THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 26, 1909. NTEW TOD AT. First, Nr. Madison B-story brick building-; income $300 per month. Price $40,000. Near Washington 2-story brirk building, leased for $300 per month. Price $41,500. Cor. 10tii& Yamhill 60x60, one block from Olds & King's new store. Price $42,000. Burnside Street Corner, 50x100. Price $45,000. Oak Street Income corner, 100 by 100. Price, $175,000. Morrison Street Income corner, 50x100. Price $175,000. H. P. PALMENOSES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. STILL SMILING! S93.000 A fliif! new 4-story brick, corner on Second street, paying: about 7 per cent net; terms. 12. 500 A choice "West Side corner, rlope in and on carMne; J000 cash will handle; splendid apartment site. S12.250 24 H acres best Beaverton land; 12 acres orchard. SIO.OOO Two new flats on Six teenth, near Montgomery, rent for $8S; good invest ment; terms. 6.000 Four acres in berries, south of Waverleigh, on Powell Valley Koad, close to car; terms. $ 2.850 That new 7-room dwell ing: west of Jefferson Hlfrh School, near car and very easy terms. S 2.500 Five acres fenced, house, mood well, all in cutiva tion; just east of South Mount Tabor, on Section Line Road, half cash will handle. 50 60x100 on Pippin street; $75 cash will handle; cheapest buy on the street. JACKSON 6 DEERING Piiones, Main .145. A 8457. 246 Btark St. ARDENWALD Lots are 4 7Vi to B0 feet wide and from !h to ino feet in depth, and can be bousrht now on easy terms of payment at iMO per lot and up. Understand we are building sidewalks and wradlngr streets and have already established an escellent water system with an abun dance of pure sprinsr water taken from a. depth of 75 feet from the surface. All these improvements we pav for and furnish an abbtract of title to all pur- " KNAPP 6 MACKEY 312-213 Board of Trade ItulldlnK. A GOOD BUY One-half block from Hawthorne ave.. the best street on tlie Kast Side, seven room bungalow; kitchen: pass pantry, dlnlner-room. sittins-room, reception hall, three bedrooms, bath and toilet, as and electric fixtures. window shades; full cement -basement, with laundrv trays; piped for furnace, ce ment sldewulks and around house. This is a barpain, and a small amount will handle. Call and Bee us about this. RAND, READ & CO. Sin Board of Trade. Apartment Sites IrtOxlOO. corner C15.000 TSxlOO. corner, close in Slti.OOO 300x100, some income S1700 Ovr 100x100, corner $30,000 80x100. Hue K10.500 60x100, Park block SIO.OOO SO.i:ARE UEAl, REALTY CO. 1U Board of Trade. INVESTMENT SNAPS $17,500 i ncome J175 per mo.: secured lease. See me about this. It is worth xo.000. OOC CAA On 4th st.. close in: dD.uUU worth $30,000; lot 30 W7WWV xlOtf; some income. $23,000 k; fun corner lot; a invest in e n t ; deDOt: worth 930.000. Martin J. Higley 132 Third Street. Union Ave. 14 Block I will sell this i,i block for $16,000 and give terms to suit purchaser. WELDON DARLING 61S Board of Trade. $4500 6VX100 on IS"orthrup St.. between 21st .stnd 22d sts. No restrictions. Excellent (location for flats. Geo. D. Schalk Mala 382, A 2382 2S4 Stark ye. NEW TODAY. Many families have been -made happy by Father Santa Clans' gifts of homes in ROSE CITY PARK Dozens of others are now build ing and will be completed early in the New Year. You may have one, too. y?e are selling them on terms that make them Christmas gifts. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FLATS $27,500 Excellent location, East Side; strictly modern. Pays 10 per cent. $15,000 Very desirable flat building on corner lot near Steel bridge and proposed Broadway bridge; pays 10 per cent. Half cash handles an excellent invest ment. $11,000 New 5-room flats. West Side, on carline; good locality; 10 per cent net revenue; $6000 will handle. A.H. BirrellCo. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. WILL. LEASE Building Four floors and good basement, electric elevator. This is a fine location for a furniture store. . It's on First, near Salmon. Re member that all the O. W. P. cars and some other lines will pass this location when the Madison bridge is finished. Portland Trust Company S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 10 miles northwest of Portland and 2 miles from the-United Railways; 15 acres cleared, 15 acres heavy timber, balance easily cleared; never-failing stream of water, on public road, soil rich, land lies well, no rock or gravel ; adjoining good public school. Price only $125 per aore. Good terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 2452 Stark Street. Two Quarter Blocks We have two quarter blocks on the fc-ast S.ide for sale at a price which will pay you to take notice. 100x100 feet, N. E. corner East 32d and Market. 100x100 feet S. W. corner East Grant ana Marguerite avenue. Price for either, $2500. One-half cash. KNAPP A MACKEY, 213-213 Board of Trade Building. West Side Business Lot 40x100 Downtown. Only J22.500. Don't miss it. Square Deal Realty Co. 619 Board of Trade Bldg-. Williams Ave. Snap Cheapest quarter block on Williams ave., 100x100. with fine, larye 6-room house. Owner must have monev. Price is J8000, but we want your offer. Look at it today before someone else snans it up. $2000 cash will handle. Grussi & Zadow S17 Board of Trade Bldg-.. 4th and Oak. KINGS HILL For Sale The Blyth residence, 713 West Main street. Two lots. RISSELL 4t BLYTH, ConMiimiltk Bldar. $4200 n the S. W. come Irvinfrton. 100x100 on the S. W. corner 19th and Knott sts., Irvington. Geo. D. Schalk Mala 382, A 2382. 24 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable rates. CLARK COOK COMPANY, C Board of tliilLtil o. PkoDM ala MOT, A SUoil. GEORQE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches. V 12S Worcester Bide Phone. Mala 371. A 401s. KEW TODAI. PICK OUT A HOME $1600 $1800 $2000 $2000 $2150 $2400 $2500 $2600 $2800 $3000 $3000 $3200 $3850 $4000 $4000 $4750 $5000 $5250 $6500 100x100, with 2-room house, cor ner 18th and Sumner; part caeh, balance monthly, tiood 6-room cottage on Gibbs St.. near First: snap. 100x100, '3-room house, corner 1st and Terwilliger, South Portland.; part cash. Good 6-room house on Grover St.; S00 cash, t2o per month. Nice 5-room cottage, on E. 3oth, near Belmont; JdOo cash, 130 per month. New bungalow, 5 rooms, full lot, 15th and Alberta sts.; good terms. New bungalow, with latest Im provements, on 1st st.; terms. New 5-room bungalow, modern, E. 19th. near Alberta; full lot; $1000 cash. J15 per month. Nice modern 6-room. 2-story house, corner lot, at Anabel; part cash, $25 per month. Brand new California bunga low. E. 19th, near Alberta; 500 cah. $30 per month. 8-room house, lot 50x80, E. An keny st., near 33d.; part cash, balance monthly. 10-room boarding-house, com pletely furnished, with piano; on Corbett st. ; terms. A snap. Good 8-room house, on 1st St., near Meade; easy terms. Modern 6-room house, complete ly furnished, new; on Corbett st.; swell home. 10-room bouse lot 50x100, on Cor bett at., near Gaines. Swell modern 7-room house, in Piedmont, corner lot 50x100; part cash. Bung-alow and house, both furnished. on Corbett st. Some terms. Modern, up-to-date bungalow, rooms, on Tillamook st Rose City Park; $2250 cash, balance to suit. Swell modern 7-room house. 60x 100 lot, E. Madison, near 21st. ; $3000 cash, balance terms. A LOT BARGAINS $ 550 $ 700 $ 750 $1200 $1500 $1600 $2350 60x100, Orchard Place, half cash, balance terms. 50x100. on Virginia St., Southern Portland; easy term. 60x100. E. 33d St., near Clinton; easy terms; snap. 100x100. corner 14th and Karl sts.; $300 cash, $20 per month. 60x100 business corner, 23d and Division; business all around .it. 95x100. corner on Alberta st.; bargain. 1554x210, block on Stanton and Sandy road; beautiful building spot. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Lots are 50x100 $500 TO 3700 EASY PAYMENTS COMPLETE ABSTRACT WARRANTY DEED On Montavilla Carline GEO. D. SCHALK 264 Stark St. Main 392 A 2392 Fifth-Street Apartment Site Quarter block of solid ground. Absolutely a walking proposition.. Will net 15 per cent on the invest ment. Two minutes to City Hall. Three minutes to Courthouse. Four and a half minutes to Post office. Five minutes to Hotel Portland, new Heilig Theater, Corbett Building and Meier & Frank's store. Six minutes to Oregonian building and Washington street. Seven minutes to Chamber of Com merce and Wells-Fargo buildings. Property unequaled for Investment and ripe for improvement. For prices and terms see Henry E. Reed 637 Chamber of C ommeree. BUSINESS' CORNER OX N. 23d Street PARTLY IMPROVED. With additional improvements, at small cost, can be made to pay S NET PRICE, S25.000- LOUIS SALOMON &CO. 233 Stark St., near Second. ACREAGE Any sized tract you desire, from 4 acre to 20. and only 40 minutes' ride from 4th and Stark sts.. on Southern Pacific road, soon to be equipped with motors, and this choice property can now be had at $100 to $o00 per acre NOT PER LOT; and you mav pay for it in easy Installments. Station on the . ground, office and Btore at station. The community de velopment will decide for you after an investigation. Call and arrange with us to go, with out expense to you, and examine this location. The Shaw-Fear Company 245 Stark St., Portland, Or. DO YOU WANT A HOME? I have several new houses, ranging In price from $5000 to $8500, in restrict ed residence district; modern, with all latest improvements; terms to suit. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. Wanted Moneyto Loan We have a number of applicants for very desirable mortgage loans, ranging from $506 up. We can place your money on well-secured mortgages at 7 and a per cent net. Our 22 vears' ex perience In mortgage loans is at your service. M. E. THOMPSON CO., Foarth and Oik Sta.. Matin SOS4, A 3327. ACREAGE Within the 5-cent limit, on the O. W. P. Ry. we have acreage; excellent soil: all cleared and cultivated. From $900 to $1000 per acre. Easy terms. KJfAPP A- MACKEY. S1S-X13 Board of BuildlnjT- JONESMORE KEff TODAY. NEW STATION A new station, the best on the line of the O. W. P. Ry., haa been built at ARDENWALD And cars are' making regular stops there. Land values In that vicinity are jumping in consequence, but we can sell you lota In this beautiful suburb at the prices and terms that were estab lished two months ago. ARDENWALD Is essentially a home addition, where we have a suitable building restriction, and our prices are absolutely at the head of any real estate opportunities of the year. ARDENWALD Lots are 47 H to 60 feet wide and from 95 to 100 feet in depth, and can be bought now on easy terms of pavment at $360 per lot and up. Understand, we are building sidewalks and grading streets, and have already established an excellent water system, with an abundance of pure spring water, taken from a depth of 75 feet from the sur face. All these Improvements we pav for, and furnish an abstract of title to all purchasers. ARDENWALD Is the first station east of the Golf Links. 6c fare, with transfers to all parts of the city. ' Take Cazadero or Gresham car. .Agent on the ground.. KNAPP & MACKEY 2 12 -2 IS Board of Trade B nil dins. 5-ACRE TRACTS On Hillaboro Electric Road, only seven miles west of city. Land almost level. Good soil. -Station only a few rods distant. $175 to $250 per acre; easy terms. F. S. AKIN 623 Chamber of Commerce. STREET 75x100 Corner Park, with frontage of 100 feet on Burnside. Price $60,000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. APARTMENT HOUSE New three-story fireproof concrete building. 14 complete apartments- .com prised of thtee large rooms, with re ception hall, closets and beautifully equipped bathroom, disappearing- beds, kitchen cabinets, automatic gas heat ers and ranges; also steam heated throughout, cooling closets, etc. - Both phones in each suit. Automatic elec tric passenger elevator. Every con venience. One block to carline. West Side. This is a beauty. Very cheap and good terms. NORTH PACIFIC REALTY COH 60S Commercial Block, 2d and Wash. REAL EST A TIE DEALERS. Andrew, JP. V. c Co. M. 3341ft. SO Hamilton bid. Beds, William a.. 312 Falling bldg. B'rrell, A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loan, etc. Bru baker A Benedict. 502 McKay bid. M Chapln A Rerlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B- S. A Co., 508 Corbett bldg. Fields. C E. A Co., Board or Trad bids;. Jennings A Co, Mala ISA 30d Oregonian. KIRK A KIRKHAM. Lumber Ex.. 226 Stark. Parr'sh, Watklns A Co., 250 Alder st. Schalk. Geo. r- 264 Stark st. Main or A 32. Sharker, J. p. & Co.. 122H Sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holiaday Addition) M. E. Thompson Co., cor. Fourth and Oak at. Walker, ft. T., 604 Corbett told. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Lots. THIS Is a bargain ;-fot 50x150 feet, 100 feet off Union ; close in, S -350 ; all 1 m pro ve in en t paid; immediate need of money cause of sacrifice. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON', 32-8 Lafayette Bldg., Washington and 6th. SACRIFICES SALE. Apartment or flat location, walking dis tance. Earn. Side comer. 50x1 OO; $15oO. all caah; street improvement bonded; perfect title: similar property held for $3300; must raise money at once. AC 602. Oregonian. LOTS FOR SALE in Mlnthom addition to Portland, In Clackaman Co., $20 to $50; Surchaaer'a terms. Inquire by telephone. Iain or A 20&6. 1 lftO FULL lota, near Un ion ve. , cloee in ; asphalt street cement walks, beautiful parking, sewer, gas and frater all in. .MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third at. LOT $300, 10 PER CENT CASH. Close to carline, north of Piedmont. GILMORE & RITTER, 29ft Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. BEAUTIFUL RESERVOIR PARK LOTS. 6c fare; 273 to 1500; lo down. o01 Henry Bldg. 40x50 EAST 28th and Sandy Road district, suitable for cottage: price attractive. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU own lot will build you a house ot terms. Eastman Oo., 303 Ablngton bids;. Main 3234 MT. TABOR for choloe Iota on the West adope of Mt. T&bor. See Jam. Wilson, end of Hawthorne carline. Phone Tabor 1560. WEST SIDE LOTS FOR 5O0. Improvements In, 27 minutes from 3d and Stark. Afternoon. 432 Mohawk bldg. CHOICE corner lot, seven minutes out; central ; East Side; suitable for two houses; $2000. W. H. CNeiiL 22 11th St. ?25 CASH. $5 monthly, buys fine corner lot near carline, $473. 420 Swetland bldg. FOUR lota in Fareport for sale. 41. P. O. Box LOT 50x100, east front. $1500. AE 813. Ore gonian. SIX East Tabor lots. $510. $0 cash. $23 per month. Tabor 184. REAL ESTATE. For SaleLots. BUT ANT OF THi-E THIS WEEK AND SAVE K.O TO $300. H AW T HO R NE A V E N U E. Beautilul lot 5Oxl0 on East 34th St., 2 blocks south Hawthorne; east front; street lmorovements la and paid. price, $1150; good terms. KILLINGS WORTH AVENUE. Full 4 block, 3 blocks of car barns; all street Improvements in and paid. This is. a dandy buy and will be worth $t300 next Fall. Price for quick sale, $4300, and good terms. KILLINGSWORTH AVENUE. 50x100, inside ; all street improvements paid. A snap at $2200. These two buya are the cheapest on the street. Look them up. EAST NINETEENTH STREET. 40x100, near Everett. A genuine bar gain. Price. $ 1230; good terms. JESSUP STREET. 50x100. on Jessup. 2 blocks Killings worth and 1V4 blocks Patton ave.; lot Um flno; small house; street graded and ce ment walk to lot. Price, $7w; ternis. CAR MEN. TAKE NOTICE. Fine lot and good 4-room house, two blocks to car barns at Piedmont; house now rented $10 per month. Price, $1300; H cash. E. R. MARK H A M, 203 Gerlinger Building. Second and Alder. TELKWA. THE COMING CITT A SPLEN - DID OPPORTUNITY FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR to buy lots in the busy town cf TELKWA, the commercial center of the famous Bulk ley Valley. British Co lumbia. TELKWA Is the -largest town between Edmonton and Prince Rupert, on the Grand Trunk PacLle Railway. TELKWA is the center of the richest coal and mineral region in British Co lumbia. TELKWA is the natural trading point of a splendid agricultural country. The coal fieltis near TELKWA will fur nish fuel for the western division of the railroad. TELKWA has the strategic lo cation for the largest city In Central British Columbia. Every $loO invested in Telkwa lots now will te worth thousand when the railroad Is completed. A good residence lot for $3X', and business lots for J 300. easy terms; no taxes, no in terest; absolu'-.e title. TELt.WA lots are going f at and prices will advance Feb ruary 1, IttlO. Write for full informa tion. NORTH COAST LA7JD COMPANY. LTD. General Offices, 410x411-412 Winch Building, Vancouver, B. C. BARGAIN in Gray's Crossing lots; 167 feet dep ; Just the place for chickens and fruit; convenient to Mt. Scott car; only $-50 each; $25 down and $10 a month; no restrictions. Do you want a lot at Piedmont, next to Union ave.? 60-foot lot at $SO0; easy terms. Must sell Rose City Park lot, street ira prevements paid: $500, this week; v down, balance, $10 a month. SOS Board of Trade bldg. SNAPS. Fine residence corner, one block from Alberta car, Vernon, $650. Business cor.. 50 feet, on Klliingsworth; buyers knowing; this district will appre ciate; come quick. Fine business corner, 100x100. Alberta St.. Vernon; best snap on this street; in vestigate. Jennings A Howe, 122 West Park., Cor. Washington. PORTLAND Here Is a money maker: A little tract containing 11 lots, TRUST Rose City Park district, all cleared, platted. Price, $300 CO. per lot; must be sold as a whole. These will sell for $600 this Spring. See us for terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 65x100 1RVINGTON, near carline: beautiful lot; price 20OO. 40x 50 West Aide. $2730. 60x100 King's Heights. $6000. 50x100 (2 lots) $1500 each. 63x100 $2000. :Hx100 $2730. , 60x100 $2600. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bid. BE TOUR OWN perpetual Santa Claus by buying this fine lot of ours in Irvington. Within walking distance, near Thompson st. All improvements In and paid for; nice are light in front. Only $1500, 1-3 c&eh down. This will present you with a nice Increase every Xmas. C. F. Pfluser A Co., rooms 4V-6 ' Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison ats. HOMESEEKERS AND SPECULATORS. I have two lots on Portland Heights, 60x100 each, on car line. The land is practically level. Fine view. Surrounded by beautiful homes. This Is an oppor tunity for one to secure a home si to on Portland Heights at a very low price. Ad Joining property Is selling for twice the amount. $J50 each. Terms to suit pur chaser. AL 605, Oregonian. NEW MAPS. 1. Latest map or Portland. Or., giving new additions, electric lines, etc 2. 25-mile circle of Portland wurrounding giving townships, ranges and section num bers, new electric Hues and raiiroa-i. etc. Price 50 cents each. Send -stamps. The Croasley Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND Hawthorne ave, Ipt, 50x120, near East 40th. Remember. TRUST all property along Hawthorne v.;iJl advance when the Madl- CO. bridge is finished- Price $1300. PORTLAND TRUST CO-, S. K- Cor. Third and Oak Sts. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. $150 buys lot. new addition on Oregon City carline, 25 minutes from business center, $3 or 55 per month; best soil on earth; good place to keep chickens and cc w. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO., 3263 Washington St.. Room 513. $800 50x100, NEAR new Jefferson High School; cement waik in and paid; cash. $ti50 Nice level lot 50x114. north of Pied mont, street graded. Bull Run water in, $10 per month. Who has a lot or two or farm to exchange for house? E. M. PITTENGBR, 1095. Maryland ave. LOT BARGAINS. $1000 50x100, Brooklyn Heights $2."rO lOOxlOO, corner. Grand ave. $30'M SrtxlOO, corner. South Portland. S5OO0 50x100. Johnson st.. Nob HilL FRED C. KING. 506 Commercial Block, 2d and Wash. ON THE LINE OF THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY. Ft. George, B. C, the coming Spokane of British Columbia; lots SIO down, $10 a . month; no interest, no taxes The Whlte B urban k Co., exclusive agents for Port land. 410-11 Merchants Trust bldg. HOLLADAY-IRVINGTON CORNER. TOxloO cor. on Hancock st. for $2300; easy terms. R. F. BRIAN & CO.. 605 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227. Main 1863. BEAUTIFUL quarter block on Clinton st., near 33d; right on the carline; beautiful elevation. No finer place for a residence site Can be bought for $12'.0.99, if bought at once. C. F. Pfluger & Co., rooms 4-6. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison stst. PORTLAND West Side corner lot, on Vaughn; improved street, nice TRUST view. price. $3OO0. PORTLAND TRUST CO CO. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak fits. For Sale Houses. 10-ROOM house on a corner lot. West Side a neat place, for 50OO; will take a resi dence or good lots on East Side tip to $3500 as a payment. HENKLE A HARRISON. 511 Gerlinger Bldg. MODERN COTTAGE Just built and occu pied only a few months; modern and up to date, with beautiful, sightly lot 5Oxl00 I must leave the city and will sacrifice chis choice property. Pull Information at 410 Falling bldg. 6-ROOM house on East 27th st., near Stark streets all improved; window screens, hades and a good range, all for $2600. HENKLE A HARRISON". 511 Ger linear Bldg. $3OO0 6-room house on East 32d St.. near Morrison. This is a comfortable home and an excellent buy. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow with large basement and attic, lot 50x126 feet; good lawn, fine variety of roses; a splen did buy at $3000; term a Call at 45 Harold st. ELEGANT new home. just completed; strictly modern ; West Side. exclusive neighborhood; $8600; half down; worth $10,000. 612 Swetland bldg. " $2500 NEW 6-room bungalow two block to car, $250 cash, balance to suit. North. Pa cific Realty Co., 605 Commercial blk., 2d and Wash ins ton. RENT MONEY BUYS HOME. $2o down. $25 per month. 5 rooms, bath, hall, closets, pantry, basement, attic, linen closet, china closet. Phone owner. East 274L $yv A good 4-room house and lot 50x133, on Mt. Scott carline; the best bargain to be had on 5c fare; only $300 down. t MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third mt. GOOD house and lot for sale, or will ex change for acreage, or good auto. P. O. Box 415. MODERN. 5 rooms, full basement, furnace, excellent neighborhood, bet. 2 carllnes. E Salmon near 2-3d; $3SOO; terms. B 24S3. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. HOME AUTOMOBILE VACANT LOTS. I must sell be-to re the month closes, and I will make a bargain price. Please call me up today and talk to mf, My beautiful home, 7-room bungalow, hard wood floors, etc.. cheap at $tk"0; but It in the Summer and occupied not 5 month-. I will make a bargain price, or on both hme nd auto, a 5-passnsr 'tudebaker. Will make terms- about one-third by taking both. I will mvil tor cafh a corner 50x100 ft-, oor. TtiluTwook and Cornell, Rose Cltv Park, one block from car. for $3iX; Jut'$2oO under market price. A one-third interest in block of 14 lots, block corners on cariine, equity well worth $2000, for $13oO cah. All above property includes street im provements. Phone C 121. Address W 613, Orexonlan. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. 6-room house, piped tor furnace, fire place, walls tinted, gas and electric lights, full basement, pass pantry, woodlift, nice hall, bath, large closets in bedrooms, small corner lot, fine lawn and roses; handy to hleh school and walking distance to busi ness; easy terms and only small payment down. HENKLE A HARRISON, 311 Gerlinger Bldg. IRVINGTON. New 6-room house, full cement basement, wash tray, furnace and toilet, in basement, hardwood floors throughout flr-t story, ele gant fireplace in living-room, solid paneling in dinfns-room. window feats, etc. Three large bedroom" upstairs, a leu elegant bath-, room. Large attic. Improvements all in and paid for. Price $5Cv. goo-i term. NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO., 605 Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. A GENUINE SNAP. Must sell at once, and am therefore of fering away under value mv new 7-room. strictly modern house. Just completed ; this will make an Ideal home, has fur nace, stationary tubs, electricity and Kas. extra-toilet, sleeping balcony and. full ce ment basement; in lino location. 1 M blocks from Union ave cars. Price $3600; tasy terms. M 614. Oregonian. BUNGALOW, on East 3-itb near Hawthorne ave.; a modern home, that must be sold In the next 30 days; owner has gone East and must have money; price. $24".0; with furniture $30O0, and $300 will handle and $20 per month. RAND. REED A CO.. 316 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON A nice 6 -room cottage on beautiful lot, 50x100; nice shrubbery and fruit trees; full basement and modern plumbing, gas, etc. Walking distance from business cnter. Only $3600, $000 cash. This is an ideal place for an elderly cou ple without children. Phone C 1290. FOR SALE. Modern 8-room hauae, completely fur nished, including high-grade piano.. $SO00 takes the entire proposition; $3300 oaah. bal ance 4 year at 6 per cent. Call at office, 822 Chamber of Commerce, or at 178 East lttth- t after 5 P. M. HOLLADAY PARK. Very desirable new 8-room house on 00 f oot corner let, east and south frontage, hardwood floors and hot-water heat; ha. Li cash, balance 6 per cent. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. COM PORTABLE SMALL HOME. 5 rooms. block from car, nice local ity, lot 4Sxl00; don't delay If you want this; $2350; only $400 cash, balance easy terms. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, 32-3 Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and 6th. $100 CASH Bay beautiful 5-room bungalow, Woodstock carline; lot 60x100; soil ths beat In Oregon, with full cement basemen t, fireplace, Dutch kitchen ; prettiest home in Portland ; pay ment 420 per month. National Realty A Trust Co.. 326H Wash. st.. room 616. A BEAUTY. 6-room house with sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace, elegant fixtures, full lot. 1 block from good carline, nice residence surroundings. Price, with terms, $4000. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. $3300 AN exceptionally well located 6-room modern house, east front, cor. Maryland ave. and Church st., one block to car. near new Jefferson Hish School and public wchool. This ia the district in which values are in creasing. See this before you buy. E. M. PITTINGER, 105 Maryland ave. NEW 8-room bungalow, large living-room, den, fireplace, cement basement, walks and steps; all modern plumbing and con veniences; fine neighborhood, near car; East Irvington; cheap and very easy terma G 607, Oregonian. FINE home, on 18th and East Taylor, with modern improvements; 7 rooms, sewer, water, gas and electric fixtures, piped for furnace, and $1000 cash will handle. RAND, REED CO.. 316 Board of Trade Bldg. $3500 N E W 6-roo m bu n galo w . Holiaday Park addition. Dutch kitchen, full basement, full lot. cement walks, improved street. Two blocks to car: good terms. North Paclfio Realty Co., 605 Commercial blk.. 21 and Washington. 6-ROOM HOUSE. On Thurman street, between 24th and 25th Btreets ; low price for few days and reasonable terms. A- H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark: 6-ROOM modern house, on San Rafael st. ; gas and electricity; streets Improved; lot r0x14.5; $lOOO cash and easy terms on balance. HENKLE A HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger Bldg. $1700 6-room house, not finished, on William ave., full corner lot. $330 will finish U com plete; $12uO to handle it; this is a fin house and a genuine snap. MARTIN J. HIGLBY. 132 Third L INVESTMENT. $2000 T-room house, large lot, near East 9h and Alberta; will rent $1R per month ; snap for quick sale. 420 Swet land bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow in Kenllworth, handy to car; sightly; full of conveniences; full lot. A good, buy and on easy terms. HENKLE A HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger Bldg. (-ROOM bungalow cottage, new and; mod ern, sightly location ; terms to suit; $750 below actual value. Call on owner, 410 Falling bldg. 6 2-8 FEET, corner, on McKenna ave , two houses, one 3-room, other 7 rooms; St. Johns carline; $2000. Campbell & San ders, 812 Merchants Tcust bldg. IRVINGTON. 8-room house, furnished ; 100x100; In come $30 per mo. ; on carline ; this Is s good buy. AH 610, Oregonian. DO you want a home? We have the biggest list of the best bouses at the lowest prices and on the easiest terms. II art man & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. BUY a home from me on -easy terms. I have a dandy 6-room bungalow, hard wood floors, 13600. S. D. Vincent, 420 Lumbermen! bldg. $200 CASH, balance at $10 per month, will buy a nice modern cottage, near the Pied mont car barns. 410 Failing bldg. MODERN 7-room house, full basement, elec tric and gas, corner lot 50x75 feet, two blocks from Union carline. Price $4300. 100 ACRES of good appls land with a new 7-room house, some Improvement. Also other property for sale. 410 Broadway. MODRN house and 50x100 lot. ICenil worth . ave., a snap at $2700. Campbell & Sanders, 312 Merchants Trust B.dg. JUST complet-ed, elegant home; positively modern; West Side; $8500. AF 609, Ore gonian. BEAUTIFUL new S-room modern home; Ji block from Irvington Club; $7200. L 601. Oregonian, WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co, M. 1618, A 2SS4; all covered wagons, and experienced men. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. 496 East 20th c North. Call and see It. T-ROOM house, 2 lots, close in on carline; all kinds of fruit; good basement. Phone Woodlawn 1896. MODERN 5-room bungalow, lot 50xlOO, on 27th. $2750. Campbell & Sanders. 312 Merchants Trust bldg. 7-ROOM house, furnished ; income $40 per month ; 50 1O0; near carline; this Is a good Investment. AK CI 4, Oregonian. 10-ROOM house on Roosevelt- st. ; rent $25.50 per month, $3300, full basement. MARTIN" J. HIGLEY. 132 Third at. VERY handsome new 10-room house, swell est location. In refined Irvington; $8500. AG 607, Oregonian. $2700 Beautiful bungalow; $300 cash, $25 monthly. 343 East 51st., Dr. Darling. COZY modern 6-room house, $3000; $2o0, $25 monthly. Phone Woodlawn 1799. IRVINGTON New 7-room. furnace, fire place. $5000, terms. 334 Mill st. NEW 6-room modern cottage, good resi dence district; terms. Phone Sellwood 21. MODERN' 7-room house, 2 lots. 100x100; 180 Willamette boulevard ; 1 block from car. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hons HOMES AT ANY PRICE YOU WANT. stKHK) A fine business corner, four lots 50x1 OO each, and a 3-room house, between Williams ave. and I ' nton ave. ; improved streets, cement walks. Will exchange Tor wWl -Improve! farm with stock to twice the value and ray difference. J 53U0 A tine 7-room residence in a re-..-stricred residence district with tine homes all around; has a furnace, cement base ment, double wails ami floors, tight and commodious rooms; Just off Willhuns ave. and close to th new hish school. $4ti00 A beautiful modern home cf 7 rooms and reception hall, furnace, wash truys. combination ga. and electric fix tures, a fino larce corner lot 5. l-::xlOO feet. 1 block Hawthorne av.'uinso in; no of the nicest resKlence districts; scnor and street improvements in and paid for. 1 4301.1 A beautiful new modern 7-room bungalow, wit !i fireplace, piped for fur nace, hardwood floors, everything in the way of conveniences to make the house wire happy; llOvllu ground; clos-e to car. J,i6o0 A strictly modern Irvington home between Tillamook and Thompson, close to car; $600 down, balance easy payments. $600 This is a modern 5-room cottage, with porcelain bath ami all modern con veniences, on Kenilworth ave., close to Clinton-st. carline. 11 $2000 A nicely furnished 6-room mod ern home, porcelain bath, patent ' toilet and a beautiful lot, close to Brooklyn car; $S00 down. --",f A well-built plastered and mod ern home of 5 rooms, porcelain bath, pat ent toilet, basement, fireplace, pas pan Try, poultry house and park. 2 beautiful lo's. 100x120 corner, clobe to car; easy terms. $1700 3-room modern cottage, on Spo kane ave., close to car and nice lot; $600 down. $1000 Yonr choice of two fine homes at this price; one of 6 rooms, porcelain bsth. toilet and lavatory and half-acre of ground, all In cult 1 vat inn, with lawn. roes ad frurt tre-: the other a beauti ful new 4-room bungalow, .ii modern and convenient with a very desirable lot. In H iff n land district. $600 2-room ceiled house, woodshed. Soultry house and park and 2, lota- $ locks car; terms. THE DUNN-LA WRKNCR CO.. 24S Alder St. $6uO0. Fractional lot at 2d and Wssurt. with new 7-room house, built up to date, full cement basement, furnace, laundry tubs, fireplace in living-room, four large sleeping-room) and bath upstairs. 15 minuted walk to 3d and W aeh ing to n st. W ii 1 ell on very easy terma T. SCHALK, 264 Stark sl. Main 392. $47n. HOME DIRT CHEAP. IRVINGTON. HOLLADAY LOCATION. With all modern improvement, living and dining-room, beam ceilings, Uncrusta pan els and plate rail in the dining-room, tile grate with fine mantel. library paneled in lir. furnace, complete bathroom, with best plumbing; also mi extra toilet: electric and ga? fixture, full cement basement, cement wash tubs, house with 8 large room, two storeroom and large closeus. very good lo cation, near both the B:-oadway and Irving ton carlince. Price, $47.V, by installments, with only $750 down. It will pay you to buy now; It's a bargain. Phone Saturday or Sunday. East 728. Store phones, B 1362 or East 92. NO FIRST PAYMENT. No first payment; all 1 want is good ref erence and $30 a month (this include in terert). or pay $2K) down and $25 a month; modern 6-room cottage (large slze-t, every convenience; double floors, cemrnt base ment, fireplace, wt-ln bookcase, etc.. etc.; full size lot in restricted district; 2 block from car. Prioe $2350, or tor $2iCO will turn in extra lot. My houses are ty i isl and they are bargains. A. N. Searle. Moi.ta v : 1 la. Take M . V." car, got off at E. 76th. Office open Sunday. SMALL INVESTMENTS. INCOME. $1950 Corner 5Oxl00 and 2 houses. East 16th near the Ladd tract. $5000 Corner DOxtOO, large 10 -room house, room for flats, close in, South Portland. $6200 53xlOO and 2 nice cottages, close in on West Side. , FRED C KING. 606 Commercial Block, lid and Wash. FOR SALE. Fine 6-room house, modern In every way, wel 1 located ; must be sold ; In vest iga te. Fine comer Jot with fine new neat 5-room bungalow, well furnished; must be sold at once; parties going East; $2000. 50O cash. Fine 5-a ere t ract, wood enough to pay for It; $1000, $200 cash, balance on or be fore 3 years'. 6 per cent; near carline. CHARLESON & CO.. 411 Commercial bldg. WE ARE BUILDING MORE) HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON; WE SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY, BUILD WELL. BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WIL FURNISH THE MONEY' TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 303-0-10 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR SALE! In Sunnyslde, on paved street, cement sidewalk ; close to school and church, one block from car; 7-room house, with cement basement, furnace, electricity, gas and 'modem throughout. This is a splendid bargain if sold in a few days. Owner going to- leave city. For terma prices, etc , call at 1110 East Morrison, or phone Tabor 464. PORTLAND Just a nice walk on East 14th at. between Hawthorne and TRUST Main; 6-room home. Yes, the street is improved, sewer, ga CO and electric lights; Al plumb ing and facing east. Price, $l.0O. See us about terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. $10 A MONTH, HOUSE. Ready to move into; 2 good lots; yon can get it for your own at tbe price of $lo a month; order the transfer man to move you right in. Call at Gregory office In Gregory Height. Take Rose City car at 3d and Yamhill, trx off at end of carline; office on the propeitv. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious, convenient, new ; nicely Improved grounds, 100x100, front ing hard-surfaced street; price $ 20.000V Buyer see owner, 02 Corbett block. For Sale Business Property. SEMI-BUSINESS SITE. Corner on 11th st., with two houses; easy walking distance to postoff Ice; btg income if Improved with stores below, apartments above ; a bargain at $12,000. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Com merce bldg. BEST bargafn In Portland, 50x100. oi Jier, East 9th and Washington, with frame, two-story store buildings, rented for $65 per month; $6750. Campbell A banners, 3iz Aiercnants J rust blag, SIX-ROOM modern cottage, lot 50xloo. stores all arouad; could be made business , property; . $-4o00. Campbell & Sanders. 312 Merchants Trust bldg. CORNER lot, 50x100. East Stark; business j property, brings $15 per month ; 2 small houses; $4100 Campbell & Sanders, 31J Merchants Trust Bldg. Acreage. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage on the West Side, 20 minute from center of city. In 1 and 2 M: -acre tracts; this will make you a liv ing and pay for itself; S50 cash will start you; price to suit all. Call on Trustee, 410 Failing bldg. 240 ACRES, on electric line now building; will double in value, near Portland, suitable for subdividing, perfectly level, 40 acres Im proved ; $10,000 cash will lundie, balance easy terms; owner needs money. AC 604. Oregonian. 7 ACRES at Multnomah Station. 20 minutes out on Oregon Electric Railroad, all in small timber; fine land ; carfare only 7H cents now; price only $50o per acre, easy terma. W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland Bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY. 300 acres of bet land, mile from railroad station and town, at $20 pr acre. For particular write owner. E 613, , Ore gonian. 10 ACRES on Gresham carline, 9 miles from city; all clear. 5 acles In fruit and berries, modern 6-room house, bam and windmill, $65oO Campbell A. Sanders, 312 Mer chants Trust bldg. ACREAGE In large or small tracts cn car line, close in; choice river front: 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney ft Stamphcr. 31 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 48SL 10 ACRES, near Beaverton. 5 acres slashed, 410 cords good wood on remainder; splen did garden soil; $1000. Campbell & San ders. 312 Merchants Trust bldg. ACREAGE, clone tn, to exchange for roomlng- s r