THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECE3IBER 19, 1909. KELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED, corrER river railway, cordova. ALASKA. 9ft miles of heavy solid rock side nutting to be let to station men at $1 20 per cubic yard: loose rook. 60c; earth. 30c. Splendid crpoifunity for good rorkmen to make bl money. Fare. $15 Shipments 1st. nth, f.h. Pith 2oth and 21m of each month. Call or for full particuiar. M. J. HENEV. 514-1&-16 Column BXg., Seattle, Wash. WANT a better place? Govemnicnt salaries ore high, steady and mirf. Work la pleas ant and promotion eay. Liberal vacation?. No I needed. Hundreds of vacannus in a.l pans tf l S. l'a;fr t -i is you just how ,"U n gt un of t ;i-se n no positions ; 1 0 cents or six months' trial ; money back on request . Send dime ur ftamin today to Dek .TttM. civil service Record. Wash in g D. C. A SS I STA XT C H Vm IT MAX W A NTRP ; e x -l-ib-nce nrt e.--9-r tiM ; application from good V- ...Kk-''Pt . w ill : ng to learn considered ; mod 1 n'-'j .n!ary villi raj 'l.i ajvint-ement to right man. AddrfNS Credit, V 597. Ort- 5iif. PTPONG TOT'NO V EN wanted imme diately for firemen or brakernr-n on near by railroads ; good vision ; account in creasing business; lOOO men snt to posi tions lart mree months, $75. $100 monthly. Promotion Address, stating ag. weight, heirht.. send stamp. Kail way Association, i are Oregon i an. S WITCH MB N. ENGINE FOREMAN, ts a !ay, fret, transportation, for the X. P R. R., taking ill aces made varan t by striking switchmen; regular scale 34c hojr; write or come at once. C. U. H AN PEN & CO.. EMPLOYMENT. 6 North Second St., Portland. 10.0O0 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in filth t weeks, help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: export Instructor; tooSs free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 34 North 4th St.. Portland, Or. WANTED Mn at Los Angeles, electricity, aotomobillng, plumbing, bricklaying, car PnftT. sign painting, iradta taught in few months; no cash expanse; actual contract v o' k. Write fr ca talogue. United Trade Pr.ool Contracting Co., 2itt Aliso, Lo An geles. TOT N'l men to learn automobile business by mail; prepare frr positions as chauf feurs and repair men; we make you ex prt In ten weeks; assist you to secure po sition; pay big. work pleasant ; demand for men great; reasonable; write for par ticulars, sample lesson. Empire Auto mobile Inst it ute. Rochester, N V. TOirxo man living at horn to learn tea and coffee business; somo experience In g rncerles would help; reference; perman ent ; $7 to start; chance to advance. Ap ply todav between 11 and 1 o'clock. GRAND rxlOM TEA CO., 448 Washington St. G V KRNMENT posit Ions; chances never bet t er to secure one of thousa nds of ap l'otntmnts to bn made. Particulars as to salaries, positions, dates of examinations in port land, mmple rjues lions, etc.. sent fro1. 101 . National Cor. Institute. Wash ington, D. k '. W A XT ED An office boy and general as sistant, a reliable ynuiiR man from 16 to 2u years of aye; must be ante to use t ypc writer ; permanent posit Ion. wlt! chance for nd Hiirement. Apply at Morris H ruts., C Chamber of Commerce bldg. SAl.KSM AN. experienced in an y line, to sell general trade I'arific I'i'ast unexcelled 7eeialiy proposition; vacancy after Jan uary 1 ; commission wit h $35 weekly for expe;i!.'s The Continental Jew eiry Co., 'leveland, Ohio. KITH Kit SEX can make $4 dully all Winter raWiug inufhrcmitis for hotels and r'ftau rnnts witli my spawn in cellar, sheds, boxes; Tree KluMrnWd Instriirtlon booklet. Hiram Ifrarton. Klli Wet 4Mh St.. Now York. GOOD competent bookkeeper with lumber ex perl en re ; bookkeeper and st i'Uot;raplier for country; dry poods salesman: shoe FHlesman fur country. SlUVi Washington yt.. room IS. SALESMEN .Visiting department, furnish - inff and shoe stitres to carry side line Indies' nnd men's guaranteed hosiery: liberal commit ion ; qnhk seller. Pure wear Hosiery Co.. I'ii lladelph la, palcHiunn n make blf arn f ngs trav elhiK exelupi vt-ly for our imperial line of cuiendars nnd no velt iK; best combined If ne on road ; be prompt. Spot a wood Spe cialty Co.. Lexington. Ky. WA NTKD-PW) men to vWt the "Knew" Sample. Suit Si ore. Oroponlnn bldp.; Fiiitw and ovcnstitst, $1 value.. $18; $20 v,ilu.' $2; mlk inulTU r nnd Itandsome eii pndern given away fur Xinaa JAN. 1. F.0 experienced, for calendars, wall iickets. nove!tief. Cannula to (liilf. Indiana to Pacifle; bond lequtrt-d; cnimlPPion5 we-k-lv. Lincoln Novelty A lvvrtlaing Co., Lincoln, Neb. " A FEW god men with some money to help put out orchards; good wages allowed for your time; references needed. O 04, Ore gon i an. AV K wj n t two or t h ree tr" 'vi real estate ale mcn for subdivision' w--rk; auto transporta tion: Pppcial Inducement.- to workers. Itabb Pat ton, 00 oth M. GOOP tea nnd coffee solicitors wanted; one with experience preferred. Apply Oregon Tea & Coffee Co., C13 Vmatllla ave., Kell wood. WILL exchange good Portland suburban lots for clearing land and furnish stump -puller. McCoy. 304 North Ulh, S to 7 evenings. W car. SALESMEN to bundle complete line of cal endars, fans, si tins, cloth goods and novel ties. Samples ready; liberal compensation. Scioto Sinn Co.. Kenton, O. ANY PEKSOX, male or female, interested In commercial, railroad or wireless teleg raphy, please address A. E. M. 414 Tav'.or St., city. SALESMEN sell Perfection wagon umbrella. aderti;ing horse ' cvcrw and carpenters' apron. on cMn minion. The Perfect it a Mfg. St. Loui-. Mo. CITY SOUiTTOll to iv 11 houwlmld fixture direct tc build- r anil !"niKwr.ors; $rt com mission on each sale. Apply at wilesroom, aGl Abler st. THA V ELI NG salesmen to je!l otit tit to one i-unvassi-: In each town; something pew; no competition; proiltaMe s'de-line. Can vassers Supply lie use, Huchanan, Mich. SvLIcn'CU;s for FRANKFORT accident and Iiealili policies; best oil the Coast; good contraeis to live men: rapid promotion. Inquire Hi .'d it., trounil floor. WANT TO START you !n srare time, at home; most in g-n urns' m-'iicy-mnkr ever devised : I:te tirticulirs. F. E. Ab bott. 1 ek AX. O n udi a , Neb. WANTED Office and me-sprnger tKy for s:etdy t-ttion; god for promotion; male eg and ilarj- expected. G Ore gontan. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; -good coinm isslon : experience unneeessa ry. Cail at of lice, Greijory Hoights. end of Rose city earUne. I HAVE paying proposition for good Fales man, city and suburbs. Address E. Cham ber 1 In. Frank Hu Hotel. Give phone No. PARTNER, wanted In a good Collection agenev ; $;loO reo:vilred. Plume A 7447. A N 02. Oreonlatv NO FXPKRIPNTK. Fbort hours, fine op portunity j;:73 required, worth JRiOo. S tUil. tregonnii. for cleirii'g 1 acres of land 1 4 miles from Hct-'l ! ! ' e. ash ing ton Count y. Ad dress E. A. M idulebrooks, 302 Couch bldg. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial Abstract Co.. 4uS Commercial Club bldg. YOl'NO man to mil u nib ret !as ; no previous e pe: ienee required. Lennon's. 3u9 Mor rison St. WANTED Two tlrst-cias contmakers Ap-p!- to the Crown Tailor Shop. 4tt and stark sis. A i"t. saslinia ker ; none but a rood one Ut-ed appiv; steady work. Med ford Sash K loor Co. SOLICITORS wanted for Superior coal. i!1 Sunday, be;. 12 and 3. In ion Transfer ., ;;i4 Flanders st. WANTED Men to take contract to clear 1 o a. 'res. Route Xo. 4 Sherwood, Or. Vlt TO $1'" lailv u;ade In the moving pic ture btis:iies. 7k will start you. Partic ulars ."."JUS: Washington st. $-K MONTHLY ::d to adwrtij-e. a samples and col. cot names. Silverion o.. E 77. Chicago. HOY WAN TED wuh wheel. F. W. Baltes &. Co., ,1st and oak. tHOBMAKKR aa partner; tiav complete ma chluery with motor. M 6-K), OiegonUkC. KELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. OF UN TODAY. Ch-f. Tto a we-k; restaurant cook, $22.50 a we-k; kitchen help. 15 ridge foreman. construction dinkey trestles, etc.. $4 day. Free Fare. Bridge carpenters, $2.75. Log loader. $:t rigging slingers, chasers; acreage to clear, wood choppers. R. K. laborers, scuth, CaJiiornia, east. Fre-e fare. Station gangs for 3 cuts on new R. R. work. HEADQUARTERS FOR R. R. WORK. New- Local Orders Daily. C. R. HANSON & CO.. EMPLOYMENT. 2i North Second St.. Portland. 4-4 Front ave., Spokane. Wash. S7-S9 Fourth St.. San Francisco. Established JS7l EXPERIENCED salesman to cover Oregon with staple line; high commission with advance for expenses; permanent position to right man. L. H. Drake, Asst. Supt-, Detroit, Mich. YOUNG man to drive furniture wagron. Apply at GeraJtir & Dorres. 3SJ E. Morrison. HANDY man for porter work. etc. Rose "ity Hotel. ln and Pi:: N. tlth st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. M EI ER A- FRANK f'O. wants 250 sales women for arioua riopartinents ; also 100 girls to act as messengers and wrappers. Apply to superintendent. Cth ffoor. Also want ,1 able-bodied women to act as JanltoresFes. WANTRD Intelligent, up-to-date ladles to ruproent one ot the bewt selling article?, necessary to every home: 100 per cent proi ; no capital required ; country rlg-hts given ; references; great, money-maker. AD OS, Oregon lan. MUNICIPAL Department of Public Eafetr for Young Women. Advice or assistance gladly given to all young women. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin. Supt.. room 37 Y. W. C. A. bldp- , 7th and Taylor ata, "WANT EI Investment company of high standing wants permanent services of a high-grade saleswoman to develop to man aging department; must furnish security. 21U Commercial Club bldg. GIRLS 16 years of age-, wanted. Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED First-class cook; wages $.t0 with out laundry. $5 with laundry; none but first-clas cook need apply. Call at Cap tain Aloe's, 115A Vancouver Barracks. Vancouver, Wash. EXP EMIT stenographer can. secure desk .spa re, detfk 'and machino, free rental; modern building, established .bus4nes. AL 607, Oregon! an. MAKE MONEY writing sor!es for news papers, spare time or regular work; earn $1po-$;M monthly. Send for booklet, tells how. Ireew Syndicate, San Francisco. WAITRESS High-class restaurant, dav shift; top wages. State where last em ployed and wh-en. Address C 600, Ore gonian. LADIES, make dress shield at home; good pa ; materia.l iurnlehed; stamped envelope particular.. Mutual Supply House, Dept. 201, Chicago. WANTED Young lady telegraph operator; also one who can help on telephone ex change. Write J. A. Howerton, llwaco. Wash. WANTED Capable young . women to enter training school for nurses. For particulars write Hoqulam General Hospital, 'Hoquiam, Wash. WOMAN to assist with housework, suburbs, three adults;! good home for right person; reasonable wages. Phone Woodlawn 757. GENERA I j house help wanted in familv of adults, $30. Inquire Young Woman's Chris tian Association. Monday, hours 10 till 4. GIRL wanted for light housework; good home and good wages. 304 Park, near Columbia. MAKE money writing stories, or for news papers; big pay ; send for free booklet, tHI? how. Press Syndicate, San Francisco. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1.60 dox. upward ; steady,, reliable work. 224 Marquara bldg. HANSEN'S LA DIES' AGENCY. 843 H Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2G92. WA XTEn Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vtavl Co., 609 Roth chitd bldg.. 4t.h and Washington. ENERGETIC woman, over 25, for position with wholesale house; experience unneces sary. M G01, Oregonian. COM PET E NT girl for general housework ; understands cooking; good wages. 714 Tillamook at. GIRL to help with work and go to school. One block from Ladd School. Good home. 2;S 11th st. WANT a lady tutor in evening at Japanese English School. Call Between 3 and 5 P. M. 40 Burnslde st.f GIRL for general housework, small family, work not difficult, good wages. Call 616 Spring st., Portland Heights. GIRL or middle-aged woman for housework in small family. Call or phone apartment 24. The Hanover. COMPETENT nurse for two children of 4 and 6 years. References required. 439 K. 10th st., North. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly lady wanted to keep house on a dairy farm; lady must be used to children. E 602, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse to take care of chil dren and assist with second work. 835 Love joy st. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. S2iJH Washington St,, Room 307. Main SS36 or A 3266. FREE housekeeping room to lady for Ices part of time around -room apartment-house. Inquire today 63 West 14th. YOUNG girl to assist in housework, small family. 419 East 20th North, Irvlngton. Call Monday. 6 EXPERIENCED salesladies for toys and laces. Apply beforo 10 A. M. Monday. Roberts Bros, 3d and Morrison. WANTED A girl to do general housework. Apply 1S1 N. 24th st. GIRL to assist with housework. Apply 706 Flanders. . WANTED Woman or girl for light house work. 6S5 2d st.,. near Grant. CAPABLE housework girl, $30. St. Louis Agency, 245 Washing ton. Main 203. COM PET EN T woman cook; can go home nights. Mrs. Sit ton, 4D3 Yamhill st. P.E LIABLE nurse girl for 2 children. 685 Marshall st.. near ISth. WANTED Girl for general housework. OSS Lovcjoy. LESSONS n shorthand and typewriting by expert, $o a month.. 269 14th. Main 38P;;. GIRL to assist general housework. 702 Marshall, near -2d. Apply forenoons. WANTED at once, girl for general house work; two In family. Apply 774 Irving. GIRL 'to assist in housework of small fam ily. Phone Tabor 1;?72. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. $:;o. o'.io Hasaio St., cor. Grand ave. LADY solicitor1 wanted, all Oregon towns. Call or write! .tfio Stanton st. Phone C 103ft! GIRL to help in family hotel, $20. 533 Mor rison, cor. 17th. YOUNG girl to do light work in small fam ily. 40a College st. A GOOD Swedish woman for general house work; small family". Apply 70S Wasco st. WANTED Xeat young girl for general house work. Call M7 Irving st. GOOD home and wages for girl. 17; family Of three. 3'2'J Oak. GIRL employed, to work for board and room. 4i E. Davis st. WANTED Experienced second gLrl. Call 183 North 220. PC FLIC stenographer can have , free rent and machine, call 420 Swetiand bldg. EXTRA salesladies to sell gloves and hos iery. Lennon's, 30l Morrison st. STENOGRAPHER, salary ? week. Call Monday morning. Room 011 Swetiaud- bldg. PRIVATE li JMii." Khortimnd, typewriting; ex pert method. So 12th t. Main 6MK. nOCSEKEEPER who can cook, honest and reliable, lamil y two. R tit Oregonian. WllL buy cut hair and combings. XS4 Yam hill st. "The Jahn." WANTED -Good plain cook. 635 Lovejoy st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. Hotel cook. $13.50 a week; pastrx cook, $10 a week. 3 family cooks. $3u. 2 chambermaids. $2v and $20. 2 waitresses, same country hotel. $2.V Waitress, city. $10 a week. Nurse girl, $30t. 2 second girls, $25 and $20. G i rls for gen era! housework and cook ing, and to assist. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 i Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstairs. W A N T ED MONDAY. r Cook, kitchen helper, chambermaids, girls for general housework, from $20 to 53"t; girl for in the country, good wages, and solicitors. PACIFIC EMPI)YMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept., 205 Morrison. WANTED Experienced women for Janitor work In New Electric bldg. Apply only between 9 and IX A. M. to Land Dept., P. R. L, & P. Ce.. 1st and Alder st-s. WANTED Young lady or woman in vicinity of East 25th and East Salmon., neat and clean, to care for young girl 1 years old. three- afternoons out of a week, bet. 1 atld 4 o'clock; state charge per week. Address K (101. Oregoniau. SAL ES WO M E N. Thoroughly experienced and competent, wanted In a number of our departments. Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FIEkLD REPRESENTATIVE. Man or woman for outside territory who fas enthusiastic over the possibilities of the Pacific Coast. Must be convincing talker, with ability to organize. Opportunity nn llmted. Gve reference? and state Qualifi cations, Addrese A 608, Oregonian. LADY" or gentleman, do you wish to start in a good paying business without cap ital? Call 16 North 6th st. F1SK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po sitions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION, by Jan. 1. Am married, have bail 12 years experience in practical of fice work, thorough in general accounting and correspondence ; can operate type writer and adding machine; handle men successfully; I am sober and steady; no bntd habits; will take position as book keeper or manager; holding position at present but desire to make a change; A-l references. AB 560. Oregonian. POSITION WANTED by competent book keeper and accountant, eight years experi ence: can furnish bea?t of references ; can assume full charge of office duties, includ ing corre.tpondence; just arrived from Bast and intends making Portland his future home If he can receive proper inducements; married, age 30. Address 444 Uth st., or phone A. 3545, Home phone. FAST and competent male stenographer wishes' extra work during evenings, getting out circulars. Will work reasonable. F 605, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants position with contractor or builder, used to draughting, time-keeping and construction ; references. X 501, Oregonian. OFFICE - MANAGER, experienced bookkeeper and hustling young busing .man. wants po sition with reliuble concern; best refer ences'. A E 604, Oregonian. RELIABLE young man, with office experi ence, wishes steady position. AG 000, Ore gonian. YOU NQ man desires work evenings, any kind of work ; can keep books. x 000, Oregoniaji. t COMPETENT salesman, 10 years' experience; best reference, city or country. A 001, Oregonian. YOUNG man (2 with several years' office experience, wishes position. D 603, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer defdres position by January 1. Phone Main 41172. M iscr llaneotiB. A SALESMAN, traveling- Oregon and Washing ton, desires a new line; good references, rest, age 30: don't booze; mn capable of selling most anything, but prefer a strong line on exieres an,d commission. Addresa H 600. Oregonian. HYDRAULIC and electricafc engineer; Eng lish gradual; 10 years practical experi ence in America; will accept position re- ( m " a -v -1.. u 1 1 c ouiiuj , i iil'i uug ii ly com petent; references. D 602. Oregonian. WANTED Position by expert cost man. competent to manage office; several "years experience with large manufacturing plant ; best references. AK 601, Oregon ian. YOUNG man. 25, wishes to buy working In terest in job printing office or photograph gallery, to learn business. Address AC 502, Oregonian, or phone Tabor 1307. WANTED By a man, 32 years of age with a knowledge of groceries and hardware; also of bookkeeping, a position for 1910; high-class references. AJ 602, Oregonian. DO YOU require the services of competent business man ? Would be a valuable man in handling large real estate or security deals. fi 600. Oregonian. TWO Japanese, one cook, one dishwasher, want position In hotel, boarding-house, res taurant, anywhere. Harry Kawa, 627 Hood street. WANTED Position as hotel engineer; will take fireman's position or watchman; best of references. V 60 2. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS instrument man and drafts man wishes position; references; own transit.- N 607, Oregonian. WANTED by young Corean boy, general housework and family cook and cham bermaid work. E 600, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 2:i. telegraph student, wants practical end of business; city; references. Address AN 603, Oregonian. WINDOW cleaning, floors rewaxed ; Jobbing a specialty. Main 6573; evening, (. 2S9 Taylor. YOUNG man wants position driving light dolivery wagon ; experienced and well ac quainted with city. James, East 4974. COLLECTOR, experienced in collecting de linquent accounts; state experience- give references. A 609. Oregonian. , DRAFTSMAN wishes employment, will do piece work; has references. C 602, Ore gonian. MAN and wife want to work a farm or nu private residence. Hy Brinkman, 314 Columbia st.. city. WANTED by experienced newspaper solic itor, a paper with at least SO.uoO to take subscriptions for. C 601, Oregonian. BY EXPFRIENCED salesman. salary to start. $75 and expenses; good references. G 604, Oregonian. COOK and helper (man and wife) want po sition, city or country; good experience; no bad habits. AH 692, Oregonian. CAPABLE chef and second cook, hotel or restaurant; references. B 01, Ore gonian. WORK by violin or comet player, or will furnish orchestra. Address room 47, liilVa North 6th st. EXPERIENCED ad writer and solicitor; ref erences. F 606. Oregoniam PAPERING or tinting done, $3.50 per room. Phone Main 8274. MARRIED man wants work as porter or janitor, or any kind. AL 595 Oregonian. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT CO. furnish all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 26S Everett st. YOUNG man of 24, wants steady work or any kind. A 6418. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants position family. $40 up. Main 9"61. COOK and first-class baker wants job; log ging camp. etc. D 601, Oregonian.- COLORED boy wants any kind of work Phone Main 4044. LIGHT work 3 P. M. to 9 P. M.. oung man. sober, temporate. R 6o2. Oregonian. A JACIC OF ALL trades and master of none wishes employment. - P l2. Oregvmian. DRVGSIPT wams position, city or country. J OOo. Oregonian. AN expert hydraulTc engineer open, for en gagement. K. 609. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous, COOK, good all-round, steady, sober, eco nomical, wants Immediate employment; six months in last place; camp preferred, or country hotel or restaurant. G. N., i31 GMsan st. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LADY bill clerk desires position, using Elliott Fisher or Underwood ma chine; 6 years' experience; references. , P q&3, Oregonian. YOUNG lady with business college educa tion wants position as bookkeeper; best references. O 5S0, Oregonian. LADY stenographer desire position; good s-yeed. accurate; city reference Phone Main 69&4. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in law collec tions and real estate, desires position first of the year. AF 604. Oregonian. POSITION, temporary cr permanent; several years' experience. Call "Stenographer," A 4100. COMPETENT stenographer wants a position, lumber p ft ice preferred ; will go out of town if necessary. W 50". Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER owning machine desire position. F 6o7, Oregonian. Dressmakers. MAN-TAILORED skirts that fit. $3; your own materia iw; suits, coats. Prince dresses, re duced prices for SO days. Elite Ladies' Tai lor. o46 Washington. M. 3025. A 2007. GENERAL dressmaking by competent and experienced seamstress; goes to homes; references. A 41K1. PLAIN, fancy dressmaking; alteration a specialty. 3oO M- Morrison St.. room S3. Phone Main 4521. A 1644. GENERAL dressmaking by the day. 105 10th st. Phone Main S47, A 21160. DRESSMAKING by competent seamstress. . Woodlawn 964. GENERAL dressmaking and plain sewing; references. AB 608. Oregonian. DRESSMAKING. $2 per day. Miss Bonnell, 46"H Larrabee. DRESSMAKING, waists and dres.e a pe cialty. 7724 OHage near 23d and Washington. Housekeepers. RESPONSIBLE, refined, middle-aged wo man desires position as housekeeper for r.lderly couple or small family ; exper ienced cook, practical nurse, good home chief object; references exchanged. AK 501. Oregonian. WANTED By young lsdy, a position In Eastern Oregon as housekeeper or cook on ranch ; a good home most desirable; will exchange references. C 005, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper in hotel or room-ing-houee; will go to country. Phone Main 72e5, between 6 and 7 P. M. or F 679, Ore gonian. WIDOW, So, of education and refinement, stranger, desires position as housekeeper for widower or manager rooming-house. X 007, Oregonian. WANTED Position by eapable woman of 3S as working housekeeper; on washing; wagea $5 per week. R 6t5, Oregonian. SITUATION as working housekeeper In hotel or rooming-house. Address Y 594, Oregonian. NEAT woman, housekeeper widower's fam ily. St. Louis. 24&H Wash. Maiu 20S9. Nurses. GRADUATE nurpe wishes position to care for invalid or crippled child during Winter; city references; terms reasonable. Inquire Y. W. C. A. GRADUATE nurse wishes office nursing or work where she can be home night; best references. W BOS, Oregonian. " NURSE,- S years experience, will like the care of Invalid; $12 per week. F 604. Oregonian. NURSING by experiencfcd middle-aged lady; maternity preferred. Phone Main 4302. NURSING wanted by lady; good references; eny kind sickness. Main 3001, A 5468. Mjomestlcs, GIRL wants position In small family for housework and wish to to evening school, near Lincoln High School pre ferred. Phone M. 5517. Address 630 5th st. GOOD plain cook wjshes position in family of adults; be'M of references. V 604, Ore gonian. GIRL for general housework, working -.oupe-keeper or running rooming-house; wages $ii5. Phone Woodlawn 1444. WOMAN wanu chamber work by day or week. Ca 11 413 Van co u ver a ve. GOOD, reliable women wishe day work. Phone Main 9390. MUs Smith. Miscellaneous, I AM prepared to care for a few children between 2 and S years old ; board, room, washing and mending. $15 per month. 446 East Harrison st., Mrs. M. Paynter. EXPERIENCED business woman (Creole), fine address, attractive personality, de sires to represent respectable firm as buyer or traveling. AK 602, Oregonian. ALL KINDS of mending for ladles' and gentlemen ; underwear made for ladies and gentlemen ; lace curtains done up, mended and delivered. Phone Main 353!. EXPERIENCED young man with best of references wishes position as shipping clerk or alesman. H 6o9, Oregonian, or phone Main 3979. FAMILY washing and ironing or any day work by ladv with 2 children, phone Main 35H1. A 5468. Rooms 76-79. AN experienced woman with boy 7 years old would like do me: i c or hotel work ; good .wages; in town. AE 007, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman would like work bv day or hour. Phone Main 0427, room 14. - HOUSEWORK or laundry work by the dav. PI 5 Thurman st., room 40. Phone Main 2030. EXPERIENCED Norwegian woman wants day work, washing, ironing, house clean ing. Main 1133. DANISH girl wants work by the day; wash ing or cleaning. Phone Woodlawn 1369, or call at 935 Kerby st. A FIRST-CLASS colored laundry woman wants work for Monday and Tuesday. Main 5560. WOMAN wants work cleaning and laundry; reference. East 1259. Room 6. SHIRT waists laundred, 10c apiece. II 591, Oregonian. SWEDISH lady wants day work any kind. Phone Main 7315. room 21. WANTED Work by day or hour by cap able woman. Phone Main 4394. A LADY with experience would take charge of rooming-house. Phone Woodlawn 1741. FIRST-CLASS laundress. best references, wants work Monday, Tuesday. G 603, Ore gon Kin. LADY wishes day work; references. Phone Main 9009. WANTED Washing and housecleanlng. Phone Main 6427; room B. COMPETENT woman want steady day work. Phone Tabor 701. WANTED Cleaning. washing and other work by day. Call A 392. LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40c a pair. Phone East 5337. C 1658. COLORED women want work by day or take washing home. Phone Main llOO. WANTED AGENTS. WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.' 7S. Parsons, Kan. SALESMEN WANTED to take our Cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free Cirpital City Kursery Company. Salem. Oregon WONDERFUL! New chemical. Never-Fog, keeps spectacles from steaming: every wear- . er of glasses buys; agents make JS daily ; sample 10c. Crystal Sales Co., Toledo, O. 4-SIEVE etrainer and "No Splash" sold agents only: Famr'fl free: 2c stamp, cost of mail ing; $5 daiiy ; let us prove it. See's, Ji4 Duane, New York. J GENERAL and special, by large old-line health and accident company; new, liberal, easy selling policies; choice territory; big pay. Roysii Casualty Co., .St. Louis. AGENTS You can know about the profits made supplying perfumes to families. Ad dress Lefder & Co., St. Louis, Mo. WAN TED AG KXTS. GLORY! GLORY! Join the Smile Club! Plen ty of money, easy work. Be independent by foiling absolutely greatest invention for men ever produced. - Think! Every man a customer something he has been waiting lor. needs, buys; fastest celling device on market; P0 j-er cent profit; Inexperienced men making $45 to $90 weekly (can prove lt; others making more; you can't fail, try It: why wait longer? Get bus?,- now selring biggest mor.ey and time saver extant Never-Fail automatic razor stropper only machine invented to sharpen every kind of , razor, old style and safety: . child can put keenest edge on any blade, machine well made, cost $1G.00 p" perfect; riek postal, learn how to make $45 to $90 weekly, all Winter. Never Fail Co., 133 Nicholas, To ledo, O. WONDERFUL Invention, money selling Can chester Kerosene Incandescent lampe, burns with or without mantel. 6 times brighter electricity, gws. acetylene, 1-loth cost ; burner flt anr lamp; raves 75 per cent oil; no trimming wicks, showing means selling; beware imitation; outfit furntthed. Can . Chester Light Co., 26 State., Dept. UlBta Chicago. SEND for free copy of "The- Thomas Agent." greater agents' paper ever published; filled with money-making plans, "noli cense tax" decision of Supreme Court; . pointers to agents; every gen; !n U. S. should have copy at once. Addrrjs today. Thomas Agent. 401 5 Wayne ave.. Dayton. O. AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell the Plnless Clothes Line, a practical labor-saving Invention that erells on sight ; write quick for exclusive territory : 1 profits $25 to $75 per week: freight prepaid: sample 23V. Address Pacific Pitiless Clothesline. Co.. DOS Lumber Exchange bldg.. Portland. Or. UN EQUALED opportunities "present them selves for both Intelligent men aid women to handle one of the be selling products in the Pacific Northwest: goods sell on s.ght ; 10O per cent profit; no capital required; we furnua everything; highest local testimo nials. AE 606, Oregonian. LADIES and girl anywhere can earn good, steady pay writing adv, letters for is at home: s-nd 10 cents for forms and full in structions; no more money required; no canvassing. American Sales Co.. Dept. H 1, Delaware City, Del. AGENTS wanted for a hiirh-rlass, beautifully-printed and illustrated doilar-a-year woman's magazine; commission. 50 cents on each dollar subscription ; write for agent's free outfit. American Home Monthly, 27 Spruce St.. New York. AGENTS wild with Joy; no talking. custom ers running to g't $3 razor free with adver tising box staving soap: outselling every thing; amazing noflts: act quick. Circulars f "free. Sampler 60c Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. WANTED- Reliable agents to handle new. high grade, guaranteed articles: quick sellers in homes, offices, stores, shops; $2 to 10 per day. The Phillips Co.. 24o Phillips bldg., Dayton. Ohio. TERRITORIAL agent, postcard Importing; liberal commission basis; fir-st-clasa reference required; postcard experience pre ferred. German la Postcard Co., 32 Union Square, N. Y. PHOENIX ironing board clamps are wonder ful sellers, especially with lady agents; 100 per cent profit; brand new. Phoenix Supply Co.. Manufacturers, Box 535. Providence, R. I. AGENTS 200 per cent profit; Handy hame fastener; every horse owner bu7? at ight. Thomas Fastener Company, iSOlS Barney block. Dayton. O. AGENTS $3 to $5 day selling "Flush. " won derful polisher; for all metals; sample 15c. Write for particulars. Spafford & Barror. Toledo, O. MEN $10 daily sure, selling "Mendarip." also farmer's hatchet. S tools in one. Thomas Foote. Los Angeles, Calif oruia. AGENTS to sell line of toilet and household articles, 10o per cent profit. Queen Chem ical Co., Newport. R. I. WANTED TO RENT. UNFURNISHED flat, S or 6 rooms, modern, close in on West Ride, no children, ref erences. AM 5!S, Oregonian. , Houses. WE are In touch with several parties wish ing to rent desirable homes on either East or West Side. If your place is for rent, kindly call and see us or phone Main 6719. THE SOUTH ER-ALBERTSON CO., 280 Oak St., . Portland, Or. WANTED A clean, comfortable, furnished modern bungalow or cottage, not over & rooms, by Jan. 1; rent reasonable; no old or far-out places considered; best of ref erencesr no children. Phone B 1744. WE have tenants waiting for cottages or bungalows; send us description of your vacant house or anartment. Fidelity Abj. Co., 417 Fenton bld"g. Phone tMain 0014. REFINED young couple desire furnished house; no objection to boarding owner. T 6i4, Oregonian. SMALL furnished house or flat ; private house; near Marshall and ?4th; must be moderate. R C93, Oregonian. SMALL cottage or bungalow; must be mod ern, with dry basement; references. T 591, Oregonian. WANTED To rent modern cottage or bun galow in good neighborhood ; state loca tion and price. AN 604. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished 5 to 8-room residence or wmall rooming-house, walking distance, rea sonable rent, V 603, Oregonian. 5-ROOM house in Montavilla, Jan. 1st; state price. R 603, Oregonian. Rooms. REFINED couple want completely furnished housekeeping rooms, private family; Bast tjide preferred; references. N 600, Orego r: an. YOUNG lady wishes steam-heated room, entirely or partially furnished ; close in. H 602, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wishes room with sleeping porch, Wst Side preferred. F 601. Ore gonian. 2 OR 3-room housekeeping suite; walking; West Side. S61 Front st. Rooms With Board. REFINED couple with child 5 years old de sire rooms and board on East Side, vicinity of Wllliams-ave. school; give phone number. AM 591, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished room with board for young married couple; must be close in. AC 591, Oregonian. Business- Places. WANTED Desk room, use of phone and stenographer; private room preferred. AB 009, Oregonian. WANTED Floor space for a printing office, about ' cq.uare feet on eecond floor. T 602, Oregonian. DESK room wanted; mate pHce, etc. F 000, Oregonian. FOR RENT. STEAM HEAT rooms, single or double, very desirable and reasonable. The Genevieve, 445 Columbia st. Phone Main 7410. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rcoms, suit able for gentlemen. Karara bldg., 1st and Pine. WANTED To rent, a 7 or R-room modern house on West Side. AK 60it, Oregonian. Furnished Rooms. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, private bath, permanent or transient. Hotel Euclid, ISth and Washington. NICE comfortable rooms, 1.50 and $2.0o. Free phone. Both lights, -etc. No. 2 North 14 th. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE TEMPLE, 34'i Ms Yamhill st., opposit Hotel Portland, furnished rooms, $2.50 a week up; transient. THE BUTLER Comfortable rooms; cloee in; low rates. to9Ia Wash. LA RGE Iron t room. 2 closets; will board. The Hollywood. 446 3d. THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50. to 95 per -week- 548 Washington st. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral. $3. $4. $3 per week ; transient. FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, heat: 50c to Si day. to $4 week. FURNISHED rooms. a week and up. 169 Park, between Morrison and Yamhill. FOR RENT Furnished rooms :;80 3d st. Heat, bath or phone. Main 5223. 2 OR S rooms, fine Tooa.tkn, near 'Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1005, FOR RENT. Furnished Rocnu. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 BOOMS, 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof bulldinf. steam heated, hot and cold running water In alt rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and It doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice targe office on ground floor; every thing first-class: rates. 50c. 75o and $1 per day; :t.30 and up per week. Call and see us. 128 9th st. North Homelike Homelike Homelike V. . NEW SCOTT HOTEL - , Seventh and Ankeny Sts. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." One whole year of redecorating, refitting and t ef urnishing, all for vour benefit. fcTEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Winter home at reasonable rates for those who apprecaite cleanliness and comfort. Free Bus Free Phones JUST OPENED. Wanted Bo people for nicely furnished rooms and housekeeping: hot running water in rooms: furnace heat; shower bath ; in Knob HIU. swell residence di? trict 3 or 4 young men or ladies rooming together very reasonable; West Side; Walk ing distance; near hospitals, sanitariums 741 Glisan. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Efeventh St. NEW, modern brb-k bui'ding; Just opened KLEGANTLT FURNISHED; hot and coli water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private baths, excellent location. Juwt off Washing ton at.; special rates by week or month. THE BARTON. ISth and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout ; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc. ; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water. $i.6i) to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. THE OCKLEY. 390 Morrison St., Cor. 10th. Neatly furnished rooms, steam heat, electric righted, running hot and cold water, t f ree bath and phone; $3.50 per week and up. SARGENT HOTEL. New management. Grand, Hawthorne; modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free phone. E. 2S1, in every room ; largest rooms In city for permanent people, baths; transient 50c-$l. W. M. Robinson, mgr. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner loth and Washington Sts, Rooms, ingis or en suite; SPECIAL low monthly rates; steam hat. private baths, hot and cold water in ail rooms; beautifully f urn Is bed ; tourist trade solicited. PRINCESS HOTEL East Third and Burn side streets; outside rooms, with steam heat, hot and cold water, long distance telephones, electric lights and elevator service. 14.50 a month and up. HOTEL WINDSOR. 326 Stark, bet. 6th and 7th, new management, nicely fur nished rooms. $3.50 to $ per week; tran sient trade solicited. THE MERTARPKR. 126 13th. cor. Washing ton, brand new handsomely furnished; every modern convenience; hot water In all rooms; very reasonable terms. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; id' weekly up. A 2647. M. 6047. HOTEL IRVING Cth and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; . running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable; permanent and transient. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. Furnished Rooms In private Fasnily. THREE nice, pleasant unfurnished rooms to rent, upstairs, $8. 227 East 49th st. Phone Tabor 523. ROOM for rent, elegantly furnished in pri vate family, close in on East Side. 62S Holly St., Phone B 1673. DRESSMAKER wants cultured woman share room ; electricity; f urnaoa; near high school. R COS, Oregonian. 309 11TH ST Well-furnished front room, one or two gentlemen, new home, modern conveniences. 4 OR o furnished or unfurnished rooms, modern, reasonable; walking distance. 624 Flanders st. Main 7815. LARGE corner room, large closet, hot and cold water, all conveniences, suitable for 2 or 3. 642 Morrison st. TWO neatly fornished rooms, modern con veniences, one room with use of kitchen. 4b4 Iam Ankeny. NEAT comfortable room, with furnace heat, , bath and phone. 333 Market st. NICELY furnished room with board, home con ven lences . 703 1st eL NICELY furnished room, heat, bath, phone, $H month. 26 H North loth. 2-KOOMED housekeeping suite, aiso 1 room for housekeeping ; reasonable. 421 7th. NEWLY furnished front room; $6 per month; board If desired.- 420 Eliza, at. FOR RENT 3'2H Park st. ; comfortable room with heat; $9 per-month. N IC ELY f urn is hed room for you n g man, $ 8 per month. 408 Main st. NICELY furnished, very reasonable, walk ing distance. 624 Flanders. Main 7S15. NICELY furnished room, walking distance, $6 per month. 429 Sixth st. FRONT room, nicely furnished, private house, close in, 27 11th st. Main ,"i7i'2. SMALL cozy room $2 per week; respectable gentleman only. 2S North 10th st. 215 12TH ST. Sunny front room. 12: pri vate family; gentlemen only. A 562. NICELY furnish-ad room, hot-water heat, gas and bath. 390 North 21st st. NICELY furnished front room, steam heat, bath and phone. 473 Ald-cr. SLEEPING-ROOM, kitchen privilege, clean, juiet place. 52S Morrison, near 10th. MODERN room in private family. Phone Main 63S4. 4o7 Jefferson st. NICELY furnished room, ft earn heat. 471 Jefferson st., flat B. Main 4098. NICELY furnished rooms from $2 to $3 per week. 352 2d st. TWO neat rooms, bath, phone, $6 and 105 North 17 th. DEtS I RA RLE furnished rooms, ail conven iences, walking distance. 561 4th st. LARGE front room, heat, electric lights, bath. 104 12th. 170 N. 18TH. A nicely furnished front room; reasonable. Main 3176. NICE furnished woms. suitable for 2, rea sonable. 432 Third st. Flat C upstairs. NICE room, suitable for two young men ; modern. 31 N. Park. NICELY furnished rooms, bath and heat. 395 3d st . cor. Harrison. 294 JEFFERSON; newly furnished large front room; piano; fireplace; bath. FX'RNISHED room, modern conveniences. 2i)6 14th st., off Jefferson. LARGE front room, furnished, for one or two. 2H4 3d. Phone Electric Light. , 415 TAYLOR ST. Small sleeping room; modern, $10. NEWLY furnished front room, free phone, bath, private family, $7. 212 Hall. FURNISHED room; furnace heat, free bath and phone; board If desired. 698 Hoyt st. NICELY furnished room, with board In pri vate family. &12 Kelly st. LARGE furnished room, gas, bath, $2 a week. 173 17th. corner Yamhill. $7 MONTH Pleasant. neatly furnished room, gas, bath, phorre. 473 Clay st. $2.50 WEEK, newly furnished room, bath, telephone, walking distance. 294 11th.. NICELY furnished rooms, furnace heat, free bath. 714 Washington st.. near 22d. A NICE room on second floor for two peo pe; no board. 262 12th st. Phone Main 3163. NICELY furnished sleeplng-room for rent. 54 N. 2nth. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED large front room, modern, fine location. 38" Mill st. ROOMS $3.50 month, fiats $11, 15 rooms $45. i: Market st. TWO LARGE rooms; can be further subdi vided. bil Morrison st. ROOM and board at Sterling. 535 Couch su ROB' RENT. Furnished Rooms tn Private Families. FINELY furnished rooms to refined mar ried couple or gentlemen, $10 and $12 per month; furnace heat. bath, phone; few steps to East Morrison-street carline; walking distance ; tino location: table board close by. SS2 Belmobt St., cor. East ISth. Phone B 2S75. ELEGANT furnished front rooms, strictly modern, f urnaoo heat. piano, eiectrto lights ; on carline. tisi East Morrison, cor. 19th. NICELY furnished room, gas, bath, heat and phone. Terms reasonable, wa king dis tance. 1 block off Washington. 3o N. 1Mb, st Phone Main 73H0. NICELY furnished outside room suitable for one or two gentlemen: private house, fur nace heat. other modern conveniences. . Phone A 1S74.' 474 Yamhill. NEWLY furnished room In strictly modem flat; connecting bath, furnace, heat, elec tric light ; no other roomers; reasonable. 191 North 16lh st. NICELY furnished front suite and single rooms, good heat, use of phone, bath and gas, centrally located. reasonable. 213 Thirteenth. FRONT bedroom, walking distance, Jeff er . son car aj door; bath, heat and phone, SiO. .tiiS t"haman st. A ;.4M). NICELY furnished rooms for rent. Apply at 51 1 Vs Clisan St.. walking distance to ail depots TWO elegant room in fiat; electric light, bath, phone, steam heat, walking distance. MTU Yamhill St. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, private family, modern com eniences, walking distanue. 3H Columbia at. . FRONT room, new bedding, heat, light and bath; no children. 10 East 20th and An keny car. CHOICE furnished rooms, new house, best apartments West Side; waikir.g distaaca; reasonable: men only. Main 2219. FTRNISHWD sitting-room and bedroom, with, kitchen privileges; house modern, eleaji and quiet. 451 Jefferson st.. near 12th e. AN honest, respectable lady to share a aulte of roome; references exchanged. 3Su 1st st. FOR RENT-: Furnished room In modern up per fiat, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemeu. tibJH GUsan st., bet. 21st and 22d. SWELL suite rooms, suitable for two gen tlemen; lovely home, newly furnished; Kteam heat, bath, hot water. Main S748. - LADY with comfortable home will care for child going to school; room for parents if. desired. 324 4th St. ROOM for rent in private family. $1 . per week, also nicely furnished room $2.0 per week. 324 4th et. LARGE furnished room; running water; all conveniences; suitable for one or two, 21' J West Park. LARGE front room, suitable gentlemen, with or without board; walking distance, block from car. Phone East 687. LARGE, warm, well lighted room with board in private family, suitable for one or two. -ICSVs 13th st. "THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with or without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th. Rooms With bosra. THE? MAGNOLIA. Kearney St., bet. 19th and 20ih Large, newly furnished rooms, for families, private bathe, fireplaces, hot and, cold water, all modern conveniences; bet-t home cooking; beautiful grounds; also smell rooms for gentlemen; $30. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. 01O Flanders st. M iss France N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. l&Q 5th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt. HOTEL STEVENS, .157 Williams ave., newly furnished rooms, single and en suite ; home dining-room ; rates reason able. THURMAN HOTEL. 375 N. 19th, nicely furnished rooms, with or without table hoard, reasonable prices; Scandinavian trade solicited. E. lorngvist. OLYMPUS- Room and board, hot and cold water, home cooking. 141 15th St., cor. Alder. THH COLONIAL, 36r and T7 10th St., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. THE MANSION Fifth and Jefferson, room with board; modern conveniences, fire place. Rooms With Hoard In Private Family. STRICTLY modem, perfect In every detail; ?hower bath, two rirge, sunny rooms, fur-,, niched; very superior, in beautiful Irving ton; piano, use of parlor; finest of table board; rent reasonable, with desirable home comforts. Phone East 3u59. ROOM for rent to one or two gentlemen, in, private family, with or without board; fur nace heat, bath and telephone In house. Call up telephone B 1 1 iCjt. FOR RENT Wei! furnished room with best of board for two; private family, home privileges. SO:; Belmont st., bet. 29th and 3uth. Sunnyside car. LARGE, pleasant front room, suitable for two or four; fine neighborhood, homelike. " with board, reanable. 2s3 West Park. Phone A 4458 -or Main 631. WELL furnished rooms with board, all mod ern conveniences; very reasonable rates;., employed people preferred. 120 North ISth. TEN minutes' walk to P. O., newly fur nished outside corner room; good board, strictly modern; reasonable. 404 Clay, v Main 9425. LARGE, well furnished front room, also single room, with 2 or 3 meals. 241 North 22d street. Phone 2071. FURNISHED room with board, reasonable, modern conveniences. 573 East Salmon, cor. 34th. E. 20OI. BOARD and room, private family, for a man or young lady or man and wife, in - suburbs. Phone Tabor 4S3. ROOM and hoard in private family for a men. $5 week, furnace heat, bath, phone. 74 E. 8th. N. East 2"57. FOR RENT Room and board for two gen tlemen; fine table board ; beautiful location. 294 Clav st. ROOM and board for two young men, home cooking, . walking distance. 353 Lincoln. M. 684u. . . BOARD and room in private home for two or three gentlemen; $25 a month. Phone Ease 6008. TWO newly furnished rooms, si ngle or en isuite, nt 271! 10th. near Washington, $10 each per month. Main 7980,; bath. GOOD rooms, home cooking served family style; all rnodern conveniences; on two carlines. 54ii Johnson. A 461. SMALL, neatly furnished sleeplng-room, $7 per month. 427 Harrin St.. 1 block from carline. Phone Main 2S31. NICE fron t room a t 6th; reasonable rent. 31 Madison at., near FRONT ROOM, to gentlemen, flat O, 22T Market Bt. phone A 7700. NEWLY furnished rooms and board if de sired; hot air. 173 lth st. ROOMS, with or without board; all new; prices reasonable. 75 Union ave. North. LARGE, front room with board. 515 Morri- . son st.. cor. loth. ROOM and board for two. 553 Morrison at Phone M. 0222. ROOM with board, modern, dose in, rea sonable. K9 E. 8th North. E. 722. ROOMS and board for business people. 712 Hoyt st. ROOM and board. 20S Broadway, between Benton and Ross. BOARD and room In a private family for a boy 6 years old- phone Woodlawn 1900..-, ROOM and board for two, employed, $20 each. Nob Hill. 695 Everett st. NEWLY-FURNISHED room. 505 East Oak' St., cor. 15th. Phone B 2010. FURNISHED room with board. 356 Elev enth st. A 1636. FIRST-CLAS room and board. 447 Main ROod and board at 294 Clay st. Apartments. 4 ROOMS and bath; steam heat, hot water; partly furnished; walking distance. Phone A 1961; Main 6946. THE CHETOPA 4- rooms, nished apartment; $35. modern, unfur- 4-ROOM furnished apartment, every con- ! venience. close In, $40. Main 44o4. . j FOR RALE Beautiful furniture of 8-rorn apartment. G 605, Oregonian. ' A