4 TIIR SUNDAY ORECOXIAX. PORTLAND, .JANUARY 2. 1010. XKW TOR AY. X'EVT TODAT. N t:V TODAY. NEW IODAT. NEW TODAY. SEW TODAY. 'EW TODAY. Qeo.oarvara vol- TUESDAY AND THURSDAY At Onr Anctloa House, 152 Parle St. ' For Tnewlay we have several choice pieces of cat arias. (lolMoaae and other Imported vasa, fancy china, water colors, al--bra be 41m, other metal beds fn Vernl . Martin and enamel finish; wprlnprs, silk-f Ioh mattresMtF. several tfrrsnerB sad ehlfffonlent, bedding and feather pillow. dlalBR-ronin stilte in Oolden and Karly Kntclinli finishes, lemtker ronrbn, parlor rocken, tables, library tables and arm chair. Ham mond typewriter, Pina-er dewing ma chine, Axmlneter, Kody Bruaaels and other racn in various sixes, and 8verul uher lots. G THl'RSD AY "U shall have the furnishhiBra of 8 'room private residence. Kale Kach Day at 10 o'C'loek. Vn irr Imvlted to Inspect the out yrliJSH and fancy china for Tuesday sale tomorrow (Monday). FOR PHIVATK SALK I'pright ! Fischer piano and Kichinond Via no. 34oth equal to new. BAKER A SON', Auctioneers. Office 152 Park AUCTION SALES At 211 First Street "TUESDAY AND THURSDAY At 10 A.M. Kor tl)?e two sales we have the rreatest selection of used household broods ever offered the public at auc tion sale, and which Includes almost verythtnar required in -any home. The Roods are already here for inspection. ko come and see them. It's up to you if you want to buy, as we are au thorized to sell at any time before or jtfter auction in order to make an early aettlemunt with the owner, so Cflnifl an 4 See Vm Last If j'ou wish to ret the worth of your ononey. Or It Ton have anything" to sell and want M'hat it's wo r tli, phone FORD BROS., Auctioneers. Main S951, A 2445. GILMAN AUCTION MiD COMMISSION CO. S. L. N. Gilman. Auctioneer, No. 126 Second Street. Next Sale at Salesrooms, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4TH. At 10 A. M. Barjrains in all lines. X. B. Cash for stocks, furniture, . Main 2473. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. QUICK SALE PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT 50 feet wid. near carline;' good view. Cheapest lot on the Heights. S4W. 1. ASH, 430 TWO IEARS. X CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Cham. Com. Acreage Close In IX ct' for sale, one mile from city limits. near Sandy road, adjoining: IMarna, st., on the O. R. er N. Deep, rich soil, vegetation grrows green the year .round. This property could be platted :n lota. Klne view of the mountains nd overlook the Columbia River. ; .MiKht trade (or jfood home. 1000 per acre. Ten ac-res adjoining- the above, all Improved. house, barn, etc; 2 acres in trawberries, one In logan berries; 15U tree reven years old: orchard in fine bearing". This place in capable of net. 'line $.100 per acre each year. Price : $800 per acre. Will take you out in my auto; 20 minutes" ride. See owner, rs Hamilton bids. $42,500 Corner brick building, near busi iesj5 center. Lease pays good interest. ,Ka.y terms. $20,000 New flats, on corner, best venting Pi reel : walking distance, West Side. Pays S per ecnt net. Good terms. F. O. NORTHRUP 315 Couch Bldg., Fourth, Near Washington. CHOICE FRUIT LAND Sou acres 550 ready to plant; Yam liill County; broad, rolling- ridgre: fine loads. The largest and most beautiful tract In county. For sale cheap. EO. K. WA(0KH, ::t Board of Trade. ACREAGE WUhi the 5-cent limit, on the O. 1 W. P. Ry.; we have acreage: excellent soil; all cleared and cultivated. Krora !'0 to 1(00 per acre. Kasy terms. KXAPP 4k MAt'KKV. '.'la-at BohcI of Trade Building. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Cnrreat Rates. Bell din a Lmh. Installment Lmi, Wm. MacMaster 03 WDmww Block. r"OR SA1.K ttroom c-ottaRP. with lowers, pantry, wash and wood house corner lot. 100x100: fruit; best part city. Wondbnrn. Or.: 2 block Portland Salem Kle.trie depot: 5 minutes- walk public school. S. P. depot and center lmsinoss part city: $2400 biivn this if raken soon. Ask particulars: hurry up. I. M . MiHnbrk, owner. "W'oodburn. Or. . 01 ner ad and Arthur sis. MORTGAGE LOANS .n city property, at reasonable rates. C-f. K K - rtM K rtlUPAW, Hoard at Trade lluildlna Flif Mai. MOT. .V 32T.2. SO-VKAR LRASF. 100 feet corner seventeenth and Mor Jison to right party, or win erect rtuildina' on term lease. Merchant Milnti A Trust Co.. Cr. Sixth ) Washington lt.. I50 Fractional lot. north of and close to Doernhacher factory IOOO BSxH2. near Iryinirton Club. J'ltACT. 12-t-c2i4. suitable for fine home; Trvmcton neighborhood, ti. H. THllHAS 27 Oak. Knom 2. Py owner, income real estate invest ttient. 1 cun show you 21 per cent net -n Cash required. J. SSt, Or- Konlari. A H EPLKKSE.N, the fu.lman. rhanthei f Cmmfrce. sells heat cou.1 : anthracite. cnnel: also cheaper grades and dry wood. I1ROI Sn leae. 1O0 fet on WtihiDcton .1.. corner. lon term year. V G;.';!. Ore- AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Resnlst Sales Days. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. r'or nil klBfta of hoDnrhoId f urnlt orr, t?., including p&rlor pi -- w of various designs, ptrlor and library tabl. lariiec desks, bookcases, couches, ilav rnpwrlfi. dining: tables, sideboards, buf fets, dininf? chairs, bedroom sets, iron beds. Mprinffa and mattresses, pillows, sheet, spreads, comforts, large assort ment of grood arpets, rugs, linoletim. etc.; steel ranires. cookstoves, heaters, gas ranges; in fact everything- you need to furnish 'a home. AIo m rowI line of office furnitnrr, comprising roll-top denltut. 5-foot Htanri. ing desk, flat -top desks, revolving chairs, typewriters, etc ood ld at private sale at all tfmeii. TUESDAY NEXT, 10 A.M. At 173 Third St., Near Yamhill Groceries, Fixtures, Etc. Cmprltnar National cash . rea-lster (total adder), large floor showcase (original cost $200), two counter cases, la rite coerce mill. Klmpsos eamputlsx scale, Kalrbanks platform scales, auto matic cheese cutter, larg-e refrigerator, automatic oil tank (capacity 100 gral lons). small counter scales, eonsten, shelving: and fixtures; office desk, re volving chair, clock, etc. Also a. full stock of Miscellaneous Groceries Sale Tuesday at 10 A. M. sharp. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. THURSDAY NEXT, 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, Cor ner Second and Yamhill A LARGE STOCK OF" Ladies' Suits, Coats Skirts, Etc. ronslKuetl to tu by- the BARTHOLO MEW I V. This stock Includes a lara-e line of tip-to-date blg-h-a-rade K-ooda and la consififned to as for abso lute sale to the highest bidder. J. T. WILSON, Auetloaecr. WEST SIDE BUYS S5000 Modern 6-room house, frac tional lot; 10 minutes' walk to poatoff Ice. SfiOOO 50x100, corner: large 10-room modern bouse; on Front st. S5500 8-room modern house, BOxlOO, corner, on Kelly at.; fiue view. S7500 Good apartment site; fine lo cation. SIO.OOO Income propertv. North Portland, pays 7 per cent net; 4n future warehouse district. . 14.."SOO Very choice Income prop erty on lath st. Best buy In the city with some future. S15.000 Corner on 4th st. Good lo cation for apartment house. S29.000 100x100; partly improved. Pays good interest. SSO.OOO 100x100, on Jd st. Fine for stores and apartments above. S65-000 100x100, on Salmon. Swell location for family hotel. S75.000 100x100; close In. on Yam hill. Will make very large in crease in a year or two. M. E LEE Room 411 Corbett Bids. 14th and Flanders Quarter Block Very cheap. See us at- once. Loan ol $80,000 We have an application for a first mortgagre loan of $80,000 at 61,4 per cent, for three years. Security three i'or one. Kig-ht in the heart of the city. D.Parker Bryon & Go. 201-4 Commercial Club Building. Phones: Main 5908, A 2107. 65 ACRES I have for sale for a few days t5 acres of good land, partly under cul tivation, within 15 miles of Portland, close to railroad and electric line. ALL PLATTED into three and five-acre tracts, ready to put on the market. It can be bought so that the purchaser can sell out in small tracts at a profit of $100 per acre. G. T. MOORE, 514 Abington Bldg. $12,000 Fractional inside lot. 100 feet from Morrisou. West ' Side. A money maker. $10,000 Flat building, three years old. all latest improvements: near Montgom ery car; pays over 10 per cent. F. O. Northrup 313 Couch Bldg.. Fourth. Near Washington. 100x100 CORNER I have for sale a very fine corner on East 17th street, between Belmont and Hawthorne ave.; just the place for an apartment-house, as it is be tween the two best carlines iu the city. Can make a price for few days $7.50 less than adjoining property is sell ing for. G. T. Moore 314 Abington Bldg. 3500,000 lOOxlOO on best Morrison-street corner. Strictly inside. Good rent. 3300,000 lOOxlwo. improved Alder-street corner. Fine location. ?300,000 Foiir.Siorv Brick, on Alder. Pays over ti per cent. $150,000 Over Uuartrr Block on 6tli st.. close to business center. $125,000 Wholr Block east of lSth st. Fine ' apartment-house site. 395,000 60x1 15, with 3-story building, on Vash i rig-ton st. 385,000 " ' SO-foot Ijot on 6th st. Not far from Washington. 370.000 Three - filory Brick, on d St. corner Pays over 8 per cent. 342,500 KMlxllM), near Hill's depot, on Hoyt st. 33G.OOO 50x1 10, on Tenth, near Washington. 338,000 SQxlOo on Burnside st. Has 100 feet on .Burnside. 330,000 ROxieo. with 6 flats, on 4th and Co lumbia. 327,500 OA-feet Front on Washing-ton, near King. 32S.OOO Box 3 on 5th and Couch sts. 320,000 Two F-lat. on 13th, near Haiti. $18,500 SSalOO on 3d, near Steel Bridge. 316,000 SOx.-.o on 7th and Madison. 312,500 Apartment .Site on Kins, near Washington. KEASEY i 1 11 U M ASO HJ EFFERY I i) 14 CHAMBER OF COMMLRCE. M 1189 A 3814 A BARGAIN We have for sale a 100k 100 eorfier near the new railway terminal site. A quarter block situated similarly to this, near the present depot. brought .$125,000 recently, netting the owner a large profit. This is a bargain. Investigate this. For price and terms in t'luire of M. E. THOMPSON CO IIENRY BLDG., Fourth and Oak Streets. Portland, Oregon. Phones : Main 60S4, A 3327 ARDENWALD T.ots are 47 '.4. to 50 feer wide and from to 100 feet in depth, and can be . uv-i now on easy tern'8 "f pavnient at oo0 per lot and up. Understand we are building: sidewalks and frradinir streets and have alreadv established an excellent water system, with an abun dance of pure spring water taken from a depth of feet from the surface. All these improvements we pay for and fur nish an abstract of title to all pur chasers. H Knapp & Mackey :tl2-31S Board of Trade Building. 1100 ACRES $16 Per Acre -0 per acre. Siri.LIVAX A t'ATIIEH, 421-422 Henry Bldg. BUNGALOWS TrJle.Vei?J.ver'y. ,ohpice. on West and r'eona'birisrfcsrl mdern' " A. H. BIRRELL CO. -u- M,K BMk.. ;ft and Stark. Acreage Five acres near Gresham ftSS S107O iwenty iK1Tfi Ten near on Base line "4boo Above land is choice; on tcrnisf FREDERICK "cTkORBES CO.. 30 Lumbermen's. Phone A 7207. A BARGAIN Business calls me East. Mv new modern. hls?h-class home of nine rooms' and sleepins; porch is offered $1000 he low value. Located in the finest re stricted East Side district. Watkintr distance. Kurniture for sale. V 61 f Oregonian. IRVIXGTON BARGAIN-. tI.Vo h.low value: eight room, modirn end complete In every article detail; sleep ing psrch and all up-U-clat improvements; nothing- quite fine in the ne!chhorhwri -nsr the oar; 2ti0 cash. 0nfr. P &J4 Ore xonfan. Wanted Moneyto Loan We have a number of applicants for very desirable mortgage loans, ranging from 500 up. We can place vour money on well-secured mortgagees "at 7 and 8 per cent net. Our 22 vears' ex perience In mortgage loans is at your service M. K. THOMP.IOX CO.. FoaMa aad Oak Sts.. Mais OH4. A 337. $2500 Kquity in a now - modern concrete bloi-k house; will take COllil Vu.anr or email noiiFe and lot. I f Tvant a jrood trade, see me. you W . TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Uldg. In Gilliam County; 700 acres now in cultivation; all fenced; plenty of wi f ' "S" fro,n railroad station. VI ill accept a house and lot or vacant lots to the amount of jr.000 as part pay. Land in this section is selline f,,r- Washington Street 850,000 50x100 feet near' 10th street; iinprovemenis. 3-story brick. $40,00050x112. near 21st street, improved; rents I'or $250 per mo. S27.500 50x100 near 21st st. $12,500 On Liu-retiit, just off Washington ; good house. 50x100, Taylor st., downtown, three story brick building leased for over $600 per month. Burnside Street 100x100, corner, east of Ninth street. $65,000. First Street We have two good buys on this street, well improved. Third Street $50,000 buys a'-two-story store buildinsr, pavs 9 per eent net; $30, 000 cash. Gibson & Holliday 304-5 Gerlinger Bldg. jon Lots are 50x100 $soo TO $700 EASY PAYMENTS COMPLETE ABSTRACT WARRANTY DEED On Montavilla Carline GEO. D. SCHALK 264 Stark St. Main 392 A 2392 Corner 50 100 One of the most desirable apartment-house sites on the West Side; close in; present income -$4o per month. Price and terms are right. Smith 5c Everett Failing Building. Hood River Orchard - One of the very hest opportunities for investment in Oregon. This orchard will double in value within two vears, and will be worth $100,000 or "more within four years: 44 acres in the heart 'of the wonderful prize-prrowing district; 17 acres in fruit. $r,000 takes it if bought before February 1st. Then it goes to $30,UOM. Terms- if desired. There is nothing better than this. F. & F. Commercial and ReaHy Company 403 Merchants Trust Hid (jr., Portland, Or. Holiday's Addition The one BEST place tn Portland te buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE resliunc property o'J the city. SEBING IS BEUBVI VG BETTER FO and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and tte im riroveiuent tiotos en. Tli3 Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. AI MULTNOMAH ST. Williams Ave. Snap Cheapest quarter block on Williams ave.. 100x100, with fine. 'large 6-room house. Owner must have money. Price is $8000. but we want your offer. Look at it today before someone else snaps it up. $000 cash wll handle. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bide., 4th and Oak. HOMESITE On Nob Hill Terrace, 8200 square feet ; splendid view. One of the choice sites for a home. GEO. D. Main 302, A 2302. SCHALK, 254 Stark. Portland Heights Bungalow ft-room, modern, with billiard-room and barn: S lots, many trees a regular perk; 2 blocks from carline. $30,000 will take, part trade city or country real estate. uF.n. k. wauom;r, 23 Buard of Trade. ORE James J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Commerce. VESTMENTS West Side $125,000 Quarter block, inside and retail location; one of the best corners, with a future, in Port land's retail district. Rental $5(30 monthly. Only frame improve ments; if further improved would pay handsome returns.' $90,000 Full corner lot. iu heart of l-etail district; substantial brick building:; rental absolutely nets 7 per cent. $65,000 Full quarter block, lOOx 100 feet ; choice location near Port land Hotel, within 3 blocks of Postoffice. Ideal site for hotel or apartments. $60,000 Burnside st., choice lot near 3d St.; good revenue-producer. It's a snap. $38, OOO Burnside st., full comer lot, 100 feet on Burnside; absolute ly the best buy on the street. $35,000 Full quarter block, 14th st., close to Washington; good spec ulation. $24,000 15th st., near Washing ton, 75x100 feet, choice corner; 7 per cent income. $20,000 Half lot, good location, Front st.; two-story brick bnilding; 7 per cent net income. Warehouse Sites $75,000 Full half block, 200x100 ft., 13th st., north of Hoyt st.; $192 monthly rental. Only half block on the street for the money. $25, OOO Fifteenth st., full quar ter block, 100 feet on track. $19,000 Glisan st., full cornet lot, 100 ft. front; east of 15th st.; some income. Apartment Sites $26,000100x100 feet, right off from Upper Washington; choice corner; east and north fronts. ' $11,000 Trinity Place. 50x100 ft., east front, right off of Washington. $10,000 Ella st., 50x100 ft., east front; improved with substantial residence. $5500 Twenty-second st., choice location; 50x100 ft. Nob Hill Dis trict. East Side !J517,500 Full quarter block, choice location at east approach of new Steel bridge; sure to double in value in a year. $35,000 Russell st., near Will iams ave.; full 1,4 block, 3-story brick building; 8Y2 per cent net in come. $45,000 Grand ave., near East Morrison, choice corner, brick im provements; 7 per cent income. A conservative buv. James J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Commerce LOTS A re 40 per cent cheaper than lots the same distance out in any other part of town. In one year they will double. There is a reason. INVESTIGATE. V. VINCENT JONRS. S Commercial Club HIk. it ril Vr, 1 9 HA HA A 1444. FLATS $27,500 Excellent location, East Side; strictly modern; pays 10 per cent. $15,000 Very desirable flat building on corner lot near steel bridge and proposed Broadway bridge; pays 10 per cent. Half cash handles. An excellent invest ment. - $11,000 Xew 5-room flats, AVest Side, on carline; good locality; 10 per ,cent net revenue: $0000 will handle, t A.H.BirrellCo. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. (Douglas County, Oregon) For Sale , lTOO.acree choice land, on good county road. 3 miles from railroad and good town; "this land is very suitable for platting and is at present in good con dition; price $25 per acre. For partic ulars and terras apply to William MacMaster .S Worcester Block, Portland,' Or. - - Iffil l" 1444. PICK OUT A HOME $1800 $2000 $2000 $2150 $2400 $2500 $2600 $2800 $3000 $3100 $3200 $3850 $4000 $4000 $4500 $4750 $5000 $5250 $6000 $6250 lOAxlOft. with 2-room house, cor ner lSth anl Sumner; part caeh, balance monthly. l!xK. 3-room house, corner 1st and Terwilliger, South Portland; part cash. Good 6-room house on Grover st.; $500 cash, $25 per month. Nice 5-room cottage, on K. 3otii, near Belmont; $5oo cash, $'0 per month. New bunpaJow. 5 rooms, full lot. 15th and Alberta, sts.; good terms. New bungalow, with latest im provements, on 1st st.; terms. New 5-room bungalow, modern, K. lth, near Alberta; full lot; $HXiO cash, $15 per month. Nice modern 6-room, 2-story house, corner lot, at Anabel; part cash, $25 per month. Brand new California bunpr low. K. ittth. near Alberta; $500 cash. $20 per month. Brand new- 5-room bungalow. Hose City Park; $250 cash, $20 per month. 10-room boarding-house, com pletely furnished, with piano; on Corbett st. ; terms. A snap. Good 8-room house, on 1st at., near Meade; easy terms, ilodern 6-room house, complete ly furnished, new; on Corbett st.; swell home. 10-room house lot 50x100, on Cor bett eu, near Gaines. Swell new modern house, 7 rooms, on Kast Flanders st.; half cash. . Swell modern 7-room house, in Piedmont, corner lot 60x100; part cash. Bungalow and house. both furnished, on Corbett st. Some terms. Modern, up-to-date bungalow, 6 rooms, on Tillamook St., Rofc City Park; $2250 cash, balance to suit. irieuy modern new house, in Irvington ca sh Swell new modern -room $100U 8 -room house, K. 22d st., Irvinton $1250 cash, $25 pep month. LOT BARGAINS $ 550 $ 700 $ 750 $1200 $1500 $1600 $2350 .TOxlOO. Orchard Place, half cash, balance terms. BOxlOO, on Virginia st.. Southern Portland; esy terms. 50x100. K. 33d St., near Clinton; easy terms; snap. 100x100. corner 14th and Karl sts.; $300 cash, $20 per month. 50x100 business corner, 22d and Division; business ail around it. ittxlOO, corner on Alberta St.; bargain. 134x210, block on Stanton and Sandy road; beautiful building spot. Grussi & Zadow 117 Board of Trade Bid r., 4th and Oak. Capitalists Homeseekers Business People Our offer, "$10 a day and expenses," stands good if you do not find as we represent it to be. You can live in the healthiest climate In the world and prosper more than anywhere else by coming to our great State of Oregron. We have dairy, fruit, wheat, stock and mixed farm lands from one acre up to 200.000 in a bunch. , We have homes in Portland on the installment plan. We have gilt-edge income business property in Portland in any amount, as safe as IT. S. bonds, but bringiner four times more interest and increasing every day In value. We have a large selection of ex cellent opportunities in all kinds of business and manufacturing, and We sell you fine sections of timber. We handle only propositions of merit which .will stand your closest investi gation, give you good value for your money and a square deal to exery- body. Write or call. F. FUCHS,'22U Morrison St. THE HIGHEST CLASS RESI DENCE PROPERTY IN THE CITY, SURROUNDED BY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOMES IN PORTLAND GEO D. SCHALK 264 STARK STREET PLACE YOUR FIRE INSURANCE WITH JOHN P. SHARKEY CO. Agents for GLENS FALLS INSURANCE CO, Glens Kalis, N. Y. SECURITY INSURANCE CO., Xew Haven. Conn. PLATTING PROPOSITION 200 acres, nearly all cleared. Jiiht outside the city limits. Will make 1400 ftdl lots, thHt will sell for $200 and up. Not far from carline. another projected nearer. Will be offered for a short time by the owner at .$375 per acre. X 022. Orejronian. KINGS HILL For Sale The Blyth residence, 712 Weet Main Rtreet. Two lots. RUSSKLl, A BI.TTII, Coujunrt eiiltit Bldjp- ' ARDmDRE $12,000 Stiiiiv hai-c hio.-k with Iars:p dwelling, beautiful srounds; or will exftiHime for Wil lamette Valley stock ranch. 812.000 A corner on 6th street, Rood buildlnir. some income. Would yield bis returns if Improved tt'ith apartments. $10,000 Two ISth-st. flats, new and renting $85; terms. SiI.S50 New 7-room dwelling:, mod ern, near Jefferson il i g h School and carline. Very cas-v terms. Acreage 12.230 24i acres best Beaverton land, half In choice varieties apples. Will divide; half cash. SP7.000 About t!0 acres. 45 cultivated, Iteedville district, half cash. N A Rood proposition for a f armer. 56.000 l-'oui- acres in berries, just south of Waverleittli and on Powell Valley road, close to car. half rash and a proposi tion unsurpassed. 92.500 One of the best 5-ac.re tracts tributary to Portland on auc tion Line road: small house, Bood well: all In cultivation and a choice investment. Peninsula Lots JSl.OOO Kotir lots, northeast corner Waverly and Richmond. ISSOO Four lots Peninsular No. 2. across street from T'ni versity Park, clear and sightly; very easy' terms. $625 50x100 on r'ippin cash will handle. St.; S600 Two lots corner Delaware ave. and Karrajrut st.. di rectly across street from Kenton, near two carlines. $500 Two inside lots north side Arpryle, between Peninsula ave. and Bunage st. Jackson S Deering 24B Stark St. Phones Main 34.1, A 34.17. Homesites j ! ARDMORE I I IRVINGTON i I LAURELHURST 1 I JONESMORE j Geo. D. Schalk j Z 2G4 Stark St. Main 392. A 2392. 2 Two stories, brick building, 100x100 each, well lig-hted, with or without stora on street. Splendidly adapted for light manufacturing- purposes. All cars to and from Union 13epot pass this point. Frank Bollam Pbsu Main 028. 1-S Third. DO YOU KNOW THAT TOD AY The Best Suburban Buys ARK AT MILWAUKEE MII.WAI'KIK Joins Portland f'ity I.imld. SIll.M ACklK has fin business prospects. .MILWAIKIK Now Hko 5-nt Car fare. .Mil. V VI K1H Will Install Sevver System snd Street Improvements Next Summer and Property Values Will Climb. I have the BEST BUY in Milwaukle; 7 acres, highly improved. Buildings snI fruit. It's In the right spot and CHJiAP at lli,0"O. half cash. BUY NOW AND CATCH THE KITE. K. I'. PEIiKIS. Koom 8. M'ahhinjrton Bid. mon Ave. V4 Block I will sell this 14 block for $16,000 and give terms to suit purchaser. WELDON DARLING 618 Board of Trade. 37,500 55x300 on Madison ht., bet. 1st and 2d. $17,'00 cash, balante 3 years, at. i per cent. If you wish to make a Kood in vestment, here is your cJiancfl. As noon nw the new Madison brfdjre in finiheii this property will advance from 15 to 2ft per tent in value. a. Ai;sTi;it, '2l Oreffon.au ItiilldliiK. New Years Bargains Increment Investments Better Tran 25 Per Cent. Kenton on St. Johns' Cars. Ixts Full 50x100. 400 to S600. A. V. BAGLEV, 407 berlinser Bldic, Second and Alder. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved City Properties. Xo Com mission. itoBBirr i,ivi.(;stop:, SOS Wells, Fargo & Co. Bids. For Lease