THE STXNUAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, DECEMBER 19, 1909. DR. COOK FAILED, IS DANISH REPORT University of Copenhagen Has Spirited Debate Over Polar Data. COMMITTEE WORK SECRET Public Opinion Changes Against Ex plorer, and Conslslory Is An gered Over Rector's Favorable Preliminay Announcement. COPENHAGEN, Dec. IS. The Asso ciated Press is informed by a high au thority that the committee of the Uni versity of Copenhagen, in its prelim inary examination of his records, failed to discover proof that Dr. Frederick A. Conk reached the North Pole. The consistory from the University of Copenhagen, at a secret session to day, received a preliminary report cov ering the first stage of the work of the committee examining the North Polar records of Dr. Cook. An excited dis cussion followed. The committee has not completed its investigation. The report was presented by Rector Torp, but its nature was carefully guarded from others than members of the consistory. The latter reported di rectly to the secretary. It was admit ted, however, that the work thus far accomplished provoked an animated de bate among the university officials. To the newspaper men Rector Torp said: Committee 'WorksSecretly. "The committee's work is not yet finished. I cannot tell how long it will continue, but I hope that the re sult can be made public in a few days. Both the members of the consistory and the examining committee have been forbidden strictly to make public anything regarding what has been ac complished thus far by the investiga tors." A preliminary report was made by the examining committee at a secret session of the consistory of the university today. It provoked animated discussion, and it appears that the data so far submitted is not held sufficient to establish the ex plorer's claims. The result of today's discussion was a request on the part of the consistory that the committee continue its work. The university body will leave to the investigators proper the matter of mak ing public later the results of their In quiries. Popular Opinion Changes. In the meantime, it Is announced by an official of the university, the con sistory will not moke public any com munication based on information received orally from the committee at today's meeting. Popular opinion nere appears to bave undergone a gradual change. From the beginning of the controversy the populace of Copenhagen lias been decidedly pro Cook. Recent developments, however, have been disappointing, and today the Keneral Impression prevails that Dr. Cook's papers, as submitted, do not con stitute proof that he discovered the Pole. It Is learned several members of the university consistory are exceedingly angry over the rector's preliminary re port, one of them expressing regret that the university had not waited until Dr. Cook's claim that he had reached the Pole had been proved before honoring him. Danish Papers Losing Faith. The Copenhagen newspapers up to the present have been wholly friendly to Dr. Cook, but it is learned some of the lead ing dailies tomorrow will print articles throwing doubt on Cook's trustworthi ness. They will point out that the Danish people regard Cook in the light of a na tional hero and still hope that he is an honert man. The slightest evidence that this is not the case, the papers eay, will oppress all Danes with grief. COOK MAY GIVE MORE PROOF If Scotch Verdict Found. He Will Bring Greenland Records. NEW TORK. Dec. 18. Dr. Cook's close friends paid tonight that the doctor, pre vious to dispatching his polar data to the' University Of Copenhagen, had writ ten In private to Rector Torp, informing him that in the event of an adverse de cision he, Dr. Cook, would not appeal from the findings. His instruments and the documents important to hi case. Dr. Cook pointed out in his .letter, are still at Btah, and he thought it possible that, ip view of the fact that all evidence was not in. the university might find a Scotch verdict of "not proven." In euch event, the doctor wrote, he would fit out an expedition to go to Greenland next Summer and bring his complete records and his instruments back with him. If the verdict of the con sistory is hostile, however, the expedi tion will not be attempted. If the consistory finds in his favor. Dr. Cook will submit his data further, his friends add, to the authorities of Geneva and Brussels, both of wlrich cities have asked for an opportunity to examine them. The records might' similarly go to London, though on that point. Dr. Cook's friends say, the doctor was less positive, as he had never re ceived an invitation from the Royal Geographical Society, the body which In all probability would assume the task of passing on the records. Funds for the expedition to Green land, should it be decided to make one,' have already been pledged by two friends of Dr. Cook who still believe in him, and John B. Hammond has offered the use of his yacht. There was a further rumor tonight, well authenticated, that Dr. Cook is now within 36 hours' Journey of Copen hagen ready to appear personally be fore the university consistory, if his presence 'is desired. The doctor had so written Rector Torp, his friends assert. XATIOXAL SOCIETY INTERESTED Will Demand Absolute Proof of Cook and Then Proclaim Peary. WASHINGTON, Dec. IS. Intense in terest was manifested here today by officials of the National Geographic Society In the preliminary report of the committee of the University of Copenhagen that It had failed to find prpofs substantiating Dr. Cook's claim that he had reached the North Pole, April 21, 1908. None of them, how ever, would permit himself to be quoted. As soon as official announcement is made of the conclusions of the uni versity's committee, the .National Geo graphic Society will take prompt meas ures to bring to an end the world wide controversy as to the finding of the North Pole by demanding from Dr. Cook absolute proof of his claim. Failing to receive convincing proof, the society will proclaim Commander Peary as the discoverer of the Pole. See Stg. Sichel & Co.'s display adver tisement on page 7, section 1. BLOOD TIES SNAP Mrs. Martin Says She Has No Dealings With Sister. ShE .IS UGLY AND SQUAT As She Raises Veil, Wrinkles Are Seen So Numerous Eyes Are A1-" most Closed Proves Fighter of Family When Arraigned. NEW YORK, Dec. 18. Mrs. Caroline Martin astonished the court today by her denial of any dealing with her sis ter. Mrs. Mary Snead. Both women were brought before a police magistrate to answer whether or not they would fight extradition to New Jersey, where, with a third sister, Virginia Wardjaw, they are all charged with the murder of Ocey Snead, Mrs. Martin's daughter. A further hearing will be held Monday. The sisters stood side by side, heavily veiled, as always, and robed in fold on fold of black. Mary was mute, but Caroline showed herself the fighter of the family. "I hadn't seen this woman." she said, "for a long time until she came to the Tombs. I know little of her. We have nothing to do with each other. Our cases are entirely separate." Squat, broad and almost shapeless, she planted .herself In stolid opposition to the court and the detectives, fighting, for time and public sympathy. When she lifted her veil a face was. disclosed as brown as a walnut shell and so wrinkled that the eyes were almost hidden. HOLDUP JOKE, IS DEFENSE Walter When Identified Insists Af fair Was In Fin. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 18. A man who gave his name as Frits Erlin and says he Is a waiter in Mead's cafe, Kills street, was identified and art rested early this morning In Fillmore street as the man who tried .to hold up the drugstore of the White Drug Company In Fillmore street Wednes day night. According to Detective McHugh, the man when taxed with the attempted holdup admitted that he had entered the White Drug Com pany's store on his way home from work and had told the clerk to throw up his hands. He said he had no re volver and had done what he did as a joke after reading about the holdup of the Gleason store. ADVANCE LAID TO TARIFF Governor Harmon, of Ohio, Says New Law Doesn't Suit. NEW TORK. Dec. 18. Governor Jud son Harmon, of Ohio, who returns to his home today after a 24 -hour visit in New York, is alarmed over the Increased cost of living in the United States. "I think the higher cost of living Is due to the tariff," he says, "for the higher prices do not apply to farm products only. No, the last tariff does not suit me. It suits nobody except the few that profit by it. There la not only much complaint but Do Yo Ch ristaias Shoppie FOR MEN AND BOYS AT A MAN'S SHOP Your gentlemen friends are not apt to look with favor on presents purchased in general stores. WE ABB, SPECIALISTS IN APPAREL FOR MEN and BOYS Here you will find EXCLUSIVE STYLES in HOUSE COATS NECKWEAR GLOVES SUSPENDERS BATH ROBES FANCY VESTS MUFFLERS HANDKERCHIEFS BAGS DRESSING GOWNS SUITCASES UMBRELLAS HAT and GLOVE ORDERS DO NOT FORGET that you can help some little friend secure one of those AUTOMOBILES by buying here. One vote with each 10c purchase and multiple thereof LEADING CLOTHIER actual suffering among people of limited means and" those who work for wages as a result of these Republican prices." Bridegroom Is 18; Bride 15. ECGEN'a Fred Wilcox. Or.. Dec. 18. (Special.) ased 18, and Ella M. Jones. aged 15, both of Coburg, obtained yester day a license to wed. Panama Bonds Strengthened. WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. Ostensibly for the purpose of strengthening the price of the Panama 2 per cent bonds. which for some time have been hover ing around par. Secretary MacVeagh to day issued an order eliminating state, city and railroad bonds from' the list of securities which may be accepted for the deposits of public moneys in Na tional bank depositories. There are now held hy the Government $10,021,600 of these classes of bonds., as security for the Treasury officials is that they will be promptly replaced by other bonds, as it is not the intention of the Treas ury to reduce the amount of money in National bank depositories. It is hoped this will make the Panama bonds more attractive to banks -s investments. Mc allen & McDonnell Headquarters for Dolls, Toys, Games, Books Novelties in Handbags,. Belts and Veilings Christmas Handkerchiefs t Best Goods Chris mas Gifts That Please Lowest Prices SALE SAMPLE FURS Closing out all Sample Furs collarettes, ties and sets . at about half what you pay at exclusive fur stores. A splendid gift take advantage of sale. SALE SAMPLE GOATS Manufacturers' Sample Garments, exclusive styles and only one of a kind. Prices will range fully a third less on these coats. Don't fail to see them. Corset Covers A dainty and inexpensive gift. We have on sale a Corset Cover worth $1.00 at 69c. Deep lace yoke, ribbon and bead- fJQ, -ing-trim'd; special "f Linen Sets Table Linen Sets hem stitched . pure linen sets, with one dozen napkins to match; a standard $10.50 value; special JJQ 7tl now, the set J Cambric Skirts Handsome Cambric Skirts in a dozen beautiful pat terns, lace and embroidery-trim 'd; regular $4.50 to $6.00 value, fljo QO special at, ea. P0.S0 Silk Umbrellas Men's and women's Silk Umbrellas, with fancy gold, silver and gunraetal handles ; best silk cover sold elsewhere fljyf QC at $8.50; here Ptt.I0 SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Pine Black Silks and Dress giving. VTe are, leaders in this 36-INCHBLACKTAFFETA 27-INCHBLACKTArrETA 36 INC HBLACK T AFFET A INCHBLACEPANAJIA 66-INCH BLACK SICILIAN, Goods for Christmas line. Read the prices : SILK,YABD,89 SILK.Y ARD, 75( SILK. YARD, 98 THE YARD, 73 AT, YARD, $1.43 OUR BIG READY-TO-WEAR SECTION OFFERS MANY SPLENDID BARGAINS FOR HOLIDAY BUYERS DON'T OVERLOOK THEM Most women--and men, too, for that matter prefer something useful. We offer below a few special items for your choos ing. The prices are below the regular much lower than you will buy like qualities elsewhere. A splendid opportunity. Fitted Kimonos $2.98 A very appropriate gift for any woman. Come in all colors and are made from heavy German ve lours. The best regular $4.50 quality; see them. Silk Petticoats $4.39 At $4.39 we place ou sale 200 fine rustle taf feta Silk Petticoats in several styles; all col ors and black. Sold else where at $6.50 apiece. Child's Fur Sets $1.95 Children's Angora Fur Sets, muff and neck piece; very best $2.75 grade. A limited num ber ouly at this price. Silk Kimonos $4.97 Full-length Silk Kimo nos in rich Oriental col orings and designs. They make a handsome Christmas present. On sp'l. sale at this price. Children's Coats $3.4S Children's warm "Win ter Coats in heavy all wool materials, trim'd with fancy braids and buttons; values to $6. Silk Raincoats $17 Best regular $22.50 and $25.00 values,, all lead ing colors, in the new moire effect. Here's a gift that will surely please her. All .sizes. Woolen Sweaters $3.75 W o m e n 's fine "Wool Sweaters, leading col ors, fancy and plain knit. Serviceable and warm. Sold about town regularly at $5.00 each. New Silk Waists $3.98 An unlimited ehoiee of over 300 fine Silk and Net "Waists any one of them worth $5.00 most are $6.50 values. In all sizes; see them. $560 Kimball Piano Given Away! SAVE YOUR VOTES A beautiful $560.00 prize-winning Kimball Piano is to be given away absolutely free to the person or organiza tion holding the largest number of votes. No person connected in anv wav with this sror can hp a nanAiAat This beautiful instrument is on display in our Morrison-street window. One vote with each ten-cent purchase. ONE THIRD OFF GAPES A great opportunity to select a beautiful Cape and pay just one-third less than the regular price. This offer includes every Cape in the house opera capes, rain capes and capes for street wear. All leading col ors and. every popular fabric. Get your first pick of these beautiful garments. OFF Men's Neckw'r 5000 men '8 4-in-hand Ties on sale at 33c each. Sold everywhere at 50c apiece. Buy all you want OO at this sp'l., each"'' Xmas Aprons Christmas Aprons in all styles long, short, square, round, with or without a bib; the greatest range in the city, all on sale OC at low price of, ea. Fancy Hosiery "Women's fancy Silk Em broidered Hosiery in mul titude of neat designs ; our best 65e values, onQ sale at, sp'l., pairT'OC Wool Blankets White "Wool Blankets make a fine gift. A full size, extra heavy white Wool Blanket on special sale at this low ti?0 QC price, the pair P"'0 KID GLOVES ON SALE Kid Gloves that wear gloves of quality the only kind we have ever sold. Two great special lots. Instead of making a profit of 50c a pair, we are satisfied with 10c a pair. We sell more gloves and give better values. Don't fail to secure a pair. 98c Two Lots $1.48 ALL TAILORED SUITS, COATS, AND SKIRTS ARE REDUCED MERCHANDISE v ORDERS Issued for any amount. An easy way to solve the gift question. McAllen CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS McDonnell THE POPULAR-PRICE DRY GOODS HOUSE MERCHANDISE ORDERS Issued for any amount. An easy way to solve the gift question.