x THE SUNDAY OREGfONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 26, 1905. Srant cL)art. C- , ...... CO fn YNTHI A A BLITH E II i-Jrazvincns Mv'ifrlfT (COPYRIGHT, J909. BY THE NEW YORK HERALD CO.) All Rights Reserved. - r-Said James to Cynthianna on' The eve of Christmas day: "To see old Mr. Sanja Claus I think I've found a way; ' I've planned to keep him long enough To see just how he looks And if those portraits favor him We've seen in picture books.' 2 Although she pressed him very hard His plans he wouldn't tell. "Then keep them to yourself," said she, "Perhaps it's just as well, For if you harm old Santa Claus 'Twill be a wicked shame. And he's a fairy and will know That I am not to blame." mm -p n v mix 7a - A Tp i mi 3 In downybeds they lay awake In keen expectancy Until dear Mamma came and said, "He's come to trim the tree!" In blankets wrapped she took them to A place upon the stair Where they could see, and sure enough Old Santa Claus was there. ' 4 All dressed in red, with frosted beard,. A jolly chap was he, And there with every wished for gift As far as they could see; As fast as he could hang them up He took them from the sack i That bulged with toys and hung upon His roly-poly back. 5 Just then a snapping click was heard, And Santa with a leap Upset and he and bag of toys All landed in a heap. Our Cynthianna pitied him Far more than he could know. To see him wrench an otter trap From off his starboard toe. " " ' 6 Wlien he had disensnared himself Sufficiently to stand -He used some words that Cynthia knew Were not from Fairy Land; And Mamma, overcome with mrrth. Then hurried them to bed, And hoped they hadn't overheard All Santa Claus had said. Next morn before the rest were up A very anxious pair " Below were much surprised to find Their presents still were there. Remorseful thoughtsseized Jimmie's soul, ' nis conscience maae mm sick To think on such a kindly man He'd played so mean a trick. S Now, when the elder folks came down Dear Monte limped about, And growlingly announced that he Wassuffering from the gout. 4 As Cynthia stroked his slippered foot 1 She said: "I wish I knew 'j Where Santa learned to act and talk So very much like you." 3V v ft . ' t