THE SUNT) AT OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 19, 1909. ORDERS-AWAITED -ON TRUNK FRAUDS Are G-loves on Your Hist? LA FRANCE Kid Gloves at $1.00 All sizes and colors THE EXJDORA Kid Gloves at Sl.oO All sizes and colors " THE MEYERS N . Kid Gloves at S1.25 Tan color, all sizes YOU MAY PURCHASE A GLOVE CERTIFICATE FOR ANY AMOUNT There is probably no other store in the city showing a more complete Btock of -women's high-grade, stylish kid Gloves than this one. It com prises snch well-known brands as Fownes. Dent, Kayser Gloves, in all styles, in all colors and sizes all at popular prices. Women's and children's Golf II Women's Cnpe Kid Gloves, made Why Not Buy a Maribou Boa ? A most pleasing gift.- Two special values Regular- $5.00 values on sale at S2.T5 Rpjmlnr $8.50 values on raIpi nt. ............... . ........... . JIi-7? Federal Officials Ready Make Score of Arrests in New York. to Gloves and Mittens, A I by Dent, special 50 c $2.00 250 and at, pair ime to ExBerimeiit Mow? CUSTOMS LOSS $2,000,000 Mail Orders Carefully Filled. Express Prepaid on $5.00 Purchases. MoT Persons and JL'irnis Implicated Are , Ttepponslble Financially and -Gov- rrnment HoDes to Recover I Large Sum. WASHINGTON". Dw. IS. In the mat. tr of the eleeper trunk frauds. In which a number, of indictments have been found throughout the country, the district attorneys, Mr. loeb said, were waiting- for word from headquarters be fore maltlnff arrests. It is said there are between- 35 and 40 persons and firms against whom the Government contemplates' taking ac tion in connection with sleeper-trunk frauds. Thirty of these are said to be In New York. Estimates are yia.Je that the treas ury lias been defrauded out of approxi mately $2,000,000 through the operation of the sleeper-trunk methods, and. as in most of the cases, the persons and firms suspected are believed to be responsible financially, the expectation of the Gov ernment is that a large portion of this Will be recovered. Collector Loeb, of New Tork, who was again at the Treasury Department to day, expressed satisfaction at the out come of the sugar-fraud trial In New Tork. "Very satisfactory; fine thingr," Mr. 3eb remarked. He was disappointed over the failure to convict BcndemageU There are two men "higher up"-' than h, however, whom Mr. Loeb said ths department was after, one of them, Gerbracht. who had been superintend ent of the sugar refining docks at Wil liamsburg, and who Is now under in dictment, and another whose name he did not care to make public COURT TEjLAYS SEJiTEXCE Convicted Men Expected to Aid In Other Convictions. NEW YORK, Dec 18. Oliver Spltzer, the Williams dock superintendent and the four checkers found guilty last night of conspiracy to defraud the Government by underwelghing sugar Imported by the American Sugar Re fining Company, were not sentenced to day. Instead' the criminal branch of the United States Circuit Court allowed then) freedom under bail until January 8, when they will present arguments for a new trial. Henry L. Stlmson, special counsel for hte Government, announced that he would oppose bitterly any attempt, to place the convicted men on ball after entence had been passed. It is be lieved the Federal attorneys welcome the stay In the sentence because they hope that some of the Indicted men may give them valuable information on the chance of thus lightening their punishment. Patrick Hennessy, a white-haired veteran of the weighing desks and one of the convicted men. talked earnestly In court today with Special Prosecutor Stlmson and the latter was heard to say: "I will be pleased to see you in my office." In granting the delay of sentence Judge Martin intimated that confessions involving superiors might win the con victed men lighter sentences. "If these men," he said, "were led to do wrong through the Influence of stronger minds they are entitled to the full benefit of the mercy of the court. They should not now be shielding per sons who might have controlled their actions at the risk that the courts may not take Into consideration the recom mendation to mercy." APPEALS ADVANCE IS ASKED Government Anxious to Prosecute Sugar Trust Officials. WASHINGTON". Dec. 18. Application is to bo made to the Supreme Court early in January by the Department of Jus tice to advance for hearing the appeal of the Government from the decision of Judge Holt at New York, practically ex empting from prosecution certain of ficials of the sugar trust because their acts are barred by the statute of limitations. LOEB WAITS FOR AUTOMATICS Sugar-Weighing Aparatus to Be In stalled in New York. WASHINGTON, Dec IS. Collector Will lam Loeb, Jr., of New York, said here today he was looking for the arrival of the first of the automatic scales which It ts proposed to place on the docks in Kew York for sugar weighing purposes. If found satisfactory, Ot the scales will be installed ROAD BOOSTS DRY FARMS Santa Fe Sets Aside 3,000 to Aid Xcw Mexico Settlers. ALEVQUERQVe. N. M.. Dec. IS. It is announced today by the immigration de partment of the Santa Fe Railroad that J5,000 or more will be spent by the rail road to demonstrate the final practica bility of dry farming In the wastes of New Mexico. v. Hard-working homesteaders in all parts of the territory will be supplied with the necessary funds and implements. Pro fessor J. D. Tlnsley. of the New Mexico Agricultural College, has resigned In or der to take charge of the work. Many Yale Students Borrow. NEW HAVEN. Conn., Dec IS. The - returns from the new loan system in stituted by the Yale Corporation for the college show that 30 per cent of the students accepting money aid from the college have elected to do so in the form of loans instead of gifts, giv ing their notes of hand to be paid after graduation. The total amount involved hi J33.1S5 for the present college half rear. THE frlMPI-K HOME RIlMEIJY. The new remedy Salgrene for rheu matism and kidney trouble daily grow ing more Retard action of the kidneys causes an accumulation of uric acid tn the blood and forms the foun dation for rheumatism. Salsrrene ac.a directly on the kidneys, eliminating the uric 'acid there by giving almost in stant relief. Procure two ounces Salgrene, four ounces pure olive oil and mix thor oughly and take two teaspoonfuls ev ery three hours until relieved; then one teappoonfui three times a day. a- Those Who Are Wise Will Come Direct to This Store ' IF YOU ARE HURRIED AND WORRIED, if that bothersome question of what to get hangs heavy on your mind; if you have only half enough time to' do half the things you should do; turn to this store for the solving of your perplexities. It is a store that will almost do your thinking for you a most prolifit field of gift suggestions. With Christmas "but a few days away, time assumes an unusual value, and so we've aranged everything to save you as much of .it as possible. All gift things are displayed so you can see a great efficiency, cashiers and bundlers have been stationed at every turn, and , The Entire Store Is On. Tiptoe to Serve You Promptly The question of what to get for man, woman or child fades away as soon as you step through the main entrance here. If you have troubles of this kind, just come in and look around visit every section, go all through the store and you'll see a half a hundred things that will exactly meet your particular requirements. Now with this in mind read the news which follows: ' : ' L : ! s 99c Mere Are Gifts the Men Appreciate Hundreds of Them Just Inside the Third Street Entrance, in the Men's Section Our section for men was never so complete or satisfying. Full assortments of appropriate gift things are here, specially secured to increase interest in this popular section. An especially attractive line of men's Ties in all ' kinds and colorings, at attractive prices. MEN'S GLOVES, tf II SUSPENDERS OA AT Z1 A line of men's fancy Suspenders, made of best qual ity elastic, elastic all through, with -white kid ends; put up in fancy bos. Regular 50c values, ty specially priced for this sale at aC SILK MUFFLERS f- r AT OOC A fine offering of men's large square Mufflers, made of fine quality brocaded silk, shown in colors cream, white and black.. Regular 75c values, spe- rj cially priced at 3 3 C Men's all-silk 4-in-IIan Ties at...25?, 50, $1.00 Dents' Gloves priced at $2.00 Club Ties at .. Band Tecks at $L75 VALUES Buy the men Gloves for Christmas. Here's an extra special line of men's dressed kid Gloves, the regular English make, shown in gray and slate colors. You can 't afford to overlook these. Regular Q Q $1.75 values, priced at 77 T C. : MEN'S SHIRTS. & 1 f ft $2.00 VALUES $1 .H:iJ a. special sale or men's .Negligee anirts, made with sott button-down collar. These Shirts are made of good quality mercerized and part silk material, and are shown in tan, gray, cream and white, tf A r Regular $2.00 values, special at J) X ....250 250 Windsor Ties . ... ..250 m Silk Strands, with open ends, at. Silk Club Ties 25 II 250 and 50 r SPECIAL SALE OF Women's Muslinwear See Third-Street Window for Display 89c CORSET COVERS, REAL $1.25 VALUES An extra special sale of dainty Corset Covers, made of fine nainsook, daintily trimmed with laces, embroideries and ribbons. These dainty garments will make very acceptable Christmas ' gifts. Real $1.25 values, specially priced for Monday and 'Tuesday. . MUSLIN DRAWERS, 75c AND 85c VALUE'S . 89 c 50 An extra special offering of women's muslin Drawers, made of fine cambric, with deep ruf fle of fine embroidery or lace. These gar ments are shown in the circular or umbrella style and are extra well made . and neatly finished with French bands. Regu- P f lar 75c and 85c values, special at... JjVC One-fourth off on all fancy Skirts above $4.00 One-fourth off on all fancy Drawers over $2.00 Headquarters for Christmas Neckwear and Handkerchiefs UNSURPASSED ASSORTMENTS AT UNMATCHABLE PRICES Come visit our Fancy Goods Section and see how very completely we've anticipated your holiday wants. All the latest and favored new ideas are here represented, every price quoted below is a holiday bargain sign : Xmas Handkerchiefs at Special Prices 35c box Handkerchiefs, the box 1S? 75c box Handkerchiefs, special J . ,. .500 $1.00 box Handkerchiefs, special 65 $1.50 box Handkerchiefs, special 9S $2.25 box Handkerchiefs, special ...$1.48 $3.00 box Handkerchiefs', special $2.25 10c Handkerchiefs, embroidered corner 50 15c Handkerchiefs, good quality swiss 10S 25c Handkerchiefs, all linen 15 35c to 40c Handkerchiefs, good quality swiss 23 Xmas Neckwear at Special Reductions FANCY NECKWEAR AT 25c An extra special offering of fancy box Neckwear, put up one in fancy box ; well-made, dainty pieces that sell at' from 35e to 40e ty each, your choice at Monda3r and Tuesday's sale for u3C Regular 50c Neckwear on sale at 33 Regular 75c Neckwear on sale at 5O0 Regular $1.00 Neckwear on sale at f8 Regular $1.25 Neckwear on sale at 750 JET A Christmas Gather ing of Slippers For Men, Women and Children Here you will find Slippers and Shoes for fath er, mother, brother, sister, at surprisingly low prices. This is by far the largest and best showing of Christmas Slippers we have ever had, and the purchase of large lots direct from the manufacturers at special price concessions enables ns to offer the most unusual values. Here you will find the. most pleasing styles at less than usual prices. , Men's Slippers in tan or black, in Everett or opera cut, best $2.50 values, at Men's Slippers in tan or black, in Romeo, Everett or opera cut, $2.00 values Men's, youths' and boys' kid and embroidered Slippers, $1.00 values Women's Slumber Slippers in gray, red, blue, pink, $1.00 values , Women's fur-trimmed felt Slippers in all colors, $1.50 values, special at Women's crocheted Slippers, pink, red and blue, best $1.50 values Men's vici kid Slippers in tan and black, all sizes, $1.50 values, special at Boys' high-cut tan Shoes, sizes 2y to SVfc, $3.00 values, special at , Women's fine hand-made Shoes in all leathers and styles, $3.00 values $2.00 $1.50 6,9 c ....B9c 99c 99c 99c 2.50 $2.50 Choose Your Christmas G-ifts from These Superb Furs This Section Is in Holiday Attire, and Prices Are Allur ing Indeed. From $2.90 Up to S27.50 You'll get mre quality here than you ever expected to get, for these values are really surprising to ns. In the same section yon will find jaunty coats, charming "dresses, dainty waists and a host of other wearables that will please the most carefully dressed woman. - Furs of All Kinds, S2.90 to $27.50 A rather perplexing problem easily solved. If you are in doubts about that Christmas present, do not fail to pay us a visit. Our fur show ing presents a wonderful opportunity for the selection of a useful and at the same time appropriate gift.- We have furs at all prices. A fur in the shawl effect of select French coney, in black and brown, extra long and finished with head and three rf ty Q f tabs at each end, popularly priced at . . . . T. .' V Scarfs, Muffs and Sets ranging higher in price of real and brook ' mink, Isabella tox, black tox and others; plain or finished with beads and tabs, lined with best qualitv plain, brocaded or shirred satin. Best values $2.90 to S27.50 Tailored Suits at 318.50 Style, quality and value incorporated in this garment so popularly priced. Though plain in design, it is exceedingly stylish, fully measuring up to this season ?s standard of styles. Coats are extra long and skirts in the latest pleated effects; materials are fine qual ity serge, plain or with invisible stripe, and cheviot suitings in mix tures, in black, navy, gray, green and other colors rf 't Q Tjf f equally popular. Fnlly worth $25,00 priced at.. t) 1 OaOvl Slack Sroadcloth Coats at $1 2.50 A full-length black broadcloth Coat in a most stylish model ; a strictly tailored garment, with collar of same cloth," lined throughout with a fine quality "silver gray satin lining. $16.50 f f Coat values, special for Monday and Tuesday.. p X tOU Net Waists at 2.98 Waists of fine quality ecru or white net ; they come in. several beau tiful styles, tailored effects, with pleated fronts; others with em broidered fronts or trimmed with cluny and Valenciennes. Excep tional values at the price, for they are actual $4.50 (T ty Q Q Waists, special Monday and Tuesday. if . . t lift This Store Will Be Open Every Evening Until Christmas. Bring1 the Children to See Toy-land in the Basement. A SPECIAL SALE OF Dainty ea and Chafing Dish Aprons See Third-Street Window for Display CHRISTMAS APRONS, VALUES TO 50c 35 A fine showing of neat little Aprons, made of good quality material and shovn in round or square style, daintily trimmed with embroidery, laces and ribbons. Regular values to 50c, spe- O cially priced for this sale at OvC CHRISTMAS APRONS VALUES TO $1.00 59c A' fine assortment of dainty Christmas Aprons, made of fine lawns, india linen, organdie and plain or dotted swiss; all daintily trimmed with pretty embroideries, laces and ribbons. Regular values to $1.00, specially priced for Monday JQ and Tuesday at ,3 C CHRISTMAS APRONS, tf -1 - Q REAL $1.50 VALUES . 1 O A fine assortment of pretty Christmas Aprons, made of i-ho daintiest and finest of materials, shown in all styles and designs; all well made and exquisitely trimmed. Regular $1.50 values, spe cially priced for this sale $1.18) ere Is a List of Splendid Christmas G-ifts SANTA CliAUS' if W? HEADQUARTERS L&kL IN OUR BASEMENT MANY, MANY LINES ARE ON k-t"."" SALE AT REDUCED PRICES iever was this store's stocks of gift goods so large, so perfect and so fine as this season. Never did this store offer better opportunities to select high-grade, reliable gift goods at such low prices as are now prevailing. Never was the organization 6o well trained and perfected as now it's a satisfactory Christmas store, light and cheerful, easy to shop in, with courteous and with intelligent salespeople to serve you. AND DOLL SPECIALS: 75c solid wood Blocks 49i UNMATCHABLE TOY Christmas Candles, per box. 7V2& 10c Silver and Gold Tinsel 5 15c Silver and Gold Tinsel -lO 7c Christmas Tree Ornaments 5J 50c Airships priced at -.25 12-inch Doll Trunks at ... .1 ..25 20c unbreakable Tea Sets....... 15 Toe large Building Blocks .49 oc large Picture Blocks 49c 39c boys' good Story Books -250 25c Sailboats priced at 19 loe Games, all kinds, at i..lO 10c Story Books, all kinds, at 5 2oo ABC Blocks at 15 25c Paint Boxes at 190 $2.50 steel Banks , 98 75c Grocery Store 490 $1.75 Dress Dolls, 16 inches long, moving eyes, priced at 980 ?5e large Board Games, assorted kinds, priced at , 10 $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00 Doll Buggies, while they last at. $4.98 $1.50 wooden Wagons, with hair horses, on sale at 9S0