The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 26, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 16

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WHY serve six month or a year of tedious
apprenticeship when you can learn both
neBJuns" work In that many weekw; by com
mencing the beginning of the year you will
be fitted for a position or go into business
yourself In the Spring. For particulars
apply to Boston School of Millinery & Lref
Tnaklrg, 274 Wllliania ave.. Portland, Or.
Phone Et 345.
LADIES and girls anywhere can earn good
steady pay writing- adv. letters for us at
heme; send 10 cent for form end full In
ttructlonij Nn more money required. Xo
aiivaiwlTig. American Sales Co.. dent. 41,
Delaware City. Del.
MUNICIPAL. Department of Public Safety
for Your ir Women. Advice or assistance
gladly g J ven to all vouhk women. Mrs.
Lola G. Baldwin, tfupt., room. 37 Y. W. C.
A. bldg, 7th and Taylor ta.
V'A NT ED Trustworthy woman over "0
years old for cooking, waiting' on table
and some assistance with two children;
good home, good wages; telephone East
WANTED Investment company of high
standing wants permanent services of a
high-grade saleswoman to develop to man
.iKing department; must furnish security.
219 Commercial Club bldg.
"WANTKD -Live a rente everywhere lor new
household necessity; used by everybody;
new territory; no competition: million)
wold. "all 9 to 12. Apt. 4. St, Croix, 22d
and Wash.
LADY for 1910. travel in Oregon; good pay
and tailor-made suit in 90 days; experi
ence unnecessarv; reliable firm. For par
ticulars, J. E. McBrady, Co., Chicago.
WANTED A competent nurse to take care
of two children. 4 and 6 years old; refer
ence required. Telephone East 40S2. 430
East 10th North.
1 WILL pay $10 for names of people to
whom I can sell a good city lot on easy
terms. For particulars, address AC 611,
AN" elderly woman to take care of part of
rooms and office in a rooming-house; only
person with good character need apply. L
600, ( rc gon i&n .
"WANTED Capable young women to enter
training school for nurses. For particulars
write Hoqulam General Hospital. Hoqulam.
WANTED First-claim dining-room girl, one
willing to make herself useful about deli
catessen and restaurant. Apply. 537 Wil
liams ave.
I1AK P2 money writing stories, or for news
papers; big pay : send for free booklet,
tells how. Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 0 Roth
chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain. $1.60 doz. upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
tt Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs,
- Phone Main U9Z.
WANTED Ladles to take dancing lessons;
4 lessons for $1 or 25c per lesson. Prof.
Wat Willson's school. 336 Wash. at.
l.ADT. musical ability, take charge small
home: state salary wanted. AD 614, Ore
nonlan. $1'0 PER WEEK easily made helping me
sell lots on easy payments. AC 6 IS, One
gonlan. PUBLIC stenographer wanted; best build
ing; answer telephone in payment for
desk room. K 614, Oregonian.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework in family of three. 12u East
WANTED Girl for gen'l housework: must
be good experienced cook; family of 3, $30.
Call 1S5 1'5 th at. North., cor. Johnson.
GIRL or middle-aged woman for cook and
general housework ; sruail family; no chil
dren. 1004 ThurnuLn at.
GIRL wanted for eeneral housework; smalt
family. 52tt Weidler st. ; take Broadway
car to 1 1 111 st.
Sett's Washington St.. Room 307.
Main 8828 or A 3266.
WANTED Ladies' to learn telegraphy, good
positions, day and evening classes; Investi
gate. Oregon College, 83 5th. cor. Oak.
WANTED A responsible woman as nurse
for two children and Mme second work.
Call 231 North 24th st.
WANTKD Competent woman cook. 493 Yam
Kill st., private family; can go home nights
if preferred.
OIKI, Housework and cooking; must sleep
home. Madison Park Apartments, Apart
ment 0.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
731 Kearney st.
WANTED A competent cook at The Marlvn.
54 Couch St., cor. 17lh.
WANTED Housekeeper for boy 6 years and
father. AJ 012, Oregonian
LADY cashier wanted. Apply Model Theater,
69 North 8d st.
GIRL wanted for general housework; no cook
ing. Mast 1103.
RELIABLE young girl to assist in general
housework. Main 6614. room 27.
GIRL to Rstet with housework. Apply 70
Flan J era st.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and Kast Taylor.
FIR5T -CLASS experienced cook wanted. Call
at the Weaver. 710 Washington st.
GIRL to assist with housework. 7336 Kearney.
MAKra MONEY writing stories for aews
papers. spare time or regular work; earn
$100-$5vO monthly. Send for booklet, tell
how. Frees Syndicate. San Francisco.
VI SK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sition to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland.
Dookkiyoer and Clerks.
COMPETENT office man. bookkeeper and
typewriter, with be.t of references : will
accept a position offering- a reasonanle
salary in order he may become permanent
ly ldcntitled with some established and re
liable concern; married, ave ".0. Phone
A o4S.
SALBSM AN. best references, with firm now
In another line. wants position with
reliable real estate Arm. l CO?. Ore
gonia. .
TIMEKEEPING or collecting; had office en
gineering and mechanical experience. Y
S05. Oregonian.
KNKKGET1C m idd te-aged married man.
graduate Edinburgh law school, wants
responsible position. AH fil::. Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires position as hotel c!erk ;
nine years' experience; references. K 613,
EXPERIENCED -bookkeeper, general office
worker, collector, willing to work at any
thing, seeks position. R Oregonian.
DRUGGIST, experienced, best references:
strictly temperate. Addrep 4.11 Eart 75th St.,
YOl'NG man desires clerical position: 5 yearj
e xi-erience In railroad office. Y 014, Ore
son ian.
'OM PETENT automobile salesman wants
position. Give ay reference desired as to
ability and character. Address 129 Nor
tonia Hotel. Portland. Home A 6021.
HARNMAN wants work by first of January.
Can cure most diseases of horses. T 613.
BY" firm-claw circular sawyer and filer; all
around mtllman : best references. Address
fVi RH, Chchallis. Wash.
AN experienced male nurse and masseui
would like the care of an Invalid. N 6,13.
M AN and wife want work In rookhouM or
hoarding-house; woman first-class cook.
T 616. oregonian.
AN Eastern man would like position as fire
man or engineer. Addles J. p., lti07
Willow at., or call Tabor 1079.
Man. 28 years, sober, willing to work hard,
want outdoor work. with, surreying party
If possible. 429 Nortonla Hotel.
WANTED To build fires mornings In pri
vate house or flat fur the use of one room
to room In. W 605. Oregonian
YOL'NG Japanese want p. tuition in retail
grocery store, to I warn business"; has been
3 years In wholesale. M 611. Oregonian.
DRAUGHTSMAN wants position. technical
graduate and has references. M 610. Ore
gonian. BNGINEHR. steam or gasoline; do all own
repair black smithing. AC 614. Oregon!an.
MAN and wife; man as bookkeeper, clerk,
office help or any kind of work: wife
good cook, chamber work. etc.. seek po
sition in city or country hotel. R 611.
Oregonian? '
WANTED Position a janitor, first -claw ref
erence ; office build in g pref erred ; have had J
experience as elecxrieian. plumber. urp-n-ter.
machinist; at leisure Jar.. 1, 13VC Call ;
Main 2S31.
t'APABLPJ producer Is open fr posit ion for j
next year. Acquainted in Southern Ore- j
iron territory. "an furnish bond and refer-
erre. Mercantile line, preferred. AL '
Oregonian. I
POSITION wanted as buyer and department I
manager In a first-class hat sL'ii-e. tain-v- I
men h ann ennaren s nats or men s
huts. S 6 IS. Oregonian.
STUDENT wants to -stork for meals. A 13,
Hookkeepers and Stenographera.
YtI"NG LA DY. good housekeeper. s'afl
uate nurse and osteopath. AC 610. Ore
gonian. BV stenographer beginner with some ex
perience; good w orker. Phone C 3 S87.
GOOD experienced stenographer; reasonable i
bu.ih.i- ; tan eorii. t-nor.e v .i44 ti. uonaa . i
LADY stenographer desires position; good
speed, accurate; city references. Main 6US4.
PLAIN sewing wanted bv the dav, price rea
sonable. Call Main S2to.
RF3FTNED. educated couple would take en
tire charge of refined widower's home with
children; the wife assuming full reeponsrl
bllity. Nothing but a strictly flrst-cla.s
proposition considered. Address AB 611,
SITUATION WANTED Housekeeper by re
sponsible lady for 1 gentleman or more, or
)'jr lady or elderly couple. Phone Wood law a
1786. or address Y 604, OregonlaJi.
WANTED A situation as working house
keeper by a sober. middle-aged woman,
wages $25. Mrs. E. Webster, 703 Mult
noma h.
SITUATION wanted by resocctab'e widow
with small boy. widower's family or bach
elor'p. Plione Sunday. Main 9058. or call
670 Vaughn.
SITUATION wanted by young respectable
w Ido w with boy 8 ; good work er ; widower's
family preferred; wages reasonable; . no
trlflera. 127 N. 16th ert.
A GOOD reliable woman wishes a position
as housekeeper where virtue and honesty
would be appreciated; bachelor or widow
er's home preferred. M 612. Oregonian.
LADY of education wlehes a position as house
keeper for invalid or elderly oouple. R tllO,
LADY of education wishes a position as
govemow or private teacher to backward
or delicate children. P 614. Oregonian.
TRAINED nurse. Eastern references; moder
ate terms. Main 320S.
WOMAN with 4 monthV old child tvants posi
tion in family; small , wages. K 611, Ore
gonian. WANTED To build fires mornings In pri
vate house or flat for the use of one room
to room in. AH 609. Oregonian.
CULTURED, refined young woman wishes
position, cashier or chamber work, hotel.
Wish rooina where can have my piano;
references. Mrs. J. M. Green, General
Delivery, city.
LADY would like care of few rooms in ex
change for housekeeping rooms or good bed
room. Inquire 72 7th st.. basement.
A IjL kinds mending for ladles and gentle
men; all kinds plain sewing; lace cur
' tains done up and mended. Main 33S.
FIRST-CLASS I ami drees wants work for Mon
day or Wednesday; references. O 613, Ore
gonian. ADY wants position, cashier, bookkeep
Inar or other suitable, emulovment. East
WANTED By experienced laundry woman,
a place . for Mondays and Tuesday, whole,
days. Phone, Woodlawn T27. Mrs. Downs.
EXPERIENCED woman would like work by
day or hour. Phone Main 6427. room 14.
LA DY would like work by flay or hour.
Phone Main 6502.
WONDERFUL Inventton. Big money sell
ing Canchcster kerosene incandescent
lamps: bums without mantel, six times
brighter electricity, gas or acetylene, one-t-nth
cost. Burner fits any lamp Saves
75 per cent oil. No trimming wicks. . Be
ware of imitations. Outfit furnished. Can
chester Light Co., 26 -State st,. Dept. Ill
T, Chicago.
FREE cony of "The Thomas Agent." the
greatest agent's paper ever published;
filled with money-making plans, "no
Jlcense tax" decision of Supreme Court.
Pointers to agents. Every aent In the
IT. S. should have a copy at once. Ad
dress today, "Thomas Agent," 4015 Wayne
ave., Dayton, Ohio.
AGENTS wild with Joy. No talking. Cus
tomers running to get $3 raaor free with
advertising box havlpg soap. Outselling
everything. Amasinr profits. Write im
mediately. Parker, chemical Co., Chicago.
UENEJIAL and special, wanted by large,
old-line health and accident company.
New. liberal, easy-selling policies ; choice
territory. Big pay. Royal Casualty Co.,
St. Louis.
AGENTS Have you tried the Yankee No
Burn Plate? The fastest seller shown to
day. J3 per cent profit. Phoenix Supply
Co.. Manufacturer. Box 335. Providence,
R. I.
WANTED Reliable agents to handle new,
high grade, guaranteed articles: quick
sellers ir. homes, offices, stores, shops; $2
to $10 per day. The Phillips Co., 2-43
X'htlllps bldg., Dayton. Ohio.
WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men
- with rigs to Introduce poultry compound;
year's cotttraot. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
78, Parsons. Kan.
GOOD SALES AGENTS for Canadian lands;
tood commission and territory for right
man; state experience and references, p.
O. box 1219, Vancouver, B. C.
NEW 4-sieve strainer, "no splash," sold
agents only. Sample free. Send 2c stamp.
." profit daily. Let us prove It. Seed's,
li;4 Duane st.. New York.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock: out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem, Oregon
MEN $10 dally sure, selling "Mendarlp,"
also farmer's hatchet. 8 tools in one.
Thomas Foote. Los Angeles, California.
WE are in touch with several parties wish
ing to rent desirable homes on either
East or West Side, If your placd Is for
rent, kindly call and see us or phone
Main i71l.
. 2S6 Oak St..
Portland, Or.
FURNISHED house or flat within 15 min-ut-?s"
walk of Burnsidc and Grand ave.
Address B. F.. East Side Sub Station,
box 2040; state price and location.
WANTED 5 or fl-room. well furnished,
modern house. :i bedrooms, walking dis
tance preferred; reasonable rent; refer
ences exchanged. AJ UIO. Ortironlan.
REFINED young couple would like nicely
furnished house or f lai; it" agreeable would
board owner. AH 612. Oregonian.
TO UN" G men. stranger in Portland, wants
rovm. Companionate surroundings. M 607.
ROOM by gentleman: modern, close In:
state location and price. M COii. Oregonian.
3 UNFURNISHED rooms in private family
by family of 3. Main 47o7
Bum in ess Plaoea,
DESK room, use of phone, modern bldg. ;
no real estate V 6"7. Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED By working "man, comfortable room
and board in private family, January 1; ta;e
terms. P till. Oregonian.
LADY would like steam-heated room with
lunch and dinner; select private boarding
houie. AG 611, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
GENTLEMAN, wife and daughter want
board and room In private family with,
modem conveniences within or 10 blocks
of Williams, ave. and Russell st. AD 012.
WANTED To rent large warm room, pri
vate family, with ; meals, r.tar City Hail,
for couple rmplnved; write pai Uculars.
Ali 6J7. Ort-sonian.
WANTED Douhle room and boara for fam
ily of three : must he convenient a.ud reaf1-
'liable : private family prreri cd. AppI '
Main an."., Portland Hole!.
ROOM and board, breakfast and dinner, pri
vate rami!:--. West oniy. Must be m-ar
curlir.e. References exthantjed. T 614.
"1 WO young men. working, want and
board, close iu, cheap and good. R. 61,
YOUNG MAN going to bui-ines college wouM
like place to work for boara and. room. P 61S.
FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, verv
arui table for gentlemen. Kamm bldg. 1st and
FURNISHED rooms by the week or month.
Furnished Rooms.
seventh and Ankcny Sts
One whole year of redecorating, refitting
and jefurnishtng. all for vour benefit.
A ddightut Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreoaiio "cleanliness
and comfort. Free Bus Free Phones.
New. thodcrn. fireproof bulidinf. steam
heated, hot and cold running water In all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy. and It doesn't cost any
more . tnan some henp lodging-house;
nice large office on ground floor; every
thing first-class; rates. 50c. 75c and $t
per day; $.t.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 6th si. North.
131 Eleventh St.
NEW, modem bri.-k building; lust opened
water in all roums; STEAM HEAT, private
baths, excellent location, just off Washing
ton st.; social rates by week or month.
3d and Jefferson Stt.
Away from the nolse; 5 minutes' walk
Washington and 3d; Just "completed; new
furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava
tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy;
single rooms or suites; permanent and
transient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phone
A 7731, M SC39.
Corner loth and Washington SU.
Booma, single or en suite; SPECIAL low
monthly rates; steam heat, private baths,
hot and cola water in all rooms; beautifully
furnished; tourist trad) solicited.
Nsw management. Grand, Hawthorne;
modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free
phone, E. 291, in every room ; largest
rooms iu city for permanent people, baths;
transient 50c-$l. W. M. Robinson, mgr.
THE BARTON. 13th and Aider, new man
agement; nowiy renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor ; phones and baths free.
THE MERTARPER. 126 13th. cor. Washing
ton, brand new handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot vrater in all
rooms; very reasonable terms.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; stam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts..
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite th e Plaza.
Washington and 17tb, first-class furnished
rooms, sing In or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms, with
cr without board; reasonable; new man
agement. 15 N. yth el., corner Burnside.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE REX Modem rooms, $2.50 to $5 per
week. 54SJi Washington st.
THE BRAE-SIDE, 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral, S3, $4, $5 per week; transient.
FURNISHED rooms, Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
HOTEL ROUMAIN, 147 H 2d St.; steam heat,
hot and cold water in all rooms.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, heat; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
NICE comfortable rooms, $1.50. $2 week;
fcee phone, bath, lights, etc.. 2 N. 14th.
THE BUTLER Large, comfortable rooms,
close in; low rates. 409J, Washington.
Kurnihhed Room a In Private Fasully. '
FINELY furnished room, modern home, fur
nace heat, bath, only 10 per mo., for
gentlemen or married couple; no children;
easy walking distance; few steps to East
Morrison carline; table board close by. 6S2
Belmont St.. cor. East IStli. Phone B 2S75.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms;
bath, large hall, closet, Btororoom, porch,
use of stationary tubs, hot and cold
water, gaa range, electric light, large
yard. Phone B 1949.
IN select residential district, walking dis
tance; bath, phone, electric light, all
modern; one block from Morrison street;
rent $7 per month. Apply 166 K- 15th st.
ELEGANT front room; modem. private
home on Park blocks; easy walking dis
tance or throe blocks from carline. Morn
ings and after 6 evenings. Phone M. 4575.
LARGE front room suitable for two persons;
furnace beat, uie of parlor and piano free
also free bath. 448 Taylor st. Phone Main
CHOICE furnished rooms, new house, best
apartments West Hide; walking distance
reasonable; men only. Main 2219.
SWELL front bay window room, suitable for
one or two, bath, phone, $3 week. S&o
Everett st.
NICELY furnished front suite and single
room, modern conveniences, good heat rea
sonable. 21 13th at.
FURNISHED rooms, neat, convenient, gen
tlemen or ladles; private home; $250 and
up. Call early. 731 Union ave. East 4S39
NICELY" furnished, walking distance, very
reasonable, modern, heat. Phone Main
7815. 624 Flanders st.
FRONT alcove room, very central, houe mod
em, private family. 38S Salmon between
AVest Park and Tenth.
NICT2LY furnlched room, heat, bath, phone;
fine location, 66 E!!a St.. opposite Alex
andra Court. Call mornings. Main 8-S43.
NEATLY furnished front room. 734 Kear
ney. NICE room, heat, large clothe. closet walk
ing distance, reasonable. 427 Columbia at.
NICELY furnished room; walking distance;
$6 per month. 429 6th st.
FRONT suite and jsingie room, bath and
phone: 401 flat A, 1st st.. cor. Harrison
LARGE front room, suitable for two gentle
ment. 31 North Park st.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2 gen
tlemen. ICS 12th t.
TWO furnished rooms, steam teat, phone,
bath. $2 and 52.50. 325 12th.
rnfurnislied Rooms.
TWO LARGE rooms; can be further subdi
vided. 551 MorriAin st.
Rooms Witb Board.
ELEGANTLY furnished room, furnace heat,
vltii or without board ; good home cook
ing. 227 7th st., 2 blocks south cf Port
land Hotel.
OLYMPUS Room ' and board, hot and co'.d
writer, home, cocking. 141 15th St.. cor.
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 107 lOtji st.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
THE MANSION Fifth and Jefferson, room
with board; modern conveniences, fire
place. THE M ARLYN Moved to 554 Couch St..
will reopen January 1. 1S10. Reservations
may be made now. Phone A 3ogi.
Rooms Wttbi DoskrsL
710 Washington st., near King, brand Eew,
elegantly furnished; every room lias a pri
vate hath, telephone; the maximum of con
venience and excellence, the minimum of
expense. If you want the best in tbe city
for t-:.e money, call and inspect; dining
room In connection.
THE MAGNOLIAS Kearney St., between
iiith t.iid 20th. Large, newly furnished
rooms for families; private btths, hot and
cold water, modem conveniences, tirst
class tabic, beautiful grounds. Also swell
rooms for gentlemen. $30.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewliig-room and li
brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath. SupL. Woman's Exchange. 186 5vk
Kt. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. jsudL
BY January 1. fine front suite, also single
room. 432 Morrison, corner lHth.
"THIS CALVARD" Suites or single, with or
without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th.
Rowans With Board in Private Family.
NEWLY" furnished front room, all conveni
ences $6 per month; board If desired;
German family. 420 Eliza St., near Union
GOOD rooms, modern conveniences, home
cooking, served family style ; on two car
lines; very reasonable, 5-19 Johnson.
A 4US1.
LARGE, pleasant, front room, suitable for
two or four; fine neighborhood, homelike,
with board, reasonable. 3S3 West Park.
Phone A 445S or Main 631.
TEN minutes' walk to P. O.. newly furnished
outside cornei room; sood. board, strictly
modern; reasonable. 404 Clay. Mai a 9425.
BOARD and room, bath, phone, use of piano,
home cooking, $6 per. 191 11th. Phone
Main 5963.
LARGE, well furnished rooms, suitable for
two; steam heat, first-class table board,
walking distance. Main 8171.
$50 for 2 in large well furnished front
room; 2 meals; West Side, near 23d;
home comforts; phone. . S 603, Oregonian.
241 N. 22D ST. Pleasant front room, suit
able for two: also single room; home com
forts. Phone Main 2071.
SINGLE room with board, close In. for gen
tleman; references required. A 2618.
LARGE- front room for two with board. 615
Morrison. A 3828.
LARGE front room, suitable for two, with
board. 129 3 4th St. Main 145S.
ROOMS and board for business people. 712
Hoyt st.
ROOM jind board in private family for- Iadv
or gentleman. 333 Market st.. near 7th.
NEWLY furnished rooms and board If da
sired; hot air. 173 16th st.
ji"nu live, ana jva-st Marx ; wen rurnisned moaern, pnone, piano. ej n;asx saimon.
3 -room apartments possessing every mod- - -
em convenience, including steam heat hot 254 SALMON. 2 desirable, cosy roortis, par
water, private baths and phones; while 1 lor floor, furnished for housekeeping.
these apartments are as up-to-date as any ' - - .
in the city and about as close to the busi- SUITE of well-furnished -housekeeping rooms.
new center, the prices are considerably
le5; now ready for occupancy. Pfcor.e East
300: no children.
and College: make reservations now. Best
In the Northwest; deposit vaults; phones,
hot water, steam heat, electric lifts in
each apartment. FREE CLUBROOM.
First-class janitor service. Call at apart
ments or phone.
t FIDELITY ADJ. CO.. Main 9014.
417 Fenton Bldg.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St.; new brick
building, completely first-class,- furnished.
In 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate bath, reception ball, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished ; janitor service; rent reasonable.
TO LET Fashionable apartments now
ready for occupancy, E. 21st and Haw
thorne ave; & rooms and bath and extra
servant's room; nothing comparable to
these flats in Portland; will give bease
to desirable tenants onlj-. Ring up E,
1314 or come direct to apartment.
The most exclusive furnished apart
ments in the city; three-room suits, bath
and reception hall, both phones, electric
elevator; take W or 10th-st car. 624
Marshall st.
St.. between Jefferson and Columbia One
large front room and one single room,
newly furnished; all conveniences.
EUELL apartments, 4-room furnished apart
ment, all conveniences, no carfare, $40 473
Salmon st.
FOR RENT Furnished 4-room flats; fur
nace heat, bath and pantry: walking dis
tance, good neighborhood. Woodlawn 942.
room apartment. 701 Washington st.
A 7424 or Main 7653
MODERN 4 rooms, fireplace, hot-water heat,
gas range, refrigerator, outside rooms. 185
East 15th. near Yamhill.
THE IRVING 21st and Irving. January 1,
4-room unfurnished apartment. Refer
ences. Apply JSulte 2. -
4-ROOM suites, Columbian Apartments, un
furnished. 422. Columbia at.
NEW steam-heated apartments; 4 large
rooms; East Side. Main 5601,' Tabor 131.
NEW 4-room flat; strictly modem; furnace
heat; kitchen cabinet; front porch; sleep
ing porch; 2 carllnes; hall lights and
janitor fnae; Thurman st., near 27th
rent $25. Fidelity Adj. Co.. 417 Fenton
bldg. Main 0014.
73 Union ave. N.
Upper flat, $17.50.
Lower flat, $22.5o
233 Stark St.. near 2d.
ELEGANT, up-to-date, upper flat; every
convenience; adults; walking distance. Call
at 328H Mill st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co., Main 1618, A 19S4. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
BRAND NEW, up-to-date flats, with either
5 or 6 rooms. Apply drugstore, 800 Front
st. Either F or S car.
FLATS, 7314 Hoyt t. star J2d. rooms
nd bath. Inquire 1S2 6th st- Malu 827S.
C-ROOM flat, all modern. Inquire 466 Park
5-ROOM. modern flat, across Steel bridge,
clone in, corner Ross and Dickson sts.
$16 Modern 4-room flats, with basement;
adults. "SO Williams ave. Woodlawn 42G,
Housekeeping; Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water
hatha, laundry, reception-room, ail free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
aingle housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up;
brst in city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. "S" or 26th-st cars north,
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
ELEGANT suite furnished housekeeping
rooms at 526 Kearney st. Gas, water, base
ment; walking distance; no children; $17. CO.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms for house
k oep i ng . res m mab ie. and fl ve m in u tee from
the postofnee. 330 6th at.
THE MILNSR. 3.MM Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, batb. 203 Stanton. U car.
$1.50 week. large, clean furn, housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gaa. 1S4 Sherman.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-roora apartments, fur
nished. Phonea, heat. 191 I4th at.
SEVERAL desirable rooms. 551 Morrison st.
Inquire 549, upstairs.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, also sin
gle rooms. 532 Williams ave. C 153.
NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms. $14 00.
631 H Washington St.. cor 20th.
Housekeeping: Rooms la Private Family.
THREE furnished housekeeping - rooms.
425 East Ash st. Phone East 107.
322 MTH ST. Light front alcove housekeep
ing rooms; gas. bath, phone.
fWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close In,
reasonable rent. 392 4th st.
TWO large housekeeping rooms. 31 North
Tarh st.
FRONT alcove for housekeeping room, also
single rooms. 4jO Tamil ill.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. Call
261 7th st.
TWO nice front rooms for housekc-eplng;
bay window, reasonable. 421 7th st.
LARGE, light rooms; light, bath, phone;
reasonable. 412 10th.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Fmnally.
REFINED lady or man and wife can have
nicely furnUhed room witb housekeeping fa-
j of company; East Side, eight blocks from
;tee Dride. inquire 3 JSorih Ui sc., .or
call Main 2416.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 12 per
month up; gas. bath and free phone. 535
Yamhill t.. corner 17th st. Phone Main
4363. J. P. Lindley.
NICELY furnished housekeeping front rooms,
strictly modern," furnace beat and electric
light, gas. b.;h. laundry, sewing machine;
on carline. 681 East Morrison s;. cor. 19th.
FOR RENT Three nice furnished house
keeping rooms. Phone, bath arid water
free. $15 per mouth, near carline. Phone
East lt8.
TWO large connecting rooms; well fur
nished, ground floor, bath. gas. phone;
walking distance. 47 Holladay ave., near
THREE housekeeping front rooms. first
floor; running water; $16. 23d or 16tii
st. cars. 3SSj North 24th st.
SUITE of 2 rooms, completely furnished for
houeikeeping. including gas. large pantry,
batb and sink; $16. 211 Sherman, cor. 1st.
$20 A NLCE front housekeeping suite. Nob
Hill home; heat, water, light, phone, bath.
667 Eiverett st. Phone Main 8122. -
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms, first
floor, water, pantry, private. Call Sunday
afternoon or mornings 498 Clay. A 4.549.
FOUR or five unfurnished or furnished
rooms, close in; bath, gas, sink. 143
East 15th.
SWELL 3-room suite for housekeeping,
lovely home, newly furnished, steam heat,
bath, hot water, first floor. Main 807o.
270 MONTGOMERY &T. 2 -or 3 furnished
housekeeping rooms, sink, gas, bath, $15
monthly up. Main 4469.
2 HOL'SEKE BP I NG rooms, stat 1 onar y tubs,
hot and cold water, heat and light, walking
distance. 427 Columbia st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, en' suite and sin
gle; rooms, large and comfortable; rea
sonable. 431 Salmon. Main 3539.
ONE large, airy, front room, for housekeep
ing, completely furnished; gas, bath and
phone. 215 11th st.
NICE front sunny suite, new and clean:
everything for housekeeping; bath and
gas; wto beds If desired. 231 East 6th st.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite; all
conveniences: very reasonable ; adults
only 164 Grand ave. North. East 4980.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, yard,
bath, phone, $10 up. 387 1st. Main 2266.
TWO large housekeeping rooms nicely fur
nished. 235 12th at.
CHOICE housekeeping rooms In new concrete
building. Cali Woodlawn 2379 and C 1S42.
THREE large furnished, housekeeping rooms
cozy cottage, close in; adults. 310 Main st.
WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new furni
ture. Buy It judiciously and the savings
will exceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of
the largest furniture houses in the city
In less than two years.
. Lookers are shown the same courtesy
as buyers.
Grand Ave.. Cor. East Stark St.
East Ankeny. Montavilia and East Side
line cars pass our door.
A 7-room house, on East Ash and lftth
pts., just vacated today by owner, carpets,
kitchen linoleum, gas range and shades
Included; excepting fireplace this house is
modern In every respect: yard is lOOxlOo,
"with nice shrubbery and trees; will rent
Itself; come early; $45.
Chamber of Commerce.
Unique and coay in its completeness. 8
roems. including bath and den; gas, elec
tricity, furnace, fireplace, stationary tubs,
etc. Corner E. Main and 33d sts. Take
Sunnyslde or Hawthorne-ave. car.
Fine C-room house, 633 East Taylor;
modern; $30.
6-room Buchtel ave., near East Ankeny
car barns; only $20.
S. TZ. Corner Third and Oak Sts.
Mr. Rent Payer, own your home and
pay for It like it was rent; let me show
you how easy it is.
618 Board of Trade.
Fine new brick stores, 18th and Wash
ington sts.; rent reasonable.
S. E. Comer Third and Oak Sts.
Bath, hot and cold water, electric lights,
gas for cooking; basement. 100 feet north
of Mount Tabor carline. 140 45th st.
w wrier at nouse, between 2 and o Sunday.
HOUSE. 5 rooms, modem, basement, would
rent 3 lots with fruit across road ; also
cottage 4 rooms, 2 lots; stable, chlckon
house. Mrs. Moxley, Stearns ave., Tre
mont; Mount Scott car.
A NICE modern house should have modem
furnishings throughout; Eastern prices
and easy terms at Calef Bros.. 360-370
East Morrison sC
NOB HILL 10-room house, all modem and in
first -class residence district, only $55 per
month. Phone A 1568. F. L. Blanch ard
room 31, 268 Stark.
FOR RENT 4-room cottage, 337 Marguer
ette avenue, two blocks from carline, rent
$12. Phone Main 1468. between 9 and 5
Sunday. Call East 14L
galow for rent ; furnace, fireplace, gas,
electricity. Call 636 Chamber of Com
merce Monday between 12- and 3 o'clock.
12-ROOM house, large lawn. 90 East 8th.
cor. Washington, suitable boarding-house
or sanitarium. Inquire between 11 and 4.
VERY desirable 6-room house, 402 San Ra
fael st., near Union ave.; close in $25.
Phone East 16S5. C 1491.
UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished
complete by Calef Bros. easy rent plan at
Eastern prices. 360-370 East Morrison st.
RENT Modern, 6-room cottage; 669 Ells
worth st. Rent $15. James & SlggUn,
141 1st St. Main 7S42L
MODERN 8-room house; Front street, be
tween Market and -Clay. Owner at 772
Second street.
FOR RE3NT Modern 8-room house. 965 East
Couch at.; window shades, some carpets and
furniture; rent $25. Phone Main 8695.
5-ROOM and attic cottage, 6S1 Belmont st.
F. W. TAYLOR, 106 Sherlock Bldg.
ROOM residence. 790 Love Joy St., near 24th
st. North : $50; aristocratic neighborhood.
Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co.. .85 4th at.
20TTAGB. 5 rooms, bath, large yard, fruit.
Phone East 670. 461 E. 15th North, bet.
Tillamook and Thompson (Irving ton).
PRETTY 5-room cottage, newly painted and
papered, s-as. fruit, refined neighborhood.
1 192 East Salmon. Sunnyside.
HOUSE of 0 rooms and bath. 60 East
19th st. North, near Everett. Inquire 132
6th st. Main 6278.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Mala 1618, A 1984. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
5-ROOM, modern cottage. 892 Gantenbeln
ave.. $1 U car to Mason st. Call 2 to 4
P. M. today.
A N EW 5-room bun galow, wel I furnished
Inquire of owner. 207. 14th st.
7-ROOM modem hqise. full lot, Lovejoy near
24th. I. Vaaduyn. 515 Chamber of Commerce.
JAN. 1 7 -room modern house, nice lawn. $25.
Call 329 E. 8th et. S. .
WE LL-FI'RNISH E D house, best part Irv
iugton, reasonable. Phone E 5SC5.
TEN-ROOM house, lately renovated; central,
lawn, new furnace. 29 East Eighth st.
6-ROOM house for rent, 813 Water at., $18
Apply at house or phone A 3438.
NEW 4-room flat. 5 minutes from Portoffice;
very reasonable. inquire 367 10th st.
Furnished House.
NICELY furnished cottage, five rooms and
bath; also flat, three or four rooms with
bath. 514 E. 21st st. W-R car.
A FURNISHED 6-room. lower flat, electricity,
gas, bath. yard. 7th at., near College st.
Call at 293 10th st.
MODERN furnished cottage. Apply morn
ings, 87 E. 17th. Phone East 2463.
Furnished Hoa
WEST SIDE furnished flat on 14th st.. near
Montgomery; 8 rooms, modern, furnace
heat, brick fireplace. W. H. Lang Com
pany. 414 Ablngton bldg.
FURNISHED house. Union ave., close in.
This Is a fine home, wtih stable or gar
age; reasonable rent; references. AK 612,
L'PPETt 4-room furnished flat; verv reason
able; no children. For particulars phone
East 5 and ask for Stephensen.
5-ROOM beautifully-furnished cottage, near 2
carlintis. Phone East 3492.
NK'ELT ftirnisded 6-room hotve. newly tinted.
855 E. 8th st. North, cor. Shaver.
House for Rent. Furniture for Sale.
ALMOST new furniture of 7-room house, the
very best, complete, or in part as party
may like. House for rent, located on East
l.'itli St., in Vernon. Wood in basement for
Winter. Gas range wood range, electric,
etc. Call owner. Main 73 12. or Wood
lawn 1306.
PRIVATE sale second-hand bedroom, den
and kitchen furniture; includes gas range.
Jewel coal ran;:;, icebox. AH in Al con
dition. Call Tuesday P. M-. 647 Broad
way. NICELY furnished 5-room flat, furniture
for sale and flat for rent, nearly new. fine
Nob HIi! district; rent reasonable; snao;
leaving city; investigate. 686 Irving, near
21st. Phone Main 2904.
FURNITURE of 3-room apartment for sale;
brass bed. Circassian walnut dresser,
Stickley arts and crafts sitting-room fur
niture. A 240S.
FURNITURE tf 9-room house; nice location,
walking distance; reasonable. 624 East
Morrison st.
GOOD furniture, 9 rooms, fine location, low
ren t, two car lines ; cash on terms, by
owner. O 610. Oregonian.
A MODERN 7-room house, furnished; $31
wcrth of rooms rented; rent or sell cheap.
231 6th Pt.
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, 6-roorr..
partly furnished, new furniture. $235. 257
Nartilla. between King and Chapman.
25 ROOMS, transient, down town. 3 years
lease; bargain. Henderson, 227 Ablng
ton bldg.
NJ5W furniture of 3-room fiat $150. 309
Ross st. East 33o7.
ON Grand ave., between Belmont and Yam
hill, a good 20x60-foot store.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick
store building. 100x165. S. E. cor. Front
and Pine eta Apply C A. Dolpb, Mohawk
bldg. ,
STORE in brick building. S10 Oak St.. oppo
site Commercial Club bldg. A H.
BIrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg.
ONE new storeroom. 2.x60, left in new
block. Apply at drugstore, SOO Front st.
Either F or S car.
FINR store, good location, on Washington St.;
lease from January 1. Apply Wakefield,
Fries & Co., 85 Fourth st.
FOR RENT 2 lofts, corntr location, rent
cheap. 63 5th st-
DESIRABLE OFFICE, overlooking Washing
ton st., near 5th. on 3d floor; in front of
elevator, modern. Also courtrooms. Phone
Main. 156; A 6V-73.
316 Abington Bldg.
OFFICES. $13.50 and up.
Desk room ; furnished offices.
Suite for dentist and physician.
All-night elevator service.
Best location, 303 Swetland bldg.
PRIVATE office, with use of reception room
and telephone to rent in Lewis bldg. L
010, Oregonian.
OFFICE for rent, for physician or dentist.
Call S22 Corbett bldg.
FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg.
Apply Room SOI.
DESK ROOM. 6. modern building; $8 with
desk. Room 227 Abington bldg.
ARION HALL for rent, reasonable terms,
best dancing floor In city. Apply at hall be
tween IO and 12 A. M.
BALLROOM, gocd location. In good condi
tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones, 800 Front.
FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse,
with elevator and large offices; 50x100;
three stories and basement. Comer 4th
and Glisan sts. Apply to D. Q. Woodward,
104 2d st.
TWO tipper floors. 96 rooms, unfurnished,
and storeroom; S8 North 5th st., in brick
building st southeast comer 5th and
Flanders sts. Will lease for 5 years at
$350 er month for three years and $450
per month next two years. . See us for
further particulars. Farrish, Watklns &
Co., 250 Alder st.
TO LEASE la Tacoma, Wash., on long time,
to experienced parties, a new, modem fam
ily hotel of 60 rooms, 20 bathrooms, ele
gantly furnished; furniture for saJe on long
easy payment plan; $3000 will handle this
proposition; a chance of a lifetime. Address
P. O. Box 770, Tacoma, Wash.
FOR LEASE Hall, 2Ox50, suitable for lodge
or association purposes; heat, light and
Janitor service furnished. Inquire 711 Cor
bett bldg.
WANTED To lease 20x50 on or near Wash
ington st, west of 19th st. AS 612, Ore
TO LEASE In Tacoma, Wash., on long time',
to experienced parties, a new, modern
family hotel of 60 rooms, 20 bathrooms,
elegantly furnished; furniture for sale on
long easy payment plan; $3000 will handle
this proposition; a chance of a lifetime.
Address P. O. 'Box 770, Tacoma, Wash.
I WANT "a partner to open a dairy lunch,
$200 required; I have the outfit and a good
location. See me at once. Apply H. York,
413 19tb North, bet. 2 and 4 P. M. Sunday.
Take S" car, get off at Vaughn.
GENTLEMAN with XIO.OCO to $15,000 would
like to buy Interest In growing concern,
mercantile, manufacturing, hotel, automo
bile, or florist business preferred. H C14,
PARTY with S4t0tV cash, .take interest In
business proposition that 'will realize $15,-
O'Hi in short time, without any chance of
less. Particulars by personal Interview
only. T 611, Oregonian.
STRICTLY" cash grocery; partner wanted;
experience not necessary; don't require big
Investment ; permanent help wanted more
than the money. Call 417 Board of Trade
WANTED A man with $500 to $1500 to as
sist in platting and selling 60 lots. Big
money-maker. Particulars at SOS Board
of Trade bldg.
WANTED Steady, sober man to help in
stora. Will guarantee good salary, also
share profits Prefer man used to farm
produce. Small investment required. Call
417 Board of Trade bldg.
HILO Ideal gum-vending machines $1.50 each
regubar price $4; have JOOO taken exchange
for advertising ; gum 50 box. Ankrum, 84
La Salle st., Chicago;
PEANUT-vendlng machine operators and thoss
wishing to enter vending machine business
caji learn something interesting by writing
to Larson, 1762 Arlington Place. Chicago, ill.
GOOD business; money-maker. Owner
only. Describe fully. Address S 611, Ore-
FOU SALE A fine saloon on Washington sl. -r
fine trade, good location; cheap. AK 608,
PARTNER wanted to be cashier, etc.; pay
150 month; small capital required. Par
ticulars 417 Board of Trade bldg.
LADY with some capital to er gage In busi
ness with gentleman. Honest, legitimate,
and a money-maker. V 612, Oregonian.
WILL build a 5 O-room steam-heated board
ing house In Nob Hill to suit responsible
tenant. AH 611. Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted to handle standard auto
mobile for Oregon. W 610, Oregonian.
BOOK store for eale. good opportunity for
ne with $15,000. AD 590. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Location for doctor's office,
cheap. Address P 610, Oregonian.
UP-TO-DATE brick yard outfit complete. Mc
Mahon Bros., 4 2d and Division.
MAKE me an offer on Almeda Con.
stock. Must sell. Y CI 2. Oregonian.
BUSINESS wanted; all or half Interest;
$200 to $5O0. Address AF Gil, Oregonian.
or. at best, drawing from 4 to 8 per cent?
If ao. wake up. YOUR MONEY MUST
BE EARNING MORE for those handling it
than what they are paying you for its
use. eio they could not aiford to use it.
see ? Why not luvest your own money iu
a proposition which WILL PAY YOU
DOUBLE what the Interest would be on
any ordinary transaction. If you overlook
this opportunity you are missing a chance
which comes, but seldom and which others
will reauily take advantage of. Amounts
taken from $500- up. Best references given
f nd close investigation courted. K 610,
A fv of our snaps. Don't buy without
seeing this office.
Small notion and dry goods store, sub
urbs, 90 cents on the dollar.
Paying grocery, city, discount. About
$20 ;it.
Dry goods shoes, etc." Clean stock, great
opening, good Valley town. 75 cents 0.1
the doiiar, about $tMjO.
Barber shoo. Will discount nearly half
if sold Monday. About j:t0O.
One of Portland's largest and best-paying
shoe stores for sale at a sacrifice.
Big paying livery business, near Port
land, about $000.
21o Lumbermen's b!d., 5th and Stark.
TO rooms, modern, good location. $500.
Restaurant, lunch counters, money-makers,
Shooting gallery, must go this week.
. Theater, good location, at a bargain.
i Board of Trade. Main 377.
PROFITS $10,000 a YE.F
LODGING-HOUSE. i00 rooms. 133 beds.
NtoS; price of lodging 25 cents to $125;
al ays full and running over rent ios
than $2 a room, with lease; no better
money-making proposition on the market,
price $5250 cash.
O. R. C. ELLIS & CO..
326H Washington St.. Rooms 201 -20"V
I MUST alsolutely prove to you $250 Invested
in patenting my invention will bring v-u
$LO,uuO. quick returns: I wiM.ive one-third
interest in patent; answer t.hi; I htve th
proof; fakers need not answer; "I'll pso
you later fiends." save your time. For in
terview address inventor, Wendell D. Holmes,
656 Lei and, Woodlawn.
$1GOO for a small but . humming goo. I
store, business clearing over $100 a momh,
besides a good living. Strictest investiga
tion solicited. First man who sees it
will take It.
F. FUCH S. 221 V, Morrison St.
REAL ESTATE business; owner wants In
terested help; will guarantee $100 month
salary besiues a share of the profits to
energetic man; duties easily learned; re
quires very tittle money. particulars 41 7
Board of Trade bldg.
40 ACRES of land under cultivation within
miua of Morris, county scat of Stev
ens County, Minnesota; railroad town, pop
ulation 3500; will trade for rooinlng-hou.-e
or real esiate in Portland. See owner, room
519, Goodnough bldg.
SMALL manufacturing business will take
a partner who can furnish good refer
ences as office man; will pav a salary of
Si 0O monthly, and show good profits;
money goes into the business. Call room
523, Lumber Exchange.
LADY wanting to get in rooming-house thr.t
is clearing $200 month, not having neces
sary capital to handle, would like to meet
honest man wno would invent iu same as
partner. w 612. Oiegonian.
LXRYGOODS Man with small capital will
find a good opening fur drygoods store
at front and Gibbs; long low rent ;
new store. Inquire of drugstore. -corner
Front and Gibbs sts. Take S car.
I WANT a partner to take a half interest
with me. buying a furniture and under
staking stock In Washington; clears $sooo
a year, and will take $6000 to handle half
interest. 427 Henry bldg.
If you are a soo-r young man and have
a few hundred dollars we can sell you a
business that will pay 30 a week from
start. Call 2S6 Washington st.. room 612
PARTNER wanted In a sawmill to do office
work; will pay a. pood salary, and guar
antee to show profits of 20 per cent on
investment. For particulars call room
523, Lumber Exchange.
2TOP working for ealary. make something
out of yourself; $io to $5000 year; no
vending. Write immediately. Everett Du
four & Co., Washington. D. C.
PRINTER Owning $800 worth new material,
wants to hny interest In good weekly;
married, sober, industrious. Address AC
612, OregoAian.
FOR SALE A well-paying restaurant doing
a good business; a chaaoa of your life; low
rent, long lease; cause, disagreement of
partners. Apply to owners at 307 1st st.
WANTED The best hotel proposition, citv
-or country, that will handle, bv a
well-known hotel man. No agents. Ad
dress W 607, Oregonian.
HONEST partner in very profitable well-established
pleasant business; no canvassing; no
real estate; $20O required. AH 613, Ore
gonian. $25 MADE) $650 in seven months; $170 mad
millionaire; complete story In our publica
tion, "California Oil Fields." Sample copy
free. Sagar & Loomis. San Franclsoo.
To join owner in manufacturing article of
household use; large demand and profits. Call
286 Washington St., room 612.
FOR LEASE Gold mine fully equipped with
stamp mill, concentrators, air compressor;
operated by electric power. Also placer
mines. AD 600, Oregonian.
CAPITAL wanted to develop and equip first
class gold mine; Investors will be let in
on ground floor. For particulars address
A. M. & D. Co., room 10. 850 Morrlron st.
WANT to lease small planing mill, or floor
.space in carpenter johbing shop, having
few m ac hines, will not in te rf ere. Soldo w .
Main 7476,
WE can locate you In paying business. Be
fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney
A Stampher, 531-532 Lumber Slxchang
bldg. Phone A 4881.
FOR SALE Solid store business, clearing
$40O month. The books and business are
open to closest investigation to interested
person. Call 417 Board of Trade bids.
COMPANIES FINANCED, securities market
ed; railway, industrial, mining, power; es
tablished house. Dept. D, P. O. Box 1922
New York.
WANTED A party with $10,000 to $25.oo
to manufacture on the Coast a well
known line that I have sold for the past
IO years. AG 612, Oregonian.
I CALL on the feed dealers. Have you anv
thing to offer as a side line ? Traveled
10 years through Willamette Valley and
N. "P. points. V 611. Oregonian.
CORPORATION bond issues, $300,000 up
wards, negotiated. L. N. Rosenbaum, law
yer and flnanicial agents, 317 Fern block,
Seattle, Washington.
FOR sale Butter, egg and milk route,
clearing $30 a week over and above all
expenses; trial given before investing. Call
room 523. Lumber Exchange.
aelephone and other bonds bought and
sold Fletcher In v. Co., 225 Abington.
FORCED to take a millinery stock and fix
tures; will sell or trade for real estate, all
or part. Box W 614. Oregonian.
FOR SALE First-class, restaurant in city
of 10,000 people; beat location: near Port
land. Address AB 610. Oregonian.
WILL sell or exchange half interest in old and
well-established real estate office cheap:
have other business. AN fc06, Oregonian.
Z I DELL & DE VENNEY. Room 3, Raleigh
bldg.. Main 432. Real eetate. business
chances, collections and short time loans.
CLEANING and pressing business; none
Oder within 15 blocks; good trade; $U,o
required. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Active partner in profitable,
legitimate business; $1000 required. Y
610. Oregonian.
TO BUY a barber shop, not lees than two
chairs. Address J. A. Burgett, Burlingame,
Kan.. Osage County.
WE invite you to call at cur office, and get
our printed list of business investments.
Room 523. Lumber Exchange.
$100 CASH, before Jan. 1, takes a well-established
paying business; exceptional oppor
tunity. W 611. Oregonian.
HAVE $250O for legitimate business, or part
nership; no agents. V 614. Oregonian.
IOOO ALMEDA raining stock for sale at
40c Y 613, Oregonian.
$70O BUYS job printing plant in city; rare
bargain. AD 611, Oregonian.
RESTAUR A NT for sale cheap If sold at
once. Call In 300 Couch t.
NICE restaurant; good location; cost; ac
count of sickness. Owner, 203 Alder st.
' " - f i " : '