The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 19, 1909, SECTION THREE, Page 7, Image 31

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The Golden Eagle Soars Above Them All Always in the Lead With Bigger, Better Bargains You Should Supply Your Christmas Needs at the Busy Gift Store
Give Her Kid Gloves the Gift Perfect
Sole Agents American Beauty Corsets
Sole Portland agents for the popnlar and demanded American Beauty Cor
sets "Dainty as the Rose" the best popular-priced Cor- rf t ff
sets on the market today. Priced at 5510.00 down to.... X VJ
"American Beauty March" Free for a limited time with each corset sold
For the
A nice pair of kid Gloves, in a pretty gift- box makes a most presentable and
acceptable present. Bny them here-a gift box free with d f f
every pair priced at up from p X vVj
If you don't know the size or shade, bay a Golden Eagle Glove Certificate
An Xmas Air Per
vades Entire Store
Toilet Sets Manicure
Sets Priced 'Way Down
The counters of the big Christmas arcade recently
instituted fairly overflow with nobby gift articles.
Here you will find Cuff and Collar Boxes, Smokirig
Sets, Tobacco Jars, Ash Trays, Humidors, Paper
Sets, etc., etc., for gifts to the men, as well as Mani
cure Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Comb and
Br.ush Sets, Toilet Sets, Laundry Bags, Fancy
Aprons, fancy goods of all kinds, etc., etc., for 'the
women, as well as hundreds of other gift
articles, all AT I3AKUA1JN PKICES. Man
icure Sets, priced Monday (f
up from X j 3
Toilet Sets priced Monday up from 50
Only 5 More Shopping Days
Store Open Every Eve Until Christmas
The spirit of the Christ ma stide pervades every nook and corner of this great bargain store
the very air itself seems saturated with the Yuletide feeling of glee and good-will, while the
giftseekers' hearts are gladdened at every turn at the mighty reductions prevailing through
out the store. Note these low prices and mighty price-cutting reductions on all gift articles,
for Portland's Great Bargain Store has excel'ed all previous records in the wonderfully little
figures at which all merchandise is priced for Monday. Buy at this busy gift store where
the Yuletide spirit 'runs high and the prices low. Store open every evening this week until 9:30.
Buy Now
2Qfo Discount Sale Furs
All Go at One-Fifth Less
What gift will a woman more appreciate than a
nice set of fursf A great Monday sale on furs to
morrow that will reduce the cost of this gift article
fully one-fifth, for .we offer tomorrow your unre
stricted choice of any fur or fur set in the entire
store at a discount or all per cent. This means
instead of paying full price the furs will cost you
but four-fifths an amazing offer, just at the
height of the season, when others are boosting
prices on mis line ox mercnandise 'way
Handkerch'f s An
Acceptable Gift
Colored Apron or Kimono
Handkerchiefs, priced to
morrow at ' SJ
Fancy lace and embroid
ered Handkerchiefs, regu
lar 40c values, for 23 J;
85c values for 20d ani
2oc values for only...H
Women's Handkerchiefs; 6
embroidered ones. In a
neat grift box; regular $3.50
values, tomorrow for only,
the box $2.29
Handbag Reduct'ns
Handbags, ever a popular gift article;
a great lot of values, worth regularly
to $3.00, tomorrow for only 98
Handbags, very stylish leather bags,
regular values to $6.50, priced Mon
day at this sensational price.. $3.49
Other enormous Handbag values,
priced at $2.99, $3.49, $4.19, $3.98,
$8.98 and up to this price and higher,
only $10.98
Cut Glass !2 Less Other Cuts
Bright, sparkling cut glass is a mighty handsome, sensible and desirable
gift, and here 's a sensational Monday Bargain Basement opportunity that
will cause an immediate rush to the busy gift store Monday. Your choice
of any piece of cut glass in the store, utterly regardless of cost, at just
ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE. This means you get Cut Glass Celery
Dishes, worth and sold regularly by us at $8.98, for $4.49; $6.00 values
in large Bowls, regular $4.64 sellers, for $2.32; regular $4.12 Creamers
and Sugars, $2.06; $4.98 Vases at $2.49; $1.69 Nappies at 85c in fact
everything in the line of real cut glass at just half the regular price.
See the hundreds of other china and crockery reductions in the Basement.
Men's Smoking Jackets
Here are some gift articles that will please
"him" more than anything else, for there is
nothing a man will appreciate more than a com
fortable smoking jacket or house coat, or a nice
Men's regular $8.00 Smoking
Jackets, a great reduction for
Monday at this
low price, only
Regular $9 values in these neat
Smoking Jackets Monday, while
the lot lasts, at , A
this low figure. p!3Tci
Values in regular $10 Smoking
Jackets Monday at this sensa
tional reduction J
price, only J. J
$1.5Q Shirts 79c
A great sale of fane? Shirts.
Men's nice white Shirts, soma
pleated, regular values at ?1 to
$1.50. Monday at this wonder
ful price cut to 79e
Two of these Shirts in a neat
gift box a dandy grift Mon
day for only, the box 81.39
Men's Bathrobes Cut
Men's Bathrobes, regular Values that sell all
over town at prices ranging to $8.00. Your
choice of this' lot of dandy robes at this amaz
ingly low Monday price, while it A f O
they last, for only, each DT' X O
Men's regular $9.00 Bathrobes,
Monday at this low reduction
price for this lot, rf FJ f f
tomorrow only . . sw
Values in these Bathrobes that
sell all over for as high as $10,
Monday at this d Q Q
low price, only. ipOtO
Men's $12 Bathrobes, a sensa
tional reduction price for Mon
day on these tf Q f
fine Robes, only 05
high. Tomorrow at this "rl. Cl-Ci-!!
monstrous discount of VlIC A 1A Ul
Box Combs Barettes
Pretty fancy Combs or Barettes in
neat gift boxes, reg. 75c to $1 values,
Monday at this big cut to 50
Fancy Barettes, gold trimmed, set
with sparkling brilliants, in pretty
gift box, worth to $2.00 regularly,
Monday at the low price of....98
Fancy Combs and Barettes in neat
gift box, a regular $3.50 value, at
this sensationally low price, for our
Monday sale only 5js2.29
Slippers for Gifts
Men's priced at up from, the
the pair
Women's priced at up from.
the pair 69
Children's priced at up from.
P"r 48
Box Hose $1.39
Men's Hosiery makes a very
sensible and appreciated grift.
The popular "Leatherstockfng"
Hose, all colors, regular 3oc
value, at the pair only, Mon
day 24c
A box of six pairs of this Hos
iery in a box a mighty good
value, Monday at this price
Buy Toys in Our New Basement Mon.
In the Basement Toyland you will find just the needed articles for play
things for the children, large and small, at wonderfully low prices.
j.wui pay you to inspect this great department Monday and note the
sensationally low prices prevailing
Doll Beds a up from 15
Express Wagons at up from.. 98
Games at up from 5
Books for children at up from.. 5
Tree Ornaments at up from. ...2
Iron Toys at up from lO
Shooflies at up from $51.49
Hobby Horses at up from..jj2.69
.moils at up irom
Toy Pianos at up from 25
Doll Dishes at up from, per set.5
Doll Carriages at up from 49
Trains at up from lOt
Blackboards at up from
Drums at up from... 10t
Have the children mail their letters to Santa Clans
tkW flantl will OT-i onrflo j.m 11
Store Open Every Even
ing Until Xmas. Music
Our store will be open every evening from
now until Christmas; ample clerks will be sup
plied to wait on the throngs that will crowd the
aisles. In addition to this, a charming- concert
will be given every evening by the popular Stiles'
Orchestra. "Tis always a pleasure to shop here,
but it will be doubly so under these conditions.
Come if not to buy listen to the music
Santa Claus Will Be Here
All Week, Beginning Mon.
&anta uiause arrives at the New Golden Eae-io
Monday morning. He will be here all week until
he starts on his lournAv fTiHotmo. An i
children are invited to call and talk to Santa and
tell him their wants, for good old Santa loves the
boys and girls and likes to talk anri nlnv urtt-H
them. Children, tell mother to bring you down to
mo uumen .cagie 10 see santa Ulaus tomorrow.
With Either Roast Goose or Young Pig as the Principal Dish, Both Simple and Elaborate Dinners May Be Readily
Prepared by Average Housekeeper.
PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 27. 109. Will you
kindly slv. in The Oregonian, beore Janu
ary 1. a menu for a goose dinner? Please
name the kind of meats that can be used
as adjuncts to goose dinner, and tell how
to dress and fill the goose, very much oblig
ing M. S.
IDON'T know just how elaborate you
wish the dinner menu to be or what
style of service you intend. Perhaps
the following -may be suggestive. You
can, of course, add to or omit some of
the items, simply following the general
No. 1
Consomme. Hread Sticks.
Olives. Celery. Salted Nuts.
CThicken or Oywter Patties,
or Chicken or Veal croquettes with Peas.
Roast Ooose. Potato Stuffing. Apple Sauce.
Duchess or Mashed Potatoes. Creamed Celery.
Dressed Lettuce or Watercress.
Cheese Straws.
English Plum Pudding. Brandy Sauce.
Hurnt Almond Ice Cream. Wafers,
Assorted Fruits and Xuts. Coffee. Bonbons.
: No. 3
Clear Soup with Vustard-Royale.
Celery. Olives. Salted Nuts.
Halibut Fillets or Timbales. Dutch Sauce.
Roast Goose, sage and Onion Dressing,
Fried Apples.
Potato Puff. Baked Squash.
Chicory and Celery $alad.
Mince Pie.
Orange sherbet. Wafers.
Fruits. Coffee. Bonbons.
No. S
Raw Oysters or Fruit Cocktail.
Salted Nuta Celery Soup (white or brown).
Roast Goose. Prune Dressing. Apple Sauce.
Cauliflower. Mashed Potatoes.
Grapefruit Salad.
Froseji Plum Pudding. Christmas Cakes.
The most suitable "meat adjuncts"
would be a delicate entree of white meat
or fish as suggested in the menus, or
some rather highly seasoned "cutlets'
made like croquettes. The apple sauce
which invariably accompanies goose may
t served plain and smooth, or in the
form of fried apple slices, or as cro
quettes. The stuffing for goose depends much
upon the family traditions of the hostess.
Sage and onion dressing, potato dressing,
or rice and prune dressing are all con
sidered "correct" by different authori
ties. For the first have onions parboiled and
finely chopped. Season to taste with
sage, pepper, salt, a suspicion of cayenne
and lemon juice, and about half as much
sifted white bread crumbs as onions. A
little oatmeal is sometimes used in place
of crumbs. The moisture of the onion
.will probably be enough to bind the mass;
a few spoonfuls of cream may be
A little very finely chopped celery
addition liked by same.
potato dressing use light, well-
shed potatoes. Season rather highly
salt, pepper, onion juice with or
hout sage or celery leaf, and moisten
one tablespoon of butter and one
yolk for every cup or cup and a half
' potato.
rhe rice dressing is similarly prepared.
Aug boiled rice in place of potato, a few
oned and chopped prunes being added
discretion. -
The following chestnut stuffing is very
good, though more troublesome and ex
pensive than the above: One-half table
spoon finely chopped onion; 3 tablespoons
butter; 4 pound sausage meat; 12 finely
chopped canned mushrooms; 1 cup chest
nut puree; 1-3 cup bread crumbs; ta
blespoon finely chopped parsley; 2 dozen
chestnuts, cooked and roughly cut up,
pepper, salt and cayenne. Cook the
onion until slightly brown, cook sausage
meat about two minutes. Add to rest of
the ingredients. Mix well and cool be
fore stuffing the goose.
A mixture of crumbs and chopped pea
nuts, moistened with cream and seasoned
with salt, pepper, cayenne and onion
juice is also good.
In cleaning a goose follow general
method for turkey (given in these col
umns November 21). Goose feeing so
greasy, hot soap suds are desirable for
the preliminary scrubbing. In trussing,
the method already described for turkey
would be correct except that since the
legs of the goose are shorter, the string
for tieing the legs must be tied round
one leg and then around the other leg,
leaving an inch or so of string between,
so that the legs lie tight and flat against
the 'sides of the bird. It is well to pro
tect the breast with a slice of fat ba
con, as for turkey. The time and method
of cooking will be about the same as for
turkey if the goose is young. Old birds
may with advantage steam or boil gent
ly for an hour or two before .going into
the roasting pan. Serve- with brown
sauce. Garnish with parsley and cran
berries. Portland. Or., Dec 14, 1909. I have to
prepare a little pig for Christmas dinner.
Kindly tell In The Oregonian how to dress
asid serve It. also what dressing would be
most suitable. -MRS. H. F.
A little pig for roasting should not be
more than three or lour weeks old and
should not be kept more than two days
after killing. It is usually sent home
opened and dressed. Wash and wipe in
side and out very carefully" using a little
borax in the water. Rinse quickly In
clear water. Rub the inside with salt
and black pepper. Fill the cavity with
your chosen dressing and sew up the slit.
Wrap the ears and tall in buttered
paper, fixing the former upright and the
latter jauntily curled over the back; Put
a cork in the mouth to hold It open. Tie
strips of cotton round the pig. holding it
upright and with the legs pressed for
ward. Rub the outside with pepper,
salt and flour worked up with a little
butter. Baste every 16 minutes If an
uncovered roaster is used. Give great
est heat first, then moderate the heat
to secure thorough roasting and ten
derness without drying. Three to four
hours at least will be needed.
Make the gravy as for poultry.
Serve with a red apple or small lemon
in the mouth; garnish with parsley
and lemon or apple slices. The ears
and tail, removed from their wrap
pings, should be unburned and crisp,
and are considered dainty morsels. The
outside should te the tender "crack
ling" beloved by Charles Lamb. Serve
the pig with apple sauce.
Cabbage, celery, apple or orange
salad would be appropriate. Any of
the dressings described for roast
goose might be chosen. Or make a
bread crumb dressing with the liver,
parboiled and finely chopped, flavored
There are no other shoes at popular
that in any way compare with
fashionable, good-fitting shoes. They
on lasts that insure . the utmost
give your feet that trim and stylish
shoes combine style and wearing qualities to a degree that
easily makes them the most popular, dressy and serviceable
ladies' fine shoes obtainable, at a cost no areater than ordin
ary shoes. Your dealer will supply you ; if not, write to us.
To U sure sfotf get the LEADING LADY
look f0T f Ac Mayer Trade Mark on the joes.
FREE If you will send u the came of a dealer who does
mot nandie ivcaaing juaoy snoes, we will send too free, pottr
pata, Dciuumi picture ox raanai w tsaiagtOQ, sue 15 z 20.
"We also make HonorbUt Shoes for men, Martha Wash
ington Comfort Shoes, Yermt Cushion Shoes, Special
inciu 0cuwj ouon ana no onoes
F.MAYER BOOT & SHOE CO, Milwaukee, Wis
prices va
these classv. itt
are made 111
comfort, yet 1 51
look. Ij
- i -Hi iS
fro- I
r : m
to taste with sage, onion, black pep
per, lemon juice, and cayenne, and
moistened with a few tablespoons t of
melted butter.
Formaldehyde, However, Goes Where
Straight Liquor la Under Ban.
The integrity and desire to .obey or
ders literally in which the elevator
boy at the new Y. M. C. A. revels is
not appreciated by E. F. A. Dam
masch. Assistant City Health Officer.
"Get out of that. Don't a man of your
age know better than to be taking that
stuff here? Shall I call Stone and "have
you thrown out?" was the way the hero
of the elevator sugrgested to Dr. Dam
masch Friday morning that his pres
ence was undesirable.
It 19 true the physician was carrying two
great demijohns filled with disinfect
ants, and it is also true that to the
elevator man those demijohns appeared
to be filled with whisky, but Dr. Dam
masch paid no attentionand tried to
crowd in. '
"Do you want that I should slug
you?" observed the pugilist of the ele
vator. Now, Dr. Dammasch is a mild man,
so he gently queried: "Why this tur
moil this distressing, this appalling
"Take it from me, you're not going
to take any booise to those rooms while
little Willie is on the job." answered
the elevator man.
"Just smell, then," asked the health
The boy did so. The bottles contained
formaldehyde, which emits an exceed
ingly strong odor. He probably will
take the doctor's word In future, for
when he went off duty at night his
eyes just watered at the thought of
the smell, and they had been watering
all day because of it.
Marie Corelll Fights Socialism.
LONDON, Dec. 18. Marie Corelll has
issued a manifesto to the electors of the
TJnlted Kingdom in view of the coming
election. She denounces Socialism, say
ing the very life of the land is in the
balance, and the empire Is standing like
a victim on the rock of suspense waiting
to be hurled down into the waters of
socialism, or be rescued and led back to
the security of home with peace and
honor. A Socialist, Miss Corelli describes
as a "kind of male suffragette, seeking
to upset the laws of nature in order that
be may assert himself as superior to nature."
Boxing Cut Out of Programme.
CHICAGO, Dec. 19. There will be no
boxing tournament at the big three
day athletic carnival to be given by the
Illinois Athletic Club at the Coliseum,
in February or March. Final decision
was made by the athletic committee
of the club last night, when the sub
ject was brought up in arranging the
programme for the meet.
The Watch Shop
Owing to an imperative change in business, this entire stock
and fixtures must be sold within FIVE DAYS.
Cut Glass
Fine. Decorated China
Artistic Brass Goods
All at prices regardless of cost. We have an exquisite selected
stock. Gome before it is picked over.