The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 19, 1909, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 29

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Below are ideas for Xmas gifts, taken at random from all over our store. Articles for personal
use. household adornment, traveling, presentation and for clerical purposes all of that sterling
quality which has made this the Ideal Jewelry Store for over 40 years. A comparison of values
will reveal economy, safety and decided savings to your purse.
Jewel Box
Toilet Set
Sewing Set
Beauty Pin Set
Gold Bracelet
Card Case
Mayonnaise Set
Belt Pin
Sheffield Tray
Picture Frame
Jam Pots
Sandwich Tray
Chatelaine Watch
Ivory Piece
3-piece Coffee Set Manicure Set
Diamond Ring
Hat Pin Stand
Neat Hat Pin
Cluster Ring
Shopping Bag
Mantel Clock
5-piece Tea Set
Meat Platter"
Gold Lorgnette
Fine Bead Bag
Cut Glass Bowl
Rookwood Vase
Oyster Forks
Mesh Purse
Bread Tray
Sugar and Creamer
Princess Ring
Traveling Clock
Plain Bar Pin,
Coral Ring
Opera Glasses
Belt Buckle
Silver Vases
2 doz. Flatware
Vanity Case
Salad Set
Coffee Spoons
Military Brushes
Monogram Fob
Match Box
Shaving Set
Whiskey Flask
Traveling Set
Key Ring
Cigarette Case
Watch Chain
Band Ring
Gold Watch
Pocket Pencil
Diamond Ring
Liquor Set
Fountain. Pen
Scarf Pin
Leather Wallet
Seal Ring
Card Case
Shirt Studs
Silver Card Case
T.itiTt Buttons Very Thin Watch
Smoking Set
Emblem Charm
283-285 WASHINGTON ST., Between Fourth and Fifth, ROTHCHILD BUILDING
Leading Diamond Importers OPEN EVENINGS Jewelers Optician
Dress, Studs
Desk Clock
Cigar Cutter
Chelsea Clock
Pencil Holder
Eyeglass Case
Collapsing Cup
Leather Purse
Key" Chain
Photo Case
Satchel Tag
Emblem Ring
Tie Clasp
Signet Fob
Cigar Case
Field Glasses
Goldhead Cane
Pocket File
Outing Chain
Double Chain
Match Stand
can 9!ngers In Opera," and will be as
follows: Paper, Mrs. Pearl Goulet Mc
Oettigan; vocal trio, under Miss Covach's
direction. MJss Seal, Mrs. Keddell, Mrs.
Bamford; contralto solo, "A 1 Bendtun"
(Mltime). Miss Clara Howell; soprano
solo. "Dich Theure Halle," from "Tann-
hauser." Mrs. M, A. Weinsteln; piano
solo. Opus 15 (Chopin), Miss Maud Bell;
violin solo. "To the Evening Star," by
request. Miss Barker; soprano solo, selec
tion from "Romeo and Juliet," Miss1
L&wler; soprano solo. "As Through, the
Streets." from "La Uoheme," Miss Vivian
' I '
A special meeting of the Ladles' Aid
Society of the Flrst Congregational
i Wednesday to consider the erection of a
memorial window In loving remembrance
of Rev. T. E. Clapp. Dr. Clapp con
ceived and perfected the plans for the
beautiful edifice that now adorns the
corner of Park and MadlBon streets,
which with its Ivy-wreathed wall and
stately towers constitutes one of Port
land's chief attractions and Is a Mecca for
all tourists. The following committee was
appointed to select plans: Mrs. August
StaJcrer, Mrs. F. M. Warren, Sr., Mrs.
G. M. Parker. Mrs. R. C. Taylor and Mrs.
Helen Card well.
A surprise party was given, December
?. in honor of William Robberding. Jr., It
being his 23d birthday. The evening was
spent in dancing and music. Refresh
ments were served. The following were
present: Mr. and Mrs. Robberding. Mr.
and Mrs. Christ Robberding, Mr. and Mrs.
Kred A. Krischkorn. Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Truesdoll, Misses Helen Robberding, Ka
tie Hahn. Christine Hahn. Katherine
Haller. Paulina Haller. Mrs. W. J.
Strutz, Albert Kolb. John Struts, H.
Stamper, R. Stamper, Henry Perlot,
Henry Hahn. Henry Robberding, John
Robberding, O. L. Aothus and John Gil
lis. The first house party given by the
Junior Rosarlans Sodality was held at
the home of Evelyn Keating, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Keating, of 361 Tilla
mook street.' Those present were Anna
Jowd. Grace Sweeney, Helen Southard,
Kathrine Southard, Virginia. Brown,
Madeline Brown, Celeste Smith, Haxel
Johnson. Hermina Albers, Teresa Albers.
Mabel Hughes, Blanche Kennedy, Mary
White, Mary Hawley, Julia Cosgrove,
May Lavino, Cecilia Walknlc, Mary Deg
gendorfer, Muriel O'Connor, Laura Hart
man, Mary - Keating. Margaret Keating,
and Evelyn Keating.
A pleasant bridgre party was given by
Misses Vera and Nell Caufield at their
home In Oregon City on Friday even
ing. December 10. Their guests were:
Mrs. C. D. Latourette. Mrs. T. W. Clark.
Mrs. Mary Uren, Mrs. J. H. Walker,
Miss Fanny G. Porter. Miss Kate L
Porter. Miss Edna Caufield. Miss Clara
Caulield. Miss Marjorie Caufield. Mrs.
H. E. Straight, Mrs. Viola Godfrey, Miss
Clara Koerner. Mrs. T. W. Fouts, Mrs.
K Adams and Mrs. Ed Fields. Miss
Marjorie Caufield won the first prize
and Mrs. straight the second. Refresh
ments were served.
The Sorosis Club met on November 23
at the home of Mrs. Til lie Grossman.
The election of officers resulted as fol
lows: President. Mrs. Helen Manchester;
vice-president. Mrs. Phelps; secretary,
Mrs. TiUie Grossman; treasurer, Mrs.
Bantx. After election of officers the pro
gramme was taken up with the reading
of Act V of "The Winter's Tale." A
dainty lunch was enjoyed by all and the
club adjourned to meet on Tuesday, Jan
uary 11. with Mrs. W. A. Holt, Seventh
, and College streets.
In honor of the fifth bfrthday of her
little daughter. Willetha, Mrs. A. R. Bit
ter, of lSb Halsey street, entertained sev-
eral little folks Thursday afternoon. De
cember 9. The guests were Helen Caplea.
Florence Farmer, Doria Healey, Helen
Stewart. Theo CahilL Helen Rlttex. Car
rie Ritter, Rose Jones, Wiley Blaney and
Herman Grimm. The afternoon was spent
in games, in which little Theo Cahill won
first prize, and Helen Caples the second.
Luncheon was served.
The New York State Society of Oregon
held Ha December meeting last Tuesday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James K. Failing, 243 Eleventh street.
Sixty members were present. Miss Susie
Jones sang. The next meeting will be at
the studio of Mme. d'Auria, 401 Seventh
An enjoyable dance and social were
given by Mr. and Mrs. Greenwald, Wed
nesday evening, at the Hotel Princess,
East Third and Bumside streets. The
hall was decorated in palms and flags.
Dancing was enjoyed, after which sup
per was served.
Mrs. H. B. Adams was hostess of the
Portia Club last Tuesday afternoon.
In the games played, Mrs. B. S. Hunt
ington won highest honors. The club
will be entertained by Mrs. Frank: S.
Grant, 574 East Salmon street, at its
next meeting, December 21-
Miss Edina, Venator entertained the
Rhamfeda Girls at her home, December
10. A pleasant evening was spent. All
the members were present to witness the
initiation of a new member into the club.
Mrs. Peter Borgan was hostess Thurs
day afternoon at her home on Hawthorne
avenue, where she entertained her friends
at five hundred. Mrs. George King and
Miss Bonnie Forrest assisted in receiving.
A surprise party was given to Miss
Wilson at her home, Ko North Fifteenth
street, on Friday evening, December 10,
(Concluded on Pag 6.)
Carriers of Christmas Sweets
BOXES large and boxes small, beauti
fully and artistically decorated, including
hand-painted on linen and burnt leathers.
: BASKETS are both useful and orna
mental gifts. "We have baskets ranging in price from $1.00 to $15.00.
Beautifully lined, and many arranged specially as work baskets.
FAVORS We have a large and varied assortment of favors suit
able for Christmas parties and dinners.
S88-90 Washington Street.
Candy Sent by Mail or Express Everywhere.
- Our Line of Exclusive Ready-Made Art Frames Is the Largest and
Finest on the Pacific Coast.
And the Prices Will Please Tou.
A Visit to Our New Store Will Repay Tou.
KELLER The Art Man
450 Wuhliftos St Portland, Or.
In anticipation of a popular demand for finely grown Winter
Flowering and Ornamental Foliage Plants for Christmas presents,
we have this season devoted our skill and attention to the produc
tion of an elegant collection of plants, and will offer for the Holi
days the finest selection of these treasures of the floral world yet
assembled in Portland at a time of year-when all vegetation is at its
lowest ebb. It will indeed be a remarkable display of beauty which
will greet all who visit our place of business during the coming week.
POISSETTIA8 (Mexican Christmas Flower). Gorgeous and showy
Christmas plant in pots and pans, $1.00 to $5.00 each.
AZALEAS In bud and bloom, many colors, in pots and jardinieres.
Superb and handsome Winter flowering plant. $3.00 to $6.00 each.
CYCLAMEN (Persian "Violets) One of the most popular Winter
blooming: plants, flowering: continuously. In many shades of color, from
white to crimson. $1.00 to $2.50 each.
CHINESE PRIMROSES Known and beloved by everyone. Has a
long- season of bloom and is more generally grown than any other Win
ter flowering plant. $1.00 each.
ORCOIVICA PRIMROSE: Elegant new variety, always in bloom. The
freest flowering plant we know of. Easy of cultivation. Lavender-colored
flowers. $1.00 to $2.00 each.
G LOIRE DE LORRAINE BEGONIA A beautiful Winter blooming
plant, covered with dainty pink flowers all Winter. $1.60 to $3.50 each.
HAMPERS AND BASKETS Artistic combinations of flowering and
ornamental plants of all kinds, growing and enhancing in beauty. These
elegant novelties make the most beautiful Christmas presents Imagina
ble. Will be very popular this season. $2.00 to $10.00 each.
FERJT DISHES A superb line of these popular receptacles filled
T.ltJk ?naH.te.?nd sraceful ferns of hardy growth and lasting qualities.
$1.00 to $4.00 each.
IV?I'MS AJ! .the Popular varieties of this grand family of plants.
In all sizes. $1.00 to $10.00 each. p '
AtJRACARIA EXCELSA- (Norfolk Island Pine) Grand decorative
house plant. Very hardy and handsome. $2.00 to $6.00 each.
Christmas Cut Flowers
Popular as our Holiday plants may be with flower-loving people,
there will without doubt be the same brisk demand for our High
Grade Cut Flowers, which has characterized our Christmas season for
years past. For what more appropriate as a gift to a lady can be
selected than a box of choice blossoms direct from a hothouse. Our
stock will include Roses, Carnations, Violets, Chrysanthemums,
Poincettias, Lily of the Valley, Narcissus. We also have on hand a
magnificent grade of English Holly, together with finely made
wreaths of same. -
287 Morrison St.
Opp. Corbett Bldg.
Tomorrow Is Washday, Avoid Its Troubles
by Sending to the
.Where Linen Lasts
Rough dry by the piece lc up.
Lace Curtains, 30c per Pair.
Call Main 398 or A 1123.
1 JyStill UnderidedTm j
If Lenrion's GlWeOrdersaf- . 11
ford the -most convenient jp j m
Established 1S70.
Betk Phones.
Ml 401, A T3S1
G. P. Rummelin & Sons
Number of Building Changed to
124 Second Street, Between Washington
and Alder
Suitable Christmas Presents
Fur Turbans
Fur Stoles, Scarfs and Muffs
Fur Goats
Children's Fur Sets
Fur Rugs, Fur Robes, Fur Gloves
Store Open Evenings Send
for Catalogue
Highest Cash Price Paid for Raw Furs