10 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. DECEMBER 19. 1909. ROB RENT. Apartment. FOR RENT -Most . desirable five-room flats, with extia tiervanta room, away from the main body toe apartment, are offered on K. 2 1st ittreet. next to the corner of Hawthorne u ; walking distance, or 8 mlnuteti out on best oarline In the rltv; nothing !n Po rt Jand comparable to these Slits; artistic Interiors, surpass many of the finest hor. e; large fireplace. big porches. etc.; cwne direct to flats or ring up M. 2964 for .urther information. OKDKLKIGH A PA KTMEXTS New. brick. Grand ave. and at Stark: well furnished 5-room apartments iHssefesing every mod ern convenience, Inc luding steam heat, hot water, private batl.s and phonw ; while these apartments are as up-to-date as any in the city and about an close to the busi ness center, the prlc es are considerably Jess; now ready for ociVPcy phone East 300; no children. READY January 1. THE ALTAMONT, Gtta and College; make reser ations now. Best in the Northwest; deposit vaults; phones, hot water. steam heat. electric lifts In each apartment. FREE 'U'BROOM. First-class janitor service. Call at apart ments or phone. FIDELITY ADJ. CO.. jiin 9014. 417 Kenton Bldg. HBINZ APARTMENTS 14th .nd Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison Ft.; new brick build in, completely fir;-u-class, f u.muihed In 2. x and 4-room family apart m eiis: private, hath, reception hail, stenm heat, hot water, elevator, free phor.e, compressed ir clean ing. Janitor service; rent very .etisonable. 30. STEAM heated apartment. West Sid. -house 4 email rooms, a corner, furnished with a gas stove, bedstead arKl spring-, dresser and dining-room table, light fix tures and shades, nice little bulMlng. Call Janitor 454 11th st. RB-U-KAN. The most exclusive furnished apart ments In the city; three-room sultn. bath and reception hall, both phones, electric levator; take w or 10tb-st cax. 024 Marshall at. TIT EC LANDORE APARTMENTS. 228 10th tit., between Jefferson and Columbia One large front room and one single, room, newly furnished; all convenience. KN" A P 60-room apartment-houtt, near cen ter of city; 1, 2, 3 and 4-room sulte3 each; house full, clearing $3tW a. month. AF 394, oregonian. MODERN, 4 rooms, fireplace. hot -water heat. gas range. ref rigerator. outside rooms. 185 10th, near Yamhill. WELLINGTON COfRT, 10th. and Everett, -rom suite unfurnished, and private bath. 4-KOOM apartment, nil modorn corrven tenc.es; electric passenger elovntor. Iiulan Court, 670 Couch. ELEGANTLY .furnished .".-room apartment. Inquire at St. "roix. on fit. Clair and Washington. G 6o8, Oregonian. HARTFORD APARTMENTS, 2lst and irian dera Two line ".-mom apartments -with steam heat, private, bath. Flats. FO R RENT .Vroom flats, with all modern conveniences; porcelain bath tutus, sani tary plumbing : never occupied ; on two earllnes, 12 minutes from center of city; rent $20. Apply to R. F. Jones, cor. Front and iib-hs sts. Take 'S' or "F" south bound cars. FOR RENT Three-room unfurnished Hat. including large basement, porcelain bath. It slits and water, on ground floor; within two blocks of seven-minute car service; $35 per month ; i2 Kiwt Evnrett, near 30th. fall Sunday before 3 :30 P. M.. any time during week. FOR RENT Three upper rooms in private family; new house, nice yard; use of large basement ; porcelain bath, free water and lights: $12 month; at 924 E. Everett t., near :tot h. v'.tll before, 3 :30 Sunday, any hour during the week. TTl I'MOX AVE. N. .1-rooni flats lor rent. jwr tint, $22. 5. I'lHrtir lint. $l?.0o. UH IS SALOMON & CO.. 233 Stark St.. near id. FOR RENT Beautiful 5-room strictly mod ern flats. East 21st and Hawthorne ave. Apply WAKRFIELP. FRIES & CO.. HO Fourth Street. X E new 4-rom modern flat wth alcove, at lo. Individual baaemtmt ; Dutch kitchen, tinted walls, shade- and light fixtures. Owner, 12th and College. ilX-ROtM Hat with every known con venience. No. 733 Kearney st.. ready for occupancy Dec. 15. F. V. Andrews &. Co., Hamilton bldg. ' o-ROOM flat, all lanre. light rooms, modern, rent reasonable. 01S Union ave. North, near Cook ave. Inquire at store. $13.ttO West Side, sunshiny upper floor, mod ern, fully furnished, walking distance; nee locaton and lawn. Phone Sell wood 1100. URAND NEW, up-to-date flats, with either 0 or 6 rooms. Apply drugstore, S00 Front :t.; either F or S car. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1018. A 1U84. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. ELEGANT, up-to-date upper flat; every convenience; adults; walking distance. Call at R2SS Mill st. MODERN five-roomed flat, close In, across Steel bridge. Ross and Dixon ats. Iuqulre on premises; $20. $20. FTVE rooms and bath.- Inquire 689 E. Morrison. WEST SIDE. 6 Monw; rent $ri3 monthly. 224 N. 18th st. MODKKN five-room Mat, lOlO Savier St., to responsible tenant only. 1'hone A 2850. $ itt Modern 4-ronm flat, with basement ; adults. 7?0 Williams ave. Woodlawn 420. 3-ROOM flat. IMedmont Addition. St. Johns car. 1212 Moore st. Wood lawn 1033. l-XU'R-ROOM modern flnt for rent. Phone Main 2464. 4lt7 Columbia st. FOR RENT One furnished and one unfur nished 4-rV-om flat ; modern. Tabor 1871. 4 KOfM. modern, near Sunnyide car. part of furniture for sale. S 006. Oregonian. A NICK 5-room flat, f urnished : easy walking distance. Apply 230 Hall st. WKLL- Fl'HMSHEl) housekeeping 4SW Washington st. 5 AND 6-room flat? quire 027 20th : . modern and new. In lVrtlund Heights. FLATS. 731 H Hoyt a1... near 22:1. fi rooms and bath. Inquire 132 bin st. Malu 637ft. FIVE-ROOM, modern llat. 4rt Park st. MODERN. 7-room flat. N. 2Hh st. Housekeeping Room. THE BEAVElt, 12th and Marshall sta New ly f urn '.sfced for houscket-plng, Includ Ing gat ranges, electric lights, hot water baths, launury, reception-room, alt free: furnished apartments $10 per month up; single housekeeping rooms, $2.10 week up; bet in clt for money; short distance from VTnion Depot. or lttli-st cars north, gut off at Marshall st. No t'ogs allowed. WKLL-VI RNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 $$ month, 3 for $12; cottages. $27.60; lower Hut. 4 rooms. Jib; unfurnished houso, lt). 364 2d:h North: "V car from depot, ou Sd or Morrison to 2 6 in. block north. UN EON T A. 17 17th. near Yamhill; take W. car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites bv week $5.30, !v month $2o and up; lwt and cold water, laths and phones free. Main 4 0b 7. A 47o. WELL-FT RN ISH ED housekeeping rooms. 2 $S month. 3 for S12; cottages, $lrt. $27. B0; lower flat. 4 rooms, $lt; unfurnished house, 110. :it4 2tth North ; W car from tie pot. on ld or Morrison to 20tli. blk N. I-'OK RE NT Housekeeping and sleeping . room. tf to $12 per month, lit St. Clair st. Phone Main oSltl. THE M hi KC E I BS Mlega n t ly furnished 2 t'in ai-artment. all modern cvMiveuiencctf, rtas'nabif. 2i'vh ai.J Washington. COMPLETELY furnished suites for house keeping; very desirable. Call room 3tJ. Cambridge bldg.. 3d and Morrison. KLI--KI'RN1SH ED connecting housekeeping rnis. bath. khj. free phone, large yaru. close in. 421 Second at. 401 EAST MKKHON. cor East 8th.. com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable. THE M1LNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park. noma apartment, all conveniences $ 1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms. heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. V car. $1 50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms; laundry. bath, gas. 134 Sherman. FCRNISHED housekeeping rooms, also sin gle rooms. o32 Williama ave, C 1233. NICE furnished housekeeptng-rooma, $14.00. 031 H Washington st.. cor 20th. "WAPKLI.O " Nmsekeeplng and furnwhed xms; iieat, clean, reasonable. 64.n Alder. FOB KENT. lLooaekeeping Rooms. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, very central. &4f Washington, near 10th St. TWO desirable housekeeping rooms, wood and gas ranges, sink, reasonable. 330 6th st- Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. TWO well-fumished housekeeping rooms, 12 minutes walk Fourth and Washing ton ; private family ; privileges to nice couple; no children. Phone East 5449, U48 East Davis at. ONE nice front room with almost exclusive use of kitchen; both rooms light and com fortably furnished; phone; $13. Call Sun day, or after 6 P. M. 44S Columbia. NICELY furnished front rooms, house keeping, strictly modern; furnace heat, electric lights, laundry, sewing machine, piano. tsi East Morrison, cor. ltttb. 3 COMPLETE, modern, elegantly furnte-bed rooms, first floor, cloae in : or would rent unfurnished If you buy linoleum and range, Phone East 4iM 7. TWO nright. sunny rooms for housekeeping, gas range, electric light, bath, hot and cold water, phone, waJking distance. O-'j Taylor st. 322 14TH ST. Front alcove housekeeping rooms; free bath, light, phone; walking distance. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, near Steel bridge ; flue location ; bath, phone and nice yard. Apply 350 Benton et. 2 OR 4 furnished housekeeping-rooms, mod ern, gas. bath; walking distance; block irom carllne. Phone East o7. 2 IARGE connecting rooms, well-f umished. ground floor, bath, gas, phone ; walking distance. 407 Holladapr ave.. near Grand. NICELY furnished front housekeeping rooms, gas range, phone and bath. 387 3d at. FINELY furnished rooms, with or without housekeeping privileges; elegant location off Washington. 46 N. 21st St., $2.50 up. FOR RENT Housekeeping room and closet, suitable for 2 girls. 615 Second, cor. Ca rut hers. 235 12TH ST. 2 housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, walking distance, good loca tion. TWO large, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; everything new; uo children ; on East Ankeny carlinc. 154 JtC. listh st. N. THREE housekeeplns rooms, laundry, phone, gas and bath, very reasonable. 4iM Market street. SWELL front suite, newly furnished, lovelv 'home, steam heat, hot water, bath, laun dry, cooking gas free.- Main 8748. NICE single housekeeping room; furnace heat, phone bath and laundry; every oonvenience; dose in. 405 Stark at. FRONT bay window, large housekeeping room, everything convenient for $10. 1WO llth st. STANLI3Y Apartment, unfurniebed 3-room apartment to rent; flrat-clasa service. Phone M. 7053 or A 3674. THREE large, neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms with light, heat and water, for rent, $20 a month. 174 Grand ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely nrrrfished, in cozy cottage, close in; reasonable; adults. 310 Main at. THREE ncely furnished rooms, ground floor, ouUfide doors, modern, yard; only one in the house. 107 North 10th st. 305 TAYLOR, cor. Park, furnished, unfur nished or partly, housekeeping rooms, pri vate entrance. " AN attractive suite, elect rio lights, bath, unny and pleasant, finest location. 07 N. 20 1 h st. 2 FRONT rooms, furnished for housekeep ing; private toilet, bath, sink. 11 Sher man. SUITJ3S of 2 or 3 completely furnished rooms, water in kitchen. 412 10th st. 231 6TH ST. Furnished . housekeeping and sleeping-rooms, close in, reasonable. FOl'R connecting rooms. completely fur nished, every convenience, walking dii tanee. 124 N. ISth. Would sell furniture. CHEAP attic rooms, housekeeping, water and gas In rooms. 22t So. 13th M. FrRMSHEU housekeeping rooms for rent. O0 N. 10th. NICE, light, housekeeping rooms, free phone and gas. ll4 10th. cor. Kearney. . 240 j 5TH ST Suite- of furnished house keeping rooms. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, lovely yard, bath and phone. 387 1st. Main 2200. FINE housekeeping rooms, hot water, phone, bath. $10 103 N. 10th sL FU RNISHED housekeeping suites. $ 12 and $10 :er month. 31 East 3d North. THREE nicely furnished rooms, light, cosy, ground floor; gas, bath. 672 Belmont. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 67 North 14th st., bet Davla and Everett- VN FURNISHED front room upstairs; fire place. 440 Washington st. FRONT euite of furnished housekeeping rooms. Apply room 11, -01 let. FotTR modern. unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 1st floor. Inquire 054 Yamhill. NICE light rooms, furnished for housekeep ing. No. 690 E. Morrison cor. 2iM.h st. THREE housekeeping rooms, furnished com plete. 141 13th st. near Morrison. $'18 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. Modern, phone, piano. ty2 East Salmon. TH R EE unfurnished rooms, light, bath, de sirable parties only. 273 N. 21st st. 354 SALMON, 2 desirable, cosy rooms, par lor floor, furnished for housekeeping. GOOD housekeeping suite, walking distance, $4 a week. 411 4th St. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. reasonable rent. 392 4th st. 3S N. 2 1ST Furnished housekeeping rooms, everything new. all conveniences. THREE partly furnished rooms, housekeep ing, gas and bath. $10. AH 0o4; Oregonian. THRE E very desl mi b 1 e rooms, part or un u r nished. walking distunce. D 604. Oregonian. FURNISH ED housekeeping room, aUo table board, .'lill Will lams ave.. dir. .Broadway. TWO extra nice front housekeeping rooms, walking distance; reasonable. 101 N. lth. FOR RENT 2 large furnished rooms for housekeeping. lfel 14th si., cor. Yamhill. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern convenience, rent $16- Phone Main 7773. ONE unfurnished room. Mrs. Marshall, 5S1 EaPt Pine st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. Sixth, st. " S HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 425 East Ash. phone East 107. Private family. ONE room with alcove, furnished for house keeping. 3 72 tith st. SUITE of 4 rooms furnished for housekeep ing. 7tI0 Commercial st. 2, 3 OR 4 modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 700 Commercial st. 3 FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms. 6,S7" East Morrison st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, gas. bath and phone. 34S Clay st. NICELY furnished housekeeping uite suit able for three. 4s2U Washington t. NICELY furnished front and hack tarior for housekeeping. 4S0 Clay. 2 ROOMS for housekeeping, heat and light and water; close in. 214 13th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 31 N. Park. 8-ROOM house, gocal condition. 30 k East Couch: rent $20. Phone Main 3220. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, on East 70th. $16. Owner. 80th and East GlUan. 4-ROOM nous Broadway c; 3S6 E. 9th st. North. Take NICE fl-mom house, large lot. near in, near Union ave. ; $20. S26 Board of Trade. .FIVE-ROOM house; electric lights, hot water, bath; close to car. . Phne East 2;94. NEW 6-room house with furnace. Sawtei; & Strauti. E. 32d. Belmont. 7-ROOM house. 349 Vancouver avenue, near Broadway. Apply Grocery, next corner. $15 5-room cottage, mission flnLh. bath, shades, electric light. Phone Sell wood 1330. HOUSE for rent- North SHU st. ROR RENT. Houses. 10-ROOM modem house. 4th and Hall sts., $40 per month. 0-room modern house, 414 Eliza st., $20. 7-room modern house, 23 Denver ave., rasemeut, wash trays, partly furnished, 1C0. 0-room modern house with rer-eptlon bail, furnace heat, automobile house, 413 Vancouver ave., $30. 5-room modern house. E. Salmon, near 47th st,, $13. OTTO & HARKSOX, 133i First St. WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new furni ture. Buy it judiciously and the savings wlli exceed your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses in the city in less than two years. Lookers are shown the same courtesy as buyers. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO., Grand Ave., Cor. East stark St. Cast Ankeny. Montavillaind East 61de line cars pass our door. A DANDY. ' A 7-room house, on East Ash and mth Ms., just vacated today by owner, carpets, kitchen linoleum, gas ran-e and shades iT.cluded; excepting fireplace this house Is modern in every respect ;, yard is 100x100. with nice shrubbery and trees; will rent itself; come early; $14.". HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT K-room house, 074 East 7th at.. 5 b!oekw fr-m the Brooklyn car; acre of ground, chicken yard, fine garden ; 'house has bath, hot and cold water; price, $40, if lease Is taken for or.e vear. THE, fcSOtJTii EK-ALBBRTSON CO., 2S0 Oak St. Tel. 0710. A 7374. C-ROOM cottage, half block Montavilla car, $12; 0-room, strictly modern cottage, gas. etc.. on S car. $17; 6-room cottage, on E. 3th st.. 2 blocks car, modern, $12; 8 room modern house, on E. llth s,. gas. etc., $20. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder St. HOUSES. Fl n e 6-roo m modern house, near 2Sth-st. car borne; rent $20. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. A NICE modern rouse should hava modern furnishings throughout ; Eastern prices und easy lermi at Calef Bros., 360-370 East Morrison .t. 5-ROOM house, bath. yard, excellent neigh borhood. Phone East 070 4l E. 10th North, between Tillamook and Thompson (Irvington). HOUSE, lots fruit. acres or more, good for cow. garden, chickens. $lo month; snap. Apply 304 North 20th. W car to 20th, one block north NEW five-room cottage; concrete basement, electric lights, batb, etc., cement sidewalk, one block tp car. 244 E. Olet.; rent $16. Phone Leavens. East 2921, B 6115 FOR RENT 4-room cottage, 337 Marguer ette avenue, two blocks from carline. rent $12. Phone Main 140S between 0 and 3 Sunday. Call East 141. HOUSE, 6 rooms, 700 Kearney, $37. House, 7 rooms, 740 Johnson, $2.". House, 8 rooms. Ib5 East 12th. $5. NEW 6-room flat, strictly modern, fireplace, fias water heater, linoleum, cooler, electric and; gas. 6isS Northrup St., near 21st. Take "W" car. FOR RENT December 20. neat 5rroora house. aH modern conveniences, $10 Aj ply 414 Brown or 415 Surman for key. 12-ROOM house, large lawn,, 90 East 8th, cor. Washington, suitable boarding-house or sanitarium. Inquire between 11 and 4. UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished complete by Calef Bros.' easy rent plan at Eastern prices 300-37O East Morrison st- IR VINGTON Houw 7 rooms, fireplace and furnace, all modern improvements. Phone Main 3352. S to 10 A. M. and after 2PM 0-itOOM cottage, walking distance. $10. Jlaversttc & Gallagher, 32y Lumber Ex change bldg. J? OR RENT ;Modern 8-room house. 9fi5 East Couch et. ; window shade, some carpets and furniture; rent $25. Phone Main S090. SEroXD-FLOiiR flat, 5 rooms, bath, stable room for team and wagon, at 090 5th et. ; $15. 9-ROOM residence, 790 Lovejoy st.. near 24th st. North: $50: aristocratic neighborhood. Apply WaketU-ld. Fries & Co., S5 4th St. HOUSE of 6 rooms and bath- 6i East 19th st. North, near Everett. Inquire 132 Cth st. Main 627d. FoU RENT Strictly new. modern. S-room house. 590 E. Ash st.. $40 month. J. L. Wells Co., 630 C. C. bldg. VERY desirable C-room house, 402 San Ra fael st.. near T'nion ave.; close, in. $20. Phone East 1085. C 1491. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1018, A 1984. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. FOR RENT An Ideal cottage, must be seen to be appreciated; only $20. Call at 800 Union ave. NEAT cottage, five rooms, gas range, shades, heater, folding bed, newly papered, water free; $12. 227 East 40th. Sunnyside. 5-ROOM cottage and bath, bet. 15th and 10th, on Northrup st. Inquire at 201 N. 15th st. NEW S-room house. 31st and Hawthorne. lix block from car. Wm. F. Hvadv. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1388. MODERN 8-room dwelling, southeast corner of 24th and Marshall sts.. Martin & Campbell, 301 Worcester block. Main 7291. FOR RENT 0-room cottage; gas. bath. 23 East Salmon st. Phone East 4640. FOR RENT -New 4-room bungalow ; rent. $15 Corner Church and Kerb v. Phono East 73S. COTTAGE, modern, desirable; in Sunnyside. Phono M: 20S. HOUSE. t rooms. East Side, rent $10. Phone M. 2'JOS. TEN-ROOM house, lately renovated. new, furnace, central, lawn. Inquire 29 E. 8th st. FOR RENT 704 East Taylor and 23d. 8 rooms, $25. Owner, 007 Wygant. DESIRABLE, modern, 6 rooms, shades, gas elictricity. furnace. 012 East Market. 7-ROOM modern house, full lot. Lovejoy near 24th. I. Vanduyn, 510 Chamber of Commerce. NICE 5-rom house, large lot. near in, near Union ave.; $2o. 820 Hoard of Trade. NEW 4-room house, all modern, chcapient. Inquire 703 forbett st. Furnished Houses. WELL-FURNISHED cottages and flats. $16 to $27.00 monthly : housekeeping rooms, good, cheap. Apply 5 04 North 20th. W car from- depot. Third or Morrison to 26th. block north. ATTRACTIVE bungalow in Irvington; six rooms, .sleeping porch, hath, furnace; ele gantly furnished; rent $60. Address AD 094, Oregonian. MODERN" furnished bungalow, gas and elec tric. Call HKis East Grant, or phone Tabor 016. 0-ROOM furnished cottage with piano. Port land Height. reasonable. phone Main A THREE-ROOM ED furnished flat with bath, near car. Inquire J. T. Wilson. Main 1026. FOR KENT Furnished C-Mum cottage, near Portland Academy, on 23th st. Phone Main 4100. VERY desirable furnished house complete ; 6 month?: reasonable. 061 4th st. Phone Main 07 P. 2. FURN ISH ED 7-room modern house, nicelv arranged tor roomers or 2 families 231 H. f.irt st. 1 MODERN tive-rom furnished cottage, piano, j 2i'.0o. 3u2 East 3t,:h, near Hawthorne. jeieonone a Joiu. - MODERN furnished 6-room house, on car line, very reasonable. Inquire 004 E. 21st street. 5-ROOM cottage, furnished. 409 Stark St., rent $35. Inquire at Western Salvage Co. References required. WEST SI DE. 0 rooms, elegant Iv furnished; rnt $00 monthly. 224 N. 18th St. 5-ROOM cottage, new. East J9th street; new furniture. Main 7701; $20. S8 NORTH 16TH Modern 5-room co:tage. $33. Inquire 075 Everett st. Phorfe A 3902. MODERN furnished cottage. Applv morn ings. S7 E. 17th. Phone East 2463. NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow. Monta villa. Tabor 529. NEW upper 6-room, corner flat, elegantly furnished ; piano. 47 3 7 th. FURNISHED 4-room modem cottage. $20. Apply V74 East Eighth street. North. H)B KLNT. FurnlsUetl llonses. AN ELEGANTLY furnished S-room resi dence, with furnace and everything mod ern and complete, located on Willamette Heights, half block to car. A beautiful home such as Is seldom offered. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 24S Alder St- FURNISHED rtOUSB. 7 rooms, family home, furnished throughout, silverware, bed and table linen, gas. bath, fireplace, nice lawn, eat front, choice locality. . near Irvlnton - School; has never been rented; Immediate posse.3sion; terms $4o; reference. Call or ad dress 449 13th N. THE most beautiful 8-room bungalow In the city, all furnished completely; Winter's sup ply of wood in the basement; a rare chance; only $55 if you are a good tenant. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NICELY furnished 6-room house. Inquire 655 E. Sth N. v NEW. up to date cottage, nicely furnished. Call at 1171 E. Main. Honse for Rent. Furnttnre for Sale. A SNAP Fine furniture of 7-room flat, cost over $1000. will sell for $500 as we are going away and need the money; will take $400 bond; flat is for rent and one of the nicest In city; rent reasonable. B G04. Oregonian. FURNITURE or 6-room bungalow, fumed oak library furniture mahogany dining set. brass beds, Wilton rus, etc.; every thing practically new. AB 60S, Orego nian. , FOR SALE Furniture of seven-room ftet; good location; all r.ew, quartered oak fur niture; modern; owner leaving city. Inquire 415 Taylor St. FOR SALE Furnitui. of one large ele gantly furnished room, right down town ; furnished for light housekeeping. Phone Main &5SS. 211V 2d St. IF you want to buy or sell rooming-houses or flats, see m. Oldest established business chance firm In the city. H. W. GARLAND & CO.. 191 4th St. 6-ROOM cottage, new furniture, rent $10; snap If taken Monday; 3 carllnes. Call 10 East 20th. 22-ROOM apartment-house paying good profit: sell all or half on terms. Phone A 1215. FURNITURE of' 5-room cottage, near Wash ington and 12th sts. ; rent $22.50. For particulars call 90 10th st. FOR SALE Nearly new furniture of modern nine-room flat; leaving cltv reason for sell ing. 366 12th st. ELEGANT furniture of eight rooms, sold at a sacrifice If taken at oncejno agents. A 6Xi6, Oregonian. PRACTICALLY now furniture of 3-room apartment, reasonable. Apartment 3 4, Heinze Apartments. 9-ROOM rooming-hou!e. cash. $300 If taken at once. 12 North 6th st. FURNITURE of modern G-room house for sale. 705 East Salmon at. Owner. FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale, 167 37th st. North. FURNITURE of 8-room house: excellent location; prlaa $475. Phone Main 4204. 10 ROOMS nicely furnished. Verv cheap rent. Big sacrifice. Owner, 287 13th st. FURNITURE of 8 rooms, close in; A bar gain. 149 10th st. Main 6044. 13-ROOM, furnished very nice, beautifully located, close in. good terms. Main 4338. FURNITURE 8-room house, rooms all rent ed. Inquire 45o Hall, from- 10 to 3. SNAP At once, furniture ofr 6-roora cot tage; income over rent. Main 7962. 5-RO OM modem house for rent; Slrt mo. fur niture for sale. $100. Phone C 19G2. Stores. THREE stores on llth and Yamhill, $40. One on E. 28th and Glian, $40. One on Grand ave. and Belmont. $50. H A RTM A N & TH O M PSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. STORES. We have some fine .tre on Washington and 18th -ts. Will give good lease. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sis. FOR RENT Store 20x60 feet, landlord will put in partitions to suit tenant ; newly built, situated on streetcar line ; good lo cation for notion or hardware store. Apply to B. F. Jones, corner Front and Gibbs sts. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick store building, 100x165, S. E. cor. Front acd Pine sts. Apply C- A. Dolph, Mohawk bldg. WASHINGTON-ST. storeroom, south side of Washington, bet. 10th and 17th, 17x60; modern plate-glass front; rent $40. 222 Fatitnsr bldg. ONE new storeroom. 25x00, left In new block. Apply at drugstore, 800 Front st.; either F or S car. NEW STORES, suitable millinery, grocery, confectionery, market, etc.; oia( rent. Ma'n 7157. FOR RENT Two storerooms. 2d and Sal mon ats. ; paint stores, attention. Inquire 213 Second st. LEASE on one of the best storerooms on Morrison for sale, for few days. Address O 6ol, Oregonian. FOR RENT Reasonable, centra', small store ; office fixtures for sale; possession on or beforeJan. 1. AG 601. Oregonian. THIRD ST. store for rent, near Jefferson. :J0. Apply W. G. Cox, 222 Failing bldg. Main 5383. STORE for rent on 0th st., near Stark. In quire at 75 1st. FOR RENT 2 lofts, corner location, rant cheap. 63 Sth st. Office. OFFICES. $13.50 and up Deea room; furnished offices. Suite for dentist and physician. All-night elevator service. Best lojatlon. 3Q3 S wet land bldg. WELL furnished room, it Is also suitable for office, with neat folding bed; office deek and chairs; price $14 per month. Room 20. 2:t2 Washington st. DESK ROOM, large-offtce. with use of phone and stenogra pher : terms rta sor.able- In qiitre 534 Worcester bldg. DUSK ROOM office well furnished, phones, etc.; best building; no real estate. H 593, Oregonian. PRIVATE office to rent in Lewis bldg., with use of reception-room and telephone. AM 601. Oregonian. DESK room with phone, reasonable. Call room- 420 Swetland bldg. OFFICE for rent, furniture for sale. 204 McKay bldg. FURNISHED offices; use of main office and both phones. P. O. Box 164. DESK room, or room and desk furnished, in Abington bldg. Rooms 227-8. DESK ROOM for rent. 428 Lumbermen's bldg. FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bldg. Apply Room 501. Ha I la.-' ARION HALL for rent, reasonable terms, best dancing floor In city. Apply at hall be tween 30 and 12 A. M. BALLROOM, gocd location, in good condi tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones, 800 Front. Warehouse. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large offices; 50x100; three stories and basement. Corner 4th and Gllsan sts. Apply to D. G. Woodward, 104 2d et. TO LEASE. TO LEASE in Tacoma, Wash., on long time, to experienced parties, a new. modern fam ily hotel o f 6t room s, 20 bath room s, e Ie- gjntly furnished; furniture for eale on long easy payment plan; $3oOO will handle this proposition; a chance of a lifetime. Address P. O. Box 770. Tacoma, Wash. FOR LEASE Hall. 2Ox50. suitable for lodge or association purposes; heat, light and Janitor service furnished Inquire 711 Cor bett bidg LOST AND FOOD. .LOST Gold locket, diamond setting, mono gram M. S. N. Phone Sellwood 793. Re ward. LOST Pearl brooch with fraternitv emblem attached, engraved J. Wallace. Phone Main 4S.12 or address 593 Main st. Reward. LOST Toady's gray sweater Saturdav. Return 249 Washington st. Phone Main 229. LOST Solid silver belt buckle, fasten with pin; will finder phone M. -76o&. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A fur muff; the owner can get it by proving her property, paying for this notice. Appiy at The J. K. Gill Co., 135 Third st. FOUNJJ Fur neckpiece in front Baker Theater last night French fete. Owner identify and pay for ad. Phojij Woodlawn 178S. X THE party who coaxed tho white bulldog from 3 Sth and Hawthorne ave., Friday. December 10, return same and avoid trouble. LOST OR STOLEN I smaH basket trunk, marked Perttna; of no value except to owner; $10 reward and no questions asked. Bungalow Theater. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, "returned same day. 22S Front st. Phone Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H- Metzger. LOST Lady's green leather handbag, con taining $20. gold piece, change and various incidentals ; reward. Nurses Club, 374 3d street. LOST A black Gordon setter, with gray star on chest. Answers to name Sport. Reward on return to Dr. Kenneth A. J. Mackenzie. 145 N. 2ith. LOST F.rindlc log. mixed with Great Dane., answers to the name of Kins Return to 273 Davis st. LOS r Child's gold bracelet engraved "Vir ginia." Please return to 733 E. Ankeny, or call B 1901. PARTY who picked up white bull terrier, ears, tail clipped, no collar. Dec o, please return 4S5 Clay st. Reward. LOST- Thursday, purse containing $15 and name piece; reward. 1105 Wells-Fargo bldg. LOST Black Morocco price book. Friday night on Sth st. car. Return loO Front st. Reward. r FOUND Dark brown horse with broken front hoof. Apply Pearson-Page Co. STRAYED A wlite Angora billygoat. Ad dress 9O0 E. Flanders. B 1360. FOUND Plain 18-k. gold ring under Burn side bridge, 2d Rnd E. Flanders. LOST Ph ir black mules with halters. Call Main 212. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS. Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 30 o'clock A. M., February S, 1910. for the following described school lauds, to wit: SW. of NW. , NW. of SW. U. N- M of NW. 34 and E. of section lti. and NW. and lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, S, 9. 30, 11, of sectloH 36, in T. 38 S-, R. 17 E. Sections 16 and 36, T. 88 S., R. 44 E. Sections 16 and 36. T. 38 S., R. 45 E. Sections 16 and 36. T. SS R. 46 K Sections 36 and 36. T. 3S S., R. 47 E. Sections 16 and 36, T. 3S S., R. 48 E. Sections 16 and 36, T. 39 S., R. 47 E. Sections 16 and 36, T. 39 S., R. 48 E. Section 16., T. 24 S., R. 9 W. Section 16, T. 25 S., R. 9 W. Section 16. T. 32 S.. R. 2 W. All bids must be accompanied by a reg ularly -executed, application to purchase and by cash or postal money order for at least one-fifth of the amount offered. No bids for less than $5.00 per acre will be considered. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Applications and bids should be ad dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem. Oregon, and marked "Ap plication and bid to purchase state lands." G. G. BROWN. Clerk State Land Board. Dated this 2d day of December, 1909. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, De cember 23. 1909, for a stock of clothing and furnishing goods, bootB and shoes, of t he inventory value of $2077.56, together with store fixtures of the inventory value of $09.5, all located at No. 87 North Third street, Portland, Or. Each bid must be accompanied by caf h or a certified check for 10 per ccrit of the amount of fered, and the right Is reserved to rejet any and all ibids. The property may be inspected upon application at the office of the undersigned, room 8. No. 7 First street. Portland. Or. Bids will be received and opened at said address. R. L. sarin. Trustee. SEALED BIDS will be received at the of fice of School Clerk, City Hall, until 5:00 I'. M December 23. 1909. for 100 cords of No. 1 first growth fir and 25 tons of coal, to be delivered at the Jefferson High School not later than February 1. 1930. Bids on other grades of wood will be entertained. The Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H THOMAS. . WANT bids on fireplace, chimney and plas tering. East 51st st. and Stanton. M Iscelianeoaa. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the an nual school meeting of the legal school voters of School District No. 1, Multnomah County. Oregon, as adjourned from June 21, 1909, will be held at the Lincoln High School, Fourteenth and Morrison streets, on Tuesday. I ecmber 28. at 8 P. M. The business- of the meeting will be to consider the reports of the directors and clerk of said district and levy a tax for the support and maintenance of the schools for the en suing year and to transact such other busi ness as may be legally brought before it. By order of the Board of Directors. I. N. FLEISCHNER. Chairman of the Board of Directors. 71. H. THOMAS. Clerk. Portland, Ore., Dec. 16, D. MADONNA and S. E. Moxon this day dissolved the partnership by mutual con sent, heretofore doing business under the name of D. Modonna & Co. Signed at Portland, Or., this 18th day of December, 1909. D. M ADO N NO. S. E. MOXON, Witness: : W. A. WHINKOOP. J. MASON WHITE. HAVING bought out Joe Drabe's Interest In the New Market Stables. I will not be re sponsible for any future debts contracted by him. J. L. Anderson. Dec. 15, 190 9. FLOYD MURPHY hereby gives notice that lie will not be . responsible for any debts contracted by his wife. Susie MUrphy. Architects, contractors, engineers, get Pacific Builder & Engineer. 401 Board of Trade. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MERCHANTS, LOOK HERE! $1600 for a small but humming good general store, clearing over $100 a month besides a good living. Strictest investiga tion solicited. First man who sees it will . take it. F. FUCHS. 221 H Morrison St. CONFECTIONERY and cigar store, small restaurant in rear, new fixtures, nice, clean stock, suitable for man and wife; $350 if taken at once. Call at 227 Larrabec St., cor. Holladay. . A SOLID cash business wants a sober, ener petic man a partner who can furnish good references. For particulars call room 523 Lumber Exchange. SOLID ESTABLISHED BUSINESS. Partner wanted In business now paying $1000 per month ; books open for inspec tion; $2400 investment. O 60S. Oregonian. FOR SALE Fine business location, oppo site Meier & Frank store, ou 0th st. : . lease and fixtures. Inquire at 142 0th st. NTELY furnished housekeeping suite. 164 Grand ave. N.. near Holluday. Adults only. Phone East 4980. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar store, good location, second door from theater. Owner going East. 269 Russell, owner. 32 ROOMS finely furnished; good lease: cheap rent; $2200; half cash. 272 Stark street. BEST paying class journal in Oregon; com plete printing plant; $25o$ caa required to har.d le. A 603, Oregon ian. FOR SALE -Complete shoe-repair machine outfit, with motor, cheap. AN 091. Ore gonian. GOOD as new; $350 carpet cleaner. Less than half. 2SOi Grand ave. WANT partner in restaurant, or will rent two stores: good place. East 5899. BUTCHER shop for rent. Inquire 834 Alder st. phone Woodlawn 156. 1 PROMOTER wanted to promote an enter- prists of merit. Address Y 091. Oregonian. SHOEMAKER as partner; have new repair machinery and motor. AN 590, Oregonian. FOR s"aLE Small stock of millinery and ladies furnishings. Lock Box 275. NICE restaurant, good location, at cost, account, of sickness. Owner, 203 Alder st! BOOK store for sale, eood opportunity for one with $15.0OO. A D 590. Oregonian. BARBER shop for sale; 2 chains !taey pay ments. 541 H Washington st, WANTED Partner in established business. Call room 507, 102 V 3d. st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PAYS 20 PER CENT NEST! We havo for sale an improved -property on the corner of 3d and H arrison w hich pay s a net income of 2 per cent. It could easily be made to pay snore. $25,000 will handle It. REAL ESTATE BARGAIN. $62,300. A splendid investment can be made on Washington between 16th and 17lh su. The improvements of the property are In good condition. The Income on the Invest ment is about 5 per cent; $17,500 is all It rtxiuires to handle it. $n5.O0O Will buy a splendid corner on Morrison and 2d sts. Better Investigate this, it is worth It. $45.00O Will buy a business comer on Grand ave. and East Alder. Call at M. E. Thompson, Co. for particulars. Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. A 3327 or Main 6CS4. MR. TR VINGTON HOMEOWNER. If you knew that you could get another such investment as your own home lias proven to be, would you take advantage of It? If you thought you could double your money in 18 months' time, would you in vest ? OLMSTED PARK is a part of the great su ccessf u Irv in gton district; it to making money for Its investors now. Look Into it today, while prices are low and terms are easv. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. Nice, clean, up-to-date stock of general merchandise, doing $30 00 worth of busi ness per month ; has made the owikt $15,000 In the last 6 years; in one of Portland's best suburbs; rent only $10 per month, including store. 6 nice living rooms and barn; will give 3 or 5 years lea-ese; stock will Invoice about $7000. If you are looking for a paying business, this one will stand closest investigation. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. PROFITS $10,000 A YEAR. -LODGING-HOUSE. 100 rooms. 135 beds. EIGHT WHERE YOU GET THE BUSI NESS; prices of lodging 25 cents to $1.20; always full and running over; rent less than $2 a room, with lease; no better money-making proposition ou the market; price $0200 cash. O. R. i ELLIS & CO.. 3261.6 Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. OPENINGS IN WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL BUSINESS, country stores, manu facturing plants, and all lines of trade, city or country. Latest Information on legitimate busi ness opportunities. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Established 1892. 416 Abington Bldg. MILLINERY store doing a good bulnes. A butcher shop, with gasoline engine, cold storage, slaughterhouse and all up-to-date equipments; a snap. Livery bam in a growing Valley town, doing a good business; $35oo; will trade for a farm. ROSWURM & MOULTON, Forest Grove, Or. AN established business for sale In one of the best towns in Oregon, now rapidly growing. Clears owner from $40o0 to $5000 per year. Stock consists of cloth ing, dry goods, notions, etc.; will invoice about $1S.OOO; can be reduced to suit pur chaser. Will take improved Portland property as part or for all. C 576, Ore gonian. APARTMENT-HOUSE to lease and furni ture for sale ; one of the best-paying in Portland. $0OC0 cash; reasons for selling, no agents. P. O. Box 223. WANTED A man to take from to y interest In sawmill proposition. Unlim ited timber, excellent shipping facilities and A No. 1 location. Best proposition in Willamette Valley. Address X Y Z, Gen eral Delivery. Philomath. Or. LIVERY STABLE. This is first-class; making big money; good reason for selling; books and business open for a thorough Investigation. Call or write 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. STRONG financial' corporation wants repre sentative who can get important business information in his neighborhood; the right man can secure valuable stock without in vesting any money. Address Thomas Wood, Secretary. SOo Chestnut St., Philadelphia. OIL INVESTORS We have a complete stand ard outfit and the hole down about 500 feet; have invested about $10,000; need a few thousand more to complete; best of oil Indi cations; can offer very liberal inducements. N 593, Oregonian. FOR SALE Established wholesale and re tall paint business; will not a good in come on Investment t $5000) ; $1500 cash, balance time; owner has other Interests which require his attention; must dispose of it . this month. AB 590, Oregonian. WANTED A PARTNER IN AN ESTAB LISHED MANUFACTURING BUSINESS: ADDITIONAL CAPITAL NEEDED TO INCREASE PLANT; BIG OPPORTUNI TY. ADDRESS THE OWNER. J G05, OREGONIAN. ESTABLISHED SOLID BUSINESS. Sober ra-rtner wanted in a business now paying $400 per month; books open for In spection; little money required. Call 286 Washington st, room 612. REAL ESTATE man wants sober man as partner to show land; no experience neces sary and very little money required, par ticulars! National -Realty & Trust Co., 326 Washington, room 516. EXCELLENT chances In country and city stores, rooming-houses, hotels and manu facturing business, which will stand your closest investigations by F. FUCHS, 221 V Morrison St. PARTY with $4000 cash takes interest In business proportion, that will realize $16. 0O0 .in short time without any chance of - loss. Particulars by personal Interview only. G 600. Oregonian. PAYING electric " plant in good growing town on S. P. R. R.. will bear strict in vestigation and cost $12,000; $S000 cash, balance on time; full information to re sponsible parties. AH 602, Oregonian. HILO IDEAL gum -ending machines, $1.50 eaen; regular price $4; have 1000 taken ex change for advertising; gum 50c box. An krum, 84 La Salle et.. Chicago. 1 FOR SALE Butter, eggs and milk route, clearing $30 a week over and above all ex penses; trial given before Investing. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY and confectionery. I wmtld like to sell before Aprii ; Clea rs $2O0 per month; In suburb. Price $1600. X 595, Oregonian. FOR SALE Lunch counter and restaurant; fine location, clears $10 daily: expenses low, rent $30; easy to manage; best reasons for selling, $12t0, ?S00 cash; no agents. WANTED Active man with $500: good, legitimate proposition; will bear strict In vestigation. 610 Buchanan bldg. PARTNER in a grocery store, fine location, $000 required : bears closest investigation. "all 020 Lumber Exchange bldg. PA RTNE-R wanted to be cashier, etc.; pay sioo month; money required secured. Par ticulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. $100O and services gives you a position pray ing iw per montn lor one year and your money well secured. K 604, Oregonian. $30oO WORTH of stock In a manufacturing concern In Portland to trade for city prop erty or close-in acreage. 83 5th st.. room 1. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. 1 elephone and other bonds bought and sold Fletcher Inv. Co., 220 Abington. WANTED Business men or investor to take an interest in a profitable growing factory. E J5, Oregonian. IF YOU will invest with me $1000 I will g?va you absolute security and Insure you $20 per month income. G 601, Oregonian. CAPITAL wanted to manufacture best dump wagon invented; investigate. Call 430 Mohawk bldg., 10 to 2. $10 TO $100 daily made In the moving pic ture business; $100 will start you. partic ulars 5261& Washington st. CASH grocery and confectionery. See owner. This: is a bargain. 763 Thurman . Phone Main 2013. . ' GOOD PROFIT-SHARING DEAL A TTR Ac tive, clan and safe; quick action necessary. Call Monday. 401 Board of Trade. Vz INTEREST in state agency Duntley Pneumatic ('leaner. Fine proposition. 602 Swetland bldg. STOCK OF GROCERIES AT INVOICB. Phone Woodlawn 3607. FOR SALE Small, well established Job printing plant. AJ C04. Oregonian. FRUIT and poultry stand; good business; long lease; cheap rent. 272 Stark st. SNAP in a little grocery; just right for man and wife. $600; terms. 272 Stark. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 20.000 CAPACITY MILL. 2 miles from N. P. R. R.; 6.000.000 feet timber; full logging equipment. Full, complete logging and railroad out fit, consisting of live donkeys, three loco motives, 10 long trucks and loug list ot rigging and equipment. 20.000 capacity mill flvo miles from r P. R. R. ; 10.00u.000 feet sugar pin ami fir: full logging and railroad equipment. 25.000 capacity mill, five miles from S, P. R. R. ; 16.000.000 feet of fir timber planing mill and full logging equipment. 20.0U0 capacity mill, one rail.) from S. P. R. R. ; IO.00O.O00 feet of fir timbcri full logging out tit. 20.000 capacity mill four miles from S. P. R. R.; i&. 000. 000 feet of flr and sugatf pine; full logging out tit. 4O.000 capacity mill on S. P. R. R. ; -Ooo.tM.Mi feet of timber and full logetna? outfit. 10.000 capacity mill three miles from K R.; 50.000.000 feot fir timber. F. L. BOTSFORD COMPANY, INC., 538 Worcester Bldg. DO YOU NEET CAPITAL? "Vt e finance proiKsiiions of merit, indus trial, manufacturing, mining, oil. gas and railway stock and bond isuee eold on coni mifvion. industrial and manufacturing en terprises seeking new locations a ?iKiaIty; best facilities for rapid service; no utlvaa- o charges: highest reference; representatives waj.ted.in each city and town; liberal pa. Minyard-Kess'ler Co.. selling brokers First Natl. Bank bldg.. Cincinnati. O. IJ? TiOII ARE SEEKING IN PORTLAND A SAFK BUSINESS PROPOSITION, I SHOULD LIKE TO MEET YOU; MY BUSINESS IS ESTABLISHED BUT N ELDS MORE CAPITAL FOR EXPAN SION; IT IS IN THE LINE OF THAI' WHICH IS KING IN THIS NORTHWEST1 OUNTRY LUMBER. TWO PORT LAND BANKS WILL VOUCH FOR WHAT I SAY. N 60O, OREGON 1 AN. WE act as fiscal agents and personal repre sentatives in eerv c.an&citv f-i- in viT.-.r- capitalists, manufacturers, importers, ex porters, etc. New York and on European. Oriental and South American market. Few moro A 1 connections solicited, Na polls &. Co.. (a corporation) Temple Court Building. New York. IF you are looking for a business oportunity we have a few that a small amount of money will handle; don't fail to see us be fore Investing. Homeseekors Land. Co.. 13J . .orth 0th st. PARTNER wanted In a cash business; you; can make $100 a month and taore easil 1 experience not neceseiry; must be sobp mm; $2oo required. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange blug., 2d and Stark st. WANTED Steady man able to check; goods, etc. ; pay $20 week now ; can in crease this with interested help; $2)00 re- quired. Particulars 417 Board or Trade) bldg. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. . Partner wanted to look after store trada and do collecting: must be steady and in dustrious; $200 required. Call 286Vi Wash ington st.. room 612. GENERAL MERCHANDISE store for ss ! at inventory price, which is near $15,000; annual titles average $40,000: good, clean stock. Van Dusen & Co., Agts.. Astoria. Or. NICE LITTLE SNAP. $300 for a well -located cigar and con fectionery store; West Side; good money maker. F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St. GENTLEMAN wants partner, lady or gen tleman, to open first-class delicatessen. 1 have the outfit. See me without dclav. II. York, 413 I9th North. Take S car." MANUFACTURING Partner wanted, prefer office man; guarantee 5120 month salary an d sh a re of profi ts. Call 417 Board o Trade bldg. WANTED Partner in well established busi ness; must have $200t cash ; salary and good Interest guaranteed. X 590, Orego nian. BUSINESS LOTS FOR $00O. West Side. Improvements all in, 27 minutes on electric cars; afternoon. 432 Mohawk bldg. WANTED Man with $1000 as partner to place patented article on the maiket; will show 820,000 to $30,000 returns. A 0O2. Oregonian. HEAL ESTATE Owner wants steady, sober partner; this requires very little money and will pay energetic man $170 month. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. PEANUT vending machine operators and those wishing to enter vending machine business can Jeaxn fumething interesting by writing Larson. 1762 Arlington Place, Chicago. 311. FOR SALE Four S100O Portland Home telephone bonds, with stock 7 per cent investment, payable semi-annually. O 601, Oregonian. A BUSINESS MAN wants a lady with $2.V to $300; perfect security and big returns for money., and services. No amenta. Box N 608, Oregonian. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS pays several thousand dollars annually, new Improved plan; $25 to $100 necessary. J. & P. Lack ey, 2232 LaSalle St., Chicago. FANCY goods and notion stock for sale in, this city, about $1500. cheap rent; good opportuinty to build up a business. AN 60 1. Oregonian. TWO-STORY brick building, St. John, to trade for rooming-house, close In; anything up to $3500. Smith-Wagoner Co., 8v Chamber Commerce. MERCHANTS We can sell your business or get you reliable partner; hav buyers waiting; business strictly cofmdontiaJ.. Call room 417, Board of Trade bldg. $25 MADE $660 In seven months; $170 made millionaire; complete story In our publica- tion, "California Oil Fields." Sample copy free. Sagar &. Loom la. San Francisco. yO R S A I -E Fu rn 1 tur e, bard ware and tin -dertaker's stock, best town in Western Washington; no agents. AS 584 Ore gonian. FOR SALE Income property paying mora than 10 per cent, 8 stores and a 2-storr residence; all new and rented; price $6000. Tabor 644. POOLROOM, 8 tahles, down town. cheai rent, money-maker, cheap If taken at once. 3O1-302 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7290. DO YOU want supplies or rent fllmT W are Independent, do not belong to tha trust. Pacific Film Co., 803 Kothchild, bidg., Portland, Or. OREGON Gold Hill Mining Company stock; will sell all or part of 1000 shares; must have money; make your best cash offer In flrat letter. E 601, Oregonian. CORNER CASH GROCERY doing a business of $100 daily; on account of sickness can be bought at invoice. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. LAPAT CORN REMEDY Removes corns. , bunions, callouses, 5c Sent postpaid on j receipt of price. Lapat Drug Co., 299 ' Grand, Paterson, N. J. WE can locate you in paying business. Be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney & Stamp her, 531-532 Lumber Exchang bldg. Phone A 4881. WANT ED To buy general merchandise stock in outside town where possibilities are good, that $2000 cash will handle. An swer at once. Spencer & Co., 102 2d st. PARTY desired to take interest of a few thousand In new enterprise of large profits. Address X 594, Oregonian. MIST sell at once, on account of death, first-clans home bakery, with brick oven. 045 Washington st. rooming-house: BUSINESS rHANf 'ES. BAST-NEVISON REALTY &. INV. 1 'XJ.. 319 BOARD OF TRADE MAIN 3877. CLEANING and pressing establishment fr sale cheap. Call 2bt 3d st. Phone. Main 7322. FOR SA LE or trade, small attractive art and stationery store, good location, Ime lease. Call 407 Morrison. M. 4120. POULTRY market at a sacrifice low rent. l"ng lease, owner in hospital; price $011 on terms. Call room 420 Swetland bid-;. WILL sell half Interest In good real estate business; don't take much money; chain to make $100 per month. 336 Alisky bldg. $25K) BUYS paying newspaper in grow in g city of 30O0; splendid future; business good. Address Box 266. Pasco, Wash. WANT ED Lease, hop yard. 30 to 60 acres; state location; terms, etc. C 607, Oregon ian. 9-ROOM rooming-house, close in. full ail the time; swell furniture, worth $S00 ; sacri fice for $500; half cash. 272 Stark st. GROCERY BARGAIN Clean stock, busy store and. price" is right: best reasons for selling. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. CIGAR store fixtures for safe cheap. Call cigar store, 16th and Washington street, Monday. RESTAURANT for sale cheap if sold at once. 30O Couch st. 12-ROOM. in good location, monev-maker and a good buy; terms. Main 3877. EQUITY to trade for rooinlng-house, thla la ' a k ood bargain. Main 3i7. . - I . IS