Startling new discoveries prove beyond all doubt that "Electricity Is Life." Men' of science demonstrate the value of electricity as a cure for disease. Seattle doctor tells about his remarkable invention. "The word health now means a normal supply of electricity in the body, and the' word disease means an insufficiency of tfrat power, " Prof. Edgar Tha-t tb human body is electrical Is no longtr a theory AmonK scientists and up-to-date physician. It la generally conceded to be an absolute fact. Professor Edgar 'L. Larkin, discussing the new Ihy slology, writes as follows: "A man. brain and body, is a battery, and nerves correspond to wires. It is now certain that trans mission of sensation over hem Is electric. Nerves have been cut and a galvanometer Inserted. The needle moved, proving that nerve power Is electric. The hu man system Is an electro-chemic battery and the life principle is electrical. The electric age is here. .Drugs art hard bit on all sides, and an intelligent physician tells me that he has almost entirely stopped their use. The word health now means a normal supply of electricity In the body, and the word disease means an insufficiency of that power." Dr. Albert J. Atkins, the eminent California scien tist. Is still at work proving that every principle In what we call our electrical science is merely borrowed from the human body. We propel railroad trains and automobiles by means of electricity and think it wonderful, but the human dynamo has always known how to propel Itself and with skill and almost abso ' lute safety in either walking or running, and now Dr. Atkins shows us that the millionaire in his automo bile and the hobo on foot are alike .carried forward by electric force. "With a man's stomach as the only electric battery Irs. Albert J. Atkins and E. J. Lewis recently charged an ordinary telephone apparatus so that it conveyed sound," says the Sap- Francisco Examiner. The experiment was made in the'presence of a num ber of medical men and scientists of National repute. "It demonstrates that the human body is an electrlo battery. "The experiment consisted in the swallowing of 1 wo platinum electrodes, so that they touched the walls of the living stomach. "By means of copper wire the electrodes were con nected with a telephone ' and a microphone, a sensi tive Instrument, which greatly Intensifies sound. "There was absolutely no mechanical or chemical k battery In the circuit, yet the moment the electrodes were wallowed sufficiently to toueh the walla of the 'atomach human electricity flowed over the wires, ren dering audible sounds. The electric charge measured (from seven to eight volts on a Westoh galvanometer."" Finds New Cure for Appendicitis Tir. Harvey, Archibald, of New Tors: City, has "dis covered that appendicitis yields to the action of eleo trlclty pretty nearly as mists are dissipated by the sun. When a case of appendicitis comes into Dr. Arch ibald's office the physician trains the powerfully pene trating electrlo ray upon the sore spot. Right away the swelling goes dowrt, and the excruciating pain stops short. And after five or six days, "after five or six applications," Dr. Archibald says, the cure Is al ways complete. Electricity the Basis of Human Vitality TProf. Jacauee . l,oeb, after tea years of research, and experiment, made thin statement! " A part of the rhemlcal energy of foodstuffs la Transformed into electrical cnfrgr, which in turn riven enerary to the muscles and organs of the body. TMlectrlrlty, and not hrnt, is the life of the body. These discoveries are going to upset the theories of medicine as administered by the physicians of todny, as It la settled that electricity la the basis of hu man, vitality. " The new cure is nothing more or lees than the process of bombarding the congestion about the ap pendix with electrlo rays and "a high frequency cur rent. The treatment causes the blood to return to the central circulation system, the congestion departs for the simple reason that the cause of the congestion has been removed and that's the end of the appendicitis. v Keeps Old Age at Bay "Electricity will restore the elasticity and buoyancy of youth." declares a famous New York physician, writing in the "Medical Times." "No matter how old a man may be nor how young in years, whenever his arteries begin to harden,- to resist the Increased pressure of the blood, then he actually Is old. Then the electric treatment must be applied, and after a few times nature takes up the work and carries It on, and the patient gets young again or at least he is able to resist the encroach ments of old age. "By electric stimulus the system Is energized, the blood made to circulate equally, the digestion aided, the waste, products eliminated, the repair tissues are assisted, and the normal workings of the bodily func tions restored." Says Electricity Will Supersede Drugs There is a physician In Seattle whose vsuccess in curing disease by the application of electricity has at tracted world-wide attention. This physician Is Dr. Samuel Hall. Dr. Kali ts the Inventor of a remarkable device for restoring electric energy to the body. With his appli ance it Is possible to Infuse a steady, unbroken cur rent of galvanic eleotricity into the nerves and vitals for hours at a time without the least shock or burn. lr. Hsll was asked recently to explain his method of electric treatment for the benefit of the readers of this paper. He makes the following statements: "For the past 12 years I have maintained that elec tricity is the power which runs the human body the force that keeps the heart going, the blood circulat ing and the various organs performing their func tlons'llke an many-machines. I claim that electricity works the miracle of digestion and assimilation and converts the food Into the blood and bone, tissue and muscle, and supplies the brain with power to think. "I have had my theories confirmed by the world's most learned scientists, and today the use of electricity as a curative agent Is spreading to every corner of th civilised world. '"'While others were speculating and arguing over the merits of electrlo treatment. I have gone ahead achlev- tog results, and I can point .with pride to thousands of cured patients who regained their health and strength -through the use of my Electro-Vigor. "Before I talk further regarding the use of my ap pliance you must understand that the human body is an electric organism, deriving its motive power from the digestion of food In- the stomach. This electric force generated in the stomach is taken up by the nerves and conveyed to the different organs of the body and is their life. So long as there Is sufficient electric energy to satisfy the demands of nature the vital organs perform their regular functions properly, but just as soon as the natural electric force is over taxed in any way the organs become weak and in active, and sickness or disease is the result. Now you can't cure the trouble until you restore the lost force. Nature must have more electricity, or vitality, as it is termed by medical men, in the ailing part. You cannot renew this force by dosing the stomach with poison ous drugs, which only help to drain away the vitality . that you have. When every organ of the body has all the motive power electricity It needs, disease cannot exist. "Now the purpose of my invention, Electro-Vigor, is to restore this electric force In a natural, scientific way. When the stomach Is unable to supply the de mands of th vital organs you must assist nature by filling your nerves with galvanic electricity. "Electro-Vigor is " a generator of a powerful but soothing current of electricity, worn about the body while you sleep. It sends a subtle stream of electric life coursing through the nerves and vitals for hours at a time. Its touch Is gentle, without sting or burn. There Is no shock. All you feel is a glowing warmth. "Electro-Vigor fills the nerve cells with new life. It drives out pains and aches, builds up vitality and strength and cures to- stay cured all such trouble as lumbago, sciatica, nervousness, rheumatism, insomnia, female complaints, varicocele and all stomach, kidney, liver or bowel disorders. The Product of Experience "I have devoted twenty years to the perfection of my appliance, tl have removed defects as fast as they appeared in actual use and have applied new features from time to time, so that Electro-Vigor is in a class by Itself. "Electro-Vigor makes Its own power; therefore it requires no charging. It is equipped with special dry cells, which are longer lived,-smaller and more power ful than any other dry battery. The current can be regulated to any degree of strength by the pressure of a finger upon the rheostat. "Compared with Electro-Vigor, all other electrlo body appliances are Inventions of the blacksmith's hammer. "It is not upon that point, however, that my success has been founded. My immense business is due to my knowledge of the effect of electricity upon the ail ments treated, and the best way to obtain that effect. I treat every case that comes to me as an individual and direct the application of my appliance to suit the demands of each particular case. When you consider that eleotricity. which I supply, is life to the organs into which I send It, you can see how I get my results. My success is the result of my cures. If I did not cure, my business would have died out long ago. "When I say. that Electro-Vigor cures I don't ask rou to accept my word alone as evidence. I have one or more cured patients in nearly every town on the map. I'll send you the names of those near you, and you can ask them about my treatment." Mr. Frank Bernier, of Pilot Rock, Oregon, says- 1 am well pleased with the results I have derived from its use in so short a time. My health has improved wonderfully and Electro-Vigor has removed every evi dence of weakness and pain in my back and stomach. After eating I uBed to feel very drowsy and sleepy, but this trouble has been overcome. I sleep well at night and feel refreshed upon arising and have no more tired feeling as if life wasn't worth living. I feel much stronger. In fact, I am much better in every way. and I am very thankful that you were so per sistent In your effort to convince me that this treat ment was the right one for me to use. , -I certainly will always recommend Electro-Vigor for I am convinced that it will help others in the same way that it has helped me." .Mr;. c'rus Hendershott of Route No. 1. Box li, Molalla. Or., writes: "It is thirty days today since i began using Electro-Vigor, and although I have not given it proper attention it has brought me wonderful results. I sleep better, eat better, my food digests better and your Electro-Vigor has cured me of consti pation. There i9 not a symptom of my old trouble but yielded to the effect of the current, and I have gained three pounds in thirtv davs. "I am recommending it to every one in this part of the country, and many talk of securing It soon. I would not take its weight in gold If I could not get another, and you are at liberty to use mv name and give my address to any one who can call on me or write, and I will gladly give my time in telling what it has done for me. Mr. Elton Johnson, of BPS Harrison avenue. Astoria Oregon, writes: "I am getting along very nicely after using your treatment. There is no doubt about Electro-Vigor curing any one who uses It correctlv. The appliance has given me good satisfaction, for all traces of Rheumatism In my legs and hips have en- jfetlier. uioniiucaiQU. BilU L U HltfO T- r t ASSUfin fcT VOU Of mv Vflllnirnonn 4 ,.TMr:1 "Adolph Neilson, of Tillamook, Oregon, writes I will write and let you know that I have used vour Eleetro-- Igor seven weeks, and it is certainly a won neTite i'VES11 1 na: e "tor. pains and my ap Fk .e.,,s betteri y catarrh Is gradually yielding to the Influence of Electro-Vigor. I will always recom nL2"." aPP'lan'.? to any one who may appTv M me. for I have found that It is an honest remedy.'" Health Without Drugging M. n-Arsonval. a well-known savant of the Pay. loloa-tral Institute of Paris, in an address at the Institute said that electricity would be the medi cine of the future. He showed that It la excellent or -certain maladies, and described the difference "'tween sudden shocks and the slow t method by which it pervades the system without the patient's consciousness. "I know that many people are skeptical about testi monials, and perhaps they have a reason to be. Quacks and medical fakers have fooled the public so often with bogus letters of praise that It is bard to believe any. I guarantee that all testimonials I pub lish are genuine and will pay f 1000 for proof that any of tliem were bought. THE SUJfDAT OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, UECE3IBER 26, 1909. L . Larkin. The Danger in Drugs "Many people believe that when a drug gives relief 11 Is doing good. That's a big mistake. Drugs can only give temporary relief, and it is always at the expense of tBe nerves and vital organs. . "If you have a pain or an ailment of any kind, you don't want to fool yourself into the hyjief that you are getting well when you are not. That's all you do when you dose yourself with drugs. "It Is easy enough to stop a pain by stupefying the nerves with poisonous dope, but the pain will return as soon as the stupor passes off. You can iTorce an organ to act by giving it a powerful stimulant, but you can't restore its natural Btrength that way, and It will be weaker than ever when the drug stops working. "That Is why temporary relief is dangerous. Drugs do not remove the cause of disease, and every minute that they give rellefthe disease is getting a firmer hold upon your system. As long as the cause remains the trouble stays there, and the only way to get rid of it is to assist nature. Nature wants strength, vital ity, power to fight disease and drive it out, not poisons which only make it worsen "Electricity is nature's medicine, and the proper use of It will restore you to perfect health.. "Disease always results when you break nature's laws. If you continually overwork the stomach you will have stomach trouble. ' If you abuse any organ of your body you must suffer for It afterward. Then the real cause' of disease is duetto the inactivity of some .part of the body machinery. The reason any organ breaks down or fails to work properly is be- How the Nervous Sys tem Conveys Electric ity to All Farts of the Body. mmmm I r YJ L fk'RS I 'miM. Telephoning With Power Furnished by the Human Stomach, :ause it has not enough vitality to withstand the strain when It is overtaxed. This vitality Is nothing more than electricity, ?the motive power of the human body. Now, to cure the disease you must renew the vitality or electricity of the part that causes the trouble. When this Is done the disease cannot exist, for the cause is removed. ., Electricity for Weak Nerves great many people suffer from ailments caused by weak. Impoverished nerves, and try to cure these troubles by dosing their stomac'is with drugs. It Is Impossible. .Drugs are poiso; :-, t.ij poisons wreck the nerves. "If you are run down, nervous and unambitious; if you suffer frequent headaches and have spells of despondency, it means that your nerves are starving for new energy, electricity. That's all they need, and nothing else will restore them. "Electro-Vigor saturates the nerves and vitals with electric life while you sleep. It builds up Btrength and vitality in every organ and drives out pains and aches. "If there was any nourishment In drugs, they might do some good, but you know there is not. Drugs are drugs, stimulants, narcotics, antidotes, poisons, not food. Electricity la nerve food nerve life. It soaks Into the nerves and is taken up by them just as a sponge absorbs water. It nourishes and vitalizes the parts which drugs cannot reach. "Every dose of drugs that you put into your stomach weakens your nerves. Every time you kill a pain or an ache, by stupefying the nerves with poisonous drugs, you are hurting them, and anyone can see that In time, by steady dosing, your nervous system will be completely broken down. Mr. F. W. Jolley. of Box 78S. La Grande. Or., writes: As I have been using your Electro-Vigor for about five weeks, I can say with perfect candor that It has done more good for me than all the medicine I have' ever taken in my life. Because of this, I feel It my duty to recommend it to others for T consider it one of the surest cures for disease ever introduced1. Surelv It is the most wonderful cure of the present day and age." "You know that rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood. There's only one thing on earth that can get at this uric acid and drive it out of your system that's electricity. It soaks into every vein and tissue of the body and drives the poisonous matter through the circulation, back to .the 'kidneys, which filter the blood of all impurities. ' , "My Electro-Vigor has cured some of the worst cases of rheumatism after drugs and other methods had failed. When electricity goes in the body rheumatism must go out. "No pain can exist in a body charged with electrfh life. Tou can have no rheumatism, no Inactive parts, be cause the life generated by this grand force gives health and strength to every organ. Pill ' 1 y "-S - : , 'i jvWI J I - M fir M ' I 'ttMgs "' 1 A? -'II- te4 t. v . ..... ....,-,.,. s...,s,-,J ss' l Jf: r?'f Pr6e E.L. IARKIN .T'f tY IffigS w a mm "There is no excuse for men being old at sixty, complaining about pains in the back, stiffness in the shoulders and legs, that "tired feeling," nerv ousness, indigestion and constipation . It should not ""be. Nature started you with a constitution that ought to have held v you good until you are eighty, and you ought to feel like a boy now. But you have overdone some . things and wasted your ' vitality. You still have the - constitution, but lack the force. That Is elec tricity, and Electro-Vigor will restore It. Mr. George W. Cox, of Roseburg. Oregon, writes: "I want to tell you that I am perfectly satisfied with your Electro-Vigor treatment. I have now used It iust thirty days and I have been relieved of all the pains and aches which troubled me greatly; I am gaining strength and feel better in every respect. In view of the' fact that I am seventy-three years of age, I con sider that this Improvement realized in such a short time is something remarkable." "Look at the men who have used Electro-Vigor and you will see men of force, men of power and confi dence, men who respect themselves and are respected and admired by their fellow-men. "Wouldn't you like to be the man you were a few years ago; to have the same ambitious spirit, the strength and vitality that you used to possess? Wouldn't you like to be -free from pains and a(hes, and to feel that you are the equal in strength of any man your age? You can be. . "All that you lack is -'vitality new life. You are . like an engine without steam you haven't the motive power to keep the machinery of your body working properly. Anything that will restore your 'steam' will make a new man of you. Drugs have been tried and have failed. You know that; but Electro-Vigor ' cannot fail; it is 'electricity, and "electricity is life." That is what you require, and -a few weeks' use of Electro-Vigor will give you health and happiness. Women Saved From Dan gerous Operations "A large percentage of women's ailments are so perplexing hat operations are often recommended by physicians. Such operations are not Only dangerous, but they sometimes cause serious complications. Thousands of women are uselessly butchered who could be'eured by my electric treatment In the privacy of their own homes. "I find, in most cases, that all auch women need Is new strength, more vitality and nerve force. When the organs of the body are denied the vitality .neces sary to perform their proper functions, inactivity and . disease result. "Electro-Vigor renews the activity of the organs and builds up vitality and strength where It is needed by infusing the body with a glowing current of elec tric life. , "A patient asked me the other day why, !t is that faradic batteries and static machines do not give such results as Electro-Vigor. "That's because you can't stand the treatment for more than a few minutes at a time. A nervous person can't endure it that long on account of the shock, When a man tries that method and finds that It does not help .him he naturally concludes that electricity Is no good. "Xot, my jystem is different. Electro-Vigor pumps the current Into the body for six or eight hours every day or night, usually while the patient sleeps. "The delicate nerves are not Jarred or shocked by this current, as It goes in them Just like a drizzling! rain saturates a newly ploughed field. They absorb It. drink it in. and as It is their life, they grow strong with it. "Poor digestion, inactive liver, constipation, sluggish heart, slow thinking, dormant energy and laziness are' all due to lack of electricity. Understand that elec-', triclty is the motive power of the human machine, the' power that keeps the organs alive, and you will see' what I mean. In such cases you will see how Electro--Vigor will pump action into the body. It renews the electric life and transfers the sluggard Into a bundla of vigorous energy. - "Because you have experienced with faradic batter ies or taken electric treatment from physicians with out being cured is no reason why my method should prove a failure. The doctor's battery can only be ap plied for half an hour at a time, and that is not enough, to effect a cure. . Besides, that method is In convenient and expensive. Electro-Vigor can be used all day or all night without interfering with your wqrlc or rest. 4 Mrs. H. C. Stanton, of Roseburg. Or., writes: "I have never regretted the price I paid for Electro Vigor, for It has completely and permanently cured me of stomach trouble, and I am thankful Indeed for this relief." Mrs. V. O. Fisher, of Portland. Or., 67 E. 16th St., No., writes: "Your Blectro-Vigor has done me "a world of good. I feel like another woman. My nervous condi tion I consider entirely cured. I started using your appliance full strength and got a little too much cur rent, which created a feeling of lassitude, but this has been overcome by a more careful adjustment of the appliance according to your directions.. I find that my circulation has been greatly improved also." Mrs. C. E. Gaylord. of Halfway. Oregon, writes: "My principal ailments when I began using Electro-Vigor were Sciatic Rheumatism, stomach trouble and a ter rible soreness and pain deep in the body just below the shoulder blades. After using Electro-Vigor for thirty days, my rheumatism has entirely disappeared. My stomach trouble is much better and the bloated condition in my whoU body is entirely overcome." Mrs. H. W. Schenck. of Junction City. Oregon, writes: 'It is now three months since I began using Electro Vigor and I would not take the price of It, under any consideration, and be back into my former condition. Your appliance is gradually curing me of a condition which I never hoped to be relieved of." Prejudice Against Advertised Treatments "There is a whole lot of prejudice against adver tised remedies, due no doubt tS' the large number of quacks and schemes that have foisted worthless treat ments on the public during the past few years. "If it were not for this prejudice, I would not be abl to handle all the business that would come to me. The, many fake electrlo belts and so-called "vltalizers" advertised by charlatans have made everyone skeptical, but I know that I have a good thing, and I'll hammer away until everybody knows it. "'Any organ of the body, any part that lacks th. necessary vitality to do its work as nature intended, can be restored by my method. "It gives strength; it makes the blood rich and warm; it vitalizes the nerves and puts vim into the brain and muscles; It just makes a good man out of a bad one In every way. "With Electro-Vigor I cure rheumatism in Its worst forms; I cure pains and aches, weak nerves, general debility and any other trouble which can be cured by restoring the life force. "No matter where you live, I can treat you as suc cessfully as If you were here In my office." Book Worth $1.00 Free To any man or woman who will mail me thii coupon I will send free (closely sealed), my finely illustrated book regarding the cause and cure of dis eases. This book is written in plain language and ex plains many secrets you should know. Don't spend another cent on doctors and their worth less medicines. ' Electro-Vigor cures to stay cured. You should know about it. Don't wait another minute. - Cut out this coupon right now and mail it. if you can't call. I'll send the book without delay, absolutely free. Free test of Electro-Vigor to those who call. Con sultation free. , Office hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.. Tuesday and Sat urday until 8 P. M. ; Sunday, 10 to 12. S. ;. HILT,, M. !., 1314 Second Ave., Seattle. Wssh. DR. S. O. HALL. CO.. 1314 Scond avenue. Seattle, Wash.: Please send me your book, closely sealed, free. 13-J6-0 Name. , Address. JC33 1 09.0