75 Tailored Suits at '.$3750 $80 Tailored Suits at $40.00 $85 Tailored Suits at $42-50 $90 Tailored Suits at- $45.00 $95 Tailored Suits at $47.50 $100 Tailored Suits at $50.00 Hundreds to choose from in this assortment the two-piece jacket and skirt models the Fall season's handsomest styles, some of which were received as late as the latter part of November. The very best of imported materials, from England, Ireland and Scotland and from France, as well as the finest -cloths made in America broadcloths, serges, cheviots, mixtures, tweeds and home spuns. And there are many styles that will be fashionable the coming Spring. The coats in all lengths, from 32 inches long to the extreme length styles. It 's not necessary to dwell on the quality of our suits every woman knows the superiority of the st3ies the materials and the workmanship of every garment we show. CHILDREN'S DRESSES AND COATS AT HALF In Fine Waists Rommage Your choice of fine Waists, worth $10, $12.50, $15, $17.50, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40, $45 and $50 at HALF PRICE Grouped in this lot are imported Irish hand-crochet waists, hand-made net and lace waists, beautiful hand-embroidered waists 'frith jet or bugle trimmings. Also handsome waists of silk and chiffon. Every waist in our stock from $10 up is included in this sale and shows the reduction of one-half. JUNIORS AND GIRLS' TAILORED SUITS AT HALF the Corset Oept. Rummage Extraordinary bargains offered in this, the first January sale in our Corset Department. Such values as these should bring every woman in closer touch with this new section. $5.00 AND $7.50 CORSETS AT $3.95 A variety of models for large, medium and slender figures; good styles and splendid materials; all sizes. $3.50 CORSETS at $2.95 An exceptionally good assortment of models low bust, long hip or medium high bust; extremely long over hips, abdomen and back; good materials. $2.50 CORSETS at $1.95 Models for every type of figure, large, medium or small; low, medium and high busts and long hip; all up-to-date models and of best quality coutil, boned with rust-proof steel; supporters attached. Cnif foniers and Toilet Tables - THIRD FLOOR RUMMAGE $35.00 Chiffonier, in mahogany, for ....$17.75 $28.50 Chiffonier, in golden oak. for $18.75 $37.50 Chiffonier, in golden oak, for $19.75 $44.00 Chiffonier, in mahogany, for $33. 50 $50.00 Chiffonier, in mahogany, for $38.25 $52.00 Chiffonier, in mahogany, for.... $29.50 $82.50 Colonial Chiffonier, in mahogany, for $3975 $86.00 Chiffonier, in Circassian walnut, for. ; S4S.OO $33.00 Toilet Table, in mahogany, for.. $17.25 $34.00 Toilet Table, in birdseve maple, for $18.25 $68.00 Toilet Table, in Circassian walnut, for . .$36.50 $78.00 Colonial Chiffonier, in mahogany, for $53.00 LIBRARY TABLES FOURTH FLOOR RUMMAGE $46.00 Library Table, in golden oak, for $24.50 $35.00 Library Table, in golden oak, for $24.75 $33.00 Library Table, in golden oak, for $25.75 $39.50 Library Table, in golden oak, for $29.75 $66.00 Labrary Table, in golden oak, for $38.50 CENTER TABLES FOURTH FLOOR RUMMAGE $5.00 Center Table, for $8.50 Center Table. for V. $9.00 Center Table, for $15.00 Center Table, for $15.00 Center Table, for golden oak, in golden oak, $4.95 in golden oak, $6.25 in golden oak, $9.75 in mahoganv, $9.75 Leatlhier Chairs and Morris Clhairs FOURTH FLOOR RUMMAGE $15.00 Morris Chairs, in golden oak, for : .$ 9.75 $29.50 Leather Arm Chair, with mahogany frame, for $14.75 $21.00 Morris Chair, in golden oak, for $15.75 $22.00 Morris Chair, in golden oak, for $16.50 $19.50 Leather Chair, with mahogany frame, for $ 9.73 $24.00 Leather Chair, with golden oak frame, for $13.75 $58.00 Leather Arm Chair, with mahogany frame, for $37.50 $37.00 Leather Arm Chair, with golden oak frame, for...' $19,75 $95.00 Leather Arm Chair, with mahogany frame, for .. .$62.50 HA LTi FURNITURE Fourth Floor Rummage. $33.00 Hall Seat, in golden oak, for . $18.50 $54.00 Hall Seat, in golden oak, for...:...' 832.50 $61.00 Hall Rack, in golden oak, for : $37.50 $80.00 Hall Rack, in golden oak, for $53.50 In Higgh-Qrade Period For- natore FIX50R Many other bargains besides these are offered in the high-grade pieces. ' $38.00 Goldleaf Pedestal for , $11.50 $18.50 Pompeiian Chair for $12.75 $48.00 Goldleaf Cabinet for $21.50 $78.00 Table, in walnut, gold decoration, f 29.75 $55.00 Mahogany Jewel Case for S31.50 $52.00 Fompeiian Table for $31.50 $67.00 Goldleaf Music Cabinet for $35.75 $78.00 walnnt and gold Music Cabinet for $39.50 $129.00 Goldleaf Table, with onyx marble top, for $49.75 $67.00 oak Arm. Chair, for $38. 50 $85.00 large colonial Arm Chair, in mahogany frame, tor.5S48.SO $58.00 Sofa, in mahogany frame, for $34.25 $1S5.00 Goldleaf Parlor Cabinet for $99 .OO $79.00 Music Cabinet, in rosewood, for $42.50 $135.00 Cabinet, in violetwood, with onyx top. for $67. 50 $195.00 Parlor Suite, in walnut and gold, 3 pieces, for $119.75 $72.50 Chippendale Chair, in mahogany, for. $58. 50 $298.00 Parlor Suite, of 3 pieces, mahogany frame, for. .$225.00 Housefurnishing Goods Sold on EaSy Payments RUMMAGE SALE OF HEATERS IN THE BASEMENT Qoaint Fornitore IN THE FUMED OAK IRoimimaii $15.50 Rocker, with SECOND leather seat, for.. $9.75 FLOOR $21.00 Rocker, with leather scat, for $14. $25.00 Arm Chair, with leather seat, for $14. $45.00 Bookcase for $23. $50.00 Desk, with bookcase above, for 25 $35.00 Library Table for $29! $66.00 Library Table for $29. $43.00 Library Table for $31. $85.00 Davenport, with leather cushion seat, for $49. $90.00 Davenport, with loose leather cushion scat, for. .$53. $36.50 reed Settee, in weathered finish, upholstered in leather, for '. . . $15. .SO 50 SO ,25 .75 .75 ,50 .75 REMNANTS OF CARPETS SIXTH FLOOR RUMMAGE 6J2 vds. Wilton Carpet for $9.75 regularly $3.50 yd. . 15 yds. Velvet Carpet for $9 regular $1.50 yd. grade. 15 vds. Velvet Carpet for only $11.20 regular $1.50 yd. grade. 16 yds. Axminster Carpet for $16 regular $2 yard grade. 15 vds. Wilton Carpet for only $19 regular $2.50 yd. grade. 18 vds. Wilton Carpet for only $22.50 regular $2.50 yard grade. IK CARPETS VXSk RUMMAGE High-grade Wilton Carpets the regular $2.50 yd. grade sewed, laid and lined, for only, the yard $1.85 Several discontinued patterns in good colors and designs. An opportunity to secure a fine Wilton Carpet at a very low price. Body . Brussels Carpet the regular $1.75 yd. grade sewed, laid and lined, for $1.35 yd. four patterns to choose from in this popular floor covering. En Bedding SIXTH FLOOR mnnmaMe AT $1.50 PAIR Cotton Blankets, formerly priced at $2.75 pv. AT $2.75 EACH Heavy Comforters, covered in sateen, former ly priced at $4.75 each. AT $2.95 EACH Heavy Army Blankets, formerly priced at $5.00 each. AT $7.95 EACH Down-filled comforters, formerly priced at $15.00 each. All odd pairs of wool and cotton Blankets included in the rum mage sale at half-price. Oraniteware BASEMENT RUMMAGE 25c size for. . . . 35c size for. . . 15c size for. . . 25c size for. . . 40c size for. . . 50c size for. . . 25c size for... 35c size for. . . 50e size for. . . 60c size for. . . Mixing Bowls four sizes 15 iOc size for... 23c iOc size for... Pudding Pans four sizes IOC 20c size for. . . 18c 30c size for... Berlin Kettles four sizes 20c 65c size for... 25? $1.00 size for . Sauce Pans four sizes ".15 30c size for... 25 c 40c size for . . . Water Pails four sizes 30C 55c size for.., . , 40c 70c size for. . , 18? 28c ...14C ...18C ...35c ...50c ...20c ...30C ...35c ...45c Glassware, Silverware Basement Rummage In Miff Ih - Grade Fornitore FOR DIKING. ROOM and LIVING-ROOM FIFTH FLOOR RUMMAGE $49.00 mahogany Buffet for -..$24.50 $47.00 mahogany Buffet for $35.75 $56.00 Colonial Hall Table, in solid mahogany, for $31.75' $27.50 mahogany Bookstand for ...$16.75 $56.00 mahogany Buffet for $41.50 $9.00 solid mahogany Arm Chair, with loose cushion seat and back, for i... $57.50 $84.00 Elizabethan Arm Chair for $63.50 $93.00 mahogany Sofa for $51.25 $100.00 mahoganv Sofa for $69.75 $98.00 carved oak Library Table for $49.50 $127.00 Davenport, with mahogany frame, for $76. 50 $135.00 mahogany Library Table for ' $89.50 $215.00 mahogany China Cabinet, "Sheraton" design.. $129.00 $183.00 Colonial Davenport, with mahogany frame, for. ..$99.50 $555.00 Dining Suit of 9 pieces, in beautifully figured walnut, massive colonial design, for $345.00 Art ILiglhting Pieces S40.00 Dome, with hanger, for $27.00 $98.00 four-light Dome, with hanser, for $40.00 $98.00 five-light Dome, with hangerj for ..$40.00 ToU & Gibfos, Mc MORRISON AT SEVENTH