THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTLAND. DECEMBER ID, 1909. 11 BUSINESS OPFORTLMTIE. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS BOI'OHT AND SOLD. P. J. CATThRLIX & COM PANT. 2 Lumbermens Bldg. WE WILL SKLL: 3000 B. C. Amlg Coal 034 lOoO Alaska Pet. & Coal Snap 50 United Wireless Bid 20O0 Fidelity Copper 07 hi 10.000 Black Eagle M. & M 12a 3ouo Morning (Metaline) OT. 3mm Mammoth tMetaline) o 200 Oriole (Metaline) 05 100 Campbell's Gas Burner.... 6 00 25 Portland Concrete Pile & E. 8.50 10O0 Washougal Gold & C 7,1 loo Automatic Gas Light. . . . . .50 200 Almeda Con. Bid 10 Portland Home Tel. stock. .17.50 500 Corns took Golden Gate. ... ' .22 12,000 Gold Creek M. M Bid 3onu Freeland Con 07 Eastern Ore. Oil & Gas 1.00 Palmer Oil Co Market WE WILL PAT CASH FOR: Fidelity Copper ; 03 United Wireless 13.00 A. ttska Pet. a: Coal..... o Clark Wireless Offer B. C. Amlg. Coal Offe Almeda Con Offer Kasiern Oregon Oil & Gas. . . .Wanted Malheur Oil & Gas Wanted Morn i us (Met.) 03 Campbell's Auto Gas Br Wanted Portland Co m- re t e Pile & Eq . . 7 . 50 Hose City Mining Offer We are in a position to furnish any ana all kinds of stocks offered on the market. BEST BUT IN THE CITY. Want a. party to take Vj interest In tha best-paying ISO-room house, right in heart of city: must be capable of taking full charge; is very modern, hot and cold, water iu all rooms, electric elevator, steam heat ; must be seen to be appreciated ; If you are a hotel man or woman, investi gate this; I mean business, and unless you do, don't bother roe; clears over $1000 per month and $7500 takes Interest, or if you would rather have it all, I will let my V go also, but would rather keep interest if I can get good party to take charge. Lincoln Invt. Co.. 812-13 Henry bldg. A BARGAIN BUT. A general merehnd ise store carrying between $3o00 and $0ooO stock. Located cn the Klamatb I nUian Reservation, at Yalnax, Oregon; will exchange for good farm lands or town property ai.d some cash ; established nine years ago, and is a. first-class business; reason for selling, can't look nfter it personally. Address R. C. Spink, Klamath Agency, Or. GROCERY In suburbs doing S1SOO month at expense of $100. This is the best ever offered and to ihe party who ha3 $-2500 and means business, location and close investigation is offered. Cash or negotia ble paper. No real estate agents. More trade is offered and larKe field, but means more expense to handle. No shelving or counters invoiced. Low rent and lease. AG 605. Oregonian. INVESTIGATE THESE BARGAINS. $7ono Albina business property, two tory frame store building, cor. 300x100. $3500 Grocery, established 10 years. Portland. $20no Grocery and bakery, established, country town. $18oo Cor. 100x100, East Taylor. APPLE LAND CO., McKay Bldg. BUSINESS FOR SALE. ' A good paying, well -eat a blu lied paint, oil, wall paper, glass, lime, cement, etc., business In a proijerous city of tiOob inhabitants', with good country trade. Stock about $7000; easy ttrnia; will .sell or rent building to pur chaser; object of sale, retiring from active business. E SSM. Oregon ian. WANT a live partner in the REAL ESTATE business; experience not necessary, but nii'ft be able to adopt yourself to circum stances, to work ami make good; com missions lust month $14o; if you want to get into a well-established business and where the opportunity is good, answer. E 003, Oregouiun. DO you want a partner T Do' you want to sell? ! uo you want money in your buafnes? If so, call and ee or write me particulars. W. Lawrence, 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark su. Both phones. I NRWSPAl'HH for a wheat ranch Will trade a 222-acre wheat ranch in Gilliam County wheat belt, 4 miles from Condon, fT a weekly newspaper in a good, live town, pref erably alung or near the Columbia River; $27 per acre. $;iuOO mortgage; virgin il ; &0 acres in tine growing volunteer wheat. Write Box 125. Condon, Or. PARTNER WANTED. OKOOHRY AND UKXKHAL MERCHANDISE STOKE. In one of Portland's oldest and best-established buslne: very lltil money required; will an-ll according to invoice; no experience necessary beyond ability to help about the more. L 601, Oregonian. MILLINERY STORE FIXTURES Modern, nearly new, 1 2 largo mirrors. 4 glass front wall cases, g lass floor case, counter, tables, portable shelving, etc.; cost, over $400. will tske $200; store for rent it d.sii ed. Phone Main 11 22. WANTED Man who can make good In the real estate business; no money required, but must furnish references and be able to handle outfit! e business. t TH E STEW A U'f CO., 523-5 Board of Trade. Main U34Q. A 7422. MERCANTILE SNAP. 75c on the dollar cash buys my shoe and furnishing goods store; invoice about 93500; all up-to-date goods, only $10O fix tures; good cash trade, low rent, in manu facturing town ; must be taken quick. Address P. O. Box 131, Newberg, Or. STIHH. GROCERIES AND POULTRY MAR KET. " Doing a -fine businttw and one of the best locations Jn the cky ; must be sold Monday; reauna!le. Call 20 Washington St., room 012. "PATENT sp ured or fee returned; illustrated guide bO'-M and list of Inventions mailed free to any address; patents secured for IV advertised free in World's Progress; s.imple copy free. Victor J. Kuans At Co., W a sii in k i on, D. C. $500 OF spare money and a little spare time will add $::& to a monthly income; ordinary business risk, and money may be withdrawn at any time. M. A. Albin, &17 Worcester bldg. WILL SELL 8O00 shares American Differ ential Railway Axle stock or any part of same at 25c per share. Address Lydla B. Gray. ti:to H. W. Hellman bldg., Los An geles, Cal. FOR' SALE Meat market, established 6 years, w ill invoice $5o0; rent $15 per month. Doing about 50 rer day; tine opportunity to make money, phone Tabor 044. W A N T E r A LIVE MAN FOR A LIVE M A XI ' KAOTl'li ING PROPOSITION; $15. MHi AND SERVICES REQl'lRED. GET PA RTIC V LA R S A N D D E T AILS BY AY KITING P 601, OREGONIAN. STEREOSCOPIC view bulne for sale very cheap; nearly IO.'.k-o negatives1 in iron boxes, thousands of; sock In casts; cata legue and titling linotype. Ingersoll View Co., Ingeradl bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Xt ELI ABLE REAL ESTATE FIRM will sell a working lm- r.t to a aober, energetic man to show oust uiv rs property; en rgotic man can make $175 monthly; very little monev required. Cull room 623 Lumber Exchange. 'WANTED Dry goods, general merchandise or drug store in good Valley town ; give description and amount of sales and ex penses. W B. Eddy, Rose City Park. I0 VOL" require the services of competent business man? Would 1a a valuable man in handling large real estate or security deals. O 000; Oregonian. FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise amounting to $Ji.ono, together with neces sary trade fixtures, in a prosperous in terior town. K. L. Sabin. 7 1st st. ESTABLISH KD business firm with $noO stork desires one-third partner with $2500 to en In !( business. It will then show $50O per weeii profit. C12 Swetiand Bldg. f OR SALE Electric light plant now netting 15 per 1'tnt. In town of 2500; also ha e franchise for water system. Apply Electric Light. C ST A, Crosonl.m. LIVERY stables in a good Valley town, in cluding building, stock, vehicles, harness, feed. etc. Price S."0v0. Terms $3000 cash, balance time. AD 6S7, Oregonian. RESTAURANT and creamery for sale, do ing good business, in I lie main part of city, must sell on account of sukness. AO 5.H. Oregonian. Bl'TTKR and egirs stand, doing $60 per day; lomc lease; pent. $35: thorough trial given; $o0 handles it. 72 Stark st. VANTKl Rooming-house, 20 to 30 rooms; lease to Japanese; will pay cash. C 606,' Oregonian. POOLROOM. $2500. clearing $200 per month, small cash payment handles iu 3d and Ankenv sts. GOLD MINE $:,00 cash. $500 as work progresses, will put you on -easy street. Phone Mrtin H 74 for particulars. PHOTO studio for sale, best Oregon town; nap if taken before Jan. 1. R ti0, Ore gonian. WANTED Young man with $2i0; owner is Uone and tired of lured help: duties easily teamed. Room 610 Swetiand bldg. HORSESHOEING shop for sale cheap. R ttv4, Oregoniao. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TALK WITH. FLETCHER. 2-500 Alaska pet. & Coal, treas Market lUiO Almeda Con -. $ .60 5v0 Am Dif. Railway Axle 73 I4O0 Automatic Gas Light .43 - 10 Burlingame T. T. stock A 4.00- - 10 Burlingame T. T. receipts.... 3.50 50 Campbell Safety Gas Burner.. COO 1O0 Collins Wireless 1.50 JOi Comb. Salt & Pepper Bid Mu Comstock Golden Gate 20 50O0 Electric M. & S Bid looo Fidelity Copper Market SK Freeland Con 05 V 50OO Gold Creek, M. & M 05 Ms 3i H. O. Peck Auto Wheel Bargain 5 Marconi tEngland) $0.00 15 Nat. Aut. Fire Alain. '. Bid I7O0 National Copper OS 5i0 PIckel Adv. Mach .20 lO Portland Con. P. & E 8-75 J500 Portland Tel. bond Bid 30 Portland Tel. stock Bid lOO Portland-Alaska copper ' Bid 15 Simonson Fix-It Bid Knelling Oil 15 500 Superior Coal & Imp... .50 Trevor Mines Co .03 1000 United Copper-Gold 35 1000 Washougal G. & C Bid All other stocks and bonds. See me be fore 'buying; may be able to do better. 1 WANT Alaska Pet. & Coal. National Copper. Almeda Con. Portland Con. P. & E. B. C. Amai. Coal. Portland Tel. stock. , Cascadia M. 6c D. United Copper-Gold, fidelity Copper. United Wireless. Gold Creek. H. O. Peck Automobile Wheel. 225 ABINGTON BLDG. "INVESTING FOR PROFIT" Is worth $10 a copy to any man who intends to invest any money, however small, who has money invested unprotitably, or who can save $5 or more a month, but who hasn't learned the art of investing for profits. It demonstrates the HcAL earning power of t money, the knowledge finan ciers and 'bankers hide from the masses. It reveals the enormous profits bankers make and shows how to make the Earn: profits. It explains HOW stupendous fortunes are made and WHY they are made; now 41000 grows to $22,000. To introduce my magazine write me NOW, and I'll send six of the best Issues Subllshed FREE. Editor Gregory, 77 ackaon Blvd., Chicago. WANTED TO MEET A PARTY WHO WILL JOIN ME IN HOLDING SOME VALUABLE OIL LAND IN THE VALE DISTRICT. EASTERN OREGON; 150 B ARK EL STRIKE YESTERDAY. CLOS S TO MY PROPERTY; SEE FRONT PAGE YESTERDAY'S OREGONIAN. NOTHING TO GIVE AWAY, BUT WILL DIVIDE THE OPPORTUNITY TO HOLD WHAT I HAVE. THIS IS GENUINE. NOT MUCH MONEY NEEDED TO HOLD LARGE TRACT. L 6o5. OREGON IAN. I HAVE a legitimate business proposition covering the manufacture and sale oC an article staple as flour; 100 per cent net profit If pushed; no factory now on Pacific Coast; lack capital; will sell controlling in terest or engage services of nrit-class promoter; can show sample of finished product; this will bear the closest investi gation. Address AIT 606, Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED. Experienced poultryman with about $1, 000, to start commercial poultry plant in the Spring or at once; advertiser owns 100 acres good land, with house and some cleared, and will put in services with the right man ; believe mutually profitable and agi eeable deal can he made. Reply In detail. Box 56, Clieha.Ha, Wash. ROOMING-HOUSE, 24 ROOMS. 4 6 -room connected fiats, nicely and completely furnished ; a snap if taken Monday; income $1:04.50 por month; terms if desired. See owner, 2 OS Fent6n bldg., 84 bth at. DRY GOODS STORE A fine opening for a small dry goods and notion store, six other businesses represented In the block; new building ; growing business center; storeroom 20x62 feet; long lease; - low rent. Apply to drugstore, corner Front ana uidds sts. WOODWORKING PLANT and carpenter shop, good location, good business, low rent; includes more than $400 worth goods ready for sale; fin place for car penter or mechanic; partners cannot agree and must sll Monday or Tuesday; $300 Is enough. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. WATER POWER There will be more money made in the -next 10 years by the devel oping of waterpower on the Columbia River and tributaries than anything else on the Coast, if you want to Join in the organization of corporation to do this, ad dreys VV 003, Oregonian. BAKERS, LOOK PI ERE ! $2100 for a bakery and store in the best city in the Valley. Clears over $2500 a year besides a good living. Might sell to a good, honest man who is willing to do his share of work. Do not miss this. F. FUCHS. 21 hit Morrison St. STOCKS.' bonds financed. I am ready to take over large issues of industrials, also mining offerings. Only responsible corpo rations with full particulars entertained. Wm. H. Forman, 160 Broadway, Now York. YOU CAN HAVE a New York business ad dress at nominal cost; your correspondence and other business matters given careful and Intelligent attention ; correspondence in vited. Po?;office Box 6, Madison Square sta tion. New York. REAL ESTATE BSI NESS. Partner wanted In one of the best paying ground-floor real estate offices in the city ; one that will stand closewt investigation; little money required, but a good man. Call Washington st.. room 612. GROCERY If you want a good one, I have It; doing $2000 per month; will Invoice about $1800; will give discount for cash. Ca 1 1 room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. 2d and Stark sts. MASON At Twin Falls. Idaho, Dec 12, J. Omer Mason, aged 25 years, 6 months, be loved son of John K. Maan, brother of Isa bel Mason Rand-ill and Jeesle K. MaVn, of Bremerton, Wash. SALOON MHX. On a ccoun t of ot her b u Pi n ess In t e res ts I will dispose of my high-claa plar. ne of the bt-t?t ocrncrs on Washington street, down town; a big payer. B 60S, Oregonian. FOR SALE A good paying milk, cream and buttermilk route; team, harness and wagon. In Eugene, Or.; price $300; takes all. Ad dress c. O. Hudson. 4yl Willamette st., Eugene, Or. DO YOU WANT A SNAP Come and see us, we have some of the very best things In rooming-houses, stores and farms in the city. Lincoln Invt. Co., SI 2-13 Henry bldg. FOR SALE $250 buy a business that only requires your time and attention for 3 hours each week; duties easily learned; you can handle this with your present position. 6v9. Oregonian. STEADY, sober partner wanted for- grocery, doing good cash business; don't require big investment ; it's the man wanted not his money. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. MEAT MARKET cheap; owners have another business and are unable to attend to both; 3-year lea.-? on store. Inquire Sunday be tween 2 and 3 P. M.. 675 First St. MARRIAGE paper, highest character, incor porated ; 14th year; 5o0 members; paxer sealed ; send 10c. R. E. Love, Box ltioO, Denver, Colo. COMPLETE two-set woolen mill plant for sale, all complete running order. Par tucu'ars address J. p. Wilbur, Union, Or. INVESTMENT $1000 and position, money fuly secured; references required. AG G-k. Oregonian. FOR SALE Furniture and hardware store, one-half or whole Interest, cheap; retiring; from business. 748 Thurman st. HAY. feed. coal, etc., extra fine business, J .'to 00 month sales: will sell reasonable. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. , - NOTIONS, clpar. confectionery; invoice bet. $1500 and $!So0 1017 Union ave. North. FOR SALE Good paying saloon; $1000, half cash. Portland Brewing Co. HAVE money and services for legitimate business; no agents. AN 502, Oregonian. $2 FOR 100 business cards; 200, 75c Rose City Printery, 112 3d st.. near Taylor. STOCK of groceries and fixtures for sale, store for rent. 410 Broadway. DA NDY confectionery store. Alberta st. ; cash or trade. Inquire 347 Yamhill st." ROOMJNG-HOUSKS. 14 ROOMS, well furnished, centrally located; long leaw. cheap rent; price $550. See owner, 214 Clay st. 12 ROOMS, a dandy, doing a good business. Will seil cheap for cash. CalJ Main $46S today, abouioon If possible. 34 ROOMS, lea-v. brick building, good fur niture; only $1700; terms. 3u5 Sd ex.. 14 ROOMS, rent $2 best location; will give away for $.Vo. 3o5 3d ett. 11 ROOMS furnished, close in, rooms always rented. N 604. Oregonian. 13-ROOM flat, housekeeping, very central. $750; terms. Hatheld, 165 & 4th at. ROOMING-HOUSES. BEST BUYS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. GET SETTLED BEFORE NEW YEAR. O. R. C- ELLIS & CO.. 201-202 Merchants T: ust Bldg., 326 Washington. Between 6th and 7th. NEW. MODERN. CHEAP. 44 ROOMS, new CORNER BRICK, lo cation good, running hot and cold water in rooms, steam heat, furnishings N E W and FINE, rent only $5 a room, lease 5 years; clears $300 over all expenses; here is a BARGAIN at $5500. DOES $400 INTEREST TOUr 40 ROOMS, ELEGANT, new CORNER BRICK, in CHOICE LOCATION; BEST FURNISHED house In the city, beyond description; you need to tee it to ap preciate it; PRIVATE BATHS, steam heat, running hot and cold water in every room; total receipts jjjM'O, total ex penses, $400. Further particulars on per sonai interview. SELL OR TRADE. 110 rooms, ROOMING and APART MENT: well located; always filled with good class of roomers; RENT LESS THAN $4 a ROOM; lease 4 YEARS; never clears less than $300 a month ; $35oo cash handles it; or will take real estate $3000; $200o cash, balance eaay. FINE BARGAIN. 30 rooms. close iri location, all In housekeeping suites; well furnished; rent only $65, with lease; receipts from rooms $175.; price, $1400 ; $1000 cash down. 17 ROOMS. CLEAN, GOOD. ' Near Bungalow Theater; weli furnished. CLEAN as a NEW RIBBON ; STEAM HEAT; rooms always rented afc GOOD 1 RICES; rent of house VERY CHEAP, with lease; clears $i5 a month over all expenses; price $1700. half cash, 30 ROOMS, WELL FURNISHED. Few blocks from Ladd School, fitted up for housekeeping; good furniture, Brussels and body Brussels carpets; rent $45; nice corver house. You can clear all your ex penses besides your own rooms; price, 50. . 11 ROOMS BARGAIN. Good furnRure and carpets, nice dwell ing. 7th st., few blocks south of Morrison; very cheap to good tenant; rent of house $45. with lease; you can make all family cxperses renting rooms; price of furni ture $700. Call on us BEFORE you BUY; we can suit you, and save you TIME and MONEY. Information on all propositions cheerfully given, whether you buy or not. DEVLIN & FIREBAOGH. 610-511-512 SweUand Bldg. THIS IS OUR LEADER: 40 rocms, elegantly furnished In golden oak furniture, high-grade carpets, gas and electric lights, furnace heat; every thing in A-l condition; excellent loca tion, good lease, rent $200; an exceptional bargain at $4600. terms; will tako good city real estate as part payment. "Seeing is believing." so don't overlook this snap. A LITTLE GEM. 18 rooms, exquisitely furnished in ma hogany, birdseye mapie, mission, quarter sawed and golden oak furniture- Rnval Wilton yelvet and high-grade Axminster t-cwcLs unu rugs: orass teas and special hair mattresses; hot and cold water In every room, jt.-i nnd ctlotr-i. cellent location, good lease clears $160 monthly; this is the place for a refined woman who wishes a beautiful home and Kooti income. t;aii at office for terms. HERE rs a tnvpv.MAirf o 13 rooms, nicely furnished", golden oak furniture: pTrptim iAn-.ti,,n -cti.k School; rooms always full and doing a e" uuoiucsa,.uwiier must attena to prop erty In East and will sell at a bargain; rent $o0; clears $60 per month; $500 will AN EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD BUT. ju-room residence, furnished In golden ...a..ud,i.v .nil mission lurniture, eood camets anrl M-irvthin tn -, ditlon; excellent location; cheapest rent In the city; clears 40 per; owner .on. w casn aown will handle It. it you want a bargain see this hetore it ia . a' SWELL LITTLE HOME. 3 large, liht rooms, beautlfullv fur nished with Brussels and. Axminster car pets and eood solden oak and mission fur T u: rJsnt-only 25' and ""ere is an Income of ;8 with a fine suite of rooms .u. uwuer; price terms. A ITIWV 15" T A 7. rooms, elegantly furnished in mis- . f s ,' ana KOiden oak furniture AxmiH3ter and KriiBli - . i tiful home and has an income of $S4 VJL gC'd rent: a baritaln, must be seen to be appreciated; SOO will put you in possession .l'tl,-yOU .wl8n to. buy' se" or exchange r.i "K for rooming or apartment-houses can at 511 Swetiand building. We please tlie most fastidious riEVLI.V & FIREBATIGH. QlO-oll-512 Swetlajjd Bldg. DIOTZ-MUELLER CO. . T-3",,!"17 Ablnston Blcg-. BEAUTIFUL NEW APARTilEXT- ERlr??rTTTflTnv?.ew MODBRN CORNER PrJv4TYth?' oexiIU?ltSly finished; RP-t I.vt? , Ab; 2 and 3'room suites; Y?A I400 J?f month and a FIVE- A EA S E. This is a SNAP. MUST .BE; toEEN to be appreciated. AN AWFULLY GOOD BUT T.?2 rooms tine new MODHRN BUILD- PrflVdV ROOMS; steam heat. PRIVATE BATH?; very REASONABLE !2f.tifind aLXO LEASE thte is an tin fVJ!003 hou3e ani a BIO MONET term CWl 860 for prR and HERE'S A DANDY. 84 rooms, new, modern corner brick build ing:, steam heated, elevator, hot and cold running water in all rooms, very well fur nished; rent only $400 per month, includ n,eat elector service and hot water, inis is a enap. Private baths. Telephones in all rooms. Clearing $4o0 and better per month. See us at once for price and terms. A FIXE LITTLE HOUSE. U rooms, modern and elegantly furnished this makes a nice home and has a good in come; rent only $H per month, with a lease If you want a good place see this. ANOTHER GOOD ONT5 SO rooms. ALL ON ONPJ FLOOR, ripht down town; fine location; STE M HTS T-fiRlT-Jery wel1 furnished and making BIG JVIONE1 ; cheap rent and a good lease; see us for price and terms; don't miss this one. ALL THE ABOVE ARE GOOD RUTS WE RECOMMEND THEM-NLT SED. " DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 815-16-17 Abington Bldg. LISTEN TO THIS. Will sell the furniture of a five-room cottage for $175, and rent the house for $10 a month. It's a great bargain and in ,f a fine location near Portland Heights, fine view, and right on carline, or an easy walk. This includes 5 cords of wood. Call Room 518, Oregonian bldg. DON'T OVERLOOK THE FOLLOWING MONEY-MAKERS? o-room flat, swell fumixure. price $275. 8 rooms, A-l fumltur; price $350. 8 roonw, new furniture- Jirice $ti00 10 rooms, fine furniture: price $ttr0 12 rooms, fine furniture, price $750." 14 rooms, new furniture; price $-75'. 17 roonw, good furniture; price $S4. S2 rooms, good furniture; price $2600. 47 rooms, fine furniture; price $-5uO. The above can be bought on good terms' and 60 more to select from. Call at once 2SGMs W ashington at., room 012. 44 ROOMS, center of city, modern, steam heat, corner brick. 4H years lease, clears $300 per month; $r0K. 2d rooms, good lease, right down tow and always full and money-maker; $1000 handles. Have large and small houses all over the city that are bargains SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 619 Board of Trade Bldg, 65 ROOMS, handsomely furnished, fine loca tion, nets $350 per month and carries a fine lease and cheap rent; $4500 handles this. 60 rooms, central, money-maker and a bargain, fine furniture, everything O Jt. and les than JHOOO. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 619 Board of Trade Bldg. TO LEASE. The two upper floors of the 3-story brick building, situated on southeast cor ner of 5th and Flanddrs sts., containing $6 rooms. Will lease for 5 years at a very reasonable rental. PARRISH. WAT KINS & CO., 250 Alder st. TWO-STORY BRICK, v Located at St. John, bringing in fair . -rv in 11 ivi ii.u djiu jot or t rooming-house of equal value; .what have jrou : Mnun-agoner to., jws (. n amber Commerce. ROOMING-HOUSE WANTED. I want to buy large, modern brick rooming-house located on or in vicinity of Wash ington ez. ; give best price and buying terms O 5t4. Oregonian. 66-ROOM hotel for sale- If you have the caah. $25X, look thi up; no agents; ail full, cheap rent: clears better n $200 per month. L 692, Orego&laa. ROOMING-HOUSES. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE, ALL SIZES AND PRICES. 2SiiU Wash. St.. Rooms 406-407. Phones: Main 8a60. A 3475. Bargains in small rooming-houses: 15 rooms, part housekeeping; fine lo cation; splendid furniture; good money maker; rent reasonable; reasons for sell ing; only $1250; $650 cash. 10 rooms, best part of city; furniture A-l; rent low; netting $60 a month; price $1000; $500 handles 9 rooms, close in ; good little money maker; can't be beat for the prioe; only $S00 ; terms. S rooms, going quick at a sacrifice; nets $40; price only $550; terms. A SPECIAL BARGAIN. MUST SELL AT ON OB. 2 5 rooms, close to Portland Hotel ; rooms always tilled; rent cheap; books show $150 net; party must leave the city, if taksn at once, only $2400; $1000 cash. BEST BUY IN THE CITY. Want a party to tike - interest in the best-paying 130-room house. right in heart of city ; must be capable of taking full charge; is very modern, hot and cold water in ail rooms, electric elevator, steam heat ; must be Eeen to be appreciated ; if you are a hotel man or woman. Investi gate this; I mean business, and unless you do. don't bother me; clears over $10u0 per month and $7500 takes Vfc interest, or if you would rather have it all.' I will let my i go also, but would rather keep H interest if I can get good party to take charge. Lincoln Invt. Co., 312-13 Henry bldg. BIGGEST SNAP IN TOWN. 50-room house for sale at $2000 less than one-half invoice figures; furniture almost new ; lavatory in every room ; house .full and paying- a profit of from $300 to $400 a month; am obliged to fcase on account of death In the family; fullest investigation given. If you wish to take advantage of this bargain, send In your name and if you are not a real estate man I will arrange for an interview. J 696, Oregonian. I HAVE a 5-year lease on a new, modern. close-in apartment-house, which will yield a net prorit exceeding $500 per month. I have refused a $2000 cash offer for the lease, but I will sell a half interest for $1500 and go halves on the furniture, which can be purchased on part time. Don't pay a hirh price for old stuff while this Is open. If you ans Interested, write quick. I want a partner who can run the place. Call Main 3463. 10 to 12. WANTED, A buyer for a good rooming house proposition; 2 houses adjacent, one 7 rooms, strictly modern, specially ar ranged for roomers; one four-room house, each room furnished for light housekeep ing. Well located, close in and rental in come good. Cash $4000, balance terms. Must be sold. H. E. Neal & Co., 253 Spnna block. Boise, Idaho. ROOMING-HOUSE 15 rooms; a great SNAP for $U0; located right in the heart of the business center, Weet Side; every room rented; a big money-maker; rent is $75; 2V year leae; only reason for selling Is the owner must raiee money. You cannot beat this for the money. See. H. W, GARLAND & CO., 191 4th St. IF you have $2000 to Invest in a rooming house I will show you where you can land a $10,000 place for about half that sum and handle it for the sum mentioned. This won't last long. Drop a postaL J 606, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE. 26 rooms, full all the time with very best people; every thinp first-class; fine location and good lease; bad health cause of selling; no agents. AC 609, Oregonian. DO YOU WANT A SNAP? Come and see us, we have some of the very best things in rooming-houses, stores and farms in the city. Lincoln Invt. Co.. 812-13 Henry bldg. ROOMING.-HOUSE, close In ' on Wash, et.; pays $300 month; good lease; 40 rooms; $50uO. CAMPBELL & BANDERS 312 Merchants Trust Bldg." 10 ROOMS, downtown location. Price rea sonable; making good money; very de sirable. Phofie A 3465 today or Monday from 10 to 12. 9 ROOMS, nicely furnished, all occupied by men; good, steady roomers; located in heart of city. Call 427 Stark st. after 1 P. M. FOR sale, by owner, IS rooms nicely fur nished. Phone 1193. TEN rooms, all occupied, cheap rent, fur nace; part cash. 3SS 5th st., S. 08 ROOMS, long lease, close in; a money maker; only $2500; terms. 305 3d st. 10 ROOMS, close in. sell for $440; 6 rooms, close in. SHOO. -lo an at FINANCIAL. SEE M. Meagher, 14 Lafayette bldg., for lowest price on home telephone stock of Portland. Now is the time to buy; a good advancement is expected shortly. O 603, Oregonian. A. LIMITED amount Oregon Trust accounts taken in exchange for furniture, etc., or all cash paid if preferred. Conn BrosL, ISO 1st st. Morey to Loan Real Estate. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 8 years time: liberal re payment privileges; money advanced as bnlldirg progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association. 240 Stark at. PLENTY of money to loan at and 7 per cent on real 'estate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY, ' 309-310 'Abington Bldg. IMMEDIATE loans from 16 to $500. on all securities W. A Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. LOANS made on business and high-class resi dence property. Edward E. Goudey, Cor bet t bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. Puildlng loans, lowest rates. W Q. Beck. &12 Failing bldg SPECIAL ATTENTION, quick results, large and small mortgage loans placed promptly. See Gould, -000 Swetiand bidg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on Oregon and Washington Lands. E. L. De verea ux. Fen ton bldg. , 86 6th St. MONEY loaned on timber claims; long or Bhort loans on city property; easy terms. 221 Vi Morrison, room 6. PRIVATE party has $1230 to loan at 7H per cent on first mortgage; no commission. AJ 601, Oregonian. $1000 OR more to loan, first mortgage se curity. Equity Investment Co., 60S Ger linger bldg. Main 81.61. INVENTORS seeking capital, write for in formation. Louis Nell, Quincy Bldg., Den ver, Colo. MONEY to loan at reasonable raxes, in sums from $500 up. Tha Dunn-Lawrence Co 24 B Alder st. $300O TO LOAN on good real estate, at per cent. AL 601, Oregonian. $4000 TO LOAN on Improved realty. 826 .Board of Trade bldg. ATTORNEY has various sums for clients to loan ; no commission. 410 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate, $000 to $5000. 601 Fenton bldg. State funds loaned, 5 per cent. W. fi Thorn as. si.aL agent. Multnomah Co., 400 C. C MONEY loaned cn real estate mortgages or cor tracts -W. H Nunn. 449 Sherlock bldg MONEY to loan, real estate security; no commission. 301 Henry bldg. MONEY to loan on East Side property; no commission. See attorney 2J.0 Allsky bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 5 AND 6 PER CENT. THAD SWEEK, SWETIAND BLDG. MONEY to loan;, mortgages bought. Wm. Holl, 9 Washington bldg., 4th and Wash. WILL loan $3000 or less, real estate 6 per cent. Farrington, 416 Com. Club bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST $1000 TO LOAN on city property. Pedersen. 410 Vancouver ave. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgages H.Mlley. room 204 Gerlinger. $1200 to loan on city property, 2 or 8 years. 210 Henry bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to xvr cent Frary &. Seita, 132 5th st M0.ONEY to loan on improved city property. W m MacMa-ster, 3oa Worcester oik. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign motey; loans. Lewis & Co., 251 Wash sU MONEY to loan on improved realty. 826 Board of Trade bldg.. $3000 TO loan at 7 per cent on real estate; no bonus wanted. V 609, Oregonian, FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY to loan on unproved property If for building purposesh. Interest does not commence until actual disbursement of funds Liberal repayment options Co lumbia Life & Trust Co.. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. 1 MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or other real estate securities, bought on city property or lands anwhera in Oregon or .Washington. U. E. Noble. 316-317 Lum bertMn's bldg., 6th and Stark sts. TO LOAN Large and small amounts on good city real estate at T per cent in terest. C. F. Prtuger Ac Co.. rooms 4-6. Mulkfty bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. $500,000. ON improved city or farm prop-e erty. building or small loans at lowest rates; laree loans a specialty. J. H Mc Kinzle Co. 514-15-1B Gerllnser bldg. EASTERN money to loan at 6 per cent on residence and business property. Amounts $1000 up. Henry C. Prudhonune Co., 636 Chamber of Commerce. $ lO, 000 TO loan in one eu m, West Side, 6 per cent. AM 000, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. LEWIS & CO.. 251 WASH ST MONET loaned, building; purposes. If consult ed before building begins. 602 Henry bldg Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries DON'T WORRY. Is your landlord waiting for his rent? Is your grocer waiting for his bill ? Is your life insurance company wait ing for its premium? Is your furniture store waiting for Its payments? Havo you been out of work or had sick ness with all Its extra bills? If so, you have, worried enough without worrking about money. But you say the landlord must be paid and others will not wait. Don't worry ; let us . do the waiting. We have money and nothing to do but wait that's our business. Get out of debt. Get your mind off your money troubles. You will be able to work better and ' get out of debt sooner. Come and get the money from us from $10 upward. We will loan you on your furniture, piano, fixtures, storage receipt or any personal property; also on your salary. We will give you 3 to 12 months in which to pay it off. Easy weekly or monthly payments. See us first when in need of money. We offer a better proposition on loans of this kind than can be found else where. HUTTON CREDIT COMPANY, 612 Dekuzn Bldg. $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ Open Evenings. CHRISTMAS MONEY For Ail That Want It. Don't Wait Until We Are Rushed, But Call Today. Loans from $10 to $100, and all we require is that you are working. Our rates are th lowest. Our payments easiest. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER NO PUBLICITY Call today and be convinced. STATE SECURITY CO., 308 Failing Bldg. Open Evenings. $$!$$$$$$$$$$$ $ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of ir.inev. Don't b bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish the money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Real Estate, Furniture and Pianos (with out removal). Storage Receipts, Life In surance Policies, Horses, Jewelry and Dla monue, and all kinds of securities, on easy eek ly or mon th iy pa y men ts. We Buy First and Second Mortgages. Ail Business Strictly Confidential. U S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO-. 12 Hamilton Bldg, 131 3d. Main 20S4. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, burses, insurance poli cies and ail kinds of securities; REAL ES TATE LOANS from, $3000 up. - NEW ERA LOAN &. MTG. CO., - 416 Abington Bidg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house- , keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in ttti principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange. MONEY loaned anyone steadily employed on their plain note; return it in easy payments; strictly confidential; lowest rauas. See us and save money. 427 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak. MONEY TO LOAN. In sums irom $25 to o00 on good chaV tel security. Room 320 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and SiarK. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO., 321 Abington bldg. Money on installment plan. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A M. ueiovage. joweisr. 2a Wash ington st. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get and eaBy to pay- F. A .Newton, 615 Henry bldg.. cor 4tn ami uaK sis I BUY bank accounts, bonds, mortgages, eto. Thou. McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds ana jeweiry. Marx t locn. t aa st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. me Loan uo.. 414 uenum niag. Loans Wanted. MR. IRVING TON HOMEOWNER. If you knew that you could get another such investment as your own home has proven 10 oe. wouia you take aovuntaee or it 7 If you thought you could double your money in 18 months' time, would you in vest T . OLMSTED PARK is a part of the great successful Irvlngton district: It ts making money for its Investors now. Look Into It today, while prices are low and terms are easy. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg. PRIVATE loan of $10 00 wanted for 3 years without commission on new property valued at $2400; will pay 8 per cent. P , 607, Oregonian. PARTY holding good, responsible position, desires loan f ronj some private party of $500 for one year at 12 per cent on his own personal note. AB 606. Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $10,000 from 1-to 3 years, 8 per cent ; A-l timber and farm land security. Phone Main 4377. 612 Buchanan block. LOANS WANTED. Want $1500 on full lot, new T-room house, not far out, -for S to 5 years. 414 Couch bldg. WANTEDTo borrow $20,000 on 15O0 acres land in Chehalu County, Washington; value of land and improvements $9u.0O0; will pay 7 per Nsnt interest. AI. 593, Oregonian. WANTED $1250 ; 8 per cent; 10 acres im proved land near Portland, value $3000. S 607. Oregon ian. WANTED Loan from private party, $350, for one year, at 8 per cent; security real es tate, value $10o0. E 604, Oregonian. WANTED Loan of $2100 for 5 years at 8 per cent; interest on good country real estate security. W C01, Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $2500; real estate worth $8000; to responsible party will pay 8 per cent; no agents. P 600, Oregonian. $2000 FOR 5 years; good real estate secur ity, from private party. D 609, Oregon ian. WE want money on first mortgage, real es - tate security. Equity Investment Co., 60S Gerlinger bldg. Main S251. WANT $80O at 7 per cent; no agents, no commissions. A-l security B. AC 600, Ore gonian. TO borrow $1000 at 7 per cent to finish my . house. H 60 4, Oregonian. $1000 LOAN wanted on suburban property costing $3000. J 608, Oregonian. $4500. 8.5 PER cent: $30,000 business prop erty as security. D tiu5, Oregonian. $1300 MORTGAGE, bearing 8 per cent, sell for $1250. AB 607. Oregonian. $5000 WANTED on 4O0 acres timber, worth $21,000. AL 603, Oregonian. WANTED $10,000. 7 per cent. 5 vears, on farm worth $25,000. 201 Fenton bldg. PARTY wishes to loan $1500 on improved city xtrooerty. AJ 603 Oregonian, FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. LOAN WANTED We have a number of ap-pdca-ion for loans on improved city property and farms in sums of $50 to $10,000; No. 1 security; Interest 6 to 8 per cent GWson & Holliday. 304-5 Gerlinger bldg WANT $30,000 loan at 6 per cent, 70x10 corner lot worth $1S.000 to $20,000 a4 new building cost $31,000; 10 blocks from pids, Wortman & King's new building. Address E 600, Oregonian. I WANT to borrow $300 on Vernon lot. fine location, 6 months at 71 per cent; no com mission. AG 002. Oregonian. PERSONAL. DR. C S. CARTER, suite 401 Merchants Trust bldg.. corner 6th and Washington Practice limited to diseases and disorders of womeu The doctor's advice is free, consult him in absolute confidence, pri vate sanatorium if desired. Hours: 10 to 1; 2-4; 6-6. Sunday, 10-L j THE JAhN." 3S4 Tamhill St.. cor. West Park Selected ladies hair goods, stylish puffs s itches, artistic wigs. toupees, transformations that defy detection; the very tatest French systetn of hair dyeing; saves time, money ard disappointments; our system of dermatology will, cure the worst kind of scales, tetter and dandruff, experienced French wigmaker and Marcel waver in attendance. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF". - Diseases of women and children; surgery; chronic and nervops diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to-date electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations; confinement cared- for ; consul tation free. Room 1 0. Grand Theater bidg. Main 3928; A 5607. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children. Ladies, you can avoid surgical operation by con sulting me; electric treatment for nervous diseases ; private hospital accommodation Rooms 505-506 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. Pnones, Main 4047, A 241L HAIR GOODS at factory prices; French and German hair switch as. 95c and up. Paris styles in hairdresstng; scientific face and scalp massage, aermatoiogy. hairdreasing and manicuring taught Aza H. Ribbecke. Grand Leauer, 5tb and Alder sts. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslnglors grauuate. rheumatism, nervuus ana atom Bch disorders under niivsiciau s uircctioas, hatha 'No. 7 East E'evemn street, second door south from East Ankeny car une. Phone East 26U, Home x laoj. "THE JAHN," 3S4 Yamhill St.; phones Main 5174. A 3544 High-class ladies' Turaitih and electric baths; removing of super fluous hair, moles, warts, etc. by the elec tric needle; painless aud permanent; the only system inuoica uy an yu iiciau. GET MARRIED Matrimonial paper contain Ing nundreoc advertisements, marriage Die people irom a a section, ncu, puoi, uur, old. Protectants. Catnoiics, waiied free. U. ia unntls, 1 oieco, o. WHEN you are sleepy or nervous in th daytime. Sexine Puis will do wonders lor you, $1 a box, 6 boxes lor $5- Auaress or call The J. A. Clemenson- Drug Co.. corner Front and Morrison sts., portiana. ur. LEARN halrdressing, manicuring and scalp treatment in one week, 5 eacn; lace treatment. 10 : secuie positions for pu pils. J? rencn Hairuressmg cnool, 128 14th st. Phone Main 30uu. LAuiiLi Aja your aruggisi tor c niches ters Diamcr.d Brand Pills For 25 years known as the best, safest. Ke liable lakd no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand PUts are sold by druggists everywhere. TH0 L'ORANE First-class hair dressing. manicuring, aia-mpo, ecaip and fvicial tieat ment; teach nair dressing. Suite 15, Kaieigh biug., 3234a Washington st.. Main 77e2, A 301. Uik,aa suits lor ren. all slices, 1.011 uiontn keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buuum sewea on, rips seweu,. sri uuii cctus auu un liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3UU totark. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly fiiri blood and skin diseases, sores, ul cers, swollen glands, kiuney, bladuer and piieS. IOI i" Liau u. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills are positively tne nest, xaae no omer. .trice. per oox, ur o uu, fi. Auuresi x. J pierce, 311 Alisky bldg. ANY PERSON, male or female. Interested In commercial, ranroaa or wireitas te.egiapny please addreaa A. B. M., 414 Taylor eu, city. ANXIOUS about the future? Send dime, stamp and date of birth for accurate pre dictions for the coming year. Prof. J. Alison, Box P, Springfield, O. GENTS Have fun, 15 hot-air cards, spicy read n?. rich Dlctures: lover s aeilgnt. iuh set 15, no two alike. Sent for only 10 cents. Novelty Mfg. Co., Arieta, or. MR :S -STEVENS. 1ft years Portland's leadins palmist, has placed on sale her new book i'aimlS'.ry maae ra.ay, pi wuu in structions $1.50. 343 Vi Yamhill st. DON'T be lonesome; join the only reliable marriage bureau in the world; send 10c for December papers. rox au oeaiue, Wash MARRY RICH big list of aescriptlons and photos sent tree, sealed. A ti dress fitacdard Kor. iuD, dux out, iaraiaK.ea . MEN ONLY SEXOID. PILLS cure all weak ness, price, 1. aroney reiunaea ix it iaiis. T. J. - Pierce, 311 Alisky bldg. A GENTLEMAN of 45 wishes to make the acquaintance of a suitable lady with view of eariy marriage. J tk4, Oregonian. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum. Office hours, a A. M. to 5 PM. 170 Va od sL. Main 8770, Mme " Courtwrlght. skin and scalp treat- tic surgery. 225 Fliedner bidg M. bu-. . -,! i.-vo' ie L' V 1? TAW If rr t ui ..-.ft.,. 2oc box. restore lost- vital1 ty. Stipe. Taylor Drug Co.. 23 Morrison st JOHN LI M NELL. Swedish graduate, mas seur, mecbano-hydrotherapeutic treat ment 417 oregonian bldg Main 7757. SURVEYOR, S3, seeks acquaintance of young woman, brunette, not over 30; object, mat rimony. Address R 50J, Oregonian. PR. T. J. PIERCE, specialist. diseases of women; all irregularities, correcteu; no ex posure. Call or write 311 Alisky bidg. BAKE-OVEN treatment for rheumatism and all kindred dueasts. Swedish Sanitarium. 433 Market, cor. 12th. Phone Main 7033. DR. ISABELLA MACK10. Private hospital for women. 3UO E. &Oth St. Tabor btM. CHILBLAINS I positively cure chilblains. Dr. Neison, chiropodist. 2504s Alder. Main 7366. MARRY 500 want to marry, many rich, may be your affinity. Photos, etc., free, - sealed. Box 8, Round Lake, 111. AUTHORS seeking a publisher should com municate with the Cochrane Publishing Co., 1277 Tribune bldg.. New York City. WANTED To buy combings; switches mads to order. 651 E. Yamhill. East 1710. FOR SALE A S30 set of World's Histories, like new, for $15. Main 77445. ENDLESS HAIR ROLL Any thickness, any color. 428 E. 9th E. 2211. MOLES wrinkles, superfluous halt removed. Mrs M D Hill. 429 Fliedner bdg M 3473. WILL buy cut hair and combings. 384 Yam hill st. "The Jahn." 3-MONTHS-OLD Melville Clark inside piano piayer; SS-note, AB 691, Oregonian. FINNISH masseurs. Mr. and Mrs. Jurva, li5 Union ave., N. East 6U42, C 1738 BALM OF FIGS for all female dimases 660 --Gllsan st. Main b21S. Agents wanted. HARRY SHEPPARD, teacher of astral con sciousness, 741 Water St.. Portland. Or. MEDICAL BLOOD POISON permanently cured. Consult one who suffered 5 years. Particulars and treatment free, 510 Pacific Bldg., Seattle Wash. . BUSINLSS DIRECTORY. Accountants . E. H. COLUS A CO., ACCOUNTANTS- Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester Block Phone Main 6507. H. A MOSEH, accountant and auditor; business or corporations, estates, counties, municipalities solicited. 250 3d M. 2484 Attorneys at Law. & S HUMPHREY, 727-730 Cham. Corn Interstate Adjustment Co.,' collection dpt. H H R1DDELL, attorney-at-law, 73a Chamber Commerce. Main, 4764K Jk. S53L blMXLNi UIKSITORT. A say er and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Labaratory and rare-testing work. tistJ Morrison st. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M 5980l FOOD commercial and drug analysis t-iarne. wo toward Dru Co., puniano, u Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, cheri- ien.3 auu assurers -o-t asmngiou st. SUN SOON Hum CO. Silks, suftias. rugs. fanc goods. 70 6th. ClriroiHHly. WM ESTELLE and Flossie Deveny, the only scientuic chiropodist in the city, parlors 302 Gerlinger nld.. S V. cor. 2d and Al der Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and pedicuring Mrs. M D. Hill. room 4 Hi i-iieuner bug pnoue Main 344. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. Tiiiord biag..u. v-i. 10th ana Mor. ECONOMY foot and scalp specialist ; bunion skeptics inv ited. 3i tark. A .Su. Coal and Wood. MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. Foot ot Baucroxt ave., good dry box wood, inside wood, siao wood, cord wood, coai. Mum 5otO. A 211d. Collections. COMMERCIAL, probate, real estate law. Don tied representatives every w lie ro a- - tiuiial Adjustment Co., l)2tl Board of Trade CotniuUblun Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com mission nierchaius. fcneriock bidg. Dancing;. Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN. D. V. S., D. C M. Ot lice $34 Flanuera SL. Main 406, -A 40&&. ducat ionaL ENGIN EKH1NO Clvu. eiecincai. roechanlo al, survey, assay, caniue; estabii&ned 1864. Van dtr Nailiun benooi, ' 51st and Tele--graph Oakland. Cal. xilectrio Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors lor rent or sale. 213 d St. 1 eed Stores. ZIGLER & M1SNER, hay, grain, feed, ce uieuu shingles. 234 Grand ave. E. 482, Janitor touppiles- THE WESTERN Saes Co., 44 2d St. Jani tor ana bunding supplies. Pbone Mala 6752, Laundry. 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT DURING FIRST MONTH. .. CASCADE LAUNDRY. 2S9 Union Ave. Last 2640. B 1068. First-ciass Japaneao laundry; get satis faction. Leal tier said 1 Hidings. CHAS. 1. MASIIL'K & CO., 74 Front, leather 01 evAr description, taps, mira findings. J A. STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. .Es tablished 1808- 18tf Front st. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO., 128 5th St. Mala 53, 215a. Joauaie on the spot. Musical. BAND ana orchestra instruments, musical sun-1 oiies. Victor talking mac nines, reooros. beiberliila-Lucas' Aiuaic Co., 134 Ud at. EM1L THiELtiUKN, violin teacner, pupil of Cevcik A 4 loo. pine J J 4. Main 30-45. M. C -SMITH, teacher or piano, 452 Salmon st. Mo. in i 0. conservatory course. OateopatUic Physician. DR R. B- NUUTHttL'P. 415-10-17 Detkum idg.. Tnird and tVannigLua Sts. Fhone.orxice, Main ic .feast or B 1029 1'auits, oils and Ola, HA&MUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, e.aK, fcau aud doors Cor. lid and Taylos. J. ts. A1A.1SUN. Patenta and soup draw ings, if-k jjsi 3U - Pnoue Main Xo. Pa tot and .Tension Allome. PATENTS that protect and pay; advice and Oouas tree; rates reasuaauie; hignest ref-ei-cnuca. ui ro& u 1 l s. nuuou is. Coleman paLeiiL ia v er, vv asuillg ton. Jj. C. L. W iid 1, uoutebiiu auu loreign pat ents, inixins enieui vases. eu4 Dauia. Patent At torney a. PATENTis Mason. Fen wick & Lawrence, pat ent, lavtyeis, wo F. ou, N. vv ., w ashing ton, x. C ; tcLauiuneu 4tt eai s; beL 1 ci uiictta; t-aitiui wr.; terms iiicnieraie. , , buvK.ei. ana .uvice tite. leaving. XtiK Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 404 Worcetoiwr biu.. Oscar uujui, ruiilaaO. I'tiyakciaus and burgeons DR. C. .S. CAKTLK, physician for women. 4ul Morcuauid ifost oiug. Hours, lu-1 2-4; o-s. auuuai, 10 -L bth and Wash- - ltl LOU. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PiPE CO. Factory and oiiico licui . ana kora ui. . Atni a-kait. . Piatexa. PORTLAND PLATING & MANUFACTUR- ' CO- rau.Nfi MaI.N 143. PLAT- . 1. cr IN is 1 i.iin, uunu, S1L V Jiiit, . ixv.aa A.N'i cux'i is.K AAliWliii, ruL-' ftn , u t ALi citiiva Ui' klnl'A.L .NUV'tiL- 'X u.a A.NiJ air-iClA.LXlii.c. Z2L AND lia.cii.AivVs S16. Ln-X Urf LbliMATiJ luvii VVOiiK- .. Mubocr btamps. Aa-SO seats, stencils, offwe stationety, etc. Cuuuuikuaiu s. oi btai iu Aiin 140 7. Kuk eavers. NUKXHWEsT hUG WOKKb Rugs from . otu tdipccii, coioaiai rg rug., ilk por tiers. lu onion ave., near hi. Mor. btoiage and Transfer. C. O. PICK. Transter Storage Co., office . and couuuumous lour-btuiy onca ware house, bepaiaits iron rooms iua nreproof vauits lor valui-.les, N. . W. cor. 21 and -pine tiit- Piiiios and lurniture moved and pacAtd lor amppma. iviain uad. A 1WU6. , OLSliiN-ROE TRANSFER CO. Geutiai tranLerring and storage; safes, plants and xuruiLure moved and pacKed, fur snipment. 2uj Lak at., uet. jprout and 1st. 'leicpuufca Aiain 647 or A 2247. ORh-GON '1K.ANSFER CO- established 1870. Transfer auu forwarding Agenui bcoraga. OiXAue iio rioyi sl. utiwMu itiu and Otin pnonws. Main ou. A 11 tW. . WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 1018, A lwisl. Ail covered wag ons, aii experienced men. fcalea. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Gale at factory prices. Second-hand safes. bbuweatte, iianJk and btore Fixtures. THE LUTK.E MFG. CO.. branch Grand uapiua oiiucas Co., 6th and Hoyu K. Luiae, Mgr. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 614 Front Typewriters. SPECIAL OFFER ON FACTORY-REBUILT '1 lFfiiW KITERS. L. C. Smith Visioie, S4J.oO and up; Un derwoods, No. 4 and 5 models, 47.0 and up ; Remingtons, No. 6 and 7 models, $2 7.50 and up. All otner makes at proportionally low prices; all maenmtts guaranteed and, sold on approval; term?. Pncihc (stationery Ac Printing Co., 203, Zi)o, 207 Second iu Sol agents tor the Rebuilt Typewriter Company. -r WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; in vestigate all makes, all prices. The Typewriter &x- ' change, 287 Washington st. SPECIAL prices; all makes rented, sold re paired. P. D. C Co., 231 Stark. Main i407. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 First St.. Port land, Or., wall paper, wholesale and re tail; samples mailed free. BAa. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON FT3., ' TRANSACTS A GENERAL " BANKING BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL- . ABLE !N ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 1 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV- V INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSH ' VAULTS