THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 26, 1909. 5 REAL ESTATE. FIVE beautiful acres, blocks from sta tion, on Oregon Electric, 1 miles from city limits- Only $U00. 6 acres, 2 block from above station, H bearing orchard; $5"5. 3 1 acres risht at Lagard Station. 3 acts onlnn land; ail cultivation; less than $350, 14 acres at Bonita Stallone S acres po 't"M. balance small brush; the most beautiful homes tt. See and mak4 offer. A iifiost your own terms. We are spe cialists on olojo-in acrtae homesites. ('UODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bids. 1 TO fl-acre tracts. close to the city, near elctrie line ami macadamld road. r'ared for cul'.i atton. good water supply piped under pressure, fine school close by. 0 ill mail delivery, electric lipht and tele phone service. I 'rice $500 per acre; easy rms. The. Whltcomb Co.. W.i Lumbfr ronrTs bldg., corner 3th and Stark sts. A .fOD buy; 2',i. S or 10 acres, rich soil, some oniun land, on county road, 5 blocks 1 rom stores, hotel, depot and P. O., at 'I'ijiard, on Oregon Electric. Low price of 4-'0 an acre. Terms. This land will x hi ole. In value In a year. 808 Board of Trade Bldg. H ' ACHES, all highly cultivated. at l-'eaverton H. F. Tty. station on grounds; 12 acres in walnut, 3 acres In apples years old, inodtrn 0-rooin house and furniture, team, haiiiesa, wagon and imple ments. loOv bushels potatoes; $sou0. Camp bell A Sanders, Gil! Merchant Trust bldg. 37 ACRES west of OOih st., desirable for platting, central. 334 Mill st. Homesteads. MAKE YOURSELF XMAS PRESENT OP FIVE CENTRAL OREGON HOMKSTEAU. W'lil return to my homestead Dec. 28. an take you with me and locate you on rich level ground in flna large valley ; no rock or stumps; new railroads now build Ink; large community. One people?: saw mill, schools, daily mails. I show you the ground. You pay me a location fee only in event you file. See me and arrange to go. ALAIN S. HAWK, Printer, 8S 3d St. CAM locate you on 820-aenr; homesteads In wheat anfl fruit section near Lake view. Or.: land will raise anything; near survey of Orison Trunk. You had better see me before these claims are all gone. Location fee only S100. Phone Main 297. W. B. HARTLEY, 411 S wetland Bldg. B RELINQUISHMENTS, near Portland; 1 relinquishment, well improved, in Gilliam County; can locate you on Government lands In Tillamook, Lincoln, Crook, Kla math and Lake Counties. Nimino, Runey & Davis. 13 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEADS HOMESTEADS. 320 acres, beautiful level land. Call or write for our booklet, then secure spe cial location offer and transportation for our next excursion to Central Oregon. B. S. COOK A COMPANY, 603 Corbett Bide. TWO good relinquishments adjoining, near Portland, running water and the beat for st ork ra!stng ; homesteads In Tillamook. Lincoln and Jackson Counties. Klmmo, Runey Sc Davis. LI Hamilton bldg. 320-ACRK homestead land locations for $50; locations guaranteed or money refunded. Address E. D. G., Hotel Chrisman. Silver Lake, Or. .Tor Hale Fruit Lands. MT. HOOD DISTRICT APPIE BELT. On western foothill slope of the famous ! lend, some 30 in lies southeasterly from I 'or t land on survey of Mt. Hood electric railroad, pronounced by our most emi nent and disinterested horticulturists as 'containing the largest area of first-class :tpplo land to be found In Oregon," who h re loud In ihelr praises of this favored lo cality, where soil, elevation, air and water drain; go all go to make this an ideal orchard section second to none in the state, with prices from $35 per acre up; any slxe tract : about ona-yuarttT of othnr well known fruit sections. Get our book let telling, all about this MT. HOOD DIS T HIOT, in w hicn much development work is now under way. and hundreds of acres later on. Don't delay, as prices are ad- anclng and sure to double soon. Van duyn &. Walton, 515 Chamber of Com merce. H1LLSBORO ACRES. Fine, level land, ready to plow; raised over 2'K bushels potatoes to acre last sea son. Rich deep soil. You can get from 4 acres up. Only $30 per acre cash re quired. The land will produce the bal h nee. Only short ride from Portland on Oregon Electric Railway station, near the traei. Several men t anted to take small tracts and help develop balance. Call on or vt rite. MOSSMAX McNATR. 408 Commercial Club Bldg. 6PIT7ENBEim HCA PPOOSE ORCHARD LANDS in 1 O. 2o. MO-a ere tracts are sell ing to many levol-headed buyers who know a good thing when show it. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price :tM). $100. $500 per tract. BETTER ill KRY and go with ui by appointment. call ot write fur full particulars. Llb eial terms. MrFARI.AND IMVEfiTMENT CO.. SlO-Al 1 Bldg.. Portland, Or. Merrlt & palmer. Sales Agents. 70 ACRES best apple land in Oregon within 2 mile from city limits; soil deep, no gravel; elevation 1OO0 feet. Owner. Y 611, uregonlan. 820 ACRES walnut and apple land, only $15 per acre; will traoe. 504 Goldsmith st. For Sale -Farms. ONB OF THE CHOICEST LITTLE) BUYS TN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Consisting of 10 acres, about 2. miles from the Oregon City carline, and Is im proved as follows: 8 acres under cultiva tion. 2 acres covered with a few stumps and old logs, ready to be seeded In grass for a little pasture; has a bearing or chard of about 1 acre of different varieties of fruit, about 1 aere of fruit sot out last season, a nice patch of loganberries and raspberries; it is all fenced, has a com fortable 4-room house and hall, a splendid well on tho back porch, little barn, wood shed, chicken runs, with sixt-foot wire; facing on the county road personal prop erty : One nice family driving mare, 1 two-seated surrey. 2 Jersey cows (one will be fresh next month and the other about the middle of April, two nice hogs; nil necessary tools to work the place well ; about 2 miles from Gladstone; price $;KUM: half cash and the balance at 6 per cent on a reasonable time. OTTO & H ARK SON. 1.1S4 First Street. EAR M S FO R SALE. "740-acre v hent farm, -700 acres til 's. Me : 1 70 0 acres in wheat, including a lot of work horses and cattle, all the fnrm Implements and 175 tons of hay. only $14 per acre; terms. Stioo-acre stock ranch: controls 70.000 seres outside range; 8000 head or sheep, a lot of horses and cattle. Price and terms on application. -rt-aore fruit farm, near Newberg, good house and barn, some fruit, all under cultivation." prK-e $:too0; hair cash. (tooo acres in Klickitat County for $5."0 per acre, a lot of It pood fruit land. We have wheat farms from 1 60 to 10.000 .icrcs, from $S50 to $( per arr?. Have number of places we can exchange for city property, timber land or mercantile businesses located In any good town. Call or send for our exchange list. MOORE INVESTMENT CO., 304-305 Honry Bldg. LI ACRES, on the Reedvtile prairie, within 1 i miles of Keedville, on good county road: exceptionally well improved; a home for somebody, and now offered below the market price; wIM take in good city resi dence up to $4noo on this property. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., H fttnrR st. A NICE farm for sale. - mile from Sher- xd: 2o aires nice hind. 10 in cultivation; fruit trees, tt raw berries1, raspberries, ei : good ;:-; ,-ry houe, barn and outbulld uuy: ,.rlv $;too0, $ii. cash. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. Ui2 Third St. mi ACRES, 6 miles from Eugene, main county road; 170 acr-s In cultivation: one nuie from station; $T an acre; cheapest In vicinit v. JOSEPH H. -JOHNSTON, Itfavettd Bldg-. Washington and th. A HVNDRED thousand fruit, dalrv and poultry fiinriR In Missouri, ?i.O per acre and up. For full particulars a$k Missouri S:atC imnitgrAtiou Commipslon. Springfield. Xio. f'Mt SALE by owner. S'-1 acres of best land In Clark County, one-half beaver dam. new house and barn, Ho acres iiimnjt cleared; sickness the only reason for selling. E 610. Orejconian. HOOD RIVER. $M per acre, 220 acres, near Moaler: snap if no lil soon. Howard Land Co.. 420 Swetland bMj. KOR SALE M0 ncre9 of good wheat or al falfa land, situated in Harney Valley, Or.. cheap. Call room 824 Chamber of Com merce bid (j. b END for our list of Willamette Vail ST farms before buying : lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co., Salem. Or. 9 PER ACRE. 120 acres of land; a real snap for quick snle; liberal terms. How ard Land Co.. 420 S wet land bldg. TAMHI UL Count y farm. W a eres Improve meats, $2Ht, terms. 334 Mill st. -Farms. 100 ACRES NEAR PORTLAND. "0 a cre.s In cu ! t i va: Jon. 40 acres bottom land slashed, easily cleared, balance 300.x0 feet saw timber, 5-room iouae, water piped In crek. run through farm, 2 good barns and other outbuildings, all fenced and crose fenced, good team of horees1 and wagon, I mower, 1 bey fork, plows and other email farming tools, 48 head of stock, some chick en. 3," milcA from Portland, good for dairy or fruit, finest soil In Oregon. All goes for $2."i an acre cash; this is a soap and won't last long. DAIRY RANCH JN LINN COUNTY. 1ft acres, 4u In cultivation, 30 eaMlv cleared, balance 1,000,00) feet saw timber and pasture on the banks of the Santiam River, 2 acre? orchard, some small fruit, good 6-room hous?. good well. 2 spring", good creek, barn 2t:xoO with sheds on side and end, root and storehouse. pig pen. chicken houses and other outbuildings. 1 mower, binder, see Jer, rake, plow and other farming toolft; good team of horses and wag n. 19 head of stock 2T, chickens, also household good?, all fenced and "cross fenced, some good bottom land; Albany creamery route gathers cream twice a wtek. Prico $o5 acre, some terms; everything goes. CAMAS, "WASH. 24 acres, all in cultivation. 100 fruit trees. 15 acres can be put in fruit, good 5-room houFe, some house-hold goods, good well, good cellar, 2 chicken houses, barn holds 7 bead, sawmill near place some good out range, all good bLick loam, on H. F. D. 2t mllo from R. R. and boat landing, 25 riile3 from Portland, fine for chickens or fruit. Price $2600. This is a snap. CHICKEN RANCH, ft a c res- in Vancouver, Wash., 2- room house, part cleared, all fenced, .close to car line; good for all kinds of fruit; $1300, terms. "We, have ISA farms to sell or trade, aii in Oregon, from $S00 up to $4O,0CK. We have 43 houses In Portland to sell or trade. "We have 6SO cit- lots to sell or trade for anything of value. What you don't see ask for. Come and see ua and let us know what you want. NIM.MO, RUNEY & TRAVIS, 13 Hamilton bldg. OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARMS. $2500 40 acres, 15 . acres cleared, 18 acres slashed and burned, 4-room houre. good barn, 2 chicken houses, family orchard of 50 trees, all kinds of berries, farm implements, acre of potatoes in ground, root houe, good well and pumps, miles from good town on N. P. R. R. : 2Z acres in alder flat. balance rolling; 1 mUo to boat landing, half mile to school. This Is a snap. Investi gate before buying. Terms are caah. 153 U acres. 4 miles from Washougal. Clark County, 1O0 acres In line state of cultivation, 2,000,000 feet of good suw timber, near sawmill; 5 acres bearing- orchard, mostly apples; xemall creek. 2 good springs; water in house, new 7 room rustic house; 3 large barns, one new. This land is nearly all level, very best of black soil. no rock or gravel, on main county road, R. F. D. and tele phone, near school and church, fine loca tion; personal property. 6 cows, 11 goat. 4 dozen chickens, 15 tons of hay, 200 bushels oat, 25 bushels wheat. 2 wag ons, one new hay pressv new hack, mow er, rake, disc, ail farm implements. Price, including all personal property, $00 per acre; terms $.'t; cash, balance years at 6 per cent. This Is one of the beat buys m Clark County, guar antee as advertised. $22o0 IS Mi a ores, 13 ml Ies f rom Portland. 4 miles southeast of Reed vllle, Washington. County; 8 acres in fine state of cultivation. 5 acres of green timber, balance slashed and seed ed, half acre bearing orchard, all kinds of eroiil fruit, 5-room house, bam 20x30; good well at door, good spring, 14 mile to school, mile to church, R. F. 1. and telephone on main county road; fin location, land all level, very best of soil. J. H. SHIELDS, 205 Gerllnger bldg., cor. 2d and Alder. Office Main 843; residence. Woodlawn 216. Portland. THREE BIO DAIRY MONEY MAKERS. HO acres, E5 in cultivation, all ftmced and cross-fenced, springs, creek and well; 7 -roomed house, 2 large barnp. milk-house, cement cellar, sheds and other buildings; binder, mower, rake, cultivator, spike and disc harrows, plows, wagons, other Imple ments and tools. Complete dairy outfit; 13 cows, brood mare, Jersey bull, hogs, etc. Plenty hay, oats ar.d other crop on place. Family orchard; mile to school; lt mile -to station and boat landing, 27 miles from Portland. Owner stricken with dlffflsa, must give up. Your opportunity; $b500. easj' terms. 11 acres, good part In cultivation, balance fine pasture, some bottom land, 2 miles from station. 27 miles from Portland ; 7 roomed house, bath, hot and cold water. Inrge barn. 4 acres fine orchard; 20 milch cows. 10 head young stock, team, wagons, haxik. bugy. gasoline boat, complete farm ing and dairy outfit, lots of feed on place. 2 miles from boat landing. A money-maker and beautiful home. $t0 per acre; terms. 20 acres. 40 in cultivation, balance fine ipasture land. Situated on Columbia River. 2rt miles from Portland; plenty upland; 55 head "cuttle. 24 being milch cows. 5 horses, 12 hogs, 0 tons hay, young family orchard. 7-roomed house, large barn and plenty other buildings, mile to station. Household fur niture. In fact, just as It stands today. Complete machinery and dairy outfit, etc. 412.0O0 half cash, balance time. ROtgE CITY REALTY ft INV. CO.. 515 Lumber Exchange Bldg. HAY, HORSE. DAIRY OR STOCK RANCH. READ THIS. 435 acres, all rich land : 400 acres level, black land, 875 acres of which is under cultivation, SO acres green marketable timber, good orchard, 6 -room house, large bay, hora and cow barns, atone dairy bouse, spring water piped to house and outbuildings, trout stream through land; no waste land on place; guaranteed that 25 acres more land can be put under cul tivation for not over $250. This place is situated 2 miles from new townslte and terminus of new electric line; adjoins thriving country town and 10 miles from Vancouver on good, level, graded road. Price if sold soon, only $70 per acre; one halt cash. Absolutely th cheapest buy on the market today. Suitable to sub divide. THOMPSON & SWAN. Citizens National Bank Bldg.. Vancouver, Wash. 110 Second JSt , Portland, Or. GOOD FARM BUY. fil acres, all rich, level land; 87 acres ttnder fine state of cultivation, more easily cleared; place fenced and cross-fenced; 6-rooTn house; barn. 58x76. and necessary outbuildings; family orchard of assorted fruits; well and living stream through place; one-fourth mile from school; R, F. D. and telephone service; 24 miles from country town and 10 miles from Van couver, on good level country road.. In cludes 6 milch cows, cream separator, wagon, hack and necessary farm imple ments and crops. For $0500. Terms, half cash, balance 6 per cent interest. THOMPSON & SWAN, Citizens' Nat. Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. HO 2d St.. Portland Or. NICE LITTLE BUY, SITUATED IN CLACK AMAS COUNTY. Consisting of 1S acres, and is about a half hour's walk from the end of the street-car line at Willamette, about 50 feet from the Tualatin River; 8 acres un der cultivation, 3 acres partly under cul tivation, balance clashed and In grass; comfortable house, good cellar, nice little barn ; price. $2000. OTTO & HARK SON. W5H First Street. THE BEST BARGAIN OF A LIFETIME. 70 acres, fine soil, on county road and S. P. Railroad, within SO rods of the town of Yoncalla. Douglas County, Oregon : 7 room house, all necessary outbuildings; 7 acres in bearing prunes, one acre family orchard. 12 acres farm land, balance pas ture and timber; fine cow, chickens, some tools and furniture; price. J32O0; terms. Genuine bargain. Secure It. For further particulars address Cyrus Powell, Oregon City, Or., R. F. D. No. 3. ACREAGE. We have 4. 1. 2. 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts, only li miles out, 40 minutes' ride from 4th and Stark sts. ; some with im provements. either buildings or orchards, and all of the very best of soil; these we are now selling at from $HK to $300 per aere. and payable in Installments to suit your convenience. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., 245 u. Stark SL 30 ACRE farm within S miles from center of Portland and 1 mile east of Oregon city car'.ine; 25 acres all clear and level: best of soil, fine spring, no buildings; right alongside of a nice vegetable farm. Only S:to per acre If bought before option, ex pires. You'll never get cold feet buying th.f s place. If you'll see It once. C. F. Pflugcr & 0.. rooms 4-6, Mulkey bldg., 2d ar.d Morrison sts. 204 ACRES. 3M, miles from Lebanon, Or., SO acres In cultivation, 124 pasture, 5 acres In family orchard; good house and new bams; water piped In all buildings; gaso line engine and pumping plant. Price 514. o.K, or stock and everything $11.000. Geo. H. Morey. Lebanon, Or. Details Oregon Lands Information Bureau, tXKi Board of Trad bldg. THE best 4000-acre stock farm in Oregon; splendid rrass, lots of running water, water piped in house and to barns ; good residence, barns, blacksmith shop, rhlcken h on tees, etc. ; all fenced, part ihree-wire. balance six-wire: low price, part time if wanted ; 1 2 miles from railroad. Phone B UHl, call for Hunt. For bale REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. FARM for sale or trade; 31 acres, near Van couver, 1 mile of carline: new house and barn; or will trade for farm farther out. C. M. Woods. R. F. D. No. 6, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED REAL ESTATE. YOU have property for alr or you would not be interested in this column. Our Fall business has been excellent and we have not enough property on our lists now to meet the demand of our buyers; liberal advertising and hustle spell success in selling; if you want 10 sell, all we ask for Is a reasonable trial. All we charge is rerular commission. No sale, no charge and no extsaa. Come In and talk it over. West Side -property usually turned in 30 days If price Is right. CHAPIN & HE BLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. RELINQUISHMENTS wanted. We pay cash for timber and homesteads. What, have you ? W e a re in a po t io n to sel 1 your farms. We have farms and city property for tal? and trade; give full particulars In first letter. NIMMO. RUNEY ft DAVIS, Room 13, Hamilton" bldg., Portland. Or. 1 HAVE a customer with $,VHX that will huy equity in property, good income up to $15. 000 on We Side; I have another for in come West Side property up to $25,000. Tell me where your property Is if you want to dLs-pose of it. Strictly confidential.) MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. WE ARE In touch with parties wishing to pur chase desirable homes on either East or West side. If your house Is for sale call . and see us or phone Main 6719. THE SOUTHER- ALBERTSON COMPANY. 2S6 Oak t.. Portland. Or. WE HAVE been "very successful in handling city vacant. If you have any vacant prop erty that you wish to dispose of kindly call and see us regarding same. THE SOUTH ER-ALBEKTSON COMPANY. S6 Oak sL Portland. Or. WANTED To buy on straight monthly payments, not less than 6-room modern house or bungalow, near carline and good school; price must be right. A. M. Gregg. 6353 East Main St. WANTED, HOTEL OR ROOMING HOUSE. A good, first-class place if price is right with good lease. Will buy at once. 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227. Main 1903. WE are arranging to do some heavy adver tising In the East, and invite you to list your property with us for the coming Spring business. CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg. WE HAVE party that wants to purchase small, Improved tract near Portland. THE SOUTHER-ALBERTSON COMPANY. . 286 Oak St., Portland, Or. WANTED 5 or 6 rooms, strictly modern bungalow, with fireplace, under $3000 cash; owners only. AJ 613, Oregonian, or phone East 4113. WE want some large tracts of logged -off lands that are cheap. Let us know what you have. The Whltcomb Co.. 503 Lum bermen's bldg., corner 5th and Stark. WANTED Close-In home, vicinity of Eaton Hotel preferred; give price, terms, location, size of lot, etc. AD 604, Oregonlan. WANTED S to 10-room, absolutely modern residence on Portland Heights; south front preferred. Y 003, Oregonian. 5 TO 7-room house and lot In good condition. Goose Hollow. AD 613. Oregonian. FOG SALE TIMBER LANDS. BRITISH COLUMBIA TIM HER Full details to purchasers only, and this price good only for a few days; $370,000 for 28.320 acres of timber, over 800,000,000 feet, with mill In full operation that cost $5G.OOO; also fore shore right and mil Is He, which handicaps all others on the coast by at least $HjO per cargo; worth $60,000: a.lso contract wait ing for 60,000,000 feet of spruce which will about pay for whole of the property; $100. 000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Ad dress the B. C, Washington & Oregon Tiir ber Co., Boring, Or. 12.000.000 feet yellow fir, on Columbia RWer. near Klamath; 160 acres, 60 per cent clear. 10.000,X0 feet yellow fir. lying on both sides Trash: river; 320 acres; near Tilla mook. 4,000.000 feet yellow fir. 600,000 feet cedar, on Wilson Creek; 80 acres. 5.000,00 feet yellow fir. 24 acres, nearly ail tillable land when cleared. NIMMO. HUNEY & DAVIS. 13 Hamilton bldg. 200 ACRES choice fir and cedar on South Fork of Nehalem River; 10,000,000 teet, $6500. On East Fork of Wind River. 3.500,000 for $1800. $1 per 1000 for about 35.000,000 feet of choice fir on river that will log into tide water. 3,000.000 near survey line of new R. R.; A-l fir; $1200 cash. QUEEN INV. CO.. 410 Falling Bldg. 60 ACRES choice timber land, 12 miles from railroad, within 3 miles of good farming section. $22.50 per acre. Ad dress Best- Fuller Realty Co., Grants Pass, Or. Details. Oregon Lands Informa tion Bureau, 6O6 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. $29 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. FOR SALE, cheap, by owners, 780 acres A 1 timber, on the Nehalem, Thlaraook Co., close to tidewater and new R. R. now building; no promoters. This is a snap and It's got to go. O 614, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL timber pictures, for timber dealers, covering every timber belt of Oregon. Campbell & Sanders, 312 Mer chants Trust Bldg. 3000 ACRES of timber cruising 60 M per acre of p. O. cedar and yellow fir. Zim merman, 621 Board of Trade bldg. WK are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher. 531-632 Lumber Exchange bldg. 150.000.000 FEET choice yellow fir In Linn and Lane Counties for sale cheap. Camp bell & Sanders, 312 Merchants Trust bldg. 0,000,000 FEET A-l yellow fir. In township 17 south. range 4 east. cheap if taken soon. 301-302 Lumber Exchange bldg. PARTY with small mill to saw lumber. Particulars. Address K 606. Oregonian. TIMBER and homestead relinquishments. 327 Worcester block. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. 304 McKay bldg. C. J. McCrmcken, FOB KENT FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE. Fine 60-acre tract, near Grsham. all In cultivation, good house and barn, orchard; a real snap; $200 per acre. If trade, must be good city property. Fine 20-acre tract, well located, at Oresh am; fine house and bam, good orchard. A real snap; $lo,50O. Fine 15-acre tract, near Reedvllle, all in cultivation; must be sold: $250 per acre; $250 cash. Fine 2 good houses. East Taylor St.; $6500; a gocd buv. CHARLESON A CO., All Commercial bldg. WE want loOO acres good wheat land. East ern Oregon, to cost not more than $20 per acre. State terms. Quick. 24S Stark st. Phone SOS. FARMS WANTED. WE HAVE parties looking for improved farms in the Willamette Valley ; send description, quote price and terms. 1HK SOUTH ER-A LBERTSON CO.. 20 Otk St., Portland. Oregon. I WANT to rent small place on share?, near Portland. Would like to have a few milk cows on place: am thoroughly experienced. AL 60S, Oregonian. HOMESTEAD, 8 mile from Shaniko. $100 for location. Tabor 184. GOOD farm. Owner only. State price. Describe fully. Address S 610, Oregonian, TO EXCHANGE. WE0L drilling; 2 well drills for sale or ex change for real estate. F. I. Webber, Tl gard. Or., on aiem Electric. 9-ROOMED house. 75x100 grounds, for sak? or exchange; would .take good auto for part. P. O. Box 415. REMINGTON automatic shotgun. good as nvn , 1 or a t j pe nier 01 p;anjara make In good condition. O 612. Oregonian. GOOD paying restaurant for saJs cheap or exchange for lot. Owner. 3S7 First. Phone Main 2266. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. 40 ACRES Hood River land for modern 6 room collage. H 606. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. 165 ACRES In Southern Oregon's famous fiuit belt; pood buildings; 500 apple trees, for good home in Portland. Nice home, furnished. 3 fine lots, excel lent fruit; want suburban home in Port land. Beautiful 9-room house and lot. nicely furnished; want farm near Portland. 120 acres, some timber, fine fruit land; want -rooming-house. 200 acres, lit miles from town; crek, spring (.piped to hou?e) ; 63 acres In cul tivation, 5 acres splendid orchard, full bearing; all stock and implements: good 6-room house, 2 barns, plenty of out range; for home In Portland. 15U a.dres In Yamhill. 140 acred in culti vation, on county road, near station, good house, barn, running water. 1 Oacres near city, highly cultivated, fine fruit, good house; this is desirable. 3 00x100. fine house, close to busine5s; bouse built close to oorner; good apart ment or .flat site. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., ilO Board of Trade Bldg. $15.Ctrt Sightly block cloe in on Portland Heights, biggest value offering, or will ex change for improved propertv. . $12,000 Half block with large house; will exchange for stock ranch equal value. Wil lamette Valley. $2500 An improved five-acre tract close Mt. Tabor; will exchange for close-in flats or dwelling, or Irvlngton lots. $150O Six choice Peninsula lots near Ken ton ; will exchange for bungalow or dwell ing paying difference. JACKSON & DEERING. Phones Mam 345. A 3457. 246 Stark st. HAVE a $4 500 apartment-house well lo cated, , exchange for small farm; also an $S500 apartment-house, exchange for res idence or good acreage. New 6-room house. East 37th St. $3350 Will exchange for farm. About 3."-acre farm, 3 miles "norlh, on Vancou ver Lake, with 14 acres highly Improved, orchard; this Is rare snap at $200 per acre. Might trade on good property. We have largo list 0 homes to ex change for farms and acreage, and vice versa. Call and see CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch Bldg. GENERAL merchandise store, suburbs. For good real estate, about $6000. General merchandise, country. For real esiate, about $7300. 80 acres for equity In house and lot. 40 acres for small business, $llM0. 100 acres. Eastern Oregon, for equity In house and lot. 6 acres Portland acreage for slock of merchandise, about $3500. 210 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and Stark. FULL-BEARING naval orange grove. River side. Cal., $12,000. Income business propertv In Whit tier, Cal.. $3000. Los Angeles residence property. Portland suburban acreage Any of the above property for exchange for Portland city property or valley farm, THE WHITCQMB CO., 03 Lumbermen's Bldg., Cor. 5th and Stark. I'none A 5444. RELINQUISHMENTS wanted. We pay cash 'T Limoer ana nomesieaas; what have you? We are in a position to sell your farm. We ha ve farms and ci t y property for sa le and trade; give full particulars in first letter. NIMMO, RUNEY St DAVIS Room - 13. Hamilton bldg.," Portland. Or. FINE farm of 274 acres.- adjoining city of 4O')0 population, for sale or trade for Portland property; fine team, wagon, Jer sey cow, 75 chickens, house, barn and other outbuildings, young orchard of 175 trees and all farm Implements. See owner, 387 First, or phone Main 2266. t TO exchange for improved or undeveloped Oregon or Washington lands, fine 12-room residence, all modern conveniences, in best part of city, near Wesley an Univer sity and State Normal School. Bloomlng- ton. 111. Apply to J. C. Zeller, Tacoma. Wash. IF YOU want a fine farm for that Port land residence, better see Hartley at once. I have some dandy farms to exchange for Portland or suburban property. When you wish to buy. sell or trade, cu.ll on W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland Bldg. S4 MILLION Slletz timber and some vacant lots, no incumbrance, total valuation 4H3O0, to exchange for unincumbered Pcrt , land property. Address owner, AF 613. Oregonian. WE have six different makes of automobiles to trade for city prcperty; also a HQ-foot cabin launch, 14-horsepower Buffalo en- ine, for sale or trade. Campbell & San ers. 312 Merchants Trust bldg. CALIFORNIA, Improved 21 acres fruit, mel on, potato, alfalfa land, valued $4250 for hardware, grocery or notion store In town of 1000 to 50O0. Henry Hayden, Corcoran. Cal. FARM for sale, or will exchange for im proved city property; 160 acres in the wheat belt of Hodgeman County. Kansas, value $5000. AB 614. Oregonian. HOUSE FOR HORSES. 5-room house. Bast Sixth and Yamhill: will exchange for good work horses. Phone Main 6224. roo m 205. Abington bldg TO trade fine corner in Piedmont as part payment on a new modern 7 or 8-room house In restricted district. L 614, Ore gonian. $200,000 WORTH property for Mexico oheap land; no agents. M 613, Oregonian. GROCERY to exchange for improved city property about $2000. AG 610. Oregonian. FOR 6AXJL Horses. Vehicles sad Harness, MINNIE B., handsome chestnut mare. 5 years old. weighs lu&O, rides and drives, sired by the Blacksmith- also half sister to Lou Miller, record 2:12; also brown Wilkes geloing. safe for ladies' use, large enough to pull surrey; nearly new Studebaker rub ber tire top buggy and harness; one high class McCarffery high arch speeding bike buggy, set gold-mounted harness, single, set gold-mounted Kay collar double har ness; English saddle and bridle, imported lady's saddle, and one heavy stock saddle end bridle, for inspection. See man In charge at 606 Washington at. SNAP- $185 buys nice brown team, horse and mare, weigh 1100 each, set new breeching harness, and new Studebaker farm wagon, all complete: owner must sell; can h apn at 606 Washington st, ; Mr. Weeks; also large worg. norse, stio; two nrst-class deliv ery horses; will give trial and guarantee. FOR SALS Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we ell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. TEAM of horses, weigh 2600 lbs.; good heavy harness, price $225; alwi pair of blacks, well matched and sound, with breeching harness, price $185; big work team just In from grading camp, good harne??, price $135. Call U6 Washington et. PAIR of bay farm or delivery horses, 6 and 7, weigh 2350. with ne-v team harness, $260; big bay horse. : puller, $75; 11O0 pinto, rides and .nr - Q. 294 Mont gomery st. A WELL-SELECTED carload of horses just arrived from Southern Oregon. Weight from 1 to j. wo. age 1 rom 4 to 4 years old. Paul Brumpel, prop., 305 Albina. ave. FOR SALE A very fine matched team; carriage and harness: everything first clas; would consider trade. AL 610, Ore gonian. TWO sets light double harness: 1 set hnavv work harness; several saddles, 3 fine heavy rones, 2. ouggies, 1 stanhope. AK 611. Ore goniaa. TO trade; lot 2 blocks from the bank In St. Johns, cash value $550, for 4 ranch horses, harness and wagon; 1200 lbs. and up. W tfOti, Oregonian. FOR SALE 13 draft mares. 1400 to 1100 some with foal. Nobby Stables, corner t-m ana r tanners. TWO bay horses, weigh from SSO to ttOO. for sale cheap if taken at once. Call- at tast n. or pnone labor 1345. FIRST-CLASS hearr draft and f-tvinr hnrsM always on hand. Sold with guarantee am represented. U. S. Stables. 248 Front, FOR SALE One team well-matched jet black mares, 6 y-ears old, weighing 3100 lbs.,, sound and true. 226 Russell st. WANTED To buy mare or horse : must be active nd good traveler. Roderick 60S Alder, room 20. Honia phone A 4282. ' I AM IN the market to buy horses from 4 to S years old. weight 1300 to 1800; must be sound. Paul Brunsel, 505 Albina ave. YOUNG mare, will sell cheap as owner has no use for her. 971 Williams ave. Phone C 2200. U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies' waiting-room. Prices moderate. 248 Front; HUBERT & HALL, $80 Front, buy sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. A 4-YEAR-OLD shire mare, 1050, In foal price $200. 5j5 Albina ave. WANTED to buy, horses suffering from fis tula. T 612, Oregonian. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale ?S4 Montgomery. $75 BUYS big mule, good true puller. 294 Montgomery. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness, PAIR of bay geldings. 5 years old, welirh 8200; pair of dark grays, 4 and 5, weiyh 3075 ; gray mare and horse. weig 11 1 3040; r-year-old chestnut horse, weighs 1560; pair of dark gray geldings, 4 years old. weigh 2S50 ; span of black geldings, well matched, 6 years old, weigh 20"0; span of dark gray mares. 4 and 5, weigh 2-00: one brown mare. 8 years old, weight 150O; pair of 4-year-old geldings, chunky built, weigh 2010; pair of matched browns. 7 years oid. weigh 2630; this bunch will be guaranteed every way. Call before buying and see this lot. 294 Montgomery street. PAIR of sorrels, horse and mare, weigh 2350 lbs. ; are sound and true, and will be shown to any 1 oad ; a Iso set r.ea vy breech in g har ness and Studebaker farm wagon, for in spec-" tion. OC6 Washington St. Automobile FREE TO PROSPECTIVE AUTOMOBILE BUYERS A BOOKLET ENTITLED "The Story of the Glldden Tour." 'If you are contemplating buying a car read this booklet first? It gives you a detailed description of the course and each day's performance of the different cars, noting the penalties each received during each day's run. Upon request we will mall this booklet to you free. WESTERN AUTO CO., 531 Alder St. FOR BARGAINS !n new or second-hand auto mobiles see W. C. Green, distributor of the "Jackson," 8S-9 North Sixth st. AUTOMOBILES $650 for Franklin touring car. Go. R. Flora, 470 E. Burnside st. AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re paired. James D. Fall, 244 2d st. A SMALL runabout for sale cheap. Call at 263 Russell st. Birds, Dogs. Pet Stock. FOX terrier puppies, thoroughbred, $10 and $15; black and white, and sable and white: they are fine. 1923 E, Irving Take M. V. car to 76th st; walk 2 blocks north. 12 MILCH COWS. 3 with calves; 4 heifers, fresh soon. John Kane, Camas, Wash , or phone Sellwood 445. FOR SALE Buff Leghorn cockerels and pul lets. 1406 E. Stark St., cor. 61at. Phons B 2704. FOR SALE A cinnamon bear, 6 months old. S5d E. 51st st. FOR BALE Fox terrier puppies. East 4223. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. UPRIGHT piano in good condition, cheap If sold at once. 447H Union ave. HARDMAN plario in fine condition, $22&; terms; cost $650v 487 Taylor st. KIMBALL piano, nearly new, $200, half cash. Culver, 623 Chamber Commerce. C. A. TYSON got the lucky number; 400 drew piano. 689 Hood st. HARDMAN piano in fine condition. $223; terms; cost $630. 487 Taylor st. STRICTLY A-l piano, used two months, only $187.50. Call 330 Alder st. Miscellaneous. MACHINERY AND MERCHANDISE PUR CHASED FROM SHERIFFS' AND RECEIVERS' SALES. 5 80-horsepower boilers. 1 50-horsepower boiler. 2 60-horsepower boilers. 1 40-horsepower boiler. 1 20-horsepower boiler. 1 12-horsepower firebox boiler. 1 20-horsepower upwrtght boiler. 1 40-horsepower engine. 1 50-horsepower induction motor. 1 40-horsepower induction motor. 1 2000-gallon tank. 1 Bradford lathe, 33-Inch swing, 25 foot bed. 1 100-light dynamo. 1 200-lIght dynamo. Several heaters and pumps. 60 tons grate bars. Large lot of flanged car wheels. Lot of relaying rails. Ralls for concrete. Cable, all sizes and lengths. Pulley, shafting, belting. 3 lor Iron cars. Boxes, hangers. JL 4-mould Berg brick press. Corrugated iron. Rubber roofing. Pipe pipe Pipe. Eyebeams. Power pump. All our machinery is absolutely in firt clans shape AH machinery overhauled in our machine shop and guaranteed first class. Everything, delivered free . o. b. bars. J. SIMON & BRO.. 244-250 Front St. $10,000 worth of unredeemed pledges for sale for the amount loaned and Interest, this week only, at Uncle Myers', 143 3d at LADIES! FURS! FURS! I have a sale on all kinds of fine, ready-made furs, all my own manufacture. Also Sealskin. Mink, Marten. Ermine skins on hand, which can be made to or der in any style on short notice, very rea sonable. Thfs is a legitimate warning and great saving for you if contemplating on pur chasing your FURS before the holidays. It costs nothing to Investigate, so he sure to call and see the many savings I have In store for you. Having spent' my lifetime as an expert designer and fitter In furs, I promise you satisfaction. A. REINER. 148 Fifth Street. Open evenings. Open till noon Christmas day. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. We sell to all. Contracts taken. Inspection certificates furnished. J. SIMON & BRO., 244-250 Front St. BATH TUBS, toilets, sinks, basins. soiJ pipe and all supplies. We are independent. Sell to all. J. SIMON Ac BRO.. 244-250 Front St. SAFES3 14 second-hand safes very cheap on monthly payments. We have moved from 7th st. to 87 6th st., near Stark. A complete siock or new saies. wail or write today. Portland Safe Co.. ST 6th st. THREE large, flat-top desks, revolving arm chairs, large table, used ona month, re tiring from business; cheap. Main 493 610 Chamber of Commerce. BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices Kirk Hoover, 313 Water at. Phone Main 7451. A 5445 FOR SALE 2 fresh cows with calf; get off at Jersey st. and walk north to 927 North Leonard St., 2 blocks from North St. Johns School. FOR SALE Small safe, containing compart ments; no space for books: will sell cheap; ready for delivery to purchaser about Jan. 1. AK 561. Oregonian. SEW I NO MACHINES Second hand tna . chines, drop head and box top. of ail irakes. at very Jew prices. White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th FOR SALE A diamond . sunburst brooch, valued at $1000, for $050 cash. Phone Tabor 193, or address AL 581, Oregonian. LAUNCH bargain. .Vw 22 bv 4 foot. 12-horse-power. See boat at Mason's yard, foot East Washington st. TO contractors or some factory; tinners' squaring shears complete, perfect condition at one-third value, $12. P 604, Oregonian! SECOND-HAND laundry washer and ma chinery at a sacrifice. Phone Main 9105. GOOD gas range, 4 kitchen chairs and kitchen table, very cheap. B 2763. 1 SIX-HOLE gas range; 1 No. 8 cook stove; half price. Phone Main 777$. FUR coat, same as new. size 36. cost $50, take $12. Mrs. Tanner, 48 Is N. 9th. 600 BUSINESS cards $l If you mention, thla ad. Rose City Printery. 192 H 3d. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.25. Ryder Ptg. Co., 357 Burnside st. Main 5536. NICE fresh family cow for sale. 248 Front. HAY FOR sale, $14 per ton. Phone EJast 146; FOR SALE. CARLOAD fencing wire. Hop. baling and telephone wire. Wedges, sledges and rxfu. Picks, crowbars, mattocks. Nuts ana bolts. - 0 Grain and potato sacks. PIPE PIPE PIPE 2- inch pipe, 7 cents per foot. 3- inch pipe. 12 cents per foot. 4- inch pipe, 13 cents per foot A II dipped inside and outride ; new threads and couplings. Contracts taken for laying pipe. J. . SIMON & BRO., 244-250 Front St. FO R SA at once; It will pa v vo u t in - vest i gate this; chance of getting 4-room cottage at $10 per month, with furniture and 5 cords dry fir wood in basement, for $175: desirable parties can make their own terms; close in. West Side, walking distance. Phone Main 5373. Call 91 P-irk st. THREE nice solitaire d tamond rings cheap, or will exchange for horses, buggies, wagons or harness. M 60S. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LACK centerpieces, doilies, nekwear, trim mings, laundered in the daintiest manner; , also table sets,, nappery; only the finest work solicited; reasonable. AH 608, Ore gonian. LADY, with good, comfortable home, wpuld like to take care of 4 or 5 little chil dren: best of references: prices reasonable. Address AJ 611, Oregouian. WANTED Men's oastofl clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal. " 47 3d st. North, phone Main $273. WANTED Traction engine and logging trucks; box factory machlnerv ; sawmill and pine timber. G. W. Wyllie, Dinuba, Cal. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture; we buy alt kinds second-band mn'B and ladles' clothing. B. 1015. $4 Grand ave. SELL your second-han3 furniture to the ulviuu ur you it ei less. -" nones A 2445. Main Sa51. WANT ED Cloth i n g. best price pal d for ladies and gents necond-hand clothing and shoes 2&0 First St. Main 2080, HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass, pelts, hides, wool. furs. Phones A 761S, Main 5108. J. Leve. 366 Columbia, I WANT good income r business property, from owner onlv. Wwt .i,u- tin nr.0 $15,000. John Mack, general delivery, city. HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furni ture. , Woodard's Auction House. Phone Main 8078. B 1034. SURVEYING accurately done at special rates. See Danforth, Fenton bldg. Main 63. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. WE buy, sell or exchange anything; pay high est prices; sell for less. Main G297. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Responsible parties In every town to represent a Urge mercantile firm, to sell goods of every description direct to the consumer at .wholesale prices. We carry everything to eat, drink, wear or use. Give as reference two responsible parties, or the names of as many parties as you think you, will be able to sell goods to in vour ter ritory. Address Dept. A3, 28 Main st., San Francisco. WANT BETTER PLACE? Government salaries are high and sure. Work is pleas ant and promotion easy. Liberal vaca tions No pull needed. Hundreds of va cancies every week In all parts of U. S. Our . paper tells you Just how you get one of these fine positions. Only lo cents for six months. Money back on request. Send dime or stamps today to Desk 369,' Civil Service Reoord. Washington, D. C. ENERGETIC salesman of good habits want ed to cover Northern California, and to act as general representative In such terri tory for big-selling specialty. Few hun dred dollars, which is fully protected, nec essary to properly handle proposition. Ref erences required. No boozers considered. Exceptional chance of advancement for right man. Address V 613. Oregonian. 500 STRONG YOUNG MEN wanted Imme diately foi firemen or brakemen on near by railroads ; good vision ; account in creasing business; 1000 men sent to posi tions la&t tnree months, $75, $100 monthly. Promotion Address, stating age, weight, height, send stamp. Railway Association, care Ortagonian. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In . eight weeks, help to secure positions; graduates earn from $10 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; -tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 34 North 4th st., Portland, Or. WANTED Young men to prepare them selves for railway mail clerk examination soon: salaries and promotions up to $1500. Our "Book No. 30," telling you of "Posi tions for Life," is Tree. Write for it to day. Pacific eta tea School, McKay bldg., city. WANTED Men at I,os Angeles, electricity, automobfling, plumbing, bricklaying, car pentry, sign painting, trades taught in few months; no cash expense; actual contract work. Write for catalogue. United Trade School Contracting Co.. 230 Allso, Los An geles. WANTED, at once, quick and accurate male stenographer and tj'pewriter, to accompany accountant out of town for about three weeks. Moderate salary. May lead to ner- manent connection. Call at 224 Worcester DiocK, pet. z and 4 o clock today. , RAILWAY mall clerks. custom emnloves. wanted Spring examinations everywhere; commencement salary, $8i.O; rapid advance ment to $1400 or $1500; candidates prepared iree. r ranxiin institute, juept. bio J, Rochester, N. Y. HIGH-GRADE traveling salesman " to sell highest grade line of calendars and adver tising novelties published In America, and appoint salesmen: strictly commission; an exceptional opportunity for high-grade man. H. E. Smith Company, Indianapolis, Ind. SALESMEN wanted Two new articles, which soil like wildfire. Strong advertis ing premium, unique novelties. Liberal commissions. Metal Specialties Mfg. Co., 427 Randolph St.. Chicago. WANTED Salesmen of ability anfl neat ap pearance to call on all merchants in their territory; elegant side line, convenient to carry; good commissions; prompt remit tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati-, O. SALESMAN wanted by largest European manufacturer to sell popular lace and em broidery specialties. Samples 35 pounds; 3 0 per cent commission r weekly drawings. "Wilson. 4il Broadway, New York. WANTED Experienced young man for so liciting automobile liability insurance ; re ply by letter, giving references and salary, to McCarger, Bates & Lively, Failing bldg., city. WANTED High-grade Investment company Is desirous of securing the permanent services of a man competent to handle sales division: must furnish security.- 219 Commercial Club bldg. MAN of tact and general ability to estab lish branches of the greater commercial club of the Pacific Coast; salary $2000 to $4000. State age and present occupation. Address A 008, Oregonian. JAN. 1, SO experienced salesmen sell calen dars, wall pockets, novelties?. Canada to Gulf, Indiana to Pacific, Bond required. Cominissons weekly. Lincoln Novelty Ad vertising Co., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Experienced solicitors; hustlers can make $ft weekly; nothing to sell; ex cellent side line for Insurance men. Ap ply between 10 and 3. 526 Lumber Ex change bldg. A GOOD specialty salesman for Portland and vicinity; one acquainted with accounting preferred; commission basia AG 611. Ore gonian. WANTED Reliable man used to farm pro ducts; will pay good salary, also share of profits; small investment required. Par ticulars 417 Board of Trade bid?. SOLICITORS for FRANKFORT accident and -. health policies; best on the Coast; good contracts to live men; rapid promotion. Inquire 146 2d St., ground . floor. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; good commission; experience unnecessary. Call at office. Gresory Heights, end of Rose city carline. $90 MONTHLY and expenses to advertise, leave samples and collect names. Silver ton Co., E 78, Chicago. I CAN USE 5 more real estate solicitors; no money required; liberal commlfiplons. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st BIDS on plastering, also an experienced gla- zier, also one artistic stucco worker. Apply St. Francis Church, E. Pine and 11th st. MEN wanted: send news Items big daily papers; good pay guaranteed. Write F. W. Fickle, Seattle, Wash. I HAVE proposition that will make good money to energetic salesmen. Phone Main 7195; ask for Mr. Chamberlain. BOOK KEEPER general store, bookkeeper-stenographer country. 2186 Wash. Room 18. GOOD all around salesman country store, sh oe sa ! e sin an. 313 Wash. Room 3 8. HELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.., Main Office 12 N. 2d St. OPEN SUNDAY. . WANTED Jpander. $3.50 up; wood tur ner. $,;,50 ; 4 lumber p tiers, $2 25; mill bands. $2.23 up; vanlmen. $2 up; laborers, $2.."v up. Four fallers, $2.75 and $3; IO buck era. 73; 4 rigging rustlers. $2.75; 4 chasers. S2.73. Large list of new work every day. J SPECIAL NOTICE. We will pay your fare both waa 1 there is not work where we send you. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office 32 N. 2d St. 1500 MEN WANTED. COPPER RIVER RAILWAY. CORDOVA. ALASKA. 96 miles of heavy solid rock side cutting to be let to station men at $1 20 per cu bio yard; loose rock. 60c; earth, 30c Splendid opportunity for gooa roc k men to make big money. Fare. Si5 Shipments 3C 5th, 8th, ISth 20th and 24 Mi of each month. Call or write for full particulars. M. J. HKNEY, 014-15-16 Col man Bldg.. Seattle, Wash. $.1000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made In real esiate business ; no capital required ; we will- teach you the business by mail, ap point you special representative of leading rtr;n estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to a permanent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative. Write for 62-page book free; it will be sure to interest you. The Cross Co.. Dept. 127, Chicago. FIRST-CLASS salesman for Oregon terri tory to soil staple line on absolutely new and exceptional terms. One having spe cialty experience preferred. Attractive contract for 1910 containing liberal weekly advance clause. References required. Miles F. Bixler Co., Cleveland. O. CIVIL service employes are paid well for easy work; examinations of all kinds soon; expert advice, sample questions and book let 3ty describing positions and telling easiest and quickest way to secure them, free. Write now. Washington Civil Ser vice School. Washington, D. O. GOVERNMENT positions Chances never better to secure one of thousands of ap pointments to be made; full particulars as to salaries, positions, dates examinations in Portland: sample questions, etc., free circular. 161 Nat'l Cor. Institute. Wash ington, D. C. EITHER sex can make $4 dally all Winter raising mushrooms for hotels and res taurants, with my spawn, in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Free illustrated Instruction booklet. Hiram Barton, 329 West 4Sth st.. New York. SALES-MAN WANTED St. Louis concent with established businees wishes to engage a competant salesman to sell general mer chants In country; good territory open and will pay well for right man. L 5&S, Ote g on lan. SALESMAN FOR 1910. We have an opening for a clean-cut business producer for the best accident and health insurance for business and professional men ; good contract to the right man. Address T 615. Oregonian. 100O STRONG young men wanted as train brakemen or locomotive firemen on new Pacltic Coast railways, $100-$125 month ly, free pass; send 25c, coin or stamps, for particulars. Pacific Railway Assn., P.-T. Bldg-., Seattle, Wash. SALESMAN Experienced, any line, to sell general trade in pacific Coast; unexcelled specialty proposition. Vacancy after .Jan uary 1. Commissions with $33 weekly lor expenses. The continental Jewelry Com pany, Cleveland. Ohio. MAN with family that understands fruit raising, to take charge of an apple or chard. Will give good lay out to the right man. Must furnish references. Ad dress, R 614, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man ia bank or In sale of Western mortgages, with means to buv working iuteruat in business. State full particulars. Realty Mtgo. Securities Co., Security bldg., Minneapolis. MAN Willing to learn, capable of acting as our representative; no canvassing or solic iting; good income assured. National Co operative Realty Co., 792 Marden bldg.. Washington. D. C. WANTED Live agents everywhere for new httusuhold necessity, used bv evervbodv; new territory; no oniaA4tion; millions sold. Call 9 to 12, Apt. 4, St. Crtix SUd and Wash. WANTED ENERGETIC salesman. Hustlers and experienced salesmen can make $;tooo up yearly; exceptional opportunity to estab lish you need f in permanent growing business. Taylor, Dake bid g. . Roc hest er, N . Y. WANTED First-class shipping clerk for wholesale house; must be experienced and furnish first-class references; state ralurv expected. Apply by mail to West & Slade Grocery Co.. Aberdeen, Wash. SALESMEN Best accident, health policy; old line company; $1000 death. $5 weekly, $10O emergency, $2 yearly; seal wallet free. Ger man Registry Co., 217 N. 7th st., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED A real traveling salesman who has ability, who -will work for us as he would for himself. Call Monday between 10-12. Columbia Nov. Advtg. Co., 4oo Columbia bldg. SALESMEN to carry side line. Best. larg est line of souvenir postcards In country. Start 1910 with big money maker. Gart ner & Bender, Dept. S, Chicago. W E want several good real estate sales men for subdivision work ; auto transpor tation; special inducements to worker. Rabb & Patton. 90 5th st. HONEST partner in very profitable, well established, pleasant business ; 110 can -vnssing; no real estate; $200 required. AH 613, Oregonian. WANTED Men and women everywhere copy letters at home during spare time; $23 made weekly; no capital required. Daisy Rug Co., Baraboo, Wis. WANTED Office assistant who can use type writing machine, and loan employer $600; will receive good security, interest and saiary. X 612. Oregonian. WANT to start you in business. Spare time, at home. Most ingenious money-maker ever devised. Free particulars. F. E. Ab bott, des-k A A, Omaha, Neb. WANT young attorney to enter established office in Central Oregon. Good oppor tunity for young man Just starting in practice. W 609, Oregonian. WANTED Salesmen for the best view and (ancy post-card proposition ever offered. Ad dress Souvenir Post Card Co., 47-49 Mercer st.. N. Y. City. WANTED First-class solicitor for eiectrio light and power in Oregon. AD 601. Ore gonian. WANTED First-class male stenographer for electric light company in Oregon, A D 602, Oregonian. WANTED Photograph and portrait agent; new, winning offer. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $23 week ly; easy inside work; learn business in short time; lessons reasonable. 526 Wash. "WE secure positions for our members. Special membership. Y. M. C- A- BARTENDER wanted: German or Scandi navian. 60 North 6th st. WANTED Saddle-maker, No. 1 flower stamper. Henry L. Kuck. The Dalles, Or. WANTED Men to smoke NEW YORK BOND ' five-cent cigars. BOY wanted to work in grocery store. 293 1st st: WANTED A first-class architectural drafts man and designer, AJ 614, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good' strong girl to assist with general housework, private boarding-house. 168 10th st. GIRL assist housework, small family ; nica home. 748 East Burnside. East 2726. GIRL to cane for old lady. Patton Home, 975 Michigan ave. FIRST-CLASS hair dresser and manicure. Rosenthal Sisters, 90 7th st. WANTED Woman for housework ; family of 3. Phone C 1968. MATU RE woman as assi stent to take xnaa agement Jan. 1st. P 6U3, Oregonian. GERMAN or foreign girl for housework. 895 Clifton St.. cur. 30th. GIRL for general housework, family of 2, no washing. 264 H 7th st. GIRL to assist with housework. Apply 704 Flanders st. PRIVATE lessons shorthand, typewriting, ex pert method. 3"4 12th st. Main 6&K,