The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 19, 1909, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 28

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    i 4
There is nothing that appeals to any Lady more than
A Set of Furs or For Garment
Make your selections now while assortment is most complete in every wanted style and description of Fur.
Buy From the Manufacturer Direct AH Furs Are Modeled in Our Own Factory.
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M'MINNVILLE, Or., Tec. 17. (Special.) The marriage of Miss LaVerne
Roma Fenton and Jack B. Spence, both of this city, occurred at 8:30 last even-,
ng at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Fenton.
The officiating Clergyman was Rev. A. M. 'Williams, pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church, who used the Presbyterian ring service. Miss Muriel
Grisaen was bridesmaid, and Harry O. Wilkin groomsman. Nearly 100 guests
witnessed the ceremony. The bride was richly gowned in white messaline,
made en train, and she carried a bouquet of white carnations. Miss Grissen,
the bridesmaid, was dressed in blue messaline and carried pink carnations.
The Fenton home was decorated in holly, Oregon grape, chrysanthemums
and carnations, the bridal couple standing beneath a bell of incandescent
lights hung in the living-room.
Before the ceremony-Mrs. M. O. Warren sang "I For You, and You For
Me." .written to Mendelssohn's "Spring Song.' Miss Ona Estes played Wag
ner's wedding march from "Lohengrin." Mrs. F. A. Dielschneider's violin solo
during the ceremony was "Simple Confession," by Thome.
Mr. and Mrs. Spence will be at home to their friends within a few days
at their home at Second and F streets.
Continued From Page Three.
Mr. Elmore ha been a lover of horses
for years, but has finally succumbed to
the motor crazs.
Miss OomeMa Plnk-ha-m, of Spokane,
who la attending; the college at JOug-ene,
arrived yesterday for a two -weeks' visit
at the home of her friend, Miss Alice E.
Oomwall. at Piedmont.
The first renrular meeting of the
newly organized Portland chapter of
the Euterpean Society of America will
take place on Tuesday evening, next,
December 21, at 8:15 o'clock. The meet
ing will be held, at- the Y. M. ' C. A.
auditorium, on Sixth and Taylor,
under the presidency of rr. Luther
Dyott., The subject for study will be
the "Rustic," as typified by the works
of Burns, Millet and Greifr. and the
programme will be in the hands of
Mrs. George Welster. Dr. "Whltcomb
Brougher and "W. -R. Boone. Members
Hre hereby notified of the place of
meeting. Admission to the meeting
will be given on presentation of mem
bership certificate, and cards of admis
sion for the whole series of meetings
will be issued on Tuesday evening to
all those qualified to receive them.
Non-members will be admitted to the
mulitorium on payment of 60 cents.
The Enna Juniors gave two recitals' last
week. The Misses Etna Anderson and
Mildred Kilns, assisted by Miss Gilmour,
soprano, hold forth at Eilers hall on
Thursday evening, and though youthful
players, they gave a" commendable pro
gramme. The second programme was
given at the home of the Misses Ruth
and Dorothy Diamond, .on Northnup
street. Eleven members, assisted by Misa
Winifred Iewis. sopiano. took part.
Mi. Rose Coursen-Reed nave a "musi
cale lnat Sunday afternoon, presenting
Mrs. Virginia Hutchinson "Wire, Mrs. R.
W". Schmeer, Miss Madeline Stone, Miss
Catharine Covach, AV. A. Walters and
Mrs. Kathleen Iawler-Belcher in solo
wdrk: Mrs. Helen Brigham-Gregg, Mrs. '
J. Ernest Laldlaw. Mr. Walters and Al-"
fred Stone in quartets, and the Tuesday
Afternoon Club In two choruses. Edgar
E. Coursen was at the piano.
The lunna Juniors Friday evening gave
a recital, assisted by Miss Winifred
Lewie, at the homo of Misses Ruth and
Dorothy Diamond. Arline McsMonies,
Agnu Basler, Esther Hovedsgaard, Flor
ence Rogers, Olga ISplild, Dorothy Dia
mond, ' Esther Bisen, Fay Hendershott,
Thelma Irwin. Mlnette Shub and iXeanor
Anderson were the juniors who partici
pated. The Tuesday Afternoon Club will meet
tills week with Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer,
at which time the soloist will be Miss
Yielding, contralto; Miss Nell Nesbeth,
soprano, and Mns. Charles Alphonse, so
prano. The following week a programme
of Christmas music will be given.
Special music has been prepared fof
the .Christmas service at St. David's
i.hurch by Miss 9usa M. Jones, choir
director, assisted by Madam d'Auria, so
prano, formerly of New York and a mem
ber of Damrosch's Oratorio Society for
many years.
' I
Miss Florence Day ha been appoint
ed organist of St. Stephen's Episcopal
Pro-Cathedral. Miss Day Is an accom
plished organist, and recently gave an
organ recital with much success. ,
A notable company of young people
gathered in the parlors of the First Con
gregational Church on Wednesday even
ing, the occasion being a reception given
by the Christian Endeavor Society of the
Klrst Church to the associations of the
Y. M.- C. A. and the Y. W. C. . of the
city An attractive programme had
been prepared. The "Hmfianiphone,"
furnished by the Tu Kalon Society of the
Y. W. C. A., and exploited by "Jerusha
Jones" iMIss Florence N ood), provoked
much laughter. A cornet solo was given
hv Mr. Wetmore, of the Y. M. C. A., and
was followed by a piano solo by Miss
Martha Durhkoop. and a comedy, "His
lordship the Burglar," by members of
the ooci'y. In the sketch Mr. Eggle
ston gave an lmtersonation of an Eng-
liBhman. while W. Nelson portrayed
a burglar. The part of Miss Haber
sham was taken by Miss Marie l-aBarr,
who did some clever acting irk the bur-
Slary lowt, After th programme
lunch was served by Misses Nina Joy,
Ada Williams, Ruth Beach -and Mildred
Mrs. W. C. Dey entertained at five
hundred Wednesday afternoon at her new
residence on Willamette Heights in honor
of her sister, Mrs. P. B. Vantress, who is
visiting here from California. The prizes
were, won by Mrs. Frank Kerrman and
Mrs. W. Riceu. , ' "
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Harris gave a
dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frost,
of Seattle. Besides the honored guest
were Mr. and Mrs. George C. Flander,
Mr. and Mrs. Huntington, lately of The
Dalles, and Mr. Lord, of Honolulu.
Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Mitchell enter
tained the Entre Nous Five Hundred Club
Monday evening. The -prize winners were
Mrs. MItchall and Bert M. Denison. The
club will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Lee on
Deeember 27.
Mrs. B.; F. Weaver entertained .-."the
Monday' Bridge Club at a well appointed
luncheon. T-he'color scheme was carried
out in pink and white. Mrs. R. P. Gra
ham won the prize at bridge. The club
will meet with Mrs.' William Gadsby
December 20.
A large and appreciative audience filled
the Sixth-street Synagogue last Sunday
evening to witness the Hanukah -exercises
given by the Sabbath school classes,
under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxil
iary Society of Congregation - Novah-Ze-deck
Talmud Torah. It was' the annual
celebration of the historical victory of
Jehudah, the Maccabean, over hie five
brothers, the Haslimonoim, In the great
struggle ror home and country- The chief
ceremony consisted of the lighting of the
eight Hanukah candrea. In commemora
tion of the miracle connected with the
victory, that although only one single
vessel or oil was found in the temple.
yet by a miracle it sufficed for eight
nights while Israel's hosts were celebrat
ing their great victory in purifying the
Temple of Jehovah of idolatry. ,
Xne children did exceedingly well, fin
der the' instructions of their vouner teach
ers, who volunteered their services. Some
ot the teachers themselves are recent
graduates from the Portland schools.
snort addresses were given by M. M.
Ostrow, superintendent of the school; M.
Gale, president of the congregation, and
I. Bromberg. The principal address of
the evening was delivered by Dr. George
M. Rubenstein.
The ceremonies were concluded by the
singing of "America," In which the audi
ence participated, after which books and
candies were .distributed to the pupils as
prizes, r
The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rich
mond, on East Thirty-third street, was
the scene of a pleasant social event
last tSaturday evening, the occasion be
ing a surprise party to Mrs. Richmond
incident to her departure on the 16th
1 6.
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to Girard. Kan., to attend the grolden
wedding of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. G-oodlng. Mrs. iLaurence New
ton, as spokesman, presented the host
ess with a beautiful handbag. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Gregor, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Heller, Mr.
and Mrs. Laurence Newton. Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Mankin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Newton. Mr. and Mxs. T. M. Hurlburt,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Melkle, Mr. and Mrs.
A. O. Sinks. Mr. nd Mrs. D. L.. Clouse,
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Carpenter, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray F. Hurlburt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Quackenbush, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bots
ford. Mrs. Sarah Norton, Mrs. H. G.
Norton; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Young, Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Hurlburt, Mrs. Lela
Shields,, Mr. and Mrs. D. Catlow, Mr.
and Mrs. B. K. Knapp, Mrs. Eva Crad
dock, Miss Lena Craddock, Mrs. M. E.
Winn, Mrs. Eliza Lucy, Mrs. Emma
Byers, Ray Byers, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Dirk, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. EUer, Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. Covell, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Smith, Miss Marion Richmond, William
Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. A. Handler,
Mrs. Juliette Davey and Mr. and Mrs.
J. H- Richmond.
The programme committee of the Pree-ent-Day
"Club entertained the members
with a Mexican luncheon: Tuesday, De
cember 14, Mrs. H. McCormick throwing
open her beautiful new home, corner East
Salmon and Twenty-seventh streets, for
the occasion. The large living-room in
the center, extending across the width
of the, house, was inviting with Its fur
nishings, while the dining-room was at
tractive In the Mexican colore, red, green
and yellow, with poinsettas and' ferns for
the floral decorations. The menu cards
were written In Spanish, with a poln
setta done In water colors In the mar
gin. During luncheon, stories and conun
drums were told, and subjects of the day
1 were given for discussion. Later, the
club was entertained with a piano selec
tion by Miss Margaret Smith, who as an
encore sang "Rosalee," and two interest
ing readings by Miss Signe Lack, while
Mrs. J. S. Hamilton sang two old favor
ites. Those present were Mesdames Alex
Muir, H. McCormick, V. R. Chown, W.
O. Muneell, E. Nelson Allen, W. L.
Borthwick, M. Cahill, . Mrs. Owen Scott,
A. M. Jeffress, J. M. A. Lane, A. W.
Moore. -H. Morgan, C. W. Pallett, J. O.
Riggs, I. Staples, C. G. Tipton, D. T. Van
Tine, J. S. Hamilton, James Moore. Wkl
L. Sansome and J. McCormick.
An important meeting of the Men's
Club of the Universailst Church was -held
Wednesday evening around a table laden
with good things prepared by the Ladies'
Auxiliary. After' the feast Abner Jones
gave a surprise by calling upon Harry
Gardner to play the violin. Then Pratt's
Orchestra played mandolin selections.
The quartet ie composed of Lawrence
Pratt, Lloyd Tompkins, Rex Pratt and
Charles Brewster.
A brief speech - was made by the pres
ident, stating his ambition for the club
to' become a means of bringing the liberal
church into more helpful relations to the
organized forces of the social world for
the- betterment of society. W. W. Hills
prophesied for the club great increase in
numbers and usefulness. Bartlett Cole,
James Hills, Harvey Neal, A. Scott and
R, E. Gehr pledged ' hearty co-operation
with Rev. James D. Corby's plans for an
every-day church with educational and
practical features. At subsequent meet
ings it is planned to secure the presence
of experts in the different municipal and
reform problems.
The Jolly Club met at the home of
Mrs. F. H. Wagner, in Irvlngton, Wed
nesday afternoon. After a pleasant after
noon of games and music, lunch was
served. Mrs. A. Nolan and Mrs. W. W.
Shinn won the prizes in the guessing
games. Those present were: Mrs. George
Spencer, Mrs. A. Nolan, Mrs. M. Harold,
Mrs. C. James, Mrs. W. C. Wheeler,
Mrs. C. C. Loucks, Mrs. C. Olson, Mrs."
K. Erdner, Mrs. M. Douglass, Mrs. H.
Keyser, Mrs. H. Morse, Mrs. M. Murphy,
Mrs, W. W. Shinn, Mis. A. Baker and
Mrs. F. "Wagner. The next party will
be at the home of Mrs'. K. Erdner, on
December 29.
The Hawthorne Literary Club was en
tertained at the home of Mrs. M. O. For
rest. 331 East Thirty-fourth street, Wed
nesday afternoon. Musical numbers were
given by Miss Anna Pennick and Mrs. W.
H. Vose, and a paper on the life of Na
thaniel Hawthorne was read by 'Mrs. R.
E. Bondurant. The members present
were Mrs. L. H. Adams, Mrs. Peter Bor-gan,-
Mrs. M. O. Forrest, Mrs. J. E. Nel
son, Mrs, R. E. Bondurant, Mrs. J. P.
Graham, Mrs. C. A. Pague, Mrs. W. W.
Terry, Mrs. W. T. Joplin, Mrs. J. A. C.
Brant, and' Mrs. W. H. Vose. The
guests were Mrs. Arthur Nicholson, Miss
Bonnie "Forrest, Miss Alice Peebles and
Miss Anna Pennick. The officers of this
club are: President, Mrs. R. E. Bondu
rant; vice-president, Mrs! L. Adams: sec
retary and treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Vose.
The club will meet December 29 with
Mrs. W. W. Terry, at 607 Mulberry street.
The Wednesday Evening if0 Club ' were
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. F.'A. Douty,
December 15. After cards the guests were
invited to. the dining-room, presumably
for lunch, but were surprised to find a.
Christmas tree laden with gifts for the
members and visitors. After dainty re
freshments had been served, prizes were
awarded to Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith.
The club had for visitors Mr. and Tdrs.
Taylor, Mr. Montgomery and Mrs. Bron
son. The next meeting of the club will
be with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hare, 274
Caruthers street, January 5, 1910.
The regular meeting of the Monday
Musical Club will be held at Eilers hall,
Monday. December 20, at 2:30 o'clock.
The afternoon will be devoted to "Amerj-
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