THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, DECEMBER 19, 1009. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGO.VIAN TElMHOSf-S. Pac States. Home. Contlng--Room Matn 707O A 60S City Circulation Main 7070 A 6095 Managing Editor Main 7070 A 6095 Sunday Editor ...Main 7070 A 60'J5 Composing-Room ...Main 707O A 6095 City Editor Main 7070 A 6095 fcupi Buildings Main 7070 A 6U3 AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER (Twelfth and Mor rison George M. Cohan In "Tin Yankee Prince." Tonight at 8:15. DRPHECM THEATER (Morrison. between Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville. 2:13 and 8:15 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third an Tamhlll) 'A Girl at the Helm." This afternoon at 2:15. and tonlsht at 8:15. BRAND THEATER (Washington, between Seventh and Park Vaudeville. 2:S0. 7:30 and 9 P. M. PANTAGES THEATER (Fourth and Stark) Vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. LTRIC THEATER 'Seventh and Alder "A Bachelor's Honeymoon." This after noon at 3:15. and tonight at 8:15. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Motion pictures. 1 to 11 P. M. MASONIC TEMPLE (Park and Tamhlll) Ludmig Wuliner in song recital. This afternoon at S. HELP FIGHT CONSUMPTION. There Is no way so effective as to buy Red Cross stamps. A few dol lars Intelligently expended will -often save a human life. Nickels from the multitude make many dollars. Joh.v A. Btrnb Buried. The obsequies of John A. Byrne, who died Thursday at lie home of his sister. Mrs. E. J. Glancy, 20 East Twentieth street, were conducted yesterday morning: from this residence and from St. Francis Church, Bast Ninth and East Oak streets. High mass was sung, efter which the interment was made In St. Mary's Cemetery. Mr. Byrne was 60 years of asre. He was a son of the late Thomas Byrne, and Is survived by two sons. George and Thomas Byrne. He was a brother of Mrs. T. A. Kindred, Mrs. A. R. Richardson, Mrs. J. R. Brown, Mrs. E. J. Glancy, X. J., J. AV., Thomas, G. E. and F. A. Byrne. Will Be Buried in Ohio. The fu neral of Mrs. Jane Louise Griffin, who died at her home, S30 Williams avenue. I'ecember was conducts yesterday forenoon, at the ctiapel of Zeller-By rnes, 694 Williams avenue. The body- will be retained in the vault until later, when it will be shipped to Ada, O., for inter ment. Mrs. Griffin was 78 years of age. Genuine Navajo Indian Rugs. On Pale, at 328 Stark street, by W. B. Glafke Com pany, until Friday evening, December 24. AIT unsold goods will be returned to the shipper on that date. On account of being unable to secure a suitable salesroom we have decided to dispose -of every rug in the house at wholesale cost to ua, so that If you are Interested in Navajo Indian rugs, it will be to your advantage to buy during the coming week. Store, 228 Stark sjtreet. between First and Second streets. A Most interesting collection of genuine Xavajo rugs, couch covers, blankets, pil low tops, etc., will be shown until Christ mas, at Meier & Frank Company's rug and carpet department, third floor, by the celebrated shop of the "Indian Horse" of Albuquerque, N. M. Prices are meet rea sonable, and the collection worth while eeing. Etrioai TTill Discuss Animals. "Have Animals Souls?" will be the sub ject for discussion at the meeting of the Portland branch of the International Ethical Educational Society, at 501 Yarn hill street, Tuesday evening, December 21, at 8 o'clock. The public is Invited to take part In the discussion. Wb 8tbl.u hair mattresses retail at wholesale prioes, for 30 pound beds from J7.60 and up. We renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metxger, pro prietor, 226-228 Front St., Main 474. A 1374. "Arb Sociai, Thbort, Social. Service Apbqttatb Substitutes for Religion?" the theme at this evening's song service, the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Seventh and Tamhlll, 7:45 o'clock. Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr.. minister. At the new "Meves" lunchroom. 105 Sixth, between Washington and Stark sts.. you will find the most tempting edibles, served daintily and quickly, at popular prices. Courteous waiters in at tendance day or night. Bible Club's Annual Banquet. The Alert Bible Club, of the White Temple, will hold its fourth annual banquet at Hall's Restaurant, next Tuesday, at S:30 P. M. An interesting-programme tia.9 been arranged. Stevens Will Speak to Socialists. I. I). Stevens will speak before the So llallsts. In Marxian hall, 20SH Stark street, tonight at 8 o'clock, on the streetcar problem. Admission is free. Opportunity to obtain exclusive Christ mas presents In china, cut glass, brass and copper goods, electric lamps, etc., are ifforded at Bailey & Co.'s, 424 Washington street, between 11th and 12th. For Sale. Fine collection of Indian relics, all old; duplicated; will sell below worth; just the thing for club, lodge or -len. Address Box 167 R. F. D. No. 1, Beaverton, Or. Oriental Ruos are always beautiful, acceptable and lasting holiday gifts. Choice selection here at moderate prices. Inspection invited. Cartozian Bros., 473 Washington street. , It Isn't Good business to buy even a pig in a poke. You're investing in Xmas diamonds? Buy from the house with the diamond reputation. Heitkemper's, 2SI5 Morrison. The Time, Place and Girl. The time this Xmas; the place Heitkemper's; the Kir! your girl buy her a diamond, no falsified values at 2S6 Morrison street. Alaska. New trail-map Just Issued. Fairbanks, Iditarod, Innoko Districts. Sont upon receipt of 27 cents, or stamps. Alaska Map Co., Seattle. Washington. Christmas Stories to Be Told. Christ mas stories will be told in the children's room, at the Public Library, at 4 o'clock, iday afternoon, December 24. The Xkw Seward Hotel, corner Tenth and Alder streets, is making an especially low rate to a limited number of monthly roomers. "Lefferts" diamond engagement rings, finest quality, all sixes; every stone guar anteed, prices J25 to J500. 272 Wash. st. Hunting for Xmas Diamonds? Aim for Heitkemper's. Prices and quality are authoritative, at 2S6 Morrison street. The Cafeteria at the Y. W. C A. Is open every evening, to women and girls only, from 6:30 until 7 o'clock. For Sale. The Blyth residence, 712 West Main St.. Russell & Blyth, Common wealth building. e Furs. Look in classified, for sale mis cellaneous, for my adv. A. Reiner, 148 Fifth street. For Christmas. All sittings for photos today, by Moore, will be finished by Fri day. Swiss watch repairing. C. Chrlstensen. second floor Corbett bldg., take elevator. Old Mahooant. Sheffield, quaint jew elry. Antique Shop, 3d floor, 365 Wash. Brandbs' Grill. 103 Sixth, servos an elegant seven-course fowl dinner, 60c. Fountain Pens, catendars, Christmas cards. Moffett's, 111 Sixth street. Christian Science Emblem Pins, foot toes. etc MofTetfs, 111 Sixth st. Richards' Sunday table d'hote dinner, fa per cover; 4 to 8:30 P. M. Peerless, electric suction cleaners, $75; guaranteed. . Call M. 1233. Dr. A. c. Panton has returned; Mac tear building. Dr. Hawkbj. Res. E. 6743, office Wood lawn 2379. Printing. Ansley, cheapest, best. M. 4671 DMarTAL office cheap. AB SSI, Oregonlan. Traveling Men Plan Bahqcet. Next Thursday night traveling men and their wives will be the guests at a banquet to be given at the Commercial Club,' under the auspices of the Travelers' Protective Association. This Is the annual meeting of this organization and the election of officers will precede the banquet. Short addresses will be given by the following: Governor Benson. Mayor Simon. Dr. A. A. Morrison. Rabb! Wise, Herman Witten berg. A. H. Devers. C. A. Whitemore and others. Among those who will take part in the programme of entertainment are: Mrs. Lula Dahl Miller, contraltor of New York: Mrs. May Dearborn Schwab, so prano: J. Ross Fargo, tenor, and J. Claire Monteith. baritone. Christmas Music Announced. In the Christmas services, at St. Francis Church, the choir will render Millard's mass in G, under the direction of J. W. Altstock. Solos during the mass will be sung by Miss Gleason, Miss Breslin, Mr. Sauvain and Mr. Routledge. Miss C. Covach will sing "Noel" at the offertory. The choir is composed of: Sopranos Misses M. Gleason. M. McNamee, S. Marins, A. Kennedy. M. Kligel, A. Lowe, C. Covach. and Mrs. J. Herschler; altos Miss M. Breslin. Miss C. Dunbar, Mrs. J. W. Altstock, Mrs. L. Corless; tenors J. Sauvain. A. Deregisch, T. Van Hoomisen, J. Altstock. J. Duffy; bassos J. I. Rout ledge, A. Sauvain, J. Fleskes. At People's Forum Tonight. Dr. Davidson Buchanan will again address the People's Forum this evening. This time his subject is "Economic Evolu tion." The last address of Dr. Buchanan was so interesting that the "Water Ques tion." which was to be discussed at this meeting, was postponed that an opportun ity be afforded to hear Dr. Buchanan again. Although this is a scientific sub ject, it will be presented in an interesting style. After the lecture there will be the usual open discussion. The meeting will be on the second floor of the Alisky building, corner of Third and Morrison streets, at 8 P. M. Everyono Is Invited. Admission is free. Shot Hits Empty Car. Deputy Sheriff Lillis, special agent for the Portland Rail way, Light A Power Company, Is investi gating a- case of reckless use of firearms, at Twenty-fourth street, between Reed and York streets, which might have re sulted in a serious accident had there been any passengers in a car which was struck by the shot. The shot was fired at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon, and broke the windows of a Twenty-third-street car, in charge of Conductor S. H. ' Pomeroy and Motorman P. Hughes. The car was empty. The carmen were unable to find any trace of the miscreant. Lbttercarriers Elect Officers. Branch No. 82 of the National Associa tion of Letrercarriers, at a recent meet ing elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Charles H. Dune gan: vice-president, H. J. Valentine; re cording secretary, Fred P. -Holm, re elected: financial secretary, O. P. Yoder, re-elected: treasurer, A. G. Kraus; col lector. John G. Francis, re-elected; ser-geant-eit-arms. William Hyde; trustee, A. E. Klink; medical examiner, D. H. Rand. Y. M. C. A. "Will Hear Bible Lecture. An address on "Objections of People to the History, Science, Miracles and Morals of the Bible" is to be given, at the open meeting for men in the Young Men's Christian Association Auditorium, this afternon at 3 o'clock. The speaker will be Rev. H. Wallace Shepard, pastor of the Second Advent Christian Church. Besides the address, there will be several selections by the Y. M. C. A. orchestra. Fall Injures Mrs. Shelbt. Incapaci tated as the result of a severe fall on the sidewalk in front of her residence, Mrs. Fanny Shelby is a patient at St. Vincent Hospital. Mrs. Shelby suffered from a dislocated shoulder and is so se verely bruised that she requires constant medical attention. Her physicians are hopeful that rest and treatment will per form a cure within a few days. For Sale. A beautiful six-room bunga low, on Willamette Heights, furnished if desired: bargain for right party; owner leaving the city. Address Owner, Post office box 27, city. For Sale. Two-story brick building, 60 feet frontage on Third street, close to Burnside street, pays splendid revenue. Price $36,000. Address R 600. Oregonlan. FOR Sale. Two-story brick building, BO feet frontage on Third street, close to Burnside street, pays splendid revenue. Price $36,000. Address R 600, Oregonlan. Christmas Packages bt Express. Ship your packages now and avoid the rush. Northern Express, 87 Sixth street. Christmas Candt Special. A two pound box of the best chocolates for 65c, at Cheney's Drug Store, 242 Alder street. Christmas Books. "McLoughlin and Old Oregon," "McDonald of Oregon" and "The Conquest," at all book stores. The Marltn. Moved to 654 Couch St., will reopen January 1, 1910. Reservations may be made now. For Rent. Six-room flat partly fur nished; no children; references. 3ST4 Fourth street. , Fourteenth and Salmon, $19,600. 263 Washington street, room No. 6. PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES "Slbson's Roses" are strong, well grown, full of fibrous roots, and true to name. That is why Slbson's roses are famous. Do not accept roses that are said to be "just as good" as Slbson's, but order direct from The Slbson Rose Nurseries, 1180 Milwaukle avenue. Port land, Or. Telephone Sellwood 950. No agents or solicitors. Catalogue with prices, cultural directions, etc., free. CHRISTMASLOWERS. Our display of flowering plants, Poin settas, Azaleas, Begonias, Cyclamens, L.ilies of the Valley, etc., and a variety in cut flowers, Violets. Orchids, Chrys anthemums, Roses, Carnations, are now In stock at our store in the Marquah. building, 325 Morrison St., opposite the Portland Hotel. Toneeth Floral Co.. phone Main 5102. A 1102 SMART ART SHOP IS PLAXXED. Moore fc Co. to Katabl-Jih Store for Particular Bnyrra. Portland is soon to have an ex tremely smart art shop which Is to be an exact reolica of the famous Tudor art emporiums in London. Moore & Co. are to introduce it here, plans for which have been drawn by Iavid C Lewis. The shop is to be lo cated in the new building which will be erected by Hunt Lewis shortly after January 1. At the present loca tion of Moore & Co. dn Fifth and Alder streets, their splendid showing of art treasures has proven a mecca for Christmas shoppers who are seek ing gifts out of the ordinary. At the new shop the present artistic stock will be greatly augmented, the collec tion having been gathered by a con noisseur from all parts of the world. The lower floor is to be converted into an art gallery whore will be shown the work of celebrated American and European artists. Exquisite tapestries and brocades, of Persian and Italian make. lovely specimens of hand wrought silver, gold bullion and after dinner services, rare specimens of old Bohemian glass, old English prints, mirrors, and quaintly-conceived lamp and French candelabra shades, are thus early arriving in beautiful and ex clusive designs. Just prior to the French Revolution there has never been a period when love for luxury ran greater riot, yet not until recent years has there been a revival of the vogue for those charmingly dainty fabrics and trinkets. Of that period are being shown hand-painted and carved Ivory fans, bonbonnieres in Sevres ware of deiicate tints, miniatures of famous women encased in gold. Empire mouchoir bags, in fact, the line includes all the capricious fineries peculiar to those pleasure-loving people. Paul Elder's books, in the best style of his craftsmanship, are also being carried and at the same prices. Handsome terra-cottas, splendid examples in bas relef, and a beautiful display of Italian plastic art are among the rare articles SALE ON WATCHES 1000 WATCHES 1000 We have secured an experienced watch man to take charge of our Watch Department who has been trav eling for one of the largest watch factories In the world. A man of maay yean' experience whose advice is worth seeking. He says our Watch Stock; fa over crowded and theji mmt be aold regardless of prlcca. 25 TO 50 PER CENT OFF We mean -business and you can se cure a Christmas present of a watch for very little money. 911 -CO for either a. ladies' or gentle man's gold filled watch, warranted 20 years; regular prices $15.00 to $18.00. Get onr prices $ they will com vince yon that vrhat we aay la ao. Don't forget the place. Tb Large Jewelry Stove JAEGER BROS. 566 Morrison. St. . . Bet. 3rd and 4th. See out large adv. on Page 4. See. 1. $10.00 Given Away On December 20, our Annual Prize of $10.00 will be given to the lady bringing us the great est number of tags taken from Richardson's Grand Prize Em broidery Silks. The Needfecraft Shop Conducted by Mrs. E. H. White. 388 Yamhill St., Near West Park. For your cemetery work call at our show rooms. We carry the largest and best stock of monuments and tab lets, and our prices are the best on the Coast. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 264 and 266 Fourth St, Opposite City Hall. Portland, Orearoa. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies. 306 Wash., near Btb. at. SEWARD HOTEL, GRILL, 10th and Alder Sts. Special French Dinner, 76c. From 12 to 8. I. E. Martinez, Manager. Hongkong Cafe Open A. M. to 2 A. M. Breakfast served 6 A. M. to 11 A. M. Merchant's lunch, 11 A. M. to 8 P. M., 26 cents. Sunday special chicken dinner, 60 cents. 1074 Sixth street. Best meal at the new ICantong Cafe. 452 Wash. St., bet. 12th and 13th. Special- Sunday chicken dinner, with ice cream, 40c Merchants' lunch dally, 26c. A special 60c chicken dinner today at Hall's restaurant, 330 Washington St. ' CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES. New and up to date. E. W. Moore, pho tographer. Elks bids-. 7th and Stark sts. Rock Sprlnca Coal. The best house coal. Liberty Coal & Ice Co., exclusive agents, 25 North Fourteenth street. Main 16C2 A S13S. The Needlecraft Shop, now located at 388 Yamhill, near West Park! See Sig;. Sichel & Co.'s display adver tisement on page 7, section 1. Plant Sibson's Roses. Phone Sellwood 950. i Christmas Sweets Largest and most varied assortments of confections ever shown in Portland, and all of Swetland quality. "We call particular attention to our HOLLY GIFT BOX Inexpensive, yet a dainty and appropriate gift. Se our display of Special Holiday Mixtures 15 iu a : -RfC-J a iU. AlUCllLaU HlJACUj home kind, a favorite with the children. OC lb. Christmas Creams, a mixture of bon bons and chocolates, in large va riety. Extra good. Our showing of new things in fancy bas- kets and boxes is larger than ever. Its equal cannot be found in the West. When filled with our famous sweets, nothing can better express the Yuletide spirit. Packages de Luxe The Lady in Blue and Portland Girl Packages are quite the "classiest" we've ever produced $2.00 to $6.50 They're being talked about. THE- SWEET SHOP. Gloves, $1.00 to $2.25 Silk Hose, 91.00 to $1.50 v Lisle Hose, 35 to 5C Fancy Hose, 2o to 50 Holeproof Hose, $1.50 to $3.0O box. Linen Handkerchiefs, 25 to 5V Fancy Handkerchief s,.25 to 50 Silk Handkerchiefs, 50 to ?1.0O Silk Mufflers, $1.50 to $3.00 Dress Shirts, $1.0O to $4.00 . Fancy Shirts, $1.0O to $2.50 Night Robes, 50 to $5.00 Pajamas, ?l.SO to $5.0O Umbrellas, 91.15 to $12.00 Our Christmas display of Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Grav- enettes is undoubtedly the best we have ever shown. GR A VATS Neckwear is a very popular gift for men and boys. You can indulge your taste for luxury in color pattern and quality here to any limit Fine open-end Four-in-hands, 50c; very fine, rich Silks, $1.00; im ported Persian Silks, $1.50. Mail orders promptly and carefully attended to. We request early shopping, thereby avoiding the last minute rushes. STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS.. LUMP COAL. Superior lump, per ton, J8.60. OREGON FUEL. CO., 363 Washington Street. Main 65. A 1665. Oregonlan Dead In Denver. BAKER CITT, Or., Dec. , 18. (Special.) Levy W. Nelson, 80 years old, tor years a resident of Baker City, died in Den ver last night. He was one of the pioneer mining men of Eastern Oregon, having at one time owned the Baisley ISlkhorn mine, and also the rich placers west of this city which still bear .the name, "Nelson P'acers." He has two 20c Ib'' Fancy Broken, bright and crisp; just the best thing for filling the stockings. 25 , lb., our Famous Rib 'bon Candy, bright and glossy and very pretty for the tree. MORUSON Tomorrow Will Be Four -and it should be a whirlwind tivity; naturally this great store for men and boys will be one of the-crowded spots, holiday shoppers eagerly availing themselves of the exceptional facilities we have to offer. Every article here is fit to give, good to giveuseful, practical, brimful of service. Sensible Christmas Gifts for Men and Boys sons residing here. Dr. W. C. Nelson and Lewis O. Nelson. His remains will be brought here for burial. A fine display of ladles' bags at Harris Trunk Co. allicator Brazil exported over $43,000,000 worth coffee during: the firrt aix months of 1909. CHRISTMAS WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND FINEST LINE OF ORI ENTAL CURIOS IN THE CITY. EVERY ARTICLE SELL ING AT GREAT REDUCTION PRICES. THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR PRESENTS TO SEND FRIENDS IN THE EAST. REMEMBER, EVERYTHING AT SALE PRICES Our stock consists of ELEGANT EMBROIDERED MANDA-' RIN COATS, Silk Kimonos, beautiful Embroidered Satin Screens of all sizes, exquisite Satin and Silk -Embroidered Table and Piano Covers, Grass Linen Drawnwork Doilies and Mats, heavy Canton Crepe and Silk, Drawn Grass Linen for dress goods, Embroidered and Plain Silk Handkerchiefs, also Smoking and Tea Gowns. . FINE TEAKWOOD DRAGON ' CARVED FURNITURE Writing Desks, Cabinets, Center Tables, Settes- and Chairs of different ' styles. BRASS JARDINIERES PRICE FROM $1.00 TO $75.00. A great number of large and small antique bronze ornamental articles, Old Satsuma Vases, Tea Sets, Silver Cloisonne Wares; also a number of beautiful Shoofu Vases of latest designs, Ivory Carvings, Kutani Chocolate and Tea Sets and all other fine Decorated Porcelain Ware. - We are closing out our entire stock of Toys and Christmas Tree Ornaments at half price. ft Ml I? EWKAN 246 WASHINGTON ST., i Collar Bags, $1.25 to $2.00 Leather Toilet Cases, $1.50 to $10.00 Fitted Suitcases, $18.00 to $35.00 Silk Suspenders, $1.50 to $2.50 Sweater Coats, $2.50 to $5.00 Underwear, 50 to $5.00 Opera Hats, $G.0O to $8.50 Stetson Hats, $4.0O to $10.00 Brook Hats, $3.0O Scarf Pins, 50 to $3.00 Cuff Links, 5C to $3.0O Smoking Jackets, $5.00 to $15.00 Bath Robes, $5.00 to $15'.00 Fancy yests,.$2.50 to $8.00 PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune, Columbia Bldg.. Main, A 1635. Reinforced concrete boats have proved so successful in Italy that live vessels, each of 120 tons or larger, have been built for the navy. PRESENTS BET SECOND AND THIRD & CO. Days Before A of business ac Christmas Umbrellas We Have the Largest Line and Great eat Assortment In the City. AH the Kevrest Ideas in Dlreetolre Handles. Good, fast color, English Gloria, paragon frame ....$1.00 Rust-proof English Gloria, fin est frame JS1.50 Hercules Rust and Wind-proof . . $2.00 Ladies' Directoire Umbrella.. S1.50 up Full-length gold and pearl, tape edge, silk gloria S3.50 Tape-edge, real silk warp, Slorfa 81. 50 An immense line of fine ladies' " and gents' $5.00 Fine presentation umbrellas up to 820 We Have the Larsrest Stork on the Coast in This Line AH Goods Onr Own Manufacture, Rnst Proof, Wind-Proof, Folding, Detach able, Self-Opening; Umbrellas. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. ereaitn j EXCLUSIVE UMBRELLAS. 31S WASHIXGTOX, BET. 5th and 6th. AT The Schumacher Fur Co. SOO Madlsoa Street. 403 Washington Street. CHRISTENSEN'S SCHOOL for Dancing. Deportment and Physical Development ChrLBtaMen' Hall can be rented, first class affairs only. For terms apply to Mr. Chrlstensen, office at hail., corner Eleventh and lamh til streets, Portland, Oregon. Phones. Main 6017. A ICCHWAB PRINTING COJ SOLICITS YOUR PATRON ACE M 347i STARK. STREET 1; V